Lexus Turbo Engine Blown at 66,000 Miles? What Happened?

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hello and welcome to the car Kon Channel and welcome to a very important message car maintenance folks today we have a 2017 luxus NX 200t or rather a victim of car maintenance neglect this beautiful car had 66,000 Mi it comes to the shop with a very interesting problem in a very early age it is burning so much oil it's making all kinds of engine knocking and everything let's start the video we'll talk about it and we're actually going to fix it in this video as well so here's the story of this Lexus this is an 8 AR FTS engine it's a 2 L it's a turbocharged engine pretty lowkey engine doesn't really have a lot of issues yes it is turbocharged so maintenance is very important right except we have reason to believe that the original owner of this beautiful 200 T did not change the oil and this engine since the car was new until 46,000 M and then they started of course having problems with a turbo and oil burning brought it to a dealership dealership told them you need a new turbo and your warrant is AVID by the way and what did they do after that did they fix the car actually it just drove it as it is for a while and then they just traded in didn't say nothing here trade it in let's move on and then the current owner the car just bought the car and they bought it as is didn't buy an extended warranty I mean it's a Lexus right well this car Burns so much oil and the engine sounds like [Music] this I hope it is clear in the video that that engine does not sound healthy at all and we've already looked at this car but I want to show you what we actually found how does it look from the outside cuz there is a very important thing about car diagnosis before we dug into an engine you have to find the what what's wrong but the more important than that is the why because if you don't find the why we could put fix this engine or put another engine here and we could be arriving at the exact same thing shortly after if we don't know the why now in the particular case of this engine the why is you might have neglected that oil change a little way too much 46,000 Mi documented so actually diagnosing this car is very interesting because I know what the damage is I'm going to show you here in a second but the why we had to dig into paperwork and service history and kind of reading the dealership notes across when the car came in for the first time let us first show you the extent of the damage on this engine which is just just sad folks take care of your cars I I'd rather do an oil change on this than change an engine at 66,000 miles that's kind of sad let us pull the spark plugs we'll do a boroscope and actually after that we're going to pull this engine out of this car tear it down show you the extent of the damage of what happens when you take a really good engine and neglect it and then we're going to put a used engine in this car we'll talk about it throughout get it running and get it back to the customer so when we got this car I was kind of skeptical about what exactly is going on with this car like this is way too early for oil burning and everything but I did not anticipate the surprise that we were going to find with this car let's pull the spark plugs we'll take a [Applause] look take a look at some of the Carnage here cuz doesn't look pretty I'll tell you that much but I wanted you to see it I you to see this plug this is not an original plug on this car it's an NGK and it's a little too dark for a plug that potentially just got replaced let's remove the rest of [Music] them this one is the same thing this one is probably the worst one oh God help us all that does not look like a plug from a 60,000 M car 66,000 just look at the porcelain how it's broken completely broken uh even wonder if these plugs are counterfeit who knows let's look inside the engine you'll see so we pulled the ugly duckling spark plug out of cylinder number four I'll put the input from this camera just for you to see what things look like so here's the Piston you notice that slight wash on this side a little bit more on the other side I'll point it with an arrow when you see that this engine's burning oil how much that's a differ question but I'd like you to uh look at the cylinder wall first let's for reference establish that this is somewhat it has scratches but you can see the crosshatch through it now when we turn the camera and you see this that is complete destruction do you see that this one one of these days used to look like this that is unbelievable what happened here I mean even with this much neglect it doesn't look terrible actually 46,000 miles without an oil change from new mind you this this cylinder is completely gone now this is this is the important part of this we figured out the what happened do we have cylinder wall damage of course this is going to just nothing will seal we'll have low compression but in in addition to that we do have knocking noises from the engine I suspect actually the turbo is making some of these knocking noises and we won't know until we tear it apart and kind of be able to access the impeller and see if we have movement or not but the biggest thing is the why and the why you couldn't figure it out from the car I mean even taking the oil cap you look I mean it's really impossible to tell there's a little bit of moisture here on the cap this moisture is not a huge deal but I noticed this you have definite sludge on the edge here I hope you can see it clearly this is way too early for this engine to have this much at the top and we literally just drove it from the other