Tutorial: Sound Design for 3D Artists

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hello my friends good to see you we just passed 100 000 subscribers that's insane so let's do a sound design tutorial [Music] let me just tell you the workflow we'll be doing today is so fast it blows my mind so we have our finished animation in blender it is a sphere going into a taurus sort of spinning around it is a simple scene that should be easy to do some sound design for so let's go to output properties and give it a name and under file format let's set this to ffmpeg video and for some reason under encoding the default matroska container doesn't really work in all editing software so let's just do mp4 and instead of rendering the animation which is going to take 40 minutes let's just go view viewport render animation and now this is just going to play through and render out our viewport because we don't need the shadows or the refractions or the motion blur just to do some sound design if you're ever talking about this process remember to not say pre-visualization because i mean it's it's obviously a huge waste of time you just need to say previous so let's take a look at this i just saved it to my desktop so that took about two minutes and we have our video file ready to do some sound design so we'll be using davinci resolve 17. you don't need a studio version you can just download the free version it's it's perfect for sound design it's it's it's a fantastic software so let's just right click and import our media boop and just drag it onto the timeline and go to the edit tab and you can just play okay now we're ready to do some sound design and not that anyone asked but here's my philosophy when it comes to sound design have you ever written a text or a song or a story using words you're taking words from your brain and you're putting them in the document and the words sort of change meaning once you start rearranging them and the magic happens in the editing and i want you to take this mindset and apply it to sound design instead of words that have information you're sort of working with pieces of emotion and you're taking these emotions rearranging these and you're making something that's completely new and it's such a rewarding process and when you worked on this for hours and hours the first sound that you added to your timeline it's probably not in the final product so i think the beauty of sound design is just like writing is that you're putting all these individual pieces down your timeline and you're rearranging them and you're creating something that wasn't there and you are the only one that's going to be able to create this you you net it like a dough and that that sound design that's so the reason i think this is really important not only do we need a lot of sounds we need to access them really quickly and we need to be able to just throw them instantly down on our timeline and there is one software that just does this and it is the best freemium software i've ever tried in my life so here we are in just the free version of soundly i think it's getsoundly.com and let's just search for metal so the beautiful thing about this software that i haven't seen anywhere else it's it's just so good so let's say oh that's one that's the one i want you can just mark it and you drag it onto your timeline and now we have it here on our timeline that sound doesn't work so let's search for whoosh perfect so let's take this one and you can just drag it and smack it on timeline and then just like okay there we are move it over there you can turn off this magnet thing if you like so you can move it freely how fast is that okay so what more do we need we need a some sort of motion sound here as well okay so this one is good let's take this one drag it down let's go to inspector and select the sound clip click speed change and then you can just slow this down remember to turn off pitch correction and you have sort of like a slower version of the sound so let's go here okay so it's too slow let's do 80 and let's make it much more quiet and then you have these handles on the side you can just like swoop and schwoop and now it's fade it fades in and out and if you want to duplicate it you can just hold alt and you can do like this but listen to that that's dangerous using the same sound twice our brain sort of like hey that's we we just heard that didn't we and i think your brain is super good at this so i want to try and avoid that so let's just take another one whoop drag it down we want to transfer the stuff we did on this one to the next one so let's take the first one ctrl c and the next one right click paste attributes which is alt v so alt v and let's just check all of this apply amazing you know i think this is too violent i think we need to this is cool so this is interesting here we have two soundtracks and here we have just one so if you take this one you drag it down and listen to this i'm not sure about you but for me that's just the left channel it's quite unpleasant actually but instead of solving this in the video editor we can just in soundly you can just right click and just set to stereo and now this sort of fills both it's still mono and you can just double click the entire thing and then it selects all of it you can drag it down okay so that's weird okay yeah so i think these are way too violent so let's try and just see if we can find something more subtle yeah there we go so let's take this one let's just slap it on there slow it down a little bit pitch correction off oh this is perfect so one of the great things about this library is that it's almost always more than just one sound effect so we can take this one and then we can take this one and now we have like three different and we're gonna slow this down as well let's do sixty percent this is too loud now this is all wrong so let's remove this and let's try and take the last one and let's sort of see if we can use it you can almost immediately feel if you shouldn't be using a sound multiple times it might work we might be able to speed this one up so let's set this to 180. these are all so big you know i think they have i think they're too long okay so that's enough whooshing for now let's try and do the impact sound so let's search for metal yeah let's try this one oh so this sort of spins around let's see if we can find a spin sound whoa this