Tundra Owners - Info To Help You Decide What To Do About Recall

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all right hey everybody we are back here we're going to talk now imagine I'm thinking of it from my putting myself in your shoes if I owned a tundra right now uh with this recall of 100,000 was coming around what would I do how would I feel what would be my do I dump the truck do I hang on to it do I wait and see what toyot is going to do what would be my game plan here that I would personally do so I laid it all out here for you we're going to dive into it I'm going to give you the options I'm going to show you some statistics and compare it to other things that have happened to other manufacturers we're going to dive into this video here pretty good it's probably not going to be real short but it's going to be pretty in informative for you hopefully answering the question what should you do or give you ideas about what you can do that is my goal for this so we know that the tundra recall part of Lexus one as well too it's reaching over 100,000 vehicles um engines are being recalled we know that there's some issues and uh we also know that they're being pretty shady about a lot of things that Toyota is doing they're not fixing them right with the short block options uh the short blocks that they're putting in them are still failing um we know that they're bypassing the hybrid because it's technically not a safety recall for the hybrid uh where they're recalling these engines under a safety Factor because they could actually stall on you going down the road and then you can get taken out by another vehicle but the hybrid one they're not recalling because it will not stop on the road if the engine cuts out the hybrid the electric motor will actually continue to move you to a safe off the road place so that's why they're not including the hybrid very sh Shady okay but don't think for a second Toyota is the only one that does this Shady stuff okay they all do and they've all had major engine problems which we're going to show you we are also going to see what those engine problems did to that company and where they stood and what they are because it's going to help you figure out what you want to do um A lot's happening okay and it's happening quick we also now know that Toyota knew about this back since March of 2022 and started studying these engines with problems since 2022 yet they still even now in 24 2 and a half years later they can't give us a solid answer other than metal debris is what they're coming up with still but they have to recall 100,000 so I understand if I owned a tundra right now I'd be furious I would be absolutely just straight up furious mad as can be um disappointed upset you know this would be I'm looking for another video to just run here in the background for you um where there was one but I would be I would be livid I would be just you know absolutely bummed out disgusted and upset um and mad about this whole entire thing and how it's going it would not sit well with me either so I feel your pain so what do you do now you feel that you've been taken advantage of by a very powerful company that you can't do anything about a company that you trusted for reliability that you paid a tremendous amount of money for your vehicle um the payment is ridiculous amount everything about this hurts tremendously and I get it I totally get it what would I do if I was in your position um and hopefully I don't up upset or offend anybody with this because this is just my opinion but here's some thoughts um and some things to think about so basically you boil down to three options one dump the truck okay dump it will you get a loss I don't know we'll take a look at that we'll dive into it and see I don't really think it'll be as bad as you think if you do it the right way but um and we'll talk about why but you could dump the truck you could hang on to it and wait till you see what uh Toyota decides they're going to do with your particular truck and that may fix it for you or sit well with you with the fix they give you or the the results they give you remember we are talking about a less than 1% failure rate of these trucks okay so that means it statistically your should be fine should be fine but if it gives you a still going to leave a bad taste in your mouth what do you do then do you dump it then do you stick around do you hope that they give you the right motor do you let them fix it and see if it fails again all these are legit questions and nobody wants you to have to go through through this and everybody feels for you every single YouTube video you watch on this um we feel bad for this situation but you are not alone okay every single manufacturer has done this which I will show you has been through the same kind of scenario some handled it better than others but every single one of them has these kind of issues on a pretty regular basis throughout the last decade so you are not alone in this many people have been in your shoes you just it's sad that it's Toyota that's doing it to you cuz Toyota's been so reliable for so many years because they make old in archaic and proven design trucks that are underpowered and they're great they were um and they were proven but now we're in a whole new world of Toyota and it's a lot different so let's dive into this let's take a look in here I just talked for four minutes trying to helpfully give you some insight let's look in and see what other stuff has