Pallet Wood Standing Desk

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all right so we're starting out a new project and we're going to be using all the scrap cut offs that I've accumulated over the last four or 5 years I've been collecting all the little cut offs and ends from my various projects I have boxes of squared ends from when I trimming the pieces Square lots of cut off squared ends pieces I didn't make the cut lots of this type stuff and we're going to build some slabs out of it with a silicone mold epoxy what I want to do is Orient it in a mold have and make a bunch of slabs and then we're going to join all those slabs together and use them as a desktop for today's sponsor which is phebo and phebo sent this over and this is a standing desk frame these basically Elevate themselves you be at your desk job say your your back is aching really badly or you're just straining too much you need to stand up you need to take a break every once in a while you can press a button and the desk will Elevate to a certain height whatever that is I'm not sure exactly how tall this one goes but we're going to figure that out we're going to get this unboxed later on in the video first thing first we're going to build a bunch of slabs but yeah today's sponsor is phebo this is a pro two stage [Music] frame for now we're going to go through all of our scrap and start buing slabs first thing we have to do is get this silicone mold unboxed and see what we're working with I bought this from [Music] Amazon that's our mold and then this is supposed to be like a little frame that goes together and holds it on the outside it's supposed to hold it from billowing outward I guess so let's try this like this I might actually want to make my own straighter frame and I think make it out of melamine yeah I'll do that I'll make I'll make a frame out of melamine that fits perfect that fits this thing perfectly cuz this is [Applause] ginty [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] so we'll use some clamps to kind of hold the sides up but this box will be a lot stiffer than that little flimsy little 8 in balsa wood looks like it was burned with a laser um laser cut ball Supply or whatever it is not sure that was not going to work we're going to spill everything out and start organizing it now I'm talking and you hear a big worring in the background I don't use a Bluetooth microphone or anything I'm just using the mic on the camera so you're probably hearing this fan it's 90° in Michigan right now and I have to have that fan on because if I start making dust I have to use that fan to extract dust in the outside anyways and then when that happens it pulls in all the heat from the outside so then I I just basically have to keep it running because it's really hot in here and if I don't have a breeze then I sweat to [Applause] death clamped a little cleat on there and then put that down to the table and just screwed a little piece into the table so it just comes apart really easily when I want to be done with it so basically what I'm going do is I'm going to fill this in as much as I can and then I'm going to go through in any little holes crevices I'm going to jam as much little sticks and things in there as I can from this stuff I have two more boxes I'm going to have to dump on here I'm going to cut up some drift wood some more of that drift wood um there's going to be a lot going on I'm going to do six of these slabs so we're going to get at it just give the the Box a shake and you can kind of see loose parts and then just kind of packing pieces in around them I'm really hoping that the epoxy just kind of finds this way through all the the cracks and crevices and and just kind of does the magic for me here all right I think this should be good let's see where we're at there all right just a little bit of that well I sure hope it found its way into all those voids there are a lot of voids in there all right well we got to wait 24 hours for that to cure now I don't really like working with epoxy but I did do a test run with some uh overpour that I had mixed and I did it in just a little like Craig screw container and I just jammed a bunch of my wood in there and then I poured a bunch of uh excess epoxy that I had from a project I was doing for my girlfriend's 30th birthday I made her a box and I filled in some some voids with this blue epoxy and I made way too much I only needed like a little tiny bit and I made a ton but I've been thinking about this idea for a long time and I want to try it and maybe we'll cut this down while that one one dries and send it through the planer and see if it chips because if it doesn't chip then I can do the same thing to that thing and if that's the case then we're good to go and I can stop worrying about how the heck I'm going to get all these things cut off here and then plan down if I'm going to have I don't know what I'm going to do I don't I really don't it's and I don't I don't really like working with epoxy so I don't watch a lot of uh people that do work with epoxy most of the people that actually do work with epoxy are typically getting gigantic expensive slabs of wood from a tree that probably should have never been cut down you have no way of getting that you have no way of purchasing I mean maybe you do I don't know what your uh what your profession is but if if you're anything like me you're not going to spend $220,000 on a slab of wood and try to find some rich associate or a friend that's going to buy it from you after putting you know after squaring it up and putting epoxy on it this is a lot different to me I mean yes I'm epoxy working but I also am woodworking I'm I'm using a lot of the ends and of the scrap the garbage from other projects that I've done the wood that I built those projects from was garbage to begin with I got that off the street I pulled it off of furniture that was being thrown away pallets sitting on the side of the road so this is and the wood that went into into those pallets which is mostly here was throw away to begin with so tree cycle seion going on here 10 layers deep of recycling and we're going to save all the pieces I cut off this thing and then we're going to grind them up into a fairy dust we're going to bathe in it cuz that's going to make us even more righteous um after I finished pouring epoxy into that slab last night I went ahead and mil that block that I was talking about and uh yeah I