Turning A Crackin Nice Piece Of Apple Wood

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so I got up this morning and I've been thinking about turning this piece of wood here I'm certain this is Apple I've had it for about three years it's been under my pole building nice and dry and I looked out the window and there was huge snowflakes coming down it's March 24th we don't usually get snow on March 24th well I went ahead went over there got a little snow on me found this piece of wood I brought it in and we're going to go ahead and turn it today there's a couple issues going on I kind of wanted to leave the bark on it but even bringing it in here it kind of fell off so I think I'm going to skip that idea I also have a big knot right there and I don't know how far it goes it's got a crack in it but there's only one way to find out so I'm going to get a hole in here for a worm screw we'll get it mounted up and see what's inside [Applause] so even with the square corners that I left on there it's pretty balanced doing about 684 RPM let's start with a 5 8 ball gouge foreign [Applause] just like apple which is really nice I just resharpened this gouge I have here and trying to put 40 40 on it again see how it works [Music] now this is what I was seeing on the top surface here was all these little Stripes of different colors in here and that's a surprise here I like it foreign got that cleaned up we can take a little more off That Base clean this up a little bit or we could leave that but I'm gonna put a tendon on here so most of that will go away this is not looking bad got some cracks all right foreign I like that and refine that curve a little bit you can't see it but I put a mark on here for a Tenon I'm going to go ahead and cut this flat here and I think we're just about done with this side I'm going to sharpen this up and flatten it out [Music] okay that should do it so I'm all set up to sand I'm going to put this dust pan underneath here and I'm going to collect some of the Dust and the little fine cracks I'll mix some shellac with that sawdust and I'll push that in here the big ones I'll leave them I think they don't look bad at all but the little ones uh they don't look as natural as that crack sanding in reverse at 400 and 160 RPM so I've had a little bit of shellac in here we'll get that in it so I don't know if you can see that but I just made a little paste and I'll push that down in and it will sand very easily pretty much the only spot thought I might need some and we'll get it sanded to 400 and flip it around I haven't flipped around I'm going to use the tail stock support just for a little while mostly until I get this flat but it looks like I could get in there a little bit with it so might as well take advantage of that about 930 RPM [Music] foreign all right I'm going to sharpen up my half inch and we'll be right back and kind of concerned with this right here because that crack goes all the way through so I don't know how it'll make that so I just resharpened a half inch I also looked over this area where you have a crack across here and it goes down about three quarters of an inch this way and if I keep cutting it might still be chasing that crack down there I don't know how much more it could take off of this but I'd like to take some off so that's what I'm going to do and well we'll just hope it stays together foreign I don't need to get any thinner than this I think that'll be all right and those are totally separated but going down on a fairly steep angle so I think it's gonna be all right wow that wood is going to be so pretty when I get some finish on it okay let's do that and let me go down a little bit farther and then we just might have to do all that finishing here that was a nice smooth cut so it's ready to sand and let's go down about a maybe another inch I've never done this before but I'm going to try something here so this is cracked pretty much all the way through and that is wiggling but I have all that cut so I'm pretty pleased with that but I think I'll just put this on here it really can't hurt maybe it'll take a little bit of the flex out of it but again we're down past that okay we'll get back over and start cutting on the inside again foreign there we go yeah I think yeah right at that point take almost a quarter off here so nothing to a quarter switching back to the 5 8. it's a little longer reach thank you yeah cut right through it sweet Maybe not maybe not here but uh yeah not too bad so I did check the thickness on the bottom and it's right around 3 8 of an inch so I think that's plenty good and I've already mixed up some of this sawdust from sanding and some of the shellac based sanding sealer just pushing it into these thin cracks they're kind of fuzzy and it's either carve them out or try to push some of this in there and I'm not going to do anything with that one because it's kind of got its own little markings on there it doesn't look bad we're going to do that and then we'll sand it up and I want to try to get a coat of sanding sealer on the inside it's getting a little bit late but I have enough time to do that this is pretty smooth so I think I'll start with 120. have to lay the running forward at around 300 RPM and I'll get it sanded up to 400 and we'll put a coat of sealer on it I think you can see it a lot better watching the Finish go on the outside so I'll show you that and then I'll just go ahead and do the inside and this is Shellac based sanding sealer so that's what that looks like I'm gonna get at least one more coat of this on and I'll decide if I wanna put some shellac over it or if I want to just use a bracelet paste I'll figure that out tomorrow so I will see you then it's all finished up it's time to remove the Tenon see how that runs not too bad use a half inch Bowl gouge until we get right down to the last little nub doing about 650 RPMs I stopped when I was down to a small nub and it looked like it had a good sized crack in it and the woods a little bit soft there so I decided I would think about it for a while I had to go in and get something out of the freezer it's my turn to cook tonight I came out here and I went and carved it off without thinking about it but I just need to sand it get it signed and get a finish on it I'll come back and show it to you well here it is it is all done and I think it's a beautiful piece of wood look at that Spaulding in there that was a real nice surprise that a little inclusion right here that went all the way through and until I put the finish on there it was kind of loose but I think that tightened it up and for the finish I used two coats of zensor seal coat and two coats of zenzer shellac and then I went over it with X abrasive paste and polish and it left it with a really nice finish same on the inside and there's the base oh it finished seven and a quarter inches in diameter it's four inches tall and the walls are one quarter of an inch and it doesn't weigh anything Apple's a fairly light wood and this was very dry but I think it turned out pretty nice and I really like all the colors in it this is pretty easy to do and I really enjoy making these and I sure hope you enjoyed the video if you did like the video do me a favor click that like button and feel free to leave a comment both of those things will really help my channel grow I do lots of different types of turnings and you never know what might be next so be sure to subscribe if you want to see more and a special thanks to all my current subscribers you really mean a lot to me so until the next time see you later
Channel: ThePapa1947
Views: 31,360
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wood turning, live edge, natural edge, bark, segment, segments, segmented, multi axis, multiaxis, droop bowl, star bowl, tumbling bowl, shellac, lacquer, square bowl, bowl in a bowl, emerging bowl, emerging goblet, sphere, dodecahedron, lathe, revo, laguna revo 1836, tricky wood turnings, Acks Abrasive Paste, best wood finish, best wood polish, best way to finish wood, unique wood turning, unusual wood turning, Burl, Band Saw Bowl, Economy Bowl, Bowl in a board, Tangential Staves
Id: -57fkCjjBXM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 19sec (1159 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 07 2023
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