side of the building to here it's not even warmed up and it's already has Blow by bottom line is long story short this motor is done I there's nothing you can do for that cylinder wall and by the time we actually already looked at this car and discussed it with the customer options are we either get a new short block but then that knocking noise is kind of concerning because I don't know if once unless we take it apart and tear it down to see do we have Cam damage do we have lifter damage this is a vvti engine do we have gear damage do we have chain damage I mean this could just end up being a whole engine replacement because these cars are newer and they're not really known for problems a used engine is actually not an expensive proposition and that's where we're actually going to end up going here we took our time to kind of Select an engine we actually got an engine with super low miles and I really like it seems very healthy we looked inside of it looked around it I like it we researched the service history on that engine and we also got a used turbo because the turbo on these yeah it's not not cheap from Lexus and they don't have a lot of issues if you neglect them or have extreme high miles yes but normally they're fine so here's what we're going to do I'm going to put these spark blocks off camera just so we can drive the car don't want to push it let's pull this engine out let's tear it down and actually see the complete extent of the damage cuz right now I know this is nons salvageable because I see the cylinder wall damage but aren't you just curious what happens when you don't change the oil this long in a luxus engine what other damage will we find let's get to work come on Jose let's pull this engine out grab it from the other side let's go yeah I wish it was that simple right [Music] let's stop the sad stuff and let's grab some popcorn some coffee your favorite snack and let's talk about this one the Lexus NX the first generation doesn't get a lot of talk in our Channel and let's let's change that in case you own one of these cars and your blood pressure is going up right now I would like it to very calmly come down and remain down because I own a shop in casee you are you haven't followed my channel and you don't know what we do in our shop I own a shop specializing in toyot and Lexus that's all we work on we do everything from basic maintenance all the way to Major Restorations and and work like this one for example the Alexus 200t specifically the NXT 200t is one of the cars that rarely come in for problems I mean they they 90% of the times they'll come for maintenance that's all I mean I have only seen One Singular case in my shop that came in with actual engine problems and that thing had over 200,000 miles it was an Uber car and at that point the owner was like well I've really got my use out of this car they moved on it was burning oil whatnot and we even suspected bad maintenance but the Lexus NX in his first generation really came with two models it was the 200t which is like this one and then there was the 300H or the Hybrid models hybrid model had a similar engine to ra 4 Hybrid Camry Hybrid of that generation it had a 2 AR engine at 2.5 pretty decent engine if you take care of it but this particular engine is a very special engine see this engine came from 2015 to 21 in the NX came in a few other models but in the NX Lexus did something very interesting I feel like it was an experimental bottle so Theus NX is heavily based on the rap 4 platform it is basically a at RF 4 so from 2015 2017 it was called an nx200t T indicating that it's a turbo 200 being a 2 L engine then in 2018 to 21 they changed it to NX300 because they felt like that sounded a lot better now full disclaimer on this engine I have not exactly been inside one of these engines because they are pretty reliable I mean you don't have much they do do require maintenance there are a few things we'll talk about here but even being a turbo engine they don't have a lot of issues yes I have seen cases of turbos having issues from lack of Maintenance but remember lack of Maintenance you don't maintain these cars things are going to go and the Turbo from this car is a very high quality turbo and I have to say that because this engine has as quirks but it doesn't have actual issues that are known and rampid not really for such a modifi heavily modified engine and I say modified because this is an AR series engine same thing as the 1 AR the 2 AR which are decent engines if you take care of them if you don't they love to burn oil but other than that they don't have much issues the early iterations they did have some issues with vti gear rattles and whatnot but not really much else but something about this engine that is very interesting that if you own one of these cars you're considering one or you you're just curious about them this is a highly experimental engine and the Lexus NX was kind of a surprise actually a very nice car they're only made in Japan and that was kind of a plus for them so this engine is kind of a hybrid between the AR series engine this is in 2024 it is a kind of an old school engine now and the modern stuff that you're seeing today you know the v35 5 the new four cylinder the t24 these are the new engines that you're seeing today in 2024 being put in everything and everybody is really upro about the turbos and oh my God this is the end of Toyota alus reliability but did you know that this engine was actually the first iteration of that it was the first Lexus turbo engine that they put in a pretty mainstream model and they I think thex did pretty well it's everybody that owns it really love