think it turned out pretty cool this I put some tongue oil on it and then I let that dry and sprayed it with some uh polyurethane that's essentially what this is going to kind of look like I think the pieces I'm going to be making are actually going to be a little more complex than this cuz I packed that mold really tight and uh let's go take a look at it this is about 15 hours later there's no real loose pieces I'm not trying to jiggle stuff cuz I don't want to break anything loose but I think in about 3 days we're going to pull this out and see how it held up and then we're just going to let that sit while we work on the others in the meantime I have a ton of wood I need to break down I'm going to try to get this um desk down to an inch or an inch and a half so I'm going to be making a lot of these out of these basically process all this so I was just cutting little 2-in pieces so I don't have to end up with a situation like this again which I'm going to take care of this but I really couldn't see how much I was pouring in there to begin with and I have to get rid of a lot of stuff now and this mold itself is 4 in deep so everything on the top has to get cut off and trimmed down anyway so I was cutting all of this into 2in pieces well what was this stuff but you can see like this this piece right here has a rough Edge it also has a clean Edge what that was was a pallet board similar to this you can see the depth is probably the same as well it was half in so I had PL this board down to/ in and maybe I could get two boards out of it or two or three that were this which is one and an e so maybe I got that and then I ripped another one out there and possibly a third what I was left over with was a strip of wood with a live Edge well I I have a ton of those strips of wood with a la Edge here's another one trammed La Edge and that's very typical of a lot of my projects CU I clean everything down to you know this type of wood to layer everything together into the project you've seen me do before/ in 3/8 1/4 sometimes bigger but it's all the same thickness right everything's thickened thickness down down to something that works with the other pieces so that I don't ever run into gaps and things that make things unsightly so I I end up with a lot of stuff anyways I'm going to process all this so that we get it all down to sizes that are really easy to take down when I get to the point where I'm deciding on my slab thickness which I think I'm going to do inch and a half that being said I'm going to keep getting back to work it's like 90° in Michigan here and uh I have a lot to go through in process [Music] we're going to have to figure out a way to trim all that off and then PL it down to about an inch and a half and it looks like we got a solid where where it has settled that looks like a pretty good inch there so we might have to do some infill or we might just go to an inch I'm not sure you got some Wess on the bottom it looks like a city block or something like a land like a citycape looking over this and it looks like where it settled we're at about an inch the whole way around where it settles [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] w [Music] pretty sweet [Music] chunk of that stuff just flew up and smacked me right in the eyeball [Music] H time for safety glasses [Music] all right so I went through and I used the electric chainsaw to cut the high points down so that we'll have at least a semi even surface for the feed rollers to start grabbing on I'm going to have to help them hand feed them through a little bit till we get down to a level where it can feed [Music] itself it's so hot out that the uh camera keeps turning off I had to stick it in the fridge for a little bit we finished playing this one it was really hard on the planer with all that end grain and the epoxy it's just had to take really really small passes and this was kind of expected that it's just going to chip out on the end as the blades rotating this way you know it's going to want to tear that end [Music] off [Music] [Music] [Music] I [Music] all right so I drew up some quick dimensions of what's going to be going on here little boxes with the X's are the slabs that I've done there's six of those that means I need seven 1 in pieces one is going to go on each end and then one is in going between each of the slabs on the outside we're going to do a 1in border as well this needs to be 6'4 and I found this up against the wall this is a a piece I've been holding on to for a long time I don't know where I got I can't remember where I got this but I reclaim this it's just a a board nice and thick it's got some Live Edge rot we're going to plan that down and we're going to take what we need out of it [Music] I think this board cleaned up pretty well I think that'll look okay that red [Music] oak [Music] so our pieces that are going to be in between need to be 24 in long so I'm going to cut what I can out of our scrap that we ripped off of that full [Music] slab [Music] all right so I've been laying out these slabs and I think I have it how I want it I'm not going to be able to to uh glue the whole thing together in one go that might be a little too stressful to try anyway so I'm going to glue it together in probably these three parts and then these three parts into separate slabs and then when those two are glued up I'll come back and I'll lock them together together and I'll also lock the sides on as [Music] well [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so we used our book learnings we put down a sheet of plastic this time so we don't get glue all over the table and we have to scrape off every time we do this now I can just kind of wrinkle the piece of plastic and the glue should just kind of flake off hopefully that's the plan I [Music] basically what I've done is I've created a a straight edge and I've got some marks on the wood already that I made at specific points 20 in away from my cutline over here and I'm going to attach this board to this desktop and use this straight edge as the guide against the side of the table saw so that will give us a straight cut over here then we can take this off flip it and reference the newly cut Edge to make a cut Edge over there and then we'll have a square table and obviously I don't want to drill this board onto the desktop and I can't clamp it cuz that would just get in the way of everything so I'm adding the same spacers in that I