Two Fat Ladies S02E07 Christmas Special

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you ergonomic ride ladies or catching up to get to do your kitchen yeah oh yes I still haven't done my Christmas shopping yet I am neither hi Ryder grab feeding the little creatures now where would Christmas in the cathedral be without choristers stretch through the arch with the Cathedral close the Christ fools in the grounds and that master said he'd meet us there you the ravaging please ah here's doctor ease good morning ladies thank you so much for coming to the pilgrim givanni those creature you look lovely thank you very wonderful color that is it's st. Andrews University but nothing to do with the Cathedral how many choristers have you got third sixteen singing in the Cathedral they have to still live at Christmas did they they're here till five o'clock Christmas Day they do all the Carol's services and all the services of Christmas Day we are their Christmas family ah well I'm very grateful please come and I'll introduce you to the little chaps eat them right if you'd come this way the boys rehearse here upstairs normally he won't look at this Jim the wonderful page what was it this was the Priory stables I was being ported about 40 years ago rather well oddly mr. Hill boys may I introduce you to Clarissa and Jennifer they're here to cook for you since it's Christmas something special hello des gentlemen yeah excuse me but what will you be cooking for us the main cause I get to make a roast goose stuffed I hope that's all right I love yous I preferred to turkey um there isn't a vegetarian in the high side yes I am oh I'm such a good lucky young man um well seeing as it's Christmas the spirit of peace and tolerance and all that we'll have to see what we can do I wasn't sort of vegetarian who believed an egg oh yeah yeah well that's all right then because the first course is an egg mousse and then the pudding I I hope will be acceptable which is a Christmas pudding ice cream bombe with a brandy butter filling so I think that will go down all right I suppose we ought to be looking at the kitchen rendition where right well I'll certainly direct you there thank you very much it nice to be cool thanks a lot you all later boys let's begin the last list three as a variant on the ordinary Christmas pudding I thought it would be a nice treat for the boys to make it Christmas pudding ice cream and I going to make it in the form of a bomb so that it's round like the traditional Christmas pudding and what I've got in here is some soft brown sugar and some egg yolks and I'm just going to beat those together until they ribbon and on here I got some milk and sugar they just come to the boil and heated through and I'm just going to pour this in whisking as I go rather a wonderful thing instead of Christmas pudding I took a rather prefer this I personally love Christmas pudding I love the whole rich of the Christmas pudding I remember when we were children we always used to the cook used to make the Christmas pudding and then we all go and stir it and wish yeah it's a good luck right now I'm going to transfer this to a double boiler which is one of these useful sauce pans that has boiling water in the bottom just touching it if you can't get one the thing to do is use a bowl over boiling water now I've got to cook this until it forms a custard I've got a very nice little bell which you will fit into saucepan did it got a rim ranted held oh that's very you know that is a good thing to have those you know that I'll just hold a line let's see I'll take this off to cool it and they don't you've got lots of things to be getting on with MIDI things I have I get to cook the most of the egg as well that sixties and seventies food seems to be coming back I thought it would be nice to resurrect it for our angelic choir this is a jug of aspic it's a pint which I flavored with a little lemon and a little the muth just to give it a kick and I get a poor little of it into this ring mold said it will set and make a sort of dainty top when they turn it out afterwards would you be a dear and pop that in the refrigerator say it says yes ma'am not I'm using 12 eggs hard-boiled eggs and keeping two for decoration afterwards and these ones I removed the whites from the yolks the yolks are in here and I'm going to pass them through the muli then what I do paprika is one of the ingredients and it's much easier if you put it in at this stage I'll put a spoonful because it will grind through with the egg yolks otherwise we'll be putting it out with Ted skin two lumps eyespace if you didn't have a mood you could just um mash it by hand good yes through a sieve hmm but it's relative it's not very difficult to you could these dips I love I love the moola it's a greater friend it produces this very fine and sort of memory of the egg yolks but we have the whites of eggs here that which I'm dropping more but they can be done quite roughly we got the smoothness of the egg yolk but these can be quite chunky now well we put the whites in to join the yolks so now we want to add and show the essence which is an extremely good a I'm sure you all know it anyway a dessert spoon and the same of worcester sauce mix that all in now I've got to put in half a pint of aspic I want to keep some which I will sit in the refrigerator and I'm going to chop it up afterwards to decorate round it looks rather pretty it sparkles like diamonds and now we want our