love them because they're simple humble and it's basically a nice R 4 here's something about this engine that is very interesting see the block design is exactly almost very similar to the 2 AR same construction same balance shaft same everything but the cylinder head is a cylinder head from a much more modern engine and that's where the complication is see this is one of the early engines with d4s and and the good d4s d4s is direct and port injection at the same time yes they had in some other luxus models but this was the version that stayed with us till 24 and then the cylinder head the valve springs are a very unique shape where they're thinner at the top thicker in the middle very similar to like an a25a which is a much more modern engines valve springs and then the overall design of the cylinder head now it doesn't have the laser clad and kind kind of the dynamic Force unique shape of the tumble flow that's the only thing it doesn't have but it has everything else that the newer enges have and that was the cool thing does have a plastic valve cover was actually one of the first ones then we had the 2grfks that had a plastic valve cover as well very high quality engine I mean the buildt quality on this engine is very impressive so here's here's the thing with this engine this was actually a the turbo side of this engine it is a vacuum controlled waste gate which is a very old school way but it's actually a very reliable way because you're using vacuum there's nothing complicated about it but it actually used a liquid to a intercooler back in 2015 that is pretty Cutting Edge extremely Cutting Edge the only problem is that liquid to air intercooler sits on the intake manifold and it's all the way in the back and because of that they had to move the the alternator in such a difficult position you almost can see it in this shot it sits all the way in the back and it's such a difficult position it it's I think that's they were experimenting with this engine and I think it was a successful experimentation because they are reliable now talk to me about cleaning a throttle body on one of these engines you almost have to outright pull the engine out of the car to do that it's very difficult and it's a very tight spot because it sits on the the liquid to air intercooler and then there's a little pipe and it's such a tight space behind the engine is it's almost impossible to get to it very complicated cooling system because this has two cooling systems one of them is for the intercooler itself one of them is for the engine itself it's some a little bit of a complicated engine B here but the interesting thing is there's a lot of experimentations with this engine it had a vacuum pump and then the PCV hoses that are right on the valve cover they actually have a one time used clamp which is very interesting to see and the Turbo being in the front usually every turbo car when the turbo sits in the front that's the place you want it to be it's the easy spot to access this turbo takes you no more than I don't know half an hour to take it out of the car it's very simple to to remove it and it has the integrated exhaust manifold in it so it makes it even easier it's actually as I dig into this car further and further I haven't really taken an engine out of it we worked on a 200t but not take an engine like this it it initially looks super complicated where you look at it but actually digging into it things are not as complicated as they seem and that was the thing the only thing was the alternator is a very bad spot there there's no other way to say it it's a not a good spot it's all the way in the back right near the axle it's not a great spot having said that I want to tell you a few things about this this particular engine the 8 AR was using other models but there are a couple of things that people always dislike about it the first thing is it uses premium fuel remember they were experimenting with turbo engines at this point so they have they require you to put premium fuel that was the thing that was as we now roll into 24 and you have more turbo engines with Toyota Alexus they are not using premium fuel in all of them and that has to do with technology that technology was not up there in those times of the 200t the other thing is because it is a turbo engine and because they were experimenting they kind of went the typical Toyota Lexus super cons conservative ways and the spark plugs are due for replacement at 40,000 Mi I think this is other than the when we used to use platinum spark plugs in in Toyotas and the 30,000 Mi plugs this is the shortest interval in modern engines for Toyota Lexus the shortest one which follows is going to be the 60,000 Mi on the 2G rfks everything else is almost everything else is aridium and 120,000 on the spark plugs these are the two things that make owners really dislike these but let me tell you one thing about this replacing the spark plug on this engine is a 50-minute job they're right there super simple you just saw me remove them in the beginning of this video super DIY friendly super simple now the only thing service-wise that is extremely complicated and just very frust rating with this engine is bleeding the engine coolant I mean they have two bleeder I feel like this is a this is what I say it's an experimental powertrain successful but there are the quirks so bleeding the engine coolant is a very complicated proposition because you have two bleeders and if you follow the instructions in the book you follow the manual to the T you will still have issues with this because you have to put a hose you kind of have to deviate from the instructions to bleed it