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genesis 39 4 verses 2 to 6 genesis 39 and the lord was with joseph and he was a prosperous man and he was in the house of his master the egyptian we're reading to verse six and his master saw that the lord was with him and that the lord did what made all that he did to prosper in his hand and joseph found favor or grace in his sight and he served him and he made him overseer over his house and all that he had put in his hands verse 5 and it came to pass from that time that he had made him overseer in his house and over all that he had that the lord blessed the egyptians house for joseph's sake and the blessing of the lord was upon all that he had in the house and in the field the last verse and he left all that he had in joseph's hand everybody said trust and he knew not ought and he knew not what he had saved the bread which he did it and joseph was a goodly person and well favored write down the things we're going to be considering please write those online follow us or at least you'll be patient to allow the media lead you the few things that we're going to be looking at and wherever we can stop tonight we'll stop and pray but please i want to take my time and teach you this i want you to understand it and i trust that god will take advantage of to bless and lift us in jesus name the first thing we'll be considering tonight is the reality of failure how real is failure is it a mirage or is it real number two we're going to look at the concept of success in the kingdom number two we're going to look at the concept of success in the kingdom what is god's idea of a successful person the concept of success in the kingdom number three we are going to look at the concept of laws and principles the concept of laws and principles can i continue number four definition of terminologies there's too much confusion so we need to clarify terminologies as its regards or as it relates to kingdom success definition of terminologies and then number four number five thank you the laws of success the laws of success we're going to be examining the laws [Music] and then number six will end with a very strong impartation and trust god to carry something that will activate these dimensions in our lives praise the lord if you believe it say amen now statistically speaking statistically speaking [Music] five out of every hundred people ever become successful in their lifetime five percent out of every hundred people that you see only about five percent of them ever become successful whether from a human standpoint in fact when you say from a divine standpoint the statistic reduces again very few people a young man gets up living his life bubbling with joy hoping he will be successful and you see the the excitement of life on his face but that same young man give him 70 80 years down the line is a testimony of pain a testimony of regrets a testimony of sadness lost opportunities mishandled laws a life of fatal failure most people die in pain most people die advising their children don't be like me most people die apologizing to their generation because they finally are forced to swallow the bitter pill and admit they did not make it pastors business people parents young people the same challenge is eating up our society the correct definition of success and a life that will become a template and a model enough worthy of emulation as far as kingdom success is concerned so it is a big issue it's a tragedy that about five percent can you imagine that out of every 100 people whether they are church goers fasting giants prayer warriors five percent of them eventually will become successful whether in ministry whether in business in fact it is said that over 70 to 80 percent of churches that start up end by the end of that year they can continue no members no resources no wisdom spiritual forces that they've not been able to surmount and other auxiliary factors that had to enforce the failures of people [Music] write this down failure is real failure is real [Music] second point failure will happen to you if you allow it i think it's a revelation many of us need to come to terms with we have this inheritance mindset that by default just because you have a nice name or you think you are too kind to fail there's no such reality in the school of success let me tell you everybody is a potential candidate for failure until you exempt yourself is a reality that is upon us by default a lot of spiritual people say i reject it you better listen quietly to what i'm saying i am a very spiritual person i have learned the foolishness the foolishness of exaggerating truth beyond the jurisdiction of their relevance is what causes failure as a side effect please listen carefully i love you too much to deceive you i love you too much to mislead you and one of the graces god has given us in this ministry is capacity for balance so anything you hear that you do not understand just be patient by god's grace i'm a good builder every house is viewed by some man it says but god is the builder of all and so we will not build a house that is lopsided we'll build a house that stands solid on the rock no matter what shakes it it remains there say amen failure is real brothers and sisters there are pastors who are failures regardless of their spirituality there are churches that are failing and have failed some of us here seated right now it's an uncomfortable truth but right now if you will admit you know you are failing woe fully for many of us are we together now yes disappointed expectations it's important that we find out god's system to bail ourselves out and do so very very fast so failure is real failure is very real we see it every day you see failure in the face of angry people who walk upon our streets you see failure in the face of failed marriages a man and a woman who love themselves and have an agreement to live happily and right now you see someone age 24 and he tells you i have divorced how long did you marry six months one year how about failed businesses how about failed career pathways how about failed ministries how about disappointed expectations i should enter a particular dimension of the anointing by now and after donkey years you are still there wallowing around in mediocrity failure is real it lives among us we see it in the faces of our dear loved ones we see it in the frustration of our parents you watch them and you know they are frustrated some of them are too arrogant to admit it so they act as though they are still in control but many have been forced painfully so to admit that there is something they are missing many people have been forced amplified by the recession to swallow their pride and admit i'm not getting something right [Music] nobody becomes a success by accident nobody becomes a success by chance by luck [Music] yesterday i was ministering at a crusade and i gave an instance i think i've given that instance here and i want to repeat that example watch this if i make a mistake and forget that there is a step down and then i sleep and i match will gravity forgive me and say no i know you were joking you were not serious next time be serious no gravity does not have in its configuration the assumption that men make mistake every time i violate that law of gravity i pay for it and i do so immediately and sometimes i may not have a second chance again this is how success is and this is how failure is listen many well-intentioned people many christians born again and filled the holy spirit have indoctrinated themselves into believing that just because of that status their life should succeed automatically no being a christian gives you the potential and the access for success there is a difference between access and delivery access means potentials delivery means experience listen very carefully all that jesus christ did for us on the cross gives us access but there are systems built in the dealings of god with men that converts access to delivery where you are now a a manifesto of those realities one of my very great mentors dr mike mudok he's taught the body of christ for a very long time that there are two dimensions to the dealings of god with man there are two dimensions to the approach of spiritual things number one he calls it the passing of jesus and number two he calls it the principles of jesus number one he calls it the life of god number two he calls it the laws of god everybody say the life of god say the passing of jesus say the principles of jesus and my dog teaches that the passing of jesus is what gives you that encounter that creates your peace and secures your eternal destiny with god but it's not necessarily the key for your victory here and now are we together now so i can be born again filled with the holy spirit if i die i'm going to heaven if jesus comes i'm going to heaven i can live a life of peace whether in plenty or luck because this person has consumed me i have conformed to the image of the christ experientially but then the dimension that is responsible for my success and victory on earth is not just the passing of jesus but the principles of jesus everybody say the principles of jesus that means i can be born again filled with the holy spirit and yet be sick born again filled with the holy spirit and yet be poor born again filled with the holy spirit and yet failing career born again filled with the holy spirit and become a total failure in life such a possibility exists now most christians have embraced the life of god but we have ignored his principles are we together now and most unbelievers have ignored the life of god but embrace its principles so most of them are going to hell because they have openly declared that jesus is not lord over their lives but they have lived their entire lives applying the kingdom applying the principles of the kingdom and i've taught you here in koinonia that there is a dimension of god's power that is programmed into his laws so that whoever obeys them will get the result regardless of whether he has a relationship with god or not there is a dimension of the power and the ability of god that is programmed in laws so it doesn't matter who applies them there are certain dimensions that are privy to only believers it is only in christ that those dimensions can be obtained like peace like the joy in the holy ghost are we together now like the life of jesus security of your eternal destiny the ability to count it all joy when you face diverse temptations all of these attributes are not possible to the man who has not embraced christ but the principles of the kingdom [Music] the aspect that we have largely ignored i've shared with us on my my idea and i believe that god's god's idea of spiritual growth that there are two indices to measure a man's spiritual growth number one is the degree of your conformity to the image and the person of christ you're rising in character you are conforming experientially to the image of the christ but the second dimension the second index is your comprehension of the mysteries and the secrets of the kingdom both are required together to say you are growing spiritually if all that is happening to you is conformity to the image of christ that is a lopsided and a biased growth if all that is happening to you is just access to the principles of the kingdom and you never encounter the person and the life you will be carnal and you will never become a spiritual man so the synergy between these two dimensions is what produce spiritual men who are relevant both in time and eternity if that is you say amen are we together so failure is very real i think he was a wise man i don't know who exactly who said doing the same thing consistently and expecting a different result is one of the definitions of insanity doing the same thing and hoping and wishing that that same thing you are doing will just change results by itself he said it's one of the definition of insanity in other words if your outcome is not consistent with your desire then you have to check what you believe and what you are doing are we together now everyone say failure is real and it's not my portion write this down the word success let's define it let's look at the concept of success in the kingdom lord give us understanding give us passion to learn [Music] please give us isaiah 1 17. the scripture just came into my spirit and i want you to see it isaiah chapter 1 verse 17 write this word down success what is the definition of success i'm i'm trying to introduce the concept of success because please look up the body of christ has had issues for a very long time there are many denominations and there are many christians some of them looking at me right now many listening to me online every time you mention the word success especially in church and to a christian there is this buildup of resentment we have associated success with carnality we have taught and indoctrinated ourselves into believing that there are two groups of people in the body of christ those who are carnal they don't love god and want to be successful and those who are total failures now for the sake of their spiritual growth there's no such doctrine in the bible the bible says looking up to jesus not up to a denomination not up to a pastor it's important to follow us but be sure we are following christ and if at any point you are not following christ it is within your power to switch paul said follow me as i follow christ i have shared with us again the danger of creating doctrines out of personalized dealings that a man can have a