TWIPF NFL 1975 Week 03

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against the Chiefs the 49ers would be facing a squad which in two games averaged 28 points in Audi yet was winless and for the Kansas City Staff headed by new coach Paul Wigan in red last Sunday's contest would provide a flicker of hope for it featured the return of a swarming hard-hitting aggressive chief defense [Music] Kansas City stocked the 49ers all afternoon and pressured quarterback norm Sneed number 16 into a short passing game which paid only small dividends patiently moving with short pops and slants Sneed's have tied in Tom Mitchell number 84 over the middle for the game's first touchdown San Francisco's final score came on a pop up the middle by Larry Strieber number 35 who followed the blocking of center bill read in for six [Music] when it is counted San Francisco's offensive line had provided the necessary protection for its backs and there were times when the Kansas City offensive line did the same for quarterback Lynn Dawson number 60 [Music] but rare were those times when Dawn's line provided enough protection and even keeping both backs in the block did no good at all six times Lenny Dawson fell before a stampede of 49ers as San Francisco rolled to a twenty to three win costly turnovers and the failure to execute adequate pass blocking was the difference in Kansas City [Music] pass protection would also lay a vital role in the Los Angeles Coliseum where an improving Baltimore cold offensive line spared quarterback Bert Jones the anguish and pain generally associated with the powerful Ram pass rush [Music] Jones too tall in that pocket while delivering to scoring strikes one to his setback bill holes number 38 [Music] the Colts whose rebuilding program seems that last to be paying off with young quality talent feature a host of genuine hit men on the defense and for at least the first half last week ran back some more than they care to of the energetic cold defenders [Music] [Applause] but as well as Baltimore played the experience and poise of the veteran Ram offensive line was just too tough to overcome and paced by solid blocks by Callen max all Chevelle Ian Williams la came back and marched past the Colts [Music] number 30 Lawrence McCutchen breezed in for one Ram score while quarterback James Harris took a loftier route to the endzone for two more Ram touchdown Paris nail number 29 Harold Jackson for his first scoring shot then iced the win with a pretty toss and catch to speedster Ron Jessie number 81 Jessie's plastic catch climaxed 824 213 Los Angeles win the Rams experience in poi during the final quarter had paid off and it is this poise McTwist spirited enthusiasm which has earned the Rams their last two victories that's a formula which may well earn them many many more [Music] last Sunday for Miami Dolphin lineman that something else was the collective pride involved in springing backs into Green Bay's endzone by looking at Don Nottingham's touchdown from a different angle we'd see our Miami tackle norm Evans took Johnny gray the safety man out of the play still hustling down feel after 11 years of action Evans Brock was the key to Miami's first score [Music] while turning out a hundred and seven yards rushing Nottingham also known as the human bowling ball rolled three times over the Packer goal line and when not carrying the ball nottingham the blocker held teammate mercury Morris get a start on 125 yards of rushing number 22 contributed to the Miami cause Bob Griese kept the Packers off balance with effective passing the number 89 Matt Moore which set up one touchdown for the Dolphins [Music] but Gracie's most impressive volley was a shot down the right sideline to rookie fitty Salomon number 86 was 58-yard touchdown added up to 831 to 7 Miami Rock in Buffalo's rich Stadium the romping was done at the expense of the Denver Broncos the Broncos were thoroughly subdued by the powerful bills but as usual a dominant figure was OJ Simpson who squeezed out 138 yards with over 500 yards in three games OJ's getting superb blocking and as his touchdown shows he the first one to acknowledge his teammates up front Denver's offensive line was ineffective however and their running game was stopped cold from then on it was dropped back at launch time for Denver whose first score was scooped in by number 44 Floyd little unfortunately it never got competitive as did burrs only other score came late in the third water when John Hufnagel number 16 threw two rookie Rick huff Church who burned 80 yards for the score without a running threat the Broncos pass dependency was absolute and early in the game their high-risk tactics blew up in their face [Music] safety Tony Green picked up the fumble and the bills were in fitness at the Denver one-yard line [Music] from there Oh Jay Simpson set up opposite linebacker 56r a maid and in one place showed what kind of a team man Oh Jay really is Oh Jay digs him out of the hole scored his first of three touchdowns was OJ's co-star fullback Jim Braxton who powered through Denver territory with or without Block E for 107 yards [Music] weighing in at 240 - Braxton brings real wallop to the bills ground-attack and can open up the attack with his past caching abilities as well and as Joe Ferguson's final touchdown pass to JD Hill was registered the bills that blowed away yet another good football team 38 to 14 and stood confirmed now as a new powerhouse in the NFL [Music] the fired up Houston Oilers stormed into the Astrodome to battle the Cincinnati Bengals with undisputed first