Tutorial & Solo Playthrough of 20 Strong - Solar Sentinels - Solo Board Game

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Daniel here for tabletop for one please join me at the table as I teach and play through 20 strong solar [Music] Sentinels and I thank you for joining me for this tutorial and solo playthrough of 20 strong 20 strong is designed by Josh Carlson Salem Scott and Shannon wedg and published by chip Theory games and this is the first uh chip Theory game that I backed and first one I've ever played now I will be doing the two tutorial for the 20 strong solar Sentinels Edition but before I get started I want to talk to you about the component quality see you're going to want to check out some of your components first of all my box kind of got destroyed here I'm not sure how that happened but you can see just completely broke there also some of the dice might have chips or more noticeably these defects here uh in their design that have these kind of glitter components that sometimes make it hard to read what the what is on the particular dice space and that is really unfortunate but definitely check out your components and of course email the company if you have any issues I apologize for the bandages here I managed to uh cut myself unfortunately but let's go ahead and get started with setup now in each different version of 20 strong you'll have different setup but we're doing the solar Sentinels so we're going to take our pool of dice here and set them off to the side there's 17 dice then we'll Shuffle the enemy Stacks here and you're going to put 15 in three different stacks and they're going to be face up and then you'll choose your hero from the different Heroes there are three double-sided Heroes that you can choose from I'm going to choose Becket the sun forger here now it has this little star symbol here at the top what that means is this is a universal hero that you can use in any of the other 20 strong decks but we'll use this one for this play and we'll set them right here then you'll take your stat dice it's these three gray dice that have the different symbols on them and you'll follow what your stats say here on the card so I have one recovery that's the arrow and then two strategy which is the little blue kind of uh Square symbol there and then I have four Health which is the heart there and then you'll Shuffle the bosses here and you'll just place them up here in the corner the bosses will be face down but they can become face up during gam playay or at the very end game of the game and then if you play with missions you're going to draw four missions and you're going to place these left to right like so and then you're going to choose which one of these just one of them to discard and so let's say I discarded this one here then this would be set up now I'm going to leave the missions here for the rules expl explanation so you understand how missions work but during the tutorial itself I will remove the missions and play it as if it was the first game which they recommend not using Missions at all and so that's it for setup so we're going to talk about the rules there's general rules that apply to all the games and then there's specific rules for the specific scenario the solar Sentinels or the too manyi bones or the hakus one and so bear in mind that you will learn the general rules but then you'll have specific rules that you'll have with each different rule book now generally the goal of the game is to beat one of the bosses and that may change depending on the type of game that you choose you know if you choose too many bones or hocus that might be different but in the Solar Sentinel scenario you're going to be defeating one of the bosses and you lose if your health is ever reduced to less than one now the game is played over a series of rounds and each round you're going to do activation then engagement when you activate a card you're going to choose one of the top cards of the stack here and bring it into your activation area now in the rule book it says the activation area is below the decks here but it's easier for me if I place the activation area here and so what you'll do is you'll choose one of the cards to activate now some of the cards themselves have uh this symbol here that show activating extra enemies and so for each of those symbols you'll activate an extra enemy and if you activate an enemy that has one of these symbols you'll have to activate another one and so you have to be careful that can lead to the Chain Reaction you you encountering way too many enemies at once but when you choose an enemy you take the enemy you activate it and you place it into your activation area so now that enemy is activated and everything starts to apply on this card and so on the card you'll notice some a variety of information so this card here shows it's level which is going to apply to various effects throughout the game and it shows an effect these can be ongoing effects which is this symbol here or it can be after effects which is this symbol here or there's star effects that are situational and so you just follow the instructions on the card for those effects but on the bottom here it shows a loot uh you know an item that you can gain or an instant benefits or an ongoing ability that you might gain we'll go over those shortly on the right here it shows the amount of Health that the enemy has and then how much damage it'll do to you if you don't defeat it and so after you've activated an enemy and understand the the rules that it modifies what you're going to do is you're going to commit dice to attack the enemy now the dice come in VAR strength and you'll know the strength by the Pips around the circle so we have two Pips here on this circle that's the weakest kind of dice so the yellow are the weakest next up is BL uh green green has three Pips