parent of whipped cream about that consistency if you want you could add some curry paste into this as well to ring the changes yes I was just havin smoked salmon as a starter for Christmas lunch idea but I got that Terron plate of smoked salmon for the viewers to look at I mean I must be doing something constructive now we fail that him to the figure of eight movement which is over the best way of floating in some reason or other anyway it's fun it all thickens up the treat you see heads fine now I need my ring oh I'll get it for you hey wow thank you sit yes nicely coaching it now you should make a little bit yeah trying to pour this in if I were you I'd use a little ladle or a little coffee cup boom just even it out a bit if it's a bit spread just run your finger around the edge otherwise they'll sit in those droplets now that's all nice ready I think I put it in the other refrigerator so you can have the use of that one oh thanks yes now that's great so here I've got my custard that I just chilled just cool it down and I gain to mix that with some whipped double cream mix it all in well together and a tablespoon full of brand don't overdo the brandy because firstly it'll alcohol affects the freezing qualities of ice cream and secondly when it's frozen it intensifies in flavor so you really don't need very much well the little boys be alright on it I think one tablespoon of brandy is not going to have them falling about and everybody were children you remember this Tophet flavoured with rather I've added Essen we already sit there I feel quite drugs after that oh yes a glass of water and a packet of absolutely and I just going to put this into my incredibly superior nineteen twenties ice cream machine this is pure masochism go out and buy yourself the latest high-tech ice cream machine and use that instead I love this ad vendor bind find it in his house and cleaned it up I have the use of it provided I'm making ice cubes on a constant basis and into it I going to put six ounces of Christmas pudding which I have carefully crumbled but he didn't let me I got mine and then you put the lid on you say yeah and now into this little tray here you put some crushed ice I don't believe this oh yeah this is high-technology circa 1920 and then the scientists among people will know that you then put onto that some salt you say knew that because we have a journey journey one you know the old-fashioned ones abused it's the same principle is yes high-technology and then you pick up a little flap you slop that in and when you just turn away more than half a minute and wine get to ask you to do is play with it I'm going to ask you to turn it for me it was a left-handed German yes what of course you need the right one for biting your finger doesn't physically just chew the way just churn away fortunately I've got some that I churned 'red yeah because you know we're going to need several bombs for the boys and here is a nice little model ice cream bomb which I going to line with the mixture I spread this round the sides of the bomb and should also really chill the bomb itself I'm sure ice cream use speed wheels he breastfeed it looks all be good mujer delicious I'm now going to put in a brandy butter filling brandy butter is made just by mixing together butter and sugar and brandy my brother and I used to compete to see how much brandy we could get into half a pound of butter you can get a lot more in nowadays with you know one there's food processors absolutely and then you just clamp the two halves together prefer which wish you can and in fact it's a good idea freeze them separately and then put them together but just save time then I want to freeze this good and hard so I can turn it out and you'll have a sort of perfect ice cream bomb so I go and put it in the freezer and the best of luck are you sure we can find a boost to buy around here quite sure there's a wonderful woman who has a marvelous news farm just around the corner look at this thank some of them Swedes of snare drums that isn't it so many lopat from the goose bed a little bit big for geese Pat but they never stop nice to see you both shall live I do need you yes let me just see you Gabriel yes it has amazing absolutely busy and there were scenes of Trump yeah well we do have three thousand of the things spread out all over the paddocks absolutely acts of them on the hillsides incredible and lots of grass oh yes yes yes most important to have the free-range in the grass brings out the lovely orange peaks and the legs but it also makes them delicious doesn't it girls very important oh yes oh yes oh yes it's a natural grazing animal yes yes yes definitely let some dumb cow yes stomachs like a cow do we just pick one up baby the way there in the cold room what we do is we kill them here in our own pack house and then they left to mature and I love you hang them for at ten days the flavor is quite different oh yes it is most certainly certainly well I suppose we'd better go been looking for one happily yes that's right we'll go down to the pack house and find one well are these all right for you Oh wonderful look at that today it was beautiful we're gonna fish rate these and then they'll be boxed up ready for you that's a fat no little cutter stirs up like Jennifer let's fly with the goose auf wieder gander we're going to have a lovely gusta Christmas witch Isaac is perfectly delicious and it's going to be stuffed I got do that first I'll make the