used to help clamp this table together I'm just going to use them as attachment points now for the the guide [Music] all right so I went through and I mixed up little batches of the epoxy and the colors that correspond with the slabs and filled in any little gaps the first one I did was really patchy so I had to kind of flood it um and then there was a couple other ones that just need a little extra the other three were pretty good there's some little tiny deviations but I filled them in with starbon thin and uh accelerator Link in the description if you want to pick that up that was good for filling in little gaps and spots that I wanted to be solid when I put the oil down this entire thing is going to have to go through the drum sander so yeah we're going to have to let this sit for probably 2 days and let that epoxy completely cure then we'll be right [Music] back secret weapon right here [Music] it's always something like this right at the end right when you're about finished with the project doing a round over and it chips it out brand [Music] new I'm just going to apply a very thin coat of water across this whole thing and that'll lift the grain that's laying down right now that'll give me a smoother surface as opposed to if I were just to put oil down that would also lift the grain it's going to do that anyways but this is going to um kind of reveal what the color is going to look like but it's going to lift that grein that's just sitting there I only want a little bit though [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] all right we're going to let that sit for about 10 minutes and then we're going to wipe it off and flip it [Music] over [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so this is the pro two stage frame from phebo let's get her open all right so we got our accessories screws bolts it's like wire cable ties alen key power cord data cable of some sort all right so this is everything we have in the Pro two stage frame kit legs feet think these are the mounts that mount to the table and then this is the the bar that locks the two legs together so yeah we're just going to set it up it looks really really straightforward I mean it's really easy this little package is all the screws and they're all labeled right on the package it's a really uh easy way to have keep everything organized okay this goes like this this goes like this all right [Applause] there wasn't any description in the instruction manual on how far away to put these from the edges or whatever it just shows you installing it so I just took my speed square which bottoms out at 7 in anyways and I squared Each corner to 7 in so then left me just 3 in from each side so now we're Square [Music] [Music] it shows there supposed to be like a little like a sticky pad that you're supposed to stick the uh power brick onto the table with and that doesn't seem to be in this kit I think it might have gone missing at some point or it might have fallen out production so we're going to do a more permanent solution to this and we are going to Star Bond it right onto the metal frame right there couple dabs on there right there and right there going to hit the uh the frame with a bit of activator just like that put it in just like this clamp it on just like this and take the old activator all right I think that's about as good as we're going to get with our cable management here give you a quick tour of what's going on all right let's do a quick overview before we test this so the first thing I wanted to remark on was the sturdiness of this Frame is really rigid but everything on this is super rigid and I read in the manual that this table can this Frame can hold up to 220 lb I would actually imagine it could probably hold more that might be the motor capacity um so we've got our our T legs or whatever you want to call them or toost leg we have a motor in each in the base of each of these they run in Tandem and they lead back to the controller here plug in one side here one side there and then the last plugin leads to your power brick right there and then you you got your standard cable plug that into the wall and then you're good to go go one thing that was included in this package is these little cable tied double sticky sided tape things which is I thought was an awesome feature it was a very small thing but that made it really easy to tie things away and hide them all right my original plan was to replace this little station right here my little CNC computer station with this desk but this is just too nice to be next to the CNC getting covered in dust and shavings and and all the exposed to all the abuse of this wood shop I think the Finish is too nice and I really like the way this turned out I want this to live in someone's office so I think we're going to go set it up in an office right now to do some testing take some pictures of it all right so we have the desk set up now and I want to go over the raising Al cuz we haven't tested this yet it looks like we're going up to I think this is in I think that's an inches so we get up to 46 1/2 in right there and I just raised it right out of the shot I'm 6 ft tall and this is perfect for getting out of your chair and not having your back destroyed sitting all day this is the automatic control right here hold the button it's nice and quiet this table again can hold up to 220 [Music] lb we drop to as low as 27.9 and there you go now you're raised and this is the pro two stage frame so I'm really happy with the way that this top paired with this standing desk frame and we're about a little over 6 ft in length here enough to hold two separate laptops and probably an accouterment of other things you can imagine this desk frame actually extends with that bar to meet your needs and I think it had about probably another 6 in to go before um this Frame bar itself was going to uh max out but this worked out perfectly and then if you had enough standing for the day you can get back to sitting give your legs a break drop it down to your desired level [Music] [Music]
Channel: TreeCycled
Views: 22,145
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: standing desk, pallet wood, pallet projects, treecycled, recycled, woodworking, diy, D.I.Y, Upcycle, wood
Id: 545jy2TMEuk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 8sec (2528 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 13 2023
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