Tutorial 2-1: Building a geodatabase

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this tutorial 2-1 ng is tutorial workbook 3 in this tutorial we're going to be building the geo database that we created the blueprints in and tutorial 1-1 now the first thing you're going to want to do is print out the forms that you made in tutorial 1-1 or have the file open if you don't think yours are complete or you just don't really want to do it you can go to the Azeri press folder and it's already completed down at the bottom by Azeri it's in the tutorial 1-1 gdb design and there's a slight difference um they gave there's a feature data set name they didn't have us do that in tutorial 1-1 and what we're going to do next is open up our catalog where we will be doing a majority of our tutorial now we're going to be working and I don't know why it's joining up like that there we go [Music] okay now you're gonna want to navigate to your as your impress folder in your GIS t3 folder you're gonna right click on my answers and you're gonna create a file geodatabase and we're gonna name it and records now I already went through and completed this one um so I'm gonna take a few shortcuts now I'm only gonna do the the fields that are absolutely necessary to get through this one arm at the end oh but I would recommend that you do everything because I'm not sure if you're gonna be using this geodatabase and future exercises so it's best to go through and do everything as the the tour tutorial tells you to so right now our geo database is empty so we're gonna give it a new feature dataset and we're gonna call it property data one word and we're going to give you the coordinate system and this coordinate system they want us to use is olender in central North Texas so you want to go to projected coordinate systems state planes nad 1983 us V and just scroll down until you find Texas and right here we have Texas North Central then just hit next and we don't have to worry about a coordinate of vertical coordinate system because we're not worried about 3d and this we're gonna keep as default now that we have our feature dataset we're going to add our two feature classes that we have a polygon and a line so we'll start off with the polygon first Parcells and the alias is property ownership we're gonna keep this as default and here is where we add our tables and so you want to click on here and you want to add all these fields using the correct field type and giving it the alias and whether it should or should not have nulls now the only ones I'm going to do for this exercise are Street type use code georeference and Platt status just because the other ones are too time-consuming for the videos but you should go through and add those because they might be used in future tutorials so I'm going to go through and do these now so we have a street hundreds for type and it's a text and make sure you have the underscore you can't have spaces up in the field name but you can have them down here and we're not allowing nulls so you just make sure that's a no and make sure this one is a short integer and the only other one that is not a tux is the zip code so make sure you do that as well and make sure that you allow nulls for suffix Direction Suffolk or prefix direction and prefix type now with that done can I click finish and I've done this a few times and I've had a few errors pop up saying that it couldn't create the feature class for whatever reason or so but if I did it a second time it would always work so I'm not sure what the problem was if you keep getting that air even if you've tried it a second or a third time shoot me a message and we'll work on it oh right now I'm not sure what it is so I couldn't figure out a trick or or anything so now with those done we're going to go in and we're going to do our other feature which is going to be our lot angry [Music] remember it's one word on top for the name and you can break it up into two for the alias and this is a pulp this is a line so make sure it's not a polygon keep that default here you just add flight code we keep it as a text and you can have this open if you want we're not allowing the holes and the alias is just my code we just press finish and we have our two features now what we're going to do is create our domains so we know what our domains are for so you might be tempted to try it who do their domains through the feature class itself but that's not how you do it you right click on land records and you go to properties and there's two tabs a general and a domains you want to be in the domains and we're going to do land parcel first or use code so you want to put parcel use code as the domain and we're going to go to domains because that's where we have our parcel codes and then here we're going to use the description we use so use codes or parcels it's a text so we're gonna change it to text it's a coded values which is the default and only option you can have for domain type and then here is where we choose whether it's a one single-family detached a - oh now you have to be careful going through this when I went through it I did have a few errors that I caught the biggest one I kept running into was keeping my finger on the shift button when I went to hit the numbers so I would have a exclamation point instead of a one so be on the lookout for stuff like that and also try to get the dispelling of these things as close as correct as possible so you after you're done just go through and read through and after you do about five you might want to hit apply that will save your progress in case your computer crashes or arcmap or arc catalog freezes and crashes so once you do that you're going to want to add all these I'm not going to just the save on time and we're going to do the same thing for the other domains so we have two more we're going to make we're going to do parcel line codes and it works just like we did with the last one parcel goes and it's line codes or parcels it is again a text and we have row right we have lot we have split lit and that one it's all done so we just hit apply and ok now the next one as you can see we don't have the code written on here we have a text file from the US Postal Service with all the BER deviations for their street types and we can import that text file into a domain and to do that you can either use the search feature to look up the tool which is called table to domain or we can use the arc toolbox which I'm going to do because I believe you should know where tools are in the toolbox now this tool is in the data management tools in the domains toolbox and it's right on the bottom and up at top we're going to for the input table we're going to go to our GIS tutorial data folder and make sure you choose the suffix txt file not the excel file and here is where we choose what field will be the code field so which one will fill in this column and we only have two fields in ours we have suffix type and suffix abbreviation now we want the abbreviation in this column so we would choose abbreviation and description would be type because that would be the spelt out instead of Rd it would be Rhodes so then we choose our land records geodatabase as our input workspace and this is where we change the name of our domain then you just click OK and the tool will run itself if you get an error just try doing it again I done this a few times only had an error once I did it again and it worked and this time it worked flawlessly so it's closed