Tutorial: Advanced anime water splash FX in blender

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hi i'm kristoff and today we're going to make this water splash effect in blender using eevee i wanted to make something that looks very smooth and maybe could compete with a hand drawn animation this is a long and advanced tutorial but if you just want a short lesson i recommend checking out the first 10 minutes and this already leaves you with a splash effect that can be quite useful in your scenes like my other tutorials you can find the source files in the description below and without further ado let's dive into blender let's start a new blend file let's delete the cube and we're going to add a plane the first thing we're going to do is edit the plane and we're going to right click on it and subdivide it then we can click on this little subdivide menu and we're going to set the number of cuts to 20. next up let's add an empty and we're going to pick a plain axis and to see what we're doing we're going to add a voronoi shader to our plane so let's add a new shader let's delete the principled and we're going to add animation shader let's add a voronoi texture and now we can at least see what we're doing to our geometry we're also going to add a mapping and a texture coordinate node and we're plugged gonna plug the uv into our vector next up we're going to select our plane we're going to add a modifier and we're going to pick a simple d4 set it to bend we're going to select the z-axis and then we are going to select our empty as the origin we're also going to set the angle to 360. and now if we move our empty we can manipulate the center point and now we have created a scene and we're gonna hide this so let's add a mirror modifier and select all of the x values and make sure that you move the empty so we remove the scene and that's it for our geometry we're now going to dive into our shader so let's select our voronoi and we're going to do a classic voronoi trick where we're going to make some hard voronoi edges by subtracting two varroa noise so let's copy paste the voronoi let's add the vector we're gonna add a matte node the lower varonoi we're going to set to smooth f1 and we're going to subtract it and to see what we're doing we can add a color ramp after the subtraction set it to constant and we can move our color ramp to get these hard edges i'm going to set the scale to 7. and by playing around with the x scale we can get this different effect either you can make it very round or you can get this very radial effect i'm going to set it to 5.8 and now we can also animate this to do this we go to our location and we're going to add a driver let's go to the y value and add hashtag frame divided by 100 and now when we press spacebar it's moving from the inside to the outside next up we're going to add a wave texture and we're going to mix it in with our voronoi let's also add a mapping and texture coordinate node and we're going to set it to object for the settings of our wave texture we're going to set it to ring to a z value and now what we're going to do is we're going to center this by playing around with the location settings i'm going to set the scale to minus 0.6 distortion i'm going to set to tree detail i'm going to set to 16 detail scale is 1.5 and we're going to add a color ramp and just for control i'm also going to add a gamma node and that way i can just slide this i'm going to set it to 8.5 and now by sliding the mix node i can add either more voronoi or more waves and now we want to animate the waves we can do that by adding a driver to the face offset let's add hashtag frame divided by 3 and we're going to also set it to a minus value so set it to minus frame divided by three i don't think the center is completely aligned so i'm just gonna tweak it yeah that's it now let's play around with our mix and that's starting to look like a really nice base the last thing we're going to do is we're going to create a mask and that is going to fade the outer edge and we're also going to fade this center let's add a gradient texture and we are going to set it to quadratic sphere and let's just plug it into the same mapping node as we used for our wave texture let's add a mix rgb node and let's plug in our gradient we're gonna set it to multiply and let's also add a color ramp just to control it a bit more we're gonna set the white node in the middle and then we're gonna set two black nodes at the outer edges i'm also going to add a gamma to my voronoi i'm gonna leave it at 0.9 and let's set our gradient like this and there's one more thing we need to do because this isn't large enough we're going to add a mapping node and set the scale i'm going to set it in between this mapping node and the quadratic sphere and we're going to set it to 0.5 and now when we press play that's starting to look like something um we can play around with the outer edges for instance if i multiply it a bit more i'm going to set my i'm going to set my color ramp right about here yep and we're going to turn this into a transparent shader to do this we're going to add a mix shader we're going to add a transparent shader and we're going to plug our color ramp directly into our mix shader and we're going to invert it and now we're going to go to our material properties and we're gonna set blend mode to alpha clip and shadow mode we're gonna set to none for now and that's it for our splash effect we're gonna add a plane to our scene let's resize it and we're going to lower it and we're going to add a gradient shader to this so let's replace the principle psdf by animation shader and let's add a gradient texture we can set it to easy to get a softer gradient and now we're gonna add a color ramp and we're gonna select two types of blue one is gonna be more of a deep blue the other one is going to be more of a lighter cyan blue and we're still in filmic mode in blender so the white part of our splash isn't 100 white so we can go to render properties and go to color management and filmic we're going to set it to standard and this gives a brighter effect and now i'm also going to adjust the colors a tiny bit more until they're a bit more towards the green spectrum and we are going to start making the splash upwards of the water to do this we're going to add a cylinder let's go into edit mode let's set it to x-ray and we're just going to select the bottom part and we're going to scale it until we have like this cone