Twitch Livestream | Lethal Company w/Friends Part 10 [PC]

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YouTube hello welcome to the stream we are back in Lethal company sooner than I thought uh today we're playing with a Jeremy's group uh there's a bunch of mods installed like 70 and when I loaded it in to test it it was kind of broken so fingers crossed we get that sorted but shout out to Jeremy for uh inviting me all the mods and everyone's links will be listed below also update as of right now the I re-uploaded the Uno VOD from the party game stream and it seems to be okay figures cross it stays that way rip the mouse trap portion though that is super super gone so give that a watch if you haven't already and hope you enjoy this lethal company V like this I think this is part 10 we also might have lethal company more lethal company next week on Monday I might be playing with Zen's group again and then uh maybe another time later in the week maybe I'll get like Tina uh again get Maddie I see if who who I can grab glasses maybe TT uh maybe not snoozy cuz she's in Australia so we would have to play super late for her I don't know we'll see we'll see we we'll see what happens uh either way like comment subscribe buy something from frame rat like I said check out the unov VOD uh and hopefully this works fingers crossed also the Pokemon presents was great I'm excited for Pokemon Legend Z hey YouTube I'm going to farm interactions question of the day what uh new Pokemon do you want to have a mega because there's Megas in Pokemon Legends Pizza Zaza I said Pizza [ __ ] uh let me know all right YouTube I'll see you in a second am I changing colors yes yes you are changing colors hang on let me see if I just click e oh hey what's up hey I I didn't spawn in here I'm safe yeah you're safe you're safe do you see clothes here Ray no I do not it looks butt ass naked what the hell yeah it's it's naked for everyone so make it for everyone except me I mean you do have 70 mods installed so okay okay it's a there's a few all right 69 to be precise all right true well it was 70 but I got rid of some closed ones to try to free Ray from the clo and it works it works he's Free's so much so that Jeremy just threw all the clothes out the window all right calm down calm down calm down did you just shove me oh uh I mimic you and what the [ __ ] he hey oh my gosh oh can I join it hey so this is um you hold C for this schol [ __ ] uh if you want to upload this in the when you go to customize there's something to turn off all dmca music oh so you may want to turn that on okay where was that you said so if you hold uh if you hold the c key oh yeah and then go in the top right hand corner and click oh you can set like whatever things you want on the wheel but in the top left hand corner you can see like some options and you probably want to put Force DMC friendly on yeah if you're G to upload this to YouTube yeah do that I believe it also does it for everyone else's as well would make sense cool yeah ah I see someone has experience with this mod yeah yeah I play with it a little bit Pro Gamer there is uh there is a lot what moons do I have on let's see all right let's wait so who is in here okay they don't need to know I'll I'll tell you for um so the there is mod on chip will kill you if you're oh yeah the doors yeah I was looking at some of the mods so I I have an idea of what to look for okay yeah so if these clothes on you uh say good night I'm not going to tell cheesy or Greg they can figure out all right sounds good I love that yeah furnace aquaus Orion I said that weird uh also chat I don't know if you realized uh no headset today for YouTube I told chat we're back trying this mic the reason I switch is because Tina used this mic but she got another mic so we'll go with this one we'll go back to this one Chad it's on the box again hold on this is what my mic stand is uh I'm G to put myself on mute instead of dein sometimes people are watching for that is the mic clean all right Cc or CC [ __ ] TT wrong letter unmute how dare you first of all yes he's got to do his he's got to do his good intro there for all the uh cheese heads or whatever his now it's clean and I just licked up my wife's germs all right cheese gratings GRE I don't know what's up with him you guys think fit this in my mouth got out of the shower like that's got to take two minutes he doesn't even have hair like it's got to take two minutes to do that Insanity rude I mean clothes are important can it fit in my ass oh probably now yeah I mean yesterday fya was repeatedly calling Greg Jeremy so I'm okay with that o oh wait wait no that's a good that means you're the main one right right right that's what I mean no that's good that's good not for Greg but we decided to just full on attack Greg for who he is damn like Walmart Jeremy is that worse that like a step lower oh I don't know actually yeah what's the tearing system of Walmart and yeah lower uh I think the quality is the same the Walmart one is just seen by a lot more people that's fair yep that's that's probably think there's probably a little more safety and ordering too In fairness what like someone has to check your receipts on the way out well no I mean like if you're ordering from Walmart you don't get it there's probably protections for you oh my god hean orange Justice in here yeah dude there's a lot of things here's the Ninja Dance I'm not seeing enough movement anybody no no way yeah what this is his uh this is Ninja's old anime dance he used to do when he played fortnite did you like buy all of these no I mean if you hold C they're all part of the the wheel you just have to scroll down and look for them they're not my wheel's empty oh yeah you have I guess go to customize you have to go to customize look I'm the rafle copter is [ __ ] Insanity um what is oh jeez oh my gosh there's so many yeah there's a some of them get some of them get kind of there's a lot oh nice dude there's I'm I'm doing the Deep dab I'm in my oh no okay I've literally dislocated my AR we're flossing I can see my arms off of my body yeah you could put yourself in third person so you see it a little bit better but this is hilar I could not be more in love with this I had no idea the there you go here's the Yamcha death post I need that give me that yes oh wait what the hell was that one this is this okay cool I think I've got everything I might need you can make multiple wheels too if you want as opposed to just like oh no that might be needed at some point yeah okay so I can die got it yeah there you go and you could like walk while that so you're just like Jesus wait so can I walk while do this yeah you're crawling oh oh I hate that I'm doing the Never Going To Give You Up you guys get a rick rolled but like copyright such a little baby oh that's a deep dab that was a good dab deep dab oh yeah hey please get off the ground oh yeah I don't like it stop crawling okay just a little baby we're going oh oh my you're off the ground novas oh yeah we're helicopter now oh then you could join I forgot what button you pressed to join it was e but oh okay oh well there's a lot of like uh just like meme dances and fortnite dances and stuff in here there's a lot oh yeah I got some floss I had to throw that in there oh there's the ginu force poses from Dragon Ball Z my God that's funny gracious me that is some loser dance brother hold on I'll dance with you wait let me dance it won't let me dance I want to take the L it won't let me take the L sad sad oh damn I guess only one person can take the L yeah why is this a Thanos dance oh there we go no oh yeah you spin me baby uh the the Thanos stce is just a meme okay so chat this isn't Ross's mod pack this is just another one I think called too many emotes or some [ __ ] it's in the description I don't know if Ross even close to being um we realized we weren't steam friends as for cheesy I don't know what's going on here oh it's badass company there you go cuz once I get cheesy TI knows she's the pro pro streamer Pro lethal company gamer yeah but uh yeah there's a there's a [ __ ] ton of them oh I want this one ready for the most oh hell yeah dude yeah oh nice don't know what that response from cheesy means hell yeah dude we got the Fresh Prince dancece oh no extra okay shout out uh cryptic CER she's better than right true add some new ones let's see okay now I just got to check make sure I got p in here Jeremy you know what pan playing today means right uh what does that mean that we have to be very you know conscious of the word crazy it'll be fine why cuz she was crazy once and that will go on for hours oh and I love it I apologize cuz I will forget immediately oh oh my God I hate the movement with it a solid R oh no that I was looking at you and then you were just on the like you just disappeared flat in your face the gift I just sent right I oh my God we're all dead all all de we've all died wait what's the button emote see and then you can like select the ones you want and customize which one's this one I've already forgotten oh what that we're doing yeah this is Yamcha Dev Yamcha yeah Yamcha makes makes sense all right wait can I use this can I use the computer while I'm down here let's see uh maybe no it knocks you out of it okay that's fair oh you can jump while you're doing it though customize it's like a belly flop if anyone needs me what can I get in here oh you going to go to sleep in the bunk beds oh let's see come on I got to I oh what am I doing oh whoops ooh favorite emote oh almost how do you what is MMB um oh damn you going to try to take me on here was like I don't there's a meiku one all right once uh once cheesy's in here we'll send it yeah can't get into the closet yeah you're trying I see it's not yeah it's not having it oh uh hello hello oh [ __ ] money oh [ __ ] let's I like how it's Monopoly money it's Monopoly money oh I love that it's Monopoly money oh God yeah uh hi welcome I'm in welc welcome also chat if you're playing if you using this mod with your friends and you want to like just mute the music it's kind of the same thing you go to customize and up here you can lower it to so where it makes gome noise whatsoever why are you pushing me this was uh this was one of the mods I tested off stream uh and you could thank glasses and Eno for me not having it in future games it was you wasn't it all right sorry I was talking to uh cheesy and Greg they dmca settings which is very nice trying to get in right now how do you push hey hey e yeah e is the push got it e don't worry this will never be an issue no never Virtual Insanity I love this one we are we are so nice to each other here I come Chad my brain is melting cuz iov like the moving forward oh yeah that's really creepy actually oh that is really creepy the ly died he's dead again same brother that's the movie on join oh my god oh I thought you were all dead for a second I literally I mean kind of yeah we're all dead I forgot what the Among Us one was called chat there is one with [ __ ] a trillion Among Us guys it's like one of the uh uh it's a I don't forgot the name of the video it's like some anime [ __ ] it's not called Among Us I wish it was I forgot what it was called that was weird I was jumping on the container and then the container disappeared and it flew me across the room oh right there's the dab stand I forgot about this one I'm going to do a dab with my feet there we go my legs let's go oh snap oh [ __ ] the dab stand yeah there we go I realiz this there's too many there's too many to choose from there a lot is it this one no chat let's see if it's this one you sure I love this like a little kitty wants to be a little kitty Chad it wasn't this one but that's a weird one right yeah this is called DDD I think this I think this is King DDD from Kirby they were having oh my God they were having some errors uh hopefully that's all sorted out now okay um I hope so yeah so they're going to be jumping in right now oh Jesus CH where are you getting the crawling emote oh it's called Uh Samus crawl yeah that's Samus crawl oh how do you get to that um hold c yeah hold C and go to customize woo then you can Jesus make way make way oh I'm a ding dong that is most athletic I will ever be if I turn off oh [ __ ] Jeremy showing off now yeah he's even throwing his hands through the floor this going to make me look old oh God don't do that one oh oh it was so bright it was hey don't do float it's a flashbang what am I doing with my hands I like cartwheeling hey yo who wants some of this I love all this hey yo oh who wants some of this nobody tell my wife chat I can't hit Escape I can't go to my pause my options oh hello oh what's up hey yeah we got cheesy blue nips cheesy hello cheesy uh I'm here guys hey dinner's served over here if you're hungry oh let me get a let me get a full course meal hell yeah wa wait I'm going in I'm going in where are you going oh no no no I'm going oh jeez yeah cheesy hold uh C and then go to customize if you want to [ __ ] with more emotes okay yeah yeah yeah let me do that customize stop did you tell uh Greg what you did to get in uh I told them that I just I just installed the mod pack as is yeah I better see him in here cheesy if it doesn't work then uh it isn't my fault it's Greg's fault for not that sounds good and I will go my God I'm officer Earl from uh Cloudy With The Chance of [Laughter] Meatballs are you just running like him yeah crazyy we about this oh it's Greg [Applause] it's why are there no suits here am I not supposed I I that I don't know why that's happening but we' oh Jes hey Greg dinner served I love Club Peng oh [ __ ] finally yeah oh [ __ ] oh yo he's flexing I didn't buy my tickets to the gun show hold on don't don't oh [ __ ] I'll go back I'll go back get back get back in there hold on one second just I gotta I gotta look here and uh what is he's excited What's Happening Here every he's excited he's excited goodness okay so let's do this how about about March Family Guy death pose show me more oh yeah this is awesome I don't have any wait hold on you can unlock yeah yeah but Greg if you just hold if you hold C and go to customize on the top right you can pick whatever ones you want and just put them in the wheel okay all right please help me help me please stop dancing help me no I want to dance dance I [ __ ] dabed oh it's foggy [ __ ] I can't see foggy unfortunately everything was bad land yet when I jump on my frames are really bad I just can't see hey what's oh boy uh I think we're good as we begin round one check oh okay wow it is Turbo foggy uh I think the fire escape is over I should probably just go main honestly oh god dude all right the thing I'm worried about is I don't oh my God where am I oh wait I just saw it for a second chat I'm lost in the sauce hold on that's a tree Jesus Oh wait there's like new enemies I think Jeremy added that's concerning I actually don't know how they work where the [ __ ] is everybody oh hey AI [ __ ] a key that's a dead end the [ __ ] is that we opening doors what the [ __ ] [ __ ] dude come on I guess I downloaded the [ __ ] all guys what's happening hello hello it was it was Jeremy with a slug on his head got it yeah that's me H that's you ah well oh all I found have been three keys oh you're useless yeah I [Music] know oh they've been through here oh was this the fire escape I was going to go to I think it was all right great this has been a wash so far gamers what am I stuck on H I still can't pause for some reason I want to change the key for my mute oh hey hey Jeremy hey dude yeah Maxwell already let's go oh wait is that the copyrighted one I don't know one of them is at least according to Tom yeah I think that one is [ __ ] did anyone did anyone else do that chat if you guys don't know Maxwell has like one of two songs and one of them's copyrighted I don't know which one it is though hopefully not that one cuz that'd be cringe that's why generally don't play with Maxwell all right we found a tattered metal sheet we're contributing a little bit yeah that's oh sh have voice look like on the ground now scar hello cookie mold pan oh Jesus [ __ ] Christ he just spawned oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh go get me the [ __ ] out of here oh he just spawned out of the vent there's a spider oh oh nice okay oh Jesus we're fine well I witness a [ __ ] murder Jeremy dropped Maxwell off the [ __ ] ledge oh Jesus isn't he the cat guy that's one way to get rid of dmca dude just kill him [ __ ] eat anybody found anything I found a couple of things I'm going to go back to the ship this thing whatever it is good luck oh boy all right Jesus I'm just going to hug the left side uh got to look for the pit in the middle uh um hm oh this I think we're still good oh no we're not good we're not good hey novice or novice we [ __ ] up we [ __ ] God damn it bro we yeah hug the left well I mean you're supposed to hug I guess I don't it was my I don't know dude the noise feels like a a I was just feeling around with my hands and it didn't work out well it did not getting hungry oh there's a worm out there too yo there's skiy toilet in this game there wait are you serious yeah you can spectate to enemies one of the new enemies is ski to oh [ __ ] all right dude next time we play with chibi chat spectate enemy who the [ __ ] is that guy oh e e I don't like the rolling giant yeah who is is this Jesus why is his hand so big oh he's literally on Wheels I don't like him I don't want to see