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[Music] [Music] [Music] yo what's going on everybody welcome back to the channel uh i know it's been a while been a good little minute i don't know maybe like three four months but remember i said i i quit my job and i started doing my own thing and that is the reason why i just haven't had time for the car it uh the car has been at keem house for when i dropped it off and i just been on the road i've been all over texas uh arkansas georgia mississippi cali just been driving uh this is the truck right here 21 dodge 3500 diesel uh it is dirty i'm talking about like dirty uh 40 foot big tex 25 25gn [Music] i'm sure you guys are inside of this you know you got your eld right there so they can keep track of your ass you know this is a laramie edition so you get the big screen the ac seats all that good stuff like that uh you know running your own business ain't easy you don't work at 95 you work 24 hours a day i've just been i've just been transporting stuff man just been moving freight and moving cars i just haven't have time for the coupe so basically the whole time i've been on the road car has been at uh keem house from keem fab i left him the gopros so he can record most of all the process because i just knew i wasn't gonna have time to do it so i'm gonna basically mix that up into the video now got the coupe here i'm going to be dropping this off to the homie keem keem fab it's going to do the up pipes or the down pipes i don't know yet uh the intercooler piping the hd clamps uh i am going to go over the whole vibrant thing because i have a box full of vibrant stuff how about two boxes full of driving stuff yeah i got the bonnet in here so the wifey is going to follow me the keem house so we can drop this off and uh yeah start getting let's start getting these stuff uh unboxed let's crank this up i'm not really home like that so this barely gets any love hopefully it should crank [Music] everything is good so far it's the farthest side as far as i have taken it from uh from i got it started so we still got about a 21 minute drive you guys are wondering these are my temps it flux weights from 174 when driving and then at idle like at a red light i'm at 176. before or with the regular water pump system it would be uh 180 185 so i guess you could say about a 10 degree difference with electrical water pump it's worth it trust me it's worth it finally i came house the mastermind behind it all boy look hot red sweating dog cool made it all right so here we have all the vibrant parts laid out like i said again huge shout out the vibrant for sponsoring the build really appreciate you guys inviting me don arthur everybody at the team we got two 180 degree bends right here these would be for the for the tear drops uh this is uh this is the same thing three inch would be for the up pipe i'll fight tear drop i'm going to leave the gopro with the keem and just have him time-lapse everything i know he's not really the talkative type what's up everyone this is akeem from kim fab and today we have fred's right hand drive ej coupe in for some fab work it's a built k20a he's running a full race sidewinder manifold using two 44 millimeter race gates we previously added this wastegate port to the manifold hopefully to help with the boost creep he's running a precision turbo a skunk 2 ultra race intake manifold a 90 millimeter k2 total body and we're going to be using vibrant components to do the whole uh intercooler system so the charge pipes coming from the turbo we're gonna have a two and a half inch hd clamp at the turbo and we're gonna come down with a single pipe to the intercooler and then back from the intercooler to the starter body using all vibrant parts so the intercooler's already mounted from the previous setup but this setup's going to eliminate all the couplers that were there before all right over here we have all of our vibrant components for the charge pipes it's an assortment of aluminum tubing three and a three inch and two and a half inch we have our hd clamp assemblies for the turbo and the throttle body we have our reducer to go from 90 millimeters back down to 3 inch an assortment of 45 degree 90 degree 180 degree bends so i'll try to record as much of the fab process as i can um some will be hard to record so i'll set it on time lapse and hopefully everything comes out pretty good all right so we're going to go ahead and take off the bumper so that you can get to the intercooler and start figuring out the routing so we have two quick disconnects to take the bumper off and then the bar across the middle has been removed already so it should be fairly easy they're pretty simple you just push this button in and it releases it from the pin just like that it's disconnected go ahead and take it off and we can get started all right so the intercooler's already mounted i want so for the cold side which is after the intercooler so inner cooler to throttle body we're running the three and a half inch vibrant venting clamp so what we're going to do is take the this transition this goes from three and a half to three inches yeah so three to three and a half inches so this is gonna fit perfectly inside the little lip so it's gonna go from three and a half down to three and then here we're gonna go a 90 degree elbow we have this guy here and that elbow would sit somewhere here you have to trim some of the length off of this side because right now it's too close right now it's actually with the transition in place it'll put the elbow over the chassis leg so we're going to measure out and trim this elbow just so that the piping