Turning SketchUp Scenes into LayOut Viewports - Skill Builder

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[Music] hey guys this is Aaron last video we looked at using Sketchup to create scenes and styles to prep a model to go to layout so today we're gonna take those scenes and use them to create viewports in layout not much more to talk about here we're just gonna do that nope one more thing I want to cover this video is not meant to be a comprehensive training on layout what I really want to look at is the process of using those scenes we created to set up viewports and layout that's kind of the goal of what we're gonna do here not going to get into a bunch of other stuff setting up pages putting dimensions and stuff on top of your drawings that's stuff we can do in a different video this one I really want to focus on creating those viewports from those scenes which is kind of core to getting a good layout file and working with a Sketchup model there so with that we're just gonna hop right into it alright so here we go we got the file we looked at last time the same same scenes we set up before so I'm gonna do now is I'm just gonna hop right over into layout and I'm going to go file and insert that Sketchup file now some people probably ask why did I just use the send to layout command you could absolutely do that this is something I tend to do is click insert and draw my viewports manually if you want to use Center layout to send it over that's great there's nothing wrong with doing it that way I'm just doing it a different way so I'm going to go ahead and grab my house--for layout and that's gonna throw the last saved views this is the last view I created the last scene I created was my second floor section so that is the one that shows up so what I'm going to do right here I'm going to create a page my first page right here I want to create four views my front back left and right view and I want to create four viewports so the first thing I do is with this this viewport I just created is right-click I'm go to scenes and I tell I wanted to make the front view so what that's gonna do is just gonna set that scene exactly how I had it back in Sketchup now as a default it's going to just bring this in at the current scale whatever fits good in this viewport so what I'm going to do is because I'm actually if I'm making some actual usable like construction drawing type things or working drawings then I'm gonna want these to actually be to a scale so let's see what 1/8 inch equals a foot what does that look like yeah I think I could fit that on this page so I'll keep that at 1/8 inch equals a foot and I'm just going to kind of scale down this viewport you notice that as I resize by grabbing the handles it's not resizing anything because I have preserve scale on here it's gonna basically crop so I'm gonna grab that I'm gonna hold down the option key or ctrl on Windows and I'm going to drag a copy straight down and see I have that green axis there I don't have the to worry about snapping or anything and just as long as I move close to vertically it's going to snap along that green axes all right and I'm going to right click on this one now and I'm gonna go to my scenes and tell it to show the back it's just gonna flip it right around now because I didn't worry too much about lining my views up I just snapped those views I'm gonna see things like this where it ended up kind of off the page here so a couple things I could do one is I could just come in here and just like I did in that top view there we go bring like that slide it over this way I could do that sort of thing I don't actually have to go up to grab this slide it up and do that sort of thing to get it lined up and that works pretty well I'm gonna take this one now I'm gonna hit option again slide it over another time I'm gonna overlap a little bit that's okay because I'm gonna change it right click and down here in the lower right corner let's go show our right side and I could bring this back this way another option if I want to slide that over is of course to double-click we should take me into the viewport from here I can right click and use things like pan now as soon as I come in here you notice that preserve on rescale is turned off it went and it rescaled it to whatever was because I changed the view I'm no longer in that same scene so if I come here to my scene go back to my right view it's going to that it's going to put it back to the view that's the scale that fits inside there so I'm going to go back to eighth inch and I'm going to preserve and I'm just gonna use my handles whoops there we go preserve which is going to put me in that crop mode rather than resizing the viewport so not a big deal this is something that it it should seem like as we look at this right now you should be getting the feeling that maybe there's an easier way and I got to come clean this is a trainers trick you show the way that's not easy to do first and then you happen to come upon a way to make it easier in the next step so we're gonna do that I'm gonna go ahead and just just to finish this out I'm gonna come straight up here I'm gonna switch this around to my whoops my left view and quick crop so maybe something like that to get my views on there so that wasn't ideal I had to do a lot of moving stuff around I had to really get things set up in ways like a lot of cropping a lot of moving things around so it's got to be a simpler way right yes fortunately there is I'm gonna go ahead and add a new page and rather than importing again I'm just going to go back to this first page grab this this viewport right here right click and copy hop over to page two right click and paste and that'll just throw that on here exactly as it is in the last page so what I want to do is I want to make a page with two different my two plan views so my first for my second floor so I'm going to right click on this one I'm going to go to my scenes and click on my first