particular bias which may be a product of his cultural limitation let me tell you something many of these doctrines that were shipped into the church and you know i love the body of christ and i don't say it with any particular sense of cynicism i'm teaching the body and so we must realize that most of these things that have become stumbling blocks listen carefully many of us have inherited this from our parents many of our our loved ones so spiritual and well-meaning but this this um mindset especially for all of us who are around the middle belt and the northern area because of the evangelical nature of christianity and the way we received it we have been taught that any attention that is spread to your comfort and giving your life some sense of meaning here and now is useless so in an attempt to emphasize the fact that we need to live with eternity in view we have created a system of mediocrity and camped around it so there are many lazy men who have used evangelical christianity as an excuse to keep them lazy keep their wives and their children in poverty and penury and suffering there are men today who have not have not been working for over 20 years and it doesn't matter one room with your children they were born and bred there and he said the most important thing is this world is not our home one day we are going somewhere it's an expression of carelessness so there are many doctrines that have endorsed laziness and thus irresponsibility and thus lack of productivity so the average believer has been unable to rise to a position of kingdom influence where we can legislate on behalf of the kingdom it's a tragic situation please give us the scripture again he said read the first four words if you're a christian one to read again the word do well is the word succeed so change it and use it well one to go again it didn't say be successful it says learn you must be taught it says learn to do well it's not just saying make it length be start your submit yourself under the atmosphere and the information that will cause you to do well when i saw that scripture it was quite instructive learn to succeed joshua salman len it is not in you by default len the same way um where is he doctor not a doctor by default but you learn to become a doctor you learn to become an architect are we together you learn to become a mother that's why when ladies give birth for the first time their mothers or any of their guardians come around right and help them they can read books and google and search but it's one thing to have that theory and then all of a sudden the mother comes and says okay i will help you and then help son she becomes stronger and then tomorrow should help our own children learn say i will learn and i will succeed say i will learn i will be trained and i will succeed look at this when you want to become a doctor what do you do you pass through the medical school correct when you want to become an engineer what do you do you pass through the engineering school when you want to become an architect what do you do you pass through the system so when you want to become a success what do you do unfortunately there is no official institution for making people successful you see why many people are failures there are many graduates because there are many universities there are many primary school certificate holders because there are many primary schools there are many prisoners because there are many prisons and there are many opportunities for crime but there are few successful people because there are few successful mentors and there are few successful platforms that can help men become successful [Music] learn to do well write this down success is the accomplishment of a worthy goal write it down the word success has nothing to do with money it has nothing to do with all of these things success is the accomplishment of a worthy goal any goal that is ideal that is worthwhile when you set goals and achieve them you are said to be successful this is a general definition of success the accomplishment of a worthy goal a worthy ideal i want to become a doctor and then you pass through the system and you become a doctor with respect to that goal you are successful i want to become a joyful mother and you work towards it and then eventually you get married and have your children with respect to that goal you are successful so without goals there is no basis for being successful are we together now the accomplishment of a worthy goal a worthy ideal is what we call success now let me give you a kingdom definition of success i've given you a general definition let's look at the kingdom definition write this down [Music] the fulfillment of your god-given assignment is called success from god's standpoint the fulfillment of your god-given assignment not just any goal if an armed robber says i must kill and then he still successfully from an athlete standpoint we say he has succeeded from but from the kingdom standpoint is not a success [Applause] the fulfillment of your divine assignment the fulfillment of your god-given assignment is called success another definition the effective use this is my own definition now the effective use of your life your gifts and your resources to draw men to jesus and bless humanity is called success i'll take it again the effective use of your life comma your gifts comment your resources to draw men to jesus and then to be a blessing to humanity is my definition of success so when you use your life like a drink offering when you use your gifts and when you use your resources to draw men to jesus and then an opportunity to be a blessing to humanity by god's standpoint and by men's standpoint you are a success are we together now the effective use of your life [Music] the effective use of your gifts the effective use of your resources to draw men to jesus and then to bless humanity to advance the purposes of the kingdom and to be a blessing to humanity that's success are you blessed now very important i i need all of us to have this understanding so that when we talk about success we are not talking of some money-mongering greedy lifestyle because this is another side of the pendulum there are many people who are so carnal so fleshly the entire circumference of their christian experience is just money and houses and cars everything about their understanding of god is the one who gives my job is to just take they can be rich they can buy suit by designers right move around the world in private jets and then we coin that and say this is my life it is a very misguided and not only misguided destructive idea about success that's what puts people under pressure to try to acquire things because we hope that by acquiring things will prove a point to people now the truth is if you are successful it will show around you but the acquisition of things is not equivalent to success in the kingdom that you are wearing a suit of a thousand or two thousand dollars you are wearing shoes you are having estates all around and you are a great man moving around and people bow down to you and people call you all kinds of names and you have multiple troubles multiplied psycho fans that does not make you a success [Music] how much you use your life how much you use your gifts how much you use your resources to draw men to jesus and then to live a life of impact blessing your world blessing your humanity every other thing cars houses all these auxiliary benefits are just effects of success not the proof of success [Music] the proof you have succeeded is the joy in the heart of the father the proof you have succeeded is a life transformed not a car in your garage the proof that you have succeeded is somebody coming to know jesus because you did business well somebody coming to know jesus because you read your book well somebody coming to know jesus because of your marriage somebody coming to love jesus because of your ministry when your life has the capacity to draw men regardless of what area you are functioning to jesus and then an opportunity to make a mark to transform their lives you are successful by this definition you will agree with me that there are very few people who are successful there are many rich people but they are not successful there are many educated people but they are not successful [Music] haven't seen this definition why then are many people failures what is the reason is it that there is no access to knowledge is it that satan is so powerful and can veto everything jesus died for is it that those if the few who are successful were just designed by god to be successful why do we have a whole generation as failures a whole community as failures i will tell you why because of one word just one word is called dishonor i'm going to be teaching you a lot of things we're still going to come to this issue of honor there is one reason why any one of you here will be a failure in life only one reason it's not that you didn't go to school it's not that you graduated with a third class no that's a silly excuse it's not that you are another nun and they are victimizing you down south or you are a southerner and they are victimizing you down north or you are an easterner and they are victimizing you those are very flimsy excuses they are obvious answers but not correct answers are we together there is only one reason why men feeling like dishonor this honor to god this honor to men dishonor to principles there's only one reason why people fail and there's only one reason why they will remain failures this honor this honor to god this honor to men dishonor to principles is god helping us write this down laws and principles laws and principles l-a-w-s and then principles i want us to examine the concept of laws and principles jesus thank you [Music] look at me [Music] in any other and every other aspect of our lives we believe in laws and principles but when it comes to our spiritual lives and our destinies we do not believe that they walk by principles it's a tragedy it's a tragedy please hear me brothers and sisters it's a tragedy when you go to school you know that there are laws and principles you are a science-based student they teach you all kinds of science things physics chemistry they teach you how to do a lot of things they teach you what to do they teach you laws different kinds of laws and the more you master those laws the more you keep advancing and then eventually when you obtain certain dimensions of mastery they award certain certificates to you but when it comes to destiny we have been indoctrinated into believing that we are just believers and whether we respect laws or not we will become successful i will tell you where our resentment for loss came from the imbalance and the inaccurate teaching of the concept of law and works this is where we got our resentment for the word laws great men and women of god scattered across the face of the earth in an attempt and i believe everything that they teach in an attempt to explain or to bring the body of christ into the reality of christ's finished work listen carefully in an attempt to show how that the old is gone the old testament you know and that we are products of this new testament now in an attempt to help believe us leave the victorious life we have from one person copying another without finding out what exactly is being said we have drifted to another side of the pendulum and so the average believer especially the average pentecostal charismatic believer when you hear the word loss when you hear the word principles you just reject it you don't even need to know law of what you just said no no i'm not under the law write this down [Music] laws are systems is a system of rules that guarantee a predictable outcome a law is a system of rules or just a system of operation either a system of rules or a system of operation that guarantees a predictable outcome so laws are systems of operations they are systems of rules that if and when diligently applied guarantee predictable outcomes write this down laws are a reflection of god's justice system laws are a reflection of god's justice system the bible says righteousness and justice are the foundations it is aware it never changed righteousness and justice are still the foundations of history laws are a reflection of god's justice system so that nobody will say god victimize others and did certain things no he lifts it into your hands to define whether or not you will succeed or fail write this down laws are the keys to consistency and predictability laws are the kids please pay attention especially those following online wherever you are i want you to please pay attention take notes if you can't follow us on facebook on our tweeting and then we're we're making posts please follow i have a passion to help you understand this laws are the keys to consistency and predictability write this down when your results do not change regardless of obstacles then you are operating by laws when your results your outcomes do not change regardless of the prevailing obstacles is a sign that you are engaging laws [Music] hallelujah so you see a ministry celebrating 36 years a ministry celebrating 40 years people like kenneth copeland benihin 40 something years in ministry brothers and sisters that ministry was built by laws it was not just built by emotions many great corporations across the world i don't know what the oldest retail outfit is in nigeria the oldest restaurant in nigeria but we have very great um restaurants across the nation of the earth right like cornell sanders and his