sits inside the chassis leg and then from here we're probably going to do another 90 to go from the end of this tube to underneath the chassis leg and there we'll have a this 180 bin and that's probably gonna go somewhere around here you may have to change this angle a little bit because the piping comes off at an angle but we'll measure everything up and see so it's going to come around here and then 90 up to meet the other elbow and for the hot side from the turbo to the intercooler we're running the two and a half inch vibrant clamp that's going to sit here this is going to get welded on but as the turbo sits now it's going to run right into the mount so i'm going to go ahead and loosen up the bolts on the back of the turbo and see if we can't clock it to get a little bit uh better fitment so there should be six half inch um bolts the head of the bolt is half inch also we're gonna go ahead and loosen these up and with that we should be able to rotate the the housing so we'll do is i'll rotate the housing play with the uh angle a little a little bit just to make sure that when the tubing comes out of the turbo it clears the mount and the shifter cable here so we just tweak this as necessary to get the fitment we need all right so the turbo clocked here we have our vibrant two and a half inch 90. we do a quick test fit so as it is it clears the gearbox and the mount and the shifter cable the hd clamp is going to sit where that length of straight is but we'll trim the elbow uh to fit but you can see here that this should clear them out once this once this tubing is trimmed up and uh the clamp is on it should sit somewhere around here and that should definitely clear everything and then we'll cut you won't keep this at 90 we'll cut you cut this at some angle so it transitions cleanly down to the rest of the system so i'm gonna get started on the piping at the throttle body this is the larger of the two pipes so let's go ahead and make sure that the three inch pipe clears and then we should have enough space here on the two and a half from the turbo but before we start i'm going to go ahead and tape up this section of the bait just so that i don't scratch anything when i'm test fitting and getting my measurements then use some masking tape so here we have the vibrant transition it goes from three and a half inch to three inch so that's gonna sit here and then we have the 90 degree three inch elbow that's going to connect here as this is you can see it's right over the chassis like so i'm gonna go ahead and measure this out so that we could go ahead and trim the elbow we could trim the elbow so it sits somewhere inside the chassis leg and then give it enough play room because it's a vengeance clamp there is some movement that the pipe can have so we just want to make sure we space it so that at the max travel the back end of the elbow isn't hitting the chassis leg so i'm just going to temporarily tape the transition to the engine so we could float and i could get my measurements there's many ways you can take the measurement um i'm just going to set this below the clamp and align it close to the chassis and then let's make a mark on top of the tubing i'll mark where it's close so about this should be good to cut this off it should line up somewhere around here which should clear and then you can tape it up or probably just tack it so we have the 90 degree elbow trim to length just go ahead and line it up all right so that sits flush and we have again so we're good here now this is a vengeance clamp so it has some motion and with that motion we still have a gap so the next thing i'm going to do is go ahead and tape this up here and then run the 90 degree elbow to go under the chassis leg and that's going to meet up with this u-bend we're going to have to trim and adjust the angle of the u-bend but you go ahead and start marking up this elbow all right so off-camera i went ahead and taped up the elbow we cut and to the transition and to the other 90 degree elbow that goes under the chassis like it comes out there so that's going to connect to this upper pipe and then the lower is going to go back to the turbo but before i tack this pipe up i'm going to go ahead and trim this lip off the turbo so i could weld the vibrant vengeance clamp just want to make sure it's square without this lift so i'm going to go ahead and take the turbo off first and do that and then start routing this pipe before i do any final attacking [Music] all right so we got the turbo all trimmed so now we're going to go ahead and it's a pretty snug fit i'll go ahead and weld this up when the time comes but for now we could go ahead and just slide it back onto the turbo so we could continue the mock-up so take the o-ring off for now because it the housing has to come back off to weld it i'm gonna go ahead and catch one of these so that's how this sits i just have to make sure that when it's clogged it's not clashing with the shifter cable and the engine mount so i'm going to go ahead and measure the angle coming off of this section and then see what we need to trim to come off and then probably get a 90 to come back down and follow the same pattern as the other charge pipe so here we have the vibrant stainless parts that we're going to be using to do the hood exit so there's a 3 inch 90 a three inch u-bend an inch and a half human and there's should be two inch and a half 90s so that's what we're going to use to do the up pipes so we're gonna have one coming out of this way skate there's another way skate under here so that's gonna come up and then one from the turbo itself so should have three tear