Twister Filming Location In Iowa

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hi guys i've been to oklahoma many times uh visiting filming locations for twister and um now i get to head to iowa uh just about to leave to go visit twister filming locations down there uh in oklahoma they always have a big party every year for the like anniversary of the movie and everything so let's go in iowa it's not really gonna be any got a big party or anything but just kind of going out there for fun check out filming locations and everything and i want to bring you guys along [Music] let's go come on you get them done i think so okay okay [Music] good yeah great job guys just be ready to record right be careful all right don't follow too close all right [Music] we're back in business [Music] the scene where they shot uh where they fill a refill dorothy up with the sensors after they put the little pepsi things on top so here's what we got it's so hard to see anything here's the bridge so i'm guessing it's actually like right here like though like the truck would have been parked like right here so let's see if you look at the movie see if you can see it on the camera here [Music] oh wow how's that you'll see it i can't really even see it but i would guess the truck was parked right here and then they kind of pull up right there yeah it has to be there's my friend walking we got our my mascot cow it's a flying cow from twister yeah because when the one when the van pulls up the woods are definitely right behind them because you kind of see this shot kind of right here and like the woods are right behind them i feel like this way you wouldn't really see that same kind of woodsy spot because it turns like so i'm guessing the shots like this exact shot right here so that means bill's truck would be like right there about to leave the bridge scene where they do the dorothy refill i'm going to show you one more time it's so hard to figure out which way they're coming in at because each way looks almost exactly the same but one way i indicated is if you look at this side there's like these railings i'll just call my canned rails they're not really handrails but i feel like if you're walking see that sign we see that those things kind of that goes across this side there's a little dent i don't know if you can see it in the camera but right kind of the middle there at the bottom the bottom one there's a little dent the other side is completely smooth so in the movie you definitely see that little dent all right all right guys uh my friends just backing up the car to get out of the way of pictures i'm about to take so right behind me right here is where the truck the big tanker truck exploded so they're coming we try to get the same shot so this is the driving across this bridge here and the tanker explodes right there so it's kind of cool to be standing exactly where a big tractor trailer or a big oil tanker explodes wait for some of these cars to go by and then we'll take some pictures and then be done [Music] guy probably took me off but whatever i'm just too excited okay i don't see any cars so they're driving this way they're pretty much standing exactly where it fell and hit oh is that a piece of it why not [Applause] i should start like this you see the tornado over there uh so there uh was the first view of the f5 kind of where the camera pans out and uh now we're gonna probably get past the uh car the car the tanker explosion again i'll just keep recording and see what we get a half a mile more sounds right i don't think there's anybody will be there but i messed that up nobody will be there i think it's always funny with tornadoes and then people are like driving by i do like how they have honking like they're warning them you know yeah in the movie okay now we're about to pass the car explo uh oh my god the tanker explosion i'll pass the tanker explosion here okay the tank explosion and then then here this is the tanker explosion boom where so here's the house from the end of the movie i'm just trying to figure out which way kind of where everybody drives up to meet joe and bill and it even looks more hilly than the like from the movie yeah it definitely does because they're like laying on that thing and it has them in the house behind them maybe where it's upside down maybe that's actually where they were so so now we're at the debris scene you know the debris where they're like right left right so which is at this really pretty pretty little park uh i'm in the campground right now so we're gonna show you the road it was funny there's a guy there he was a bird spotter um we kind of pulled out asked if he was a twister fan there because it's the way he was kind of pulling in and kind of pulling out these spots kind of where we thought it was filmed we thought maybe he was kind of doing what we were doing but he's a bird spotter and he said right where we were parked is where the turbine fell so let's go see what that looks like because in the movie you see one spot that the road does go like this and i think we went through it coming down here okay is that that guy i wonder if he um knows anything more you know okay here we go i think right here you can kind of see like uh and he was parked here he said we were sitting where the first idea fell which makes sense i think that line of trees i think that kind of matches up that's so cool this whole part okay one more so down here is where the house went through the house that rolls across the road i think we're going in maybe it's stalled no i think rabbit's right i'm just gonna show its ugly face right over that hill just on their property back there [Applause] okay guys behind me right here is where twister hill is i see the kind of the tornado above this hill right here you know the dark clouds and everything so we're going to drive up there get some footage try to figure out like because i think you see like which way like the tornado we actually see like where they get hit with like the tricycle and everything and the boat goes across trying to figure out where that was but uh found that part but uh it doesn't really look as uh dark as the movie very very blue that was pretty funny i just was talking about oklahoma where uh every time we stop and check out filming locations for twister and everybody stops and asks if we're okay this time in iowa not one person stopped and just now somebody that's if you're okay so i have some more faith in iowa now but this is really cool uh we're at twister hill um i'm going to show this little sign right here hey knuckle looks like there's somebody advertising but it does say twister there used to be an actual sign sign but i don't see it so i think this is the only sign we got [Applause] about right here is where they would have been like kind of fighting we can still do this i don't think it's knocked over so i may or may not have been looking in the outskirts of the thing because i always start rolling away all the sensors start rolling away down here but sadly i did not find any and that would be a dream of mine to have a real prop from the movie but what are you gonna do i guess there's that bridge kind of come it's really cool because you see the tornado out there and i kind of like it has to be it because i'm looking for you know cards and stuff but if you look real closely um where's my finger i think i hear it talking get a little dusk now hey guys uh join me as we go through twister hill um we did call uh there's a sign it's a twister hill and like a number for like a lumber yard or something like that i think they're just kind of advertising their lumber yard but they use twister hill because it's where they film the scene so we called the number for it and they didn't know too much uh i just feel like maybe they wanted twister fans to call and it's like i feel like what's what's that benefit to them if they're using twister as a but anyway so we're gonna go through with a shot the whole hail scene and everything i'm gonna see the skyline everything let's see what we got see my wallet yes give me it just kidding yeah i'm just gonna hold it like this okay get like a hole hold it with it i am going to try to keep an eye out see if you can see that because there's one shot i want to get the whole like there's a shot from like way back you can see the tornado like above the hill but i can't find that exact spot he was at i'm guessing it was probably on someone's property or just the trees grew too much and you can't see the road anymore he could have even had they could have had them cut trees you know to do that so to the right is where that twister hill sign is it's kind of back in the woods right there he did tell me i think that's where they pull off to the right there for the hail like where everybody pulls off and then down here i feel like they had to get this guy on the phone it's kind of the only thing he knew and then here is kind of where you see like the top shot of them kind of driving all through right before the bridge then there's the bridge and then there's [Music] the skyline there oh yeah you would have to be like way back there to get that out and i feel like that was like a low helicopter yeah either a helicopter or just on their property back there i think this is where the hell you kind of see the tires of bill's truck and the hail starts falling i think it was right there here's where you see the tornado up there and uh all right that's close enough behind me don't worry get the tailgate my god so the house would have been coming across here right after these trees sorry guys i think i had it wrong it's going the other way the house comes there rolls and then i'm so sad this is our last location here sorry about the uh far away here i'm talking about my hazards hazard on my car because we've got pulled off to the side of the road but this is our last spot it makes me so sad leaving iowa tomorrow morning but this is where the house rolls across the road it comes out from behind these trees here and then rolls over the road right here [Music] oh my god [Music]
Channel: Dan Tournay
Views: 13,417
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: RuO1O98lUz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 2sec (1322 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 07 2021
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