Two ABANDONED STORAGE UNITS/ LOCKERS in 1 video! - You DECIDE which one will make me more money?-

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this is some kind of new old soccer so we got lots of tools to know guys parts for this dishwasher oh my god [Music] [Applause] [Music] no way [Music] hey everybody how we doing today it's me robert zaba the auctioneer extraordinaire with second sense auctions and in this video you're gonna see i buy two different units first unit you see i pay six hundred dollars that's six hundred dollars i split it with dave and uh well you guys take a look at that unit and then i buy another unit online for 70 just to see if you can make money buying a 70 unit so watch both the videos it's on this one and you guys tell me in the comments which one you think is a better deal the 600 unit or the 70 unit that's up to you guys let me know i appreciate you guys watching once again check out our website tons of great videos subscribe if you haven't subscribed hit the bell get all your notifications hey i appreciate everybody out there have a wonderful day hello everybody how we doing today robert zeva auctioneer extraordinaire with conkey's flippin adventure and day and day good day bought this unit for 600. guys i don't know why but let's see what we got i see i thought that was a tank right there i didn't know what that was but i thought it was a tank a tank a tank like a dish like a like a storage tank so i mean one reason obviously i bought the unit is because tools tools are money i saw the ladder ladder and then there's all these totes in here and i thought the guy had tools hopefully the toads are full tools what do you think i see some tools down there i love some tools i love copper good scrap value that's true yeah well very strange right here empty and it's but it's stanley you're really not missing out on much still be worth something dave what is in the oh he was a dish looks like this dishwasher repair that is money the parts are worth something man we got a lot of stuff to go through that's a dishwasher hopefully she's an engineer i like that antique little does not mean collectible we got part of a thing here trash bags that's probably the best thing so far we're gonna use those we can use them uh oh there's something brand new parts oh [Music] oh business this is good you need in one day yeah we just passed out somebody else's what was in the cooler beers oh oh we all get water we got water it's not a hot day but no it'd be hot water if it was a hot day oh yeah so we got all this stuff there you go that is heavy 410a about 120. 120 bucks all right it is pink too it looks like it's full i mean i mean i don't know what they're supposed to wear this is what they feel like when they're empty oh yeah throw that in that is nice that is the difference we have to move these dishwashers our way and see what we also can find what else we got in here oh another one of these refrigerants yeah it's like the color codes it was orange yeah these are big money guys 404a so easily 100 bucks 100 that's 200 dollars we got a brand new gorilla ladder uh what do you think of grill the ladder goes first it's got to be a a good 40 50 ladder new anyway right yeah i know those go for a lot of money this is warner it's a 24 foot extension lander easily probably 250 300 dollars yeah got to be another hundred dollar bill so you got 100 200 300 340. we're getting close starting to get our money but i don't know if we'll make money or not we'll have to wait and see these look like these could be hearts maybe they're lighter that'd be nice but they are ignorant oh you know what there's money those are money right here's the slip let's see what they paid there's a pay on there no it doesn't say but i've had to buy those before those are mine so looks like this is all gonna be keep the slip because it might tell you what they go to it's gonna be easier to there's more parts in here it feels like maytag little switch or something so all of these are money ladies and gentlemen my buddy that's all he does is sells used appliance parts online so this is a maytag piece some sort of relay or something but it's a transformer or something yeah definitely worth something this whole thing well start looking at the totes man let me get around here so you can see more money yeah there's definitely some money in here yeah network now we're talking so cetera man again i'm not working much but it's it's my blow dryer kind of bits i think your money in the in this is right there you got your hand off that's busted oh well it's still scrapped that's that's copper it is copper we got some wire more wear but those are expensive themselves what's in the next one [Music] oh it's one of those fish things over here it's all money you know adding up nice that's a big that's a husky full tank some random tools but once again the toes themselves are worth money and the tools are added up well the totes that are worth the money the ones that are back against that wall back there is that upside down that's upside down whatever it is it's full wi-fi router from spectrum oh okay yeah that looks like our water rider we have at home you know what i got the old router you think i could use this as a new router probably that's not a yeah idea it's got the