Two Fat Ladies S04E01 Potatoes Galore

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you grab that crap Luiza that meat drive methane is often to get to do your kitchen yeah oh yes motive to be in Jersey few imagine picking potatoes on these hills the gay of Pickers vekl evil will be starved they come from a deer bear you man natira and to practice my rusty old portuguese now we're looking for the prey manner underground Sania I did believe we've been going up and down this same bit of road follow the case they said don't bill that much funny yeah we're lost lost we're looking for because er because there's new meat mister mister mister mites la Mettrie yeah yeah the pramana the prime manner pramana we finished the field turn we going now for the prime Ana oh good I think these are the people we get a cup for Jennifer we're gonna cook for all of you hog enjoy their Krishna oh yes can you follow the tractor I'm good we go no I'm so bored and clumsy border just waiting street Portuguese doing it don't like a bit miss I wanna make it a bit muddled Evan plays every game ten excited very appropriate which gangs cooked the lord of the manor those workers three gang I like a game workers people coming coming gang very lovely yeah oh I'll be on the door oh look ladies I'm around the back in the bread oven with my cabbage gift see what he's up to around the Brighton see behind the bread oven it's a cabbage is it alright face this is the right place from the back he said this name must be round the back nice little hostess hello hello now we found you the grand Sudhir that's a lovely say hey like there is a I'm just doing a bit of firm carriage loaves you can help me if you like yeah surely yeah that's what we do it'll just put them on the pedal look right in the middle here and then one leaf on top then I mustn't waste any time no no no as quickly as okay cuz it's your work as we came to feed isn't it that's it what I'm really looking for the proper kitchens oh yes is the Portuguese people that's right if you go out the door you straight across the yard it's right in front of you you can't miss it how long will these take o half an hour's I'm testing energy to be back in they look forward to see you we better get around the kitchen then we'll see them later I'm washing up so well that way yep very curious that idea of wrapping your bread in cabbage leaves before you cook it it's dead deeply sinister and why do you think they do it we didn't weigh em tasted it did he give the moisture in or something possibly it does what gives it some strange esoteric flavor very wonderful okay Oh cabbage anyone I'm going to make lovely luscious chocolate pie spelt p ye and this is a 18th century recipe from Hannah glasse and it has the most unusual crust it's made with simply ground almonds egg white and car - sugar no butter no flour and I can start by weighing out six ounces of ground almonds and put it in my bowl with 2 ounces of castor sugar this is this unbleached castor sugar it's actual castor sugar but as you can see it's the most beautiful pale golden color and the white of one egg and I'm going to mix it all together using my hands of course naturally the thing is that you've got to really squish it together into a paste maybe I'm just going to chill this now I'm going to bring back one that I've chilled in the tin now that's what I like no nonsense that's a children they Rosie yeah but not yet cut you see my fingerprints in it very clearly yeah pop it in the oven for about 20 to 25 minutes and now I'm just going to break up my chocolate I've got some very good chocolate 70% cocoa solids that's the answer and the more cocoa solids you have the better it's a chocolate pie just keep breaking away how much chocolate ever to break know quite a lot all the stuff I got here ready to tell them what I'm up to them I'm doing that good old thing they're strong enough which there's no rails of ritual for it it was invented in Russia but I imagine probably by a Frenchman I'll probably get hundreds of Russian screaming about that but there is one essential which a lots of people forget it's got to be fill it a beef what it is have you're fine please fit it like this and cut it into strips I wonder who can't stroganoff was I don't know and I got a book that tells you such I like to envisage can't stroganoff una dashing in his Asian boots twirling his moustache shears and fleshy his saber oh yes all of that right now I'm going to put the onions on first I've got a pan here with about two ounces of butter in it to be Charlie add a drop of olive oil now onions have the Indian onion sausage you say are we having an Indian and it shows the young Indians having an onion shortage there were riots last idea I think if all the parties now I have a great excitement to add to this apart from my ordinary field mushrooms and the little brown topped ones that these glorious things here on the island yellow oysters they taste like I wanna try bit it was very good scent hmm