him at all God I want the skiy toilet to find somebody so guy oh what is this dude oh he's crying big [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah when you said shy guy I'm like oh dude from Mario absolutely not no not even close great I have no idea how to deal with this guy so that's going to be great next time I see him I think I he like screams at you oh hey cat oh welcome cat oh spider's just [ __ ] chilling I'm just [ __ ] watching I'm just I'm just watching skiy toilet just roll around oh you go to the centipede you get a better look at the Shag guy uh do you oh yeah he's down there I see I see yeah oh that's weird I don't like him he's actually scary there is new audio oh believe probably Greg is just feeling himself dude on the ship he's having a good time music look at that guy God damn it yeah I heard it oh my god oh that's the giant that's the giant hor that fog is intense yeah that's brutal that's definitely DMC that's a that's a brutal fog no it isn't fortnite dance they can't dmca for wait what are we waiting for second alive I've already voted for yeah I voted as well I voted as well dude hold on they V dead oh Al that's me um cheesy they're [Music] dead Christ these two stop help I can't stop cartwheeling thank you can't stop how do I stoping oh that's that was terrifying I've turned into the wheel uh did did BR back anything I had some stuff but I died person mode I also Dr drown Dr we brought back nothing nothing y bad fog yep all right bad fog bad fog really mull noise that one doesn't count Chad did you see someone's name on the thing as crazy dude sweet who the [ __ ] was that called me King dingo what did you just say called me King D shout out to crazy dude 12 do you think he knows Crazy Frog Mako no called Penis music it is is that the real Slim [Music] Shady please stand up please stand up bur up look at my Silhouette on the top left oh yeah oh yeah look at that now we can see yeah it's nice how you're climbing the ladder while emoting that was terrifying I'm so sorry hey you know many [Music] T I guess I'm just a fire escape Andy by myself no love dude no love for the fire escape it wouldn't let me push oh now it is you got luy jemy I know I did heyy yes what's up there's nothing down there okay Ste off oh nice wait did somebody say steam light go out someone might be flicking with the or playing with the switches this way yeah wait I am he that I hear what you hear that hear what this FU oh spider behind us oh my God I'm emoting like an idiot watch out there's mines everywhere oh that door's locked what oh oh it's St there it is no who that who got [ __ ] oh did someone get turned into a tampon by the spider yeah feels bad oh they're going that's locked nice time to go took it's time to go oh yeah oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] ther get out of here we're good we're fine spider not good no spider ow everything hurts go go go all right that's a dead end don't go that way I'm still I'm okay I'm going to die oh my stamina is so shot oh what that [ __ ] herob bride what the [ __ ] wait what the [ __ ] was that hello I'm getting haunted by my past oh hey fart guy how's it going I don't know what I don't know what killed me the thumper at you we're going to do so well all right let's vote to leave again again all right uh I won't pull it anymore I promise uh right is Greg is GRE going die to the door is everyone [ __ ] dead again yes yes GRE we are I know you can't hear Greg I saw Herobrine all right I don't want to hear it J's Dead is on the map yeah for the love of [ __ ] god traumatize God we literally watch we almost all died two minutes going to get springy with it please get killed by the door it'd be so funny I don't think he knows I miss my friends yeah they're all dead yeah oh [ __ ] damn that should have killed him damn cheats is alive yo shout out the crazy dude 12 no certainly not shout out crazy dude 12 certainly not def incorrect you going to go in the building what are you doing in here I did I went and brought a body back and I brought stuff the other one with money that's true he's the one who brought back a dust pan we have nothing else we thanks for making me feel bad making feel bad you brought back my dust pan yeah after you un yourself yeah to what happen we are uh broke we are we're going to clutch up here though we got this number one Victory hey by the way I just want to let you know up get down nice Rock All Right Here We Go the fire escape crew oh yeah I'm in your ass it looks great I'm so sorry parkour parkour Park parkour parkour oh what is this interior this is a new interior yo I already hear something around I think yeah this is this is like a mod I think it's like an office or some [ __ ] I like this oh yeah we found some [ __ ] already oh yeah I'm I'm filled up already let's go what's thumping around ah dude that's just my wiener Dragon behind me man you know how it is you know how it is dude honestly it's probably an enemy I'm okay all right just checking that's locked well don't go that way don't go that way all right I'm going to go back to the ship so it looks like I contributed that [ __ ] that was terrifying [ __ ] terrifying yeah I'm sorry for the loud thrill stre by the way oh you're fine I generally play with people that are way louder you're like Whispering oh [ __ ] hell it's like an ASMR voice you think so do you see the suit right here what the [ __ ] is that change The Pink Suit okay oh mine says black oh well mine said pink yeah you're you're wearing The Pink Suit now all right mods might be a little wonky might be might be a little wonky there we go I contributed one thing there we go oh nice dab yeah I don't know why I just did that but we are uh oh this way this way no no wait I was right I was right I'm an idiot it's this way you going to go over here yeah I'm going main entrance as well yeah cuz uh I think I got what oh someone's someone's doing gnum St up there let's go hell [Laughter] yeah oh my God an elevator what the [ __ ] what is this oh this oh we have to go that way oh know a door over here are we number two uh might be number are we number one or number two is number two are that is that a what happened down there all right all right there there's a lot of blood in here P wait what did they get killed by the elevator yeah there's like a lot oh oh oh there a thumer go up go up you there's a ladder there's a ladder there's a ladder there's a ladder there's a ladder we got to go back for oh well we're on the first floor now I guess oh God speed oh this is the third floor where am I oh [ __ ] cool floor huh all right let [ __ ] maybe I just go back to the ship if [Laughter] I hey I had you know what I had a good idea I thought there would be a floor there that was well yeah Greg fell down the Elevator Shaft and I climbed hey the good news is we have enough they just have to go back to the ship yeah yeah yeah uh no is on our way back to the ship so we might be okay yeah I I found a four things um I think somebody else I think uh novas found some stuff as well me and Jeremy found the bottom of that elevator pit yeah yeah we did this is an interesting layout I didn't I didn't even my first time playing it take the bodies to the ship please sorry man feel like we'd be better off taking the gear right yes yeah 100% no I agree with you okay okay I think we're so good though this still the first quot they're doing what they can no chat the uh that was not having the bodies will just eat away the money we already have like I think zero at this point someone needs to make a mod with where the guy you hand in all of the stuff to is just nugget from Yakuza oh this the chicken I agree it's just got to be a it's got to be the the 13th boss of the Tojo Clan I agree is it the 13th or the seventh I don't remember right who is net he's he's one of the he's one of the clan Le I don't remember what year was he the 13th or the seventh CL K is the uh fourth chairman of the Tojo clan for 15 minutes I think yeah no Yakuza sorry I'll be back for you buddy they're having a good time in the elevator dude oh is that the apparatus right there all right body number two novas grabbed the actual thing my body is worthless then I'll go back for that axle no this is a real one like [ __ ] no man Left Behind taking all the but just doing doing the grunt work uh she's going to get eat my dog doing uh dying right now okay let's uh vote to go vote to go yeah vote to go where is cheesy I'm dead he's dead no no no no cheesy to me you're underwater and under the m still alive and walking oh barely understand we need to go right now yeah everybody vote to go if you haven't already [ __ ] what the [ __ ] we missing one we're missing one get away from me nois Novis look at the bottom of the screen nois no no no is not a jerk try no novice oh God go for the axle go for the axle the a all right get back and leave you can do it noas get sand wormed I'm calling something's going to eat her she's going to get eaten oh my God she's got an hour to leave oh she's not going to have enough she no she's got it she's got it as long as she doesn't get dogged there's the ru Ru come on say the thing say the thing there's something on the ship oh one of our things is under the ship let's find out yep the the uh The Clothing Rack was under the ship yep all right cool let's go only took three days we're good this one one too everyone we crushed it I got some of your bodies back kind of look at all that money we have enough money oh no we don't maybe wait okay I didn't fall off a cliff game I fell down an elevator sh oh yeah we got more than enough so crazy dude Kill by an elevator you got killed by an elevator got by the lack of an elevator yeah there was no floor cheesy can you rejoin nice oh I I guess so yeah sure thank you you're invisible oh he's under the ship oh no I see him right here I just saw him oh maybe now he's under the ship he's just rejoining probably I don't got $34 we made it yeah we're fine we're good awesome yeah yeah yeah yeah see and now we know the ladder in the Elevator Shaft only goes down one floor yeah exactly yeah it does it's very important very quickly goes down another floor I got scar are I got scared that I killed you at the elevator no you did I did too I was like uh oh I tried to get all your bodies is that Friday oh dude holy [ __ ] it's Friday night shees is underwater again it might be me it is y ah the casino oh what oh yeah I'm familiar the hell oh can we gamble are we gambling you could you have to turn in your scrap for coins though can the music in here is great oh [ __ ] oh oh boy we got to make sure we make quota first we didn't do particularly well no we didn't this is mine I'm making money I got to go gamble I got to gamble boys just hang on hang on we have to make sure we hit quota first jent me I need to gamble see what we got I think we're good I think it was like 2507 I thought we had 300 bucks yeah you're good you are professionals like a uh an oldfashioned police old fashion make it make it squirty as well squirty squirty a that's that's our signature the squirts I hate that hey I uh I I drank too much someone someone take this guy out of here he's he's lact tolerant some my wife no intant it's not how it works cat sorry I'm sorry Greg gamble in the future if you want to gamble you need to take scrap over to the ATM in the corner yeah I didn't realize that it's all right next time next time yeah if you come over here to the right come on in and gamble see look here's the yellow suit I'll take it I'll take I guess I'll be red hoping for something else I see pink and red got the blue oh I get carrots and hummus I don't even know oh what kind of are you trying to hey um I'm just dabbing don't mind me yep yep who died to the door oh well now Greg knows hey Greg the door can kill you that was the old one two of the push and then closed door button just watching Jeremy I was like are you y is everyone else on the ship uh yeah we're one two yeah yeah we're good we're good Jesus damn [ __ ] loser took the L took the L elbows elbow I'm just waiting Greg's going to come back fix him you know he was having the audio issues and stuff now heix yeah yeah you're hero yeah to Greg I'll say a solid shut up uh all right I got to restart so don't put us on the planet yet okay got it rejoin yeah dude I'm throw it back just barely all right send us send us to a planet right now hang on Novis hang on you back all right oh by the way the ship doesn't look right okay okay you're typing you're typing over in that corner but the computer's still here it sounds like a real you issue all right I'll go [ __ ] it's fine oh did thundering are we landing on Thunder where the [ __ ] are we the freaky the you got be careful dude [ __ ] is what is this how did you push me so far dude I just keep shoving you dude are we in Mordor where's the door dude I guess you're going the right way maybe maybe yeah throw the large axle in the fire there's main entrance we got to find the wedding ring oh it's right here uh the main entrance [ __ ] uh I don't know how to get there I'm stuck on a [ __ ] PL oh I found it this map is called inface yeah I wonder why I have no idea how to get back wonder what it looks like inside well I guess we're going this way really normal inside yeah it's still a bunker that made oh okay so the fire escape is just down the down this like Road for future reference no one's out here I'm just talking to myself I'm just chatting I'm dead all right oh I didn't need to take that okay I a [ __ ] I found a [ __ ] rock yoce wait a rock everything all right hey yeah I got a skull oh you got a skull nice what the heck he's crawling cheesy don't make me push you oh I'll step on it are you fake how do I get out of here oh a cat look what I found nice oh you are I hear a mine oh big room that's not a mine I thought that was a monster yo you found another rock nice oh hell yeah yo I also found a rock oh a flint lock a lava Crystal I have a flint lock Crystal should I be aware of I don't know if that actually works bro there's a [ __ ] what I'm going to have to take that away from you what oh you got azzy how do I go back I got azy you want right uh no I'm full I'm full you can keep the Gizzy I'm going to have to take that gun from you Greg um all right I'm going to try and make my way back keyword keyword being try oh I think it is this uh that's the big room uh uhoh yeah oh I remember going under this I would kill a man for a flashlight this way oh yiy bug bug new creature sent to what is that a Bracken I don't know what that is but there's something over here I think is that uh uh is that a braen hello I see glowing oh that's a Bracken for sure all right well I'm leaving okay cool uh this way maybe oh you looking for the exit yeah ex not that way oh there's a pickaxe over here holy [ __ ] uh oh [ __ ] I guess I'll keep the leave the rock there oh do you know where the exit is uh rough estimate yes okay it's like back here you didn't teleport very far teport is it left this way I left and then oh [ __ ] on you now you get the [ __ ] away from me he's on me confused no kill him that's a big boy where'd he go where'd he [Music] go what was that noise oh hey Fred oh this where I was before uh Freddy Bracken is over there so be careful okay all right there's nothing here all right that oil shell what the [ __ ] is narpy oh it's this thing all right thanks narie oh Jesus [ __ ] [Music] Christ [ __ ] Herobrine get out of here dude Jesus yo why is Herobrine just haunting me yo I got the pickaxe oh Jesus I'm great are you okay the [ __ ] Herobrine's after me that guy does not like you dude no maybe he's a fan um oh someone got out jump the dark if you read this rescue never came I'm sorry I'm heading out the fire exit tell my family I love them Jesus Christ Jeremy did you make the jump I did okay um I just I don't know where the exit is me neither I do appreciate that cat is still holding the cat yeah well I'm not putting this cat down are you kidding that's fair that will die with that cat I already told I told the cat that the cat would die Freddy was up we're good we're fine what the [ __ ] what is that noise did someone just teleport I would like it all I think we have to go up oh yeah yeah oh [ __ ] what happened how did I die lost everybody I just did Herobrine I got killed by herobrine I think I just got killed by herobrine rip that's not good chees oh what is cheesy doing I I've got L DS oh chees having his Exposition D me no the Lord of this place now all right how did you die can't you in it the [ __ ] [ __ ] that she was going to make [Music] it oh my God there's two of them here oh they're on a date these little bugs are on a date maybe or maybe they're playing hide and seek I don't know what's happening here what a to society bro there's like five hoarding bugs there's the Bracken I can't show that on stream I'll get banned [ __ ] Herobrine Fu it down everyone's boning I'm jealous cheesy's still doing whatever the [ __ ] cheesy's doing dude he is this dude's going into the volcano me bu bus he's doing the club penguin dance to be fair so he looks Sicky brother hallway but they all what time is it on the ship oh what is that oh all right I think cheesy's lost I think he's super lost Greg's still alive oh Jeremy got has found his way out so did cat but I think there's a force giant wait is he going to jump in oh he thought about it here oh he's right by the ship oh that's rude oh that's [ __ ] mean no no might have died I'm just talking to you chat I'm my wife oh you look so pretty you getting ready to go okay my wife one made it oh my God there's something bad there's something bad 's going on her date with her boyfriend Tina said stop hey dude she is going to dinner with her sister you like jazz cheesy how'd your adventure go you do that my adventure sucked okay he's right there oh but cheesy's out there still he's in the ship oh I think Jeremy's getting haunted by herob now what [ __ ] that guy is definitely dead well uh je saw having a little party in that lab area did you get the my guy I brought back two rocks you did so I brought back two rocks and a cat oh someone got a glitch is he found a a a crystal thing I think uh Ray had the other two oh yeah look at all right yeah Herobrine killed me he was definitely after you uh he almost killed me too me uh well you see the wall the wall is very upsetting there's Kitty hi you just like shoved me into the wall and I died yes you look a little something like this like penis music yes like penis music is that you pulling the trigger on the gun did you do the but one here is what you look like what the look hor my dinner's here finally someone brought me my dinner how did you kill me there's a door over there you can stand in I told you you did you yeah I don't chat I don't know if Herobrine replaces the ghost girl but it acts like the ghost girl we're definitely going to die yeah we are is it all right found a I found a fire escape right yeah the fire escape is like right down the road from the main entrance yeah it's like right over here it's over here at least the way I went it's over here and then through this little Gap there you go and then fire escape is like down oh my God there's a spider right here do you guys see this oh [ __ ] yeah I'm just going to walk around him there's a what there's a spider right here going to go in dead it's fine it's dead it's fine and then the fire escapes over here I'm bad oh I found the web did this aggro him no no okay he just glitched 70 mods by the way this going to be some broken [ __ ] easy just realized my alerts are off idiot there we go first time streamer by the way oh dude hell yeah R AI I would I would kill for a flashlight same did you what did you just say I would kill for a [Music] flashlight get rid of that no it is so [ __ ] dark oh hey a door oh that's a dead end great oh solid uh oh there some stuff over here got a rock same that's it this door lead that's a spider I don't like all the thunder sounds and [ __ ] spider real world or right now there's a rock I hear him like running around oh yeah I'm not sure if he's on this floor or above us but I hear him sounds like he's above us yeah I think he would hit us by Greg left Greg behind it's fine it'll be fine uh ooh I got a note rescue is coming for us now we wait we've been hearing strange noises outside but a few more hours and we'll be safe Yik oh they light yeah they're dead for sure they they are super dead oh we are like in smoke or something I can't see a thing [ __ ] oh yeah there's okay is there a door over here okay yeah oh did you get it nice dead in okay absolute waste of time oh absolute waste of time there's something down here oh [ __ ] great all right the good news is we're making quota easily as long as we all survive r spider [ __ ] off with these dead ends yeah I know if only we had some kind of Illumination device so we could see where we're going imagine oh there an oil thing up there whatever that is I think it's a rock did you drop something I dropped a key I dropped the key okay the key is right here if you want it yeah I'll take that at least give me something okay this new oh Mr Bug we have no quarrels with you hey you'll never guess who would have thought oh wait no no this way this this way I don't know what this is but I'm going to walk toward it oh that's a hey man oh the fire is that a so there's a redstone torch I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry oh oh he's pissed he's pissed I was looking at his redstone torch are you all right uh yeah uhoh yeah no oh god oh [ __ ] oh oh yipp this door's locked open it and try to go in I open it yipp yipp oh he got right to get they can open doors they can open doors we're so [ __ ] I'm so slow I just teleported here what the [ __ ] hey man oh there's a bug there's an amethyst cluster shut up I'm leaving good luck why are you on me please no autographs there is no way this dude's on my my PP still oh there's another one he's got friends he called in backup oh God speed guys please you can help that rock I don't even want it they're still following me oh [ __ ] well chat this might be the end there's two bugs on I'm dead it's a warm EMB brace I promise right feels great just no is dead oh okay I want to do just watch Chey left for two seconds look at cheesy oh he's got the spider on him look at cheesy with the spider cheesy you're a hidden Lea ninja you can do it can make it out of here alive uhoh for this now you got to kiss me spider you fool know you look like a clown okay if the spider kills him now I'm okay with it does know it Jeremy's find skiy toilet [Music] oh how does he [Music] Agro oh no I thought cats were supposed to kill spiders fing ski toil they're skiy toilet yep cheesy all right found me a everyone vot was that [ __ ] skiy toilet no he got me oh that was so funny oh God is anyone on the ship oh yeah yeah everyone vote to leave so they know oh yeah yeah that's on me that's me everyone's actually dead oh [ __ ] oh God everyone's dead let's do it leave my body alone leave my body alone leave it alone I died holding another cat though C your head banging on the body uh yo do see you later you take care man can I oh my god with the body in hand really throwing my wife's body around here wow wow I don't it CH this is so disrespectful to the dead punk I know I know uh oh we've got plenty of yeah we got plenty we got a lot hell yeah we don't have enough to buy any flashlights or anything but you know yeah when we turn some stuff in as long as the kids don't gamble we'll be good well addiction we're back give me gambling money I have crippling addiction I have crippling addiction nice all right we got this one of the best joke premises I've ever heard in my life all right I'm ready to not die this time uh yeah that's ideal oh that's how you do it maybe you just bad maybe you just bad luck Maybe fire escape Andy let's go that's turret huh oh wait is the main entrance right here this is where the fire escape is fire escape's right here oh hello hi there's there's a turret down this hallway if anyone's with me oh it's a dead end [ __ ] a bad way nah it's not CH you know let's go to the fire I said I'm not going to die and I die first within 2 minutes Oh I thought like I'll run past it and there'll be an opening it will'll be fine [ __ ] wall okay well I'll go I hate I hate the valves dude your streamer is so [ __ ] bad at games well I guess we'll look at f [ __ ] enemies all right so I guess bunker spiders do just spawn outside cuz this is the second one [ __ ] I'm washed oh what is that oh that's a toy hammer push I'm going to push you Greg I'm going push you into a hole okay where's the is the way out this way oh hello hi hi nothing there a cat yeah no I'm not cat I'm P I hear a cat oh cheesy help cheesy cheesy cheesy help cheesy oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] cheesy oh [ __ ] cheesy oh [ __ ] you bastard so did you get pushed into a wall to death yeah by the Greg yeah Greg's a menace is that what happened to you uh no I got killed by a turret W way more embarrassing that's Som yeah that's I agree I agree [ __ ] Greg dude [ __ ] oh Jesus Christ hi cat well uh yon just murdered me did you get pushed into a wall yes meow little one well now yeah makes monkey sounds oh no no kills people oh the hammer yeah the hammer has a very low percent chance to kill well the mission to never die [ __ ] Jeremy's giving me [ __ ] God damn it dude rip broso rip broso Ian such an evil laugh cat hey a small issue Kon is going on a killing spree she's killed she's killed the person she may have Ked yeah apparently one in 100 shot yeah and is also dead one of those rubber mallets she didn't know it killed people dude Greg is I know yo Greg is spreading lies are you serious actually you know what that might be better than how I actually died chat that might be maybe I roll with that instead of I got killed by a turet Maybe oh man bright side but I'm a world-renowned woman enjoyer I can't throw throw her under the bus oh oh novice where are you going you don't have to go this way's dead and then a sudden [ __ ] dude I know no Jesus Christ I'm so sorry [ __ ] Jeremy in his googly eyes you did but you know it happen well uh oh jee's body has been brought back I wonder who went back oh no no Miss what the hell happened to Novis um which fire escape did you come out of this one uh this one over here oh say is there multiple fire escapes oh they there's no one on the ship all scary oh that's spooky oh oh oh what uh yep yep oh she's this not good they're [ __ ] dude you're running you only have three frames a second run anime yeah Greg is Greg dead St is Greg dead I'm so over Greg I think Greg believe you just died to Herobrine well well it's up to Jeremy cuz we're all dead hey all right time to vote Jeremy oh when you get killed by herobrine you turn into like a Minecraft character your model are you s yeah look at Jeremy I assume he's carrying you oh God than oh bye [ __ ] down in the hot what why is the body minecra body because you died to her yeah that's what I think keep Minecraft now going come on Greg you can do it shake that ass watch yourself shake that ass show me what you're working with got to go I can feel him behind me he's breathing on my neck [ __ ] it oh [ __ ] what a disaster craft wait what you this you what a disaster dude so much dude maybe we don't go there maybe I'm for three there is same there is an easy way to the fire yeah like it's basically a straight line so ga feta that is a with the hammer yeah it's a one in it's like a one in 100 chance to kill somebody I killed cat and I feel bad um I don't I don't know why I'm in the burner pose what kind of anime [ __ ] are you about to start doing help help on own what am I what am I doing you so cat all right if you want to gamble you have to take your scrap to the ATM and like turn it in in the casino we should start with what we need to turn in right yeah yeah I agree I agree yep guys I have good news about this casino everyone is a winner oh yeah they wouldn't lie you can't lie about that stuff no you really can't if everybody wins then we should definitely gamble here Greg what are you going to bet on I think we're good what is this down here lzy the ground on the ground the ATM Rock that was almost bad see we need 22 three let's see yeah we should have more than enough yeah oh Jes happy this is a robber big money big money big money do a little do a little clean up awful at gambling I'm not make this House a Home hold on I got this i got this oh they're popping off all right I assume the cats are going to stay he's amazing put put it all on black no all on black all on black I SP it I SP it are you robbing the ATM oh there you go totally I landed on green land on red go again we're rich again we're rich we're so [ __ ] Rich how do I get our money how do I get our money how do I get our money you should have it in your hand if you got it like the it should increase on its own there's also a slot machine here as well should I I feel like I should oh all right I'm slotting it up Greg did say orange instead of red the classic poker or gambling colors dude orange and black happy Halloween keep going you're Master gambling Jeremy did you screw up I got three skulls and just ate all my coins oh yeah oh no Jeremy you lost all your money I took everything from me I'm so sorry so rich I'm so sorry never gamble again that's it never gamble again that's it I'm robbing this place okay no that's better uh what's up Steph how are you watch me oh Jeremy okay I'm selling this we gety can can can you do that one more time Jeremy can you do that one more time you mean teleporter yeah can we afford transporter can we afford Jason STM away is he available actually I have him on Discord I can give him a call now he might be free you know what while people are gambling let's grab some uh flashlights and [ __ ] all right let's do it yeah I'll be waiting for the drop off whatever it's called oh got a 1.5 multiplier um that's it I'm getting I'm getting hungry and I can't stop yawning Jeremy I don't know what's wrong with me you're probably hungry yeah but I can't stop yawning oh Pro flashlight uh when we gamble the cat you're going to gamble the cat Jesus G the cat G where's narut gam who's that he standing off to the side to these carrots and I'm looking for I'm oh there's an orange Justice oh no oh my God in first person this is so disorienting was the Naruto run did Ros release his pack that's my knowledge run why yeah why why why why why I got some extras I'll put them on the ship why push me down the [ __ ] oh yeah there's more over there all my money and my wife left me oh that happens yeah happen to you Ray speaking from experience yeah that's why I don't gamble anymore I want to lose my my my new wife one is enough part two is what I call it electric boal oh you got to get the kids back what come on kidsu you lost money I'm not going anywhere with you I'm horrible at gambling oh no Jeremy dad's in the door oh no no wait did Jeremy die to the door no he's okay uh who don't we [Laughter] have no no no oh we got a teleporter nice let's go is everyone here I'm on the roof I'm on the roof everybody had teleporter to comat gambling addiction I'm just [ __ ] chilling on the roof don't mind me cares yo yo this is this is way the movement is too real bro oh my God the movement is oh yeah I don't know if I should be watching this oh take a b take a about oh my God among why is there a little oh you got a little amongus guy he's dancing with you little amongus amongus amongus amongus um let's see what the oh my God [ __ ] oh oh hell yeah what was that let's go [ __ ] just happened nothing don't worry about it don't think don't think about it I got more lentil salt and if an really thought you said where are we now is that a ship what the heck to yeah let's go flash flashlight yeah I got a flashlight yo if a force giant spawns we're so [ __ ] you can't hide behind anything what am I doing you're running oh you're doing a nuto run oh you guys look so cute join us join us uh the best I can do is uh this there's a bird rolling on the ground I mean I mean oh the entrance is a vault stop are you infecting me somehow what hello what happened I keep I keep and I'm my f key switches through the emotes uhoh yes it does that's what it is yeah that's what it is I didn't want to tell anybody I thought it was really hilarious anyone have I got it I fixed it I still can't open up my menu to change my bindings whoops that's right we're good you hit F and then c y we flashing flashing yeah yeah just for you thanks man thanks for the flash hey you got a great hog you got a great hog on you thank you Chad thank you for the bless you thank you thank you I forgot there's like five of them on the [ __ ] I forgot tell me there is N I found I found one thing so far but yeah not much here I have I have another thing in there and I'm now full so oh I see it's a gun pew pew pew pew oh hi hands up oh um uh uh Dr the bottles don't oh you shot me you dead I'm dead finally thank you wait oh out of my misery yeah I appreciate it you're my hero I came from here oh fire exits over here yeah oh this is also a thing a vault interesting are you doing the Thanos [Music] dance make meend 50,000 all right I'm here with you I'm here with you hey [ __ ] off [ __ ] [ __ ] off [ __ ] oh they're not [ __ ] off they're oh they that what's up what's up who the [ __ ] dies the baboon Hawks dude [ __ ] the to your right uh I think that's the first time I've ever seen someone die to baboon Hogs uhoh well looks like the Run was over who grabbed it oh Greg did okay bro I've died to loot bugs turret oh skimy toilet it's skiy toilet this way oh [ __ ] exit my status you want to [ __ ] go dude Bring it on Bring on you ain't scary how does he aggro hold on you can flush him oh there he goes he's gearing up yeah [ __ ] off I like that's how you kill skiy toilet you flush [Laughter] him I have to add that in oh is that a newbie what the uh [Music] um anyway Chad I died to loot bugs a turret and baboon hog I swear to God I've played this game before Oh hey man you died of baboon Hawks as well uhhuh the birds killed me I went to go try to grab your stuff yeah yeah yeah they outnumbered so they uh they swarmed I don't think cheesy's going to make it to the ship he might actually everyone inou no no the explosion doesn't kill him if they're on the ship oh my God Hey where's Greg there hey that's cheesy where where is gregy evacuation oh he's being ripped apart by [Music] something he's been eaten uh-oh uhoh uhoh uhoh no expion oh wow they made it wow holy [ __ ] that's huge clutch [ __ ] I was going to go for the bottles until I saw the explosion you literally being torn to shreds by that was epic tried to bring it back it almost reminds me of Hell divers he was eaten by a baboon Hawk oh man was mauled by a baboon Hawk it didn't I