Tutorial BERTAHAN dan MENYERANG di EA FC 24. Tutorial FC 24 | Ryu Go Gaming
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Channel: Ryu Go Gaming
Views: 19,745
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Keywords: tutorial bertahan di fc 24, cara bertahan di fc 24, ea fc 24, fc 24, ea sports fc 24, ryu go gaming, tutorial fc 24, bertahan, defence fc 24, cara menyerang di fc 24, tutorial menyerang di fc 24, tutorial menyerang, tutorial bertahan, fc 24 defending, fc 24 defending tutorial, fc 24 defending tips, fc 24 defense tips, fc 24 defense, fc 24 defend, fc 24 defense tactics, fc 24 defending settings, fc 24 defense tutorial, cara bertahan fc 24, cara bertahan fifa 24
Id: mh4GZ2Z-wG4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 2sec (2402 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 31 2023
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