kentucky fried chicken and a number of people walmart and all of this some of those outfits are hundreds of years old the founders have long been dead but the laws kept it write this down laws make your results outlive you laws and principles make your results outlive you [Music] laws and principles make your results outlive you write this down finally and then i'll begin to teach correct understanding and application of laws are the keys to outstanding success correct understanding and application of laws are the keys to outstanding success correct understanding not just application correct understanding and application of laws and principles are the keys to outstanding success everybody look at this [Music] mike is playing something do you know that the same way he's playing this if someone in ghana if someone in america plays based on whatever sequence is playing they will get the same result because they are based on laws is that true please help me with this this is nestle water how many of you know there's nestle water in lagos how many of you know there's nestle water in ibadan how many of you know there's nestle water in my degree the taste is almost the same it's not the same the packaging and everything when you look at this one and leave and go to a shop somewhere and you look at it you would think they took the one here there there is consistency in results there is sustainability there is predictability there are many workers those who package this in lagos may not be those who package it in another political zone but they are all governed by the same laws so their results are the same correct thank you [Music] mr femi please come my friend please come two of you please stand here now look how smart they are both looking stand here please now look at this pastor femi has a knotted tie and this gentleman here has a knotted tie now watch this were you in the same room when you were not in your ties did you meet yourselves did you know you are going to not ties but you took this rope did something to it and it became this and you see how much it looks like the same thing both of them were miles apart but engaging the same principle and regardless of their location the results were the same are we together now now this time would not say like i'm not going to not because i'm not in koinonia no if a thief not this time to dress smart and one still the thai will not send you a thief in two hours you are about to steal i won't agree no loss loss if a wicked man plans maize and a tongue talking born again agriculturalist plants maize boatlands will produce and in fact this guy may even have a bumper harvest correct loss creates similarity of results so if i want to teach someone else how to be a smart gentleman like this 19 times i don't need to tell him come and live with me forever i just need to show him how to convert a rope a nylon rope or a cutting rope are we together now to become such a beautiful object that you can put on your neck thank you sirs it's not just where you are it's not just your background there is something you do not know you've heard me say it many times something i do not know is responsible for my limitation in life how true how true the correct understanding and application of laws are the keys to outstanding success we had a great time over at vida we rounded off the meeting yesterday and i'm sure some of them are following was such a great time as god always does in the meetings and i had a little session with the leaders and many of them kept asking me questions man of god what is the secret to your anointing and i in my mind i thought i said if i tell these people now they will not believe it you see that [Music] as i'm speaking to you right now somebody in another meeting unconnected to koinonia is still experiencing wisdom and the power of god at the same time you look at a graduate from unm you look at a graduate from avu you look at a graduate from unilad bring all of them together haven't never met themselves but they were submitted to the same laws they will talk as though they know they've known themselves for years correct that means there is something all of us can know that regardless of where you are all of us will call and say are you experiencing the same result you say exactly i said do you believe that honestly if you don't believe this just go home because it will be that you are wasting your time this night the goal of this teaching is to create predictability to your success exhaust is is success important somebody may be asking me be patient and ask me five years from now remain the way you can keep going i will be glad to answer you five years from now when you watch what happened to those who are five years ahead of you now when you watch the pain when you watch three children stand before you and say daddy we are hungry when you watch your child become an armed robber simply because of failure then you will ask that question again is success important it's a terrible thing please be careful how you listen to people don't criticize men of god don't criticize leaders even business experts be careful right now we have all kinds of business experts anyone just chokes himself with thai holding all kinds of hilarious seminars everywhere and teaching all kinds of garbages and nonsense and in the end of it you are so motivated because of the rhetorics and the gimmicks that are used and then at the end of it you find out that your life is just an emotional rollercoaster you get back into square one be careful i desire to succeed with my life i have tested a bit of it it gives me joy to be able to lead a flourishing ministry i know how painful it is to suffer and struggle in ministry i know how painful it is to come and prepare as a man of god and not have anybody to bless today by the grace of god we are reaching several nations of the world and we are only starting i have tested a bit of the potency of this laws and i know they work they will work for you in the name of jesus christ they will work for you in the name of jesus christ one of i think is i think his patience i support her here she sent me a text very very funny text and she's a student in the school of ministry and i've been teaching them a number of things and then she she went to zamfara and had an opportunity to pray for someone to be filled with the holy spirit according to her she was shaking and wondering whether it would happen and i mean in minutes that person was shaking and blasting in tongues and she called me said my god look at this thing and then she tried it on another person and it worked flawlessly predictability predictability there are keys nobody is born rich nobody is born blessed are we together i say in iniquity did my mother conceive me you can live out like that or you can change i made a decision that i will change it's a decision that i made and i want you tonight if you have not made that decision to make a strong decision i'm taking it gradually with us because i want us to understand this [Music] let's define terminologies right we're going to define 14 words that we'll be playing around with in this series 14 words that have been misunderstood i don't want to make the mistake of believing that when i mention a word all of us understand that this is what i'm saying write it down the first word i've already defined it's success the accomplishment of a worthy goal am i boring you please write [Music] the second word i want us to define and familiarize ourselves with is failure what is failure write it down that's the second word i'll be very very fast so that we can stop somewhere and pray jesus we bless you failure is a state or condition of not meeting a desirable or intended objective failure is a state or a condition of not meeting a desirable or intended objective you are said to have failed when you do not meet up to a desirable objective or an intended objective the inability to meet your desired or intended objectives generally speaking is regarded as failure word number three favor what is favor and um [Music] maybe i may dwell a bit here just trying to explain a few things because our general mainstream definition of favor especially in the body of christ is very limited it does not bring out the substance especially when it has to do with favor with men generally we define favor as on merited access you know and that is right we define favor as grace that is right but let me give you three definitions of favor very quickly number one favor means help full stop favor means what help h-e-l-p help whether divine or human favor means help still defining favor what is favor god and men contributing to ensure that you succeed what is favor god and men contributing to ensure that you succeed that's favor when god comes into partnership with you when men come into partnership with you to ensure that you succeed then you are said to be favored person god and men contributing to ensure that you succeed number three what is favor men investing their time credibility and resources to help you achieve your goals what is favor men investing their time men investing their credibility men invest in their resources to help you achieve your goals when a man invests his time that's favor when a man endorses you puts his reputation and credibility on the line to make sure you rise that's favor when men invest their resources be it spiritual financial whatever it is to help you achieve your goals that's favor never forget these three definitions they are powerful definitions word number four grace let's define grace word number four grace [Music] i wrote something down i had to tear it out of my little note i want to read it for you one day i was inspired and i wrote it down about grace just pay attention as i list as i read grace as understood by many is seen as unmerited access listen to me this very confusion exaggeration over the powerful concept of grace stems from this one definition okay the very confusion an exaggeration over the powerful concept of grace stems from this one definition a very correct and biblical but very limiting to define grace only as unmerited access is a correct definition it is biblical but it is very limiting and sometimes can be destructive grace this is what i define grace as no you i will tell you just just listen to me i'm giving you my contemplation just listen grace is a multi-dimensional reality in the realm of the spirit and in the dealings of god with men that doesn't just refer to things unmerited but realities and provisions that are exclusively found or domiciled and accessed from god in christ in other words the definition of grace is not just limited to things or merited but it is also anything that comes from god are we together now it is a generic expression that attempts to communicate a reality a provision a possibility of things not obtained from the earth realm but from god and only in and through christ now listen i wrote this down this definition allows for other dimensions of grace to be captured and experienced [Music] this morning the holy spirit okay this is me writing permit me i'm reading as i just wrote directly this morning the holy spirit himself gave me the best and most concise definition of grace i have ever heard and known and i'll tell you what the holy spirit told me about grace ready james 1 17 this is how the holy spirit define grace for me james 1 17 please put it up for us very fast let's see how we can gain time james 1 17 this is the definition of grace read it want to read every good and perfect every good gift and every perfect gift that comes from above and coming down from the father of light stop is called grace anointing is grace wisdom is grace promises achieved is grace anything that is not within the jurisdiction of the ethorem that requires coming down from heaven from the father of light and can only be available in christ and through christ is called grace let me finish this i wrote something down every good gift the word gift there please leave that scripture up let me just explain something the word gift there is the word doses and it means the act of giving and every perfect gift is the word dorama which means the thing given so it talks about both the thing giving and the act of giving are we together now then it says it's from above and all of that now this scripture shows that grace is not limited to gifts alone but the very act of communicating things from god to men is called grace are you getting my point now so that grace is not just a thing you collect the very act of communicating with god is called grace [Music] now i define grace for you write this down grace is the sum total grace is the sum total of any and all things made available to man by god comma i'll take it again grace is the sum total of any and all things made available to man by god but only in and through christ grace is a sum total of any and all things made available to man by god but only in and through christ so the anointing is an expression of grace prosperity is an expression of grace salvation an expression of grace protection all of these things are expressions of grace [Music] look at me when you define grace only as unmerited access then there is no space for obedience to be featured in grace are you hearing what i'm saying now now when you obey and get results it is true that what god is giving you is unmerited in that you cannot receive it are we together now but being unmerited does not stop the fact that there are conditions to fulfill the cheapest thing we get is salvation and