reminiscent of something what is it now got a curious sort of mom to taste so now we only had it down anyway we'll pop them in and see what happens might matter everybody remember pretty pretty and I'm gonna melt my chocolate they were the world is yellow voices I'm gonna go keep their colored little sea salt some nice freshly ground black pepper good and rough in the pestle and the mortar now then thank you to meet my little mixture I've invented it one teaspoon of sugar that's all you need to good tea spoons of powdered mustard mix it up it's gonna be unusual then a slurp of Port I may have more port I just made yes makes me think you just might and really lovely this is a butch goose cooked with port I think this is a difficult even drinking but that's what I did Phegley pansies and better the gang to the gym didn't think especially giving to the chick in this Pam will do the meet by itself and when you're cooking deed don't crowd the ban just lots of space in between them otherwise they get against you in the quick searing is what we want well that's the last of the beef strips put our old friend Beckham on the stove now for some lovely Jersey cream showered this is what they always put in the end this makes a wonderful sauce with all the juices in it what you should do really is finish it all off and serve immediately but as we're needing to serve it later I'll take it up chop some parsley there we are that's done that another bring this across keep it moving otherwise it will set and to this I going to add some lovely Jersey cream this is pouring cream what you must make sure of is that the cream is at room temperature because if you put Kel cream straight out of the fridge into this hot chocolate the whole thing will seize up ah right that well well the whole thing if you pour Kel cream into hot chocolate it just sets immediately use quite a lot of elbow grease keep moving it keep working it that's a wonderful smell thank you and what I do then at the end is just put up a whisk through it just to put some air into it now this pie crust as you can see is one that's already cooked and I've allowed to cool I'm just going to pour the chocolate into the case yeah yeah that it loved it when this is cooled a bit I can decorate it with some tasty dharman flakes sprinkle them over the top and some yellow rose petals goodness mmm that's very far-fetched he loves me he loves me not it's wonderful you shall great share of them coming down like whether there's wonderful elbert edible pictures cloud can even see Lee loves me not yeah we all doesn't that look mummy ravishing have you been reading your oh man that breaketh another thing I ever do and well there you are had you done so you would know that it is the spring equinox Yuletide well in Jersey they're probably witchy ah but even better what I really want you to do is take me to the beach on the bike of course yeah sure the beach to the beach haha you better put some wet sees on Jennifer day parking on slip whale killer my demo permission haha my Almanac was right sides out it's a new moon and it's the time of the year were allowed to hunt for Alma's ears of the sea Jennifer but they like a job limp it's okay well they're sort of sea snails really lab greenhorns denizen of the teeth its amphibian ah the gay Caballero I mean from Rio Janeiro you happy sitting on that Rockland is that here I wouldn't see I'm merely a Messier mermaid I'm will of the rocks that I know it happier here than in puddles well no spirit of adventure look every rock you turn over there maybe it over underneath I got a little wiggle thing yeah well that'll be useful some shrimps in here too it's the suspense oh look you guys won yes do this swim in all that was brought it was brought in with the seaweed oh do they live there forever there we are Hey look at the size of that looks like a tortoise here river there wasn't love the bloody death I know usually where you find one you find others you see yeah they eat the seaweed unit grazing no they are eating so they eat it you know it really do eat it like cows it's good it's great they're sweet if you say so yes well Japanese eat it mmm cut it up another big one not good yeah there's a quite big the tide here here's watch it don't go out too far because it comes out very quickly Oh mammy are and you'll get you'll get to do way yes that was great look look look a beauty that should do us for a little snack yet I think yes it and it keen to try we had to beat them hard yes I suppose I have to do that bit too one way of getting rid of frustration and anger it ok care slate color barrier from me right well I'll just clean another one what did it against every adversity the Heritage will barbecue yes little brother tempting now yeah never give the digital mmm lovely young hmm hello new flavor yeah it's really well ki much more flavor yeah good texture do Oh Jennifer that tides coming in a bit Oh heavy bezel Russia's wind it probably expensive it again back get back on the one side is