COLOR or DIE in Roblox!

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color or die now we have to go behind this oh whoa oh we keep clicking it oh yeah open it oh okay all right all right bucket how to play hidden in dead dead oh okay so we gotta hide good oh okay so we have to hide against the color okay all right guys let's stick together we are friends we've got oh it's great guys I don't like this is great it's okay um every right for themselves no we have to find the door yeah The Red Door got it okay just as long as not a Creator come here oh I'm going to I'm going I'm going I'm going I'm going who is the monster oh let's go it's coming inside but we're on the red right yeah but if you're in the door it's fine okay okay let's keep moving okay are we good all right I'm going this way yeah let's go that way that sounds like a good plan to me yeah all right oh there's also a paintbrush right there all right there we go nice city now so we need 13 paint brushes in order to live and not die by the Monster eating ice it's correct yeah that sounds about right foreign [Music] [Music] okay we just got to get the purple we have yeah we're starting at red so we have to find the red door where's the road we don't find the red door okay grab the paintbrush careful Pierce let's go this way yeah this is by spy what are you doing uh well I'm trying to find oh there's blue blue okay so we're getting there the monster is not here he's gone just gotta get away from the monster which way did it go it's on the Green Door where uh over here I know that's not helpful uh we're by the green door oh I'm by the red wall I think I lost you guys there's a lot of red walls out though I think we lost you too hold on I'm ready to keep working on it that's you were the monster oh my gosh it's right over there oh my gosh okay yeah maybe we can go around yeah all right all right guys we just gotta split up and find all the all the brushes that we possibly can I got five of 13. he's right behind Japan I found the orange door that's something oh right here it's right here hmm okay okay he's walking away I don't like this walking this monster has got paint all over the place and I don't appreciate that that's not yeah we're in okay what color do we have we have a screwdriver so now safe are we safe we're not safe we are not safe we have to find a vent okay oh I know I saw the bed I saw the vet that's us I saw I see the right beds [Music] I know I'm not safe I know I'm not safe you can hide in the doorway I can hide in the doorway yeah yeah in there hide there okay and I gotta catch up with you guys I need more paint brushes I'm looking for the vet all right hey I found you guys found yellow yeah thank you [Music] gotta say so too okay we're back at the beginning again oh I think the monster's gonna eat me what's up monster puppy guarding us I think he might be let's go this way here how about we go this way he can't puppy guard us from this side yeah probably oh oh no anyone see that vent oh yeah okay in the beginning yeah we're really close to you guys uh just uh wait it's on the side where was she where was she yeah yeah I remember being here went through okay all right cool there it is no monster [Music] monster what did you say almost there and got it come on back we're going I'm coming come on come on oh this is so cool I like them wait can we do dance I know can we yes oh we can't uh let me try yeah I guess I need to learn how to dance again wait so we need to get chilled wow is that a color back door okay remember this right heel is in here that is important to remember okay okay so we got orange now which means we can hide on orange walls yeah correct yeah that's like another game I played before okay uh all right so orange uh here I'm just gonna be this yellow thing standing out well I'm gonna be in the corner I guess okay I'm working on it um describe how you got there okay okay you must be here let's see blue you just gotta take a left then a right then a left and then three more lefts maybe okay I did it I'm in oh there's that there's back okay that's fun mag is here Mac hurry up let's see if I can distract him uh oh yeah we can pull them out of here oh no it's fine it's fine don't worry I I took them out for you guys oranges all right oh hey hey hey I might be able to help you get to Orange buddy Maybe what's this right there yeah I found yellow oh nice well cool thing is I found yellow [Music] [Music] I think we should go this way which way are we going up I think we're just this way up okay does anybody see the exit where are we where are we like try to oh wait wait there's a shelf up there you're going up yeah yeah there's like a little doorway up that way you just gotta keep going up here careful for babies and I have green back nice I'm here hi it's okay she'll make it up we're gonna dance everyone dance dance okay okay okay this is my Panic dance this is what I do when I panic all right guys I'm about to jump all right man you got this whoa you made it nice come on we all got the bucket let's go we have to get the saw somehow yeah all right follow me guys I think I think I remember where this one was okay okay get back to us I got better [Music] I almost died you stay to the right side of the wall okay right side of the wall got it oh yeah that's how you like it through bases and stuff right yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah if you just follow the right side the whole time it'll find your way out eventually right I don't know I remember because I like actually come this way oh yeah there's like a little secret patch okay okay we're moving so that's blue remember blue and this is uh what is this oh these are stairs oh I think there's a paintbrush up here oh is there oh yeah it is oh look a path I don't like this stuff likes me too much okay down down below the way to find out where we're going okay we're back to Blue okay we're back to Blue now let's go this way yeah yeah we went the other way before and then come over here we're not getting there yet five more yeah I think it's this way no it's pink why do I remember all the pretty colors oh that's I found it okay yeah okay perfect oh what's this red oh no uh over here oh I always failed these in kindergarten me too I mean yeah yeah oh and we know where teal is okay all right um all right get your stuff all right come on we gotta go teal let's go and we gotta remember there's a thing here oh the monsters footy foots are here right here well you just left so no no forgetting I see the scribbly scribblies I gotta gets the oh my God oh my gosh oh my gosh there's a wall right in front of us oh he's all crazy let's go this way okay oh it's still right here where was the vent you guys there's