stuffing first of all I must took this this is the liver which has been chopped up with the shallots and it's yet to be fried in butter not for long because they will continue cooking when it's in the bird such a splendid thing a goose isn't it wonderful creature I love them and I love it I what I love is them these masses of fatness is Lenny but you can treasure I know that's right and even rub on your chest in a case of emergency rather than your chest or your boots yeah that's true but this perfectly delicious for certeyn potatoes or or piece of bread you know felt so Ted bread in in goose feathers yum yum hmm here I've got some reduced port it started off as quarter of a pint but I've got it down to two tablespoonfuls about it's gone all syrupy and you'd pour that in now that's bit wonderful smell none is it I love all the smells of Christmas and in my case you have to add formaldehyde really well my father once kept the budgerigar in formaldehyde three months and buried it on Christmas Day leave the pain good news so he ever been baptized so he fought this single-handed battle against us enjoying Christmas we managed now we got liver paté betrayal add plop that in while it's still hot because then you can break up the lumps more easily mix that all in nicely now we put in the breadcrumbs Oh is necessary in the stuffing coz they saved up everything and them to the blow it out a bit and we put in Old Spice let's put in about three pinch it's quite a Christmassy thing again isn't it allspice vaudeville and some thyme I've got fresh thyme on my fire escape and it seems to last wonderfully what a surprise for the farmer nor the burglar or whatever if he comes in I would say if he can't get over my strange pots cause he could easily get out the fire escape as you hear I am telling the world but we have nothing to steal in ours my uncle always says if a burglar visited us they'd leave us a tip yeah that's be awful these sort of fundamentalist Protestants who don't celebrate Christmas yet what do they do linger lurk and read their Bibles Italy finally we put the Bruns in soak them in teemed like Earl Grey or something hot to begin with and then some of them in the stock made from the giblets and some bear Moo you just toss them all in you mix all that together and then you put in really quite a lot of ground black pepper and just a little salt not too much salt mix it all in rich rare now I'm going to do my little trick you little trick my little trick said that the skin will be nice and crispy I'm going to take this off to the sink as is my won't put it in the sink and pour a kettle of boiling water over it and that makes the skin go to the hate that and when it cooked it gets very crisp I think the Chinese always do that with their duck yes probably and I've been chopping endlessly lots of red cabbage because one of the perfect accompaniments for goose is red cabbage and this is a Swedish red cabbage dish called : me to rot coal so I'm just going to take it over here and in this pan I've just got a large lump of butter and as the butter melts I'll just stir the cabbage around in it and the nice thing about red carriages you can certainly make it the day before you can make it the week before just keep reheating it and it gets better and better and I gain to add to it a variety of things I've got here is some grated raw onion and some black treacle this is the secret of this particular recipe I love black tree know I love it I associate Lane Lane Drakkar with pirate said it no way because it comes from the Caribbean rum and molasses and treacle and some lemon juice freshly squeezed lemon juice and some apples which I've peeled and cored and sliced and don't forget to sling the apple peel in one piece save your shoulder so that you can find out the initial of the man who loves you I would get home myself never better burn called a nice little chorister called Oliver's you could wait a few years Jennifer that it's trade or static with a vendre and then a good slurp of red wine vinegar and some salt and some freshly ground black pepper and then just stir it all together well and then you leave it over a high heat start with and transfer it to a lower heat and cook it for about two hours may seem an awfully long time to cook cabbage bearing in mind how quickly he got white cabbage but in fact red cabbage is a totally different animal although it's a member of the Brassica family he takes much longer to cook there we are I'll leave that there so now that you've dried baby's bottom I'm going to put talcum powder oh yeah yeah I need to pet it and flick it mark it with D and put it in the oven baby he's name is stuff it now then Wacka cavity now we'll stuff it with the brooding stuffing you really want to pack it loosely I got an irish recipe where you want the rather surprisingly stuff the goose with among other things potatoes yeah but it's very good because they get all sort of nice they get all the fat ya know then that's quite enough stuffing in there overdue now serve it up with this video looking needle i'm very festive looking straight you can keep it for the christmas present it with also you can see it done do it i never understood that thing of the lady of the manor giving the housemaid a roll of cloth to make a uniform from i was all that was any mean i think it's so unkind that a poor little skinny get some ghastly surge to make her in uniform and that's a present thank you very much scrooge