a rave Jennifer what will we do alright yeah yeah yeah that's right right through shopping no wonderful let's sleep we can take quite a lot of the trade like these things yes look look what's the treasure Oh lovely second child and creature to cream then wonderful time from that tree my notes I require carrots onion garlic and tomato beg mushrooms we're cleaning it up look there's a box with the laser box oh yes that's very good idea give me a box put everything in the box now that'd be about I would recovery was driving shopping amazing extraordinary and then amazing extraordinaire I'm them it extraordinaire give the key I'm in Portugal it's sort of Portuguese and obviously very honest very honest this is amazing this idea picking up veg on the side the red and putting money in anyway I'm going to make Portuguese fish stew there you go see mommy yes especially for our bar dear potato Pickers and here I've got some lovely fresh fish which were caught but this very morning by a hunky fisherman look at it lovely red mullet look at that red mother slept pretty and I got rocks salmon and soul and tur birds and of course sardines you can have any sort of fish you want but the sardines are manned up trip well I'm going over here to start my preparations now here I have a an earthenware dish you put in it some olive oil and some onions so like I just sliced these are red onions but there can be any old onion is that a Portuguese part is Indian a Brazilian said here we are nine gain to add some chopped garlic and some parsley add a lot of parsley I've got some lovely Jersey tomorrow and I gain to add to this some vinegar just a dash of vinegar not malt no no why yeah and then just a little bit of water to help the juices run then I've got some muck babies those in crumble them in and some nutmeg fresh nutmeg spray-z Jean I love the smell of nutmeg okay I don't have that may completely everything I think it's delicious and some chili peppers that one's the hot ones red ones and some peppercorns which I just bashed about a bit and a few drops of a piri piri sauce that's Portuguese chilli sauce just a few gosh gosh it's getting hotter and hotter it's not there there's a lot of fish to take this there we are just leave that stew but the lid on it's due for a little bit Jennifer your stock rocks wonderful ready mmm I move it off the heat for you just do it Zelda bourbon and a half I think that printed down I must come do things to my fish there we are a beautiful stock proper chickens stop visitor and seem to be the Russian move some reason or other but this is a marvelous soup with made for ple cond Peter great the great emperor Russia and it's really good chicken stock all it contains is the chicken carcasses water bit of salt a good bouquet garni of pass the time bay leaf no nonsense about stock cube you never have any nonsense with the stock cube don't only never have any nuts a little stuff kit I'll just strain it I love a really good chicken soup take the lovely Jewish chicken soup brilliant cure-all for everything Jewish penicillin Yeah right I think it's enough for my needs now I've got my nice clear soup still got rocks left and if you strain that it'll make a lovely jelly which you can use for sauces and things now we'll do the thickening part now we've got this butter and flour mixture which actually add little by little it's called a beurre maniƩ a and we'll add this to make the stock more creamy waiting for real cream later who the man was man Peter the Great wouldn't Lee I mean he came to England to study shipbuilding did he talk back a wonderful one dear wonderful Scotsman yes took him with him to build he was great he stayed there for years and became very rich that's right the Scots built Leningrad built half of Moscow to start a force to be reckoned with Iran now what I want to do is mix two whole eggs I'll season the eggs and then we'll adjust it later I'm gonna put it about half a pint of cream lovely look at that in there wonderful lovely little tiny little thing and add it carefully to the soup because we don't want it scrambled stirring the wild stir stir now to add to further Russian touch it's put a good slug of vodka in his mates this makes it very Russian indeed and if you want more or later you can if you have Russian gets than they want more but it sort of gives it an edge it gives it a sort of kick now I'm just going to fry a few little vegetables as a garnish only it's just a stick of celery a carrot and a handful of mushrooms really for prettiness right I'm nearly at the end Clarissa I lied Iran yeah good well I just can't get my stew pot and stop building my stew and every idea building is still now if the thing to remember is to put your fish on in the glares of toughness so that the ones that take along with some cooker at the bottom scrumptious looking naked yeah so I'm going to start with the dogfish or rock salmon oh this is a euphemistically called and what you want to do is intersperse the layer with slices of green