San Francisco ice cream shop burglarized twice in one morning

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financially viable. An ice cream shop in San Francisco was hit by burglars twice in one morning. KTVU is Brooks Jarocz spoke with the owner who says he's now out close to $20,000 after his store was ransacked. Busting in this business in the Bayview, burglars are caught on camera sifting stash and stealing supplies from what's the scoop? Ice cream along Third Street early Friday morning. I came in with a bunch of my stuff gone and it really just it hurt. It hurt more than anything. I was just really disappointed because owner Anthony Womack got a double scoop of brazen break ins on the same day beginning he says, at 3 a.m. when the cash drawer and other key ingredients were stolen. Then with the door left unlocked, others came in about 10 a.m. and help themselves. I recognized one of the one of the people. Right, Right away. So it was two sets of groups that came in that stole stolen property and also damaged my ice cream without fresh cones or clean scoops in sight. Video shows this woman using her hands to take a taste or two before making off with what appears to be the register and point of sale system. Less than an hour before the store was set to open. I think that was kind of like a tipping point for me. Womack was forced to toss costly containers of ice cream at 24 years old, he opened the music inspired spot late last year. He grew up in the Bayview in less than a year. Womack says he's dealt with crime at his store from kids swiping cash from the now missing tip jar to employees stealing money from the register. It definitely put that thought and those negative feelings in my mind that, you know, do I really want to do this? Crime data shows nearly 180 burglaries were reported in the Bayview this year, compared to 250 last year. This time a roughly 30% decrease. Still, stores are closing down and the vacancy rate is increasing across the city. I don't let a few bad apples ruin my neighborhood. While police have not made any arrests, Womack says the recipe for success is a blend of leadership determination and perseverance. I have to keep going. I have to keep pushing for it. And if all fails, I don't know if it does, but at least I can be that example that I tried. And I kept going and I kept going. So does solve the crime problem. He's invited other business owners and neighbors here to his ice cream shop for a Saturday social in hopes of bringing everyone together to share a scoop in San
Channel: KTVU FOX 2 San Francisco
Views: 78,352
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ice cream, crime, San Francisco, Bayview, burglary, owner, small business
Id: vdOYQegWH3k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 44sec (164 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 07 2023
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