On Location: Jurassic Park (1993) Filming Locations!

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I love seeing iconic filming locations.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/MercuryMorrison1971 📅︎︎ Nov 12 2019 🗫︎ replies

So awesome.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/davidsalvi 📅︎︎ Nov 12 2019 🗫︎ replies
- [Camera Person] Action! - [Curtis] Come on Mikey! (dramatic instrumental music) (air whooshing) - There has been so much anticipation about this next episode for us, because we've done some amazing episodes and been to some amazing locations where we've been able to dive into the history and see and living breathing places where some of our most favorite films were filmed. But this episode is going to take us to a place that blew all of our minds. We are headed back to Isla Nublar, this film that actually took people and dinosaurs and brought them back together, of course I'm talking about Jurassic Park. Where we finally saw what happens when life finds a way. Our whole show has always been about being beyond the back lot, getting us away from the studio lots, the buildings and the sound stages. But this is unique in the sense that we have a chance to be a part of a living, breathing back lot. A living location. I mean if you just look around as we're driving, you can see, we're already taken back, the vegetation, the plants, trees, all these things that became such a unique element for Stephen Spielberg. Showed up in Raiders of the Lost Ark. It would go on to be in all Jurassic Park, and these were locations that Spielberg wanted to take people into a different place. The island of Kauai, transports you to an entirely different place. A place that beyond a shadow of a doubt, takes us all beyond the back lot. (dog barking) (gentle guitar music) Our first stop is literally right off the main highway. Little place called Al Pastor Tacos, but it wasn't always Al Pastor Tacos, there was a hurricane that came through during the filming of Jurassic Park. Wiped out a ton of locations. Now one of those locations that we're stepping at right now is what we came to know as Costa Rica. Right here is where we're introduced to Dennis Nedry, every movie's got a great villain right? And so this is where Dennis finds himself, taking a bribe, and so he finds Biosyn to take on the embryos to give him the extra money that he needs but of course we know things don't always turn out great for Dennis. Some of the Speilbergian lore that's been developed over the years regarding Dennis' costumes, that they were actually reflections of the costumes from the Goonies. You had of course the Hawaiian shirt that Chunk wore. You had the raincoat that Mikey wore and you had the gray jacket that Mouth wore and so as a super fan myself, I highly believe that it's true. But none the less, we find ourselves here, in Costa Rica enjoying some fantastic food. Oh and by the way, Dodson, Dodson? See nobody cares. - See, nobody cares, nice hat. (dramatic instrumental music) - After a quick stop at Al Pastor tacos where not only did we have some great food but we saw the Costa Rica scene, now we're moving over to a waterfall that became the Dominican Republic and the Amber Mines where it really sets up the whole science behind this film that they're taking these amber crystals and they're going and finding these mosquitoes and out of these mosquitoes they're pulling out dino DNA. - [Passenger] Great now turn right. (laughing) (dramatic instrumental music) All right, ooh, Aloha, no glass. Hi Mikey. - Hey. - Are you getting my audio? - Not yet. - Okay. (dramatic instrumental music) (water rushing) (uplifting instrumental music) (water rushing) Yes, holy cow, so worth it! (water rushing) We made it. (laughing) A little bit of a hike. A little couple stops we thought was the spot but we're here, these are the mines from the Dominican Republic, I'm literally like standing on what was the mines. It is absolutely unbelievable. It's one of those moments where it feels like it could have been a completely built set and yet, it's a real life place. This is the amber mines. This is where they were pulling all of that stuff out finding the mosquitoes with the DNA to be able to create these dinosaurs. The mine shaft was built out over here, just where we were up top, they were lowering the buckets up and down. And with a quick pan of the camera, we get to see where the raft was coming up with the lawyer on it. This is what I really love about doing this, is that when you take a look at this and you know, side by side right with that shot, it's exactly the same. Kind of the excitement that happens when you walk into these places and they just kind of unfold before you. And it takes you right back, right there where the lawyer's getting rafted up and then begins to kind of walk him through the scene before they dive into the mine. We're gonna hang out here for a little bit, Danny you can take a dip, swim around a little bit, I think we've earned it. (dramatic instrumental music) We were there, we were there! (bright instrumental music) (rooster crowing) (helicopter whirring) (inspirational piano music) So we find ourselves in the scene where Doctor Grant and Tim and Lex are finally kind of having a little break but they've gotta make they're way over the fence to finally continue on their path. But here's what I love about these real practical locations. Is that it doesn't take much to just look behind my shoulder to see the horizon line, to see the way the cavern's shaped, this is the exact place that brought in, they built the fence, they built the concrete looking pilings. So just here as the hill kind of crests up is exactly where this fence line was built. I