uh oh that's the modem huh interesting interesting very interesting oh yeah those aren't cheap either no there's a suitcase back here oh it's heavy all these totes coming paperwork yeah i think it's just all paperwork you never know in this business right nope hopefully i was hoping it could be full money money collection some kind of collection this ain't boots paperwork yeah paperwork and books paperwork in books i want to see what's in them big totes this looks like more books and then all these totes here are all books all paperwork [Music] that looks like the name of the company that there's some tools in there we got some randomness in here random random wow there's this coach they can't all be like that huh i guess we'll see what's this i think it's a piece of trim piece for refrigerator yeah bottom piece this guy definitely wasn't appliances paperwork more paperwork bring that out i like the sound of that it's not paperwork so that's fine more brand new parts hey rob oh he just called me too he's the heating cooling guy good tell him to come here and with first dibs before you put it out i mean this is the time of year there's a blower right here and look at this this is what we're looking for before kong oh yeah the okay there's the gauges all the gauges are the ac yeah you can transfer your fridge right here these are money right here what's uh what's with the bucket hey good good oh yeah there's a whole bunch of well there's there's some other blowers in here and tools and refrigerant gauges and two things that looks like brand new refrigerant the 404 and the 410. the other one we got one that's empty and there's a bunch of tools and gauges and just all kinds of blowers he says he looked like he was also a dishwasher repair guy too because there's one hotel thing's got tools down here husky yeah this unit i split with the other robber too many robbers involved but yeah and i went in on myself yeah so well it was either that it was going to get really expensive for one of us what's in the suitcase he'll have a bag tomorrow guys what's in the suitcase what do you think i think clothes you think clothes i think it's gonna be close that's my guess well you're the one that picked it up so you would know you know i think you're you win do it it's not close do i win the close though it's not closed ooh shoes you're close enough yeah yeah check that out oh so do i win are you one where's that tie um all right speaking of ties probably sold a bunch of times yeah i think the woman who got those ties got a deal on him what do you think oh yeah this is some kind of old sucker so we got lots of tools in there guys parts for this dishwasher oh my god that looks like a oh it's a vacuum pump that's fine it sure is yeah vacuum pump yeah those things aren't cheap you can get those a cheap version i had a harbor freight for like i don't know like 60 bucks but that does not look like a cheap harbor freight one that looks oh look at that that's a good one there you go dave a little torch settling torch there's some money in this unit dave look at these we got the nice oh yeah ratchet straps that buy those all the time yeah these are the big heavy-duty ones those are always funny yeah but with amazon has one with the gauges for 94. oh yeah that's not that's not a chinese jb industries it's looking closer i can't hear anything do you want to hear anything here's some cut works brand new scissor set oh my gosh from 90 to 400. there you go that's a better price yeah that's probably closer to the you know new 400 you might get 400 bucks out of that good that helps so we got all kinds of stuff back here we have to see what's in these tails we'll pull these out yeah let's clean this up and we'll kind of get back to it walking through some chokes i thought it was like baseball cards right you got you got baseball cards on the mind i know that's cause i was just at my auction where i just sent out tons of baseball cards from the 50s all the way through the 90s office stuff rubber bands next time i drop the camera grab a lot of rubber pants that's gonna say it's his phone so yeah it doesn't matter to me i dropped his phone last time it's a prayer cube share your family and friends yeah listen here you said prayer printer prayers prayer cube there's my ohio accent coming through so nothing too spectacular in here but definitely some awesome stuff they can use it for his office here i got new business cards for my office dave's got an office but there's a toilet in it the new christian handbook well do we want to advertise his business he's probably not in business i think so it is the appliance repair center yeah stanley there's actually a lot of appliances i think i can reuse these cards i really do just scratch his name up put yours in put your phone number in looks like more uh household i mean that's probably eight dollars right there that's eight bucks that's good i found a big quarter only seven now yeah you do fine now how much is this dave these chords here five bucks a piece five dollars a piece they are the four prong the g star pipe i think the g star pipe is uh in his mouth are you still digging back there here's all these paperwork can we make any money on paperwork no oh okay oh probably hot water heater spray scrap right there so you got