there now we're gonna open up our properties we're going to go domains and if you hit on here you can see all the codes are now the breviary and that the descriptions are the types so that just saved you a whole lot of work of having to write all that out now we're going to assign the domains so we're gonna just get out of there and to do that you have to go to the actual class features or feature class so you want to go to parcels and go to properties and we're gonna be working in the fields tab and as you can see they added two new fields field length and field area so they do that automatically so don't even worry about them now we have we're gonna go back to our table and we have two domains inside purse parcels Street type and land use code so if we click on Street type domain has now become available because we added domains to our geo database so we're gonna click on that and we're gonna we can choose from any one of our domains so for Street type we want street type abbreviation then we're gonna click on use code and we're going to use use parcel use code I'll be careful because these two look very similar then you just click apply and okay we're gonna do the same thing with lot boundaries now those domains are connected now what we're going to do is set up our subtypes and we're gonna go into properties for parcels and there's a tab for two subtypes we're gonna click on that and if you had done like you were supposed to and go in and put all these fields in you will have two options here you will have plat status and zip code the reason being those are the only ones with numbers um that aren't text so that's because it uses a coded system that uses numbers so we're gonna use plat status and we're going to use our subtype tab to input our subtypes so we have one planted property two for unplanted property and three for pending and as soon as you're done you just hit apply and okay now what we're going to do is we're going to define the relationship class as you remember we felt out this little form at the back so start this what we're going to do is we're gonna have to import the table that we discussed here this tax record to 2010 to do that you right-click on land records and you go to import and table single you go up to our data and it's right here it's a DBF file we're just gonna add that and we have to come up with a name for it it automatically saves it to our land records a geodatabase because we right clicked on that we didn't use a tool if we use the add table to geo database you'd have to browse to it but we'd skip that step so for the output table we're just gonna call it tax records 2010 then we just click OK and once again if you get an error just try it again sometimes the program just hiccups and for whatever reason it'll fail now with that done we're going to right click on land records again go to new we're gonna do a relationship class and we're pretty much just gonna follow this and then put all this information into here this is a very helpful uh geo database design file that they gave us for the domains and everything so I would recommend keeping a blank copy of this on your computer so our relationship class is called ownership and our origin is parcels now to highlight blue but once I choose down here I'll just turn to a light gray it's still highlighted so don't worry about it then you just click on tax records 2010 and then click on next we have simple peer-to-peer so we click on next again and here for origin we want parcels is owned by and here we want owner as ownership and then we want none for messages now I really like this portion of this this tool because it shows a little image for each one of these for right now one to one each purse so parcel is assigned to one individual whereas one-to-many is one parcel is assigned some many individuals and this many-to-many which were using has an one individual owning multiple parcels or one parcel owned by multiple people so make sure m2n is selected and here for attributes we want yes and this is where we add the fields that we want and the fields that they want us to name this is percent home and it's going to be a float and we're gonna allow null so once that's done you just click yes and this is our parcels shape feature class and as you remember we have a geo reference filled our table also has a georeference field so those are how they're going to relate to each other now the book can be a little confusing here because in the book is says to put property for the origin table and owner for the destination table however and here it shows origin table should be owner and destination should be property so I'm gonna go by what this says and it gives you a brief summary of what your relationship class looks like and then you just hit finish the tool has done its work and now we have our relationship class now we you're done with art catalog and what we're going to do is we're gonna test our subtypes so we're just gonna X out of here and we're going to open up art map [Music] and they want us to open up and they want us to open up tutorial map 2-1 when you do that you just get a blank map so if nothing comes up you didn't do anything wrong that's just way it's supposed to look now we're gonna add our geo our dataset now mine's not complete so I'm going to go and do the one that I did it earlier with all the records and everything and put so I'm just gonna add data property data and this adds all the feature classes inside that data set and as you can see because we had subtypes it automatically put property ownership into categories as symbology now what we're going to do is obviously we don't have any features because these are blank ones so we're gonna create a few so if you don't have your editor toolbar you can go up to customize toolbars and check it right there so you want to go to start editing now if the little box doesn't pop up automatically you just check this create features and they want you to choose plated property and we're gonna create some polygons there's one two there's three and if you create one that you don't want white tile oh just hit the delete button it'll go away now none of them are highlighted and they want us to hit the attributes button now nothing is shown because nothing is selected so use your edit tool and if you click on it it'll show you the attributes for the one that's selected right now the only difference is the object ID and this was one because it was the first second and third one drawn and as you can see it automatically filled their plat status as platted property that's because I chose them and the create a feature window so it already filled in that attribute now this is where the domains can save you a lot of time rather than have to go into the attribute table and type in all these codes and everything I can come down here tor says Street type and I can just choose from a drop menu and I can do the same thing from land use code and that's where it saves you a lot of time in the long run it's kind of time-consuming when you first do it but once it's done it can save you so much more time and that's it for this tutorial now close arcmap without saving your edits or your map document
Channel: GISHelper
Views: 41,131
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Id: 1DRCIM7rDfg
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Length: 27min 37sec (1657 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 31 2013
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