would imagine that it probably ended somewhere there and somewhere over there, just because of the framing of the shot. And if you look at it, it's pretty sizeable. They really built the footings in a way that kind of extended this way and the other way, and I would imagine, it still had some pretty good height going. So, imagine this kind of building all the way through this section which would mean, just as they were coming over the edge and dropping down and looking up, by the time Tim gets the electrical hit, he gets thrown and we see him probably just totally flat boom, right here onto the ground which is obviously not very soft. (upbeat instrumental music) Oh and check this out. An electric fence still exists to keep the ferocious roosters of the island in check. It seems to far away, is it really charged? How do you tell without touching it? That's what I really want to know. - [Dave] I guess the power's off. - See if you can play the scene. (fence bouncing) (sign clanking) - Ooh, wait! (laughing) - (laughing) Oh! It's totally, it's got, arg! (laughing) Hold on, lemme see if I can grab on. (wincing) (laughing) (screaming) Oh man, that's got a little buzz to it. It's got a little bit of a buzz. Oh I'm not gonna do that anymore. (laughing) (playful instrumental music) (helicopter whirring) (cheering and laughing) - Wow. - [Curtis] So this is where we're gonna be hiking today Chris? - All the way up to the T-Rex Paddock. - [Curtis] Oh my gosh! (dramatic instrumental music) - Here we go. (wind rustling) - We are beginning the hike towards the gates of Jurassic Park. A journey that is going to be quite an adventure. (dramatic instrumental music) - Is this the right way? - Yeah, maybe? - No wait, lemme read. - Is it laying down? - Move forward. - If this stuff is laying down then I think we're still on the right track. Oh, oh ah! (laughing) - Turn it down. - Super slippery there. Dave, how's it going? So here's the problem is, Dave, I don't think we're on the right trail. So we should probably go back and then go left where that road went. (shouting) Dave, we're on the wrong trail! So, navigating through the jungles of Kauai, no joke. Here it all is. We ended up on the wrong trail. So we're headed back through some pretty treacherous conditions. We went up that way, I think that was the wrong way. Cause it got really hard, and so now we're going to go this way. Which we think is the right way. But we think it's the right way. (laughing) We hope it's the right way. (dramatic instrumental music) So this is the crossing here, the spillway. It's a little deeper I think than we anticipated. I don't think it's gonna deter us. We are so close, about to find ourselves at the foot of the Jurassic Park gates. It's been a little bit of an interesting hike between water and mud and obviously this heat and the humidity, so come on, we're almost there. Let's head our way to the gate. (rain pouring) - Hey it's raining. Like it's really raining. (laughing) Right when we come to this. (dramatic instrumental music) (footsteps squishing) (rain pouring) - [Chris] Dude we tried. But we're going to get flooded out if we don't head back. - Well, this happens. We're gonna have to head back because in this kind of rain in this area we can get flooded out and we get stuck. So we're going to have to make our way back. We're not going to make it out to where we wanted today. Super disappointing because we're already a couple miles in we're going to have to make our way back. So we don't get stuck out here. So let's go. (dramatic instrumental music) (rain pouring) (waves crashing) (gentle piano music) It's a new day. And I mean, after a day like yesterday, a little bit of a disappointment, a little bit of a bummer. But if there's anything we've learned from doing this show we've learned that even our best laid plans can get interrupted and we roll with the punches because out of all of it, the adventure is still out there. And that's what today's holds. I mean just look behind me, look at this place. So we've got some adventures lined up for today that we cannot wait to get to, some special surprises. Some exciting things, we're gonna shake off yesterday and dive in today to find out what else exists on this living back lot, let's go! (inspirational instrumental music) Just starting our day here with our good friends out at Kipu Ranch, we have a ton of adventure lined up. We're gonna be hitting in some 4 by 4 ATV's, we've got a lot of adventure and exciting things happening but also, we get to share it with a very special guest who's joining us this episode, let's go meet him. Here is is. Dallas, how's it going? - It's good to meet you! - Everybody welcome Dallas from Man + River. Awesome channel on YouTube, you've got to check it out. This guy literally is changing lives by finding people's lost stuff. - [Dallas] (laughing) I'll go for that. - Well we're excited to have Dallas with us on this epic adventure here at Kipu Ranch. So I'm not afraid of water, I'm not afraid of this, but I get to learn how to snorkel with one of the pros. So let's get some movie history going and let's find some stuff! - I'm down let's do it! - (laughing) Let's go! (dramatic industrial music) (engine roaring) - This is the pasture from Indiana Jones. - Oh okay. - That's really good. - There's two trees here, are those two mango trees right there, and we can point 'em out. Everything that's up on this whole plain, this entire plain-- - Yeah there is just a pasture right there, it's cut down. (engine revving) (brush swishing) - Yeah! - Whoa! (exciting instrumental music) (laughing) - Wow. That is cool. - Nice to see, yeah. - Wow. - There it is! - Kipu Ranch is home to some of the locations of some of