don't want to talk about it was a it was a glitch I was I don't want to talk about it I went in after behind me hey yeah they aggroed off of you onto me what happed oh gosh I'm sorry it's all right it happens power didn't do it uh all right we're good [ __ ] dummy I guess his right hand [ __ ] dummy another easy Battle Royale Battle Royale uh yeah no yeah I got Oney come here yeah this is the most dangerous the baboon Hawk has ever been yeah for some reason on this map they get especially angry aggressive yeah who is that where are they going fire escape might be over there I don't know I didn't know this is the fire all right oh my God thank you for opening the door for me didn't want to do that but all right chat let's see how quickly I die this time what's the dumbest way I could die next like fall in a pit right like I'm going to fall in a pit fall in a pits up there yeah hey welcome to a room full of pits oh great wish it was a room full of tits Chad if you know what I'm saying nothing in here cringe have a pitfall on me how the [ __ ] would that work unless a copy of the video game Pitfall literally fell on me and killed me it's going that way I'll go this way oh [ __ ] right I have to keep my flashlight on at all times hey uh behind me there's one of those like head centipede things oh okay um even if you don't have a shovel you can like rip them off of people can you yeah how I just have that mod turned on you can just hit e on them like it will hurt you a bit but you can oh that's Co save them that's actually a pretty good mod okay so this is just like a straight shot oh some's happening over there someone's doing flips and [ __ ] all right we'll go main entrance again let me leave this out here just in case someone finds it think it's a boomba another fire escape oh [ __ ] there's two of them oh that's cool where's this one oh this is the one across the bridge all right uh I've done crowd control once and it was fine uh I would not do crowd control in this game cuz it does not seem like a good time it seems like it'd get old real fast oh that's the most embarrassing way I die the [ __ ] mine ay oh [ __ ] me let's see if Dad remembers how to get out was that a boomba well oh God I it's not this way this way is not the answer what the [ __ ] do we do jump on this and they go oh Freddy Freddie please please fredd [Applause] Freddie well that's unfortunate at least we got the apparatus I guess all right well now I'm going to die to the pit or something oh not this ginormous room oh hey skiy toilet okay anyway nice seeing you big fan oh [ __ ] on my mouth oh oh good thank God thank you dead thank you Jeremy's dead the bug on his head I think we go he was alive uh Jeremy got killed by the Bracken I believe oh mind that's tough oh oh they got killed by the door oh my God the lag the door yeah she got killed by the door that's crazy dude who could have killed the door we should leave who could have killed the door was that door so Chad I was certainly dead I got bailed out there I was he installed it uh he's not you know really sure how it works that o approved whoever closed that door on my face and killed me I I'm going to get you back oh take a GU take a guess who it was that's two for zero for the for the goose so uh I just experienced another mod that I put on I kind of forgot about the Bracken instead of just killing you instantly will drag you all the way back to the Bracken room and then kill you oh yeah I was wondering where you went that yeah I was streaming help me he's so I saw the teleporter thing happening around me but then he snapped my neck right before I I feel like that's better than the actual regular shaking oh man all right yeah that's horrifying it's pretty bad a oh oh uh are we going back where's the computer where the computer I need to charge my [ __ ] oh yeah oh I don't [ __ ] I lost it right I got teleported where is the computer what the computer's gone oh that's problematic uh huh how do is it outside the ship oh that's that's genius that's actually genius that might oh purple suit someone I like nope nope uh maybe you know what let's not tell you but it'll be okay yeah can you put it in storage well no because you need the computer to get to ah it's a future problem we'll be fine we'll be fine yeah we should fine okay all right oh not again fellas please is my flashlight on oh no not that one come on hey guys I'm going around guys I just want to get to the the Vault thanks oh I found the fire exit I found the fire exit oh is my flashlight kind of oh no it's fine I think oh there a fire exit [ __ ] oh new creature huh okay that fixed it let's go okay let's go again went back 3 feet yeah the flashlight was stuck in my hand probably because of the emotes [ __ ] AI all right we got some goop excuse me hello hello there's goop over here oh he's right uh he's over here but I'm going to teleport where's the exit oh my God I'm back over here God damn I'm home my teleports have been not great oh my God oh my God Persona music oh wait I've been here what door haven't I gone into that opens up what what oh my what is happened happening to you this is called last suppli it's a Persona five dance you guys got skib toilet right here have the wings coming out of video game yeah for Persona 5 oh no no no no it's back yes it is watch the Slime behind you as well oh a [ __ ] can anyone lead the birds away you know yeah I'll help I'll help all right they like me I'm about to die oh I see they are oh they're they're kind of walking away okay yeah you're good they're like [ __ ] off this way all right perfect yeah you should be good hold on oh wait they're kind of heading toward the ship let's see if I get them over here hey hey uh all right they're good Novis is good task successful oh put my flashlight back on all right what the [ __ ] happened here why is there so much blood Jee oh sh I'm leaving time to leave good thing the fire ex is right here [ __ ] off woo expion Evac fac oh I can't I can't hold uh right alt and uh I can alt and click you're right thank you oh it's that guy what do that guy do that's the shy guy right I don't know what he does I'm just going to go to the ship though I'm not interested in finding out to be honest there's a shy guy yeah that's not great yeah hey the computer's not here I don't know if you guys it but I don't someone's someone's hand springing back I can see them probably the Greg can see him oh there he is yeah there he here he comes here he comes dude go oh he got the shot guyy Guy Greg the Shy Guy Greg the shy guy oh my God Greg oh [ __ ] he's coming he's coming does he come on the ship oh what is happening guys jeez my gosh wow the screams dude oh my god oh the scream God I have no idea how that guy works but [ __ ] that was spooky [ __ ] that was that was very traumatizing know that that was traumatizing cat is correct holy crap just tried to back flip out of uh out of danger and he killed me I didn't think he'd come up the ladder he dids I guess you're not supposed to look at him whoops yeah don't bro I couldn't look away we still don't have computer not so where's the computer computer this is now an issue the computer is gone it despawned it flew away yeah it's just kind of on the the roof you know yeah but but we're in space uh do you think if you close the game and reopen it'll respawn uh it might try that all of us are just Jeremy uh I assume Jeremy closes the game and then we all rejoin because he's the host uh yeah that might work and I should save it here hopefully oh thank God I could not [ __ ] pause some of your save files may be not compatible with version 38 I'm on 49 so thanks uh what did I want to do here oh I wanted to go to keepy bind oh wait no no no no leave that as the middle it too many emotes no what's the thing is it no not lethal things which [ __ ] emote thing is it there's like a lot of [Music] them it's badass company right but it's not here so I guess I can't change the binding on it I guess it's not that big of a deal yeah it's fine let me just close the game and reopen to be safe more like too many mods we do we do have a lot of mods this many mods is stressing me out I mean it's working for the most part it is a little scuff though it is uh it is a little scuffed in fact I have to I had to reclose I had to close Steam and I have to close Thunder store as well I like to hover around like 30 maybe 40 mods around there most of them are like cosmetic stuff though so it's not too too bad yeah there's like 70 in here we have new enemies we have new planets it's struggling all right I think steam is booting up here definitely got to add the skibby though all right we are steam is open let's boot this back up oh one of the mods has an update I wonder if that's the problem which mod is it oh late game upgrades I don't think I've ever seen any of the late game upgrades to be honest with you Gamers all right okay Z peaceful elk how are you by the way Chad thank you so much for all the subs and reubs hope you're enjoying this today it's nice to be playing lethal company again I haven't played with this group uh in a in a little bit but this has been chaotic and I have been playing very poorly but hope you still been enjoying we are still still booting up all the mods here such a fun time these mods are crazy yeah I have to um I mean we have the command for it I'll have to look at it to see how many I want to add the shy guy enemy is interesting the skiy toilet one is good for the meme the rolling giant we only saw the one time we haven't seen him since that Island map is kind of cool too yeah D all right let me see if I could join here oops that's that what I want oo I got an error occurred [Music] now I have the thing cringe okay let's boot up again let us reboot surprised there aren't Resident Evil custom maps there might be I saw one for princess Beach's Castle from sm64 the other day we've had Freddy Bracken before I actually turned him off because we've had him for a while some mods I've used and I just kind of cycle them out like the um like the mimic fire escape doors I got rid of with Freddy Bracken is another one uh for Bracken monsters Goku there's hatsun Miku there might be more why does it keep saying my safe files are not compatible version 78 U let me see no I'm getting an error let me let him know let me let him know for all right I got to undeen hold on Gamers hey Ray hello how'd you fix it all right um go into the mod pack go to uh late game because you updated late game upgrades right yeah yeah yeah uh uninstall that from our mod pack right now okay done okay then go to the get mods search late game updates oh we're just doing okay late game and then you have to pick uh 3.25 or 3.26 whatever the second and newest one is uh hold on late game please no there we go late game upgrades uh which one uh 3.26 3.2.6 3. yeah that's it that's the one you need okay uh all right let me TR to boot up now okay I'll wait here just in case yeah so we don't want to update it yeah no no unless Jeremy does then then it'll work okay that's probably exactly what happened then I just defaulted to updating it all right cool cool cool I'll uh I'll wait here just in case you need help yep [ __ ] you cheesy love you cheesy bye that's right should be joining in yeah I'm still I'm still booting up yeah he's booting up but it should work how you been right what's up with you man I've been good you know same [ __ ] different day living that streamer life [ __ ] yeah don't go outside never see the sunlight true how about you how are you doing good man I'm chilling Jeremy's calling you a loser and doing the loser dance in front of me uh that's fair that tracks yeah U no I've been good man you know excited for Final Fantasy on on Thursday but technically I'm only playing it on Friday ah then what else H I saw you were playing Yakuza I was watching you play uh the new infinite W how was that it's [ __ ] amazing oh I'm in the game by the way perfect thank you okay cool cool cool no worries all right I'm back sorry about that hey the computer yeah the computer's back computer's back have you heard from pasta I have not yet nope so she started typing when I said I was getting out of the shower and then stopped typing that was multiple hours ago sounds good okay cool wow I really can't piece together are we missing anyone what's up what's up what's upy had to go okay okay okay got it got yeah cheesy had to go go so cat um can you use the computer cuz I can't see it can you type in just company and confirm [Music] than that did you did you see the tuxy did been working on making them all look towards us versus looking at the wall where's the white cat the white cat on the computer I guess let's go making money oh thank you for that store frame rate appreciate you money sell the cats that's not coming back I'm not selling the cats I'm not responsible mhm oh no you sold the living cat whoops damn [ __ ] wasn't me cuz you are you hate the cats no I hate I hate the one that dances and makes noise oh that's Maxwell yeah he sucks damn no what [ __ ] alcoholism all right well I guess we can sell him use a ladder yep it can't it's full it's full actually can I gamble with GRE hold on and then drank and blew up Greg can I sell you oh you're only worth five I'm sorry Greg you're not worth [Laughter] enough damn now so no head okay oh [ __ ] nice what suit color am I O black we can probably go to TI we have more stuff too that's all right we can do you need to buy more flashlights or anything uh oh yeah we we should probably s some more yeah yes um speak I still can't see the computer so you're probably all right what am I doing want me oh wait I can see oh wait I could see it but I can't interact with it uh cat might be on it is Cat on it I'm on it oh she okay I see it now she is on it but facing the other way so can you say like bye I would say like buy Seven Pro flashlights damn no head I keep calling you CCE I'm so sorry TT do I do I've nevered typ right dude is it still rolling around his head oh yeah look at it can I like get a rack with it comp dude I'm a bad friend chat don't remember my friend's names literally just played games with her yesterday don't remember it all women look the same the TT and CC look nothing alike okay did you do it don't like his power that's crazy jump in the hole yeah all right ow all right good look down there somewhere hello hello flashlights let's go bring some of these [Music] back um can you see it now all right flashlights are here oh my God yeah I know it's still up in the space for me it's um all right is that all of them yeah that's all of them all right oh [ __ ] Titan oh no um what I'm here well uh there's a bed in the TV now oh oh but you can do you want to go to Titan I could kind of see yeah yeah do you want to type in me to move it oh wait I can't like type now what the [ __ ] hold on on I think I can do it now okay yeah you tried doing it I was able to type a little bit but now I can't oh wait um oh my gosh the computer is Sleepy the computer is very eie so I'm ty is that what we said um I would say type in moons first okay uh then like go to Titan just see does Titan say anything next to it no okay then yeah now type in Titan and then say confir uh there's a cat in the ship I think there's two actually you shouldn't be up there y did that you did it I'm fine up here don't worry just taking a nap I'm I'm a little epie oh epe I was about to oh right Greg's dead oh wait no what do you mean I'm I'm still eepe but I'm in here now almost oh my goodness I can hear no yeah no I was dead no I was dead yeah no yeah sorry you had to watch that whole thing yeah no I I was listening to it all it was very epe everyone was so EP someone yawn look that bonus uh I think we do have the Bon mod but we don't have a shovel we don't have any signs cat you got to do the Titan thing again okay am I if you pick the computer up and put it back down it might be visible for everyone else Pon did that it didn't work I couldn't see it no okay so now I've got all the power can okay can you touch it yeah okay see it but not touch go can interact with it who's ready let's go [Music] dude oh what the hell it's eclipsed what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] yeah I figured that out as soon as I started doing uh oh my God uh yep just leaving right what I think happened is when cat typed in the first time it was fine but since we went into space it re like shuffled and it was eclip you didn't recheck if it was eclipsed right yeah I know exactly that that's right that happens what's a little Vore between friends though why would I check it you just said click and D again and get click confirm and I said okay you cat you're right you're right I should have I should have specifically told you yeah no cat got unlucky cuz when we went to space it reshuffled hey uh Titan is deadly it's eclipsed guys what do you want to do let's go still it's still eclipsed yeah let's [ __ ] do it we know now though all right I'm getting ready for the next one that one didn't count yeah all right looks like uh it's now it's now stormy help stormy we can do storm is not we can do storm land the ship Landing now now everyone's ready oh my God no me we you have your phone um all right well I made it further than last time same oh run run run right oh you're good the flashlight doesn't doesn't conduct oh oh I forgot the [ __ ] flashlight okay everyone just follow Ray who's Not Invisible and dead I'm right here oh man oh oh he