properly otherwise you'll overheat and you'll have issues you have to put a hose on the bleeder in the front run it to the to a container run the engine at high RPM until you get continuous flow it's a little bit of a complicated combersome process same thing with the with the turbo circuit coolant replacement you have to run the pump using a scan tool otherwise you could damage it and that's that's the other thing now here is the truth about this job after after talking with the owner they bought this car with the understanding that it's as is and they didn't anticipate that it was going to have this many problems this major of a problem but they were going into it thinking maybe we will need to do some stuff I believe they Place breaks or tires or something like that but when the engine started burning oil that's when the real problems started and they were severely concerned so they were adding anywhere from two to three quarts in 1,000 miles that is ex just an extreme number folks let's establish something with engines so you would know this if your engine Burns less a th in 1,000 miles it burns a qut or less you are okay this is not an extreme rate of consumption you're not going to start fouling plugs you're not going to start severely diluting this oil you're not going to start damaging your catalog converter cuz that's another thing it gets damaged with oil consumption but when we start seeing consumption rates over a a quart in 1,000 miles we get into a quart and a half two quarts three quarts in 1,000 miles that's when this is too excessive anything over two three quarts you're going to start fouling plugs you're going to start getting misfires because the plugs are foued or you simply start losing compression the only thing is running a compression test on an engine that is burning this much oil that oil sitting in the cylinder could give you false readings and that is if you remember the old times kind of the basics of compression test if you have low compression and you add oil and the compression goes back up you have bad rings that is kind of the old school way of doing compression well if you're you have so much oil in that cylinder it's going to do the same thing and you're going to get a false reading so there is a thing with compression test with these now the AR series engine unfortunately suffers from this they are such tight tolerance I mean we'll talk about this a little bit toward the end of the video when we show you the inside of this this engine but there's such tight tolerance that if you have a little bit of seizing of the piston rings you're going to start destroying the soner wall slowly you're going to start wearing into it and it gets it doesn't take much for it to start burning oil so maintenance is key and this is a turbo engine oh my God you neglect the oil changes on a turbo engine we will have severe issues now let me walk you through what I am seeing as we go I mean 50% of this job is just a typical rap 4 engine I have done a lot of rap 4 engines over my career with Toyota and now in the shop it usually takes me an hour to an hour and a half to pull it a RAF 4 4cylinder AR engine out of it super simple looks very complicated but it's super simple these cars are basic but this took a long time because there is a series of decisions the first one being do we pull the engine with the transmission in the car just from the top or do we drop the power Trin complete engine transmission subframe everything down now the book wants you to always the book will want you to pull it out of the bottom but in R 4 you can pull it out of the top there's a lot of space face but this one it was kind of a concern at some point I had to stop filming and I'm like should we change direction and pull the whole powertrain because there isn't really much data cuz there isn't much 200 T's with blown engines that's just the reality of things so at some point I started looking as we took apart more components I thought we had enough space and thankfully I was right about that it was a good call so you will see that engine come out here not too far from here but at this point you know the shop is going on we're trying to film this so let me as we roll close we're getting closer and closer to day two and my haircut let us talk about the cost of this job so labor is 21 hours this is a pretty I was surprised actually by the labor time when when we pulled it but I did not deviate from it much because we haven't done this a lot the used engine with a 12mth 12 ,000 M warranty with labor because this is the other thing you can't just warranty the part what about Labor so this covers both of them from from the company we use we use for used engines and whatnot that came up to just over $33,000 that is actually a pretty good price if you ask me in 2024 for used engines go price an engine for for example a 4Runner a Tacoma with the old school 1gr they are a lot more than that yes it's a V6 but you're talking about triple that sometimes so with this job we needed some coolant we needed some oil we needed the drain plug filter and then the biggest thing was a used turbo even though the actual turbo I pulled out of this car in the end I thought it's been replaced at some point I don't think it was the original one but it was so questionable we were not going to do all this and leave that turbo and kind of experiment I got them a used turbo that turbo was $771 not too bad con considering the brand new one is 3,000 that would have completely taken this bill out of proportion so as we watch the engine come out here the total bill for this was just over $7,100 it's a lot but remember this is a much newer