Twinmotion 2020 - Interior lighting tutorial [Area light, Shadow decals & Reflection probes]

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so i've loaded up my model inside twin motion with materials already applied now how can we light up such an interior scene i like to light it up with some area lights some more area lights some decals and some reflection probes now let's place those again together so let's start by adding an area light on top of the ceiling let me set the dimensions so try to get it as right as you can so something like this and put it on top of your ceiling so now let's give this 100 000 intensity let's change this color to 8000 kelvin okay so now we have our first area light placed let's copy this and place this one a bit lower i do this mainly because there's a difference in height of the ceiling so now we get a more brightened look down here and the ceiling is a bit darker we also need an area light to create some light on our ceiling with changes let's flip this upside down and we add this this one to brighten up our ceiling a bit more okay so now when we've placed this one let's start by adding some area lights to the windows normally you can you can add some sunlight that's coming through the windows but the curtain is blocking all the sunlight inside twin motion so now let's add some area lights on top of the window [Music] something like this let's flip this 90 degrees let's add the intensity 500 thousand let's set the shadows to on to create some shadows in our scene and let's set the temperature to 9000 kelvin to get a more white light effect now let's place this as close as you can in our windows so like this so okay something like this and now we can see there's some light on our floor now let's add some light to the curtains because it's not realistic that only the interior is bright and the curtain is dark so let's flip this again like so and then give it a little spin so something like this turn it down a bit so something like this let's copy this one again and turn it around a bit more so something like this now we have a bright looking window that caused some light in our scene let's copy these last three lights and make an instance out of them and just move over the light to the next window so now we have a brighter looking scene already we made an out of this so when we change this value it will change for both of the windows at the same time that's why you see the colors on the right side so let's change it back to 9000 so something like this so once we've placed those area lights let's see what we can do next you can see this dark spot over here and this is not so realistic so let's try to cover this up with another area light you get a new arrow light again you set the dimensions flip it again so something like this it's gonna work out let's move this in front of the window like so and then just make it a little bit bigger turn the intensity up set it to 9000 kelvin like this so now you can see this is a lot better let's turn it down a little bit like so so this is a little bit brighter this spot is also a bit too dark in my opinion and the shadow looks wrong so let's try to correct it by adding in another area light again the same principle set the dimensions first flip it turn this a bit like so set the shadows to on make it colder so something like this okay so let's add some other details so this side of the chair it's too dark so again we can fix this by creating an area light a small one this time something like this so as you can see it brightens up the side of the chair a bit we can do this for all of the furniture so let's just open map over here so this is some of the extra area lights i've added um during this doing this process so a big one over here then we have one over here for this chair and this one and we also have a neon light that's this neon light over here it's the only neon light i've placed so okay once we've done this it looks all good really looks a lot brighter than before let's finish up by adding some reflection probes you can find them in the tools and reflection probes the reflection probe can be used to create a nice reflection in a tv so just drag it in front of the tv you can adjust the size accordingly and the brightness as well like so and then also one in front of the mirror which will create a nice reflection as well so now the only thing left to do is to place some shadow details you can find them in the object folder decals and then go all the way down to the shadow decals shadow details are useful for adding a fake shadow underneath the furniture so it doesn't seem to be floating so over here this should be darker so let's try to imitate that by adding a shadow decal let's move it underneath the chair move it down [Music] like so as you can see this now creates the effect that the chair is okay so you can do this for all furniture so underneath the big chair the other launch there the table you can even do this like here on the wall let's adjust the size a bit like so set the opacity down because this side should be darker normally you can also do this for the ceiling i like to do it to create a little bit more contrast in the scene so that's just a width like so and if you do the four corners it will start to look a lot better so as well here on this side of the wall we can imitate the shadow by adding a shadow decal move it down just a bit like so set the opacity down and then move it a bit further so now this is just quick quick if you put some work into it like underneath the table if you put some work into it it will start to look a lot better like so okay so something like that so you can edit as many shadow details as you want as long as it still feels natural it's okay [Music] i would recommend even to add some shadow details it is time consuming though so it's your own choice so let me just delete those and show you my folder with the decals so like this so underneath all the tables the chairs it's all done with with shadow decals and this creates that extra contrast so now you should have a bright looking nice interior scene okay so that's it with this technique you can create any interior render you want just make sure to use the right materials to add some nice area lights and fill the the shadows up with some shadow details so that's it for today guys if you enjoyed this video make sure to hit that subscribe button and turn on the bell to get notified when i post a new video
Channel: Arne Van Keer
Views: 64,452
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Twinmotion, interior render tutorial, interior render settings, twinmotion 2020, Interior render, How to create a interior render, rendering, renderlovers, interior visualisation
Id: Tyf4Mgb6PxU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 11sec (611 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 25 2020
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