I became a BOY in Roblox Bayside High School

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hello everyone I've come back to Bayside High School I got some chips with me ready to eat since it's lunchtime let's get the school lunch it doesn't look very appetizing at all though what is this is this raw meat is this the raw steak on my plate I like how the bully is sitting alone the bully is the new loner I'm going to go get a locker wow her locker is really pretty look I got got my own locker but I want to decorate it how do I decorate it how do people have lockers like these I want mine to look like that oh wait I think I press up here Locker oh there we go now we can choose the style I really like the floral one look at that that looks so nice W the two bullies are sitting with each other I like how everyone's just on their phone okay now it's time for computer lab That's so exciting I like coding so much let's go ahead there someone sent me a message let me check what she sent me hi I am Miller hi Miller I'm Aria guys my name is actually not Aria I just put it for my avatar I think she looks like an Alia come to my dorm but I have to be in class what should I say should we go to the dorm or should I stay here okay everyone so I actually decided to go yay let's go to the field and place some soccer or football what do you guys call it soccer or football I call it both to be honest but I'd rather call it football wait what's after field school's out after field I think I can actually like go home now wait wait it's MAA hi this is the girl here who wants me to go to her dorm after school hope she's like throwing a party or something I see so many soccer balls let me get one of them and try to shoot it in the goal okay I'm going to try and shoot it from here yes we got it in the goal okay what does MIL want she is messaging me even though she's right in front of me I am here are hi yes I know you are right in front of my face sorry I think I sounded a bit rude let me get another ball in the goal we got it school's out that means I need to go to the dorm I don't even have my own dorm yet I'll get one though I changed my mind I don't want to go to the door dorm anymore no I just missed the school bus okay it's fine the dorms are not very far away where is MAA I'm supposed to meet her at the dorm wait I have an idea I know exactly what I'm going to do what I'm going to do is I'm going to dress up as a boy and show up at her door and she won't even realize okay everyone so this is my boy Avatar he does not look that appealing I don't know you guys can be the judge of that but I'm going to be showing up to her apartment looking like this just going to go up to her hello I wonder if she even knows I'm the same person she's messaging I wonder why she wanted me to go to her dorm so bad are you coming no she has no idea this right here is me hi wait another girl is talking to me look how much attention I get when I am a guy let me see what MAA said to me why because I am sick can you be my oh yes I know exactly what she's going to say can you be my BF um I'm going to be like yes just trolling don't worry little does she know I am a girl the way she's still messaging me she doesn't know I'm this guy right here okay I will come to you wait what I am so confused she's actually going to try and find me that is insane I'm literally right here she's never going to find me hi boo what am I a ghost wait I'm getting messages from so many people hold on who is Olivia hi she said hi twice hey wink I can't believe she said hi twice she must be really into me I like how Michaela isn't questioning who I'm calling on my phone I should like go somewhere else with her I got to get her more attached to me call to my house okay let me just check my phone once again because I'm becoming a celebrity at this point do you have a prom no I do not well prom's going to be soon that will be good okay wait I just got invited into this girl's dorm oh wait I forgot Michaela is supposed to be my GF wait I just saw Olivia too wait what for did they go to I literally don't know what floor they went to just going to pick a random floor and hope for the best never mind they're probably in floor to okay Michaela is in floor too there were like so many people in that dorm I think they're having like a sleepover or a party are you planning to go with anyone sure you can be my prom I'm not going with anyone smiley face dude I need to be stopped like I have a whole girl here and I'm saying I'm going to go to prom with another girl this is so funny okay yay this will be so funny if I show up to prom with like so many girls at once they're going to be so confused and then to get out of the drum I'm just going to become a girl and then they're going to realize what happened go on the third floor okay I'm I'm getting spammed come to dorm 10 wait wait I'm I'm going to go to another girl's dorm sorry I can't right now I'm at work okay where does she want me to go it's a very nice apartment um why is she bringing me to the bedroom it's it's like a bit too early to sleep okay I'm like let's have dinner first cuz it's really early to be sleeping right now what are we going to have for dinner let me see what's in the fridge the fridge is empty the power I have when I dress up as a guy in this game do you want to go and get pizza sure everyone's getting pizza in the server look okay let's go and get pizza Olivia sees us it's over I'm going to message Lexi and be like you can come to prom with me hold on which one is Lexie there's Lexie you can go to prom with me so I'm just going to ask every girl in the server to go to prom with me can you please drive okay we got a passenger princess here let me just spawn a car which car am I going to spawn let me see Thunderbird that looks pretty good let me hop into the driver's seat I'm not good at driving in Bayside High School where is the pizza place why dude I'm just driving to go and get some pizza and then some pedestrian just goes in front of the car and gets flung how am I supposed to flip this car over let's walk instead dude Olivia is still messaging me oh wait you with someone else sorry I can't be with you I'll be like that's my sister she probably has better driving skills than me we got this girl following us oh