Turning TRASH into TERRAIN - Sci Fi Base from Packing Foam

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[Music] so loot studios just launched a new subservice for sci-fi focused models i printed and painted a bunch of characters and wanted to build a cool bit of terrain to go with them something more moss eyesley in style than say like event horizon i kind of see these characters more for rpgs than wargaming so i wanted to make a kind of character building a real focal point i've never before done the common trend of making something out of packing material foam but as luck would have it a few days before this project i bought a new fan on amazon for the bedroom and the foam it was packed in had some serious tattooing vibes to it it had a great form and shape that was just asking to be turned into some sort of space tavern or bounty hunter lair whatever you find what thing that you know they're already interested in and [Music] the loot bundle came with a bunch of cool terrain pieces and like freestanding doors and stuff like that there was this big gate and it was a two-part print and i decided that i didn't need a gate or pieces like this but i really liked some of the kind of sci-fi venti weird mechanical details on the one side of it so i just cut off the top part of the gate and ended up using those two bits you know just as is there's also a really nice door you know this is meant to stand on tiles you know in a game but hey i could just squish it onto this piece of foam and make a nice looking entrance door to make this thing come together and really pop i needed a bunch of sci-fi bits to give it some texture so i printed a ton of these little flat sci-fi bit pieces made by my friend trent at miscast he has them on a site you can go buy them there they're simple but great for spicing up a build like this [Music] those little flat bits did a lot of work to really make this thing start coming together but i needed some more dimensional you know accessories on it so i just rated some random bits for other you know chunkier different cool futuristic sci-fi bits and ladders stuff like that to really spice this thing up [Music] i was liking the way this thing was coming together but it was missing a little something and that little something was a little landing pad for cool spaceships i grabbed a circle of plywood glued it to some eva foam and wham bam i had a perfect little kind of pavement looking landing pad that i would put aside to add after paint before paint though i needed to toughen this bad boy up and most importantly get rid of all that ugly expanded polystyrene bubble texture that's just a dead giveaway as to what you're looking at and is usually what makes packing material builds look kind of cheap and crappy so if you can just hide that but keep the cool shape then you're you know you're golden i did this again with my new favorite crafting tool which is pre-mixed acrylic grout just smoothed it all over the place filled in all those little bubbly details and this would give it a nice hard acrylic and stone shell that would really make this thing durable and the color of it just happened to be pretty close to what i wanted to paint so it let me see what it was gonna look like you know in the end [Music] the grout did a pretty bang-up job of actually like really toughening up this styrofoam but i didn't do a very good job of applying it around all the 3d printed bits i really should have taken more time to clean them as i went i just didn't expect the growth to bond this well to this plastic but it really did i couldn't get it off it was fine i mean it just blends the whole thing together makes it look more grimy and whatever but in the future i would probably be more careful since i needed to apply a base coat of paint anyway on this thing and the easiest way would probably be with a brush i decided to mix in some really strong carpenter's glue to my beige craft paint this would add even more strength to the foam but more importantly some much needed flexibility to some of the more vulnerable parts [Music] while this mess dries i want to share with you some more information about today's sponsor my friends at loot studios just released a second subscription plan that is entirely sci-fi themed by now you should already know the deal with loot tons of high detailed pre-supported models you can print at home in multiple scales with included scenery and bus all for a wicked cheap price this is the same great quality and value you've come to expect from their fantasy subscription but just with the new sci-fi flavor and of course there's gonna be a massive welcome pack for your first month and loyalty rewards after what really gets me excited about these particular models is how they're designed with more character-driven rpgs in mind now if you play a skirmish game like stargrave this offers really unique individual models to make up your warband if you play some sci-fi or futuristic rpgs then these are really perfect i just ordered starfinder tails from the loop and cyberpunk red this week in the hopes that i can get one of them going and these loot models will be a perfect fit for any of those games the first month with the welcome pack is a crazy good way to jump start my collection of minis for these games i just love how some of these models make me want to run an event horizon style kind of rescue mission full of undead astronauts then some of them make me think of pulpy bounty hunter heist adventures while others make me want to play some sort of cyberpunk hack job 15 bucks a month uh and you get a welcome pack it's an unbeatable deal i'll put a link in the description so you can jump on board yourself after my glue paint dried i thought it was too dark for the kind of inks i wanted to use on top of it so i hid it with a light dusting of bone spray primer i also sprayed my landing pad black with a light dusting of metallic silver but it needed some cool marking so i did some really fast tape masking and paint effects [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] needing some extra material contrast i applied some more of that eva craft foam to create a kind of tarmac landing strip as well as some flooring in the control area and just a little bit more inking to kind of tie everything together followed by an oil wash [Music] [Applause] last i pictured this you know unit sitting in a dusty kind of arid deserty tatooine style planet so it needed some dust i needed to dry the thing out and i grabbed a couple different pigment powders and just brushed them all over where dust and debris might settle this just gives everything a more kind of realistic look but it also dulls everything down and just overall looks better a lot of people wonder how do you get this stuff to stick and i found that i don't really put any adhesive on or anything i just dust it all over make it look the way i want and then when i clear coat it with matte varnish at the very end it just holds it all in and it doesn't rehydrate it enough to turn that pigment into like a liquidy paint [Music] i think this thing is pretty neat and the nice thing about the color palette used on it is that it's actually gonna go with a lot of the other kind of deserty terrain that i made stuff like the palm trees i recently did could be dropped right around it these minis and this build in this style got me really in the zone for sci-fi kind of stuff so much so that i ordered like several books of other rpgs and skirmish games in sci-fi settings even though realistically i will not find the time or the group to play most of them but it just got me so pumped if you enjoyed this build you like this video hit the like button let me know in the comment section below and of course don't forget to subscribe if you aren't already subscribed i make cool stuff all the time if you want to help me keep making these cool videos you can do that in two ways one is by doing your hobby shopping on blackmagiccraft.ca there i have an essential equipment page where i list all the stuff that i use regularly and buying through those links helps support the channel the best way however is by joining the black magic craft fellowship on patreon that support is crucial to keeping this channel going and i'd love to have you as the newest member cheers everyone see you next time
Channel: Black Magic Craft
Views: 63,551
Rating: 4.9431424 out of 5
Keywords: Black magic craft, packing foam, trash, garbage, eps foam, terrain, modular terrain, star wars, legion, tattoine, mos eisly, warhammer, stargrave, starfinder, loot studios, cyberpunk red, diy, crafting, desert terrain, space terrain, sealing eps foam, sealing packing foam
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 2sec (722 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 21 2021
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