Unreal Engine: How to compile source build 4.26

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okay this is gonna be a quick little video on how to get access to the 4.26 source build and compile it and set it up so you're ready to go now this just released as of today so i figured i'd go ahead and make a video on it as i'm doing it myself so the first thing that you need to do to even get access to the build is link your github account to unreal engines now if you come to this link here and that's posted in the description you will see an option for github it says my name down there so i'm just blocking it out even though it's probably displayed somewhere else in this video but you want to go ahead and hit connect and connect your github account to unreal engines and then once that's done yeah just like right there i think it just showed me it or showed the name anyhow i'll blur it out so you can do a quick little read through right here it just reiterates what i just said but then you can come over here to github and there should be yep go to the epic games github and you will see an option now for unreal engine click that over here to code and hit download zip once it's finished downloading you will have a compressed document called unreal engine release and you want to go ahead and extract this now i would recommend you extract this to your desktop or the root of some other drive and i will explain why shortly once i come back once it's extracted okay now that that is finished you want to open up your unreal engine folder that just got extracted you no longer need the compressed document now the reason why i say to do it either in your desktop or at the root directory of some other drive is because i can't remember if it's either setup that fails or generated product i think it's set up no it's probably generate project files that fails because the path is too long so for example this has a short path length and if you had this in your for example program files along with the rest of the builds that path would end up being too long and it would throw an error and stop so you would have to undo it and do this anyways so anyways once that's done being extracted go ahead and run setup.bat or the shell script i'm just going to run the setup.bat and this is going to take several minutes as it has to download a bunch of stuff as well and unfortunately my ethernet cable went bad so mine is going to take forever so i will see you back in about a year now once that is finished the console window will close and now you want to go ahead and launch generateprojectfiles.bat like so and this won't take nearly as long but it will still take a little bit of time once generate project files is finished you will see that you now have a visual studio project so we want to go ahead and move this before we compile to wherever we want to have the engine stored so in my case i wanted my c drive program files epic games and stored right here with my other engine builds now yours might be on another drive or wherever you want but do this before you actually do the compile okay now let's go ahead and i'm gonna go ahead and rename mine to ue underscore 4.26 underscore source open it up open up the visual studio project once visual studio has loaded the project we want to make sure we have development editor set accidentally hit f10 to unpause but make sure it's set to development editor and win 64. come over here to ue4 in the project or in the solution explorer right click and you want to hit build now depending on your hardware this will take anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour or more but give it some time after it builds the 47 or so files you will see that it goes through and it will have to compile roughly well as you can see the amount here so wait till that to be done and then ue4 is then compiled and there's a couple more things that we will have to do after this to make sure everything is set up so i will see once this is done okay now that's done we want to go ahead and run it so we can associate the new build with unreal engine projects and after that there's a couple more things you want to do but let's go and start with that so in ue4 well on the ue4 in the solution right click go down to set as startup project you'll see this change from benchmark to ue4 now click local windows debugger and it will go ahead and launch the engine for the first time and this is going to take a little bit so just it's not going to take me as long as they compile but it's still gonna take a couple minutes so just sit back and wait okay once everything's done you should be met with this screen and it should have finished compiling shaders once that's good to go go ahead and close it and you are for the most part done aside from building a couple more of these projects so you should now have your source build ignore this one i just downloaded from the launcher while i was doing this and we want to come back into unreal engine 4 the solution again scroll down until we find unreal light mass and we want to build this now this is so that you can build lighting if you do not have this then you have the problem of well you'll get a warning or an error and it won't actually be able to build a lighting anymore so go ahead and make sure this is compiled and good to go and i will see you when it's done alrighty now that that's done you can go ahead and look over and see if there's anything else that you think you will be using so for example my case i'm going to be building unreal multi-user server and you know some you might want to build something else in here that you might have to make use of i see there's something regarding chaos it's up to you but anyways once that's done you are good to go you can go ahead and launch the engine like normal you can associate other projects with it so all we have to do let me just load up a project me just right click gen nerd switch unreal ended version and we now have the 4.26 source build set right up that we can select you do that go ahead and compile your project after you switch the engine build launch it and everything is good to go just like normal so you now have the 4.26 source engine build of unreal engine so enjoy
Channel: Sneaky Kitty Game Dev
Views: 11,572
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Unreal Engine, UE4, C++, Coding, Code, Tutorial, How To, Ray Trace, Object, Light Switch, Switch, Modeling, Light, Sound, Multiplayer, Client, Server, Dedicated, Survival, Respawn, Inventory, Crouch, Chat, Message, Online, Subsystem, OnlineSubsystem, Steam, SteamServer, WebAPI, asp.net, mysql, world at war, nazi, zombies, nazi zombies, blender, 2.8, 2.9, bullet, simulation, scope, optic, plugin, beginner, basic, RPC, Replication, Network, Networking, tutorial, onrep, server, client, multicast, c++, heartbeat
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 15sec (435 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 03 2020
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