Two Fat Ladies S03E04 Barristers at Lincoln's Inn

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grab them grab Louisa eat that meat janaballah pleasant I don't think walking up to get to do your kitchen yeah oh yes I can't believe you maybe get up at the crack of doors whereas we're going to linger then it seems a shame not to pick up some beef from Smithfield wonderful Oh race and win every year lots of do it a barrister hello you think we come to some Bartholomew's by mistake which is all very clinical it's like little shops now look absolument try one lovely name ah I'm serious hello what have you done where are all the carcasses carcasses all behind there in our germ-free zone can't have it out in the open BC regulations I want to see great sides of Doras beef I need some to feed my barristers I can show you some in the Old Market hello everyone was good now that's a fine sight listen this wonderful this is the real thing latest adventure day let's make the most of it why won't be here much longer you see never came out of Brussels but the odd trumpet well surely pop on door now find some proper beef boy you're so good Scott speed yes look at this there's some good beef a scotch booth lovely well this is the bit you want for your barristers dinner yes thank you that's the fill it running right the way through there yeah are we gonna get somebody to take the fill it out for you great John could you just take that and fill it it out lovely Brad lovely better made lovely look at that yeah thank you very much later what a beautiful village will worth getting at the phone book right now we've got the rest of the day to enjoy by turning jaquail street Jennifer they probably all engage Street south and try not to scratch it haha tomorrow morning Lois mr. Merrill where are your kitchens we've come to feed your legal mind take the third lamppost on the left under charge on to them thank you very much thank you that big use of pudding thank you yeah this is Swiss chard and sometimes people are afraid to buy it because they don't quite they what to do with it but I think it's the most wonderful vegetable and I get to do a dish which is chard with garlic and anchovies and olive oil it's terribly simple absolutely delicious and what I'm going to do is I'm going to take the stalks you see what this nice thick white stalk but if you try and cook the two together they'll cook at different times so what I need to do is to cook the stalk first I'm just going to cut it into pieces and I particulars whiz know that beta vulgaris actually but apparently in the 17th century the Dutch vegetable growers used to call any common variety of a plant Swiss I won the way well maybe it was derogatory or maybe they thought Swiss was common I think it's a perfectly delicious vegetable I like these white bits mmm and then you want to dice your garlic fairly finely but with the anchovies just cut them in half because they're they'll melt you put them into the oil and they just melt down good so I'm going to take this over to the cooker into the frying pan I can pour some oil and then I'm just going to fry the chopped garlic and the anchovies until the answer this melts you'll see it's a resolve before your very eyes it's very important when cooking chard to remember to blanch it first that is you put it into boiling water for a few minutes then drain it off and talk until it goes translucent once it is I'll add the charred green but this will take about 10 minutes so why didn't you carry on Jennifer sure I'm going to cook beef in pastry with various things wrapped around it a chemical wellington over farm crude but we ever in England we might don't call it beef in pastry now look you see I have here this perfect Filat of beef Porter doll I might say it's mithril market but you couldn't get it any better i marinated it first so it will soak up some flavor it's a strong marinade it's got carrots onions bay leaf thyme all those goodies as well as brandy and Madeira and this it parks a very good flavor to the beef because every now Filat of beef is delicious to cut but it doesn't have much taste and it needs some help and then afterwards pat it dry and then seal so that it retains its shape anyway I'll come back to it in a moment first I want to play these mushrooms and schlotz I've been chopping I gave to mix them with some pate to spread over the fill it I'll just get some Madeira Medea if you don't have Madeira can you use something else instead oh yes if you run out of something I substitute like now you know sherry or pour whatever you happen to have fortified why fortify one but but there it does have a very good flavor you want to cook this until it's quite dry you want all the liquid to go at certain up of that I think they're this delicious mixture of mushrooms the Madeira just most wonderful smell now what we will do is add some respectable pate what's a respectable patter well you know at least not your nasty cheeps donut you know the cheap stuff this is chicken liver pate you put about four tablespoonfuls of that in and the mixture add the chicken liver pate with the mushrooms is delicious smells glory mix it all up when they lovely in Smithfield they were so sweet what do you think about it you know the Great Plague didn't get them the great fire stopped south of Smithfield the Germans didn't get them they went on regardless of the Blitz none of these things could destroy it but it takes dear little Brussels now got that lovely mixture and what we do now will get the pastry it's quite a good idea to blind bake the bottom part and I use short pastry for the