Honda 2HP / 2.3HP Outboard Motor Review - Operation Twin Troller X10

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hey David here with freedom electric marine today let's talk about an option to your twin troller x10 and that is this two horsepower Honda outboard motor now the first thing I want to make very clear is that this is an option to your twin troller the twin troller is not required to operate the twin trailer as you know if you've been around the site and you've looked at the you know why this is the world's best fishing boat the twin troller has two trolling motors that are recessed in its hull and you control those motors with the foot pedals so that you can go anywhere you want around in circles forwards backwards anything and that's how you're going to spend your time fishing with the twin troller so you may not need this honda two horsepower outboard motor but let's talk about why you may want to have this Honda two horsepower motor and I think the easiest way to come to that conclusion for me anyway is I'm at John's lake in Central Florida and John's Lakes a pretty good sized Lakes about 4,500 acres I think something like that and I have spent many a days out on this lake in this boat without this outboard motor and there's plenty of places to fish however if I want to get to some of the remote areas on the back end of John's Lake then I will want to put this horse this outboard motor on the twin troller for one purpose and one purpose only and that is to get me to where I want to fish so how do you know whether or not you're going to need this motor well I think a good guideline is that if you plan to travel more than two miles on the water from where you launch your twin trailer to where you want to actually fish you might want to seriously consider getting this outboard motor and the reason for that is of course these motors are the twin trailer motors if you're using a series 29 battery you can go for three hours non-stop with both motors going which you are hot it's highly unlikely that you're going to use up the battery power I have never used it up while you're out fishing for a day however if you need to have both those motors on for an extended amount of time say a half an hour 45 minutes to get to your destination of where you actually want to fish then you're going to be constantly thinking throughout the day okay do I have enough to get back home so for that reason you might want to consider this particular motor and not to mention this thing will get you there faster than the two inch roller motors will get you there so enough about why you might want this motor let's talk about the motor itself and I'm going to bring you in a little closer and we'll talk about some of the features of this great motor this right here is the the oil level indicator and I'm going to go ahead and take the camera off the tripod here I'm going to get in tight and let you take a look at this it's going to be kind of hard to see but in this indicator right here there's a little line and operationally you want the oil low to be at that line or a little bit below it between the bottom and at that line you don't want to get it up over the top of that that's the actual oil level indicator and that's something that you of course want to make sure is working before you take your motor out on the water because you don't want it freezing up on you while you're out there and of course this I'm sure you're familiar you know you know what this is this is the handle to to run this thing and I'll talk a little bit more about that when I'm actually out on the water but it's real simple you know clockwise is slow counterclockwise gets the motor going you have a little nut here or a little screw where if you tighten it up it tightens up the the throttle so if you want to you know leave it tight you can help even in a locked position this right here is a very important piece of equipment this is the start or stop button I should say and this is what you're going to attach to your buckle or you know around your arm how you gonna do it I recommend you flip it you know on a belt buckle so that if you for some reason fall out of the boat it'll pull this off and it'll shut the motor off and of course you need to have this in this position in order to operate the motor now let me go ahead and turn the motor around a little bit this right here is of course the handle if you are going to be carrying this motor around it only weighs 27 pounds it's really light this is how you want to carry it I talked about a little bit later the positioning of the motor how you don't want to have it on one side you want to have it tilted with the you know the throttle handle in the up position if you flip it the other way if you have it over like this with this down and you laid down then oil leaks down into the shaft and things like that and that's just not something you want to do now this of course is just the pull start pretty self-explanatory this is the gas cap one thing I want to do point out about this gas cap there's a little knob on the top you take it counterclockwise and that is the operational position because it allows air to flow in and of course it helps drive gas into the carburetor and whatnot when you screw it clockwise you want to screw it clockwise until it's tight when you are transporting or whether you're when you were tilting this thing up and I mentioned that a little bit later too so that you don't leak any gas out of here if we turn around a bit more this right here is simply the the choke for the engine if you're starting it cold you know those of you know how to use a choke you're going to want to pull this thing out and and use the choke to get it started and then over here on this side up here is a very important feature this is the gas of course here you've got the on position and you've got the off position you might want to just get in a habit of when you are not operating this motor just kind of you know going to have it appalling it in the off position and tightening this up now this motor you'll notice right now I've got it on the back sitting on the transom and it's in the upright position of course now when you're out fishing and I'll show you this when we get out on the water there's going to be times where you're not going to want to leave it in this position so you're going to want to you know of course tilt it up now it's important that you do a few things before you tilt it up so you don't get yourself in a mess one of those is you want to turn off the gas of course you want to tighten this knob at the top of the gas cap to seal in the cap before you tilt it because if you tilt it and you don't do either one of these things it's going to start leaking into the back of your boat and you're not going to want that so you want to tighten this up and you want to turn off the gas the other thing that you want to take into consideration is it talks about this in your manual this motor you either leave it upright or you tilt it on its side only in one direction and that direction is with the handle on top so for example you don't want to tilt this motor this way does that make sense so what you're going to want to do is of course also this motor won't it won't let you tilt it unless you're in this position right here pointing to the back so if I for example is like this it's not going to let me till because it's locked in back here and that's a good thing but