Tutorial - How To Properly Ride a Mid-Drive E-bike

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foreign so as promised this is going to be a demonstration of how to properly drive a mid-drive bike so I have the norika prime right here this is a mid-drive bike and of course my Revenant is right there and that is a rear hub bike both bikes have their pros and cons but if you're interested in getting a mid-dry bike such as the prime it is very important that you understand how to properly ride these because the last thing that you want is to be stranded on a trail because you did not understand how to correctly operate the bike and it ends up getting damaged so to properly ride one of these bikes it's pretty simple what I like to compare it to is you're basically wanting to ride these like a manual vehicle so you always want to start in the first few gears from a dead stop I'll demonstrate that in a moment and explain why that's so important but rule number one from a dead stop just like you are in a manual shifting vehicle you want to be in the first gear but on a bike it's okay to be in like your three gear four it's okay I would say no higher than gear 4 from a dead stop and then as you gain speed you will gradually shift up through the gears and as you decrease your speed you will lower your gears gradually whenever you're riding one of these bikes you will know if you're in the optimal gear or not it'll be very obvious because if I were to put this bike into gear 10 or gear 11 for example at a dead stop and I hit the throttle or I immediately start pedaling I'm probably gonna snap my chain because the drivetrain is connected directly to the motor right here so if I put that much torque and this one has 160 newton meters if I put that much torque on the drivetrain it's definitely going to cause some damage so that's why it's important from a dead stop you want to start in one of the larger gears which is gear I would say one through four so any of these will be perfectly fine but that's rule number one make sure you're in the optimal gear as you gain speed you definitely want to continue to shift up and then as you decrease in speed you want to continue to shift down rule number two with a mid-drive bike always be sure that your motor is not engaged while you are shifting so the motor really won't activate very easily unless you are applying a good amount of pressure so what I like to do to avoid drivetrain damage in between shifts is when I'm shifting I stop pedaling go ahead and shift and then I lightly pedal just to make sure that the shift completes and then I reapply pressure to reactivate the motor again I will demonstrate that as well but those are the two main rules make sure you're in the optimal gear at all times and then make sure that you're shifting properly and very gently in between shifts all right so like I said I'm at a desktop right now and I'm about to start riding the bike of course and as you can see I'm in one of the lower gears I'm going to demonstrate exactly how to ride these without causing any damage so I'm gonna start I'm in gear 3 right now Motors engaged no problem I'm not going much faster than about 13 miles an hour so of course you're about ready to switch gears so here's what you got to do I'm going to switch a gear I'm gear four I'm rein applying pressure when I'm ready to switch to gear five I stop pedaling and gear five gently paddle and I'll reactivate the motor we're pedaling gently to lead a performance ship I also want to point out that it's perfectly safe that if you want to shift three maybe four gears up at one time that's in my opinion about the limit without causing damage all right so I'm going to demonstrate that by shifting from Gear 3 to Gear seven in one go I'm gonna stop pedaling the motor's off I'm gonna shift one two three four again I'm just gently pedaling as you can tell it's already shifted the gears it's ready and I reapply pressure [Music] gear nine reapply pressure slow down gear eight gear seven reapply pressure foreign dear eight gear nine reapply pressure your eight gear seven gear six gear five I find my brakes reapply pressure stop paddling tier six gear seven reapply pressure [Music] your eight you're nine you're ten reapply pressure is there nine you're eight you're seven you're six gear five gear four gear three gear two gear one so as you can see the general rule of thumb is basically make sure that whenever you're ready to shift you don't shift more than three at a time and when you are shifting make sure that the motor is not engaged again to make sure the motor is not engaged all you got to do is pedal very gently just enough to perform the shift after that you're good to go and you can reapply pressure that's about it all right and the last thing I'm going to show you guys is how to properly use the throttle on a mid-drive bike basically the rule of thumb with that is you always want to be sure that you are either already at an optimal speed for that particular gear or if you want to just gun the throttle that's fine but it's safest to do that when you're in the first three to four gears so I'm in gear 2 right now so it won't damage anything here we go all right no problem biggest biggest thing to avoid with the throttle you cannot pedal and use the throttle at the same time that can be incredibly dangerous it can overwhelm the motor another big thing to avoid is do not ever touch the throttle if you're at a high gear at a dead stop you don't want to hit the pedals either the motor should not be active [Music] [Applause] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: eBikify
Views: 13,115
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nireeka, E-bike, ebike, bike, electric, electric bike, biking, bicycle, mountain bike, EMTB, Bafang, ultra, 1000w, fast, powerful, torque, shifting, mid-drive, middrive, fat tire, carbon fiber, exercise, adventure, Prime, tutorial, how to, operate, ride, How to ride, how to shift, drivetrain, gears, chain, damage, battery, charge, Tesla, modern, future, frame, safe, peddle, spokes, handlebar, brakes, active, sport, sport mode
Id: tuUGRnqKGgc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 20sec (560 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 01 2023
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