bottom part and what I've done was just laid it over one of these cooking tins and then taking it off and it makes a nice little bit to receive this how interesting and unusual you shortcrust for the boss nights let me go well I think it because it gets a bit soggy place your pastry gets a bit soggy on the bottom it does now then we go we go go guys little bit yeah and what we're going to do is we're going to fit it with a half the mushroom mixture just slop it in smooth it out nice and even it what's the difference between beef wellington Burr funk root all of the rest of it beef in pastry we're having it all exactly the same and strangely enough I think it's called beef wellington more in America their word in there it was taught if I'm called off the jacket or laughter Weddington new zealand apparent well they first invented the dish got nothing to do with Waterloo at all now although it has proved but many people's water I really fancied the Duke of Wellington when I was 12 or 14 I liked the Duke of Wellington do you remember when his portrait was stolen knew you were probably - I remember that yeah is I mean he had such a good nose yes and other people much prefer or they'd worship Napoleon I've never scented him no squishy little trap squiddy is the word there do you see how snug that is and we put the other lock on top a bar for being delicious having the pastry and the mushroom and the pate in it it will make let's face it a very expensive piece of meat go a lot further and it can be used hot Oh quel dawdle being grand would be gated line board you could take it on a picnic because it caps very easily and is always I think always is mad at the top is going to be flaky pastry top I've treated it I bought it now what we'll do is this is the egg wash and I shall paint around the sides so that the top face tray will stick convincingly we didn't want it coming apart at the seams then I take it over let that completely overlap and read it wrap it up a little blanket then press it down so it sticks to the egg wash now just trim off the edges I could be making danger little leaved with the leftovers but I'm not going to bother with all that fiddle fettle just pinch the ends in and now what we want to do is crisscross it which will little bit to the steamer but they'd cut into the meat just through the pastry and then finally give it a good egg washing all over look at that no they don't wonderful Hey look the league's uptick did they Robert yeah it's real easy I going to do now is I'm just going to put the greens in with them just on top of the hot white bits and I'm cover it and the heat from the stalks will actually cook the Greens they don't need very long yeah right this is it be good would you like me to put that in the oven for you yes every very kind of it but it is a very hot oven for about 20 maybe to 25 minutes if you want it rare if you don't want it rare I wouldn't bother to cook it at all well you look as I deserve a little relaxation now so shall I take you on a tour of the idiom oh I'd love to see it yes a little bit very interesting right let's go The Cook's Tour heaven did slow I didn't evolve that lovely they script and there you know the ladies of the night used to come and dump their babies in here who said it's gotta look out to the bother I would be there I mean they left them for foundlings and the the benches set up an adoption Society and all the girls got Diaries and all the boys were given apprenticeships and they were all called Lincoln very kind of them all called Lincoln as their surname oh but there should be modeling otherwise look we're on someone here lies the body of rich Buddha garage star does this name daily look he was a pitcher of the end he was frightfully respectable I read it realizing he was the Robster how a nice shake of the old ball yeah yeah that's a bit didn't it little mr. son yeah oh just for a moment and you see up here Jennifer's the dining hall and then that's the library building one at the far end with all the magnets in the room knit wonderful there is he lovely lovely lid single result Peter thank you very much I don't see new forever no not back of a bar dress like that or seeing chambers together one time for us from God she smoked a pipe yeah sure talks used to say to me you know can't you do something about this can't come you know influence with a tiger so what you're doing here we're cooking a barrister dinner would you like to come I'd love to come she remember days was dreadful dinners we have doing I used to have to have certain sex dinners or something don't remember nice to qualify and that was in order to introduce everybody to everybody else which is lovely idea and obviously but it's going out now it's beginning to desire I always thought it was that if your digestion survived yes the grazing port in my case then they thought you were competent to be embarrassed well as a member of the Middle Temple because I'm not allowed to talk about the food I know it's absolutely marvelous and always buys me some what's all time but offs its purpose you see them yes me too what a good call that's nothing this is the old hall where the Lord Chancellor used to sit but this is magnificent isn't it good place for a party be great we deserve a ball with a little doubt now I understand should we have a ball why not why not yes I used to come to lectures here many of the happy hour I used to sit in that alcove over there playing cards when I should have been listening to Roman law naughty and that's the Hogarth oh great big big isn't it it's Paul before Felix and you see his hand yes well the