even salvation requires a response you use your mouth you use your hands you use your legs you use your tears there is a participation the gift is unmerited but the act of receiving is merited [Applause] are we together whosoever calls on the name of the lord shall be saved whosoever does not call upon the name of the lord whosoever believes in him shall have life everlasting whosoever does not believe in him is condemned already these are the words of jesus please don't limit grace to just on merit and access [Music] grace is access [Music] definition number five let's hurry up works let's define works now that i've defined grace i have to define works because if i do not define works um then there will be a lot of confusion let me i also wrote something about works here listen to my contemplation about works and then we'll dictate works on the other hand should not be equated with action rather certain kinds of activities look up let me explain to you what i mean many times we have been taught the moment you hear the word walks you just mean ah i'm not i don't have any walks again you are joking you are joking we will work for the rest of our lives there is works works as defined in context to grace and in context of the old testament refers to certain kinds of activities that were captured in the judaic laws and were captured in the commandments that were given to moses that men must do ceremonial activities to the end that they will be able to create a system of atonement for themselves that's what was abolished works is not the same as action action is still relevant for results do not equate works with actions the works of the law are different from works what was abolished was the works of the law i never will have to slaughter an animal again i never will have to mediate between a priest to help me reach god once and and forever christ has offered himself the fail has been torn that is true but to me there is nothing else to do in terms of action in terms of obedience in terms of partnership in terms of participation is a joke the bible says we are saved by grace but that system walks through faith and faith is not just believing and confessing is the summation of everything you do in obedience to fulfill the conditions that are tied to the results you desire it's called faith it's the word business it doesn't just mean conviction conviction first but the actions that are taken in partnership with that conviction to get a desired outcome [Music] water works in the new testament every time we talk of walks we mean one word obedience write it down works in the new testament is obedience works in the new testament is partnership please write this down every time we talk of walks we are not talking about going back to the law ceremonial cleansings and all of these rituals that were captured in the judaic law and then all the hilarious laws and the stringent conditions that the nation of israel had to go through that has been abolished once and forever but obedience will always be a requirement always be a requirement partnership will always be a requirement so walks equal obedience to the believer today [Music] your partnership towards making promises manifest is what i call works your partnership towards making promises manifest is what we call works we need to define this because i'm going to be playing around with these words and um it's important that all of us when you share it you know what i'm saying number what now let's hurry up i will rush now number six excellence let's define excellence very quickly number six excellence what is excellence excellence means the highest level of quality available [Music] write it down the highest level of quality available is called excellence the highest level of quality available is called excellence another definition surpassing ordinary standards is called excellence so you are excellent to the degree to which you can produce the highest level of quality available you are excellent to the degree to which you surpass ordinary standards can i continue next words mediocrity what is mediocrity the quality of being average mediocrity is the quality of being average please participate pay attention to these words the quality of being average what does it mean to be mediocre to be common what does it mean to be mediocre to be indifferent the quality of being average the quality of being common the quality of indifference what does it mean to be mediocre ordinary like everyone else ordinary like everyone else is the attitude of mediocrity average common indifference like everyone else next definition eight am i right number eight relationships what are relationships write this down relationships are advantageous connections simple relationships are advantageous connections broadly speaking connections but with respect to what we are dealing with advantageous connections everyone say advantageous connections say it inside and outside advantageous connections write this down usually mutually beneficial usually mutually beneficial so we're talking about advantageous connections this is my definition that is usually mutually beneficial that means all the parties involved in that connectivity should benefit relationships can be both divine and human write it down relationships can be both divine and human it is possible to have a relationship with god it's possible to have a relationship with satan it's possible to have a relationship with a demon spirit it's possible to have a relationship with the holy spirit [Music] advantageous connections number nine knowledge what is knowledge thank you jesus what is knowledge the gathering or acquisition of information the gathering or acquisition of information or facts that's called knowledge the gathering or acquisition of information facts is called knowledge many of you are tired of writing that's the secret to your piece just keep writing what is knowledge awareness of familiarity what is knowledge awareness or familiarity that is gained through education or experience what is knowledge again awareness or familiarity that is gained through experience or through education can i continue number 10 understanding the 10th terminology we are defining understanding what is understanding comprehension comprehension in one word understanding is comprehension [Music] eleven wisdom we're almost there 11 wisdom [Applause] [Music] correct application of knowledge also means accurate application of knowledge write it down wisdom is the correct application of knowledge also refers to the accurate application of knowledge when knowledge is applied accurately and correctly it's called wisdom distant shores and behind as it rises on us distant shores and the islands will you know what you know what i'm imagining i'm just imagining how many of you buy me cars and houses and say apostles thank you thank you thank you no no look you will be too blessed to do it even if you don't like me you will do it you will turn back one day i'll come to your house and when others are languishing i will see you together with your children giving god praise and say today is a day off we're just worshiping and blessing his name and people who say are you in nigeria you say no i i'm only here but we we we sit on a throne now we manipulate things according to our order remember i used to say this thing years ago believe it or believe it i imagine you going to your mother and your father and say my mom i know you did not make it in this life but i have a surprise cover her eyes and take her someone said my mother you did not drive this is it let the devil do anything he would do do you think your mother will be happy you are going to someone's house and you have seen them want to tear your members clothes because of rent i must kill you now how much 250 000 that's all right that's all right in two minutes is there god bless you not alone i pray that god will help you god will make this happen someone will step into your home and seek peace between you and your children and be born again dear no preaching and say this is what i've been fighting this is what i'm teaching you if you pay attention i don't care what try i don't care what background i don't care what is happening or not happening in your life you listen to this you will arise number 12 prosperity let's define prosperity what does it mean to prosper it means to do well quickly please prosperity means to do well prosperity means to excel prosperity means to flourish prosperity means to thrive it means to do well it means to excel it means to flourish it means to thrive that's what it means to prosper two more definitions and we're there number 13 goals g-o-a-l-s goals what are goals clearly define desires objectives and outcomes what are goals clearly defined desires objectives and outcomes clearly defined desires objectives and outcomes 14 the last word value v-a-l-u-e value what is the definition of value write it down point of difference what is the definition of value point of difference another definition your uniqueness another definition your skill so what is value your point of difference your uniqueness your skill write this down under value everything that constitutes an advantage in your life and is capable of blessing humanity and glorifying god is called value i repeat everything that constitutes an advantage in your life and is capable of blessing humanity and glorifying god is called value everything that constitutes an advantage in your life and is capable of blessing humanity and is capable of glorifying god is called valium take a deep breath you have tried you have been writing of you that's a key to drive laziness you've not done this in a long time i gave you 14 definitions that have controlled the destinies of many i gave you 14 definitions that are capable of changing your life from tonight i gave you 14 definitions that will be the key between your joy or your pain listen i gave you 14 definitions that will make your church your ministry your group excel or fail i gave you 14 definitions that will tell us what you will become write this down success is predictable i don't need to see your results to know whether you will be successful success is predictable now i can look at your life now and predict with digital precision whether or not you will succeed there are people that look at their lives and i know they will fail it's a very sad truth they will be offended and they will think he's pray are you god and then you see that you really fail failure is also predictable write it down so success is predictable semicolon failure is also predictable i can look at your life brothers and sisters and i can know that you are going to be a very powerful prayer warrior you are going to be a very great world addict but i know that as far as success is concerned you may not be very successful i can look at your life and i know that you are going to be a very rich man you will buy the jets and the rolls royces but you will never be a spiritual man i can look at your life and know that you may be a happy man in terms of finances but marriage will pay the price i can look at your life i know you are going to be a very good husband but a very poor and broke man i can look at your life and know that you are going to be a very intelligent graduate but you may be jobless for the rest of your life or you may barely be employed and remain at the lower levels i can look at your life i know you will never rise to a managerial position listen the spirit realm is higher than the natural realm but it's not unpredictable we look at the clouds and we can forecast with a very commendable level of accuracy that there will be rain and it happens a pilot tells you we are landing at five minutes past one five minutes past one on the dot the tire is touching the ground we can we can tame our environment with that degree of accuracy what makes you think you need money in your account to prove you are successful i can look at you now and know that even if one million is in your account it will run away as fast as it can you know years ago as i began to pursue the things of the spirit i stumbled across materials that thought on this i folded them with speed and threw them one side never look let me press on this how foolish i was imagine that i came for koinonia now and after preaching a powerful message and i'll tell you all of you you are going to sew my mind is not i'm i need i need you have to pay my rent i'm blessing you the bible says hey i'm b and c everybody stand up worship team you're bringing 50 000. pray about you are bringing one million you are not praying for nothing one million leaders you are bringing two million oh what a cost way of leadership you will never bless anybody being a nuisance that way god did not send me to be a nuisance to you he sent me to bless you yes it will never happen in this ministry where i will say please raise offering for me so that i can eat well you know what we call escape velocity in physics where you have gone past certain things it's not pride it will never happen again till jesus comes i found my way to better days i found my way to bed a day for many of you tonight you're on your way to bed let them laugh at you you're on your way [Music] yourself [Applause] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] for one minute and say lord i am fully changing i'm not just motivating myself for nothing there is a way that can lead a man out of misery there is a way that can lead [Music] [Music] a life [Music] [Music] thank you sit down our