Turn any Day into Night in Unreal Engine 5 (2 METHODS)!!

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what's beautiful about Unreal Engine 5 is how you can change your scene from day to night and have it look absolutely beautiful in this video we are going to show you two methods you can use to achieve both we did a cinematic video recently using a Nerf environment if you don't know what Nerfs are he essentially took a Drone footage and turned it into a 3D environment It's Magic really now our Nerf was shot during the day but we switched the lighting to a night scene and people were mad and by people we mean our mom this point we knew we up and of course us being Persians mothers have absolute control and no matter how old we are still babies to our mama so we had no choice but to stop everything absolutely everything to redo the scene in daylight [Music] we need to find a train [Music] foreign [Music] so by now you probably noticed why we didn't go for a day scene because we wanted to get super close to the bridge and of course there was artifacts there that's why we made the switch let's jump into Unreal Engine 5 to show you exactly how we did it so this first method is absolutely free because we're using the default lighting of Unreal Engine we got all of you guys who are on a budget so the first thing we're gonna do is we're going to go to the window tab environment light mixer and we're going to bring in the directional light exponential height fog Sky atmosphere Skylight and volumetric cloud from the place actors window let's add the post process volume enable Unbound from the details panel so it affects our whole scene change exposure to manual so we can keep it low for the night scene add some vignette and we are good for now then we head over to our directional light which is our main source of light here it is the sun we can use Ctrl L to change the direction of the light but the only issue is we only have the colors of sunrise to sunset not the night time so to artificially create that we will change our color to a light blue now let's bring down the intensity a type bit too and now let's head over to our Skylight this is a crucial supporting light that captured a distant part of our level and applies that to the scene as light it enhances the realism of our scene you can see it in action right here so let's also give this General light a bluish tint and a low intensity by the way if you notice this doesn't affect the sky itself okay next we got exponential height fog now fog is absolutely necessary to add depth and realism to your shot so it doesn't look CG see how bad that looks let's play with fog density you see the difference I also played with height fall off which controls the density of the fog at different heights now let's work that fog in scattering color I'm thinking a slight blue tint now if you are planning to have the sky in your shot you're gonna need to add the sky sphere to change the look to a night scene take the sun height down to -1 and increase the start brightness remember this doesn't affect your scene lighting just the look of your scar now let's go back to my directional light and increase the volumetric scattering intensity since we added the height fog earlier this setting allows the light to impact the volumetric fog at a higher scale let's go back to our post process volume and bring down our exposure in the color grading tab I added a bit of contrast and changed the gamma and gain values to a slight blue tint which are my mid-tones and highlights alright so this next part is funny when I checked my post process volume impact on my scene I realized without it the scene is way too bright and my OCD accident like that so I went to my directional light brought down the intensity and instead compensated that by increasing the exposure in post-process volume I don't know if this is actually important but I just had to fix it at this point I went back to my exponential height fog and I increased the fog density and played around with height fall off and all of the settings that you saw we played with we went around and tinkered a little bit here and there just to get that final look that we needed so we recommend that you do the same now let's go and see how this bad boy looks [Music] that was a pretty good night scene but it did take a bit of time to achieve which is why we're now on to our second method second method and the second method is using an add-on called Ultra Dynamic Sky which is by far our most favorite add-on it is a paid add-on which costs around 30 to 50 bucks depending on where you're from but it is going to be absolutely a lifesaver if you're trying to work on a scene have a sky that looks fantastic in the shortest amount of time if you don't believe us just look at all these different scene setups you can have if you have the ultra Dynamic Sky add-on it's now if you notice with this add-on it's as simple as dragging the blueprint into your scene for example with the right adjustment to the time of day you get a sweet looking night scene with stars moon and all the right lighting ready from the get-go I want to make more changes so let's look up Moon and change the moon angle and inclination in the sky to place it where we desire Seattle position of the Moon automatically adjusts the lighting in your scene so easy another setting we love to play with is cloud coverage not only does this impact the look of our Sky it also changes the amount of light that we have in our scene next we are going to turn on volumetric fog and increase the fog slider now remember we always need post process volume regardless of the setup so we bring that in and play with all the same settings we did when we had our default lighting the only thing to note is that the manual exposure won't work because UDS is controlling that so let's turn the exposure off over there so we can change it within our post process volume okay let's check it out [Music] did you see that that beautiful all right so which scene do you guys prefer the most the day scene or the night scene because clearly our mom chose the Bassy let us know in the comments and before you go subscribe
Channel: Bad Decisions Studio
Views: 11,388
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bad decisions studio, daily vlog, vlog, bad decisions vlog, #youtubevlog, vlogger, vloglife, startup, vancouver, canada
Id: s1MiivPKYfs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 38sec (398 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 11 2023
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