Victorians had it repainted because in the original it looked as it was grasping the Empress's breast right across the room yeah this way I'm having fun today I'm making a amusing pudding from that wonderful book by Filippo Moretti it's called raghava Mellie which means strawberry breast and I've had a very a very suitable onset anguses day which is February the 5th because the poor shade had her breasts cut off in a terrible martyrdom Oh what it is not the Empress you know you didn't like Christians chocolate anyway so it's sort of surreal pudding but it is really rather pretty what'd you do I did you can't draw it up s'more I'll just finish these runs off he was a fascist wasn't it who Marinette it oh yeah it's almost bound to be I want to be with vegetarian as well there now here I've got a good pile of strawberries about a pound what you do is you about a tablespoon of lemon juice that's what it he and the tablespoonful of castor sugar mix them up lemon goes very well with strawberries all rod visitors ignite there brings out the flavor now this should soak marinate marinate the maternity marinate for about an hour now what we wanted fresh ricotta cheese let Italian cheese and you know the Mooney has three sibs use the smallest one then we'll put the ricotta in there what is recovering turn cheese if it really is it's slightly like cottage is it mmm but not that horrid cardboard texture net just that through which is through very happy and easily look lovely little worms that's sweet there's no one way it looks now we want to add quarter of a pint of thick cream have you whipped it or is it very thick it's a bit whipped because they want it to sort of stay stand up then lovely can't hire it to the colour and for the taste three tablespoons about so nice to find something else to do with Campari well I mean in the days when I used to drink it you or I could ever think of it as was a hangover cure I loved I loved it but I like that I like it in Italy you know in a hot square or something like that not only kill do English day it doesn't go at all look a pretty day you must admit even a lovely color pretty delicate so amazing this bosom now we got shifted icing sugar four or five tablespoons according to your sweet tooth reach them all up again and into this we put all the strawberries what size breasts I mean is it only Parton or Twiggy or what cap tires what comes on a coffee cup to receive these charming little breasts think pink could it be sure show that plate is it well me now let's see what we can manage we'll make one little mound here can keep it all in one place and then with my little scalpel this is a scalpel now it's a palette I don't get carried away doctor we get this and kick it in it so you can't see any of the strawberries then they get the lovely surprise inside do this for at least our three hours before you're going to eat them because they'd like to be in the refrigerator to firm up and become put you could have any size nipple but I think two wild strawberries of the most charming I think that's rather sweet there you are better say yes now I'll continue with another one and clarity will make something delicious of a different mode yeah what I've been doing is flaking the meat off a salmon into this bowl and I'm going to make a salmon mousse and this is a Swedish one and it's quite interesting because in it it's got blue cheese see I got here's a lovely piece of Dolce later I'm just going to crumble the cheese into it in the seven loose yeah thanks to don't never had a liver will you know if you're using farmed salmon it doesn't have as strong a flavour as wild salmon and for salmon mousse you don't want to spend a fortune on wild salmon so the cheese just gives it that added um look at the factory good idea I love del gelato anyway yeah and some cream cheese and a good slurp of sour cream and it's going to mix all this together you've got to distribute it well through the fish look at that lovely and then some chopped gherkins very fond of gherkins the Swedes are I love gherkins well you do look Swedish yeah and now I've got some gelatin you can probably risk it without but if it's going to be standing out anywhere warm it's better to have it firmer with gelatin and especially if you're going to put it in a mold and here I just got some ordinary packet gelatin which has been dissolved and I've been keeping soft in a bowl of warm water but you can of course use lovely leaf gelatin is it pretty knit loveless new magic like little windows yes I tend to use leaf gelatin for clear jellies and things like that and just use the ordinary packet stuff for miss eating yeah mix that in and mix it in quickly before it has time to sort of set into lumps there we are a bit of salt and pepper and some dill good sprinkling of dill the Swedes love dill they have deal with almost anything and to give it texture I got chopped onion and finely chopped celery there we are mix all that well in and I got here some whipped cream a good watering more cream and a good squeeze of lemon juice here we are mix that in must be thoroughly mixed for Dave mastic be careful not to mash it there you want to keep your textures don't forget taste seasoning and then look little beautiful fish mill I know you can if you want haven't sort of I will show love little fishes who make 5 loaves and 2 fishes all righty line going to do it in big ones with this and then just spoon it in feed it properly press it down well so that you don't get air bubbles because that'll cause problems when you turn it out get it well into all the sort of cracks and crevices oh we've in