my days Alan's going to be really popular at prom tomorrow I mean today cuz it's Friday okay we at the pizza place she just ran her over as she good she got flung let's go get some pizza let me get the pizza ordered the pizza okay let me go and sit there that girl right there wants me so bad she wants me so badly food is ready at the counter let me go get it I still don't know why that random girl is there look at this pizza Roblox pizza looks so good but I don't really like P Pizza in Real Life 1 second okay sit down I'm telling her to sit down so we can eat this pizza while it's still hot but I don't know where she's trying to go I have to go and spy on her and make sure she's not running away from me or something I won't be surprised if she went to confront the other girl looks like I'm going to have this delicious pizza all to myself let me just place it down wait why' the pizza appear up there you can place the pizza anywhere look at this I'm going to do that at prom I'm going to throw Pizza on people's faces but let's place it here for now cuz this is supposed to be a Roblox date what am I doing okay I'm just trolling okay everyone I'm just trolling I got to check my phone what happened to Olivia she actually messaged me oh okay yeah I'm getting her hopes up again the way this girl is still here does she think we can't tell she's spying on us let me get another slice of this pizza why is she calling me boo okay yeah I told her that I'm going to go to school now since it starts let's go I noticed that school starts at 1 on Fridays and there's prom on Fridays okay I just figured out Bayside High School schedule what is she doing she's driving into the the street light okay I arrived at school it's raining let me do this hold on let me get the umbrella out and share it with her wait where is the umbrella I can't find the umbrella let me search for it okay we got the umbrella so I'm going to hold it and make her be under the umbrella too isn't this so cute wonder what her reaction is going to be when she finds out I'm not a guy let's go okay let's go inside it's still like an hour until class starts oh wait look my locker is right there she's right there I don't think she'll get the hint that that's my locker wait I see Olivia why is she going to science class we're supposed to go to math class let's go to the math class yay today's going to be prom again let's go to math class I'm the first one to class oh wait there's an earthquake again I think an earthquake happens every Friday got to go under the table okay the earthquake has stopped can we go to prom together to private chat her cuz like I don't want what's her name Olivia to see oh look who just texted me let's see what Olivia said are you going to prom with someone why of course not you can go with me wow there's a whole girl here with me and I'm telling another girl that she can go to prom with me okay everyone so this is my prom outfit raped him out of 10 in the comments so what's happened is I got like a lot of messages from girls in the server a lot of them were telling me to go to prom with them and I just said yes I don't think most of the girls came yet but I'm with Michaela right now and she thinks she's like the only one I'm going to be with why do I feel like I'm actually going to be voted prom King I mean if I actually do get voted for prom King that would be awesome but the real question is who's going to be voted for prom queen Olivia just sent me a message I don't know if she's here right now you here yes there's this other girl that I said I'm going to go to prom with oh there Olivia is I'm going to be going on the stage I'm getting more messages let me check hey Alan I have no idea what she's trying to say yo it's Amelia she came hey Alan hey oh no one of the girls I was talking to just showed up Ellen is very popular with the girls I'm your prom date oh no what is Michaela going to say no uhoh I'm just going to say nothing um yeah I'm just going to say nothing I'm just the singer right now I wonder what would have happened if all the other girls I texted also came up here like I think that would have been the biggest fight he texted me sure I'll be like no I didn't get off my man bestie I'm a girl no she's bringing out the receips she's exposing me wait after the prom king and queen are announced I'm going to just reset back to being a girl and then see what the reaction is I can't believe you Alan I'm just going to act like I have no idea what's going on even though I'm very guilty I'm still getting so much messages let me just check them Olivia you cheat on me cries wait since when were we even together Alan just broke three hearts in one night are you my Alan hold on I literally didn't cheat though oh look I became prom King who is this oh my goodness who is this girl wow I got prom King this is amazing wow I never got to get prom queen oh no look look she's making announcement she's like don't trust Alan he's a liar girl I know I am but I got prom King so move aside but I don't know who this girl is I've never spoken to her in my life but okay she can be the prom queen I got to troll as a guy more often I like how the prom queen is none of the girls I've texted it's just a random girl hold on let me just reset my avatar their beloved Alan is just another Roblox girl wait did they all know that I'm a girl my plan literally failed then they were supposed to find out that I'm a girl looks like none of them noticed me becoming a girl but oh well everyone I trolled them pretty well and I'm glad that it won from King did you vote for me be honest cheatah yes I did no I actually didn't I V voted for myself by the way there's Michaela hey it's me Alan let me see her reaction she left she had no reaction I feel so bad but oh well everyone that is going to be the end of the video hope you guys enjoyed And subscribe and like and comment for more Bayside High School videos bye
Channel: fairyceoul
Views: 5,120
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, roblox brookhaven, roblox roleplay, bayside high school, roblox bayside high school, oder
Id: p61nFad0nN0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 29sec (1049 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 22 2024
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