Boat upgrades, modifications, and gear in my Twin Troller X10 that are also useful for other boats

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this video is going to be on some additions enhancements I've made to my Carolina Twins roller a lot of these additions you can do to any tiny boat John boat and some larger boats as well worth the considering I'll try to save the ones specific to the Carolina twin troller for the very end says not to bore those of you that looking at this considering add-ons and things to include in your John boats and long bass hunters or pelicans the stuff I got to talk about with a twin troller with the seat that will pertain to those as well so stick around if you're interested in that seat set up which learned about from another gentleman Jerry and some of his friends that shared some information with them a couple of things that I got rid of on here and you might have them on so many other boats that just got in my way for the way I fish pleats had a couple of these on here I took them off the only thing that I ended up doing with them was getting a line wrapped around and snagged and that was just frustrating and annoying Timmy so I got rid of them it's one less thing in the way now we're on the back to and when trolling that was a real pain something that I added to the front everybody needs a bow line you can tie up to a dock with this also if you're not going to shallow you can hook an anchor to it deeper down water I've got some regular 550 cord here I chose white for this because it's a little easier seeing the water so if you got a fish coming up around the front and the water is not tea stained you can help give you the motivation to keep him from getting tangled up in that inside here something I always keep in here is a serious fish to keep this somewhat compact I tie up the end here these little duck feet that expand out to keep it out of the way this particular model you can actually can see there's little divots you can pull it out it locks in place and I can go deeper I've never had to use that typically I use this when I'm skinning some really nasty muck and basically run aground one thing with this boat with the internal trolling motors you can get yourself stuck if you're not paying attention going in the areas sight unseen you're not knowledgeable about it can give you quite a surprise of an unwanted type another thing that I've added on to the seats and you can put these anywhere in your but you want to some magnets I had some zip ties I had some zingers connected to that I could pull out those pliers this is just a whole lot easier for me to do it that way and I've got some forceps on the other side here same thing and just pull them off of there get the fish lips and just let them slide back on they're less tough to get tangled and get frustrated about use some paddle clips here now I've got as the old saying and the military goes one is none too is one I've got two paddles in here or the collapsible variety got paddle clips they're just connected to the back here out of the way unless I need them which hopefully I won't so I was good to err on the side of caution now and also I've got another type of paddle clip here that I've got this piece this length of a lector grade PVC connected to and I've also got a d-ring at the end of this what they call an airhead Kord you can use this to again dock up with I've got a little d-ring on the end of it with this T piece at the end of this so it stays in there I've just got a zip tie connecting it through here so I can just pull this off and I can put this into the ground if I'm in pretty shallow water without having to put out an anchor and I can just pick this back up and push it back into place there all I have to do if I want to use it to dock up I just take this d-ring out of there and I can use this to hook up to a dock on the back end this thing is also really good you can hear around some standing timber you can also just wrap this around something if it's a little bit on a windy day and you can just hook up to a piece of timber in lake 2 and keep you in place for your fishing also of course I've got an anchor here Pavarotti and I putting put in these two eyes I can wrap around the rape I can just let out what I need to when I'm anchoring and it keeps it out of the way and me having a whole lot less tangles and aggravation and on the very back here is my plug I got this connected to easily visible red d-ring so I can just take this off and also off the tie strap so it's going to be hard for me not to notice yeah I don't have this in the boat before I set off another thing first-aid kit I just got this from Lowe's it's a piece of PVC an end cap and a twist tie cap you just twist this down and then you got an airtight container to keep some of your stuff in that you don't want to get wet phones that's a good place for one and of course you're going to want to have a good quality rubber net to catch a fish in when I've got a cooler in here I've got another seat in here I've got a little Bank take in here of course it's not going to sit down like that it's going to be on its side here so we've got that other stuff in here without a problem and I can still have a nice sized net catch the fish in and another thing you always want to have is going to be a fishing scale I've got a magnet hooked up so I can just pull this off and put it right back up there if you don't have a fishing scale that doesn't have a magnet you like that idea you can just glue one onto the back side of that and clip it up there the place I've got it here I like because if I do get water not do I will get water in this thing because I fish in the rain my fish wouldn't swim Indian you get a little chop and you get some water in here it's going to happen so I keep it from getting wet by having it up a little bit higher and that's as well this came standard with these rod holders I'd strongly recommend you consider getting some rod holders for your boat especially if you've got something that you can troll with but I used on the bass hunter loved it and rigging it with the trolling motor forward is great and you could if you had a couple rod holders on that thing you could actively troll if it wasn't too windy and frustrating for you with a rod holder on either side and there are days when the fish bite like crazy when you're doing that highly recommend it and one other things well two other things one bokeh grip this thing highly recommend and you get catfish both ends pick roll those two thief critters that helps you handle them a whole lot with less likelihood of getting hooked yourself and I always like to have a knife I just got that rigged on here with some PVC so it's easily referenced on here the last thing and once I get this on you tube and I can put up a link I'll send you one I modified this a little bit from design I got from somebody else sharing an idea but all it is is a half inch PVC with a bunch of different types of connectors and this keeps my tackle off the bottom and when I'm leaving this seat back and forth I can also be able to have my tackle right with me instead of somewhere else on the boat so pushing that seat forward and backward I'm able to have my tackle right underneath me at all times and one thing I did different than that link I'll be showing you I used a little bit different material they used 550 cord just going back and forth back here to keep this stuff from sliding out in the back what I did I just used some liner that you typically use for inside of shelves of cabinets in the kitchen and I've only had it on here for a couple weeks I don't know how well it'll hold up but I had it right at hand and I thought it might work well in this and looks a little bit better from my perspective to just use if ties to get that in place and other thing I have to have mentioned already you always want to have how so I've got one of those just zip tied on to both seats so it's going to be problem if you got some slimy hands and where you need to clean something off real quick you got a towel hand just regular old shop towel gets too dirty take it off I wash it or I just we get super dirty I just throw it out and put another one on and aside from that what you should always have some bug spray I've been to the fall so you do not want to see sunscreen in there but never a bad idea to have sunscreen as well yeah I think I've covered all the items of this boat now that I've added on here over the time I've had it a little over seven years I've done another video review on the twin troller itself and another one on some trailer enhancements that you should consider as well so if you're interested take a look at those two questions comments suggestions feel free to make mention in the comments and thanks for watching
Views: 6,640
Rating: 4.9215684 out of 5
Keywords: Twin Troller, X10, Bass Hunter, Pelican, Tiny Boat, Boat gear, seat storage, Jon Boat, boat modifications, recommendations, review, freedom electric, upgrades, improvements, modifications, boat, jon, tiny, small, gear, modified, bass, raider, bass raider
Id: BG9kLVIwKm0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 23 2019
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