place in the AFC Central Division at stake but following a scoreless first period the Oilers newfound enthusiasm flattened out beneath the cool precision of Kenny Anderson Linville Elliott and the relentless bingo passing attack [Music] Eliot's 31 art broken-field display set the stage for Anderson's first six point connection of the afternoon but the Oilers most potent ground gaining weapon doesn't throw the football he runs with it and on the ensuing kickoff Billy white shoes Johnson demonstrated the game breaking form that put his Footwear on the map [Music] seven plays later Fred Willis scored and the underdog Oilers deadlocked the Bengals at seven apiece then once again it was time for mr. field position to slice a path through frustrated Bengal tacklers miss Johnson spectacular setup bill Butler's 37 yard field goal which gave the Oilers a 10-7 halftime lead but Billy Jays best efforts were yet to come unfortunately for Johnson a teammate deflected this pass into Johnson's hands nullifying the score but not Johnson celebration however the next time Johnson touched the ball neither the beleaguered Bengal specialists nor the NFL rulebook could slow him down [Music] Johnson 67-yard returned increased Houston's lead to 17 seven and the orders seemed safely on their way to a mild upset but the NFL's premier passer pulled out the stops in the final period as Houston's lead was carved a three on this Anderson to Stan Fritz Arielle a playbook perspective from high above the astrodome playing surface reveals the elements of a successful passing attack here Anderson set up behind a perfect pass pocket the Bengal offensive line gave Anderson ample time to throw in a laugher it's to get behind Houston linebacker Steve keener [Music] result six points following an Euler fumble Anderson resumed his customary aerial barrage this time going to his favorite receiver Isaac Curtis and the Bengals led for the first time with time now working against him boiler quarterback Dante Pastorini pump-faked then launched a missile for double-o Kenny Burrell whose speed forced Bengals cornerback Ken Reilly to drape himself over burrows back and the yellow flag signaled first and goal on the one three times Cincinnati slammed the door on Houston ball carriers forcing the Oilers to gamble and on fourth and goal the fired up Fingal defend made the play of the game [Music] the rousing goal-line stand drained the light from the oiler offense nonetheless as time expired the first place Bengals and head coach Paul Brown knew that the Houston Oilers had become a team to reckon with [Music] the fruits and flowers of pro football need no introduction they are the glamour figures of American sport they take their place on the field amid acclaim and adulation while other equally interesting faces go unrecognized the most anonymous and ignored of this breed is the offensive lineman football's ground soldier seldom is this shadowy domain probed by public scrutiny yet week after week along this narrow strip of turf called the line of scrimmage offensive linemen determine the course of each game to the unpracticed eye offensive line play as a chaotic swirl of unrelated energy but actually each man's task is well defined and crucial to the success or failure of any play [Music] proper technique can allow an offense to open up and prosper while a misstep Rafal T execution will doom even a well-conceived game plan to failure [Music] positively or negatively offensive linemen or a factor in every play last week all around the week the battles raged as usual up and down the line [Music] during the show will feature the outcome of some of these struggles and demonstrate that the five score is often determined by who wins these duels in the dust out in San Diego one charged-up offensive line ran right into trouble [Music] the Oakland Raider defense quickly took over the scrimmage line here Otis Sistrunk number 60 has penetrated the San Diego backfield through a charger lineman this domination leaves the runner where to turn even when the San Diego line did give number 14 Dan Fouts a little time to throw there were breakdowns elsewhere number 26 skip Thomas took this interception as San Diego managed to scrape together only 93 total yards for the entire day trouble was Oakland's offense fared a little better [Music] after a long afternoon of offensive futility the young turks finally gave way to methuselah forty eight-year-old George Blanda provided the games only points with two field goals for a six nothing Oakland victory meanwhile out in st. Louis the Cardinal offensive line met with much greater success Dan Dierdorf led the way against the New York Giants from his right tackle position on this play Dierdorf post blocks his man to seal off the inside while guard Conrad Dobler number 66 pulls and kicks out on the linebacker providing a funnel of daylight for quick Terry Metcalf number 21 [Music] Metcalfe is the type of runner who can make good use of his blocks while running a play that develops his diagram but when the need arises can also improvise and adjust [Music] against New York Terry Metcalf and the offensive line were an unbeatable combination [Music] when Metcalfe wasn't carrying the ball number 35 Jim Otis took over the hole at the offensive line provided was similar but the style was different while Metcalfe out quicks Otis overpowers Otis barreled in to secure a 26 to 14 st. Louis victory that was as much a tribute to an excellent offensive line as it was to a couple of young ring backs who each gained over a hundred yards