car that has a lot of value in it so this is what made made the owners decide let's fix it move on doesn't have a lot of miles and otherwise doesn't really need anything else so pulling the engine this was a very very nervous moment moment for me because even though I think we had enough space but still we're kind of deviating for the manual here in sake of not tearing this car completely apart but in the end I have good news to report to you if you have a new 200t or a 300 with this 8 AR engine and you are nervous about do we pull a whole power Trin or we just pull the engine you can definitely pull the engine out and it was actually not hard at all it was hard to pull the million things around it but once you got it out it was actually not bad it was just like any other four-cylinder in a Toyota it is very similar to a r 4 pole but it does take some time again I I do this for a living so when I say it's easy it's not a DIY job per se but for a professional technician yes it is doable it is not hard and I think the labor in the end came out about fair fair for me in my shop but my time invested in working on this and fear for the customer that we're not overcharging so overall I think things were going very well we did not have any casualties everything was going extremely smoothly here's the engine coming out I'm going to leave you to watch this this is always a happy moment nervous moment for me but happy moment and let us check it out live and we'll go from there [Music] [Applause] we have the engine out of this nx200t I don't know what kind of surprises we're going to find inside I know the cylinder wall will be damaged completely damaged but this engine made a lot of Racket let us completely tear it down and let's see the extent of the damage on this one because this is a complete paper weight right now honestly I wouldn't use a single part out of it maybe some of the host clamps whatnot but it's a complete paper weight because this engine ran low on oil was severely neglected I mean I wouldn't trust a single part out of it just heads up with that comes a small disclaimer the way I'm going to take this engine apart you should never take an engine apart like this using impact and just not caring about anything but to me this is just scrap value in metal we have some plastic so it's going to even be less let's tear it down and see how bad his damage is so this was a very happy moment for me I always wanted to go inside one of these 8 ARS because they were always very interesting to me were just a really experimental engine very interesting valve cover design cuz it's kind of it the vvti setup in this is very interesting half of it is new school half of it is old school you have that solenoid at the top and then the valve in the front it's very interesting setup it's kind of a cross between old school new school super tiny intake manifold it doesn't really have long short Runner it has them but they're very small and the gasket is actually unique and it has that big baffle in the back there's a lot of experimentation with this engine folks and these are actually the direct injectors that right underneath the intake manifold near impossible to access them in the car that's the only downside to them but very very interesting engine this so the front cover looks very similar to the 2 AR but it they notice that VB solenoid there that's a that's a new modern thing in 2015 we didn't have many engines like that until the 2grfks came out very interesting engine that's the one thing I'll say another thing I want to mention about this I didn't mention it earlier water pumps are somewhat common on this engine very difficult to do in the car that is one thing I have to say and the guides these are modern guides but the bottom half is old school and and this is this is what I mean by this is an experimental engine cuz the vvti gears one of them is old school one of them is actually new design that they use today and and this was the f fting part with this is that half the parts with where stuff we see newer engines like the entire almost the entire half the design of the cylinder head is from the old school half is the new stuff and then the valve springs themselves are new stuff and this is this is what's super cool about this engine is that every engine you see today started with this and that's that's the interesting part I feel like they tested things with this engine it was a pretty successful test cuz this engine I know saying that we're r teing went apart because it's just a paper weight is ironic but this was severely neglected folks let's go check it out here are these valve springs that I was telling you about earlier let's go check this engine out and you'll see the extent of the damage because it is very severe let's take a look at the engine at this point we had a little incident I'll talk about that in a second but first let's let's look at what we were looking at when we started the video inside the board I mean just look at this you can absolutely feel it with your with your fingernails look at this that is completely gone and the same thing on the other side let's take a look at another cylinder this one is not so bad but the crosshatch is completely gone and let's look at the middle cylinders this one cross has completely gun actually feel that this one not super bad but still it's uh but I think the first one is this one number four this is the one we looked at with the camera I want to show you what this piston does first let's let's do let's talk some Basics a human hair is 1,000 of an inch give or take about 1,000 in just to give you a reference so these engines they have a