Chapter 4 Solutions: Parametric Modeling With Autodesk Inventor 2020

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well hey there everybody so today we're going to work on chapter four uh so we'll start off with the beginning of chapter exercises here and uh this one's not going to be too crazy uh it's mostly kind of just showing you that you can edit things after the fact and it kind of breaks it down you know it shows off the strategy behind it we're going to start with this sketch and the fillet won't be there actually in the original sketch but you know we'll end up adding it in later uh so first things first it shows starting to sketch on x y plane so let's go ahead and tap between the two here and we'll start a new part and now we can start our sketch on x y okay so let's see what's next here it just has us draw the sketch uh i'm going to draw that profile and then i'll come back and dimension it and i'm going to use this corner as my starting point so i'm going to tie that into the origin and then draw our rough shape here so we've got something with a bunch of perpendicular lines and then it doesn't come down as far uh so i'm just gonna do that and then unfortunately i made this part really fat so that's okay uh just make sure it ends where that line ends and we'll slap in our dimensions so we've got 3.25 bad choice for dimension so let's do the overall height that should scale it there we go okay so now we can put in that 3.25 and then we have 0.5.5 and 2. and then we have 0.5 0.75 and 1.75 now technically um there's no need to have the second value so i'm going to do a collinear here to avoid that second 1.75 dimension let's go ahead and look and see what it has to do next so it has us doing extrusion 2.5 symmetrically and i'm just going to hit the extrusion command while in the sketch so that it automatically picks the profile type in our value hit ok ok so next up it has us do a [Music] sketch on the bottom face so i'm just going to go ahead and do that uh and then it shows basically we're going to draw a circle off of this edge and that's all we'll need so i'm going to hit project geometry um off of this edge and i just turned it up so you can see a little better but it's going to be the bottom edge facing away from the other features so then i'm just going to draw a circle at the midpoint where you see that green dot i'm going to choose the other end when i see that other green dot so it's fully constrained and then it's going to have us do an extrusion so we're going to do join into so i'm going to click back on this it pops back over so we have join selected and then two and what you do is choose a face and it'll extrude to that face um so now it's going to have us rename the parts so we've got base and circular in all right all right so next we're going to uh edit the well we're going to first show the the dimension visibility for the base sketch we're going to edit one's values and then change the extrusion depth so uh you right click on base and hit show dimensions and what this allows you to do is actually edit these values without having to enter the sketch so we're going to change 3.25 to 3 and then we'll have to hit update to make it show those changes so hit that little lightning bolt up top and then our sketch uh dimensions turn off automatically so then we're going to change our base extrusion from two to two point zero uh so all that this is really showing more or less is that you can dynamically update things which is pretty useful i mean you know when you're actually getting into it so next we'll do a whole command and we're going to choose two references to get it concentric to this other circle that'll be the bottom face and then the edge down here to get that center point so we'll choose whole face arc and then just like that it locates itself and then actually yeah our value is already here so that's cool um so 0.75 and i think our termination of through all was already on there it was so there's no need to hit that in my case but you probably hit through all so next we're going to draw a sketch on this space doing a simple rectangle of 1 by 0.75 so i'm going to try to remember that i'm going to choose project geometry and projected space we've got our yellow lines and then i'm going to draw a rectangle somewhat out in space and i forgot so .75 by one and then i'm going to go ahead and slap in this point five value and then all we need is a co-linear constraint for the top line to the yellow top line we've got our sketch now and we're going to extrude it using a 2nx command okay and i'm gonna hit okay and then we're gonna title it wrecked cut i don't think we missed the name for the whole but we'll see in a minute no so it doesn't have a name so uh now it's going to show the ability to edit so you know i can actually go in and change what i do here by double clicking that feature and it's used through all in this case to cut the rest of it so now uh you know for whatever reason this happens a lot you may have to go back in and edit your sketch after the fact and that's just what we're going to do here so this is the sketch we had to start with we're going to modify it to look like this and it appears the only difference is actually going to be that little fillet we add in so i'm going to go back into the sketch and uh verify no dimensions have changed since i'm not reading every word but they're good so now i'm gonna do a fill it and uh let's see that phillips