the fridge yeah you got a spare Hatton the pitch here is whether it's a room when you maybe some time maybe some time if you don't come back I'll send out a suit bird and now I'm going to make some cucumber sauce to go with it this is very simple all I got here is some cucumber which I'd left stand for half an hour with a little white wine vinegar and some chives and some salt drain off the liquid there we are it's not a sickly big end of um wonderful and I'm just going to put some sour cream into it they love more green bit more dill for color mix that all in give it stand and on with the next mold we will try getting back hope little basil maybe we'll do that down thank you we'll be in touch yes wait leave it's a locust like goodbye my buddy thanks for cooking enjoy your pudding here Jennifer well I hope they enjoy that then let's get and put our feet up this mousse is great for a picnic by a Swedish Lake as well as a formal dinner make a sauce with the marinade to enhance this regal beef probably haven't you realize how long you'll have to wait nothing common about this dish I'm still owed money by the Metropolitan Police solicitors make a clean breast of this pudding did you ever fancy being a barrister yes I think I think every daughter have loved it I don't sort of say things like milord me client all this opening CV is extraordinary remarks like that lovely with a door what are died at the doors this one where the judge said mr. Smith what is a sardine and he said a sardine milord is a small fish canned in oil and eaten with great relish by the lower middle classes take her yes I think I'm quite glad I gave up the law books for the recipe books it was very well worth seeing all that goes on here new to me not to you mine glad you enjoyed it I think they they had a lovely time without dinner really yes just sort of things they like come on Miller did friend Oh bitter good health and your you I'm making a amusing pudding from that wonderful book by Filippo Marinetti it's called Bravo family which means strawberry breast ah and I find it very very suitable on st. Agatha's Day which is February the 5th because the poor said have her breasts cut off in a terrible martyrdom Oh what are they not the Empress you know you didn't like Christians chocolate anyway so it's sort of surreal pudding but it is really rather pretty what you do and you can't straw it up small I'll just finish these runs off he was a fascist wasn't it who Marinette it oh yeah it's almost bound to be I want to be with vegetarian as well there now here I've got a good pile of strawberries about a pound what you do is you about a tablespoon of lemon juice but it he and the tablespoonful of castor sugar mix them up lemon goes very well with strawberries all rod visitors ignite there brings out the flavor now this should soak marinate marinate the maternity marinate for about an hour now what we want is fresh ricotta cheese learn Italian cheese and a book by Filippo Murray Nettie it's called Bravo family which means strawberry breast ah and I've had a very a very suitable onset anguses day which is February the 5th because the poor said and her breasts cut off in a terrible martyrdom Oh what it is not the Empress you know you didn't like Christians chocolate anyway - it's sort of surreal pudding but it is really rather pretty what you do and you can't straw it up small I'll just finish these runs off he was a fascist wasn't it who Marinette it early it's almost bound to be I was a vegetarian as well there now here I've got a good pile of strawberries about a pound what you do is you about a tablespoon of lemon juice that's what it is e and the table spoon full of caster sugar mix them up lemon goes very well with strawberries all right visitors ignite there brings out the flavor now this should soak marinate marinate the Medina tea very very they for about an hour now what we wanted fresh ricotta cheese let Italian cheese and you know the Mooney has three sins use the small it's going to fry the chopped garlic and the anchovies until the ounce of it melts you'll see it some dissolved before your very eyes it's very important when cooking chard to remember to blanch it first that is you put it into boiling water for a few minutes then drain it off and we talked until it goes translucent one tedious I'll add the charred green but this will take about ten minutes so why did you carry on Jennifer sure I'm going to cook beef and pastry with various things wrapped round it it can be called Wellington or birth on crude but we ever in England we might don't call it beef in pastry now look you see I have here this perfect Filat of beef Porter doll I might say it's mithril market but you couldn't get it any better i marinated it first said it will soak up some flavor it's a strong marinade it's got carrots onions bay leaf thyme all those goodies as well as brandy and Madeira and this imparts a very good flavor to the beef because every new Filat of beef is delicious to cut but it doesn't have much taste and it needs some help and then afterwards Pat it dry and then tries what comes out her coffee cup to receive these charming little breasts think pink then it would sure show that plate is it wasn't me now let's see what we can manage we'll make one little mound here can keep it all in one place and then with my little scalpel this is a scalpel now it's a palette don't get carried away doctor we get this and kick it in it so you can't see in your distorted then they get the lovely surprise inside do this for at least our three hours before you're going to eat them because they'd like to