spec the bore where this piston goes and the Piston itself there has to be a little bit of a clearance actually called it oil clearance but to allow for this piston to expand and contract and so you can have room for the Rings to work if you put it the same diameter it's just going to lock up and we're done that clearance is between 1,000 of an inch to 2,000 of an inch on a new engine that is basically Ally either one human hair distance space between the piston and the b or two human hairs maximum is 4,000 of an inch or actually under it's 0.394 just to give you a reference how critical this is this is the discard point if you have clearance over that discard the part that is causing that clearance to be high from experience it's usually one causing the other usually the piston rings got seized chewed up the block block is no longer round and we're done blocks are not machinable now let me show you how much clearance we actually have on this one it's hilarious it's folks it's not funny for the current owner I do have to apologize but it's just like don't do this well we'll talk about this in a little but let's just just see this do you we think this is two human hairs of clearance that is not that is not and then this one let's check the others that is not this one is this is maybe just guesstimating working on engines this movement could be close you see how how little this is moving side to side this could be close to the maximum spec close but I still think it's over but uh this is not I can guarantee you one thing it is not and I I would notice that let's see if it does it occasionally you turn this engine you hear that watch the Pistons they're not supposed to do this hear that yeah this engine is done so here here's the first question you're going to ask you know you saw us tear this engine down and everything and folks are anticipating where a car hasn't had an oil change in 46,000 Mi it's going to be completely covered in sludge welcome to 2024 folks that actually doesn't happen that way all the time keep doing this for a long time and you're going to have that sludge that everybody watches videos YouTube shorts and whatnot oh look at this giant amount of sludge it's not going to happen in one time it's going to happen repeated abuse this engine however being how tight tolerance it is the high compression that it is and turbocharged it just let go it's not going to take it it started burning oil and burning oil and these Rings seized up they started Che in the block I mean this is what this block could be used for right now just to give you a reference this area it feels like a sandpaper I can cut this up use it as a sandpaper that's the only thing it's useful for this entire thing is just it's junk basically that's that's what happens folks and let's let's take a look at the cylinder head here do you notice how disgusting don't mind this this is this debris we're going to talk about it in a second this is not caused by the engine but let's look at this area you noce that's not super dirty and that's what you're going to see in modern engines folks these engines have great filteration systems they're really efficient and the modern oils they really work at not building these giant Globs of of sludge everywhere plus this engine ran 46,000 Mi with the original oil so many folks will ask although all the information that we've been able to obtain suggests that from the factory Toyota uses the bottled oil that they sell that's what they fill their new cars with however certain additives Sometimes some engines they will add to them from the factory to help with initial wear not a chemist we're not going to get into them but that's usually what you put in a new engine and I think that's what helped this engine not get disgusting where you have cobs of sludge everywhere but for an engine that has 66,000 miles this is really not good this is terrible you already have varnish build up I mean this should look brand new at 66,000 Mi and it absolutely does not it has a lot of varnish build up like you look here especially in this area it just it just looks very ugly now let's flip the cylinder head don't worry about this stuff stuff falling look at this cylinder that's the cylinder that was the worst one we looked at see how dark that is that's what's going on you got to read them cylinders folks these are closer to normal actually you do have a little bit of carbon buildup this these two not so much this one absolutely does this one though this one is getting a lot of oil because it turns like this on a new engine remember we're not looking at a 1955 Chevy engine here this is a very modern engine this is a super high-tech engine and it's from a modern car that's not very old and it's completely trashed it's very sad that that we're actually taking this apart and all this is just worth 20 bucks in if that in uh scrap value I would not trust any of these components to go back I want you to look at one thing it's going to be very hard to show it on camera knowing Toyota engines if you look at the cams from a certain angle like especially here I don't know if it's going to show on camera or not I hope it does they're actually blued that is really not good I just say that and if you look at some of them like this one this one right here this spot and this these lines that's actually where on the cams folks let me tell you one thing I'm going to link a video right here where I took an engine that has 300,000 miles on it to 2 a was burning oil but the owner never let it run low those engines had an issue from the factory we reused the cams that had 300,000 Mi cuz they they measured fine they had no