is perfect yeah let's take this one oh let's slow this down to like 30 so you can take this line to increase or decrease the volume but you can make keyframes by holding down alt and clicking this line and then you can sort of drag it down let's see if we can find an impact sound yeah so let's take this one so here's what i like to do when i have two sounds and i can't really decide which one i want to use so you can take one of them and you can press d to disable and then you can disable this one and enable this one again so this one has too much bass so you can select the clip you can go to equalizer and then you can sort of just remove a little bit of the bass and let's actually remove a little bit of the treble as well and then we just increase the sound so if you want to see your sound levels you can click mixer and then you can set this to meters and now you can see if your sound is peaking which is really nice so let's add some reverb to this so let's go to effects library and under audio effects let's just search for reverb drag it down set this to cathedral and make it less wet oh that might be too much let's just yeah okay and i think this might actually be one sort of too many so let's okay so i'm i'm not super happy about this result that's this is the one yeah let's take this one oh what to know yeah when it lands so let's stop this hair boop okay yes yes so let's do reverb um cathedral when it's set to wet the sound sort of starts before but once you make it more dry that's perfect that's the one so this tool is amazing and the paid library is even bigger look at this this is what shows up if you go for the pro version it's just and it just keeps on going it's an insanely big sound library yeah let's try it look how fast you can just change those three that's insane let me show you something that's really important to keep in mind if you're doing reverb so we want to do this one but we want to add some reverb and the problem is if we take this and drop it in here oh convert to stereo let's take this one throw it in now if we add the reverb let's do cathedral and just turn this down the reverb stops and to prevent that we can just take this one and we can take the entire thing and make give it sort of like a tail and then when we add the reverb set this to cathedral delete the previous one now when we listen that's what we want oh that's too much bass so when i'm saying it's too much bass it's because it feels too close to my ears so right now my microphone is probably 20 centimeters away but if i move closer you can hear there's more bass in my voice there are also a lot of other stuff that changes but a nice way to just start out is to just remove a little bit of bass so i want to add reverb to all these three but we're going to run into the same problem where the reverb sort of cuts off because the clip isn't long enough so select all of them right click new compound clip and let's just call this reverb washes now you can add the reverb to this clip let's do the cathedral perfect so that's much better already let's increase the volume but it cuts off so you can't extend this let's move it down and right click open in timeline just take one of them hold down alt just duplicate it all the way over here and disable it and go back to our main timeline now we can extend this what i like to do is to add some ambient sounds let's search for space [Music] you know what let's do this entire thing and then let's sort of fade it out about here okay so let's have a look at the result [Music] i've got to be honest it's it's not as good as i hoped it would be but i think you've got all the tools that you need right now let's go back to blender and render out the final version okay so we're back in blender we're gonna render this animation we can just go render and then render the animation right that's like the the best way to do it isn't it i mean it prob it should be right right you know i was rendering the other day as one does and i couldn't help but notice that in my task manager in windows under performance while rendering my cpu is at 50 and my gpu is at 48 right now it's 48 and it's rendering shouldn't that be like 100 what am i missing something here so here's what i did i you take blender and just bring it over here and let's set this to image sequence and let's just make a folder on our desktop called render and now let's save our project file so what if you open two instances of blender so here we have the exact same scene the exact same file opened two places in blender and the step which tells you how many number of frames to skip if you set it to 2 and you set the frame start to 2 the software is going to render every other frame so let's go render render animation and let's go render render animation and now we are screen recording and recording my camera and rendering two instances of blender and it just works so it's been 40 minutes and this didn't work the render time per frame just increased and don't do this but you know sometimes stuff work sometimes i don't today it didn't work that's okay now that our render is finished let's close these blend files and let's move on because turns out you only need one blend file so at least we learned something today so let's get back into resolve and take a look at our animation so here we are back in resolve and now we want to replace our preview animation with the final render and that is super easy just right click on your footage go to replace selected clip and find the folder where you put the rendered sequence and just click on the first picture and press open and now when you press play you have the final result [Music] so yeah that's pretty much the sound design workflow i can highly recommend checking out soundly not a sponsor it's probably the best execution of freemium software i've ever seen so soundly keep up the great work they probably don't even know that i exist but that software is just so incredible and if this workflow helped you in any way feel free to subscribe and like the video [Music]
Channel: Polyfjord
Views: 530,865
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender (software), Sound Design, 3D Artist, Polyfjord, Tutorial, Blender 3D, Davinci Resolve
Id: jjBNjvNIlQ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 30sec (1050 seconds)
Published: Sun May 09 2021
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