Twinmotion 2023: Create Stunning Landscapes IN ONLY 30 MINS

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foreign hi everybody Jonathan here with a twin motion video now today we're going to be looking at a new tutorial series to create an absolutely beautiful landscape with an Eco Holiday Park I recently won arvr Project of the Year competing construction Awards this year down in London this inspired me to make a video for you guys just to show you how easy it is to create wonderful Landscapes and integrate stunning architecture into that too so today's video is all it could be about creating that environment and knocking out some fantastic Stills and then the next video we'll be looking at cinematic videos as well so make sure if you're new around here please subscribe to the channel and thanks for watching as always [Music] okay so let's get started with this tutorial of twin motion and basically we're going to start with the new blank file the very first thing I'm going to do is drag in a flat landscape and you can see I can immediately start to get my sculpting brush and select the different kind of shape for that brush which I'm going to go for something a bit more kind of stainy and you can see as I paint essentially I'm getting these really nice sort of hills and sort of mountainous sort of terrain coming up from the ground very very instantly so this is a really satisfying process with the new brush tool on Twin motion you can adjust the diameter and the intensity as well in terms of actually just kind of making a really kind of quick sort of random um sort of Landscapes this is a fantastic tool to use you can actually go through the different modes and raise these up as well as you need to I'm going to change that to the circle and you'll notice that here I can sort of flatten some of those areas is eight where I want to kind of do a bit of work and also if we go to paint Terrain we can now select a brush and literally just start painting the ground with the sort of selection of the four different types of textures or materials if you like now you can actually drag new materials down although there is a limit of four here so just be aware of that but you'll see it's looking pretty good already now let's go to the sculpting brush and basically depress the ground what I'm going to do is drag some water on that so you can see at the starting ground has been revealed now and as I basically get my brush size down and do some sort of painting I can paint some hills in but I can also paint in some if you like areas which are depressed which immediately reveals the water okay so you can see I'm just having a lot of fun just painting in a few areas of sort of some Lakes for my kind of project here has all just being done sort of quite rapidly no particular accuracy but that's fine sometimes this is a really nice satisfying way to work and you know for tutorials apps brilliant way to learn how to create sort of the environments you need so yeah I really really love this tool the painting tool and the landscape sculpting tool and so yeah we can kind of start to raise the land and it kind of come comes and pegs through the water again and you'll notice this is great just for creating like a little island within this uh this Lake here so I haven't really got quite a good sense of scale just yet but I will do want to start putting some trees and some landscape in but this is looking pretty good so far so I'm just going to go and adjust my dimer to my brush do remember that you can actually type numbers in here okay and you can actually basically use the slider but it's quite sensitive the slider so very very rapid in terms of actually kind of selecting those materials and just sort of painting that Terrain okay good so I think we're ready to go for some trees now so we need to do is get the vegetation brush and just drag down into the dock at the bottom the trees that we would like to use on our project you can see I'm going for sort of uh Pine and kind of Evergreen type trees and look at this I just absolutely love this tool the fact you can kind of change the diameter and just literally start to spray almost like photoshopping but in 3D almost like an instant terrain and these trees are really great you'll see that when we zoom into them in a minute the quality of them is super high and you can do things like adjust the density and the coloration and also things like you know the leaves Blow In The Wind that kind of thing so really really nice satisfying tool so let's go back to my brush get my brush size a bit smaller now I'm just going to select a slightly different brush and just re-sculpt the landscape now you notice that if you do actually modify the landscape the trees and things stuck on the landscape will go with it now that didn't used to happen on early versions of twin motion but it does now so looking fantastic already uh very rapidly we're only a few minutes into the tutorial and we've already got the basic environment here just drag down some more trees you'll notice if I want to place a few individually all I need to do from the dock is just select them and every time I click into the viewport if you like I'll get a random one being placed so just made a little adjustment to the weather there and also going to adjust that background to be a bit more of a neutral kind of Countryside type scene rather than that cityscape that twin motion defaults to okay so I'm going to actually create a new container up in the seam graph you can see that I can basically as I drag these trees in and just sort of place those individually they're added all automatically to my scene okay so these individual trees are very controllable but basically I can just drag them all into that trees folder and then turn them on and off as required okay so next up we're going to go for