it's exactly they wanted a domestic service is dying out just give it a bit of a crust it doesn't come undone there that looks lovely love this now you want a nice bread to put it on because enormous quantities of fat will come out of this and who don't want the goose resting in it in fact what you do all the time every 20 minutes is remove the fat and put it into a basin to treasure other things and baste with hot water which keeps the the skin going on to that crackle now what we do is get a good sharp fork and we want to pierce the skin all over but you don't want to pierce the flesh you can see the skin is so full of that you just pick up pieces stevan and even though we make such a fuss about christmas going on say long thesis i think it must been wonderful in the old days where everything stopped for 12 days you did nothing Vicki Rick of Bavarian Kuro I've ever hearing this lovely story the nativity play and somewhere up north and there was a little boy with wanting to be sent Joseph and he got cast as the landlord they say when Mary Joseph came to the door knocked on the door he opened it said yes yes come in plenty of room inside now this bird is between nine and ten pounds and will take two and a half hours I will open this hip it'll fit I think it will I'm sure it well they're quite big artists don't trouble yourself and it's really kids it for what we are about to receive may the Lord make us truly thankful egg moose before the goose like to very like the fairy christmas is coming the goose is getting fat please for the penny in the old man's hat red cabbage such a suitable color for Christmas an explosive alternative Christmas pudding well haven't we had a lovely day kids absolutely splendid I loved it I love it here it's so wonderful isn't it I have told the little boys I never they sweet so well mannered I nee terribly polite well I got a tidy gift for you oh well I don't envy you two you're going to love this oh good well I think you'll find yours very filling as well dainty little package so beautiful this little green pom-pom yes nail polish remover when I don't you keep all your fans happy now what can this be I wonder red treats Oh Jennifer just what I've always wanted Linda McCartney's meals without just Ellie just a zing boy oh thank you so much we're not to with that I ask myself never mind yeah you'll get a proper present later yes Chris your very good health and you and did it happy christmas happy christmas no no ill hey Jennifer the boy should be rehearsing in the cathedral man oh let's get ever love them before we go good idea oh we're just cathedral here we come they look like little lamb cutlets Blairsville you Luiza eat that meat Java doesn't let feather look Pleasant your kitchen yeah oh yes I still haven't done my Christmas shopping yet I am neither home rather grab feeding the little creature now where would Christmas in the cathedral be without choristers straight through the arch with a Cathedral closed the kruskal's in the grounds and that master said he'd meet us there what a ravaging place ah here's dr. Reece good morning ladies thank you so much for coming to the pilgrim givanni and ice creature you look lovely thank you very wonderful color that is it's sinned Andrews University but nothing to do with the Cathedral how many choristers have you got thirty sixteen singing in the cathedral they have to stay all over Christmas they're there they're here till five o'clock Christmas Day they do all the Carol's services and all the services of Christmas Day we are their cricket market with the inputs in the oven his name is stuff it now then talk the cavity now we'll stuff it with the brooding stuffing you really wanted to pack it loosely I've got an Irish recipe where you want the rather surprisingly stuff the goose with among other things potatoes yeah but it's very good because they get all sort of nice they get all the fat yes now then that's quite enough stuffing in there overdo now serve it up with this very vicious looking needle but very festive looking straight you can keep it for the Christmas present but also you can see it don't do it I never understood that thing of the lady of the manor giving the housemaid a roll of cloth to make a uniform from I was all I was going to mean I think it's so unkind that a poor little skinny gets some ghastly Serge to make her own uniform and that's a present thank you very much Scrooge it's exactly they wanted a domestic service he's dying out just give it a bit of a crust it doesn't come undone there that looks lovely love this now you want a nice bread to put it on because enormous quantities of fat will come up well haven't we had a lovely day here's absolutely splendid I loved it I loved it here it's so wonderful isn't it I have told the little boys I never they sweet so we'll mannered I nee terribly polite well I got a tidy gift for you oh well I don't envy you two you're going to love this oh good well I think you'll find yours very filling as well dainty little package beautiful this little green pom-pom yes nail polish remover well I don't you keep all your fans happy now what can this be I wonder red treats Oh Jennifer just what I've always wanted Linda McCartney's meals without Jesus just like just a zing boy oh thank you so much we like to refer to I ask myself never mind yeah you'll get a proper present later yes yes your very good health and you and very happy christmas happy christmas don't know ill