time is gone let me teach you a few minutes and then pray now we have had all the peripherals business and i want to teach you you just said that you are on your way to better days for some of you were joking for some of you you were emotional but for a few of you who meant it you know why let me ask all of you now in one minute i want you to cast your mind at the worst thing you have seen happen to you and your parents for some of you is that you were told outside for some of you is that you had admission but there was no money to pay for some of you is that you had to once live with somebody somewhere to raise 10 000 and bring back home to eat for some of you is that you even found yourself in occultic groups because you wanted time for protection or success for some of you there are men of god probably listening to me you have had to under pressure join fraternities because you are hoping that it will give you ministry connection listen if you don't do anything about your success failure will force you to do wrong things if you don't do anything about your success failure will force you to do wrong things when i look at people who say god forbid over my dead body i will never do this and that i tell them keep quiet you don't know the pressure that failure forces people pressure can make you do things you never imagined you would do i've shared with you here i think it's in coilonia years ago when i canceled the lady whose situation broke my heart and it motivated my appetite to understand his success her mother true story her mother was working with a boss and the father i think was not working and then they got to a point in their life where they were stranded i don't know if it was whatever it is but it was a very serious issue and the woman went to the bus to plead if she could have a raise in a salary to allow her cater for the needs of the family being the chief bodybuilder which is very wrong of the entire family and according to what the lady told me she said the boss looked at her own mother and said you are not a small girl you know what to do if you want to raise someone's mother matured lady you know what to do and the mother initially issues but when she went to meet the father the situation the pressure was overwhelming both of them agreed that the mother should want to sleep with the man now yeah i know you are we have we can shout in church i won't do it don't talk like that because the person who did it is not an idiot when somebody sits down with the head of a goat all through the night he never planned it that's what treasure when the girl told me that do you know what happened do you know that after the man paid that woman her money the she had to still quit the job and leave when the lady be doing i said oh god what is this well here drunkenly church saying since i was young now i am old i have never seen the righteous forsaken that is such a lie i've seen many righteous peoples forsake evil i've seen many of their seed begged for bread we sing it by faith and i believe it but i have seen many righteous people such as our parents such as your brother and your sister you know them they love god they have been dejected and forsaken they forsook laws and good things left success is predictable failure is predicted you can make up your mind from today that you're going to start a journey that will lead you into a dimension of success you can make up your mind today that you're going to begin in in a way and a dimension that you have never seen to obey this laws and excel let's start with at least one or two of the laws for tonight ready the loss of success thank you jesus she brought us allah [Music] ready the first law of success the law of relationships right now the law of relationships ignore this and suffer for the rest of your life embrace this and watch your life change as though you are holding a job everybody say the law of relationships shouted the law of write this down success is highly relationship dependent success is highly relationship dependent your success and my success in life is highly relationship dependent number two everything money can buy relationships combined write it down everything i don't care what it is anything at all that money can buy relationship can pay for it can buy a house relationships can buy a house [Music] money can help you build a church relationship can help you build the church listen money as you know nylon couple dollars pounds yen these things are not the only means of exchange relationship is currency you can use it to pay for things relationship is currency you can use it to pay for things there are many ignorant people who want to be successful but they do not know the law of relationships so they have to look for money to pay for everything you ask them and they tell you i need 5 million i need 10 million whereas the relationship you have is what billions of naira in value and it is capable of paying for anything money can pay for there are people who have had to pay hundreds of thousands in a seminar and another person relationship paid for it and he entered free are we together now there are people who have had to pay for rent and others relationship has been paying direct there are people who have had to pay for everything in life listen if you use money to buy everything in life you are not wise it is a total display of lack of wisdom to use finances to get everything in life it has nothing to do with being rich [Music] that's the mistake our parents made i love our parents don't get me wrong some of you here are parents we love you we honor you with all our hearts [Music] most people think you only succeed when you start having a salary hundred thousand coming and they now say wow i have hundred thousand then they have a need they eat no relationships and something that would be cheaply paid for they would have to look for money and pay for it i have paid for many things in my life using relationship relationship like a debit card you can use it and withdraw many other things you can use it and pay for many other things relationships today by the grace of god has given me platforms i am connected to people listen connectivity is a key to success you must be connected relationships can help you access anointings relationships can help you access endorsements relationships can help you access faithful faithful faithful the major ingredient in success is faithful politics relationships we have come with open hearts only the ancient words there are things in my life i would have paid for financially let me give you an example this great auditorium and out of kindness and benevolence by cgc we have never been in single couple for this family and some of you who are into real estate know if you value this and we have to pay every week for all of this imagine the millions of miles something in your life that you are hoping to change today is relationship dependent something a dimension in your life you must enter now is relationship dependent unfortunately for many of us all we know is just love relationship husband and wife somebody who likes a lady lady likes it back that that's only that aspect of it your relationship with god is a key to your success correct you excel in life on the strength of your relationship with god the healthier your relationship with god the healthier your relationship with the spirit of god the greater your success [Music] the prodigal son please help me with the sound the prodigal son made a big mistake he broke relationship to books are you seeing the mistake of the prodigal son he he jeopardized the potential for relationship he had a relationship with his father and on the strength of his relationship with his father he did not pay for food he did not pay for protection but here's what he said i don't want relationship i rather want money and he ended relationship and got money what happened to the money without relationships your finances will always be finite there is only so much relationship is the secret of continual financial flow relationship is the secret it is relationship that will keep finances i'm not talking about finances necessarily but i'm just using it as a case study relationships people have blessed me today purely based on relationships not even us in the capacity of a man of god just to bless do you know that somebody in zarya today has the heart to bless you but you do not have the connection are you hearing what i'm saying now somebody has the capacity to pay for your rent without begging and without lying somebody has the capacity to give you free land purely based on relationship during my birthday people did things for me that almost brought tears from my eyes i i usually am not into celebrating birthdays and the rest the leaders did something touching different people did things but there were certain strategic blessings and things they were doing and i said god what is this what is this relationships relationship can give you access to realms where your physical qualification should not allow you enter there many of us have been trivializing relationships that's why we keep hustling the bible says the label of the fool where yet every one of them he does not know the road to the city by the grace of god i understand the ministry of destiny help us the ministry of destiny help us is futile without relationship god has used me as a destiny helper to many god has used many people as destiny helpers to me hallelujah cheap victories that many of us lose cheap victory some of our parents do not know anybody and so you pay for everything and when you want to use money alone to be successful a day will come you will have all the money in your life and you'll find out that there are some things money cannot do are we together there are people you know one of the greatest this is one of the greatest lessons that i've learned from my father my father is a man who was wealthy in relationships i used to think he was just you know you know just someone who just likes people but now that i've grown i have seen the wisdom relationship paid many bills for my father relationships let me tell you something relationship is an investment the same way you invest in business is the way you invest in relationship all this something for nothing is a joke there are many of us we have this self flattery they don't like me you don't call me i won't call you sit down there the day you need the person you don't call that's when you know relationships are important relationships are very serious value-adding investments there are times you will call your destiny helper he will not respond there are times you will send him 100 narrow credits there are times you say sir just to appreciate you you will take out time to compose a text messages as if you died there and he will just send you one word god bless you but it's working the day you now ask for help you have set a template there are people to pay if you ever see their pegs they are begging the moment the need is met they forget the relationships until the day need arises unclear it's me again level now honestly he said you're the first to be there you are mature enough to start working uncle where we are traveling somewhere we are going and he says don't be stupid don't you ever call my line again most of you when you call your helpers this is what they tell you it's only when you have trouble that you call me anytime anybody tells you that you need to strengthen your relationship many of us have very bad relationship maintenance systems for as long i know many great people sadly some of them even great people i know they don't know how to keep relationships at all anytime you see they are called one miss call don't miss call they're in trouble they need a favor they need help some of you are born again tongue talking but you are like that and you have closed doors closed doors your friend is celebrating a birthday you can never remember say i'm too busy are we together now your your whatever it is i'm too busy [Applause] it's my friend i love him and you know sometimes you see him and the wife and the two children of course um not everybody will have access to come and visit me that's the privilege of friendship nobody is born with intimacy by default you walk your way into it listen i am a busy person it is true there are many people who say apostle i've been trying to see you what what ordinance do i have to see you what covenant do i have with who to see you i've been trying to see you you are not attending to me that's a foolish statement you should ask yourself those who have unlimited access what are they doing that's the key in time past there were offices i tried to access i've shared with you my story years ago when i went to look for a loan i won't tell you the amount i went to look for a loan in a bank these people wasted my time and did all kinds of things and i found out i had brain capital but no relationship capital and i made up my mind some of us the fire is getting hotter by the day and you think the key is to get a job quickly find relationships do you know there are people who are not working but relationship is paying them salary every month until they get a job yes sir i know people like that my mother has a relationship with me forever my father has a relationship with me forever my siblings have relationships with me forever as i rise their eyes is called blessed by association listen once the easiest way to be rich is to find somebody building something great and invest quickly and help the person rise