uh painting some grass and some surfaces into the project so we're going to select a few of those and just start to paint now you won't see this unless you're kind of close enough in and that's because there's something called grass fading so if we go into the preferences you'll notice depending on the quality you have if you change that to far grass fading you definitely see it when you're a bit further away but do you remember your graphics card will have to work a lot harder for these settings keep an eye on the frame rate you can see I've got my statistics panel open on the right hand side and as long as we're in the green you know with the thumbs up I'm on 35 40 frames a second we're pretty happy okay so that's cool so back into that painted object for the vegetation you'll notice that I can also drag in things like rocks and some kind of bushes and some you know fallen leaves and twigs and that sort of thing just to make it look a bit more um I don't know a bit more interesting and a bit more variety so very very cool okay so now I'm actually going to go to my rocks library and select a bunch of rocks so I'm going to hold my key down and basically every time I click you'll notice I get a slightly randomized placement orientation and size of rock if I just want to drag in individual ones I can but this is a great way just to kind of make like a rocky outcrop here on the designs um so I absolutely love the quality of the rocks in Twin motion okay good right so now we are actually ready for the first time to import our project now this is a really interesting project that I recently just won an award for um it was basically AR VR project of the year at the construction Computing Awards number 22 which is an annual event held in London each year now I collaborated with a great designer Ashley miles of Ash design who designed these kind of cabins for a project that we're working on and basically I did a load of visualization for twin motion including some AR and VR kind of positioning so here you can see at the cabins very very nice models now these were all modeled in fact Works which I absolutely love and if you see my channel you know you'll already know that so veterans is just such a great modeler and it's very robust you can create superb models but all of that works extremely well with twin motion so what I'm going to do is just create a folder and just to save the project now we've made up of progress and let's save up the project so far okay so let's do a little bit of work on the buildings themselves so I'm going to go through and get a few materials and just sort of enhance these back to Vector space materials with some sort of nice Chrome and things like that and do remember if you want to modify things like the colors of the existing textures best way to do that is Click t for the texture tool or the eyedropper and then basically you can sample that texture and then get the colorization Picker and so for example like we'll click onto this object here and basically change the color quite happily from the standard one so you can see it's starting to look quite a bit better already some of these colors definitely need a bit of work occasionally I find that a missing surface that seems to be there as well um maybe that was a glass table or something in back to works and of course things like reflectivity uh you know always enhance the look of a CGI whether that's sort of true to life or not it's quite nice just to enhance the reflectivity a little bit on on these computer generated images so one of the beauties of twin motion is this sort of speed you've got a really good Library set of materials built in now you can obviously make your own as well and store these as user Library objects and that's something we'll run through if needed but you can see just by dragging and dropping and then adjusting with things like reflection and colorization you can get a very nice variety now you notice that I just added some light into the lights themselves and that means that if I do put the model into sort of slightly darker then I'm going to get those illuminous surfaces in the light source and that's just a really nice little tip so when you do your model just make sure that you model the actual light source with a separate color material so that you can apply That Neon material okay so what we're going to do now is just have a quick look at the path tracing for a moment I'm quite a big fan of changing the default settings for the path tracing so that basically the low setting is going to render really really quickly you'll notice that I can almost work in real time um now I'm working on a 2080 Ti from a few years ago it was probably the best graphics card you could get at the time obviously these days we've got things like 30 90s and 4090s even if you can afford them which will render even faster but basically the key with the path tracing really is to get those settings quite low when you're working and then crank them up when you're doing a hi-res renders later okay so occasionally you'll notice that you get a bit of a flashing surface come through and that's a phenomenon called Zed fighting where two surfaces interact in exactly the same plane and I can solve that literally just by turning that off in this circumstance but just basically go back to your model if you need to and just readjust that now here you can see I'm just dragging in some props from the electronics section as well just to kind of really enhance and bring the project to life I absolutely love the way you can basically just download these drag them on and they snap to that surface and then you can position them just so easily it's a very sort of easy way to work in Twin motion and that's one of my my favorite things about twin motion is just this ease of access of the ready-made library and the ability