the greatest films, one of those being Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark, one of my personal favorites. If you look back over here to my shoulder, remove some of this tall grass, you get the image where Indy is running away from the local natives, headed to the river headed to the plain which is where we're gonna be headed in just a minute with Dallas, but I think I would be remiss if I just didn't take some time to recreate one of those epic scenes right now with a little help, let's do this. (grass squishing) (dramatic instrumental music) Start the plane! - [Indiana Jones] Start the engine! - Start the plane! I'm in the role for this. (exciting instrumental music) and with a little bit of a trek down here, we're finally at the river. Dallas and I are kinda prepping ourselves before we hop in. But we just wanna make note of where we're at. Like we are at the exact spot where Harrison Ford made his way down, grabbed the vine, swung off into the river to hop onto the plane. Now, for those of you who've been keeping up, tree kinda got cut up a little bit to get it just right so he could land in the right spot and the plane didn't really take off from here, it actually made it's way through here and then they caught some other footage of it taking off from other flicks. But for us, the adventure awaits in the river. - Well what the Kipu Ranch guys were saying was this is not a spot where SCUBA divers go. - Right. - I think you're gonna find some cool stuff down there. - Yeah, yeah, we really wanna make sure we know that we're in kind of a special place. Not a lot of people get to do what we get to do, and we've been given some permission to do that so we're super grateful for that and I think you're right, I think that opens the door for some pretty awesome hidden treasures, so-- - I think so. - There's only one way to find out! - Let's do it man. - Let's go! (dramatic instrumental music) All right, just like Indy. (yelling) (water splashing) (laughing) - [Curtis] Come on Mikey! (laughing) (water splashing) (dramatic instrumental music) (gentle instrumental music) Morning super fans, en route to our second helicopter tour of this journey, our Jurassic Adventure. And we are headed out to Jurassic Falls today and we are going to be seeing some stuff left over from where the engine helicopter made it's way all the way to Isla Nublar and we're gonna actually land and get to explore the area so hopefully I can pinpoint some things for us. But, little truth telling, while this has been an awesome trip, it was a little difficult to get blocked a little bit at the hike a couple days ago. And so while I am gonna be up in the air and landing at Jurassic Falls, our team is on the ground to take another run at it. So they're hopefully gonna be able to make it. Redemption is near. But in the meantime, we're getting on a helicopter and headed to Jurassic Falls, let's go. (inspirational instrumental music) Just landed here at Jurassic Falls and we are making our way over. But you can already walk up here and start to feel the mist from this thing, it's unreal. We are in the thick of this jungle, man. It is unbelievable. (rain pouring) - Oh it's so overgrown now! It's crazy. But oh my gosh, holy, check that out! It's unreal! - So we just kinda came out of the canopy of trees and it started to open up and you can see this long grass that's overgrown, these are where the gates are. This is where we enter Jurassic Park. - What do you got in there, King Kong? - This is when the journey starts for them, their tour, right? And then up the road for us, is the big payoff, the T-Rex Paddock. (water rushing) - The wind coming off this thing is unbelievable. I think if you look down here, yeah you've got some remnants of the concrete pad. Wow. (water rushing) (hooting) Yes! - I think right now, we are as you can see, we're opening up to it. The freakin' T-Rex Paddock. (dramatic instrumental music) (yelling) - A world away and beauty all around us. It's adventures like these that remind us of the persistence of the human spirit that we find ourselves being able to step into these amazing stories that we've come to know and love. And if I've said it once, I have said it a thousand times it is always worth going beyond the back lot to capture that spirit, to capture that adventure, that reminds us of the power and possibilities of human imagination that brings these amazing stories to life. (T-Rex roaring) Hey super fans, I hope you enjoyed this episode. And if you haven't checked out our other episodes, please be sure to do that on our channel, click down there to subscribe, click that little bell to make sure you know when we've posted some fresh new content. Be sure to give us some comments back tell us what you love, tell us your favorite dinosaur, tell us your favorite scene, all that good stuff. And be sure to join us on Instagram and Facebook, thanks for watching! (dramatic instrumental music)
Channel: Beyond the Backlot
Views: 645,150
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: film locations now and then, film locations, jurassic park, jurassic world, t-rex, hawaii, kauai, indiana jones, universal studios, disneyland rides, adventure movies, movies, nostalgia, steven spielberg, movie locations, isla nublar, life finds a way, Women inherit the earth, Jurassic Park Quotes, clever girl, velociraptor, filming locations, adventures, youtube, filming locations then and now, then and now, t rex paddock, t rex, jurassic park filming locations, find your scene
Id: YSEYT2E37lo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 11sec (1331 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 10 2019
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