Turning my FRIENDS into PLUSHIES in Roblox!

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I can't wait to sell my plushies it's going to be great are you making those dumb plushies again Dad what what you're a failure get out of my house dad you're so mean yeah that that's kind of mean I got out of my dad's house because he thinks my plushes are worthless I must prove my father wrong wait a factory for sale how convenient I think I know what I can do guys listen um I'm on a guys where are you wait I'm coming I'm coming you did s pushes to my friend okay hello I'm over here I'm out in the wild my friends are here there you are hello all right I'm selling plushies because my dad said my plushies were bad okay I think uh should we sell plushies to this girl oh no no no no no her Plushies are bad okay but listen I don't know about you but my goal to sell plushies because my dad busted into my room and said my plushies were ugly and they're bad what about your dad is he supportive uh not at all nope nope no mine's being mean oh he said your Plushies are bad too yeah he said they're worthless all right that's it I'm going to go make a plushy Tycoon and nobody's going to stop me and I'm going to sell plushies to all the people around here even that guy who doesn't have a head all right okay but what if I want to make my own Tycoon go ahead take the fabric and put it to the conveyor all right put the put the plushies High worker one I don't have $5 okay and then you need to borrow $5 build plushy oh no I'm good dust a plushy all right I can make some plushies what what why did it what what what happened is that the plushy you're making I don't know what plushy I'm making actually all right now I'm going to go sell this plushy to somebody oh hey I finished mine too yeah I'm going to sell my plushy to hey I'm still making mine I got $5 now I can hire a worker oo hire worker one he all right worker oh I guess I have to get the fabric all right build the fabric can I buy more fabric oh that's a rock fabric all right worker please make the uh the plushy how are you guys doing with your plushies uh all righty you know I'm getting stuff figured out at my Factory uh give me just a sec you should come see uh when you can yeah I will just give me a moment to finish these plushies okay and I'm going to sell this plushy to this guy please take that plushy uh and then I'm going to have to work and make man this is making plushies is hard mhm I mean it it is like a real job I guess all right so let's see yeah it is see put that there put that there and now I can finally improve my dad raw wait what are you guys doing oh we're making plushies but wait I was going to make plushies well I'm making plushies cuz I got to prove my dad wrong well I got to make plushies cuz I got to prove my dad wrong wait do we have the same dad oh my gosh oh my gosh that later in the meantime I start making plushies uh all right cool would you want to buy some plushies for me uh sure how I I I don't have any money though oh uh well you got to go your plushy Factory and make some plushies I've made some plushies and I'm selling them oh go I'll go make some it's $5 $5 for a plush okay all right let's see wait you're only selling yours for $5 Rock I hired the rock wait he's already working on my factory the the rock is making me money hire more workers uh hire a manager oh my gosh the plushy B do you want to get fire oh hire restocker oh wow look at that uh hire the anime God I'm okay for right now hire the shark girl okay um guys I I think hiring the rock is um is great actually I mean everyone should hire the rock yeah you know he's a pretty cool guy he's a good worker uh got that stuff there do you want to get fired why is the manager doing this don't be be nice to people hire researcher oh and hire another researcher uh okay there we go and then I've got restocker here um oh and we we're making lots of money now thank you the rock for helping why did bu it guys how's your factories going uh it's pretty good you should uh come see let me take a look where are you guys uh I'm at Ian's awesome Tycoon Ian Awesome's Tycoon let me see yeah it's over here oh Ian Awesome's Tycoon wow you have a whole Factory going mhm you see I got a I got a lot of people working for me uh you know we we did just start as like a a a small operation but I think we're doing okay I got to do just this all right I've got this let's see come over here can even get more workers here I know I got to get a lot more workers too I'm inspired now I have to take over Ian's Factory yeah you can't wait what guys no time for Lolly gagging uh aou is trying to buy us out we've had an offer uh that offer is nothing so I turned it down obviously can I work at yours app out I don't like mine all right yeah if you want to work at mine we we could do that you want to work at mine another oh the dolls a job give me more decorations a job huh I'm too broke okay uh Pierce Pierce I understand you're at a factory right ohe okay hang on I'm coming to you with an offer give me a minute I'll be right there conveyor another conveyor hire researcher hire restocker hire worker one worker two worker three worker four I get it now I got to spend money to make money news room I'm broke unsuspecting tree what another conveyor I mean it's pretty unsuspecting yeah restocker worker another work worker worker manager I am starting to suspect this treay I know right this this tree is a little crazy another conveyor amongus restocker another worker another worker and another one and another oh I'm too broke but think of how many auses you can have I know I could have a ton of among uses but I think I need a news room to advertise my plushies um oh oh sure nobody knows B then what's the point yeah exactly exactly all right let's go through here I got Newsroom ooh TVs okay okay Pierce TV's H the news D Pi I i' I've come with an offer I'm here at a m Factory researcher I see you why don't we uh why don't we uh talk in the back where no one can uh hear us you know of course of course yeah in her Factory where nobody can hear us sh Pier so this is a private meeting ma'am I I need I need I need to take a down my Plushies are better my dad doesn't believe in me I don't know if you heard but I'm here to prove him wrong so do you want to be a cameraman at my Newsroom I can't believe them yeah no no no I do like cameras especially when they're pointed at me wait wait wait wait no no no no they're not going to be pointed at you them at other people hey app I'm going to have to leave you now good luck with your plushies he offered me a job and well I I didn't have your place it just kind of started working but I didn't know what to do all right the plushy boss thank you thank you let's see uh useless treat got it all right I got to now I have to prove Ian and everyone else wrong except for Casey I guess Casey how's your Tycoon coming um it's going oh good good good good good here's how's that News Room coming uh it's coming along pretty good uh we we filmed so far seven videos uh explaining why eat Industries is the superior option mhm very good very good another researcher I'm going need a lot of these better than that uh AAU limited