pepper just a few pieces and make sure it is a layer you name sort of spread it around across the dish now I'm going to put in the turbot more peppers just keep building it up as you go and then on the very top and this is always on the very top the sardines and now we get to the dead clever bit you've got these slices of nice rustic bread butter it lavishly and then you're going to put it on the very top of the rescue butter side down and press it down firmly wonderful this lovely battle season right know what we need now here is a nice big pot of new potatoes get it straight from the ground yes I mean doubt the field and get a bliss to it okay yeah yes that's happy that's very happy yes for Kate thank you would you like broomstick yes to get me that to the field right well if we walked up the hill where we can catch up with those diggers and pick up the last of the potatoes and have a nice baler than with the dinner they must be starving the first from the ground take care of the dishes covered in battle cream & herb's well he well it's not too bad dinner look how far we've come it's such a fuss watch this Jennifer be careful yeah well run then you get exercise yeah my getting really steamed it now I'll leave it QX but okay how about that then general brother dear cheerless Freddie ha ha ha the lamb well how you doing you don't gather many also yeah it's no occupation for a gentleman a suitable employment it is the duty of the gentleman's give employment to the artisan oh right ok I think they greased out Sam's doing all the other can bring it looks very nice give-give last little touch keep them warm after all their endeavors good that was another slug in I think I'll marry this man that's good enough dad um look at that some that look nice lovely there's a splendid mmm it looks great it stayed so that sort of perfect dreamt ear the gong the grand supra grand Emperor denizens from the deep spice top when this lovely fish stew for Portuguese workers with an appetite bears fair enough a drop of port will transform this vine dish seductively is sublime who can resist to the aphrodisiac of chocolate by well we won't forget Jersey and Harry I love all those Portuguese they're having lovely jolly time I did sweet their word so good you could talk to them a little bit well I think they were very touched I think they liked it and the allness was not exciting that was amazing I have something for you they were here the shows is a beautiful it had them for ashtrays liver the prism wonderful colors in today's lovely isn't it mother-of-pearl I didn't realize they were the abalone family have you never in Aboriginal I hope you haven't a belated Shepherd babies and as for me plowing up a hill it was a wonderful feat mmm I should be able to go home and bore many unfortunate guests for months to come at dinner parties is sometimes packed those fields of potatoes washing to the bay that's very boring for everybody he's very probably bang bang duck I think you missed filter your very good health and the Jersey to Joseph charming Jersey - that was amazing I have something for you they were here the shows is beautiful it had them fresh trace never the prism wonderful colors in today's lovely isn't it mother-of-pearl I didn't realize they were the abalone family I mean never in Aboriginal I hope you haven't a belated Shepherd baby and as for me plowing up a hill it was a wonderful feat mmm I should be able to get Haven bore many unfortunate guests for months to come at dinner parties is sometimes packed those fields of potatoes wash into the bay that's very boring for everybody he's very probably bang bang duck I think you missed mmm Oh Hilda your very good health and the Jersey to Joseph charming Jersey very curious that idea of wrapping your bread in cabbage leaves before you cook it is dead deeply sinister and why do you think they do it we didn't tasted yet did he give the moisture in or something possibly it does will gives it some strange esoteric flavor very wonderful oak Oh cabbage if anyone I'm going to make lovely lashes chocolate pie spelt p ye and this is a 18th century recipe from Hannah glass and it has the most unusual crust it's made with simply ground almonds egg white and castor sugar no butter no flour and I can start by weighing out 6 ounces of ground almonds and put it in my bowl with 2 ounces of castor sugar now this is this unbleached castor sugar it's actual castor sugar but as you can see the most beautiful pale golden color and the white of one egg and I'm going to mix it all together using my hands of course naturally the thing is that you've got to really squish it together into a paste maybe I'm just going to chill this now I'm going to bring them pick up the last of the potatoes and have a nice baler than with the dinner they must be starving the first from the ground think out the dishes covered in battle cream & herb's well he well it's not too bad dinner look how far we've come it's such a fuss watch this Jennifer be careful