around the circle blue has four four Pips and purple has five and then red has six and the Pips correspond to how many hits are actually on the die see this here is a miss an empty circle here a circle with a cross here is a hit and then a circle with a cross and the little like Halo in there around the cross is a critical hit and that'll do two damage whereas regular hits will do one damage so on this purple die here you'll notice it has five Pips around the purple so that means it has five hits that includes the critical hit or one miss and so that's how it works the red one here is all hits with one critical hit each die has a critical hit on it and so committing dice is the first part of the strategy phase and so you'll choose how many dice you want to commit to the roll let's say I chose these five dice here then you're going to move on to the roll dice which is the second part of the strategy phase so we roll the dice here and then you're going to apply dice that's where you take these dice and you put them on the card that you're wanting to apply them to and so this here is one damage each from these hits and then I have two misses here and so this particular enemy needs five hits total at this point my strategy phase is over if I've defeated an enemy I would I would turn the enemy sideways like so to indicate that it's been defeated also the uh ongoing abilities will not be in effect anymore from a defeated defeated enemy so keep that in mind but what you're able to do is actually you're able to do the strategy of phase again based on the stat shown here so I have two on my strategy stat that means I have two strategy phases per engagement so I can go ahead and follow the steps again I can commit dice roll dice and apply dice so if I wanted to right now I could add one more die to this roll and then reroll all even if there are hits here you roll all dice that are unapp applied applied means dice that are been put on cards and dealing damage and that sort of thing so I could reroll these three Dice and see what I get well there you go I got a critical hit and another hit and so I can place them on here you can actually commit as many dice to a card even after it's been defeated so keep that in mind that might apply to certain card effects and now I've done six damage total to this card once you're done with your strategy phase and you've done all your strategy phases you want to do you know according to your strategy stat then you go on to the resolve phase and the resol phase has six different things going on first you suffer damage any enemies you don't kill will damage you based upon their damage set so if I hadn't killed this enemy I would take three damage right now and I would just reduce my di down by three of course if that reduces it below one I would die immediately and the game would be over next you have after effects and again after effects are these double arrows here and so this one here says if you suffered any damage in this engagement you add one extra enemy to the next engagement so that's not cool you don't want to do that now after effects always apply even on defeated enemies you can't avoid those After Effects unless you have some other card that allows you to do so then after that's done you exhaust all committed dice so even dice that weren't applied as in put on a card they were committed because they ended up being rolled you take all these Dice and you exhaust them and so I'm going to put my exhausted dice up here then you go on to recover Dice and you recover as many dice as you have your arrow here so your arrow die here this one shows one so I can recover one die so I'll recover the red one of course because it's the most powerful one sometimes you'll have card effects in your loot that'll allow you to recover more Dice and then after that you gain item rewards so shown at the bottom here are various rewards that you can gain th this little arrow here says it's an a one-time use ability so you can use it later on the only time you can't use it is during the roll dice step but this allows you to do this ability wants by discarding this card so I could banish two dice from my dice bll to immediately defeat one level one enemy again the level is shown here at the top and so when you gain an item you you don't have to gain an item by the way but you can only hold as many items as your strategy value so I can only hold two so when you get an item you put it in your inventory and it'll be off to the side here if you already have two items in your inventory and you only have a strategy stat of two you can't take a new item but you can discard one item to make space so keep that in mind and then later on like I said with the single use item I can use it at any time some of the loot bonuses are instant so when you defeat an enemy you automatically get this right away this is before the recover loot step so at the moment that you do enough damage to defeat the enemy this ability triggers right away and so this one here says you'll gain two health and you can discard a nonmandatory enemy from top of any stack I'll explain mandatory enemies in just a moment and then there are ongoing abilities like like this one here just a little infinity symbol that's an ongoing ability so while this is in your inventory after each roll die step in which you roll at least three different die colors you may change one miss to a hit so those are kind of nice beneficial abilities that you can use throughout the game and then after you've gained your item rewards then you'll discard any remaining enemies they're called the active cards any cards in the uh active area here you'll discard those into a discard pile here and then that's it you repeat this until you can trigger the end game and I'll talk about the end game for solar Sentinels when we talk about the solar Sentinel