wear BS were good everything looks good it's like why are we replacing and if everything is within spec this one I would not put this on a lawn mower this cam shaft because this it's done you got this much wear in 66,000 Mi that's the problem we're going to park this video right here because obviously there's no point in tearing it down look at bearings obviously they're destroyed I mean when you got this everything else is kind of history but I want to talk to about two things takeaways from this video the first most important thing is do 10,000 M oil changes Toyota and Lexus owners with bad driving habits we're going over that year we're driving a short distance driving in cold weather and all this stuff this is in the future this is going to happen because you're not following the proc oper procedure that the manufacturer told you they're get they're telling you in the manual if you do certain driving conditions you cannot do the 10,000 M Oil Change you actually should do 5,000 m 6 months and 90% of people will fall in that category now if you're the kind of people like I have a few customers that drive their couriers they're going to put 8,000 miles in a in a couple weeks well how are they are they going to do an oil change every week those are the people that can go 10,000 Mi because this car is going to get started driven for 8 hours at highway speed where the engine is relaxed we don't have traffic stop and go stop and go then shut off complete cool down complete warmup again Drive 8 hours shut off that's how these folks are able to get that 10,000 Mi oil change and not destroy their engine because before you know it they have 2 300,000 miles and they have no issues but is that you and me no it's not that's the problem whatever if you're not a Toyota owner you own another car and this is all manufacturers God bless them but they they are doing this for marketing purposes whatever the case may be well that's not our problem whatever the interval is cut it in half if you want to see that 2 3 400,000 miles without having major stuff you're going to have to do stuff to the car no car just with nothing lasts that much whatever the interval is cut it in half and please be on top of your car maintenance if you don't do it yourself that's fine there's nothing wrong with that but be unaware when does it need to happen so we don't arrive at this point and we get this this is really sad I really feel bad for the owners of this car because what happened to them is when to take us to the most important thing look you got yourself into the situation you although I don't see how somebody pays this much for this car this cars are not cheap cars are not cheap anymore you pay this much for this car and then you completely neglect it not go 12,000 Mi you go 46,000 miles oh I forgot the oil change but then you turn around and sell the car without disclosing what's actually going on I don't know if it was the original owner maybe they traded in a dealership dealership sent it to auction and somebody else bought it and sold it and they didn't even know although I don't know how you could not know when you start this car it just knocks and sounds horrible and it smokes out of the exhaust but anyways don't sell a car with problems that you cost or even you did not cost and just say there's nothing wrong with it that's is so wrong because if you do that it will come back to you not today people will not find you but there's going to be a day you'll be standing in front of the Lord and He remind you of it don't do that it's not worth it folks you damage your car take the loss and and disclose it and move on with your life life doesn't end with money and and profit and loss your conscience is what starts and ends your life that's that's the most important thing folks I really feel bad for the very nice couple that own this car that they just bought it it has 66,000 Mi they thought they were doing the right thing we researched this is a good model we bought it we paid premium for it because it's Alexus doesn't have a lot of miles 2017 and all that and here we are this bill is not cheap folks these engines they're very expensive because if we were going to build them a new engine this would almost total this entire car because just this block is 5 6,000 and then the head and then everything else and there is millions of little pieces of this engine that cost a small fortune don't do this to yourself number one number two don't do it to others take care of your car change that oil it's very simple it's cheapest maintenance in a car you will never see this and the second thing if you did see this disclose it that's very important please let us shake hands on this and let's not do this to others or ourselves starting with ourselves now before I wrap up the video I want to show you the uh little detour that we had here so one of the headbolts and I want to I want to say this probably every 20 25 engines I've done they one of them has done this to me see this the head bolts Toyota loves to use a 10 mm triple square headbolt let me find that socket and I'll show you that socket this is how that socket looks like sockets SE thousands of engines I think I think it's time perhaps to replace it but worked on all of them this just goes in here you got to make sure it's seated it all the way and it takes the head bolt there's another size believe it's an 8 mm same thing for like one NZ and those Andes every 2025 enges we get one that strips the bolt and then this has to happen this is not fun now when it happens on an engine that we have to potentially service the head put it back in use it's a disaster because you have to