floor all right so initially I'll have to adjust my viewport so it shows the portion of the building that I want to see looks good I don't need all that driveway visible I can close that up a little bit all right that looks pretty good and for this example I really want to have both these pictures side by side on one page so while this is an eighth inch which is probably what I'd want to put out I'd probably want to if I was making a drawing of this I'd put this in the middle title bar over here but for this example I'm gonna make a little bit smaller so I can see my two floors side-by-side so I'm going to go ahead and drop that down to will drop down to the 16th inch equals a foot and it'll give me a smaller but still very usable size there okay so I'm just going to crop that back down looks good so what I want to do now is right next to this I want to put the second floor maybe right below it so we'll just go one above the other so I'm going to click again like I did before use the modifier key option or ctrl and drag a copy straight down I'm going to right click and I'm going to go scenes and choose my second floor there Oh what all right so I thought that was me simple and it turns out it wasn't this is another one of those trainer tricks for I'm acting like I don't know what's going on anyhow the issue here you that when I created these two scenes I slightly moved the model intentionally or unintentionally so in order for this to line up right now I'd have to go recrop just like I did before drag this over drag this down drag this in and then line it up using snaps but we're not gonna do that we're gonna look at what we could do with this model right now to automatically line these two drawings up so that this is straight above this so if I was putting it on a grid line or something like that it would lie up line up if I wanted to overlay if I wanted to put this on top of this the first floor they would line up right now obviously if I try to do any of that everything's going to be off so what I'm going to do is I'm going to say this and I'm gonna hop back into my Sketchup model which I happen to still have open and this isn't required I don't have to have this open the whole time I do happen to have this open right now though if I click through these just to look at what we're seeing before look at how far that shifts so when I save this scene it's saving the entire view of the window so you can see how when it dropped that into those kind of skinny rectangular viewports I had to do a lot of cropping and moving stuff around to make everything line up see how the center center of the buildings on the left side here when I flipped to the right view so we're on the right so that's something I may want to consider as I'm making my views here what I could do is I could use my hand tool my pan tool to bring this back and put it in the center so the houses in the center not the whole model and then at that point I could update that scene same thing with the front to back so if I look at front ok so I'm a little off-center I might take this and I might slide it over a little bit and update that and then same thing with my back rather than having the bulk of it this way I could bring it back over here this way a little bit Center it more vertically and then update that so that's not going to be perfect I'm not going to see exact exact perfect line up on that but that's because I'm looking to house from a different view with something like this with my first and second floor I should be able to line that up so it's exact and I'm going to do this by using one floor as a template and then just putting that view onto the other so we're going to do is I'm going to go to my first floor I'm gonna pan that exactly where I want it just look at that right about in the middle again I don't need all the driveway or thing like that that looks good so I'm going to update that and now before I click the second floor here so if I click the second floor it's going to jump back to this view right where it's panned over so on my first floor what I'm going to do is go into my outliner let's scroll all the way down to my section cuts I am going to turn my section 2 which is my second floor cut on so I'm going to activate my level 2 cut and look what happens there it's now performing that same section cut on the exact view of the first floor so rather than switching the second floor we're gonna do instead is I'm going to right click on the second floor and tell to update that scene by doing that by just right clicking that I didn't switch to it I just activated that so now if I go first floor second floor you can see they line up perfectly last step at this point is to go file save and then hop back into layout now right now nothing's changed here but if I come in here and I right-click and I say update model reference it's going to move this model where it is in that scene and look at that all of a sudden without doing any other work my models line up perfectly so that's just scratching the surface of layout we did not get into a whole lot of stuff you could do inside layout but we did touch on some very important pieces that are key to using layout and that is understanding how your scenes from Sketchup work in your viewports in layout so hopefully that tip helped would you guys like to see more of layout if so let me know down in the comments below if you want to see more videos like this go ahead and subscribe to our channel that way you'll know when new stuff comes out like making these videos but we like making them a lot more when there's something that you want to see thank you
Channel: SketchUp
Views: 59,625
Rating: 4.8778625 out of 5
Keywords: SketchUp, 3D modeling, LayOut, Scenes, Viewports, Importing, Skill Builder
Id: BFj1UxPqc2Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 12sec (792 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 15 2019
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