a blue one over here wow he's just he is not being nice all right all right all right all right all right it's time to go this way I think I think if you go up here um and go back down here it doesn't really take us anywhere but you know what it's it's like I like it what about you [Music] oh my God oh my God okay we're back here again oh yeah there it is on the other side I make this look so easy last time I wonder why the why do I paint opens these doors is that purple cheese oh wait a minute I love cheese sandwiches come on let's go let's go where's the purple block where's the black thingies oh I don't like how that sounds all right let's go guys we gotta go we just gotta get it we gotta get this going we gotta find the thing why can't I meet you we don't have colors oh okay be safe okay all right yeah the monster is over there um right here okay I'm okay just scary is he by the vent uh let me find out no actually it's pretty safe out here right you know it's been pretty comfortable okay we're coming oh nice hey guys hey hey guys we're going this way okay oh those squiggles I'm going back inside oh okay oh he's gone he's gone monster is gone we don't need the monster no more we're our own independent people we can get the things that we need and we can buy our own McDonald's yeah oh my gosh we're safe we're safe we're safe we can't get in here we're safe in here okay because the monster that see that's the problem with the master the monster too tall and we're short enough that's why being short is really good because monster can't get in sneaky snooky hiding places whatever you say about them and we got the blue blue okay I think it's uh nope not this way I think it's like I think it's all the way it's across the way I think it's on the other side of the the maze yeah do you know the way oh he's going the way we need to go it's probably fine right that way right there just splash it real quick come on okay man you almost got man oh hey we got the saw hey guys maybe I should not hear me hear me out hear me out what if we just take this to the monster oh yeah chop up yeah he can't hurt us okay all right come on this way I think I know I remember come back go back go back go back ah for you okay I think she went for it I'm trying to live I'm trying to live right now yeah I found it I actually found it oh cool okay let's chop this thing down we need to pick up this thing got it oh a plank oh my gosh okay all right one at a time one at a time okay careful okay here is it dangerous down there I just responds you it's a lot of red down there it looks dangerous all right get this is a long one yeah I got the purple I got the purple guys got the purple we're so close I know I know I wonder what this is for oh oh wow we made it oh careful careful there we are we safe are we safe I think we're back out the same way okay oh hold on hold on he might be out there you can't get us in here though right you get a little safe place yeah come on come on come on this way we just came out the same way back the way you came out okay I found it I just gotta stay away oh it's right there right on you guys up the ladder we go wait KO let me just slap this boy stick this way oh yeah there's something wrong paintbrush oh we almost got 13. oh we're getting close oh all the bread oh that's where we gotta put the bridge piece but something great moment big do big wait can you get us up here I don't know I hope not but don't jump down because he's right there he's right there okay okay so now we're in purple yeah we gotta break that glass that we saw I think it was like the red lock that we got oh yeah it's like the very first one remember we don't have a disguise here no we got detection so we just got a bucket it's about Darkness I don't know where to go where do we go oh no there's something close by oh no oh no oh heck oh I escaped him I'm okay here oh nice are you okay okay yeah we're good everyone else okay ah I got all separated but I'll I'll make my way don't worry oh the right wall follow right here there you are yes yes he worked oh look and we can open the glass and get the pink there you guys are ready oh my gosh yes get that get that purple or pink I don't know what it is anymore as soon as he passes where pink is we gotta go right in the back all right let's go let's go let's go okay okay so that's the exit I think it was a little bit yeah I think maybe a secret wall or something I don't know I know where the key goes oh watch out watch out watch out watch out it's right there do you remember let's give him a second uh black and white jumpy puzzly thing he was remember I remember it's in that one I guess we're just going in here oh it's right back is it in here yeah it's at the top all right let's go okay all right we're up here all right open it got the key open we got something should have opened all right all right door that had the paintbrush symbol on it all right we gotta get moving to it all right all right okay where do we go I think we go let's go this way just a little bit further come on look at that I will get there get away from me monster at all not today not today monster hunt today I said that I said I sure know what I'm doing oh okay sorry [Laughter] come with me if you wish to live oh my gosh oh my gosh is it here I've gotten very familiar with this wall whoa oh wow I don't know what's happening wait there's something in the distance oh there's like hearts and Like Houses there's heart stars or horseshoes oh rainbows and balloons what is a golden rainbow what is this but it's white to reach the end you must seek the beginning we gotta go back to the safe room let's go what what all right I think I have no shortcut there this is a shortcut really good this is a pretty good shortcut we could do guys uh oh complete the game to open oh wait right now all right whoa uh you have escaped or did you what are these four doors wait what um sorry what what if each of us take one door let me find out this one over here I'll take this one I guess all right let's go through three two all right one whoa guys guys what happened oh I guess I'm alone oh no uh what does this mean what are the colors mean huh whoa guys are you seeing what I'm seeing guys [Music] where'd my friends go what are you what the I escaped oh
Channel: Aphmau Shuki
Views: 4,013,182
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, Roblox, Roblox funny, Roblox games, Roblox Aphmau, Aphmau pranks, Aphmau Roblox Pranks, Aphmau Gaming, Aphmau Games, Aphmau Pranks Friends, Aphmau Playing As, Aphmau Aaron
Id: n7ykklCnQb4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 1sec (1141 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 29 2023
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