funnel and i'm going to go to face select i'm going to select the upper face and let's delete it delete the face and we're going to do the same with the bottom then we're going to select loop cut and we're going to click in the middle and this is going to prompt this little menu and we're going to set number of cuts to 10 and this will give us some geometry to work with and we're also going to set it to object shade smooth and now i'm going to go back into edit mode and i'm going to give this a bit more of a curve so let's select our vertices and if you click on this circle it's going to toggle proportional editing and now if we select a section of our funnel and scale it it's going to impact all of the geometry so i'm going to create this little bell and let's leave it for now we're going to go to add modifiers and we're going to add a displace modifier let's click on new let's click on the show texturing texture tab and we're going to add a cloud i'm texture to set the size to 0.35 and now we're going to control the distortion by using an empty cube let's go to our modifier set coordinates to object click on the empty and now our empty controls or modifier i'm going to add a little timeline you can click in the corner here and you can create a little extra timeline i'm going to set auto keying go to the first frame and i'm just going to rotate this cube a couple of times around the y-axis and i'm gonna select both of the keyframes and set interpolation mode to linear let's turn off auto key yep that seems about right and now we're going to add a shader to our cylinder so let's click on new shader i'm going to delete the principled psdf let's add an emission shader and we're going to add a gradient texture as well add a mapping and texture coordinate node and we're going to plug in the uv we need to turn our gradient so let's rotate it around our z-axis by 90 degrees and set location to x1 and this is the effect we're going for i'm going to add a color ramp and i'm gonna invert it next up we're going to add some voronoi so let's add a voronoi texture let's set the scale to tree let's add a mapping and texture coordinate node and we're going to mix it in using a mix rgb i'm going to invert it and we're going to add a color ramp set to constant and now if we move the color ramp we can see the impact of our voronoi we're going to animate the voronoi by setting our z location to a driver let's set it to hashtag frame divided by 10 and we're going to invert it we're going to set it to hashtag frame divided by 10 and now we need to invert it so let's set it to negative frame divided by 10. this is the effect we're going for and then we're gonna add some extra little detail by adding another photo annoy so let's just copy paste this let's add a mix rgb node set to soft light let's plug in our second photo annoy and set the scale to 10 and i'm also going to scale the x to 3. and we're only going to add a little bit just a bit of detail and this is going to help us mask our shader into a transparent shader so to do that let's add a mix shader let's add a transparent shader let's plug our color ramp into the alpha let's go to the material properties and we're going to set both blend mode and shadow mode to alpha clip and this gives this splash and now we need to add some colors and to do this i'm going to add another color ramp let's plug it into our emission we're also going to set it to a constant and now we can create this division between the upper foam i'm going to pick a light blue and then for the foam i'm going to select the same blue and make it even lighter let's tweak it a bit more yep this is what i want and then we can add a bit more detail in the colored section by adding even more voronoi so let's add a voronoi let's add a mix rgb in between our soft light and our color ramp let's just plug it in and add a color ramp and now we're going to move the color ramp and we're gonna play around with the mix we can get this subtle effect and add a bit more detail so let's press play this is the effect we're going for now we can copy this splash effect or better yet we can instance it by using alt d and now we can scale it around the z axis we can make it taller scale it a bit move it up and then we can rotate it around the z-axis then we're going to click on our original splash again again we're gonna click we're gonna alt d and copy paste it let's scale it again around the z-axis to make it more flat whoops let's put it a bit lower and so we can get this cascading effect you can also turn it around and then you can also control the displacement of each of these by going back into the modifier and adjusting the strength so for this lower one i want a bit less distortion on it and i'm going to make it a bit smaller so that there's less of a gap going on i can also tweak the size of this animation if i want to by just clicking on our empty cube set it again to outer key and then we can also scale this to scale this effect so if i scale our two keyframes i can get a different effect also something you can do is to make this animation slower by going into the shader and playing around with the driver for voronoi and you can make it slower if you want to and that's it for now and now let's add the last part for our waterfall effect and it's going to be a cylinder and we're going to create this column of water let's rescale our cylinder and let's place it in the middle of this splash let's set it to shade smooth and let's add an emission the first thing we're going to do is immediately turn this into a transparent shader let's do this by adding a mix shader a transparent shader and we're going to control the edges by adding a fresnel and setting it as the input of our make shader let's go to the material properties set it to alpha clip let's add a color ramp and now we can mix in a photonic texture and this is going to create some jagged edges along our column of water i'm gonna keep the effect fairly subtle next up we're also going to turn off auto key let's add a mapping and a texture coordinate node and we're going to animate this column by tweaking the z location let's set it to hashtag frame divided by 50. okay next up we're going to work on our color and we're going to add two voronoi textures let's plug in this vector into our voronois the lower one we're going to set to smooth f1 add a map node to create a subtract and let's plug it into our emission next up add a color ramp set to constant