specific rules and so one thing you need to know about general rules if the deck specific rules contradict the general rules you go with the deck specific rules and card text takes precedence over the rules in either rule book and effect text takes precedence over reward or ability text and then the word may indicates that the text is optional if two things would ever be resolved at the same time you choose the order in which they be resolved all right so let's talk about the solar Sentinel specific rules and so in solar Sentinels you have these mandatory enemies these orange ones here that if they are on top of one of the stacks you must choose that enemy to activate during the next Activation so if it was my new round here and this was the setup then I would have to choose this enemy which would get activated and then unfortunately on this one here it's activating another additional enemy so I'd have to choose one here and and activated as well so that's one of the unique rules for solar Sentinels also in solar Sentinels during the cleanup step when you discard all active cards you discard one top card of one of the stacks so you get to choose between these three stacks here but you cannot discard a mandatory card now just note there's sometimes you're able to discard cards from the top of the stack due to card effects and uh you are able to discard mandatory cards that way if it does doesn't say otherwise and once again in solar Sentinels you have the levels on the cards here those levels have interactions during the game play sometimes something will tell you you can defeat a level one or two enemy or that sort of thing just like this card that I had shown you earlier if at any time one of these Stacks gets emptied you ignore the empty stacks for any game effects so keep that in mind and then we have these missions here so these missions provide uh alternate challenges to to the game play give you some things to work towards now the missions have to be completed left to right so you have to start with this one once you've completed that one you can flip it over then you can move on to the next one and so on now the way missions work is you have to do what it says while it's active it's active it's if it's the leftmost face up card now this one says here in a single commit dice step commit all dice that are in your dice pool of three different dice colors and so if you do this then you'll complete this now one thing to note if this wasn't the active one and you had done it in a previous you know previous round if you completed whatever was on that it doesn't count for it that even goes for ones where you had to keep track of enemies defeated you only keep track of that missions goals when that mission is active now if you cannot complete these missions then they're going to add an extra enemy to the end game boss so you definitely want to try and complete the missions if you're using the missions but again for this tutorial solo play play through I will not be using the missions I will be playing the game as if it was played for the first time all right so the last thing we need to talk about is the end game so at some point you may have emptied a complete stack of cards any round after that you can decide to go straight into the end game and so what that means is if you have any boss that's currently face up you'll activate that boss and you'll you'll start fighting it right away if you don't have any face up bosses then you'll choose one of these randomly so you just Shuffle Up and draw one now when you're fighting a boss it's going to bring along some enemies and so this one here brings along three enemies and of course activating those enemies could trigger more of these effects you have to watch out for that and so when you activate the boss and you start activating enemies of course you have to choose mandatory ones over non-mandatory enemies and but then you'll just get all set up and so this one has an ongoing effect while any other enemies are undefeated hits deal zero damage to the Swarm Lord so you you have to defeat the other enemies before you can defeat this one this one has nine health and uh three damage now one thing to note when fighting bosses is you're going to be fighting it wave after wave and there is no discard step so you you ignore that completely so any enemies that remain in play after you've done your strategy step they will remain in play for the rest of the the game so keep that in mind so any enemies that remain undefeated after your strategy step they will remain in play and you'll have to encounter him again in the next round and so there's other enemies here as well this one here says a Max one die of each color can be applied in each applied die Step at the end of each applied die step minus one health for each committed miss this next one here says hits can only be applied to enemies if all unapplied dice are hits dice applied to the alpha Beast are not removed in the exhaust dice step and this last one here says the damage of all other enemies is one the Hive Monarch can have no more than three damage applied to it per round dice applied to the hive Monarch are not removed in the exhaust dice step now the other way you encounter a boss or go into the end game is if you exhaust all three stacks and so at that point it would immediately go into the end game you'll shuffle all of these cards back into one stack so that you'll have enemies to draw during that step all right and so one last thing I want to mention is the hero the hero has abilities here and it says it's got the Mattery shap each time you use a single use item you may either gain two health or recover two dice so that is really useful all right and so we're ready to begin the game and so the first thing you do is you choose to activate an enemy and so I think I will activate this enemy