Corporation of course so Li today we are actually going to be talking about the apma unlimited Corporation I am the news man thank you for coming to the channel has made a bunch of Kitty plushies and they're super cute and better than Ian thank you for watching the news wow that's such a good uh good news man her Plushies are cuter you lied to me Ian I never said mine were cuter I said they were better by that I mean they're more expensive I don't know wait Pierce we you said you would join me that is a binding agreement I didn't see no contract Pierce what don't you dare leave all right let's see what else can I get oh a lucky figure I don't know what that is oh that's cute uh all right well I guess I got to prove my dad wrong oh there's something maybe some stuff in the garage I got to find a basement what all right let's see now that I've got all those set up oh hey Pierce what's going on I thought you were with the in yeah no but I heard I I heard a recent news broadcast that told me that your plushies were cuter and the News never lies so I was I figured I'd come over here now oh AAU what what's going on uh I think you should come to my factory so you can uh see how uh successful I am let me see because so not only are my workers happier and better but I'm doing so well that I can afford a superar wow I'm in hold I'm back in I was out but I'm back in I didn't realize you could afford cars here coming back to where you belong I mean to work for me yeah absolutely Pierce he won't treat you like a human but a car FP now you have to drive out our competition which is uh Miss co uh Casey's over here no not Casey what all right time to shut things down here I've been health inspector and uh boy there's a lot of yeah it's unhealthy here I mean Pizza got it together oh no I'm afid going to have to go their dads will be super their dads will be super disappointed in them it's okay wait why why do you say that because you're picking on Casey that's not cool it's not cool at all yeah it's not cool at all but it was cool until until you think my dad's not going to like that no what Ian I quit no I don't think what I'm out I'm out I got I'm in it for my dad I got it for my dad a you got to stop stealing my employees I'm not stealing them they're leaving of their own accord because they don't like you they're leaving because you treat him nicer and that's basically the same thing oh my gosh there we go ooh wow a Bugatti I want a Bugatti I don't want a super car I need the Bugatti let's see what is this oh server fixer what does this guy do oh he's working look at him go okay uh let's see I guess I could hire worker one and another restocker ooh my goodness all right let's see what's over this way another researcher another researcher hurt okay wow everything's getting nuts here Pierce I don't know how this is going to work don't worry I'll keep looking at these people until they do their jobs okay sounds good sounds exactly like a good manager over buy a balcony to overlook the Pierce you deserve a balcony there you now can we Overlook the peasantry wait Pierce they gave you a balcony they gave me a balcony what do you got there I uh I'll get i'll get a balcony I got a whole lot of nothing I get a balcony I'll get a balcony oh really dad's be so proud when he heard I stood on a balcony once oh Pierce guess who's got a new balcony what don't listen to him Pierce don't listen him well no of course I'm not going to listen to him it's just a balcony obviously it's it had can't be any better than your balcony let me see his balcony is not better where's his balcony that's what I'm saying I don't know I can't remember it's over here yeah it's it's over here all right I where's your balcony hang on let me go out to my balcony it's so luxurious let's say I've been working in the factory all day and I I want to get some fresh air and just be like ah here's my balcony this is our balcony over here here we can just we can just jump over to this house and just my balcony is better I'm over a hole I'm over at your balcony you get off my roof your that is better than look we we have an extra car on our in our place see there's an extra car wait what Pierce Pierce Pierce I have to I have to show you this come here come here come here come here come here okay okay I've been waiting to show you this for a while Ian you can come over and look too if you'd like all right if you come to my garage oh look who doesn't even have a car in their garage I don't have a car but I actually have a Bugatti that's right I got a Bugatti I mean but I and we can sit in it that's how great it is wow I've never felt less comfortable in a car before don't show you get my dad we don't have a super car we have a Bugatti that's that's Bugatti Bugatti all right let's go over here and make sure I am hired bugat him buy another conveyor another restocker oh my goodness a restocker this is going to be nuts Pierce are you here assemble the plushies assemble the plushies oh wait you're making me do work yeah what you what you were hired for okay you got to polish the plushies and you got to put the plushies in the thing over here then you got to just make the process go a little faster see if you work on that side if you work on that side oh I've been telling people wrong this whole time oh my goodness um I don't know who hired me as advantage that was a terrible idea okay can to finish making these plushies I can't believe this oh hey you can actually help look at that I didn't realize it's the worst can I go back to balcony viewing I think I was better suited for that job there we go see this this job is going pretty quick right look at that sure if you want like jobs all right now got to do the last part see wait I liked my job until you hired somebody to take it oh no but look no I actually like it you can do the last part see oh okay I do like the part polish now now now we're on this part where we just do the Polish oh I guess we switch job sure why not all right you know that's all right you know break up the monotony it's fine hey yeah this is well I guess I took your job now what hey stop taking my jobs uh I'm not trying to but it just happened all right after working so hard hard I got the money and I can finally finally prove dad wrong wait you you got it already yeah I just barely started the proof that c wrong what what that's a big plus dad you did you came back from the milk trip wait wait your dad came back my dad came back and he approves you proved me wrong he finally acknowledges me and the best part is if you fall off the top you can always land on the plushes after that's true that's true so um uh a any chance um I can get a job in your factory or you got a spare house like or be a basement or okay
Channel: Aphmau Shuki
Views: 967,957
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, Roblox, Roblox funny, Roblox games, Roblox Aphmau, Aphmau pranks, Aphmau Roblox Pranks, Aphmau Gaming, Aphmau Games, Aphmau Pranks Friends, Aphmau Playing As, Aphmau Aaron
Id: broSmBFA2CE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 46sec (946 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 18 2023
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