yeah well run then you gotta exercise yeah my getting really steamed it now I'll leave it QX but ok how about that then general brother dear cheerless pretty haha the UM well how you doing from gather men yourself yeah it's new occupation for a gentleman a suitable employment it is the duty of the gentleman's give employment to the artisan my feeling right okay I think they're great out deserves doing all the other and bring it looks very nice for me give it give last little touch keep them warm after all their endeavors very good that was another slug in I think I'll marry this man that's enough crap Luiza meet drive that thing is off to get to do your kitchen yeah oh yes my oldest to be in Jersey you imagine picking potatoes on these hills the gay of Pickers Vacaville will be starved they come from a deer bear you met natira and to practice my rusty Portuguese now we're looking for the prey Manor underground Sania I do believe we've been going up and down this same bit of road follow the case they said don't do that much funny what do you yeah we're lost lost we're looking for because ER because there's no meat fur mister mister mister the mighty la Mettrie yeah yeah the pramana the prime Manor pramana we finish the field to make it's delicious and some chili peppers that ones the hot ones red ones and some peppercorns which I did bash to bite a bit and a few drops of a piri piri sauce that's Portuguese chili sauce just a few gosh gosh it's getting hotter and hotter it's not never there's a lot of fish to take this yeah I'll just leave that stew but they don't cook it's due for a little bit Jennifer your stock rocks wonderful we get ready mmm I move it off the heat for you just do it Zelda bourbon and a half I think that dented then I must come do things to my fish there we are a beautiful stock proper chickens stop visitor and seem to be the Russian moves I've reason or other but this is a marvelous soup with made for ple horned peter the great the great emperor russia and its really good chicken stock all it contains is the chicken carcasses water better salt a good bouquet garni of pass the time and bay leaf no nonsense about stock cube you never have it in nonsense with the stock cube don't never ever arielle something right well I'll just clean another one what is it against every adversity a fish will barbeque yeah little brother tempting now yeah there it is did you Basel mmm lovely young hmm can only flavor yeah it's really will key much more flavor than yeah good texture do Oh Jennifer that tides coming in a bit oh Henry little Russia's wind it public offensive it again get back get back on the one side of the road Jennifer what will we do all right yeah that's right right through shopping yeah wonderful let's sleep it's a wonderful smell thank you what I do then at the end is just put up a whisk through it just to put some air into it now this pie crust as you can see is one that's already cooked and I've allowed to cool I'm just going to pour the chocolate into the case yeah however loved it when this is cooled a bit I can decorate it with some tasty darman flakes sprinkle them over the top and some yellow rose petals goodness mmm that's very far-fetched he loves me he loves me not it's wonderful you should have a great shower of them coming down like whether there's wonderful Albert edible pictures can even see Lea loves me not anyway or doesn't that look love it ravishing have you been reading your almanac breakers there's not a thing I ever do and well there you are had you done so you would know that it's a spring equinox Yuletide but in Jersey they're probably witchy ah but even better what I really want you to do is take me to the beach on the bank of course yeah sure did reach to the beach huh you better put some wet season still now the thing to remember is to put your fish on in the glares of toughness so that the ones that take along with some poker at the bottom scrumptious looking naked yeah so I'm going to start with the dogfish or rock salmon oh did you say euphemistic called and what you want to do is intersperse the layers with slices of green pepper just a few pieces and make sure it is a layer you name sort of spread it around across the dish now I'm going to put in the turbot more peppers just keep building it up as you go and then on the very top and this is always on the very top the sardines and now we get the dead clever bit we've got these slices of nice rustic bread butter it lavishly and then we're going to put it on the very top of the rescue butter side down and press it down firmly wonderful this lovely battle-seasoned right know what we need now yeah is a nice big pot of new potatoes is it straight from
Channel: Negresti Sonicx
Views: 264,262
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Id: vkhbQ_XUdi4
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Length: 41min 29sec (2489 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 13 2016
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