happened here on here so uh GM let's cover some other engine options or problems okay recent ones right here GM to replace 2023 Silverado 2.7 L engines produced with crack blocks okay but the difference between Toyota and GM is GM automatically extended the warranty and they uh uh they gave them a brand new engine okay uh where is it they set it in here somewhere um I'm looking for where that is uh the article's here you can look it up so that I don't waste your time on this but it is somewhere in here and it does say uh manufacturer uh instruct right here see uh to fix the issue GM instructed dealers to replace the engines on all affected units okay done problem solved game over never an issue fix the issue that happened with the crack blocks which in this case was a uh casting defect uh hot core pin casting defect but they replaced all the engines done fixed problem solved every single one of them replaced what about the 2.7 on the Colorado engine same thing crack blocks done solved replaced and fixed they did the same um they did the same exact thing here too uh all engines uh Under the Skin uh but they did the same thing on this too it's in here somewhere um and I'm not going to waste your time as I search for it but uh customer said how not clear affected uh order uh right here okay in order to fix this issue dealers are instructed to replace the entire engine done problem solved but GM had okay in 2023 two truck l or four Truck Lines the Sierra the uh Colorado the canyons and the uh Silverado with cracked engine blocks okay and but they fixed it right but that was catastrophic people were freaking out about that we'll get so remember that when we get to the end of this here we cover into uh some of these interesting things you're not thinking about or that you've been misled on um all right so what about Ford Ford the 3.5 we got tons of this stuff on here bad years for it they had all kinds of problems 20114 had all kinds of issues 17 and 19 phaser issues they had there's just been so many problems with it uh the ecob booth stuff here um Ford's just been run through the ringer uh here you go here's more on the 2.7 EcoBoost first gen stuff uh that they had on it when this first came out I owned Every Generation Um and I owned almost every year for 10 straight years of Ford F-150s and the 2.7 was a I had so many problems with that thing but when it first came out um in 2015 but here we go you know you got uh all sorts of them here they had a plastic oil pan leaking no big deal but the problems they had with carbon deposits on there from being in direct injection um the head gasket failures were tremendous uh spark plug and ignition coil failures uh mine was the turbocharger issues what I had turbos go out went out on it too often cooling system leaks I mean this thing a timing chain problem uh throttle body uh malfunctions this thing was just a mess look at this uh you know EGR failures fuel pump failures this thing just went on and on with issues and it was there and it was known okay it was out there what about this one here we look at here the Bronco was one of the craziest ones ever okay because the Bronco came out remember this thing had bad vves and it was dropping valves um valve uh uh Springs on it and clamps too and this thing was dropping valves into the cylinder and grenade in the whole entire motor and it was doing it a lot and then to top it off because of part shortages and that kind of stuff some of these guys were waiting almost 6 months to get their vehicle back to get it replaced and get it back uh get their engine fixed and they were going out at like 10,000 miles boom engine grenades okay it was happening everywhere with the Broncos um so we know all this stuff was going on uh Ram Ram 1500 they had a bunch of issues over things here right here even Dodge Ram years to avoid 2003 had a bunch of problems 10 to 13 did 14 15 and 16 did uh the Hemi tick all the kind of stuff that you could think of uh the cam fasther issues the you name it it had it all they were all significant Motor problems okay that they had there um you know the penar okay everybody thinks the Jeep is oh it's junk Jeep is it's actually one of the most reliable motors made today this is from motor rev.com a well respected uh um you know company here but uh you know this one had some very big issues too okay especially when it you know 2011 it came out 9 but in 2011 to 2013 uh it was considered bad because it had a 0.5% of failure rate on this thing on these 3.6 pen stars but cylinder had failure rocker arm problems Cooling and oiling issues um the uh the cams the it lifters uh uh everything you could think of on this thing was a problem and caused all sorts of issues for it at a very low milees somewhere in a 30 to 50,000 mile range they were having major major significant engine problems uh they fixed it and then they got it solved and it's taken care of right here it's time tested well enough now okay after they did that it took them three years to fix this so is a 3.6 L penar reliable today summing it up we can say the penar 36 reliability is way above average it's time tested well enough and over 10 million penar engines were produced to date uh despite that so despite some of the issues early on the 3.6 V6 is a great durable and one of the the most reliable engines available on the market today with proper maintenance a 3.6 engine longevity is around 250 to 300,000 miles there are even a few cases of them lasting up to 500,000 miles