[Tutorial] How to Build Unreal Engine 4.26 From Source

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what is going on guys today i'll be showing you how to install unreal engine 4.26 from source some requirements going to be visual studio the epic games launcher and a github account moving right along the first place we're going to navigate to is the unreal engine website we're going to click download in the top right and scroll down here and click download now once that download finishes run the installer and let it fully install and update since i already have this i'm not going to continue any further next we're going to go to personal go on to connections and then to accounts here's where you're going to link your github account mine's already linked but i can show you what it would look like after you click connect it'll connect it'll redirect you to link your account with your github account and that's what's going to allow you to download the source code from github after you've connected your account you should get an email and then you can go to the top link in the description that's going to take you to github where you can download the unreal source you're going to make sure that you have release selected to get the most up-to-date build and then you're going to go over to code click download zip and for right now you won't need to do anything with that after that navigate to visual studio's website link also in description you're going to hover over download visual studio and you're gonna click on community 2019. once that is finished and you start your installer you should be greeted with a page that looks like this you're going to scroll down and make sure you click game development with c plus plus you're gonna make sure you have unreal engine installer selected towards the bottom and also the top three and optional you're gonna let that continue downloading and installing as this is finishing up once you have visual studio installed we could proceed with the next step going to wherever you downloaded your unreal engine source and extract it to wherever you like i chose the c drive for this this can take a pretty long time depending on your computer but shouldn't be more than about 10 minutes once that's finished you can open it up to wherever you extracted it to now if you just try to run the generateprojectfiles.bat you're going to be greeted with this error it's going to tell you to make sure you downloaded everything correctly but we have so we're going to go out of this and we're going to run setup.bat it's going to check dependencies and install any of them that we don't have this can take as long as your connection allows really once that's finished it's going to ask you for administrator permissions to install prerequisites after that the bat will go away and we'll be able to run generateprojectfiles.bat this shouldn't take long once it starts it should finish up pretty quickly after that we're able to run ue4.sln sometimes the first launch of this can take a while to load in after it's loaded in here there's not too much else to do most of it's just going to be pretty time consuming so you're going to double check in the top left that you have development editor selected and win64 also selected and then you're going to right-click ue4 in the browser and click on build you can watch the output down here in the bottom left this is one of those things it's going to take as long as your computer allows so if you have a strong computer it should finish up pretty quickly um the first part of this isn't going to take too long but once it starts fully building it it's going to take a while you're going to want to make sure you don't close anything or bother anything and if you let visual studio be the only thing running it'll make it goodbye a lot quicker as you can see here it finished building the first part and it's going to move on to building the entire engine it's going to be about 5 000 um outputs for it so once again it's going to be one of those things that takes as long as your computer allows it to take and having a stronger computer is going to allow it to go a lot faster as you can see here it's starting that near 5000 build once it gets finished up we'll be able to go into the editor just like normal as you can see here the build finish with zero errors next you're going to right click on uv4 you can select debug here or you can select debug in the top or you can press f5 on your keyboard you're going to want to make sure you right-click qe4 and set it as your startup project before you do that the first time loading the editor can take a while um usually doesn't take too long in visual studio but once the editor loads up it's going to need to compile shaders as you can see it's loading the editor now and here in a second it's going to start compiling all the shaders needed and it'll start the editor just like normal as you can see here the editor came up just like normal i'm going to select game but you can do whatever you're working with and make a new third person project or whatever you're working with name it however you like you can change it to c plus plus here but i'm going to keep it as a blueprint project um just to show you what it would look like to convert a currency or a current blueprint project into a c plus project you can change where it gets stored there but i'm going to keep it in my documents this may take a little bit to load up as you can see in the bottom right it's compiling more shaders so we're going to wait on those to finish up they shouldn't take too long but as you can see the world looks a little weird than what you're probably used to i also have a notification there for new plugins so we're going to ignore those for now once those shaders finish up i'm going to show you how to convert it to a c plus project the easiest way to me is to not do it this way but go to file and new c plus class click none click next and then create class you don't need to name it or anything it's going to add the code to your project which shouldn't take long either and you should see a message in the bottom right here in a second that pops up saying compiling new code all that compiling um the code is going to do converting it to a c plus project is going to allow you to package out third party plugins that you get from a source like advanced sessions and you'll also be able to create dedicated servers for your games that way if you're not going to use a subsystem like steam it'll open visual studio once it's finished but you're not going to need it if you don't want to use any code until if you want to do a dedicated server you'll have to build it from visual studio but other than that your project will stay blueprint if you would like it to that's going to be all for this video i hope you all enjoyed please remember to like comment subscribe and have a good day
Channel: 0rb1tal
Views: 3,928
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ue4, unreal engine, 4.26, code, visual studio, epic games, unreal
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 46sec (646 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 23 2020
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