fooled us is that a piece of [ __ ] o all right this is absolutely problematic o got on my M that'd be really cool all right well let's talk let's talk after leave that get that away from the ladder [Music] oh yo oh Gizzy nice good find there's a wedding ring up there oh there is I was just looking at it like how do we get there there I got it do we do this I got it you got it all right oh it's right here wedding [Applause] [Music] ring not a lot options here Take On Me Take Me oh you're busting a move thank you thank you there's something here if you want to pick it up uh yeah I'll grab it I don't have lights so this dance actually has lights and it's kind of bright enough to let me see things and I love [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] holos what is oh this is the entrance right I could try and bring some stuff back what do I have that's metal [ __ ] everything great Chad we got this hold on we're going to be a gamer here all right we'll go one at a time all right please please focus on the axle die one hi kitty cats all right that was the ship going back guys don't need my what do you mean with all this stuff dud I lightning doesn't like you that was a real shocking outcome what the I wasn't holding anything metal there's batteries inside of a flashlight damn dude all right [ __ ] I disagree I mean there's batteries in there I don't disagree about that but my flash oh you know what I got a Prince Albert the other day that probably Set It Off oh dude how was that it's a it's a metal bar through the shaft of your penis you know I was thinking about Albert or like just you know cutting my [ __ ] off entirely Ray yeah it's the same thing more or less so the prin Prince Albert's the better idea yeah okay okay I might have been killed by just random lightning chat honestly thanks no just brought my body back she cares I think we have a teleporter on the ship but she goes above and beyond yeah she walked all the way ooh there's a mask guy a centipede that's in a pretty rude spot hey the rolling Giant's back spider oh there's a Jester o spring oh I found the jester he's here look at this guy he's so funny hey Jeremy we're discussing Prince Alberts oh yeah yeah um are you want to go get one together um I don't know man I don't know if I can live up to the hype with Prince Albert himself you might be king Albert should you might get a promotion might yeah you're right I me that's why they invented the Prince Alber true he had too big of a schlong is it so it bends over a little bit like it stays like crook uh no like fighing his horse was uh becoming difficult cuz he had too big of a schlong so he uh got the ring piercing so he could like hook it onto his leg basically this is all True by the way this is all true yeah oh my god oh roll ry's coming for cat oh the there he goes God oh she's got a Coral Head too he's rolling oh she is not having a good day oh my god get me out she has so much as a spider as well oh that was a nightmare that was brutal that was there was so much stuff unlucky she she's giggling in my ear so we can just go dead all right just go there was a lot cat there was my gosh wait wait quickly P quickly quickly before I die I blasted oh yeah the girl everyone we're literally going to die send it oh we're good I think we brought some stuff back and C [ __ ] you [ __ ] [ __ ] you little girl what F trying to grab oh yeah what is the rolling giant gimmick oh wait just follows and kills in a couple hits can't be killed okay wait uh the if you don't move your mouse and look at the wall The Girl Can't Get You don't know how true that is though interesting feel yo what up everybody we're back welcome back [ __ ] top of the morning to you laddies my name is openes let's get ready for another bro Greg you're doing some uh we going back to Titan oh we sure are dead [ __ ] gzy grabbing a light this time we're just doing three days in a row it is moving yeah yeah that's what I said okay that's what I thought oh it's storming again [ __ ] what could go wrong I'm going to get killed by lightning again is what's going to go wrong a you'll be fine I like that song too I like it like that and I love Toyota you can get a Honda ah no Mansion interior feels bad I wish you got that office one again that one was sick oh painting uh a pill bottle oh nice pills here do we think the pill bottle or the painting has any metal in it cuz I'm going to go right back down overcome my fear I hope this painting is actually a displate and I explode here in a second the stream sponsored by displate there we go all right don't kill me on the way up Jesus oops fire escap I'm like paranoid CH all right let's go o some teeth chat worst case s if I die at least I contributed something or should I say when I die you know what never mind if you get scared you can throw me at homeless people get that get that [ __ ] thing away from me what the [ __ ] is that I threw a don't even worry about it I got it's gone the bad man's gone not even a man the bad doll is gone um there we go I got it I got it dead end you know the drill when it's us novice everything is [ __ ] a dead end everything everything oh oh there a couple things over here all right all right nice perfume open this door the [ __ ] I didn't even see this dude holy [ __ ] hey man there's a turret where right where we walk oh Jesus hey bracken's over here I'm going to go back don't do it yep okay no that's fine that's fair yeah I'm glad you you agree that you smell like cheese he did it Chad why was it making that noise like it was being turned off said is there on the ship no yeah why is it making that noise oh boy the mod noise might the mod something in the mod might have changed it but I think that's usually the noise when it turns off I thought I could run up the stairs before it shot me but it locked on real good all right Bracken skib toilet oh that's all it's around right now it seemed more sensitive like it locked on faster I don't think so I think I just I think it locked on to me while I was running up the stairs and then it just able to track me easier oh my god dude Jeremy I'm coming oh my God I'm coming Jeremy oh my God that was horrifying what the [ __ ] that was really I watched that whole thing I think bro you like muffled screaming and then the the FNAF noise was great yeah I think that was The Bite of 87 chat oh [ __ ] that was that was it oh oh no is having some issues okay teleporter teleporter teleporter teleporter wait she's right next to the entrance I think right Novis I think so maybe I just teleported there uh oh maybe not oh she is yeah it's right past that turret I think there's a dog on the ship maybe oh there is a dog on the ship uhoh that's where I died nice good move pan is still out there though uhoh she's got to drop that or she's dead oh she's under she's under something okay Dead Oh on my screen what I'm right here oh on my screen you're still alive I just Frozen oh I'm dead oh never mind uh Novis is outside does novas know there's dogs yep he's probably about to find out go down the [ __ ] stairs oh yo Nice Shot you landed right in his mouth directly that was what a good shot yeah I'm voting to leave I'm voting to leave V to leave vot to leave that was funny that was awesome he died oh the dog came back in yeah I went I went to go pull the lever and then it sounded off a noise and you guys agreed to the thing and I think it called it to the front of the ship oh man they got oh wait was that that was day Zero though right was it I think it was I have no idea also for me it said pan lived so I don't know still alive good I jumped to my death by accident um hold on someone's right by the flat the light we go oh yeah we lost everything we got to start over F myy no a tragedy really wait hold on I have an infinite Loop glitch oh yeah the door's open but yeah weird I can forever do the back flip oh my go yeah you can't be stopped hold on wait let me try pushing you directly out yeah no wait this works on stay where you are R oh oh no it doesn't work all right well well it doesn't work you know before you hit that we can all just yeah probably just do it yeah probably do it damn I want to cartwheel my way out of this existence for oh no I'm good all right well if I'm going to go out I'm going to go out like Yamcha Oh wait we're not oh no we're still on TI doing it for the LOLs there's a dog here huh I mean this is one way to die fast don't worry guys I made it I'm a gamer gamers only I don't know if they all died well Greg's alive no Greg's alive did we all make it alive I think we're all here a lot of us are here all right cool holy [Music] [ __ ] what could go wrong oh there's the apparatus right away uh well I mean this is a nothing Burger run we could do it for Content wait wait wait pause yeah how much do we need how much we wait this is the last day we're we're dying regardless like this is day Zero so we can't bring it back to the the thing all right you just took that proud of you what's down here nothing want to grab a key wait what that not grab the laser pointer oh I guess they did oh interesting the wait the laser pointer goes in your flashlight slot weird nice what pause all Reactor Core saf guard nonfunction for guys if you can believe it I think the mods are [ __ ] everything up I guess we try to go back to the ship all right please prepare for emergency evacuation YOLO Ray YOLO yep all re sa are now on his way let me in let me in let me in holy [ __ ] they did it wait ouch all right I'll light the way ho I'm the Minecraft guy that was a power R oh [ __ ] my bad I'll put it back going to make it I'll put it back there go all right all right we can make it oh no Craig's dead oh [ __ ] me too we didn't make it didn't make it we're dead we're dead oh we're all dead all of us are dead it's it's it's contagious hey yo M thank you for the gifted subs thank you thank you oh where did cat go the cat the cat leave where is cat wait cat the cat cat had to leave uh because she jumped off the ship and went through the floor and was embedded in the ground oh okay well we have to restart anyway so that's fair okay yeah yeah yeah yeah so I told her when Dude chat the one time I live on something kind of cool it doesn't matter I'm no no no no no no no hockey thank you for the five gifted dude at least will make a sick Tik Tok oh maybe uh I seem to have respawned dead can someone please reset the game oh dude hey can you please no no guys this is really [ __ ] up oh [ __ ] I died in a different pose oh [ __ ] for the duration l l plus ratio L plus ratio oh no I'm I'm dying again Ray that's my favorite pose you died in oh hell yeah you check the instruction manual and sign into your ship's computer terminal y killing great asset to the compan yes hold on hold on oh my Jeremy can you see the computer now sure can hey everything's fixed well almost everything get crazy yeah baby it's all fixed now yeah everything's coming up lethal company everyone's coming oh hell yeah oh wait wait uh the fck wait why are you just dead help oh same idea same idea same idea oh hell yeah all right yeah I want this to get uploaded I'm going to look away I'm looking away Ray but Ray turn around Ray I've been bored by a worm and that was the worst thing I've seen in Lethal company oh boy all right let's go I gotta go the [ __ ] is that what the [ __ ] is that oh never mind oh lordy lordy well I guess we'll see if this gets monetized or not the kids really the kids yeah they can't watch this Good Start hey beater I hardly know her oh hey hey I'm popping off right now let's go there a lot of stuff all right o d hey pop off my OB my OBS just had a stroke all right anyway back to popping off [ __ ] that was OBS CH had hiccuped I'm so sorry it's fine now something's happening to me you got you you just stop I thought you jumped in the pit I was very concerned Jesus Christ so f for me is the scrolling through the yeah it is you have to rebind it if you want to use it for anything else what do you mean all the door yeah does anyone have a key no no not anymore no I got to go I got places all right let's walk some stuff back Chatters yes Chatters let's walk some stuff back Flint Lockwood wa I can do it with you [ __ ] what was it called [ __ ] I was like officer Earl officer Earl officer Earl yeah hold on here we go we got to go back everybody we have to save the world behind us cat join us officer Earl pull it officer girl C oh what's that oh it's me just saw I saw what color pink I'm a professional penis P blue penis painter I learned it from Leonardo and green Leon yo [ __ ] OBS relax I think we can go any further in there all Michel so you want to head out you have everybody uh no no no no apparently not Jeremy Jeremy guys guys no bye Greg that is my favorite form of Greg Bandit Greg yeah that's a good one I said abandoned oh abandoned Greg that's Jes abandoned by their coworkers holy [ __ ] I'm in love with that Hey so uh it's me punished Greg your favorite Metal Gear character favorite me gear uh let's take a look oh we're still good I got my degree from PSU fat University I got my I've heard that's a prestigious school yeah University where I got my degree Psychiatry oh you want them smart people yeah sorry Chad I know what's happened with OBS it's being a jabroni I mean it only cuts out for like a second but still I'm sorry oh that's dir oh hey I got the key we needed for the last map oh there's that fire exit again there's the [ __ ] main entrance God damn it yep God damn it dude oh there's a turret right here [ __ ] weirdo was that Greg did someone die yeah there's a turret right here in this corner don't push me oh that's where I came from right the [ __ ] out of my inventory okay uh oh the apparatus is here okay that'll be nice for later I don't think I need the key all right if we grab the apparatuses out this into the our immediate left all right hey the apparatus is over here oh yeah we should grab it I don't know if we want to look anywhere else but it's like a straight shot it's super easy to get out hey the apparatus is over here we can grab it at some point the little truck the little car that they made out of a hamburger oh I just was I was thinking of the invisible Batmobile that was really oh you're talking about something grab I don't think I did that uh I don't I'm going to go up and see if uh yeah it was it was I want to go upstairs but I'm afraid I got it oh never mind you got it oh no I'm good I'm F I'm alive I didn't realize there was a teleporter there and it teleported me right in front of another one Chad I'm going to say it might be a controversial take this seed I don't care if it breaks its elbow I don't care that it broke its elbow dude it sucks at least you got a good apparatus spawn I can't see I don't know how to get back though which might be a problem I can't see [ __ ] this room uh get rid of the key okay hug the wall hug what is this I can't see what this is oh my God stop moving R another plush hello where I think we're on the opposite sides of the wall oh hey no never mind we're here no we're face to face hello uh there's a turret down here this why I got teleported so I don't want to get back back oh wait there's something else in that room do you have free space Oh yeah I do oh there's a lot over here [ __ ] me uh I think there's oh there's a cookie mold pan in the wall if you can grab it but if not don't worry about it uh nope cannot grab that all right no worries all right try to find our way back and get that apparatus hell yeah oh you got me picked up my whoopie cushion enjoy oh hey how do we get back do you know uh I got teleported here oh okay save oh wellow novas is there yeah novas is just vibing over there there's the turret uh there's a couple oh oh oh where I think it's this way oh yeah oh watch [Applause] turret the [ __ ] was that noise we're all alive oh oh wait uh okay oh we're good we're good we're good all right I'm going to go grab the apparatus if you guys want to start bringing [ __ ] back yeah I'm a failure so oh wait actually nov you have a sign right what novice you have a sign oh yeah there we go now my sound's back on hello yes I have a sign okay can you follow me in to go grab the apparatus cuz there is a uh one of the bugs oh yeah I got you I think he went to the right but all right watch this turret all right all right I got you you behind me okay y all right uh let's go go go go sper too I saw that all right let's get the [ __ ] out of here I hope everyone's out I just realized I might be somebody ah that'll be fine ah [ __ ] them yeah that'll be fine dude that'll be fine yeah they'll find their way bizar Nick how's it going stream's been going great we've had some minor technical difficulties but nothing too bad oh yeah we don't have the [ __ ] teleporter anymore godam Dad don't hey what's up expion all right we got a lot of [ __ ] okay we're all here it depends on how you define all here yeah who died by the way by the to the turret I don't know is it Jeremy Jeremy's dead but I'm not sure oh uh rest in peace I'm not here I got to go I gotta go I I gotta go got to go I think we're good to go right that's all six of us 1 2 3 or we missing one all right yeah let's get out of [Music] hereare for Rector you got to be very careful with these doors see like if you do one of these cat you're just like I didn't do that that wasn't Greg that wasn't Greg huh once again big shout out to crazy dude that who drank the drink crazy dud who drank the drink P suck one