okay but the point we're taking here is that this motor had the worst beginning of any other motor crashes bomb everything you could think of going wrong with this motor did in the beginning for the first 3 years now 10 years later it is one of the most reliable motors made today yet people still don't think it is okay if I had a nickel for every time somebody tells me Jeep is junk and it dependent Stars bad and everybody I know has a horrible Jeep experience to you know you hear it over and over again um but like I said the reality is here all vehicles have problems so we know that let's dive into this let's look at this so if we know all these trucks have issues how have their sales been so uh let's dive it this this is for Ford Authority and this is uh on the Bronco okay this is the Bronco which came out in the USA in 2021 here's our sales numbers we're seeing right here okay if we look at this see this right here this 801 um we see all these numbers here this kind of stuff this is when it first launched the first year was out during that time it saw a tremendous amount of problems did that affect it for the next year in 2022 when we knew that these things it was all over the internet all over YouTube everywhere Broncos failing Broncos going down people waiting months to get their engines through engines are grenading it went up did did affect any sales at all during TW the next few years 2022 2023 look at these numbers okay Zero Effect they sold like hot cakes no problems whatsoever okay they did really good what about the F150 during the 2 or the 15 16 and 17 were the worst years for that for that uh the EcoBoost okay both of them the 27 and a 35 major problems okay so we know 15 is when it was happening 16 was real bad 17 was bad did that affect our sales look at the sales numbers here at 18 okay we got I can't highlight this for some reason um sorry I'm getting can't help you there on that but look at 18 19 20 compared to 6 they they it didn't affect them not even one bit as we look at this from here to here okay very very little change an increase in from 16 to 17 you know very little change was actually happening throughout the entire year couple thousand difference nothing major so uh it wasn't a big deal for them what about for Jeep we look at Jeep here's Jeep Wrangler sales year after year okay we know that the 2011 2012 was and 13 were the bad ones 14 kicked in look at even with all of those problems happening look at the sales numbers for these Jeep Wranglers okay each of these years okay they didn't go down they this didn't hurt them this didn't affect them yet everybody said it would it did this is why nobody can buy one okay the it's a Wrangler it's not an everybody everyday vehicle but look at the numbers how they increased even with all of that happening what does that mean for us at to you know you Toyota guys it means that if you want to dump the truck you're probably whatever you hear on the internet about how sales are dropping and declining you're probably going to be okay if you want to hang on to this for a little bit you're not going to lose the value that people think they are um right now with all the hype on YouTube it might be that way but in another month or two or three when this blows over hang on when this blows over a little bit and tones down or we find out what the fix is and what Toyota is going to do to resolve it this may not be that big of an issue as far as you being able to unload that truck okay it might not be as bad as you think it is the sky is not falling is what I'm showing you so let's take a look at what's out there used right now what do we have what's available right now on the market okay everybody's like oh my God there's so many Tundras for there's used Tundras everywhere people are dumping them left and right 2022 2023 everybody's getting rid of them do you think you missed the boat if you want to dump yours I don't think you did if you want out of it get out of it you're probably not going to do too bad tradeing might hurt you a little bit because the Toyota dealers know they still have to deal with this vehicle um under the recall so they know they got to deal with it either way so they might give you a little less money for it but it doesn't mean that you can't sell it privately and remember it's only something I don't remember what is but something like 8% of people that actually research on YouTube when they buy a new vehicle okay so most of the world doesn't even know this stuff is going on let's take a look deeper into this and most of the people that do they just hear the simple stuff they hear Toyota's got a recall on 100,000 Tundras and lexuses and uh they found metal debris in the engine and Toyota is going to recall all them and it's going to be fixed and everything is perfect it's all they want to hear it's all they care about they want to move on to learning about the Kardashians and watching Golf and all that kind of stuff and doing whatever they do they don't care about this stuff so keep that in mind so what are we going to do here as far as this how's it looking let's go here we go to autotrader.com we type in uh uh used Toyota Tundras for sale I went Nationwide in my search radius show Nationwide 2022 to 2024 any trim of the tundra how many do we got we have 3400 of them oh we got 3,400 Tundras I'll never sell mine there's so many of them used out there people are dumping them like cra czy again don't get caught up in all this stuff okay if you want