size is 0.25 so let's just go ahead and change that slap these little clicks in and there we go so now i'm going to hit finish sketch and it's going to object update and add that in already so it's pretty straightforward and the last thing we're going to do is change the material to be cast iron so i'm gonna put in my iso view and you know you can either choose it from this drop down uh or you can actually go into the material browser and select it but i'm just gonna go to iron cast since i know exactly where it's at and yeah that'll be it you would just save it right there so now we can jump over to these end of chapter exercises and these are you know a little harder but shouldn't take too long still so i'm gonna start a sketch on the front plane and i'm gonna draw roughly the shape of how it looks and i think i'll use uh this bottom point right here as my starting point so i'm going to do a horizontal line slant it up and you know i'm always a big fan of drawing it proportionately similar but get the dimensions in later so we'll just kind of draw as we go okay so i've got a slant and then it goes straight up i'm assuming it's symmetrical so i'm just going to draw the same thing that i see over here so far so good now unfortunately i drew it a little bit out of place that's okay i'll just constrain it in after but you have to really be careful with this one because it's trying to imply a lot of constraints and if when you're doing this you don't want to make assumptions about the wrong things being parallel to each other so this is the only one where really implied constraints or inferred constraints can really mess you up so i'm just going to put a coincidence right there for the end point and then start putting in these values let's try to do the overall height first and see if that scales it for us you always want to make sure you get that scaling in first things first in case you didn't draw it too close in proportion to what it actually is and i tend to not so so we have a width and a height of this chamfer it's 0.25 same here this one's going to have the same width technically i could set these to equal each other um or i could just do like i'm doing here which is dimensioning it and then choosing the corresponding constraints that match so you know basically if i were to go and edit this one it's going to change this guy up here as well so by doing this all i'm doing is i click on a value and it pulls it so nothing crazy okay so then we've got 0.125 tall angle of 45 which is implied already sometimes it's going to happen where you know it hasn't burned some constraints and you just didn't notice so same height here we've got 1.25 from the end 1.5 overall width 0.5 um we've got 0.2 and basically all i'm doing is just going through and checking off all my values making sure i put them in so nothing crazy uh you know you don't have to necessarily watch every single thing i'm doing here as long as you're getting in all the values that you can uh you should be good to go so i've got .375 here now sometimes if you do have some inferred constraints that have happened you may not be able to get some of the values in but you can tell that you need them and in that case you may have to uh delete some lines to get the other constraints in or or whatever you know sometimes you uh you may not know how to edit the constraints you're having issues with but you need them still it's kind of random but we got the 45 degree option here so i'll take it um and then you know i could get a little tricky here i think i'm gonna do something basic i'm just gonna set this line to equal this line and i'm gonna set this line to equal this one now you may ask how did he know this well if i were to undo it and i were to grab this line or the point i can see that it's just adjusting in width and it's clearly because this line doesn't have a value so i just need to say that these two match and we're going to extrude it 0.25 so i'll go ahead and turn on that feature do a symmetric 0.25 there's the first one uh and the tube mount is going to be inches as well so i'll go ahead and get it started now this is a good time to talk about uh view positions so i'm gonna draw this l-shaped profile that's gonna be the first thing that i draw on my sketch but we don't want that to be the front view we want this direction to be front view we want to be looking through that hole with this portion in front so that means i'm going to want to draw on the right the right side to start with so that we have the part in a proper position right now it doesn't seem to matter but it's going to be very crucial to know um what views the front view and what is the side and top and so on and you want it to be oriented correctly it'll save you a lot of time down the road so we're just going to go ahead and try to keep to that system throughout so we've got roughly something like this maybe a little short but it should be fine back click wow okay so it's going to grow a lot and it's the same width over here we've got a thickness here of 1.25 and a height of 1.75 i think that says let me zoom in a little bit oh it's still hard to tell it kind of looks like it could be a three two let me just get in here a little closer this is where the perk of having an e-book helps okay so it looks like a seven kind of a really really poorly made seven let's just put everything in place and see if that fits right um so it's 0.375 down right here and uh we're missing a width