and as you rise job i talk i'm teaching you listen you see the body of christ people there are many foolish people in the body of christ you watch people when they are starting you are the first to run your mouth i don't believe in them now you have access to them there are people years ago they had access to me they would have been some of the closest people to me today enjoying every blessing but they just saw it today now do you know the door you enter kicking your leg tomorrow you'll feel it from so now that god gives you the opportunity there are people who use 50 naira to secure a relationship that is worth millions today that's wise investment the day that great man was looking for water you quickly carried your 50 naira the bible gives us a parable i don't have time in the bible where a man oh listen a man was about to be sacked by a king are we together and he knew he was in trouble he had been defrauding people a tax collector now they were going to throw him away do you know what he did he quickly called the people i said how much do you oh so swamp i reduce it for you ah and the moment they started he went back to them i scratched your back now this is a system that the world uses but believers don't know this koinonia is very connected to several people you see us connected to the military we are connected to the police who are connected to medical personnel who are connected to politicians because you rise through a network of relationships you don't know which is not just about being selfish is the way it happens relationships everybody shout relationships some of us if our parents knew this some of them their classmates today are the ministers in charge of abc no relationship to bless them is that true do you know there are people who sit down today and cause just come they call them one holy i promise where are you i'm i'm trusting god for what come come from create one committee that doesn't make sense and say sit down there you have the german in charge of it when god helps you after seven months okay that's all right it's dissolved just because you must be blessed as my people said how he paid for royalty relationships a man who was crippled are you learning what happened ask the disciples how they became apostles relationship [Applause] even when they run away for three days when jesus resurrected they quickly apologize lord i'm sorry i'm still on your team and they became apostles [Applause] are you hearing what i'm saying many of you right here you come for koinonia all the time and you have a a resentful attitude this brother you are not you are not my class you are not wearing my shoe rather than for you to sit down say ah this brother is always taking notes god is taking him somewhere he may have one thousand two hundred naira one shoe one whatever but what is entering his spirit is programming him for greatness some of you resent every other person who is not you you are losing you are losing big time in life trust this law alone will bless you i am i am i am a benefactor of relationships by the grace of god god has connected our ministry with all kinds of people there is there is nothing at this level by the grace of god there is nobody within our sphere of influence that we want to meet that we cannot meet it's impossible somebody knows somebody do you know statistically they say you are four people away from anybody you want to meet four people four people there are others who will invite a guest minister in the capacity of his office and pay one bill on already someone else because of relationship he said no no whatever they know i mean we are together i pray for you from the depth of my heart [Music] that the power of relationships will show in your life from today please sit down many times you see an old woman carrying firewood on her head firewood that is as heavy as five men she puts it on her head walking the question i ask is where are her relationships this mama is 70 years she spent 70 years on earth and you cannot build a relationship with one successful person listen if you are up to 25 years hearing me and there is no one successful person in your life you are really failing hear what i'm saying you are really failing there is nobody to run to when things go bad there are people like that you are a pastor you want to hold a convention and you are stranded financially nobody in your circle of influence has reason to say please sir cover my shame for me relationships cover your shame relationships cover your shame who is standing in for you who is helping you rise you go to an oil company holding your certificate and you knock at the gate and the gate man says yes yeah i prayed and god led me to come and submit my cv he says bring it as he collects it he throws it inside a dustbin and you go back rejoicing and keep seeing visions of yourself walking an oil company till you are past the age that they will receive you because there's no relationship another unbeliever let me tell you this and i say this sincerely this is one secret that muslims have relationships relationships you will hardly see a muslim child go somewhere that his father cannot create that's why some of course i i love them we love muslims and all of that and you find out that there are some of them you see them in your schools they are not even serious because they know that relationship has already had they had a decree before they started so this is just a ceremony for all of that to happen because relationship has created a decree somewhere there is a space that has been created since they were in 200 level waiting for them to occupy but believers don't have that wisdom i show you the life of god versus the principles of god are we together there is no day in my life that relationship does not bless me there is nothing i say it may god forgive me if i'm lying but it's true there is no day in my life that relationship does not bless me you cook by yourself you wash your clothes by yourself you intercede for yourself no relationship nobody seen anything about you to pray for you by yourself you are looking for favor by yourself they drive you alone you walk alone you can't sell yourself you motivate motive save relationships say the law of relationships i made a statement years ago and i repeat it every once and again that we will all be great right and the greater part is that we will all know ourselves [Music] praise god sorry about that some of you here um will never have any helper do you know why you are anti-friendship your persona is anti-friendship you are resentful you are rude you are callous you are very very offensive in your approach turn and tell one another good evening and somebody turns and you're looking at the person you are not my class stop that oh listen he that one's friends must first show himself humble yourself in this training ground when nobody knows who is who it's only god that knows who's destiny you see me hug people here some of you see me hunger little children and you think that uh i'm just hugging them i will continue to hug them because at their age we are not thinking like them that means most likely they will be better than us at age 12 some of us were absolutely foolish these children at age 12 pray in tongues love god join prayer department some of them i mean look at the destiny like an arrow and you are missing an opportunity to invest you now come when it's too late when the person has become a big man do you know there are people who call my phone all the time sending insults and saying apostles whatever it is they call you you are claiming you don't know me happy i said i don't know you i don't know you i don't know you don't bully me i don't know you listen when you celebrate a great man when he's great is too late you came way too late you don't celebrate greatness when greatness manifests you celebrate greatness in the process you participate in it that's why i'm excited for you because i have the privilege of participating in your success how in the world can i feel listen with all humility there are people today by the grace of god that i have raised who will never allow me beg for pray till jesus comes even if i decide to be jealous and i i stop obeying any law of lifting you have sat down on on a you know how they do what they call it let me not talk business here all those businesses that you do you sit down you bring somebody and you keep rising that's how you can sit on a chair and keep rising like that forever because you paid the price to kill someone are you sure what i'm saying now question whose destiny are you investing in today question who will remember you when he gets to the throne if you are not there when i'm in the cave don't expect to be there when i'm on the throne if you were not there when i was on the cave don't expect to be featured there are many lousy people in the body of christ with an entitlement mentality you hear them say i knew you i knew where you were nothing what did you do about it when i was walking my way when i was hungry did you ever give me water you were part of those crumbling and talking and now that rejected stone has become the street cornerstone you are now seeing the man of god in glory and power and you are saying we are colleagues we are not colleagues no sir listen be careful and don't let men bully you with their complacency and their inability to invest in your relationship anybody who does not think you are what a good relationship should not be found in your future there are people listen i'm rounding up there are some of you many people who would have lifted you look at you now and they think you are failures because of what is happening they just about you sometimes you hear it sometimes they say to your face but they don't know what it is that is happening and then when you rise you see them come with entitlement mentality you should give me a house you should give me a car and you ask them why they say because i knew you before no sir everybody who believed in me when i was nothing is impossible for them to fail in life because they took a risk by believing in someone they never saw any result and now their risk is yielding dividends so it is not wickedness when you see somebody bless somebody there are people in my life no matter how foolish and stupid they become i'm bound to them forever because they believed in me when i was nothing rejoice not over me my enemies for though i fall yet i will rise again are you saying what i'm saying some of you in the whole of your family nobody believes in you they've told you to your face you will not amount to anything obey these laws and watch god shock every one of them to their knees apostle i want to be blessed what are you doing i just need hundred thousand to start a business who fooled you that that's all it takes to succeed you see that you have two tears of rice in your house it can pay for a growing relationship you can cook food invite five of your friends and say look just to honor you guys i know that i don't have much now but i just love you after ten years they will tell you remember that our rice now enter this five-star hotel let's now eat my own version of the rice and someone looks at you listen someone looks and say and say you you shouldn't be in the palace you say i paid for it since i paid for the palace when i could afford it i show you wisdom keys that men are using to climb ladders of greatness so you can see somebody in the future come you see somebody in the future no charisma no anointing yet favor will never stop leaving him everybody knows him we're about leaving veda today and a man of god who also came for administration the man of god came for administration i was about to enter the car let's go and then um the protocol stopped me and said please i need to attend to him i turned to him and i said hello sir i don't know you he said sir you don't need to know me i came for administration and i had the way around i stopped the guy was holding a seat in his hand say relationships there are people who will be talking who should we lift here and somebody will say please i have one daughter i have one son not my biological child but this child is so well well-mannered very lovely person the person did not read this cost but that person has characters he sent for that person quickly you see people who read something that has no business with what they are doing yet they keep rising to be directors relationships keep promoting them tonight we are going to pray i will stop here no one will continue the remaining next week there are plenty lots i will share with you the easiest way to succeed is to invest in relationships relationship is a stream of income when you are writing all your streams of income right relationships it will cost you now because under relationships you don't sell anything you give for free sometimes you need to be full investing in relationships some of you after this meeting you need to consider and say lord who are the five most valuable people in my life and start calling them sometimes you don't even need five you just need one and say sir do you know there are people in my life who send credit all the time they don't have much it may be hundred now i'm not saying you should do it but i see the passion they are making to establish a relationship with me billy graham we talk about billy graham as the great evangelist do you know one of the reasons why he was great he had endorsements of every president before that happened it was said every time billy graham would write letters to