to kind of very easily prop out a scene with sort of nice bits of furniture and things like plants and stuff as well so you can see we've already got a bit of artwork on the walls so we're just kind of focusing a bit more on the extra sort of decoration that you know you're not necessarily going to model in your architectural modeling software um things like you know wine glasses and plates and stuff like that I mean you could do but why not let's just keep it simple so if you do have problems selecting things then um the best way to deal with that is just basically go up to the scene graph and you can always click on the scene graph object and just manipulate it like I did with that plant there good okay so it's just starting to look quite nice we'll download just a couple more items you'll notice that if I actually click onto the download button and these additional items aren't actually in the Twin motion labor yet they get downloaded from the cloud and then basically we can kind of add those but the good thing is they'll be there forever from now on now a really good little tip is click the heart button to favorite them okay so what we're going to do now then we're going to run through setting up our first few images you'll notice it's so easy to do we're just going to basically adjust the image and we're going to turn that landscape back on now outside as you can see through those windows and doors I'm just going to set up a couple of different views and when I'm ready I just click on the create image button to create those images now I can easily adjust these later so we're just doing a quick starting point one of the Beauties is anytime you're going to spot things that you want to change so you can just come back keep working on the materials and basically just update the images okay so a really healthy thing to do is also to create some folders for your content you see that I just did that with some of the landscape material now I'm basically selecting the entire model that I brought in from betws and it's really easy to actually just manipulate that and duplicate it with the shift key and here I'm just kind of creating a slightly different sort of placement for this that looks really cool with that hot tub um a couple of image props that have come in from back to work so I'm just going to select those occasionally they can be quite hard to select so again good little tip go up to the search and just type in the name props or whatever you're looking for and then delete them I like that it's looking really really cool um so we'll basically just rearrange the order of our model ever so slightly okay so a bit of time or tweaking let's push it down to the ground a bit more what I might want to do actually is just take those rocks and just sort of move those either down or kind of like just under the deck and just rotate them around and then bring them out again now I quite like the way some of them are crashing through the deck I quite like that I think that's a cool feature okay good so I'm just going to drag in some nice water material for that little hot tub area there and you can see the building looks really nice and sits well in its landscape so let's duplicate some more of these cabins just around to the other part of the site you can see how well twin motion handles this and you can see that my frame rate you know was still at 40 40 frames a second which is really good um for this kind of like Fidelity of image already and that's the beauty it's just being able to work in real time with this level of quality of Graphics um I think at the moment I'm working in high possibly Ultra there's no real need to work in ultra settings you know working in high is absolutely fine and then remember that all your final quality images will always generate in the old track well beyond Ultra actually okay so what we're going to do here is just delete a few extra trees and things to make space for this little cabin here you can just see how flexible it is to adjust that landscape so anytime if you would do want to just click F to fit the object that's selected just so I can kind of get down there and manipulate the view a bit more okay well it's looking really really good already so I'm just going to make a few adjustments to this landscape here by deleting a few trees and save the model so do make sure you save regularly as you go you can actually set the auto save as well but I tend to just sort of save every time I feel like I've made a bit of kind of good progress really okay so what I'm going to do I'm going to go back into my site and reset my painted object now one of the Fantastic capabilities is that I can now carry on painting with the painted object basically and what I'm going to do is just turn off the cabins I'll put those into a group if you like just so I can turn those off Also let's just rename that group as well so that's very very clear what that is I'm going to turn off the trees I think as well just for a moment and just rearrange my sort of order of my kind of folders about so I think let's carry on with my painted object here um you can just see it's painting the grass it's painting leaves it's painting dead sticks and a few different types of grass as well just to really kind of quickly create beautiful kind of landscape okay so turning off the trees does make it a lot easier to kind of see the areas that we're painting now do you remember um depending on the grass fading setting that you actually have on you might not always see the area that you are actually painting until you're a bit closer to it with the camera and that's just to sort of help the graphics card if you like not have to display billions of bits of grass in the distance so I think I've put my grass setting on probably far at the moment so I'm getting a pretty good view um so yeah if