here now this one has an ongoing effect skip the recover dice step since I'm going to kill him that's not going to matter and on top of that I'll gain two Health when I kill him and I'll discard a non-mandatory enemy from the top of any stack so that'll be useful now he does does have four health so I have to do a decent amount of damage to him and I think what I'll do is I will roll let's see we'll roll a red and two purples and a blue let's see how we go and check that out so I got a critical hit here and I have two damage here so we apply it to him he's now dead that ongoing effect is now null and I immediately gain two health so we're moving up on to six now you can't gain any more than six of a stat so keep that in mind and then I get to discard a non-mandatory enemy from the top of any stack and I think I'll discard this one here so we'll put our discard pile up here all right so now we go into to suffer damage well there's no living enemies left so I don't suffer damage after effects there's no Double Arrow After Effects symbol here so nothing happens there we exhaust the dice so these get moved to the exhaustion area and then I recover dice I can recover as many as my arrow shows here so I'll recover one and then we game item rewards I don't have any item rewards discard all cards in the active area all right so that one gets discarded and again a rule for solar Sentinels is you discard one of the top cards of the stack here and let's see I will discard this one here yeah let's do that I did forget to exhaust this die here as well all right so now we're ready to engage again and it looks like I'm going to attack this one because it's a mandatory now this one here has the after effect of count the total number of Applied dice discard that many cards from the tops of any Stacks one at a time so that can help Advance the end game now he has four Health he does two damage and his bonus when I kill him gives me two Health but I'm at Max health so that's not going to matter so what I think I will do is I will use a purple two blues and a red rolling those see what I get wow nice rolls there so he's dead I did a total of five damage there I don't gain any Health from that bonus but we move on to the after effects so the after effects once again count the number of total applied dice so again applied well actually see I didn't have to apply that one so I could just apply these three and just discard three cards if I wanted to do that and that that's what I'll do so and so I think I'll discard the Swarm Apostle because it it heals me when I kill it and I'm at full health so I don't need that I'll discard the mess of maggots that's two and might as well discard this one because look at this one activates two additional enemies and I don't want to deal with that of course that revealed a mandatory enemy that I'm going had to deal with the next turn so now that after effects are done I exhaust all my dice here recover one for my recovery stat and we discard or clean up so discarding this card and one other card now I I can't discard this mandatory card during this particular step because this has to be non-mandatory card so I guess I'll discard this one yeah I think that's what I'm going to do I'll discard this one all right so now we're moving on I have to encounter this mandatory enemy now this mandatory enemy the total war Spore has an after effect of roll the three weakest dice committed to this engagement if you roll at least two hits banish a purple die well we definitely don't want to do that so we we want to roll weak dice that won't have hits and hopefully not so we'll roll our three yellows for sure we'll roll these three as well we need to do five damage or I'm going to take three hits of course I could just let him hit me I'm at Max Health maybe I should do that instead sorry a little take back there but maybe I should just take the damage so I'll take three damage committing no dice he he we just go straight on to suffer damage so I suffer damage the after effect doesn't apply because no uh dice were rolled and so yeah I discard one more card here and I think I'll discard this one here and we're ready to go on the next turn cuz I want to attack this guy this guy here it says if you you suffered any damage in this engagement suffer damage step add one enemy to the next engagement well I don't plan on dying on this one here now he does take eight hits so I'm going to have to roll a lot of dice but here's the thing the item that he gives me the single use item is recover all my dice so you know what let's just let's just roll everything here we go wow I only got four hits out of that that's not good that's really bad all right if I don't win this fight this is going to be awful now I get a second strategy step so I I can recommit dice I don't have any more to commit but then I get to roll all unapplied dice so we'll roll these here and oh yeah more than enough hits I've got nine total damage here against his eight so now he's dead so I don't suffer any damage during this engagement so that's good and I gain this item so we're going to put this item off to the side all the dice get exhausted I recover the one Red Dot I only have one dye in my dice pool and so that's not good but we can actually use this item but we'll use it in just a moment we have to discard one card from the top of the stacks here and I think I'll discard this one because I don't want to encounter two additional enemies all right so now we're going to use this item so I can recover all my dice so all these get recovered now if you remember my ability says anytime I use a single use item I can recover health or two dice I can recover two Health let's do that so I'm back up to five and I have all my dice all right so we're ready to go on to the next turn and I think I'm going to attack this one here this one is the