down that was it we crushed it that was a good day except what happened to Jeremy that was unfortunate it was a very very sneaky turret yeah it was sort of all [Laughter] right R it's saw your angle of me being tracked Away by my Freddy it was horri oh it was horrific I'm like oh my God oh my God I'm going straight inside whoop Sorry by the way Chad I don't think I said how long we're supposed to play today we're scheduled from uh 3: to 8 Central I believe it's eight or seven I think it's eight I know cheesy was only supposed to play for a little bit which is why he's gone and posa was supposed to take his spot uh but I guess she's busy or not responding so I don't know I didn't set this up I'm just here for the Vibes I hear the dude who tells me the [ __ ] the pesr fitness test I don't like that thing the fitness gr Pacer test hey man hey if you go by the beep oh oh [ __ ] what boomba where he's over here he was where'd he go was like right there's a turret yo these turrets are [ __ ] cringe what the [ __ ] there's so many so cringy dude what the [ __ ] Greg yeah oh you're alive yeah I'm just this way who killed the boomba happened I think the boom just went off but all right uh was that a Bracken I don't want to find out I'm just going to ignore that yeah what's up where are you this way this way this way all right what are you looking for the hands I need your your big strong musly hands oh you got the wrong [ __ ] guy but I'll do what I can there's bottles up here brother I I saw him let see if his anything down here is there I haven't G know there's anything yeah I don't think there's anything bottles yeah you got them all right yeah there's nothing down there nothing I could see anyway all right fantastic I'll see you guys back in the ship yep yeah [ __ ] really you're really moving GRE moving that two FPS watch the turret again don't forget what what turret you pass it already you're good you're good oh okay you're right I shouldn't have to worry I got to go though all right we got another good apparatus spawn and some bottles uh how do we get out here I got to remember how to is it this way and then that's the turret okay [Music] next hey up uh what do I have uh I'll leave that there for now are you trying to get back out yeah the exit's over here oh I see I left some stuff out there skiy toilet uh skiy toilet the one and only can you kill skiy toilet you can you can flush them from behind I'm flushing him if yeah if you if his head pops out you can flush him back down oh my God I'm Star Struck I found the apparatus by the way I'm not sure if we're ready to go but the apparatus is this way oh there's a spider spider down there yikers let me go over here check it out it's skiy there we go there he goes oh we we just defeated SK oh that's a turret oh there's turrets everywhere over there what the [ __ ] I'm skib move out of the way skib skibby all right hey I'm going to try and grab the apparatus oh wow [Applause] okay I think that's a turret shooting at skibby novas I'm okay Jesus all right where's this spider at oh right here it's right here next to the turret oh all right you can leave it there you can leave it there it should be fine all right on my [Music] way [ __ ] [ __ ] go go go there's a nutcracker in a [ __ ] ther go uh oh here's some stuff you guys have free hands let's go I don't have enough anime I enough anime I have enough anime have enough power Gs are now nonfunctional all right well I'm going to stay with Greg cuz they aggroed on the Jeremy they're don't don't put him on the ship [ __ ] don't put on the ship don't put it on the ship all right we're good I'm going to go back and get the bottles I'll be give you like a minute give me a minute okay mean you only have minute prare for emergency evacuation I wish I had more stamina I wish I worked out all Reactor Core saf guards are now are those the oh no okay we're fine we're fine I'm almost on the ship uh well Greg is dead go take off take off take off take off take off do do it do okay okay okay don't immedately the air horn I still the ground oh the reactor was about to melt down well yeah we knew that yeah yeah sh dude we crushed that I'm done dude we crushed that dude no casualties all right well we're good to go oh Jeremy's going to have [ __ ] nightmares of Naruto running dude I just saw Naruto run by with a cloud of bees behind him and that was the end of me it was funny to look at from afar the terminal to rout the autopilot to the why is there stuff on the ground see that that's a fantastic what's up isoken yeah there was a hairbrush and a something under the ship oh that's just yeah it's clipping through I can see it hang on can I get hey I know how to do this uh it goes like this like that me into a first person mode sure doesn't look like we're going to be successful in this okay I got it nice I can't get the hairbrush I got the brush that's a lot got did it nice thanks it's all thanks to my [Music] Ingenuity I suck that's nacho cheese okay you stop we're bringing it back okay how's it going not well all right yeah yeah I've lost all my money oh yeah yeah you're right you're right [ __ ] God damn it that's why I was losing want something from my bar all right well that's worth one you are true professionals yeah yeah yeah I'll take a drink something looking like it's flying uh what would you like sir we have a lot of my moves your specialty got it can I have a glass of piss right in that glass right there let me try oh yeah actually hold I got that hold on wait uh one sec oh you have to you have to go to the back for that drink oh thank you oh no I don't want it now just throw it in my face get ready yeah I'm ready want it I [ __ ] suck there you go thanks man everybody else want anything before we leave there's a bunch of chips here people want to gamble what's in my hand oh the side they'd probably be upset don't do it okay I won't this guy's sad dude sad s uh do we want to expecting me to have the clip up his or was that just like good timing that was good timing whoa hey there brother oh we get flashlights or anything uh oh yeah let's grab some flash yeah that was close little club penguin dance for chat yo big money $2 man who brought in those chips never get me let's go let's go how is that b only worth a dollar you so lucky I opened the door before you died wow we can get the jet pack for 70% off [ __ ] wow the jet Pack's death it's literally death I know it is I love but think of the content the jet think of the content content content can't pick stuff up while I'm running I can never mind I lied all right hey hey come here hey hey when did I grab this oh hey hey hey hey what happened what happened what happened there's no need to push you what's going on what's I don't know what's going on with you doas but you're acting weird you're acting you're acting real weird you're acting weird now ah spam you get pushed so far sometimes there you went to murder me you are a would be murderous oh God there's the jetpack now you tried it oh there it is you I didn't want to get murder you're fine you're good do it come on you can Do's going to's going to die you can do this I believe in him you just got to get on the ship door and it just looks like okay all right just just got to get on the ship easy yeah easy I'll be your cameraman for this okay okay all right ow [ __ ] was that nice nice not oh he's gone no he's fine he's he's over here he's over here he's F he's just figuring it out you're just landing on your head almost dead I am almost dead oh yeah you do it Jeremy all right last last attempt oh he's gone he's [ __ ] yeah he's so dead oh he landed on the ship there you go that's good enough oh Jeremy's just different he's bu different all I can think of is oh [ __ ] I'm really dying I'm just taking a nap I'm EP okay wo up yep yep what the [ __ ] happened there go the jet do you see this on my they're upside down how wait how did you die oh no they're they're normal for us yeah for me they're pan is upside down there's two now though let's head out I guess wait hold on I want to try this me what the [ __ ] you can't oh I think it might be out of fuel right no I think I thought we on another [ __ ] also I didn't know that you were going to die with me cat I'm so sorry I'm so sorry so I it's destroyed I thought it came back onto when we started World yeah I don't know what it is on uh on my on my side Pon can't die I didn't know cat was there I could well they die but they don't show up as dead on my screen I feel really bad oh it's weird I could also hear them right cuz they're even though they're dead is that is that my dead body though in the floor yeah that's a leg oh that's a foot or some it's the yeah it's my whole oh my God everything is broken oh no hey make sure you grab your flashlight oh my God my body is still there ooh straight to dine all right d man baby straight to dying n no more I've been doing pretty well the last couple attempts I got all the dying out of me immediately hard cut to me walking into a mine chap turret turret by the door where is it where is it I can hear it back right corner back right corner yep oh what wait are you alive touch me what I'm dancing baby oh my god dude you're dodging give me if I do this no you're just straight up yeah pan is broken on they're like under the floor oh well they got Greg nice job oh my bad Greg Greg is no oh my God I thought I just yeah I thought I just emoted into the [ __ ] landmine what a mess anyway moving on yeah moving on that's that's a mine and a dead end huh all right yep why do I feel weird cotton what's going on Cotton how are you what is happening what is happening are we alive who's left um you and me no no no Jeremy's alive Jeremy's alive man that push function is powerful are you pushing you killing I I pushed pan on mine yeah you're horrific that'll that should fix her right oh yeah cotton listen it's not my lobby but there are a lot of mods it causes uh some issues as as you would expect a key don't really need more keys but oh sh oh no we do need the light all right hello hello I'm going the wrong way aren't I yep I [ __ ] with Direction all right cotton I'm sorry my uh my beautiful wife isn't here she is currently uh out to dinner with her sister um let me see if I can find you also not to make you jealous but we did play with her other girlfriend yesterday so yikes dude yikes I'm never going to be and then she has our date later tonight oh hell yeah oh hello hello anything up here hello there's nothing I can see the fart monsters downstairs oh yeah yeah there's a hammer around here someplace oh yeah he's by the door it's by the fire exit Okay what going to all right I didn't get much I'm going to head back this is kind of a [ __ ] up seed hello Maddie I'm not scared of Maddie it's okay that's that's fair I'm sure you guys would get along great they're colluding Ray oh no two pretty girls want to be with my girlriend or my wife oh my God don't tell her I said that sorry light edit that out what the [ __ ] oh it's a close light edit that out hey girls do be loving girls uh what is that what's what I do what where we should go I think we're good Hall it's kind of a bad seed but I don't know what what you guys got if you guys got anything good you got a cash register oh yeah that'll be worth a lot a painting yeah that's a lot too I mean we got like T in the mix too yeah dude dude my wife's hot bro I get it I get it much we need oh just two 59 oh oh we've already crushed it's kind of cool that she lets me just flopping her like a fish sometimes I'm just saying that's what I call sex it's it's brutal you don't want to it's it's bad going now like a fish out of water gasping for air I give her the worst 13 seconds of her life and then uh we go to bed remember that I don't see oh am I broken still do you want me to restart yeah why don't you rejoin before we land okay okay yeah I can't even I don't know you are your feet I didn't know where she was either that's why I pushed her on a mine oh yeah well you found her I don't think we'll be going back to dine oh what's it looking like it is flooded oh that's gross yeah know [ __ ] that yeah let's not do that how about we go here we got any Eclipse moons maybe perhaps how dare you we're we're going to survive no well once Pan's here then yeah yeah survival that's that's our goal you're right what is happening to me what am I doing you're Naruto running hun I hate [Laughter] this most people discovering anime I hate this or I love this be coming well it was it I don't know what key I hit I didn't hit the wheel did you hit F oh yeah maybe yeah it's f f c you have to like go into your key bindes what Happ yeah they it not we're waiting for p to rejoin oh have to go get coffee and take a piss oh nice how to go coffee oh the the piss is good the coffee is good nice that's two good things Cofe is good nah coffee trash this is too Among Us oh my gosh that was for you chat some of them are great and some of them are dizzying I don't think it's going to get picked up on the Discord because it might be too loud cous vibing yeah I'm doing the dogey don't mind me did not mean the cartwheel okay so like so like I got to just to do that I got to oh dude I've taught you how to doy teach me how to do teach me teach me how to do how me me how she just said all them [ __ ] love me all them all them [ __ ] oh I can't reinvite Pon what let me try through here wait I too have learned how to dougy oh my God I'm such a good teacher oh snap hey douge on the ship if you ain't douge and you ain't down with it yeah yeah do you think Doug funny knows that of Dougie I can't he take no but I bet SK does I think it works it just doesn't show teach me how to sker teach me teach me how to sker me how to sker Y hey dude I uh I mean I relate to Clen Stein on a personal level oh me is yeah is that that Frankenstein's brother it's Roger CL is Alter Ego yeah for I don't know smash Adams or something who the [ __ ] knows Apple this is deep ass Doug lore I know my dude I think cat was the only one who heard that I'm sending all of the invites I I'm going to just stay here my low Corner that's fair it's safe there that's base yeah I like I like it here I don't like it here anymore oh [ __ ] uh we might have to restart the lobby real quick to get pan in all right restart this yeah okay I'll be right back sounds good okay Chad I cannot I still can't escape to bring up my pause menu I think someone told me there is a mod to fix that if you can't pull up your pause menu There Is No Escape yeah yo a gr thank you for the 22 Muses fera Dan n quitting and restart didn't fix it cuz I was having this issue before I'm afraid to leave the lobby or leave the game just in case it breaks again I'm sure it'll be fine fingers crossed uh 10 seconds bye no okay all right fine I will leave just cuz you want me to leave so bad first no okay there we go for some reason now it let me do it hey you know what it's okay I'll tag in with pasta who's about to join pasta is just now [Music] joining guys it was nice play with you guys I'll see you guys next time see you later loser later I can't move oh my God I can't I can't move for some reason oh just jump out and jump back or can I push you are you free now there you go no all right is so used to the floor has to join anyways oh I'm watching Pan's like movement pattern and oh boy well I was also shoving her around Chad we're shuffling right now little lmf love Shing is not is not good friendship shoving is not good friendship no it's not oh [ __ ] my flashlight oh no I can't grab it yeah we can't grab it until we land my stop sign's there too uh so yep poses on our way in excellent so paa's in and Greg is out and pan is okay cool and pan should be rejoining in a sec sure think you go glasses you have to redo the you already did it proba yeah yeah that's fine that's fine all right so I think we're going till seven was some [ __ ] hell yeah Warhammer think let's see I'm trying to watch all of the like all the different Discord chats to see where they're going to message uh 7 Central because it's 7 Eastern already till 7 Central because Jeremy just said he has uh he's doing power wash with cat his wife after so holy H uh reminder chat uh tomorrow we got Mario Party 3 with chibi nags and Matt should be a fun one all right we got also I am streaming on Thursday if you haven't seen the updated schedule on Discord we don't have everyone never mind we're just waiting for pasta she's booting the game up right now so she should be good hope run into any problems yeah an illegal Thursday stream yeah should be okay I've been uh it's POS I've played a little bit of Supermarket uh simulator cuz I saw Zen seven minutes ago that I just saw uh iron Mouse play and I'm like [ __ ] I want to stream this for a little bit it won't let me rejoin can yall reinvite so I'll play for like three hours or so two three hours or so that was me I just saw a pee I'm sorry jeez all women look the same holy [ __ ] dude come on on no no no no it's it's I was talking to Pasta the other day and yeah Zen's been playing the [ __ ] out of that game I think you right there I don't want to close this just in case it breaks but Zen has like almost eight or nine hours in that game the supermarket Simulator game she's like addicted to it start with the same letter P maybe I'm just going crazy it's p gang you know sucks about Metal Gear Rising why I'm playing on Friday be going crazy you never know crazy I was crazy once now loed