and now you can get this splash or foam effect and we're going to mix a wave texture in with this so let's add a wave texture let's add a mix rgb plug it in and we're going to set our wave texture to z and let's add some distortion to this i'm going to mix it in using a screen and let's add a color ramp let's tweak it to get a very subtle effect and instead of a white i'm going to use more of a gray and now we can tweak the colors by adding a color ramp after our screen we can set it to a constant and i'm going to add three colors one is going to be a darker blue and then another one is going to be a slightly lighter version of that blue and then in this third color i can play around with the different color ramps if i want a bit of a different effect i'm gonna make it a bit darker still and i'm going to make the transparent effect a bit more subtle and let's tweak the fresnel and let's also tweak our color ramp a bit the fresnel does make the shader disappear at certain angles so you can always turn it off if you want to but i'm using it at these angles so it doesn't really matter one last thing i want to do is to add a bit of the splash color at the lower part here because i just want to fill in the gaps so that you don't see the dark colors here and to do this i'm just going to add a gradient texture and let's mix it in using a mix rgb node we're going to add a mapping and texture coordinate node rotate the y by 90 degrees and let's add a color ramp like this one last thing i'm gonna do is i'm gonna select the lower splash and in our emission i'm gonna pick the same color a lighter blue as the one from our splash and this is going to integrate it a bit more next up we're going to add a little bit of detail to this lower section and so i'm going to copy paste this splash and i'm just gonna move it out of the way for now we move both the empty and the splash and we're gonna unlink the material and add a new material let's delete the principle principle psdf and let's turn this immediately into a transparent shader so let's add a mix rgb an emission node a transparent shader node and let's add a voronoi texture let's plug it into the alpha add a mapping and a texture coordinate node and we're going to set the material properties to alpha clip and i'm not going to use shadows for now and now we're going to set the texture coordinate to uv let's set the scale of the voronoi to something like 24 and then we can elongate splashes by setting the scale of the x to something like 0.5 also we're getting these sharp corners because we need more geometry it's a bit too low poly so we can add a subdivision surface modifier and just apply it and now let's add a color ramp and now we can control the amount i'm going to set the color to a darker blue let's animate it let's set the y value to hashtag frame divided by 100. and let's both move our empty and our extra detail back in place and let's move it below our splash let's make sure it doesn't collide and i'm just gonna tweak the color ramp to just make it a bit more subtle and also make the color a bit lighter also to make it just a bit more subtle and this gives some extra detail as a last step we're going to add a particle system so let's add a plane and let's add a metaball we're going to hide it underneath and we're gonna add a shader let's turn it into an emission shader and this can just be a white shader we're going to click on our plane it's going to be our emitter let's go to particle properties and let's add a particle system this is going to create a particle system let's set our end to 250 i'm going to set lifetime to 20 and in the render section we're going to render it as an object and we're going to instance the meta ball nothing happens that's because we need to scale this and also in our metabol we're going to click on the object data properties and we're going to set the resolution of the viewport to 0.2 and we're going to scale our meta ball next up click on our plane as an emitter and let's go to velocity let's set it to a normal f tree yep that makes it bounce and then we're gonna randomize it by also setting it to tree and this gives this splash effect and i'm gonna scale this emitter and i'm just gonna hide it underneath our waterfall and this is just going to create these little splashes i just noticed i forgot to animate the wave texture in our column so let's add it let's go to the face offset and just add hashtag frame that's it i'm also going to tweak this line by tweaking our gradient texture and now last but not least i'm going to add some bubbles and now last but not least i'm going to add some bubbles to do this we're going to select a cylinder we're going to use it as a particle emitter let's go into edit mode let's select the upper face let's delete it the lower face let's delete it too let's go back into object mode and let's create our little bubble first so we're going to add a uv sphere and let's add a new shader let's turn this into a transparent shader so let's add a mix shader animation shader transparent shader blend mode to alpha clip and let's add a fresnel as an alpha let's add a color ramp to tweak it i'm going to set it to shade smooth as well and this is going to be our little bubble let's hide this underneath the plane and now let's click on our emitter let's go to the particle properties let's add a particle system um and where it says field weights we're gonna set gravity and all to zero and this is just gonna create these bubbles i'm going to set it here we're going to go into our render properties set it to object and let's instance our sphere and we're going to randomize the scale scale it a bit let's see what happens that's maybe too many bubbles so to something like 100 let's hide it in the foam i'm going to scale the bubbles and you can make them as big or small as you want them to i like this as some extra detail and that's it that concludes our tutorial today for this final version i added some shadows to the plane on the water and i also tweaked the colors and that concludes our tutorial for this week i hope you enjoyed it let me know if you like it in the comment section please subscribe and see you next time you
Channel: Kristof Dedene
Views: 102,185
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: zZsfr5f273c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 18sec (2778 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 05 2021
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