Turkish F-16 vs Hellenic Mirage 2000 Dogfight Video Analysis

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what's up everybody its mover and today we're gonna take a look at a Turkish f-16 versus a Greek Mirage the hellenic air force recently released footage of a Turkish f-16 with mirage 2000 over the Aegean Sea and to get some background information I'm turning to the aviation aesthetical on may 5th that shows the HUD shot here it says the clip below was filmed by the HUD camera of a mirage 2000-5 echo golf mark 2 during a close encounter with Turkish f-16 C block 40 jets over the Aegean Sea it says they were out to intercept two Turkish f-16s were allegedly harassing a Greek nh90 helicopter carrying the Minister of National Defense I'm not even gonna try to pronounce that name and his staff I have him says the Greek Mirage 2000 pilot who's chasing them we'll take a look at the video here in a second but basically the comm is Fox 2 I have him the other one is coming so to speak I have him on tape nice stable at guns same so basically he's talking about he's got a guns track on the guy and also he could Fox to him so shoot an IR missile what you see in the clip which they're explaining is it starts at two six zero I'll explain all this stuff I don't need somebody to tell me what's going on but this is interesting they have their own Alessandro gonzo olive ARS fighter pilot IP says it looks like a training engagement somehow cooperative target than a real dogfight well we'll take a look at that see Hudson Balaji is in dogfight mode you can see a constantly computed impact line of the gun as well as the stadium metric circle while hearing him tone of the IR seeker Greece frequently claims the skies over disputed islands of the Aegean Sea are allegedly violated by Turkish jets so I guess that's what this is all about so let's take a look at the footage we'll break it down and see if I can see anything that maybe is interesting or different or fun or whatever [Music] all right here we go Turkish f-16 locked by the Greek Flyers yet this was actually produced or pull it out by the Greek air force so well watch it real time and then we'll go back and look and see what we can find and play it's like he's trying to get a lock it's an IR tone ooh close probably inside of a thousand feet there dink dink dink dink oh no make invite the pilots look bad so that's about a Staples of a gun track as you're gonna get stood is just draping around oh boy and that's the end of that tragic tragic video so let's go back and take a look all right so right here what do we see this is all potato imagery so he's a twenty eight twenty one thousand eight hundred feet converging at three hundred and three knots and out what I think happened is he actually rolls from probably somewhere in the 30s and rolls and converges on the f-16 pilot six if they were harassing a helicopter I'm not sure what they were doing in the high 20s but this is pretty much starting at at you know twenty twenty-five thousand I don't know where the Mirage was at the time but it looks like he's pulling three G's and it's a very easy over-the-top maneuver he's almost what is that at 70 so almost sixty something degrees nose-down so he's definitely doing some kind of split s so right here it looks like he's taking some kind of lock I don't know if it's boresight I have not done the DC I should have read the manual I have not done DC s Mirage yet so I don't know the radar modes but I'm assuming it's some kind of ACM mode that he's trying to get locked on the f16 at this point and maybe not maybe he doesn't want to lock him up because he doesn't want to excite the radar warning receiver he's not trying to get into that kind of situation where the guy thinks he's defensive and reacts and it actually starts a real or I don't know but the jam in the HUD tells me that I think he's actually trying to get a lock and the HUD is it's it's the radars not able to do it whether it's through actual EA electronic attack which is no kidding he's jamming which I don't think so at this range or there's some other you know as just radars just not hacking the line-of-sight rates or whatever's going on so 310 not so he's really good on the energy he's pulling 5.8 GS and now they're through 19,000 feet so he's 10 degrees nose high and the f16 he looks like he's coming back up so they're both he's following them up and this guy's just this is a really easy shot going uphill following somebody else is probably the easiest gunshot you'll ever take cuz over your overshoot is high there's you really don't have a problem with overshoot or G's or anything like that because you've always got God's G over the top it's a really easy gunshot all right so that's a little bit of a dink the f16 hold on a second he's got IR he's not popping flares so he's not I don't think he really thinks he's that defensive I don't think they're really taking the seriously so the idea that it's I don't think it's training but I think it's one of those situations where neither side really wants to start a war so I think they both know that this is just kind of a mixing it up and not really it's not really a fight however let's take a look at the f16 because yes 16 you see these two things right here one and two those are 370 gallon fuel tanks that Jed is a two bag jet and it is not a BF M machine the f16 clean formidable opponent with two bags I don't know where his limiter switch was where it was cat 1 or cat 3 cat 1 being full up 9g jet