of this top portion okay so it's three from here to here so let's go ahead and extrude it and we'll just see if that looks right i think that this is probably the right value but it's hard to tell until we get into 3d so we're going to symmetric five and let's draw this little rectangular cut out here off of this space same deal make sure you're projecting that geometry so that you have something to tie this into and the rectangle is going to be 2.5 by 3 or 0.375 and it is centered so in this case to me uh what i would prefer to do uh it's like one of the only times you could really say it's worth doing but we can tie these center points in together so i'm going to do a vertical constraint for those center points and then the collinear and we can extrude it here's a good time for two next and let's do the same thing on the bottom i could have actually done it all in one feature well no i couldn't have this one's going to be through all so and it's going to be 3 by 0.125 all right project this bottom edge do a collinear and it's centered again so we're going to do a vertical constraint from the midpoint of this line to that little midpoint of our projected line do an extrude cut through all and yeah i think that hot was correct earlier um so we're gonna roll with it it appears to be a seven i mean you know it's it's not easy to see there but you get the point okay so we'll do a hole and it is centered and two down so i'm just going to grab a dimension so it projects that edge for me and then we'll just do vertical constraint to line this up give it a value of two extrude it and the only thing we're missing now is some phillips 0.5 oh and i missed one right here so let's go ahead and edit that feature back click that edge and it looks like that's gonna be it but you know i'm not very happy with this hot let me go back and check that see if it would look better 1.35 no okay so it is 1.75 it's just hard to tell it's always good to go back and fact check you know okay so yep let's move on to the next one let's zoom this back out too okay so up next is the hanger jaw and we're going to draw uh with this being the front view so actually that's going to be the sketch to start on okay so um looking at this i'm going to draw everything in the side view except for this top little portion if i can avoid it i may not be able to in which case we'll just draw like the zigzag and we'll add in the arc in the cut later so let's go ahead and start it first of all uh i kind of want to use the circle as our starting point like is for what's going to be in the origin so i'm just going to slap in a little circle and you know i don't tend to connect the geometry till later and that's fine so um for now we're just going to kind of ballpark this doodle here and actually this line should be connected so i'm already kind of off base here let me just pull this straight up and then we're going to do that little step down i already said i didn't want to do and then from there we're going to have this bit and a little landing what we need to have here is a little line so uh let's connect it a little bit make this a little more clear what's going on and i did miss the field up here that was actually my choice um i'm just trying to tidy up where i can to start with so i'm gonna trim everything into place and give it that rough shape i know it's not perfect uh and then let's give it the overall height so we can start forming this to what we want it to be bad click trying to put in that 4.75 hop okay first things first let's put in this value here of 1.25 let's put in the overall width here uh well actually so we'll put in these two so we got 2.75 it's gonna grow a lot and .75 we have point five here and here as well and then it's two to here oop put something wrong all right so i was trying to avoid putting in the fillet earlier but we're gonna have to put it in the sketch so that's okay we're gonna put this width first to 4.5 and then the fillet size itself is 0.5 well i clicked something wrong okay so this flat portion left over is going to be sized at 0.25 we have a height for this line at three and just like that it's fully constrained um you know sometimes it comes together quicker than you think but usually just filling in the values is enough to get her in place as long as you're drawn with your inferred constraints in the right place so we're going to do a 3-whip and then first things first let's go ahead and put in our little arc here on this top face so i'm going to project this edge and i'm going to draw a circle making sure i snap to that green mark on both ends and i'll go ahead and extrude it to next then i'm going to turn on the whole command choose this space and this edge and let's see what the size is 1.5 okay so um [Music] yeah i don't know it seems a little long i mean let me just double check that so i'm gonna measure 2.75 and then .75 to here yeah okay looks fine to me okay so next up is a transfer fork and this one we're going to apply a material when we're done so i'm going to start off with drawing this space here and then we'll kind of cut away at it a little bit so um and i'm gonna draw roughly what it looks like see how it's trying to imply all these perpendiculars and angles to this just try to avoid the dotted lines if you're having issues you can also just quit out of the sketch and that helps too so now i'm going to draw that circle and the circle is actually going to be what's the center that i use so