members of parliament and the president of the united states wanting meeting with them they would throw away the letter he kept doing it and one day just one person attended to him a day will come the door will open don't think you will knock one sunday to open you see the thing about relationship is that because of what you are looking for sometimes it will have to sting your ego don't be embarrassed pay the price that's the price for the value you are looking for i see a number of men of god sometimes they want to see me maybe for a meeting and they come once twice and say please what is the big deal about this one please we are all equal before god and i say what an unwise person i have pursued men with anointings i have humbled myself i have stayed for weeks and months just to encounter people and the encounter was not more than two minutes because of value i have pursued on common mentors i have spent money i have sown seeds i still sow seeds into the lives of people to maintain relationship what have you done that you are complaining there are people just to stand after service and be patient everybody is pulling them out it's too late apostle i need to see you specially and i said look look i may not have all the time and then you see them frowning let's respect valley no great man needs you you are the one who needs him so you must pay the price pay the price when i meet people who have what i look for i don't go as apostle joshua sermon if it means me sweeping the office you've had my testimony of when i wanted to take a trip to the u.s to go and scrub the toilets of charles san francis hunter i was not going there as colleagues i wanted to once crop their toilets for two weeks it paid me when they died and i didn't meet them relationships how do you travel to us to go on scrub toilet if you can you snap yourself scrubbing toilet and put on facebook i say it is a lot to me most people who don't understand this will say look at how this person is disgracing himself never be embarrassed to invest in quality destiny relationships there are useless relationships that are going nowhere got them this night i release the grace on you there are people who are going nowhere and they are forcing you you come around them you don't love god you don't think you don't plan you don't do nothing and they say two weeks you've not leave them all love is a command relationship it's not choose your friends it is within your power if you are not going where i'm going i love you but you have to stay we can greet in church we can greet around but you cannot be my destiny friend not having my convictions a man who has to make you change your conviction in his presence is not a destiny friend leave them who are you believing in right now that you have not seen anything in their life who are you believing right now some of these people some of them are outside they may be sitting smelly clothes they can't afford perfume don't clothes but they are receding you can reject them because of the privilege that you have and tomorrow you did not know that that was your governor you were kicking away oh jerusalem jerusalem you did not know your time of visitation your time came and you allowed it to pass you were going to cry to god tonight father i want to engage the law of relationship stand up please pray rise up on your feet [Music] daniel chapter one kabbalah daniel chapter 1 help us grant us grace someone is walking in undeniable realms of favor after today in the name of jesus christ i want to share with you something very powerful how do you secure favor with men [Music] in the third year of the reign of jehoiakim king of judah came nebuchadnezzar king of babylon unto jerusalem and besieged it verse 2 and the lord gave jehoiakim king of judah into his hands with part of the vessels of the house of god which he carried into the land of china to the house of his god and he brought the vessels into the treasure of his god verse 3 and the king listen now speak unto ash penas the master of the eunuchs that he should bring satan [Music] of the children of israel so the king is inviting some people to stand before the king hallelujah and the kings and of the king seed and of the princes verse four everyone read one to read children in whom was no blemish but well favored and skillful in all wisdom and corning in knowledge and understanding science and such as ability take note in them to stand in the king's palace it takes an ability are you seeing that he said those who have what ability to stand in the king's palace and whom they might teach the learning and the tongue of the childians let's stop there look up there is a mystery to securing favor with men and i want you to get this very straight there were many people who were captured but notice what nebuchadnezzar said he said there are a kind of people i want the king that we captured now i want all the people that walked in this palace because they have been trained according to the life of royalty bring them i want certain choice guys that came from israel there were certain things that the eunuchs were looking at brothers and sisters there is a price to secure favor with men can i tell you something favor is the currency to get money [Music] think about what i said very carefully favor is the currency to get money [Music] write this down please the ultimate key to entering the realm of favor with men never forget this for as long as you live if you pay attention to this we will celebrate together as the great ones in the future but you neglect this you will be part of those quarreling those who will be the great ones listen the ultimate key to entering the realm of favor with men is to possess the ability to provide solutions and solve their problems write it down the ultimate key i'll say it again to entering the realm of favor with men is to possess the ability to solve their problems and provide solutions [Music] write this down solve problems then write three ellipses provide solutions let's discuss this briefly [Music] when i solve this would tie it up by showing you how god announces man in the kingdom the ultimate key brothers and sisters hear me every man in scripture who became great became great because he was favored he found favor with men and every man who found favor with men had something to exchange for that freedom [Applause] is someone getting what i'm saying joseph would have died in the prison if he never had the ability to interpret dreams danielle would never rise to reign in a strange land through the dispensation of three kings if he had no ability to solve problems i say this all the time and some of us neglect it write that word down ability ability this is your key to finding favor with men and entering the realm of greatness gender notwithstanding background notwithstanding edge notwithstanding [Music] nationality notwithstanding hallelujah [Music] until you solve a problem you remain insignificant and unnoticed if you are not providing solution brothers and sisters nobody needs you the world is so desperate for solutions they will only run towards the direction of those who are solving problems the greater problems you solve the greater you become magnetic [Applause] please understand this if you think you will people will invite you into their presence just because they like you or because you are a christian you are dreaming wake up hello you know many of us have this funny understanding that because i'm serving god one day great men will call me start reading your bible very carefully and you will find out that no great man appeared before the king just like that there was an ability that qualified him to stand before the king i have a question what [Music] will qualify you to stand before men who can honor you and bring you into greatness [Music] are you getting my point the reason why you may be insignificant as you think is because your ability has not brought you to a position of notoriety please hear me hear what i'm saying all men are equal but their graces and abilities separate them and make certain things possible for others your ability that anointing that skill that grace that gift is what you will use to access favor with men [Music] there are people today by the grace of god who have come to see me and i know that if not for the grace of god there is nothing i will have in exchange for the level of the honor of those people not at this level of my life are you getting what i'm saying there are offices and places that i access today and bump into those people and i know the level of great men in themselves who cannot access those offices the gift of a man can make room for him and bring him before great man [Applause] your gift can add to your age your gift can qualify you where you do not qualify and the king sent for joseph and they brought him out of his dungeon we must understand this then i will show you how god leaves people in the kingdom say in the name of jesus i have an ability that will bring me before great men say one more time in the name of jesus i have an anointing i have grace i have an ability that will bring me before great men i have entered places today that my father may never enter perhaps i have entered places today that with all humility my contemporaries maybe may never enter their lifetime [Music] because of the gift of god look when you possess this ability they told jesus they said all men seek for thee all men they will pay you for it they will pay you in millions and think it's a privilege that they are honoring you and you will be surprised you're wondering my goodness but there is an ability and because they need it they will look for you there are seven billion people in the earth but more than 90 percent of those people are looking for solutions that's big business brother if you can become a solution provider you become magnetic see the darkness in nigeria look let me tell you if you have a ministry that spits saliva on people's face and they get healed spit it on 20 people and let them get healed and you will see the level of intelligent people who come and stand for days waiting to be healed many of us do not know the level of darkness that is upon the earth please listen the spirit of god is moving in this place right now because i want to share something very powerful there is an anointing you have that can bail you forever there is an anointing the ability that makes you to stand before kings you will not be the one looking for them the gentiles will come not to you through your life that's what they want not you if you think people come because they like you there are many people who come for calendar not because they like me [Music] you will be amazed to see how many people came to jesus king of the jews you are this and that [Music] when it looked like jesus ministry was nose divinity i beg crucify him let his blood even be upon our head please listen let me just advise you if you think you have a crowd or people love you because of you there are very few people in your lifetime who will love you because of your personality many people will love you because of what you carry are you getting my point [Music] there is this treasure in earthen vessels so that you will end some things in your life i will never be a failure in this life forever i know it i know it rich men have problems that i can solve ah yes yes great men have problems that i can solve i cannot solve every problem but brothers and sisters there are problems i can solve now watch this let me explain to you the equation what i call the equation of greatness god you will be so blessed just give me a few minutes and we'll pray now ecclesiastes 9 verse 1 media project it i love the lord when i did this study my heart dropped i said oh god i'm sorry for all the times that i kept blaming you for so many things [Music] ecclesiastes 9. [Music] eleven verse eleven did i say one eleven please verse eleven everybody please read i returned and saw under the that the race is not to the sweep not the battle to the strong yet bread to the wives nor yet reaches to men of understanding nor yet favor to men of skill this is a mystery we're about to discuss now everybody read it for time and chance i want to show you the mystery of greatness listen repeat this last class again one to go time one more time for time and chance happens to who how many everybody now replace the word chance where are we now okay but time and chance replace the word chance with opportunity are you ready now one to read i want you to replace the word time with the word seasons are you ready now want to read but seasons and opportunities happen to them all but seasons like the hand of a clock it has been designed by the sovereign art of god that for every man upon the surface of the earth there is the turning of the end of the clock and that one day time an opportunity will always happen to them holy spirit [Music] time and chance did the bible say it happens to some happens to everybody that means there is a guarantee please listen somebody's deliverance is coming there is a guarantee based on the word of god that a bear must come if god is god where time and chance you know how they do cooperative society five of us bring 20 20 000 is now your own tongue it's now your own tone and i start smiling although it's not my turn because i know that my tone is coming for sure and the bible says time and chance so in the question of greatness we are bringing the constant factors and then work on the variables we're doing a little mathematics here are