rushing for the day [Music] in New York Shea Stadium the Jets offensive line was preparing to go the same infantry route a strong running attack had led them to an easy victory over Kansas City the week before [Music] but the New England Patriots came out tough against the run so quarterback Joe Namath opted for Plan B much to the dismay of Patriot defensive backs provided with proper time Joe Willie can still shoot a secondary full of holes in the first half name it through 13 completions in 16 attempts and the reason was simple when a defensive line has kept this far away the man makes magic happen [Music] number eighty-eight rich casters scored from the two yard line on a quick out as the Patriots watched a once promising season continue to disintegrate during Glenn coach Chuck Fairbanks anxiously observed the seasons debut of his most important player quarterback Jim Plunkett number 16 but the effects of a pre-season shoulder separation were still painfully apparent with timing rusty and passes somewhat forced Plunkett soon realized that his comeback had been attempted too soon [Music] number 56 Godwin Terk a second-year linebacker from Southern University celebrated his first Pro interception in grand style while the Patriots faltered Namath continued his bombing run this time tucking the ball into a corner for number 83 Jerome bargain in the fourth quarter third stringer Steve Grogan number 14 took over for Plunkett and finally gave New England some offense but the touchdown pass two rookie tight end Russ Francis number 81 came long after the game had been decided down where it usually is decided along the line of scrimmage it was here that the Jets really did the job the source of sugarbear Hamilton's frustration can be shown on a replay as number twelve takes advantage of yet another perfect pass pocket [Music] by day's end Namath had thrown four touchdown passes castor had six receptions for 110 yards and once again the glamour figures got most of the credit but the game ball went to the New York offensive line the faceless men who made it all happen in a resounding 36 to 7 New York victory last Sunday Steve Bartkowski said I'm earning an awful lot of money to play football and I just haven't been playing for good quarters but bartowski's problems were minimal compared with those of his opponent number 8 Archie Manning the Orleans Saints they're three games thus far have a scoring average of only 3 and 1/3 points per game number fifty-four Fulton Kuykendall a rookie linebacker from UCLA turned back won New Orleans thrust and then the Falcons rebuilt offensive line gave Steve Bartkowski the time he needed to find the open man like Ken burrow number 82 the Falcons best wide receiver for the past five Easons and the man who scored Atlanta's first touchdown last Sunday [Music] can burrow is the Falcons most dependable wide receiver but another Atlanta receiver who must always be reckoned with his tight end Jim Mitchell number 86 [Music] Jim Mitchell a solid 235 pounds is not exactly a pushover in the open field [Music] the game's biggest play was the combination of Bartkowski burro and mitchell first Bartkowski hit burro with a 15-yard slant but burro lost the ball and along came good ol eighty-six Jim Mitchell to save the day for the Falcon 77 yards later the Falcons had their second touchdown and their first victory of the season receivers and runners are notorious for their endzone antics but sometimes an intelligent man like Jim Mitchell will permit an unsung hero a moment of glory like offensive guard larren Jackson number 68 while the Falcons celebrated their first victory of a brand new quarterback in Minnesota a wise old pro led the Vikings over an inexperienced Chicago bear team led by a confused Gary huff at quarterback while Huff suffered the Vikings superior offensive line gave Fran Tarkenton ample time to step up and deliver to his favorite receiver John Gilliam number 42 near the goal line Tarkington didn't even bother to fake because he saw that Gilliam had an easy touchdown [Music] behind his mobile and effective offensive line Fran Tarkenton threw for two more touchdowns both to is underrated but sure-handed tight end Stu Voigt number 83 [Music] while crafty Fran was out foxing the young bears another kind quarterback story was developing in Cleveland for number 15 Mike Phipps has had only limited success in his six year professional career inexperience hurts anywhere but especially in an offensive line which has to deal with people like number 68 LC Greenwood one of the most valuable players in Super Bowl nine on the other hand the Pittsburgh offensive line gave Terry Bradshaw playbook perfect protection Bradshaw took advanced to complete his first seven passes of the game including several to his super second-year wide receiver Lynn Swann number 88 [Music] Bradshaw also effectively used his other super second-year wide receiver John Stallworth number 82 [Music] Bradshaw Swan and stalwart led the Steelers for 21 to nothing first-half advantage but then Bradshaw is forced out with a cut hand and Joe Gilliam number 17 finished up in style with two more touchdown bombs one of them to fancy stepping away in Swan [Music] they bombed us right out of our minds said coach Forrest Gregg of the winless Browns the final bombing run of the afternoon was launched by Jefferson Street Joe - still another second-year wide receiver Reggie Garrett number 86 as the world champion Steelers rebounded from their embarrassing defeat of the previous week to crush Cleveland 42 to 6 [Music] the distinguished