you've got the capability on your graphics card that's a nice way to work but you can see it's a very enjoyable process um and the good thing is if you kind of paint over the wrong bit you just get your little kind of arrays and basically you get your brush size down a bit as I'm doing now just get that down that's maybe yeah just sort of erase and sort of tidy up those edges a bit more so it definitely takes a little while to kind of work up these areas in detail both with the Eraser and the brush and obviously you can drag on specific objects like I did with the Rocks as well so it's looking good already um let's basically go into full screen mode so every once in a while I do like to take a while just to kind of explore the project and you know just kind of focus on those bits that need a bit more work and you can see I'm just sort of enhancing this little island with some grass and things as well now obviously I'm doing this quite rapidly um if I was doing a real project I would take a bit more time to kind of actually get these edges looking even nicer but you're getting a really nice effect even from me doing this quite rapidly hopefully um so we'll just kind of keep working on that a little bit more and I think what we'll do now is basically we'll just have a little kind of move around the scene kind of eye level I mean what do you think it's looking amazing really for you know 15 minutes work or so from scratch okay so we'll go ahead and basically update a few of our images and what I really want to do now is focus on the outside images now that I've done a bit more work on the outside so here's a really nice little view um of basically the the kind of outside from the deck look at those amazing lights with that neon Shader let's go through here and you will occasionally sort of spot areas where you know you did the wrong thing and painted grass over that cabin so that's fine you just get in there and erase it and basically sort it all out um so you know you can see I can basically just kind of navigate through now let's just set up that new view and I'll shift the views around just by dragging the order of them as well so I love this ease of use and the ability just to click refresh and tweak and constantly kind of tweak your view but you know working with a real-time rendering software where the quality of the preview is almost as good as the final image that you're going to get it's just so refreshing you know in the old days when you had to kind of work in wireframe Click render you know wait five ten minutes see something wasn't right change it and then re-render again for me those days have gone you know and now with twin motion or you know maybe even enscape my other favorite real-time renderer we're just working in this sort of real-time View one of the things I love about twin motion the most is the and beautiful environments you can create and you know anything with water always looks absolutely stunning as you can see and basically just sort of framing up a few shots just trying to kind of get a feel for whether that's a nice view or not I don't think that's going to work so it's just going to move on to a new spot in the model so that's the other thing really you know the ability to try things out and just sort of actually see what is going to make a nice image and then as soon as you need to because this image you know shows a bit of a kind of bound area here I can just get my brush and just paint some more trees in just in that background so easy to do so now I can just click back onto the view and revisit and then if it needs a bit more work just carry on so I love this sort of iterative process that you get between motion the ability to refine your view I always think the 80 20 principle is good here try and get to 80 of the quality that you're trying to achieve quite rapidly and then you know the last 20 is often the bit that takes even more time now you can see what I'm doing here is just setting up a plan view so if you go into the eye icon you'll notice that you can actually kind of set up things like orthogonal and plan views and but what you'll notice is the preview looks weird it just looks very dramatic until you actually click onto the path tracing so once you click the path tracing you get a proper rendered View and we can adjust that and just kind of update to get that really nice sort of top-down plan so those look amazing those views well everybody I do hope you've enjoyed this tutorial as much as I've enjoyed making it for you remember this is just part one of a series so please subscribe for those other videos and we'll be looking at cinematic video on the next one now if you don't know I've written a book on Twin motion called revolutionize your rendering with twin motion it's a gorgeous 322 page ebook and it features some of the best artists in the world who can inspire you with your goals between motion so do take a look at the links in the channel and snap up a copy is only 35 pounds for Christmas for you thanks for watching everybody and see you in the next video bye-bye [Music] thank you
Channel: Jonathan Reeves CAD
Views: 16,855
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Twinmotion, Twinmotion 2022, Twinmotion 2022.2 Preview, Twinmotion Release Trailer, Twinmotion on Mac, twinmotion tutorial, twinmotion sketchup, twinmotion animation, twinmotion render, twinmotion interior, twinmotion architecture, Twinmotion new release, Twinmotion New Version, Enscape alternative, Lumion alternative, path tracing, Quixel, Twinmotion Libraries, Learn Twinmotion, Twinmotion Book, What's new in Twinmotion, Sketchfab, 3D, Rendering, Twinmotion landscapes, Tutorial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 57sec (1317 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 16 2022
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