drops sitting somewhere around here where we get it placed in and figured out all right so the camera died but i got the elbow cut into the teardrop this is three inch so this will sit somewhere about here i still have some trimming to do in the throat area but that's the shape for the most part right so the next thing i'm going to do is go ahead and cut out the other two teardrops out of the inch and a half 90s and then roughly place them in space and then figure out how to route them to the wastegate flanges and the turbo flange all right here's the one and a half inch pipe that we're going to be using for on the wastegate teardrops has a long leg and a short leg for this one we're going to cut this section here so the teardrop essentially be around here so before i start i'm gonna go ahead and cut off this extra length um just so it's easier to cut the teardrop in the band so all right so we have our elbow shortened so now i'm going to cut across here to get that teardrop shape and then do some further trimming to clean it all up all right so we have the three teardrops cut out the three inch and the two inch and a half um stuff to polish up the outside and clean it up a little bit to clean up some of the inside so you don't see the mandrel marks same thing for a 44 millimeter inch and a half then we have the a pipe that's going to connect to the teardrop it's a pie cut section here it's all taped up so you can't see it but we're going to trim it somewhere down here at the correct length to have this just stick out of the bonnet same thing for the other two and then we get on to making a a trim plate for it alright so i got everything all polished up oh [Music] so we'll go ahead and tack up these pie pieces and tack that to this pipe and then test fit and then and eventually trim that pipe to match the length of this so that we can see how everything fits so i'm going to mock up the full uh three inch up pipe from the turbo first and then figure out the two wastegates [Music] all right so we have the down pipe all tacked up minus the teardrop tip so we went with some pie cups on this bottom section um the regular band was been right the center line radius was too large and it pushed the pipe too far against the firewall so only solution was pi cut so we're gonna go ahead and test this on the car and then see we need to trim this pipe and see where the tear drop needs to be added all right so we went ahead and added the up pipe [Music] yeah so like i said before the reason for the pie cuts with the regular five inch um band center radius of this pipe it put this pipe all the way almost touching here so using the pie cuts we're able to pull that back in by quite a bit so i'm going to go ahead and figure out where we're going to cut this so we could fit the other section of the teardrop to it the up pipe piece is now trimmed shorter and i added the other pipe to the second wastegate that's sitting underneath the manifold [Music] so here's how this sits now still not final before i do any final welding i want to trim the bonnet but that's how the main three-inch pipe sits and then here's the wastegate up pipe this one sits here [Music] that's how these two sit and then the third pipe is gonna come up from the elbow you see there and sit right in this area but before i get too far with this i'm going to start trimming the bonnet just to make sure everything fits the way it should and then i'll start tacking the rest of this up [Music] before we start trimming any of the bonnet i'm going to go ahead and roll up this pie cut section stainless tends to pull so it could slightly change the angle of the pipe of the tubing so before i do any cutting i'm going to go ahead and weld all of this up and then i'll reposition the top and this pie cut was just cut from the vibrant straight that was left over from the 180 bin and this um teardrop was cut out of a 90 degree elbow so i'm gonna go ahead and get this welded i'm gonna use the take aesthetics purge plugs put it in the end of the tube and fill it with argon because it's stainless when i prevent it from sugaring and then i'm going to weld it up with the i'm going to use a bbw cup by michael fury microfuric big gas lens so it should help keep the outside from getting oxidized as you will so i'm probably going to set the camera up on a time lapse um it doesn't take a little while setting everything up and doing the actual welding don't say none when i hit a curve you said my tea like it's horrible watch it come back full circle knew this life was eternal when i hopped over hurdles iso universe so you see me with myself shadow listen man listen this thing right here wasn't given i'm whipping this to precision before you talk homie listen they love me for my ambition paper chase palm itching i brag different the flow ignorant got them hooked they kept so all the pie cuts are i'm welded sure if it's focusing with the gopro what so now i'll go ahead and bolt this back on put the teardrop back on it and see where it sits um then i could start um trimming the bonnet so we use the tig aesthetics purge plugs my uh brad you can see we got a good penetration kind of need some more light but you can see it's penetrated all the way through good gas coverage from the fury cup so we'll go ahead and get this installed so we can get on to finishing up the other two wastegate wastegate um our pipes all right the up tube is reinstalled so here's how it's sitting this wastegate isn't in the final position either i stopped the world for that so it might pull some and after rolling up this pi sections it did pull backward a little bit but it still looks