hey Jennifer the boy should be rehearsing in the cathedral man let's get that reluctant before we go good idea oh we're just cathedral here we come and is not going to have them falling about and everybody were children you remember there was this tough its flavored with Rob I've had to the essence we already said I feel quite drugs after that oh yeah it's a glass of water and a packet of wine yeah absolutely and I just going to put this into my incredibly superior nineteen twenties ice cream machine this is pure masochism go out and buy yourself the latest high-tech ice cream machine and use that instead I love the sub fender bind find it in his house and cleaned it up I have the use of it provided I making ice cubes on a constant basis and into it I gain to put six ounces of Christmas pudding which I have carefully crumbled but he didn't yeah laughing I got mine now then you put the lid on you say yeah and now into this little tray here you put some crushed ice and there's just areas this is high technology circa 1920 and then the scientists among people will know that you then put onto that some salt if they knew that because we have a journey journey one unit Coffee changeup y'all yeah oh yes I still haven't done my Christmas shopping yet I am neither hi Ryder grab feeding the little creatures now where would Christmas in the cathedral be without choristers it's traced through the arch with a cathedral close the kruskal's in the grounds and their master said he'd meet us there you the ravaging please ah here's dr. Reiss good morning ladies thank you so much for coming to the pilgrim givanni nice creature you look lovely thank you very wonderful color that is it's st. Andrews University but nothing to do with the Cathedral how many choristers have you've got thirty sixteen singing in the Cathedral they have to stay all over Christmas did they they're here till five o'clock Christmas Day they do all the Carol's services and all the services of Christmas Day we are their Christmas family ah well I'm very grateful please come and I'll introduce you to the little chaps all the little boys I know what they sweet so we'll mannered ein a terribly polite well I got a tidy gift for you oh well I commend to you too you're going to love this oh good well I think you'll find yours very filling as well dainty little package Oh beautiful this little green pom-pom yes nail polish remover when I don't you keep all your fans happy now what can this be I wonder red treats Oh Jennifer just what I've always wanted Linda McCartney's meals without just Ellie just a zing boy oh thank you so much when I - with that I ask myself never mind yeah you'll get a proper present later yes Chris your very good health and you and very happy christmas happy christmas on the world hey Jennifer the boy should be rehearsing in the cathedral man let's get several of them before we go good idea Oh we'll just because they drove here we can it's quite a Christmasy thing again isn't it allspice vaudeville and sometime I've got fresh thyme on my fire escape and it seems to last wonderfully what a surprise for the farmer nor the burglar or whatever if he comes in I would say if he can't get over my strange pots cause he could easily get out the fire escape as him Here I am telling the world but we have nothing to steal in ours my uncle always says if a burglar visited us they'd leave us a tip no that's be awful these sort of fundamentalist Protestants who don't celebrate Christmas yet what dude is you linger lurk and read their Bibles anyway finally we put the Bruns in soak them in teemed like Earl Grey or something hot to begin with and then simmer them in the stock made from the giblets and some vermouth you just toss them all in you mix all that together and then you put it really quite a lot of ground black pepper and just a little salt not too much so mix it all in rich red now I'm going to do my little trick you little trick my little trick out of this and you don't want the goose resting in it in fact what you do all the time every 20 minutes is remove the fat and put it into a basin to treasure other things and baste with hot water which keeps the the skin going onto that crackle now what we do is get a good sharp fork and we want to pierce the skin all over but you don't want to pierce the flesh you can see the skin is so full of that you just pick up pieces and stab them and even though we make such a fuss about Christmas going on say long these days I think it must been wonderful in the old where everything stopped for 12 days you did nothing eat drink and be merry incur oh I'm ever hearing this lovely story the nativity play and somewhere up north and there was a little boy with wanting to be sent Joseph and he got cast as the landlord they say when Marion Joseph came to the door knocked on the door he opened it said yes yes coming plenty of room inside now this bird is between nine and ten pounds and he'll take two and a half hours and we're open this heavy to fit I think you were I'm sure it well they're quite bigger thanks better yourself and it city kids it for what we are about to receive may the Lord make us truly thankful
Channel: Negresti Sonicx
Views: 415,493
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Id: rGgOpmgkRok
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Length: 41min 5sec (2465 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 19 2016
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