spiderus and it says when defeated if not the first enemy defeated this engagement discard the top two cards from the left most stack and then this next one here I have to add one in because it has an additional enemy icon there this is the crater fly and has an ongoing ability that hits on yellow and green deal two damage instead of one and so that's really nice so I'm going to use most of my yellows and greens here let's see we got three and three might as well use them all you know just to be on the safe side here I'm going to be able to recover dice so that's going to be nice let's see what we get and now I want to defeat him first and then him second so I don't trigger that ability unless I want to get rid of those cards but I'll make that decision just a moment let's see what we got wow not a good roll now again these do two damage each so that's four damage to this one here so we'll move on and roll again see what we get all right got just enough damage we got six here and two more here so both are defeated this one's defeated I recover to dice unfortunately I don't have any dice in my uh exhausted area but now we activate this ability here when defeated if not the first enemy defeated this engagement which it wasn't I defeated this one first discard the top two cards from the left most stack all right so now we move on to exhausting dce all eight of these are exhausted now I get to recover one die so might as well just recover a green one since it's more powerful than the yellow one and then we gain item rewards so this one has a space Sushi I can use it to roll all exhausted Dice and recover any roll that hits that's pretty cool so I'm going to save that for now and then this card gets discarded during cleanup and I get to discard one of these cards here and I think I'll discard this one all right so I'm going to attack the sub zoomed Sentinel this one has an ongoing ability for each die you commit you must commit all Dice from your dice pool of the same color it also adds an additional enemy so I will take this enemy on the left here this one has an ongoing ability that says all Critical Hits deal zero damage so that's unfortunate and so again if I commit dice I must commit all Dice from my dice pool of the same color so I think I will commit the purple ones here all four of them see I'm going to take the damage from this guy I'm just not going to worry about it I'm going to take the damage because this guy's going to give me an ability to heal so I'm going to roll all four dice and I got three hits so I just need to hit one more time this is uh this is not good though so now we're going back to the strategy step one more because I have a strategy stat so I can roll this die or I can also commit more I'm going to commit the green and that's the only one green that I have in my pool here so I'll commit that roll these two we're hoping for one one more damage there we go got it so I got the four damage here killing this enemy and then this one is now going to deal damage to me so I'm going to take two damage bringing me down to three there are no After Effects I'm going to exhaust all these Dice and then I gain this item here which is a health stem so it'll let me recover three health I forgot to recover a d so we'll recover a purple there and then we'll discard this card and one card from the top of the decks all right so at this point I think I'm going to use this ability here the space sushi roll all exhausted Dice and recover any roll that hits so we'll reroll all these here and so we got a few hits it's not not too bad I got five dice back so that pretty good the rest of these are going to go back to the exhaust pool now on top of that I can recover to health or recover to dice I think I will recover to dice and then I can use this other card here to recover three health and that'll trigger my uh hero ability again allowing me to recover two more dice so let's do that because now that'll put me at Max Health which is really good and then I'll recover those two purples now I have most of my dice back so that's really good all right so I'm going to attack this one here the a rck squid this one has an after effect that allows me flip the top uh card of the boss deck but I have to defeat this guy he's going to deal four damage if I don't I mean I guess I could let myself take the damage but I kind of want his ability see he has poison ink it's a single use defeat and gain the reward from the top card of the left most stack I think that would be really useful so let's commit seven dice it's a lot of dice but I think it's worth trying to kill this guy let's see what we get wow look at all those Critical Hits two critical hits four more damage so that's eight damage total this guy is dead all right so the after effects here we're going to flip over the top card of the boss stack and so we get the mother Spore and so if the end game triggers now this will be the boss that I'm going to encounter so I don't know if I want to encounter that one I may try and discard that later then we exhaust all these dice here I will recover the red one as part of the recover step and then I will add this to my Loot and we're ready for the next turn now I could use the Ability here to uh defeat this enemy here and gain its ability and I think that's what I'm going to do so I'm going to discard this to use the Ability defeat and gain the reward from the top card of left most deck see this reward here says I can use it to exhaust one die from my dice pool to set the health of a level one or two enemy to two that's really nice on top of that since I just use a single use item I can recover two dice I will recover two purples all right so now I'm going to attack this guy here the flesh Locust it's going to add an additional enemy it has the after effect if this enemy is not defeated banish the strongest