Turning Free Pallets into $630 Designer Coffee Table

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now then how are you doing I'm Steve and welcome to my workshop so I've been asked to make a coffee table and that is still get paid for it there's just one tiny little problem I've never built anything from Pilot wood in my life so this should be fun I needed some pallets so Richard The Village would Bumble said come with me I know it's a girl and they're all free Richard currently brought the pallets home and his van with me and I decided to break him up in the garden as the workshop is far too small now there are many ways to break up pallets but I'm going to use a method used by Jesper from Jasper mix he has a great video showing how to break up pallets and I'll leave a link in the description below [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] palettes but I don't need five pallets for this project [Music] yeah on this palette the nails holding the slats down had all been bent over and I couldn't release them so I decided to cut it up with a jigsaw and I'll use this on a different project [Music] steps down [Music] The Next Step was to take all the nails out yes all those Nails no fancy tools needed just a hammer a crowbar pair of pliers and a piece of scrap wood and I have to say I found this strangely very therapeutic [Music] it's at this moment that I'm thinking this is never gonna turn out to be a quality coffee table is it [Music] [Music] if anybody wants to buy a quality plastic tub filled with rusty old belt nails please leave a comment below of course you'll have to pay the postage [Music] after I'd taken all the nails out I checked double checked and triple checked there was no more Nails before I put them through the planner [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] then I joined at what edge of the boards so I've got something flat to live against my table saw fence [Music] okay well about time I feel like I'm finally making something now I'm cutting the boards with the strips because I need a table top and I also need a shelf for underneath the table for your magazines and other knickknacks you might have [Music] I'm hoping and I say hoping fingers crossed but I can make some sort of mid-century modern Masterpiece coffee table out of all this rubbish wood we'll see thank you [Music] so the strips are all cut and you know what for the first time it might just be looking a bit like a nice coffee table so it's finally glue up time and I'm gluing the top and the Shelf in two separate halves so once dry I can put them to the planer and then join them back together to get a complete top and a complete shelf hope that makes sense [Music] foreign [Music] thank you and I glued up the other three sections in exactly the same way [Music] I left the panels dry overnight and I took the clamps off the next day and I almost suffered the world's first unclamping head injury [Music] this panelard got stuck to the underside of the clamps so I gave it a little tap with a mallet [Music] hey watch out Stevie Baby foreign [Music] to remove some of the glue and then a light sand with some 80 grit sandpaper just to get a bit more glow off because I don't want to damage those planar blades [Music] I put the puns through the thickness here moving the top down to 25 millimeters in thickness and the lower shelf down to 20 millimeters in thickness off camera I also jointed wad edge of each board so they fit better together so now I'm going to join the two halves of the top and the two halves of the bottom shelf together now I could just put some glue on and clamp them up and that would be fine but I want to make sure that these are really flat so to that end I'm going to use the world's most divisive woodworking tool the festival Domino not because it adds any strength but because it will help me get the top and the Shelf nice and flat if you don't have a domino you could use dowels or biscuits or like I said just glue they'll all be just as good [Music] [Music] so I glued the edges of the panels I put glue in the mortise holes for The Dominoes and I put some glue on The Dominoes and clamped that baby up and left it dry overnight [Music] the next day I cut one straight edge on the top using the tracks arm and I set the blade to 10 degrees to give it a nice mid-modern Century look mid-century modern look one of those looks foreign [Music] and cut it a width and then cut it to length bingo top all done so it's time to move on to the legs I took some of the stretches from the original palette milled them up and made some blanks for the legs I set the mic gauge on my table saw to 10 degrees and I'm cutting both ends at 10 degrees um [Music] [Music] [Music] so since I'm going to make some tip at legs I made myself a little tapering jig out with some scrap MDF and scrap bits of plywood [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] 's getting stronger that this is going to be a nice table the legs are joined to the aprons by half laps some cookies on the table saw again with my miter square at 10 degrees and I'm also using a flat topped tooth blade [Music] and I'm just taking my time and edging up on the perfect fit [Music] now it's important to remember I've got to cut two legs one way with a miter gauge and then realign the miter gauge in the opposite direction to cut two of the legs otherwise I'll have legs that don't fit [Music] foreign [Music] me now [Music] then sneaking up on that cut again and happy days it all fits [Music] so now it's time to glue the legs up I'd marked on the apron with the inside of each leg should be put some glue on the legs put some clamps on and Happy Days the jobs are good [Music] thank you okay the last bit of sewing so I took another piece of the pallet stretcher setting the saw blade to 10 degrees I cut some stretches for the table top and for the little shelf underneath [Music] once the glue had dried on the stretches I cut off the excess with the bandsaw I could have used a hand saw I suppose but I had a bandsaw so I used the bandsaw then I sanded the edges flush with the sander to fix the base together I'm going to use screws and wood plugs I've clamped the base up and I'll temporarily fix everything with just the screws [Music] [Music] okay so it's now time to glue up the base and I'm going to do this in two halves just to make it a little bit less stressful [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] plugs with a plug cutter and put some glue on and bang those babies home [Music] I threw some clumps on and let it dry overnight foreign [Music] saw to cut off the excess [Music] then I sanded the plugs flush and then I give the whole base a sand up to 180 Grit [Music] I want the best to be jet black so I used Rubio monocort intense black pre-color this isn't a protective finish but it will serve as a base coat when I put the top coat on [Music] after the intense blackened dried I use Rubio monochord oil plus 2C charcoal and it's amazing stuff just rub it on leave a little while and then rub it off [Music] foreign [Music] for the top of the Shelf again just rub it on leave it a little while and buff it off it looks fantastic [Music] [Music] I drilled some oversized holes with a counter ball so that they were wider than the screws when attaching the top and the Shelf to the base just to allow for some wood movement [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you so some eagle-eyed viewers missing I think I've seen that table before and you would be right because this table was designed by Chris salamoni from four eyes furniture and he has a video about making the table I'll leave a link to that video in the description below and at the end of the video he offers the plans for free now these plans ain't just two sides of air four with a cut list and a few drawings these are detailed plans with videos in-depth instructions and he normally charges between 70 to 90 pounds in this country for those plans but you get them for free so if you want to make a table like this watch the video get the plans honestly they're fantastic okay well as always thanks so much for watching I hope you've enjoyed it I've really enjoyed making the table and I'll see you all on the next one and I better go and get this delivered now online okay see you later
Channel: Steve Bell Creates
Views: 42,420
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pallets, Pallet wood, Coffee table, pallet wood coffee table, table, woodworking, selling, pallet table, pallet wood table
Id: E0f_c_UQV3c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 38sec (1298 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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