let's go ahead and do some constraints here boop wrong spot i've had a lot of coffee so i'm a little jittery all right so we've got 3.5 in height uh here i believe but let's just start over here just in case these are not symmetric so we've got a radius of 1 and 0.75 oh my skilled a lot thank goodness that worked okay so with 0.75 um it's easier just to go ahead and set this line to equal this one so that you don't have to do a collinear here later um we have 1.5 and again uh set this side to equal this side you know the part symmetric so you don't have to have two sets of dimensions for everything and it's 1.25 uh from this edge to that hole and from the cut to the hole so from that i'm going to actually draw um you know what no i'm going to actually just draw like this block portion here so i'm going to actually put this as 1.25 and then because we know that the line is in line with this point i'm going to do a coincident for the line to the point and then a horizontal constraint for this line point to this line point i'm going to go ahead and make the thickness here 1.75 overall and i believe it was 0.75 yeah between them so so now i'm going to say that this line equals this one so that it evens out uh we've got an overall width down here of 3.5 and the bottom width is 0.75 so let's see we're missing an overall height of 3.5 that might be it actually it is okay whoa what happened here you know what we don't need it that's the problem okay so in a case like this if it jumps you just need to say that these two lines equal each other and it should jump in place but just to be safe i'm going to measure that 3.5 that's wrong okay interesting let's see so if it's 2.25 down maybe i put something wrong so we got 1.25 from top to edge 1.5 here i bet you what we have is an implied constraint yep that's exactly it see this is what i always worry about so it has actually implied a constraint on its own so if this happens to you you know hit this turn it on and delete a perpendicular present it actually made this line and this line perpendicular to each other so now we should be able to put in that 3.5 and have no issues so that's a niche problem but that's exactly what i was talking about we really have to watch the uh inferred constraints sometimes they can get you so we'll extrude at five symmetric all right i'm going to immediately try to knock out some easy stuff here and this is going to be a fun part because uh if you guys didn't draw this on the same planes and directions as me it's going to be a lot harder for you so i'm going to start with drawing a gigantic rectangle here and i'm going to hit slice graphics cut our part in half so this rectangle that i'm drawing is to cut this out so it's aligned to this edge here now it's kind of hard to tell what's going on here so i'm just going to turn the part so you can kind of see what i'm doing but it cuts on this angle so i'm going to just project this edge and uh yeah it's 0.75 here so i assume it's the same here so 1.5 minus that it's a 3.5 rectangle so i'm going to give it a width i'm going to project this bottom edge and i'm going to do a vertical constraint locating this actually i think this is one of those times where i watch when i choose the point it's hard to see but do you see over here a little bit it's actually showing horizontal lines this is one of those times where uh in my case inventor is being a jerk and putting it backwards so in this case i'm going to choose horizontal in order to go vertical and align this then i'm do collinear and a collinear down here and there we go it's sized up so i can just do an extrude through all both ways all right so now it's starting to kind of look like something so let's see we're gonna need a rectangle up here as well we can go ahead and do it and it's going to be one wide here and one here so this is a rectangle of three same concept project your edge um do a hopefully yeah so this time it actually is vertical i'm telling you i don't know why inventor has never uh gotten better about that but this is a reoccurring issue i just need to give it a height of 0.5 and then we can cut it all right so now it kind of looks like it and we can draw in our circle now this part this is where i was referencing if you didn't draw the same way you're going to be in a little more treble so i'm going to draw get my green points make sure everything's fully constrained i'm gonna extrude it when i do two next it doesn't want to pick it up so that's fine i'll just do two and click the face manually and then i'm gonna go ahead and do a hole choose the face and the edge and then scale it down because it's gigantic it's going to be 0.5 not through all we wanted to do two in this space so here was the fun part if you didn't draw this part with this sketch in the middle now you can't do this next trick you'll have to do the same thing on the other side or make your own plane um in order to get this located but all i'm going to do now is a mirror and i'm going to choose this feature and this feature click on mirror plane and choose our point that cuts through the middle here and it's going to duplicate that feature over here it's pretty cool you know but if you didn't do that you may have issues so one trick you could do is do a mid plane between two planes and choose you know two corresponding parts on one side and that'll give you the plane to use um but obviously it's advised to draw your sketch where i did to start with so anyway