die in my dice pool so I definitely want to defeat him and then this one here will be my second activation and this one says if this enemy is not defeated plac it on top of any stack its reward is now a single used during activation activate one fewer enemy than required minimum of one now I need a total of eight damage but I think I will use this here exhaust one die from my dice pool so I'll exhaust the yellow to uh set the health of one of my level one or two enemies to two so I'll set this one to two so I really only need need to do four damage so in using this item then I get to recover two dice according to my hero ability now one thing to note about this guy here the Maro Locust see right now his item is a a single use item that says None but it gets modified if you complete its little objective here sustaining its damage and then defeating it later but if I defeat it now I get an A single use item that does nothing however with my hero ability I can use that single use item even though it does nothing to trigger my hero ability so that's really nice so I think I'm just going to kill off both of these guys right now and so I'm going to use uh three purples and one red trying to knock them out let's see yeah there we go definitely took both of them out that's awesome now this one when it's defeated increases my strategy stat by one so that's really nice that'll be useful later during the boss fight so now I'm at a strategy of three that also means I can hold more items as well so that might be very good for me now these get exhausted here I get to recover one and then I get to add this this item to my inventory and this guy gets discarded and then we discard one from the top of the decks here and I think I'll discard this one here all right so we're ready to move on and we're going to attack this lost Sentinel here it says I can't commit any green Dice and that's okay I'll just use uh purple red and blue it has an instant effect of giving me plus one recovery and discarding a non-mandatory enemy from the top of any stack so that's really good I need that extra recovery so let's see we got two hits now I need one more hit I'm not going to risk it I'm going to add one more uh blue to this roll try and kill this guy and there we go we got our third hit I instantly gained plus one to my recovery now I have two recovery and we're ready to move on to After Effects there are no After Effects we exhaust all these dice here now I recover two dice so a red and a purple and there's no item to gain this guy gets discarded I can oh and I forgot the the other bonus of discarding another card so I will discard this one here and then the end of round discarding of a card and I think I'll discard this one here all right so now we have a mandatory enemy this is the plasma blight so this enemy has an ongoing effect of this enemy cannot be defeated unless it has hits from at least four different die colors applied to it oh that's going to be difficult well I mean I have some here so but the first thing I want to do actually is activate the marrow Locust so I can recover two dice so we're going to recover a purple and a blue now I need to do six damage to this enemy so and it has to be four different colors so I got the red purple and blue there and uh might as well go with one green and another purple and another green so we need to do six damage let's see if we can pull this off I do have three strategy so that'll be good but check that out all right we got just enough in that one roll four damage here and two from the critical hit and then four different colors as required so now it's dead and now I gain this ongoing ability after well let's exhaust the dice and recover some dice first but now I have this ability once per round I may exhaust one die from my dice pool to change a hit to a critical hit that's kind of nice all right so we're moving on to the next turn and now I'm low on dice this is not good I definitely want to defeat this guy because this guy will let me recover dice but unfortunately I have to use the mandatory enemy first and then I have to add one more enemy but this mandatory enemy makes it so I cannot apply Critical Hits to an enemy so that's really unfortunate but we'll add this enemy here this one uh it's I'm not going to be able to defeat both these enemies so I'm just going to end up taking three damage hopefully defeating this one with five damage let's see how this works now if I don't I'm going to be losing a lot of Health I have to roll five dice is all I have left oh this is going to be tough and we got three hits here that's good and now I need two more hits I can roll two more times let's see if we get it oh my goodness well I got the one hit but I can't apply critical hit due to this ongoing effect so I need to roll this and get one more hit this is going to be epic if I do because there's only two hits on it oh my goodness look at that it's on the side of the cards we'll call it it's another hit all right so he's defeated but unfortunately we're moving on to the uh receive damage or suffer damage I'm going to suffer three damage from that bringing me down back down to three we exhaust all these dice but I get to recover two I add this item to my inventory and then this guy gets discarded here and I get to discard one other card here and I think I'll discard this one here all right so now I have this ability here this single use item relic of scab I can get four five health and or discard a non-mandatory enemy from the top of any stack so that's really nice and I'm tempted to use it because I need to recover some dice but I think I will wait so what I'm going to do is I'm going to attack this guy activate this guy and not roll any Dice and just take the hits that's going to bring me down to one he'll end up getting discarded and I can discard one other card and I