Twin Troller Arrival - What to do when your boat arrives at your door.

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you hi my name is David once your twin troll or x10 has arrived at your front door there's a couple of things that you're going to need to do before you can actually hit the water and we'll go over them in this video so let's get started the first thing that you want to do is get your battery installed if you haven't purchased a battery yet you're going to need to get one and I would recommend that you purchase one as soon as you order your boat so that you'll have it ready for you and charged up when your boat arrives there's a couple different ways you can go we recommend that you go with a series 29 deep-cycle marine battery the one that I have in this book right here is made by Interstate Batteries and it's a great a great battery I believe it's a model 29 M and regarding battery there's a couple things that you need to think about and that is the smaller the battery the shorter the runtime and the larger the battery the longer the runtime so for example this battery the 29 which we feel is a really good fit for this boat can go uninterrupted for three straight hours with both motors on full throttle for approximately three hours now it's important that you understand how long that is if you're going to go out fishing and you're going to be maneuvering around at the boat you need to position yourself and things like that you are not going to be full throttle on the motors in most cases you're just using one motor at a time and moving around things like that most of our owners can go several hours six to eight hours at least on a full charge of this particular series 29 battery they don't have any need for a larger battery but if you are in a situation where you are on a larger lake and that maybe you need to take 20 or 30 minutes to travel to where you're going or something along those lines you can consider getting a larger battery like a series 31 or as another alternative if you like you can get a second battery and just put them in series and all that means is that one I'll show you in a second how to put the cables on when you put the cables on and you have the second battery you just run a jumper cable from the positive to the positive of the other battery and the negative to the negative to the other battery so in theory if you were to have two series 29 batteries on your boat you could go six hours full-throttle with both motors and the reality is that you're not likely going to need to do that you will wear out before you'll run out of battery power to power your boat so let's talk about how easy it is to set up the leads and what not to install your battery I've installed this battery inside the battery box that comes with a deluxe fisherman model if you are getting a standard model I would seriously recommend highly recommended that you pick up this box that goes the stores of battery because it puts a nice lid over the top and things like that but you will have a leads on each side positive and negative from the motors this of course on the right-hand side here is for the right motor this on the left hand is for the left motor and you've got red which is positive and you've got black which is the negative and to install this really quite simple all you have to do is you of course find the positive on the battery and the negative and you are going to take the positive and stick it on there you're going to take the negative stick it over on here and now we're going to take the other motor and we're going to take the positive and we're going to stick it right there we're going to take the negative and stick it right there now some of you most of you probably especially the deluxe fisherman model people you will have purchased a charger that goes with this boat and I would recommend that you have that it makes it really easy I have it sitting on the side over here and you can mount it if you want to you don't have to necessarily mount it but you can mount it in the boat here of course this surpassed resin is is solid you can screw right into it and if you do have a charge you're going to want to add that to the cables here of course you've got a red in the case of this one is a yellow for the negative so I'm going to go head and take the red and I'm going to stick that on there and then we've got these little wingnut screws and screw it on tight just clamp that thing down and then let's go ahead and do the negative over here and that's all there is to it was that easy enough for you and of course just you know kind of just stick these cables in here as best you can so that you can put the lid on you'll notice that the lid has these little openings for the cables so you want to position the cables where those openings are and then go over the top of it one other thing I want to point out that you may want to do I would highly recommend it head over to an auto parts store or Walmart or something like that and pick up a can of this battery corrosive you know parental preventive corrosion spray and then just take that and spray it I've already sprayed it that's what all that red stuff is on there I just spray it on there and that will help keep the you know the terminals in good condition and one other thing I mentioned earlier about the size of the battery and and putting in a series if you are someone that thinks is you're going to need extra battery power and you want to put multiple batteries you can just get another battery another case set it right next to it here and run a jumper cable which is just a you know get a good solid wire with the same terminals as this those little round terminals and put it on here with the positive and put it on the positive of the next battery same thing put it on the negative put it on the negative of the next battery and your charger will charge both batteries like it's one battery and so you can theoretically if you had two series 29 like I said before two series 29 Interstate Batteries you could go six hours full throttle on the motors with this boat which means you could go for a long long a long time next let's talk about getting the seats okay what are we missing here looks like we need some seats right the seats is actually the only thing that you're going to have to assemble when your boat arrives and it's really simple it's only eight screws on each seat which you're actually attaching the seeds themselves to the supports that actually slide into the rails on the boat and it's really quite simple it's not rocket science by any means you've just got four bolts that are going to go in and you've got to you know just tighten tighten these in and you have to mount the you know these other screws to the seat so you're talking about eight here on each seat and it's very easy to do all you need is a simple wrench and piece of cake once you've done that installing them on the the boat is really easy you may find yourself taking them off and on if you like to go out by yourself or something like that you don't want to have both seats in the boat all you have to do you turn it over and in the rails there's you'll notice that there's some space up in front of the boat where you can actually as I've done I've set the seat here and it's not even in the rails so you've got room to put it in front and you just slipped the two supports right into these rails and you just slide it back look how easy it slides piece of cake