you get it in the straight position and it'll allow you to tip it or tilt it see how it let me do that now of course once again I'm making sure this is tight I'm making sure that my gas is in the off position and then I can simply tilt it this way and I can move it back and as I move it back it locks in right here so that it will not move now in this position you can take your two inch roller out fishing and you can do you know you can go into those eight inches of water and places like that and get to the places that what makes the twin roller the world's best fishing boat and this motor will not be being dragged along the bottom now of course while you're doing this you want to be aware that is back here you don't want to be spinning around and banging into a dock or something like that but this is how you will find yourself the position this motor will be and most of the time you are actually fishing and then to get it back it's real simple there's a little lever right here you just lift the motor up just a teeny bit pull that lever up it'll come down and then once again remember it will not lock in until you turn it so you want to turn it into the position the operational position and then it'll just pop right in and you're good to go well you know that's about it I can't think of anything else about this motor let's head out on the water and I'll show you it show it to you operating on the water and you know it's a great little motor I don't have anything bad to say about it it's a four-stroke in case you don't know what that means it simply means that the way that the engine operates you don't need to mix the oil with the fuel you just simply put the gas in here and go of course you need to make sure that your oil levels are good but it's just an ADD gas and go kind of motor it's relatively quiet and it's very efficient and it just zips gas it has about a quarter gallon gas tank as I said before and you can go about an hour on that it's just a great little addition to the twin troller if you need it but if you don't need it hey head out on your twin troller and enjoy fishing the world's best fishing boat just using your foot pedals in the small lakes that you have around your house okay so here I am out on the water I've got my motor here get ready to start it up first thing I want to mention is I'm sitting on the gunnel here and you know my twin troll I'm not worried about a tipping over it's not going to pover normally I would be sitting in a chair you know one of the chairs here on the trawler but for the purpose of this video I want you to be able to kind of see what I'm doing which is why I'm not sitting on a chair okay normally I would be sitting on a chair so the first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to take this little cable here and I'm going to hook it to my belt buckle of course I'm standing up on the twin trailer I'm not worried about that either do that all the time and it is attached to the start button here you can see it's clipped on or the stop button depending on how you want to find it and you simply clip that on you need that on there in order for the boat to start and if I fall out of the boat while we're operating off we won't do them to this video the motor would stop and I could get you know give back to the boat and not have to swim back to shore so that's an important feature now this but motor also has a centrifugal clutch which means that if the RPMs are below 2700 it's not going to engage the propeller so depending on the condition of when you're starting it whether it's cold or things like that but you should be able to have it below that and there really isn't a gauge here for you to know where that is and you'll kind of get used to where it's at and so you want to set your throttle just up a little bit not too much and then you may need to pull the choke if you're starting to cold of course you're going to want to unscrew this counterclockwise not the cap itself but the thing on top you're going to want to take your lever on the left-hand side here to the back which is the gas on position and we're pretty much ready to go all we need to do is just pull the motor and it should start right up there it is okay now you can see it's going and I'm not going anywhere because the propeller is not engaged yet but if I give it a little gas now it's engaged we're going to start moving now this motor is really quiet for a UH for an outboard motor right now I'm running pretty low you know I don't have a baby maybe 3000 3500 rpm I'm gonna go ahead and crank it up and you can see how loud it is and how fast we're going to okay so let's just say if I've arrived in my fishing destination of course I'm not going to want to fish with this so I'm going to go ahead and shut it down and following turn this off all I have to do is press this button or just pull this out and the motor will go off and you know you can leave it in this position if you want to while you're fishing depending on how deep the waters are where you're at for example if you're in you know I would say at least two feet or more water you can you know go around with your twin troller motors but if you start getting in that real shallow stuff you're going to want to prop this thing up and I get in the habit of just propping it up anyway because I just have no need to leave it in the in the water and having it run into anything so pulling it up is really easy all you got to do remember I talked about this earlier first thing is you want to turn down this gas the gas cap there you want to take the lever on the back of the motor here and pull that towards you which is turning the gas off and then you just want to make sure that you tilt this in the right direction you don't want to have the handle down so the first thing I'm going to do is just tilt the motor up and then I'm going to rotate it counterclockwise I've got the handle on top and if I pull it up I kind of like to just make sure that this is tight pull it up it locks right into position see that it's locked into position and if I want to go back I just as I described early in the video I won't go ahead and get into that but that's all there is to it here's a neat little motor in it well so that's by a brief description if you will of the two horsepower Honda motor we offered as an option of course here with the twin troller all I can say is once again you don't need this motor if you're on a lake say a thousand fifteen hundred acres or less or you're just out in the pond or something you're just not going to use it most likely but if you're in a larger lake on a river system or maybe you're out on the coastal flats a Florida or you know North Carolina South Carolina things like that you may want to have this motor - for one purpose and one purpose only is to get you to where you want to fish and if that's the case for you you will not be disappointed having this motor and we tell you something you do get this motor you will have the ultimate fishing boat and you will not find a situation that you'll run into where you can't go and and truly have it an enjoyable day out on the water using the twin roller the world's best fishing mode you take care
Channel: Twin Troller
Views: 512,256
Rating: 4.4290323 out of 5
Keywords: honda, outboard
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 16sec (916 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 01 2012
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