think I'll discard this one I forgot I get to recover though recover two dice so now I'm back up to four dice but now I want to use this card which lets me recover up to five Health now and I now I'm all the way up to six again and then activating my hero ability I get to recover two more Dice and I will recover these two here this is getting really close we're nearing the end of the game because the decks are really low I don't have that many dice and I really need dice to fight the boss so let's see we're going to attack this enemy here see this gutter fly it says when this enemy is defeated I may immediately defeat one other one or two enemy so I could defeat this one here and that would give me an added recovery and I think that would be helpful so I need to do six damage here that's going to be hard but I guess I'll roll all six Dice and try and make it happen there we go oh I got five damage five damage all right I can roll this one twice it should it should hit it it's only got one miss on it right there we go critical hit all right so he's dead so when I defeat him I can defeat another so I defeat this one here this one will give me a bonus here of plus one to my recovery stat then we exhaust these and now I get to recover three dice instead of two so that's nice and then I gain this guy to my inventory on top of that it has the ability to recover three dice on it so I'm going to use it right now that'll let me recover two purples and a blue but then I triggers my hero ability recovering two more dice all right the end of turn I have to discard one of these cards here and I think I'll discard this one all right so I think I'm going to attack this enemy I like this one here the crater stalker it says in the roll step minus one health for each die color that rolls two or more hits I I can sustain that but it has this ongoing effect after each recover dice step you may recover one green and one yellow so that's going to be really useful now I do have to do five damage that unfortunately means I'm going to likely lose two Health from this we'll see how it goes actually not check this out oh no this one actually yeah so this one says in the roll dice step so now that I roll dice this before applies minus one health for each color that rolls two or more hits well this one rolled two hits this one rolled two hits so I'm going to lose two Health from that that's unfortunate but I've defeated this enemy more than enough damage here to defeat it and so I will exhaust my dice recover three and then I will now have this ongoing ability of recovering yellow and green dice ice and we also had to discard one card from the top of the stack and I think I'll discard this one here and now we have two uh mandatory enemies to choose from see I I have to choose one of these now if I choose this one here it will add this one but I think that's okay I'll I'll encounter both now this is going to be tricky we have two ongoing effects first of all a Max of three dice can be committed in this engagement so it doesn't matter how many strategy phases you do it's the whole engagement so three dice this one here says maximum of two dice can be applied to this enemy so I have to be really careful with this I have to apply two Critical Hits here and one hit here let's see if we can pull this off so we are going to use of course these three dice here being the strongest dice that I have now I do have this ability here that says once per round I can exhaust one die from my dice pull to change a hit to a critical hit so that's going to help but I still have to roll at least one critical hit let's see what we can do so unfortunately I only got hits here now I can hit this one here but I definitely need to roll that critical hit now at this point his ongoing effect no longer applies so I could commit to more dice but I don't need to necessarily unless I really want to you know for the added oh maybe I will for the added chance of getting a critical hit I can roll two more times here so let's see what I can get nice I got one critical hit and then two hits now I can exhaust one die from my dice pool using this ability to turn this one into a critical hit and so now both of these enemies are defeated that's perfect now we go on to the ex dice step I'll exhaust these recover these three here and then we receive loot now I only have three strategies so I can only hold three items total and so I think I will gain this one because this one is a single use item that makes my hits on the bread Dy deal three damage in an engagement and then this one I just don't need so it'll get discarded and of course I get to discard the top card of one of the decks here and I think I'll discard this one I did forget though with my ability here I get to to recover one yellow and green Dy so that's really nice all right so now we're going into the activating enemies and I have to activate this one here which means I have to activate one other and I'm not sure which one I want to do this one has the ongoing ability of in each roll die step count the number of rolled misses take the same number of rolled hits and reroll them so that's really unfortunate and then we have this one here a Max of five dice can be committed in this engagement all right but I can't help but wonder if I should just take it like take the damage well I'm only at four health so maybe I should try and fight them at least one of them all right so with a Max of five dice that can be committed I'm going to commit one yellow and one green because I'll recover those and a purple two purples and a red because I can recover those from there so I can recover all these ice that I use so let's do that all right so again with this ability here it says in each roll step count the number of rolled misses I have two rolled misses take the same number of rolled hits which is these two