ArcGIS - Geodatabases and Feature Classes - Part 1

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now the best topic ever geodatabases let's learn a little bit about geo databases and setting them up so I'm in our catalog and I've got a blank folder that I'm gonna create my geo database again there's several types of geodatabases for most projects you're gonna have two main options a file geodatabase or an SD e or spatial database engine database for an enterprise geo database that's kind of an advanced topic that I probably won't end up covering so let's stick to the file geo database and learn how to set that up and use it so anywhere in here I can right click and I can go to new say file database I can go to a lab for say file new file to a database or file each of these are contextual so depending on what I have selected I'll have different options and marks still thinking yay new file geodatabase so this is the empty container that I can rename what's called Park so it's gonna be a Park file geodatabase now if I look at that in file explorer this is going to look like a folder with a lot of crazy name stuff on the inside in general we do not want to touch anything inside that folder but you can move that whole folder around again it's always supposed to use our catalogs to do that now when I click on the geo database and go inside of it there's nothing there yet inside here I can fill this with feature classes tables and so forth but in order to do topology later I'm gonna want another container called a featured data set this has the same coordinate system for every single feature class the same tolerances and it'll be necessary when we get to topology later in an imposing topology so I'm gonna create one so again I'm gonna right click here go to new and go to featured data set and I tend to call these with the name of either the theme or the the coordinate system that used so I'm gonna call this 8380 m16 we call this Wisconsin transverse mercator it's gonna ask me my coordinate system and I want to use I'm gonna go down here to my vanilla Wisconsin coordinate system County system state always fun finding these Wisconsin transverse mercator meters know a vertical coordinate system these XY tolerances these are somewhat important the defaults are really small they're really tiny also we've got ten hundred thousands of a meter that's probably a little bit too small I want some of these vertices that are really close together to be snapped all right one centimeter 10 centimeters I'm gonna do one centimeter so it changed this just a little bit for the part that I don't have em and Z values here but I'm gonna still set the tolerances okay so now I've got a feature data set that again if I go inside is empty now before ice creating a want to think about when you're designing your data base and your attributes are gonna go with your feature class the domains that I might want to use I want to set these before I start creating feature classes so I'm gonna go back to the main container here for the geo database I'm gonna right click and I'm going to properties and it's in here that I can set our look at some general properties for the file geodatabase and then set domains so for my Park let's say I've got some roads so I'm gonna set some speed limits so there's two types of domains let's look at both I'm going to call this speed limit and then range speed in my Park and in this case speed limits I could probably be more efficient by storing that as a short integer it's a range the range is going to limit my attributes to a certain set of values and this is applicable to integers or floating-point so I'm say all right smallest speed Lamai can't have zero as a speed limit the smallest I can have as let's say 15 and the max I'm going to allow in my park is 55 all right okay so I've got my range domain set and I can keep adding domains here I notice as I switch between the two these values down here are going to change so the selection up here sets the properties in the coded values so let's do a coded domain and let's say we're going to have a trail type trail surface but this is types of trail surfaces and that's going to be a text field so I'm going to set this up as a text I'm gonna use coded values here and then I don't have a code in description so I'm gonna say other type of surface okay so these are the options that I'm gonna get for that text field for my trail surface so these are the domains that are gonna limit the type of attributes that I have within the feature classes so I'm gonna create in a moment all right that was part one stick around for the exciting part - thank you
Channel: Eric Compas
Views: 30,490
Rating: 4.9692307 out of 5
Keywords: geodatabase, ArcGIS, ESRI, domain
Id: iguCbqs55sY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 12sec (372 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 16 2015
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