guests at Shea Stadium was the Emperor of Japan Hirohito he'd come to see the Jets battle of Patriots and try to understand a game that turns on an entire nation in Japan inscrutability is revered public emotion held in his day and perhaps what the emperor saw was not what you and I would see perhaps to some untutored eyes football registers as a tabletop game played by distant figures whose raiment is plastic whose reasons are mechanical but to even the casual fan the beauty of the game and the talent of the men who play it soon becomes apparent even the untrained eye must appreciate the lasting arc of a well-thrown past the central symmetry of the tourney turning turning spiral the poetry of the game [Music] sometimes the poetry is farce and the men who are the actors seem all the more human for it [Music] [Music] [Music] beneath the gladiators battleguard pounds the heart of a flesh-and-blood person who desires to win who desire is sometimes frustrated by an inch or a fault that he himself must bear and in failure as in success the emotions curdle to the surface and our heroes our idols become all the more like real people to us but in defeat each man makes new valves pledges new vitality to the game each man gives it his best shot and like protons care I mean in a nuclear reactor the level of play and emotion reaches a peak of high velocity [Music] perhaps sometimes the emotional level runs too high and the red warning buzzer flashes overload perhaps we are all Romans at the games slightly more sophisticated slightly more humane but just as highly tuned to emotion [Applause] don't worry for the punches fall for the most part on foam fill pads and after all most of footballs appeal is derived from the fact that it is an emotional game and that's why we all love even sweet old ladies like coach George Allen's mother would have been the first to tell you that and she watched her son's team in Philadelphia last week [Music] [Applause] perhaps the most emotional team in the NFL is the veteran Washington Redskins head coach George Allen has consistently proved that although age may slow a man down emotion can speed him up and he begins every game of an old fashioned pep talk everybody stick together play as a team don't worry about a damn thing and be physical Mike McCormick needed no pregame talk to fire up his Philadelphia Eagles earlier in the week he publicly accused his team of dogging it remarked that there were several players who could just as well be wearing flea collars as shoulder pads against the undefeated Redskins the Eagles responded to coach McCormick's criticism by tearing Washington's office to shreds the Eagles forced and recovered three fumbles intercepted Billy Kilmer three times [Music] [Music] two of Kilmer's passes were picked off by the Eagles all-pro safety Bill Bradley number 28 [Music] it was a matter of attitude said Bradley we couldn't afford to lose today and I was scared I play better when I'm scared there was just no way I could lose this football game the charged-up Eagle defense set the tempo and soon every man was playing with a passion born of anger and frustration every play every gain was a personal step toward retrieving a season that many thought had already been lost Roman Gabriel played the whole game at quarterback and thoroughly confused the defense with endurance reverses and double reverses [Music] the Eagles offensive line dominate the Redskins in every way Gabriel was never touched and had enough time to throw two touchdown passes one to Harold Carmichael the other to Charlie Smith number 85 [Music] Smith touchdown gave the Eagles a lead they never relinquished and they went on to whip the Redskins 26 to 10 and her not only their first victory but a newfound self-respect I wanted to show coach McCormick that I'm no dog said Roman Gabriel I want to let him know I'd never quit on him but I guess that dog talk helped there was a different feeling in the locker room before the game for all the Eagles there was a new feeling in the locker room after the game as well [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] alright alright took your hello still though as John said this morning we thank the man that gave us the ability no that's us you dear lord i I don't know how to pray I'm just giving thanks for the ability you've given these men we just prayed lower that we can go on from here and keep us from our prideful cells help us improve search the mistakes we make allow us to step on the field next week to bring you glory beat him at his own game your bid even to turnover how we won this game offensive line the greatest in the world [Applause] all right mr. toast mr. toast oh yeah where are you come on here come in okay on defense there was a son of a puppy out there hidden like you wouldn't believe giant bunny I've known I've been waiting to win a ballgame so bad so he could get the game ball and give it to him then caption he has leukemia and I'm going to get the ball and inside it and have all you guys sign it I'll take it to him right so great there was a son of a this week the cut our minds right I didn't like his remark about well in there [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you know just to repeat what John said brother a win over that football team I'll cherish this one thank you very much [Applause] you
Channel: jstube36
Views: 48,654
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 39min 31sec (2371 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 20 2018
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