be in the refrigerator to firm up and become put you could have any size nipple but I think the little wild strawberries of the most charming I think that's rather sweet there you are very safe now I'll continue with another one and Clarissa will make something delicious of a different mode what I've been doing is flaking the meat off a salmon into this bowl and I'm going to make a salmon mousse and this is a Swedish one and it's quite interesting because in it it's got blue cheese see I've got here so lovely piece of daksha later I'm just going to crumble the cheese into it in the seven loose yeah the Old Hall where the Lord Chancellor used to sit but this is a magnificent isn't it good place for a party be great we deserve a ball will they let you out now I understand should we have a ball why not why not is I used to come to lectures here many of the happy hour I used to sit in that alcove over there playing cards when I should be listening to Roman law naughty and that's the Hogarth oh great big big isn't it it's Paul before Felix and you see his hand yes well the Victorians had it repainted because in the original it looked as though it was grasping the Empress's breast right across the room yeah this way I'm having fun today I'm making a amusing pudding from that wonderful book by Filippo Moretti it's called raghava Melly which means strawberry breast and I've had a very a very suitable on Saint Agatha's Day which is February the fifth because the poor said have her breasts cut off in a terrible martyrdom Oh what it is not the Empress you know you didn't like Christians chocolate anyway it's a it's a sort of surreal pudding but it is really rather pretty what you do and you got straw it up small I'll just finish the history it's quite a good idea to blind bake the bottom part and I use short pastry for the bottom part and what I've done was just laid it over what are their cooking tins and then taking it up till it makes a nice little bit to receive this how interesting and unusual you short crust for the bottom nice vinegar well I think it because it gets a bit soggy play cupid you get to this soggy on the bottom it does now then we go we go go guys little bit yeah and what we're going to do is we're going to fit it with a half the mushroom mixture just slop it in smooth it out nice and even it what's the difference between beef wellington burr funk root all of the rest of it beef in pastry we're adding it all exactly the same and strangely enough I think it's called beef wellington more in America their word in there it was taught if I'm called off the jacket or laughter weddington New Zealand pounder oh they first invented the dish got nothing to do with Waterloo at all now although it has proved to be many people's Waterloo yeah I really fancied the Duke of Wellington when I was 12 or 14 I like the Duke of Wellington do you remember when his portrait was stolen knew you were probably - I remember that yeah is I mean he had such a good nose yes and other people much prefer or they worship marinated it first so it will soak up some flavor it's a strong marinade it's got carrots onions bay leaf thyme all those goodies as well as brandy and Madeira and this imparts a very good flavor to the beef because every new Filat of beef is delicious to cut but it doesn't have much taste and it needs some help and then afterwards pat it dry and then seal so that it retains its shape anyway I'll come back to it at the moment first I want to play these mushrooms and slots I've been chopping I gave to mix them with some pate to spread over the fill it I'll just get some Madeira Medea if you don't have Madeira can you use something else instead oh yes if you run out of something I substitute like now you know sherry or pork whatever you happen to have fortified why fortify one but Madeira does have a very good flavor you want to cook this until it's quite dry you want all the liquid to go let's put enough of that I think they're this delicious mixture of mushrooms the maderas up most wonderful smells now what we'll do is add some respectable pate what's a respect competi well you know you know the ladies of the night used to come and dump their babies in here have said does ever look out of the bottle I would leave mmm they left them for foundlings and the benches set up an adoption Society and all the girls got Diaries and all the boys were given apprenticeships and they were all called Lincoln very kind of them all called Lincoln as their surname over there to be muddling otherwise look we're on someone here lies the body of rich Buddha rock star does this name daily look he was a pitcher of the end he was frightfully respectable really Ziggy was the Robster how I shake of the old ball yeah yeah that's a bit didn't it little bit of Sun yeah just for a moment and you see up here Jennifer's the dining hall and then that's the library building one at the far end with all the magnificent a new knit wonderful does he's lovely lovely lid thing result Peter thank you very much and I love she knew forever we're gonna back up a bar dress like that Orion chambers together one time for us from back she smoked a pipe yeah sure talks used to say to me you know can't you do something about this have you no influence with that racket probably what you're doing here with
Channel: Negresti Sonicx
Views: 233,126
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Id: TV1zPs5orPo
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Length: 40min 16sec (2416 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 19 2016
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