clothes ladder more maytag stuff control panel for a maytag it says something's in there what that is that a big blower down there is that what you're saying that yeah that's a blower oh that yeah it looks like a furniture know those ain't cheap so definitely get our money back maybe make a few bucks but you never know remember for the fun of it for the fun i need a light bulb oh sure yeah i got players hey everybody how are we doing we're out here at light storage guys this was the first unit of the day it was a bunch of units today tons of units that were selling online on storage treasures this was the first unit of the day guys it only went for 70 dollars and you know what i figured 70 dollars plus the buyer from i think i had like 77 can you make money buying a unit for under 80 bucks on under a hundred dollars nowadays hey everyone's got to know this money so the thing i liked about the unit a couple things i saw and well let's take a look once again if you haven't subscribed when you wait for subscribe hit the bell guys and you never know where you're gonna see stuff you see here you can actually buy it i see this see this all this dirt and dust you know no one's touched it no one's been in the unit you can see right here look at this okay guys that's what i'm talking about and i know there's not gonna be tons of money in here i'm not gonna make a fortune but you know what i'm trying to do i'm trying to at least double my money triple my money we'll see there's a few things i liked about it number one they said playstation we could see this there was a playstation right there in this bag so we're gonna pull this bag out first and see what's all in the playstation bag is it just playstations or games is it complete so we got a playstation a playstation 3. overall looks pretty good and playstations it's definitely worth some money so now what i'm hoping for is by having this there's going to be more games in there vintage video game systems who knows but the other thing i saw is right here whatever it is that look brand new in the box it looks like some kind of toy and i'm not expecting to make a fortune off it but brand new toys could be big big big money and i like making money so [Laughter] mega boxing gloves that's hilarious well i got a daughter i got a son they got a problem this summer they can box it out that's priceless right there problem solver you know what i'm saying so let's see oh cool nice what is that like money more from power rangers or something red ranger that's gonna be worth a few bucks teenage mutant ninja turtles turtles and a half shell turtle you want to hear a crazy fact you know tina three moved to turtles right yes my brother tom okay actually made comic books called colt the armadillo that won the west eastman lard actually did a pinup drawing for one of his comic books so take a look out there you can find the comics online oh dude talk about summertime fun we got the s'more sizzler thing that's bringing the box we got some garbage but so far i like this what is this where are you she clever concept oh it's a little safety cutter nice see they got razor blades on there's a whole thing full of them and a giant sharpie you can always use a giant sharpie chain you just never know these kind of things just a random jar you have [Music] paperwork see this back here is it in here oh i was like man we can have some pancakes pancakes the pancakes it's definitely been sitting here for a while these kind of news you just never ever know lots of surprises it's like my bubble got bursted look at this beautiful family i shouldn't show their picture oh wait that's the one that comes with the phone digger and tom in your kitchen my favorite book i fell asleep many are nice to that book bigger it looks like we got some new like gloves in here but hit little pink clothes this looks like some happy bags it's loaded with toys though oh yeah would you like to play with me shane well you just never know about 70 units but i do like toys we got more turtle toys there we already got some in the one auction time cars hot wheels or something way more from power rangers oh yes yes a ps1 remember we're talking about other video game systems soon sounds like there's money in there there is money in it wow it's a double win plenty of money oh i thought i saw some gold at first so there's a bunch of cars down there all these diecast cars we've got a whole lot we'll clean them up sell them up i mean this whole thing's just loaded with all the different toys ninja turtles cars so barbra dials so we have to grab a bag they put this box and something we'll see what else we can find a 5x5 77 bucks so we've already found two video game systems a ps1 and a ps3 we found toys and take a look at this 12-inch figure oh man the hobgoblin or the green goblin actually from spider-man very cool he might have to go in my collection i might have to hang him up at the shop but he's tough brand new and it still works brand new toys easy sell kid man we're definitely gonna be making honey i like it so i saw the one branding toy that's what two brand new things we found so far we got more toys brand new toothbrushes more brand new toothbrushes hygiene is priceless hi genius you know my brother larry tell you the best dental plan you can have is a