me in a room a rubber room a rubber room with rat that's what sucks all right dud I'll cancel it chat if you want I'll cancel it I did it on purpose I know I know crazy I was crazy once they locked me in a room was Kevin my anniversary is on Saturday that that's what I associate you with now in my brain like every time I hear the word crazy I start that then think of you no it's not wrong at all I get it they locked me in a room a rubber room a rubber room with Geese the Gees made me crazy crazy I was crazy once he Lo me in a room a rubber room a rubber room with Rub room with elephants oh is this the crazy thing you mentioned earlier this is it this is it okay yeah got it uh we could probably run a quick one cuz P has to reinstall the thing oh she has to do okay yeah yeah yeah I got you yeah what I'm just vibing all right we're going to have to be real careful on uh let's go here uh my stuff oo offense is this look offense offense offense level B let's go yeah one of the dances is uh I assume a dance for Persona 5 and it has like the HUD or the like combat menu want that okay we probably have some snacks around the house right no probably not I should just eat real food oh snack get the yogurt in the lab oh damn no is making enemies with the Quakers yeah [ __ ] him oh the guy with the scary hat oh I'm hey I'm good oh my God there's a lot of mine can the turrets in mines like [ __ ] off dude oh big room over here oh yeah the [ __ ] was that yeah what are these sounds I don't like them great all right at least we got a bolt over here please we don't need a flashlight in here Gamers we're good right you got a key I I got a key yeah you need it hell yeah yeah yeah all right well God speed I hope it leads somewhere good I bet it dies up here oh is this Novis here with me no it's going to be a [ __ ] dead end good luck you're right it is oh [ __ ] there's rooms oh hell yeah I'll go back to looking over here all right oh wait right oh wait no it's dark over here okay Chad I assume that other box on the right side is meant for walkie-talkies but oh Gizzy but we're never going to get walkie-talkies we also got bottles over here um oh where does this lead is this the apparatus no you [ __ ] idiot no it's not all right let me bring some of this [ __ ] back about to BU store order from frame rat oh my God thank you uh I don't either what's up up you got anything to I have nothing was there nothing in those rooms nope ah rip I'm going to try to go back to the ship yeah oh my God hey the rolling Giants over here oh that's not great close that oh you came from like a uh he's coming this way oh oh oh actually going the right way I don't really know what you do he just slowly rolls towards you and kill you kills you I think is there a door over here that's a dead end my Lord hey man hold on hey what's up can you move a little thank you bye hold on yep there you go all right we've defeated him don't go that way don't go that way oh there's a rolling giant just vibing turret right here watch that y uh I'm going to try to run past it [ __ ] me dude watch uh yeah just dead end gore that's a turret oh and a dead [Music] end oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] in a room what is that hey Novis were you next to me hey I think the rolling giant got out of the room and killed us yep it I think that [ __ ] rolled up and killed us no is alive on my screen but just like in the air oh uh cotton it's a new enemy look at this guy so his thing is he's literally on Wheels you can't kill him and he just rolls at you huh this is how I feel like I look just you know not the hair is not as long yet there's only two enemies and I got killed by one of them I [ __ ] hate my life yeah he does look like he's on the little scooters from gym class the one where you like sit on it with the handles on the side wash chat I am turbo washed oh my fingers oh true oh God your fingers are get annihilated he looks like Matt brag hey hey hey hey hey hey listen shut up kind of but hey Matt doesn't deserve that in now uh I need know oh we're out of here okay so who went on a killing spree do I need a heart rate monitor I don't I don't think I do bro anytime Tina walks in it would spike to 400 I hope you don't all right noted oh no stepped on a land mine and then the other two were strangled to death by what we got killed by The Rolling giant it was Randy okay yeah I panicked at a turret there's a land mine behind the turret so I to hey I was laughing at you and then I died immediately so that was Karma you're notun you are yeah that was hilarious I was like what just happened I heard the fart and I laughed and then it was over hey helloa how's it going pasta here pasta no my gosh thanks for letting me join play yeah welcome oh I'm so excited oh oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] you got dab on them dab on them got dab on the oh I'm just greeting you to the ship yes welcome on my planet what [ __ ] is this we welcome you oh my god oh this is a what a pleasure hold C you got a bunch of em you got to show the best one boom yeah hold C and then go to customize and then uh all there are you can put them on the wheel yes we're all de I love the dead woman yeah I am dead Okay hold C and then I don't have a customize top right top right oh my God and they're all there so much you can also go into the settings and that and turn off copyrighted music if you want oh that's great what is the one where you're laying down but twerking real slow uh it's called Jacko Crouch Jack yeah what uh Jacko like Jackal Lantern and then Crouch oh no oh and then there's this one too you could kind of like oh where was it I saw it earlier you can get real graphic with it my God where we going MCH I love it go I'm obsessed I'm obsessed I know oh is that from Guilty Gear I had no idea where that's from sexy pose though this isn't the emote mod that Ross is working on no I don't know what's going on with that but uh most of the mods I saw he's working on are are in that pack so he's a busy guy though I mean he just went to like the stream rewards he's like doing all this [ __ ] he just did his tour as well so I don't know when that's actually going to be done this is called um uh chat will Tu I keep forgetting the name of the [ __ ] Modine fine you good all right oh oh there it is right there poggers let me tell you all right we'll wait on that yeah I think it's called badass company don't do it I know you're thinking about it you know what I'm going to turn around and you do whatever you want I want no part of this I won't touch it I promise all right yeah is there a turd in this corner what the [ __ ] yeah oh wow what a weird spot for that guy hey man go in [Music] there wow this is all kind of kind of booty teria okay is there something past this turret yeah there is like a V type engine another turret rip oh my God another shut up maybe I just take the [ __ ] V engine yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep all right we're good we're good we're good Jesus was that Herobrine okay guys was that Herobrine for you uh he's back for you herob bran is here I need to go okay [ __ ] that hey Herobrine is zomb me so if I just die uh just heads up ah you'll be one with Minecraft oh lucky me dude I'm so fortunate oh yep yep he's on me he's on me big time uh pan knows that the apparatus is when you go to the main entrance it's kind of toward the left down the stairs I'm going to give you that information cuz I'm probably going to die here mine okay she found it she found it uh Hey Herobrine's on me so I'm just going to hang out right here hey can't tell is pan standing on a mine is saf guards are now nonfunctional please prepare for reative you get her out of there uh maybe maybe wait did she grab the thing look like it thank you I was on a land mine I was on a land mine okay I thought so so did pasta take it oh yeah I can hear her giggling get ready to go here she [Music] comes is chuckling she must have it all right let's [Music] go what happened I didn't [ __ ] know I didn't do it oh yeah I guess you don't know the yeah if you take that everything pops off for reor look We All Live Well Done everybody we all made it everybody's in this crazy dude 12 yeah I don't know what that is shout out to him though he's carry sh the crazy dude shot out the Crazy Frog oh my God I'm not going to call youzy crazy make sure you gotem crazy frog he could really use the he so much money right now no no no no no no eclipse moon that was amazing I loved that wild I loved that oh God did you love that was my bread and butter right there seeing pasta grab the reactor the artifact it was so freaked out I just saw I just was watching your screen and I saw you walk I was like is she about to step on on mine it I was standing watchinga oh yeah you can gamble welcome to kick [ __ ] how do you do that how do youcome to kick uh so I'll show you how to do it pasta show well someone's dead immediately all right anyway that that's how you do it my wife oh my God I can feel so you grab you you grab your scrap it has to be worth at least these and then you put it in there and it drops coins oh [ __ ] okay okay I'm going to start holding on my scrap guys sorry there so many big items I'm going to grab some scrap do we have any extra strap for gamb we have plenty oh oh my God can I I'm going to take the pickles I got eaten I don't know what happened to her you know who knows oops oh bye okay cool oh [ __ ] this is so cool God what am I drinking right now uh I'm drinking a Zia creamy root beer but I've been mostly drinking liquid death R oh my God so much fun want to make sure we have enough for uh how do you like the root beer compared to the cream soda uh these are my two favorite flavors the root beer and the creamy root beer sneak it in there sneak it moving n thank you for the 55 p is popping off apparently P I got 6 oh no that was the regular I I think we've made enough oh yeah what do I think of Legend's Pizza uh I mean we won't know we won't really know much for like another I don't know [ __ ] eight months or something but it's exciting it's interesting they passed up Gen 5 for Gen 6 and uh bringing back megas is cool the best part is it's coming out in 2025 so hopefully they take their time hopefully it runs at at least a steady 30 FPS or stable 30 FPS a perfect game um we'll see I'm excited pretty good I should stop my all right kids come on uh the Family Guy want in here yeah I just don't have it uh2 to 280 I'm amazing is aesome let's go I don't know what to do with that what do what do I do with my extra I'm going to put my extra cash somewhere I'm going to hide mine back over here by the computer okay I'm I'm claiming the third shelf all right I'm taking on the top of the ship I believe yeah I'm just vibing up here oh yeah there go I HD my cash by the PC you know well it's not really hidden if you yeah it's not hidden anymore if you tell us where it is hey guys it's hidden right by the PC I locked my cash in a safe using the following combination Jesus chist oh my god oh [ __ ] me I love this this is my favorite mod pack oh my God hey who's getting on top of me hey who's who's sniffing my ass get out of here dude we go oh my God oh my God oh oh I saw a flashlight I don't know what good Lu what do you mean you don't know what the planet is I'm the dancing and silence is [ __ ] ominous oh maybe it's broken might be broken uh-oh uhoh I wonder if it's just broken for me am I yeah I think it's [ __ ] can someone check to see if uh anyone else is on the planet by chance or is it just uh uh Jeremy just rebooted it looks like so huh well yeah there we go that answer aners that oh it like [ __ ] super crashed okay all right give it a second excuse me my favorite game is is a broken or is it just Titan I haven't had an issue with Titan even even though we have 70 mods was able to uh load up but I guess whatever planet that is is super borked is it a steam update oh it is Tuesday I don't think so I think it was literally that mod but or that planet but who knows let's see if we can get back in almost join TT's game that would have been great hey TT how are you all right I think I'm in the right game oh the money's gone money's gone oh I got to restart I'm in a wall I think yeah leave andjoin I'll be right back whole thing all right try again I was safe in the wall I was wall stuck wall stuck yeah 70 mods uh we'll cause uh some issues just join TT instead yeah I'll just join TT's game hey TT what are you doing Titi probably has the [ __ ] phone that leaves the the lotion message and she's just listening to it on the ship uh okay sorry for the delay Gamers it does take like 30 to 45 seconds to reboot the game because of all the mods okay try again I'm free hey he's alive I'm live all right this is so fun guys I'm so excited about that Gamba it makes me want to be a extra great asset now oh you're dead I'm dead steill your ition you're dead all right uh not I hear yeah this is in furnace oh we're back here it looks like [ __ ] Mor open this [ __ ] ready okay I'm going to die but it's okay where's the door I want to do it while hoing the it's over here I think okay okay okay I'm trying to remember oh my God this is sick it's like Bowser's Castle plus Mordor yeah it's right here oh hey what there's spiders out in the outside so be careful for the web and stuff oh the spider the spider hurt me already where oh he's over there yeah I'm going in I like the idea of one lone spider just in this [ __ ] volcano holy [ __ ] oh wait what does this note say the spiders came they ate them all where are they oh hey [Music] hi Gamers we're filled up let's head back also I guess it's important I figure out how to make my way back I've died every time I've been on this planet all right it's actually pretty easy to get back if you don't die like an idiot every time whoop please uh I don't think I need this there you go I helped charge this since we're here oh I think actually that's my flashlight all right perfect your streamer is not useless POG you hello hello all right we'll go back fire escape I'm a team player I try to be I try in before I die immediately now I'm in oh big room rip p chat did you see the difficulty on this map I completely forgot if I should be like super on edge or I think it was b b or S was it B okay B for boys night find my way back oh over here that's a dead end that's also a dead end cringe oh that's convenient um maybe I'll check main entrance I going to check main entrance uh thank you for the store order frame rate whoever that was thank you thank you all right we're going back to the ship never mind the ship's this way oh where this way this way there's a spider over there I'm a little scared we're fine spider in a bush Okay follow the clown [Music] horn oh my god oh Jesus oh my God that's a lot of blood hey we all made it yeah I'm on the roof we're good I don't think you can we all well y did make it I lived no if you were behind me what happened I lived [ __ ] what do you mean I thought that was C doing that for a second I was taking fire and then you walk behind me and I'm like oh that's right I got attacked by a spider and panicked yeah the spider scared me oh my God 777 okay so my mic is broken oh it is oh no you can hear it sounds okay oh you can hear oh that's why I jumped off cuz I said hey can you hear me and no one respond and I was like I couldn't fix it and so he might have just been ignoring you oh all right hey I didn't hear you for what it's worth no I didn't hear you I didn't hear you that's fair that's fair I mean okay okay bye oh man Dary Ray yes so you can hear me right now right yeah I I can hear you fine can hear me right now yep okay cool good that button does not work all right so I can't I can't Bo how's the Pokemon presents uh it was like 13 minutes long and I didn't care about anything for the first 11 minutes but the announcement at the end was pretty hype I wasn't excited about mobile games but I know they have to do their whole mobile Spiel that's why I was telling chat like hey you got to wait like the first half is all the mobile games and spin-offs so we'll see what the rest of rest of it is let's go the TCG could be kind of cool we'll see what that uh TCG thing is teleporter we'll take it oh great [ __ ] spawn I can see oh actually that was a good spawn all right am I back what people are sag about no PMD I don't think [ __ ] I mean they just recently got a A Mystery Dungeon remake right maybe it's sold like not well so they're just like who cares but they got one semi recently I know there's like six games or some [ __ ] but I already used all the batter listen guys Pokemon pinball we've been waiting for one since Ruby and Sapphire right bring it back which PE PE PE peuse does somebody have room for a large item yeah do you know the way out there is a fire escape here but I don't know if it's real oh does he have mimics on oh there's two of them what the [ __ ] here's the question fire escap here we [Music] go all right there you go this is real fake do you think this one's fake oh you know I'm not going to try it Chad I could test the other one but I'm a big [ __ ] oh hey hey buddy all right we'll walk him back not usable ah oh wait this is pushable this is pushable is it says oh yeah look at that holy [ __ ] wait where' my cat go did she take the cat I just had to push this the lagite over I it's not it's not over oh it is on my screen uh if it's not over then uh you should push it how all right