it's an AOA it's a G limiter to an AOA limiter the G and AOA limits are the AOA limits and cat 3 are much more extreme I think it's like 15 degrees of AOA that it limits you to and that's to keep you from departing with cat 3 stores if you has a targeting pod he's probably in a cat 3 configuration feeding a cat 3 he didn't have a chance from the beginning I mean I don't know what the Mirage was but I can tell you that clean f-16 versus Mirage I think the f16 has no problem Mirage is a formidable foe but a two bag viper it's tough I mean it's not gonna be an easy fight for the Viper so especially at eighteen thousand six hundred feet your higher altitude the air is less dense this is not a good fight for the f16 at all especially in a heavy block forty with two tanks so it looks like he's trying to get a lock again I think that's what the jam means but he's 190 knots the 17,000 feet 25 alpha so as he's loaded up on his aircraft and dude this is this is a very high starting spot for for BFM so the the f16 is not performing very well right now and he's not doing a whole a very good job of redefining the fight and getting it back into his own game plan so that's a staple gun track I mean the dudes just if he I'm sure being an intercept aircraft they're using live ordnance and that might be why he doesn't lock him up because there probably has real missiles and guns on the aircraft he's not gonna squeeze the trigger you know for the small chance that he inadvertently fires around or missile and actually start to war his I are seekers there he's trigger down the f-16 is now you can see with the vapes coming off the lexus when you see that that is a low energy state for the f16 he is high AOE he doesn't have a lot of energy and he's not really transitioning potential to kinetic energy he's just sitting there draping around and at this point he that the airplane is just a pick he doesn't have a whole lot of maneuvering potential at this point so the f50 mirage is just sitting there parked this dude's high AOA and I actually think at this point I wouldn't be surprised if the because you see the speed increasing I think the Turkish pile actually lost sight this looks like a standard Stu no joy where he doesn't know to get into a no site defense and he's just kind of gray pan around cuz he doesn't know where the other guy is he's looking so he's just kind of easing off and letting the speed built back up you know because now the the vapes are starting to go away but he's just kind of gray pan around not really maneuvering in relation to anyone because he stopped fighting at this point I think he lost him when he started that nose low stuff and here you see this dude is just completely owning him yeah he doesn't see him I don't think I don't think the Turkish Viper sees the Greek pilot at this point they're down to 13,000 feet they may have had they might have had some you know floor limit or something like that but not very good BFM from the Viper and that's the end of that so good on the Hellenic Air Force pilot he basically converted high to low and I owned him I mean it's a good he's got a good video of an eye our track and a gun shot he's able to to track him and he's got a valley gunshot and you know he owns the day would better pilots have done a better job probably would a clean f-16 have done a better job yes but uh you know you only fight what you have I think if this had been a real combat situation you'd have seen flares and you just seen the Turkish Viper punch off his tanks I've been the first two things you just seen out of that whole thing because you wouldn't fight with two bags in either cat three or you know cat one with bags he'd to punch those off fought his best 1v1 and you just seen a ton of flares knowing that that guy's locked him up back there and he's in a defensive situation so I don't think either side really thought this was serious but it did do you know a Top Gun tasks scare him away kind of deal so that's pretty cool but anyway short video on that there's not a whole lot else to talk about them I can't wait to fly the Mirage in DCs I think it'll be a lot of fun but boy making my Viper look bad you got a Jake man got a jenker get into some no site defense or something you can't just grape around and be a stable platform for this dude ganya it's just embarrassing anyway so please consider supporting folds of Honor if you're looking for a good charity to support if you're looking for a book to read for your summertime reading check out either the Specter series which is about f-16s or the Alex Shepard series which is more law enforcement terrorism thrillers I'll leave the link in the description for all of my books I appreciate it it does help support the channel and if you leave a review that helps as well stay tuned for some more movie rooms movies the next one's gonna be Air Force one I don't know when that'll be out but it should be soon and then on Friday we'll do a mud hen memes for fighter pilot Friday so it should be a lot of fun so I hope you guys enjoyed this episode thanks for watching we'll see you next time [Music] Oh if I were to do something [Music] don't be a douche rule number one tell you now [Music]
Channel: C.W. Lemoine
Views: 852,687
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: turkey, greece, f-16, m2000, mirage2000, dogfight
Id: 0GGNbgV4crk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 20sec (740 seconds)
Published: Wed May 13 2020
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