pretty good we still have a gap here so if you have any vibration or anything you should be good they shouldn't ever touch each other so with this one set then we'll go ahead and start trimming the bonnet to fit the main pipe and then it'll make it much easier to trim the the other two to make sure everything gets routed in relation to the main up pipe it's looking good so far and the third one will sit right here tear drop shape is pretty much roughed out i'm gonna trim this support section here first and then put the bonnet back on the car double check to make sure that everything still lines up and then slowly start cutting away and going back and forth and test fitting yeah you see me with my circle play the cut we puffing purple first time i got tipsy off the white like i was virgil yeah i grew up with my cousins on herzl used to have a curfew writing verses in my journal now is i so universal my strive like a girl y'all moving slow like a turtle here songs and commercials we don't need no rehearsals wifey instinct maternal i know i can't gonna be verbal they know our love is eternal we'll keep on hopping these hurdles thank you god i'm gonna serve you we don't even deserve you keep us from the internals running late i'm nocturnal spitting fire infernal you touching and it's gonna burn you driving down myrtle with my doing burnouts they know that it's our turnout let's see how this gonna turn out our blessings may confirm now that other you hit by don't concern us you see the sound don't disturb us these other as burgers is ice so we came to turn up heard you don't say none when i hit a curve you said my tea like it's herbal watch it come back full circle knew this life was eternal when i hopped over hurdles i so universe so you see me with my son once i've got the bonnet trim for the pipe so i'm gonna do is you kind of see the height i'm gonna bring this a little bit lower so it sits not flush but just above now once i get the height of this one i'll use this height to set the other wastegate pipe's height there's still some more trimming on this side for the wastegates we have a good amount of space here i'm eventually gonna put a plate around it but that's what we have for now so i trimmed down the up pipe so it sits a little bit more flush with the bonnet there's still some cutting out here for the uh wastegator pipe so that's cut kind of tight we have a little space on this side like i said there's a plate that's gonna go around the edge so now that here's how it looks so now that i pretty much have the height for this set i'll go ahead and run the two wastegate pipes to match the height of the teardrop that way everything's more or less even and then i'll go ahead and trim the rest of the bonnet for these two all three up pipes are positioned now so we decided to make all of the teardrops point in the same direction looks pretty neat that way so this still isn't tacked up yet i'm gonna go ahead and pull everything off and attack this pipe and then or tube i should say and then tack those up and do one final test fit but yeah we'll go ahead and pull these off get it tacked up do one final test fit and then gather everything up and weld everything up all right so here is the coop after came after uh the clean culture car show yo i post a lot on my instagram more than i do youtube so if you want to stay up to date on what i got going on follow my ig down below so yeah i just want to give a big shout out to akeem from keemfab you know for taking care of the coupe making the up pipes uh intercooler tubing and cutting the bonnet still have to get a custom plate made to go on the uh on the trim go on the outside of the bonnet so it doesn't burn it up but but as from that keem did a great job doing all of the tubing all of the vibrant uh clams taking off the turbo welding it doing the up pipes uh let me crank it up and uh take it outside so you guys get a better look at it [Music] [Applause] so yeah there he is outside i got the wheels on uh the only thing left for me to do is pretty much run the vacuums for the dual wastegates yeah so i'll give you guys a more in-depth video of everything you know when the car is tuned and all that i go into every part is so yeah man everything looks good i drove the car around for like like an hour the other day i just need to get it tuned like i said it's running a little a little rich but no problems this guy this guy has to get used to his twin dips but that's it [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign so yeah that pretty much sums up for this video uh like i said big shout out to keem big shout out to vibrant for uh getting me all of these parts these clamps tubings all that stuff vibrant i appreciate you guys keem i appreciate your big dog and uh yeah that is update on the coupe next video will be dino video after that will be a breakdown of everything that's that's uh that's in the car all right but like i told y'all before youtube is not my full-time thing you know i mean i just do it to do it uh i don't have that much time because i'm on the road but i'll try and uh throw something in there once in a while with the cool you know i mean but until next time guys uh stay blessed live your life and peace
Channel: egkcoupe
Views: 25,926
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: honda, civic, eg6, ej1, acura, integra, rsx, dc2, type r, b series, k series, k20a, k24a, jdm, vtec, ivtec, b18, turbo, up pipes
Id: Ht963dDOZRk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 6sec (2466 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 05 2021
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