here and reroll them okay well I get two more hits so now I'm going to use these to defeat him now his ongoing ability no longer applies so I don't have to worry about rrolling hits but now I need to attack him I'm I need a critical hit I have two more rolls so let's see nope no rolls there nope no rolls there so he's going to end up damaging me so I'm going to take one damage bringing me down to three that's unfortunate but that's okay we exhaust all these dice b and end up G them all it back again three for my uh recovery stat for those three and then yellow and green here I did forget that this here lets me recover three dice when I defeat this enemy so I could have recovered these three here all right so both of these are going to get discarded then and at this point we have two empty Stacks so I can either engage this enemy or I can move on to the boss fight now please note I did make the error of not discarding this enemy at the end of the round which would have resulted in me uh shuffling the deck and selecting a different enemy to fight along with the boss and so here's an interesting thing I want to talk about the little Edge case here this enemy here when I engage him the single damage on the red and purple deals zero damage so let's say I decided to engage him and I wanted to use my singular use item here that makes hits on the red dieye deal three damage this would not take precedence over this this effect takes pre precedence over reward effects so keep that in mind so I don't really want to engage him right now I mean I I could he's only got four health I could but I think we're just going to go on to fighting the boss and so we're going to activate the boss so we bring the boss into play now the boss is going to add one enemy to that activation which will be this enemy here and so now we're going to commit dice for this boss now it says here a Max of one die of each color can be applied in each applied dice step Step at the end of each apply die step minus one for each committed Miss and so I'm going to roll one of each die but before I do that I am going to use this ability so the red hits deal three damage this engagement right now they are zero damage but the moment I defeat this enemy they become three damage so I have to keep that in mind but what this allows me to do is allows me to heal two Health cuz I'm just too low on health and then we're going to roll the dice and hopefully I can defeat this one we'll see all right so I have one miss so again at at the end of each apply dice step I get minus one health for each committed Miss now here's an interesting thing is I can actually exhaust one of my dice like this green one here or maybe actually I should exhaust this blue one here and then what I can do is change this to a critical hit and so when I do that this no longer applies anyways because this effect only affects the single damage icon not the critical hits so I'm going to place this on here and so now he only needs to take one more damage and so I'll Place one here and so he's dead so the effects no longer apply and then that means I can add these two here dealing two damage but I don't think I'm going to apply any damage to the boss this turn so we're just going to kill off this enemy here but after the apply step here I have to lose one Health due to the boss's ability but then I will exhaust all these dice here recover the dice that I want which I think will be these three and then I get a yellow and a green from my ability here and then I add this here and so now it says I may exhaust one die from my dice pull to make a hit on a yellow deal two damage this engagement so that's going to be really useful so now we move on to the next uh round here and hopefully I can roll well and true we'll see how this goes rolling all five colors I don't want to die but let's see what happens all right so I didn't get a hit on the yellow so that's going to deal one damage to me unfortunately but the red Dy still does three damage because it's for the whole engagement and and then let's see we got two more damage here uh wow so we have three four five six seven damage that's pretty awesome all right so now I have to be really careful see I have two more strategy phases that I can do and roll dice but the problem is is I only have three Health left so I have to be careful on those misses so I think I'm going to roll these two here because I can afford two misses let's hope I don't get two misses I got one but check that out I got a critical hit now I did take the one damage but look I've got a total of nine damage two three four six nine Boom the boss is dead and I have won the game and so there you have it that was the tutorial and solo playthrough of 20 Strong by Josh Carlson Salem Scott and Shannon wedge and published by chip Theory games now my pledge also came with the hakus victorium expansion as well as the two mini bones expansion I haven't played those yet but stay tuned I will have first impressions for this particular Edition the solar Sentinels Edition and let me know in the comments below what you thought of this game or point out any rules errors I may have made please also like And subscribe to this channel if you like the content you see here and I thank you very much for joining me on tabletop for one have a great night [Music]
Channel: Tabletop For One
Views: 4,783
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Solo Gaming, Tabletop Gaming, Board Gaming, Solitaire, AI, Automa, Let's Play, Unboxing, KS, Kickstarter, Gamefound, Preview, Review, Top10, Top 10, Best, Thematic, Abstract, Strategy, Action, Miniatures, Dice, How to Play, Teach, Tutorial, Board Game
Id: k2zXPbLUnFM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 35sec (2735 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 17 2023
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