and you've got of course multiple positions for the motors you've got one position for the back here and you've got multiples in the front if you want to operate from the back you can just go as far back as over the battery if you wanted to yeah actually all the way there this is actually kind of a fun place to be because you can sit here and fish out the back or so but that's a whole other thing that you'll you'll learn and have fun with so that's the first seat if I want to install the second seat all I got to do is grab the second seat install it the same way installed the first one in there I've got it both seats are installed and ready to go now let's talk about the foot pedals let's get those let me introduce you to your new best friend your petals and I really mean that you're gonna love these things these petals are what make or one of the things that makes this boats so unique and you're just going to absolutely love them so here's what you do with them first thing these petals are water resistant meaning when you have them in the boat if water splashing or something like that you're going to be okay don't worry about that they are sealed in here but you want to make sure that they do not get submerged meaning don't let them fall out the boat be careful when you're transporting them out of the boat just don't let the immersion water because the electrical components obviously Electra's electrical components and water don't go good together next you have to figure out where you want to put them and that you can change it move them around to whatever suits your needs you have options on the front and you actually have an option as well on the back if you want to operate it from the back and once you've them where you want there's little slots in here that sits right once you position that you just need to plug in the connectors for the motors and it's very simple just go like this each motors got the cables coming right into this connectors a little four prong connector and it goes in real simple you'll notice there's a notch on one side of the connector and that is actually on the bottom so you're going to see round on the top you simply just pull back the cover and you just slide it right in there when you plug it in be careful don't push on the motors you're not going to break anything but we don't recommend that you run these motors when they're dry or you know sitting you know not in the water yet and you don't want to be doing while you're in the water too because a boat's going to move just reach back here and and push it in without touching the pedals and then do the same thing of course for the other I remember the notch on the bottom reach back here just careful not to push the pedals and you're good to go and of course I mentioned before that you can you know decide where you want to have this I've got it in the back position on the front and then you've got some other slots as well the first thing you want to do when you get in the water so you've got your boat in the water you've got your pedals plugged in you're ready to go you need to do what we call priming the motor and what that means is that there's the holes as you know the motors are recessed inside the holes which is one of the other things that makes it supposed to a great wood when the boat gets in the water is going to be sitting up a little bit the first thing you want to do is get in and go full force forward on both motors you can go backwards as well but ideally just go forward is not going to hurt the motors all it should be more efficient if you go forward go full forward and you'll hear air coming out and bubbles coming out of the back of the boat and when the water has all been sucked up into the hull it'll all of a sudden go quiet and you'll sink down a little bit which is kind of neat so they'll just kind of go down a little bit and it'll be real quiet and it'll be working very well so that's the first thing that you're going to want to do operating the boat is very simple you've got two motors of course one on your right one on your left and they go forward or they go backwards so if you want to if you're sitting in the boat this way and you want to go a little bit to the left all you have to do is take your right motor and go forward with it and you will gradually make a turn to the left if you want to go gradually to the right you just do the reverse of it you take your left motor you go forward and it'll gradually go to the right what makes this boat really great is when you're trying to maneuver your position in which you're doing say you've got wind at your back or something like that and you want to keep your position you can of course go backwards as well so if you want to make a hard right turn you can go forward with your left motor with your left foot go backwards with your right foot and you will make a turn a sharp in place turn to the right and of course if you do the reverse of it forward with the right back with the left you'll make a hard spin to the left and then of course if you want to go backwards just go backwards with one or both motors or forwards with one or both motors it gives you unprecedented maneuverability in efficient boat so you're going to love these things I think I could go on and on about it you're going to love these pedals and it might into being your favorite part of the course other than catching the fish the last thing that you're going to want to do before you actually go in the water is install the drain plug in the back it's in the back left side of the boat back behind the battery and it's really easy to put in well first thing I should mention that if you happen to not put this in and you accidentally get the boat in the water you're both not going to sink don't worry but you do want to get it plugged in before you start heading out and it's really easy to operate those of you that are familiar these things there's no surprise but those of you or not what the way it works is that if you if you take if you're looking down out and you screw it clockwise there's a piece here that shortens this or squeezes against this rubber which fattens it okay so what you want to do is you want to go counterclockwise just enough to be able to actually put it in the hole and then once you get it in the hole and it'll be sitting in the hole like this just turn it clockwise a couple times and when you do that you'll feel it tightening up a little bit maybe even just once just maybe one turn and then after that you're going to push it down which means you're going to just push it down like this and it will fatten it just a little bit more and it'll be sealed in there real good and no water is going to come up through and be sloshing around the boat well that's it were you expecting it to be more difficult all I can say is enjoy your twin-trailer x10 the world's best fishing boat take care you
Channel: Twin Troller
Views: 179,620
Rating: 4.6953645 out of 5
Keywords: small fishing boat, bass fishing boat, small bass fishing boat, 2 man fishing boat, two man fishing boat, bass boat, fishing boat, best small fishing boat, best fishing boat, fresh water fishing boat, salt water fishing boat, small electric fishing boat, electric boat, small electric boat, electric fishing boat
Id: ZtB74Vvuv6I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 13sec (853 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 02 2011
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