toothbrush look at this one electric toothbrush brand new things ain't cheap [Music] yeah a whole other box right here that's loaded with toys dude look how big this turtle do this leonardo i should have asked you who is it who's ashamed i'll just say michelangelo jurassic park dinosaurs the jurassic world i should say jurassic park dates me jurassic world shane generation this whole thing is just loaded with [Music] toys more turtles what is this rock and mickey man it's a magic mic guys i mean there's so many cars in here oh the joker that's one thing i liked about it i don't know why the giant toys like this always like you know they're expensive in your case so let's build this on this let's see what else we find so we're definitely making some money i think lots of toys two game systems i can't wait to see what else we find shane i know you can't even don't sigh about it that's a sigh honestly that is a room essential everyone needs one of those brand new this unit is paying off the box i'm gonna be like this is crazy it's brand new sealed still that's the original tape in the box fisher guys this will come right up baby shower ready i'm telling you so somebody's having a kid out there how much brain it's gonna be in this little five by five turbo power rangers the movie so i'm hoping to find some video games in here guys right there beat up chair goes up with a disney table not sure never had a place i was more of an xbox guy we have a ps3 and a two i don't know and uh one and it looks like we got a mouse right here this paper so we're gonna grab a garbage bag we gotta throw out all this stuff let's see what else we can find i'm not gonna put this on but it is new nice look at this we've got light in here shane you don't get a light bulb in the unit often so we got iron board over here some kind of little kid's keyboard actually i was looking for a good pair of these that's a good pair compound ample blobbing shares bam i got some big branches i need to cut down over the weekend any branches were were blown off by the snow the other day this is the kind i haven't even bent we got cloth some child stuff some nice pieces in there definitely some veil you definitely has heavy we're gonna move this out let's see what's underneath it move some of this stuff out of her way all right all right let's move those boxes a little dvd player and then that one looks pretty nice huh yeah it looks pretty new no way let's see what we're talking about xbox 360 aim system i don't know what to plug it in but that's probably what that power cord is for that's another system make three systems so far heavy oh nice there's a bunch of burnt cds in here look at that i'm gonna try to watch all right now there's something underneath here oh i thought it was something else i thought it was like a little gamecube it's a little box speaker brown's wallet it's not empty it's falling apart yeah oh no wait yes phineas and ferb you like fantasy i used to watch them look at these shoes they're pretty nice nikes so definitely interesting little bag but for a little seventy dollar unit it's been full surprises i mean this laptop right here could be uh worth some money we got a monster truck just never know about purses you can find jewelry in here you can find a weapon you can buy money or food in this case oh my gosh is that like brown sugar or something in there you want to know what this remember guys oh there's some more food in the unit it's never a good idea never a good idea making some more money back already shane some pennies down there oh there's another nickel we'll go through this later see what else we can looks like some brand new head stuff again some weird spitzer man this is so much all right this box is actually taped up so well if we get something to open it let's get some stuff by our way i want to find out what's in that box and i bet you there's still more treasures hidden underneath here there's like cords [Music] little girl little hand mixer oh are these in there oh i saw the uggs i'm getting lost back there there you go steering wheel nike bag here's um 123's vhs tape nice some perfume definitely worthwhile scraggle wolves yeah nice hat so whatever's in this bag our last thing we did once again if you haven't subscribed subscribe hit the bell check out our other videos and you never know what you're going to find in a 70 unit so we appreciate everybody out there watching have a wonderful wonderful day all right i'm cleaning out the unit look i found this bag free comic book day bag so don't have high hopes for it but you never know all right we got spiderman but corners ripped so i had two dollar price tag not worth much another spider-man peter parker spectacular and spider-man luck and lucky to be alive so i don't know a few bucks though interesting surprise though at the end of the unit you just never know what you're gonna find
Channel: 2nd Cents, Inc Cleveland Auction House
Views: 4,102
Rating: 4.9201775 out of 5
Keywords: I buy 2 ABANDONED STORAGE UNITS, for $600 & $77 YOU DECIDE which one is more PROFITABLE Unboxing video 2nd Cents Auctions
Id: FVwuh1fe5Lc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 12sec (2352 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 24 2021
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