out of your truck you're going to be okay getting out of it and as we look at the prices on this they're holding pretty solid okay they're not dying off like you think they are they're doing pretty good they're used trucks but they're still doing pretty dang good here okay uh so it's not as bad as it seems now let's put out of curiosity I'm curious so we got 3,400 results for Toyota Tundras for sale used 2022 to 2024 3,400 of them how's that compared to everything else well we did the same exact thing for Ford F-150 Nationwide used 2022 to 2024 13,000 okay we got 13,39 verse right here 3400 verse 13,000 F-150s there's a lot more F-150s it would be harder to sell an F-150 right now than it would to get to unload a tundra and F-150s don't have a ton of problems right now they got a lot of recalls but not too many problems but would be harder to unload an F-150 right now than it would a tundra because of demand how is it for everything else let's look at a Chevy Silverado okay I went to just a Silverado not even counting the uh Sierra but just a Silverado 1500 same thing Nationwide 22s to 24s 80,000 of them what do you think's going to have better resale or better value for you to unload right now a 22 tundra or a 22 Silverado when there's 3,000 T in the entire country for sale used and there's 80,000 Silverado 1500s pretty crazy isn't it one more how about this one because we hear this all the time okay Ram is the worst there's so many Rams out there Rams are unbelievable Ram is the biggest junk stuff in the world again take off it with a grain of salt right now if we look at the same listing here Nationwide 2022 to 2024 Ram 1500 8,000 so let's look about think about that we only got 8,000 Rams 2022 Rams for sale used okay we have 880,000 silver AOS we have 13,000 F-150s only 3,000 Tundras so if you want to dump the tundra and you don't want to keep it because you don't want to deal with this and doesn't make you feel good according to what we're seeing statistically you should be okay and you should be able to get your money maybe you're going to have to shop around to some different Toyota dealers or you might have to go to some other dealers if you're going to a different brand or something but you should do okay if you have the option to sell it outright yourself um and get out of it that way rather than do a trade in you should be in good shape it would also be worth checking carvana um and uh things like that too uh even car Edge and their selling system and all these things but there's the sky is not falling on you statistically it's at a 1% failure rate so that means that statistically your truck doesn't even have a problem if your truck does have a problem you have options to get out of this the sky is not falling down on you does this suck really bad for you yes it does and we feel very bad but again many of us have lived through all these other things and been there and experienced them and they're no fun but you will come out of this okay at the end that's the way it usually works so you have all these different considerations and options and I don't think it's going to it's it sucks but it's not life altering it's not a horrible horrible thing and you are not alone okay I know it's it's bad that it happened to you but you are not alone and as you can see here you have options okay you have things that you can do so hopefully this video just tries to help ease that pain a little bit which is what I want to do I feel for what you're going through and I don't want you suffering and I don't want you thinking about your vehicle a tick and time bomb and if there's no recourse and there's no solution and there's no nothing this will all be forgotten very soon Toyota will come out with a fix one way or the other that'll get it solved if you want to wait it out you're going to be in good shape if you don't you want to dump it and move on you can do that today and get by pretty dang well I'm expecting now you might go to one dealership and you might say no you're going to lose this much money you're going to lose a little bit of money but like I said I don't think to hit is as hard if you shop around for the right dealer and just don't take one at face value because there's going to be Shyer dealers out there but as we see by these results there's a demand for these trucks and there's a lot of room for a lot more of them to hit the market okay they're not as many of them out there as everybody says they is in says there is in the used world so um and I'm not knocking any other YouTuber i i i they're doing incredible jobs covering this I'm not taking anything away from them I'm just trying to give you as a tundra owner options for what might be the best for you and some real world statistics that we're seeing today right now June 9th and uh let it put it into perspective for you hope you enjoyed the video and uh feel free to put comments down below let me know what you're planning on doing if you own one of these uh or how you're feeling or any of that stuff I like I said I feel horrible for you you shouldn't have to go through this but you are not alone in going through it and many of us have been there before too so thanks for watching
Channel: SamkoWorkShop
Views: 9,748
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Ia3tMg7nkN8
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Length: 21min 5sec (1265 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 10 2024
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