we'll rip that cat also I think this is a real one as well I think there's two fire escapes oh [ __ ] dude there might be more how many fire escapes are on this map three wild uh yeah chat uh don't worry about that cat I'm sure he's fine oh Jesus see you oh good I'm right here where no Freddy no Freddy I got a [ __ ] gun it's says don't go that way yeah Freddy's over here by me he wants to open mouth kiss me hey yo Freddy want a kiss Freddy where the [ __ ] are you Freddy's somewhere in here I don't know where good good all right so I think best's going to be going in this way right this is where I saw him originally and a loot bug oh good there's a teleporter oh there's the bug tting that might be a good idea TBH yep all right well time to teleport right into Freddy's strong arms where am I oh [ __ ] kill me um oh wait no lockers oh [ __ ] come on get out of here dude uh well I don't really have much so if I die it's not the end of the world oh [ __ ] I hit my window Kei my bad uh do you think if I do this they'll teleport me oh my God yeah hey thanks you guys read my mind no problem we got you yeah herob Brian was uh on me I I told him the symbol for just shake yeah yeah do this I was like y get him what's cat do I can't even see oh she went through a teleporter she might she might be lost so she's outside right now oh let me put my back to a wall so this guy still doesn't kill me oh my God he's coming oh my god oh it's a shy guy we should probably go we should go is he on the ship he's outside the door I think I should I should sacrifice myself guys hold on I got this yeah yeah win them over dude all right cat's almost back is she going to be able to get on oh he's at the bottom he's in the floor I'm not going to look wait is someone [Applause] [Music] else well well that was P well you can't win a allall you know that's how it go you know it is what it is got maed in the doorway but we got the cat made it it is what it is dude oh my God I did not see that it did not be a shy guy oh his name is Bandit hey buddy that has a buddy yeah I'm [ __ ] dying that was really funny holy [ __ ] [ __ ] oh my god oh look at the Gizzy going off down here on the ground oh hell yeah dude I know how it feels Gizzy it's my favorite uh we are out of flashlights okay I should have charged my flashlight oh well hey you know I mean you could turn around we're not that far no no I think it's too late for you oh that's fair oh the spider oh this guy this guy excuse me all right I DED him [ __ ] I'm about to get Jed W turret immediately huh that's a turret and a dead end love that oh yep hey there's literally nothing to the right okay two fire escapes right next to each other love that I have a key [ __ ] another dead end oh Max swell oh boy h H oh uh we'll go on the left one is this where the apparatus is oh sure is good thing all I have is a rock it's not a boulder oh hey hey do you have a key uh nope okay apparatus is down where I came from hey hey pasta you have a key buet oh my God hey man oh I was looking for the braen don't mind [Music] me me too I want him to top me doesn't come down here ass oh God that would be absolutely horrendous oh jeez is this where I came from uh it absolutely is okay [ __ ] is over here a k through this Corridor okay boom thank you o hello Right Way ah we're over here knock that over I can't push this I it I can't do it it doesn't I don't see it oh it doesn't work for you oh I'm sorry [ __ ] how did you you could push it but it might be glitched okay I got it oh [ __ ] I was like what is that I'm dumb oh and there's bees over here oh [ __ ] oh wow this is right next to the ship nice hey everyone's alive except y we're here hey blue suit we don't have a key in here oh there's a key right there how the hell am I going to grab it nope that ain't it all right all right I'm going to go and try and grab the apparatus okay luck you thanks man I'll probably die do you need some sort of oh there's Beast there oh there's a force shy never mind force sh of Beast for shine of Beast Force shine of beaste he's coming for you you know maybe uh maybe another time yeah next time that's exactly where I need to go as well bro he's like standing there he's body you camper D it's a [ __ ] blocking you all right well there's okay there's pasta hope hopefully she got Bracken she was asking for it oh really yeah she was over asking for it hey been there speaking of which what's C up to uh cat's trying to make her way back with another cat so see I can get her back she's probably over there I'm just just vibing in the dead bodies oh my God oh jeez those things get mad easy is he still oh yes cat cat made it I lost my cat got a key I got you this Maxwell I think we're good to go right though and I had to put it down to deal with the apparatus uh I mean I could make a oh you threw it in the lava I could try to go get the apparatus what what you threw it in the lava oh I just put it down but all right uh hey just watch my cam I'm probably going to die in 2 seconds but I'm going to go for that you got it where are those bees again they're like right here right right in the bushes yep where's the giant I hear him oh the drop's over here oh I hear the cat wait that might be more important how the [ __ ] he's floating hopefully they could see the cat's floating hey the cat's alive it's just the Cent okay do I remember how to get back to the apparatus probably not oh hold on actually all right come up the stairs to the left is it oh wait the main entrance is right here you [ __ ] idiot that would have been easier didn't know that uh it was one of these doors oh was is it this one nope guys good news I don't remember oh Jesus how did cat die what maybe I should just go back to the ship nah we're good time to die I just realized I'm not at full health uh exposion Evacuate the facility immediately should have got main entrance reor are nonfunctional all right now we just got to make sure we don't get whammied uh hey man can you be a bro and [ __ ] move wait can I go this way evacuation I might be cooking hold on I might be cooking cooking man uh I'm right under the ship I don't know how to get up from this side oh wait hold on oh it's just a big circle I am not cooking I am not cooking Evac all Reactor Core safeguards are now nonfunctional please prepare for Reactor Core meltdown I'm cooking I'm cooking let's go let's go yeah you're a streamer did it good job thanks man got the bees nest woo look at that hell yeah all you had to do is sacrifice your wife yeah I got the bees what did it cost everything at least one of the ladies survived yeah we got a lot of [ __ ] so we can gamble as well yeah we have 100 on the ship that's insane so much gambas report to the company building immediately you know what you guys are some gambl gambling and then uh and then after that let's try to launch Ryan again and see if it works all right want see if we can get there as like a last thing sure sounds [Music] good I'm going to gamble with these hair be I have a crystal oh it's open hello oh that guy um pop pop all right brain how much do we need I don't think we need that much oh no we've already hit the quota okay all right cool how much is this I'm going to bet on red oh [ __ ] I bet 50 on red 76 oh hell yeah well come on come on between 1 and 12 I think I grabbed my chips I have no idea I just grabbed everything a [ __ ] well oh here's my 50 all right there goes that hang on let's try this again I got it this time salot not starting off too hot okay all right okay got some money we're back oh no nail it oh I'm so good right now oh I just bet 1 15 oh he in all in on Black come on big numbers I need a big number here black black black black let's go shit5 wait [ __ ] yeah this is worthless now Fu wait wasn't it red this guy turning 50 into 300 yeah same o all right this one was unlucky this one doesn't count I guess we're selling this let me sell this while I'm here all right sounds like Jeremy lost everything just like that let's go easy come easy go [ __ ] my life all right this one this is the good luck machine right here chat putting it all on 17 here we go okay okay oh boy all right we're streaking right now oh no all right this is all I got and I'm putting it on big number 20 here we go here we go 20 all on 20 slots are the best oh [ __ ] oh God I'm clicking all the wrong things got guys I'm still here I'm just kidding where's that let's go I'm put this away oh [ __ ] oh the door's open the door's open oh my God we're good we're good take it [ __ ] okay okay oh someone hit a jackpot it sounded like you won let's [ __ ] goce this doll is now worth almost two two grand damn oh wow your keeps the happy before you put it down for a second I'm holding $300 and I started off with 60 I didn't realize that how work I just wanted to be do I keep [Music] going oh 14 oh my God [ __ ] idiot idiot idiot I'm putting t on red cuz I'm a careful gamer put it all on oh I didn't do it then there's no pry cing away was I was on the ring yeah me too I have one every single gamb I am Unstoppable addicted all right just one time just one time that's it that's what they all say no I'm going back in the [ __ ] ship okay all right I'm going to put 2500 300 just uh just leave me here dude heyo just leave me here scan this scan that real quick what is it is it what's it is it worth like oh my oh my god oh what the [ __ ] it's POS getting murdered what happened I lost $300 on R godam that's gambling a that's why they don't call it winning ah that's why they don't call it wi and I love you here we go goodbye well that was fun all right let's uh let's try Orion see if it crashes hold on hold on oh boy check out payday that's about to come in by the way I'm excited oh SI oh we buying anything or we going straight to our wait what's coming let's go wow oh my God wait can we buy cozy lights yes yeah we got we got some money to spare no no cozy lights God damn it uh okay I don't like any of these things unless you guys like I don't the Jack $4,400 [ __ ] that's insane sh addiction I mean you carried you carried hard there no is a real gamer and that overtime bonus D and then I got cocky now if only I had that luck in real life I know right uh here we can buy some stuff for uh maybe uh flashlights and shovels kind of running oh a [ __ ] it's skiy toilet he's on the ship oops I'm hitting all the wrong buttons I'm so sorry Jesus Christ how did all right God I hope this thing doesn't actually turn into skibby toilet oh it is oh well I have my hammer oh my God all right good luck Gamers hopefully this doesn't crash the game if it does I'll undef in chat and say bye yeah that's fair here goes nothing the grand finale for Better or For Worse hey oh oh damn oh it's this place oh [ __ ] and this is a clip careful the spiders came they ate them all where are they you know what I'm going to put all this away actually you know what no I'm going to let it fly yeah just go for itag why is a rag next to the I'm good I'm good all right cool I would like to at least get in the building oo Take Me to Church CRA once but they locked me in a room a rubber room a rubber room with the rats the rats made me crazy crazy I was CRA I was crazy once they locked me in a room a rubber room a rubber room with rats the rat [Music] CRA a rubber room oh the fire is what I heard I thought there was an enemy stomping around I'm dumb crazy crazy I was crazy they lock me in a room a rubber room you are un controllable made me crazy crazy I was crazy once you pick that up yeah I need this I do the [ __ ] was that is that one of us oh it's you okay dead end yeah just me D dead they lock you in a room no nothing over there Herobrine Herobrine herob herob oh you're [ __ ] that's the end of yeah your run is officially over dude these are all dead ends what the [ __ ] this place is a little oh skiy toilet dude scared the [ __ ] out of me oh damn dude skiy can we get one song before we leave one more for the road it really wants to sing to cat look at does why does it follow me all the time cuz it wants to serenade you seren there it is all right see ski toilet oh oh so oh to here rip J me now oh you're here hey the kitchen and there's nothing in here wait the [ __ ] oh okay Red soda little sod Pop I don't know where I'm going I don't either oh I'm just looking around there's some stuff actually I got it though I wonder what skib toilet does when it kills you I kind of want to see it happen in game oh we're back here okay accidentally found the way out I bet he flushes you oh to be flushed by skib toilet guys I hear him but I don't see him which is more concerning I think it might be time to go back to the ship Gamers I don't know where skib toilet is there's a nutcracker running around SK yeah we found him is like I'm leaving he just eats you that's it yeah he just full on obliterates you perfect what is it in oh man I was like I have to see what happened no is she all my Minecraft body goes Minecraft yes oh yeah she doesn't know but we're super dead oh yeah I need wine for this all we got to go I need wine going save the little bit of loot we had oh my God I'm [ __ ] dying oh man a rock up R's body the [ __ ] why is a Minecraft character she doesn't know what does my thing say oh I got molded by a Jester yo I got [ __ ] killed by herobrine what the [ __ ] I got Minecraft skin that hurts a lot that's a cost one I couldn't I couldn't pick up Ray my money do we want to play Orion again like play it a little bit more yeah we can we could do it two more days and then we could head out finish I'm going to get some wine I need some after that was that's great a d for skibby true yeah dude yo B dog thank you for the 34 Joseph Miss vixon Razer gree thank you everyone again for subs and res Subs oh I think it's broken I think we got lucky chat I think it's super borked all right let me go to the Discord uh Jeremy all cap says crash at [ __ ] said I don't think so so uh I think I think I think that's it I think the game's cutting us off yep right yeah we uh oh Jeremy crashed app final final call last call that was it yeah the game was like ah no no no [ __ ] it [ __ ] it it's dead that's I'm glad we got to see it though even briefly yeah yeah we got to see it once yeah yeah uh that's last call yeah GG's Gamers yeah GG's thanks for playing today yeah thanks for inviting me yeah dude thanks for being like hey we come to yeah I'm always I'm always down to play just let me know hell yeah dude you you guys enjoy the rest of your night guys you bye bye every night y good night oh I'm not sure if pan knows but they'll figure it out they'll figure it out all right Gamers that is the end of uh episode 10 of lethal company with Jeremy's group just uh passing the 4 Hour Mark in the recording uh that was a lot of mods good god there were a lot of mods let me see if I can show it on stream here uh quickly before we wrap up here for everyone who wanted to see uh 69 specifically but uh here is everything obviously some are just oh hold on OBS please some things are backend stuff but uh you could see there's a there's a lot there Herobrine was pretty funny might have to bring Herobrine in uh lethal doors Casino config a bunch of backend [ __ ] these are the same oh one's one's core level loaders lethal things Maxwell more blood what is more screams allows you to hear the player two seconds oh after they die okay I wonder what the the Bracken thing was we could hear somebody uh rolling giant there's rolling giant what is this oh this is the shy guy thing which is terrifying uh there's skib toilet adds to skib toilet enemy to all level types God forgive me oh snatching Bracken is what I want I like that one that one's cool I wonder if you could save them um too many emotes oh the thing that we were using is badass company had all those emotes for those on wondering so uh there you go you uh YouTube and uh twitch chat hope you guys enjoyed thank you so much for watching reminder the Uno VOD hold on let me double check is it still uploaded the Uno unot is still good pagers so thank you so much for watching tomorrow we got Mario Party 3 uh and like I said next week we might have a double dose of lethal company we might have lethal company on Monday with Zen's group and then I'll probably take that and combine it with another one I might do later in the week and have another like super long um upload for episode 11 and then maybe we'll take another break I don't know from lethal company we'll see until the next update who knows this game is so goddamn fun anyway YouTube I love you take care thank you for watching be sure to follow everyone Below have a good night goodbye
Channel: Ray Narvaez Jr
Views: 71,390
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ray, Narvaez, BrownMan, B1GnBr0wN, Achievement, Hunter, Rooster, Teeth, Twitch, Livestream, FrameRate, Merch, Lethal, Company, Phasmophobia, Quota, Survival, Horror, Strategy, Experimentation, Assurance, Vow, Offense, March, Flashlight, Walkie, Talkie, Boombox, Air, Clown, Horn, Proxy, Proximity, Chat, Lost, Screaming, Let's, Play, Spider, Bees, Hygrodere, Slime, Forest, Keeper, Worm, Snare, Flea, Bracken, Coil, Head, Eyeless, Dog, Jester, Thumper, Ghost, Girl, PC, Nutcracker, Jeremy, Dooley, Pasta, Herobrine, Skibidi, Toilet, Shy, Guy, Rolling, Giant, Infernis
Id: glZCHcCcbes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 243min 59sec (14639 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2024
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