um it looks like that's pretty much it only thing we have left to do is put iron cast on and then you know if you're feeling a little uneasy i always kind of feel weird about these parts because they're so intricate i'm just going to measure it so we've got 0.5 here 1.25 there yeah i mean it looks good okay so you know that's pretty much it for that one so up next is the god slider we're kind of past the harder ones now so and we're going to draw this as our front view and it's also going to have a material so first and foremost let's draw that shape and i am going to use that circle as the middle so we'll start with that but it's not a perfect circle we're cutting off part of it as we go so let's go ahead and put that portion in and don't assume that those are in line just draw a random offset of that and that's okay that one ended up going crooked but i will fix that later okay so put in a perpendicular and then i always think it's better to trim these before you go trying to you know dimensions the sketch and make it scale but i'm going to put the circle in might as well uh have it in place but i don't know that it's going to be concentric to this other circle so i'm just going to draw it out here in space so first things first this width is four that may not scale it so let's do three i think these two circles are concentric though the more i look at it so i am going to do it uh put a concentric constraint on them if it ends up not working we'll delete it and play with it in a minute so it's 2.5 to the middle that's four right here oh i hit a button that's okay if you're like mine moves out of the way just kind of shift things over a little bit 1.5 tall 0.25 0.5 and then we're going to set some lines to equal other ones so this line equals this one this one equals that one and let's see diameter 4.25 now it sucks that it does this because technically that should be a radius value so it's going to give you a radius value to start with so we're going to change that to diameter by right clicking and choosing dimension top and choosing diameter anytime you have a partial circle it's always going to uh start with a radius as its dimension top so so now i'm going to set this to equal this and that'll center it up and then our other circle is 2.5 okay it does appear that it was concentric so i can go ahead and extrude it uh 1.75 symmetric make it cast iron and there you go it's not too shabby actually all right so the last one we have here is shaft god now i will point out one thing from my experience uh common issues people have they don't extrude this halfway if you look there's no hole present here you'd be able to see a little bit of it so this hole is not through all uh the other thing to note some people draw a rectangle and then they do like a line making a tangent here and then they fill it that also does not look like this so i'm going to draw uh this part how it should be i'm gonna do top view and of course inventor's gonna rotate it probably so keep an eye out for that there's always some kind of query all right so i'm gonna do uh one feature for this and then a separate feature for this so i don't have to share the sketch so we've got 0.75 and 0.75 um the bigger one's really 1.5 because it's giving you a radius value here so you could also change it to a radius dimension if you want it's up to you i'm going to do an extrusion um of one and in this case i'm actually going to just do this direction so now i'm going to choose to extrude off of this top face a rectangle so i'm just going to draw a generic rectangle here give it its value of 1.75 and 0.6 we can go ahead and put our circle here too and it's going to be centered and 0.4 off the edge 0.25 in size so now i'm gonna go in project this geometry i'm gonna slap in a tangent for this part i'm actually gonna delete this line entirely uh and then i'll go ahead and trim this line so now i just need to extend this line to touch that one this is one of those fun times where it sometimes make you delete constraints but uh i guess i could have done this probably let's see that might have worked so instead of trying to extend it i'll just do a coincidence from this line to the circle there we go okay i could put the phillips here but i have a strong stance of uh you know putting them in as a feature later it's a lot easier to change so we'll go ahead and finish extrude and what's our size 0.25 i'm going to go the same direction and then we have that hole so the perk of doing you know the circle in the middle earlier is we can just do a sketch you know right here and we'll have a nice like projected point to do our circle and it's going to be 0.25 and it's going to be located 0.5 from the bottom so now all we got to do is vertically align the center point to the center of the circle and do an extrude cut the other way and then we need phillips of 0.125 and it defaulted to that yep okay now just for the record in case people were curious i'll show you the difference if it was through all both ways you would see that hole so there's your proof case anybody's wondering all right so let's change it to aluminum 6061 yep and that's going to be it alright thanks for watching everybody
Channel: Cory Allen
Views: 744
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: G2BwZdqaluU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 55sec (2335 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 26 2021
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