How to Play 20 Strong: Solar Sentinels

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[Music] welcome back for another 20 strong rules overview in this video I'm going to be going over the setup and rules for the solar Sentinels deck I will not be covering the base rules of 20 strong in this video if you'd like to learn the base rules of the game please watch the previous video in this series how to play 20 strong base rules in solar Sentinels you'll be playing as the Earth's final line of defense against an encroaching horde of moon bugs to play 20 strong solar Sentinels you'll need all of your base game 20 strong components as well as the solar Sentinels deck to begin you'll want to separate your deck into these four categories three double-sided hero cards four boss cards 12 mission cards and 45 conflict cards next you'll Shuffle up all 45 conflict cards and deal them into three face up piles of 15 cards each now you'll select a hero once you've selected a hero set your stat dice to that Hero's stats set aside any unchosen hero cards you will not need them for the remainder of this game now Shuffle up your four bosses and set them aside in a face down pile some cards may let you interact with this pile but for the most part it will remain face down until it's time to challenge a boss next you'll be shuffling up your 12 missions and dealing Yourself four from left to right take a look at their conditions and choose one to discard place your chip and Chip holder near the mission cards now it's time to start your first round of solar Sentinels let's start with activation in solar Sentinels you'll be choosing the top card from one of your three face up Stacks to move into your active area this is the enemy you will be facing this round some enemies will have a unique striped orange border these are mandatory enemies if they are face up on one of the three stacks during activation you must choose one of them to activate if there are multiple mandatory enemies visible you may pick which one of them you would like to activate once you've chosen your enemy it's time to resolve any additional enemies icons you'll do this by choosing an additional face up card for each icon present on the card you've chosen just like during activation if there is a mandatory card visible at this time it must be selected if one of the cards you select has an additional enemies icon you must repeat this process battle proceeds as normal for the 20 strong rules if you have questions about this please consult the how to play 20 strong base rules video once you've completed combat you must discard the top card from any of the face up Stacks mandatory enemies may not be discarded by this [Music] action play continues this way until one of the three active Stacks is completely emptied at the start of any round in which there is an empty stack you may choose to face the boss instead of activating one of the face up conflict cards before we talk about the boss battle I'll go over missions feel free to skip this section if you are playing without missions your goal with missions is to clear as many as possible before challenging The Boss by satisfying the condition printed on them you can use the chip counter to track any number that a mission may call for you to track Mission cards must be completed one by one from left to right for instance you could not begin completing the middle Mission before completing the leftmost once you've completed a mission you turn its card face down and move on to the next leftmost mission congratulations the endgame will be a bit less challenging if you're having trouble completing a mission you can always forfeit it and set it aside these will not be considered complete when you reach the endgame once you have reached the end game you'll add an additional enemy to the boss's Entourage for each incomplete or forfeited Mission end game you've reached the endgame you're a full-fledged solar Sentinel now but your biggest challenge has yet to rear it's bugly head to set up the endgame you'll be doing the following activate the top card of the boss deck read the boss's card in full to make sure you understand the win conditions for this battle next you'll be adding enemies these enemies are pulled from the remaining active stacks and prioritize mandatory enemies if available next if you're playing with missions you'll be adding enemies for each Mission you have failed to complete ignore any additional enemy icons that are present on the boss's Entourage if there are not enough conflict cards remaining to fill the Entourage take all of the conflict cards in the discard and shuffle them together into one new stack remaining Entourage will be pulled from this stack the boss battle is played according to standard endgame rules those can be found in the first video of this series how to play 20 strong base rules typically when the boss is defeated the game is won even if additional enemies remain some bosses may have additional or alternate wind conditions and last but not least is the ranking system each 20 strong deck has their own unique ranking system and in solar Sentinels you'll be trying to make your way from solar Soldier all the way to senior solar Sentinel rank one is simple enough you just need to clear a game of solar Sentinels as described in this video using missions but for each rank Beyond one you must draw an additional Mission card to complete during setup and choose to either banish one die or exhaust three Dice and there you have it that's how you play solar Sentinels let us know how you're ranking and make sure to check out the rest of the how to playay videos in this series so you'll know how to become the 20 strongest 20 strong player around thanks for watching and stay strong
Channel: Chip Theory Games
Views: 3,821
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 20tZ5QsrXUg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 49sec (349 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 17 2024
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