drill through the bolt of the head until you release the tension which is very dangerous cuz these are stretch bolts and then slowly try to tap it to turn the bolt and get it going but the good thing is the cylinder head I didn't have to do that so this was payback for all the motors that made me spend 3 4 hours to get this bolt without any damage we just poked the hole here and uh spun it very simple still took a while but we got it so this was uh payback for all these motors that made me spend hours and hours folks I hope I don't get to see this again in one of your cars and I hope I don't get to hear another sad story of somebody just bought a car put put their families Financial Health in Jeopardy bought a car hope they got a good deal and here we are I hope I don't get to see that again it really breaks my heart folks take care of your cars dis close what's wrong with them if you didn't or if you just got unfortunate don't p your Misfortune to others dis close it it's not worth it and before I wrap up the video here's a small shot of the used motor and used turbo that we ended up putting in this [Music] car my opinion on used engines I generally don't like them certain cars I'll never put a used engine in this particular one this engine does not have a lot of known issues they do burn oil if you don't take care of them but there hasn't been they haven't been around too long for them to develop this the engine we got for this car I handpicked I usually I'm very fussy about used engines we picked one from a 2021 NX it's the same engine 8 AR it had 14,000 Mi I was able to verify it and usually I look at the service history see if they maintain this car this car was driven by I imagine an older couple I mean it had oil changes every 6 months and the mile sometimes very inconsistent like very low like almost it's not do for an oil change but they did it I'm assuming because they didn't drive it much that's that's why the turbo came from a different car believe it had 24,000 Mi something like that don't quote me on that if you're the owner of the car but I usually that's how I shop for used engines you can get the VIN number research it see the service history run kind of a full search on the VIN see if I like it any car has been hit in the front that's how used engines come from any car has been hit in the front no because the dine could be damaged and we're going back and forth I usually buy the best warranty I can on them so we pass it down to the owners that in case there's any issues like I'll give you an example of issues we put a put an engine on an 08 4Runner car had over 300,000 Mi owner loves it put the engine engine at 990,000 Mi or something around there runs great we're really happy with it car leaves few months later comes back for an AC problem we're looking into it I lift the car we're just give it a one glance over there's an external coolant leak from the head casket we're not going to let that fly again the same thing applies to mechanics I could have just turned the other eye and pretend it's not there until the warrant runs out and get another job for the shop right no because I'm not going to be able to sleep at night and that's not the right thing I don't want other people turn around do that to me so I told the owner hey head gasket is leaking we're not going to go and replace this motor that we we handpicked it runs great just has an external coolant leak it was a giant fight with the warrant with the warranty company that from the company that sold us the engine to actually get us to go into this motor and just replace the head gaskets they just wanted to send us another engine they don't care it's cheaper for them that way lot of fighting but we got it that's the problem with used engines folks is you got to have a shop that is willing to fight your fights with these companies and you supply your own engine bring it to me it's a very dangerous proposition because I'm going to put it in the car and if it doesn't start that's on you CU you brought the engine all I can do is pull spark plugs sometimes run a compression test although it's not very accurate look inside of a boroscope research some service history if we have a VIN number on it if it's a tag is still there that's all I can do until you put it in the car run it and really drive it for a while you won't know everything about it so that's the problem with supplying engines to shops so folks this car is done we're happy with this job I hope they don't have any issues in the future if they do they do have a warranty on the engine so we'll take care of them there folks I hope this video was helpful informative I hope you learned something new if you like it consider giving it a thumbs up if you're not a subscriber consider subscribing to the channel check out some of my other videos until the next video folks may the Lord bless you and keep you and you have yourself a wonderful day
Channel: The Car Care Nut
Views: 258,133
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lexus turbo engine blown, turbo engine, toyota, lexus, toyota problems, lexus problems, tundra engine recall, tundra engine blown, engine blown, engine problems, oil change, car problems, lexus nx, lexus nx200t, the car care nut, car care nut, should you buy a lexus, should you buy a toyota, tundra bearing, tundra engine problems, tccn automotive, car maintenance, toyota maintenance, scotty kilmer, car wizard, engine seized, engine problem, toyota engine problem
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 17sec (3137 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 08 2024
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