you getting my point it says time and chance this one no devil can stop it no herbalist from your village you don't need to pray about it is that time if you are under the sun time and chance happiness to them ah i show you a mystery ah so time that means a time will come in my life whether i'm prepared or not whether i pray for it or not whether i fast for it or not a time will come where the hand of god will navigate opportunities whether i see it or not is irrelevant god's justice must be done therefore the bible for wants us is a revealing the time now that you know that a day will come this is where a lot of people miss it we keep focusing on looking at the day the bible says it will come remove that in the equation of your preparation for greatness and begin to focus on taking advantage of that day it will come the equation of greatness let's look at um okay greatness therefore in the kingdom comes by number one god imagine seasons and opportunities together and then number two you finding favor by securing that opportunity [Music] hallelujah watch this [Music] let's assume this is spiritual timing and according to god's justice system okay stand here era that this time is going to keep moving are you seeing it now and that a day will come it may take a long time but that a day is going to come when it will come to iran and if aaron misses on that opportunity it will keep moving again are you getting what i'm saying that's why if god wants to help you in life he restores yes not what you lost yes he tries to bring back the time [Music] so that the mistake you made you can remedy it he never said i will restore the goods because they are not necessary once there is time and those seasons [Music] is somebody understanding what i'm saying now the problem with the body of christ is that we all sit down being distracted at looking at the clock and waiting for the day it gets to our turn rather than getting busy to sharpen that ability so that the day the time comes you will enter the presence of greatness once and never come out again forever [Music] every man in the scripture that became great waited for that kairos moment joseph was in the prison but he knew there is an ability to interpret dreams it's only a matter of time the brother sold him he said no problem pharaoh's wife lied i wanted to rape her no problem they threw him in the prison but when the season comes that part of the equation is god that starts moving that's favor with god are you seeing that now god made it in such a way that the one presser had to do something wrong to go to the prison so while he was in the prison the divine transaction started happening and the one pressure came out although the one pressure forgot about him but a day came let me tell you it does not take two days for you to enter greatness read the bible it always happened in one day there is always a day called one day he said john remain in the wilderness until his season of appearing very john was sharpening himself in the wilderness when the season came he came out and he completed his assignment one time jesus for 30 years was preparing for a season of three years 30 years read all the books knew all the law did everything and there was flawless victory within three and a half years [Music] so there are many of us sitting down looking at people's cars and say man i like this jeep goodness bmw this and that ford explorer 2014 limited edition look at that foolishness we are there claiming i claim it time and chance your turn is soon coming create an urgency sharpen the night sharpen the anointing sharpen the healing anointing one day see let me tell you you may say there are many people the bible says in israel there were many widows but to none was the prophet said god will send people specifically to you and when you take advantage of that season that is it you are open to a dimension of grace i have studied almost every great ministry i admire and i found out that in the history of that ministry something always happened something happened at the cairo season and the men launched into it with revelation and boom never to return again [Music] are you are you getting what i'm sharing with you i feel the anointing of the spirit if you sit down and you are wondering kai this house one day we are coming when will this come no no [Music] no you never see me bother you insult yourself when you do that many young people here our dream is car right car let me buy car and you are trying to save how much can you save for the car you want i'm teaching you a higher law get out of all those those those ways of frustration and misery that's why many people cannot give god glory they suffer for everything in their life come and adopt the kingdom's way there is a higher dimension there is a higher way believe me look let me tell you i'm a businessman i've read many business books so don't you think i'm just talking nonsense i know what i'm saying hallelujah when that kairos moment comes in your life when it comes in your ministry some people are snoring through the night the time will pass they wake up and an opportunity that took 10 years has just passed before to come back again the first son is graduating from the university he has not learned his lesson after 25 years it comes again prophecy comes in the name of jesus let restoration happen and by the mercy of god the time is reversed it comes again the same lack of preparation keeps bringing people down are you seeing why it takes more than receive it to walk in this way you would thank me in the future for what i'm teaching you i'm teaching you the way to a superior life so that you stop blaming your parents and say if my father only accepted this job stupid man would have been out of this leave your father hello god is bringing you to a point i don't care what degree you graduated with i don't care there is a problem listen if you solve a millennial's problem you have access to his millions it's as simple as that i'll never be a failure in this life never so every time i spend in prayer i'm sharpening my giftings for that day a day will come when that season comes god will send a great man who can sow a seed of hundred million naira to calinonia the person will be dying of tuberculosis or something it's like that that's how it works there is always something you can exchange for and god will make it in such a way that on the day he's coming somebody will be bringing coin on your messages that one is god's part of the equation while that is happening i'm praying in the secret place greater wisdom oh god you can sleep in the night and not know that that is the last time you will sleep in that room hi if joseph knew if joseph knew all the people in the prison would have cleaned his shoe and said okay it is within your build me imagine the guy that above joseph when he was saving joseph little did he know he would have earned himself a position forever imagine those who are with the priest in the prison without passing through the night he will come out if they had known that he would just come out never to return they would have said okay so let's pray father bless this man so that at least you remember them beware of people that you keep mocking and saying you are not this you can't speak english very well you can't do this and that and that beware let me tell you you know why because if you are not if you don't take time please look at me let's just focus god is just doing this thing if if you are if you don't pay attention can i tell you the truth a bear will come you will find out that the same person you saw today you looked at i said mary what is there you will open an office that you feel from for two weeks there are people today who are angry with me they are angry with me because there were times when we could access one another and at those times they could say a lot of things call me when they wanted but i was doing something they were not doing we were all laughing and joking and today because of the difficulty in reaching me the big offense is not my fault i refuse to remain at that level i intend to grow be nice to people today let me tell you brothers and sisters for those of you who look at people in calinonia and when we say greet one another you just turn you don't know who you are time and chance he may come from a poor family he may have one ton sanders but let me tell you time the world you are hearing is sharpening you for that time a day will come there is something god has put in you this is the justice of god this is why every man can be great time and chance happens to them all the day it happened to our parents they were not prepared they were there talking about others criticizing others and the clock passed and it went to one drunkard who just got born again and saw the time took advantage of it and they said is this not the boy on campus i was drinking he was drinking but he did something with his opportunity now he's a billionaire he's a pastor he's advancing the kingdom let me tell you something that happened in 2008 i believe i was in accra for a retreat and something happened hallelujah no i think 2007 or so i was in accra for a retreat praying and seeking the face of god for the things that was going to do and while i was praying my money had finished i had nothing not even to eat not even to pay for the hotel where i was having the retreat for that night i finished praying i was reading a book within the gates say divine revelation book when i read the spirit of god just told me stroll around and i came out i started strolling i was walking like a fool time and chance i want to share with you testimonies now the holy ghost just said just keep walking i was walking like a fool i didn't know where i was going up to 25 minutes i was just walking the next thing i saw a signboard welcome to accra city campus and the holy ghost said enter immediately i entered the first person i'll meet is the src president and the guy listen the guy looked at me and the moment he looked at me and said how are you sir when he shook me he just took his hand he said jesus he said can you come to my office miracle number one listen listen true story i want to tell you i know what i'm saying i'm not just making noise when this guy brought me to the office we didn't speak more than five minutes he started shaking time and chance and they ordered a meal i first had the meal and then we attended their fellowship i sat down quietly after they attended their first life the campus has tried the fellowship when they finished i went to his office watch this the moment i started talking i started talking at about 2-4 we rounded up that meeting past nine when we started talking the university esco started coming to the office one by one they would come this one would fall under the anointing i remember it was in that place i inaugurated the prayer group that prayed for the campus in akra in that across city campus on that day i'm still in touch with that gentleman again his life changed there was they have their prophets like they are maybe what you would call an fcs president yes after the the president would finish he invited me again to akron i went to minister in a program and it was a powerful and explosive program i was even on radio the radio and they did an interview i think that was when we traveled with bala alex and a team of other people listen that's not the whole story when i finished that night the people came together last night they raised an offering of maybe equivalent in naira now or maybe 30 000. and they gave me i didn't even know how to find my way back they directed me i found my way paid for that night and i ate a very good meal i said it works i remember in the room i was screaming i said come on not it has equal value in any land you don't need to know nobody all these godfather nonsense let me tell you get out of it right now if god is on your side there is nothing nothing you cannot get listen the night i was supposed to leave those guys started crying because they would come and visit me in my hotel it was within three or four days their lives changed they said what sort of person i taught them on the kingdom it was an unusual open heavens so the last day they invited me again i prayed with them strengthened all the people you know blessed them they had impartations and all of that and they raised me money again an equivalent of maybe fifty thousand and then i return back who would have helped me i don't have any uncle for the gift of a man the time and chance is god's own equation leaving for him god is speaking to someone tonight you have been crying and saying lord when will it come god says forget about the issue of when are you prepared are you saying that god delaying seasons is an act of his love that thing you have been calling delay you are not prepared if it had come before this message you would have blown it only for him to come back 10 years you open it up nobody is coming god is saying i don't want you to miss be careful what you call delay some things may be the hand of god your job you didn't get the job god said i why i don't want you to struggle there is something you can know you go for a job in four months you have become one of the executives it does not take time if you can solve the problem you will rise to the top all the days of my appointed time i will wait but while i wait i will sharpen the knife i will pray in tongues while i wait i will keep studying the word i know i'm going to stand before kings i must have content to give them i would talk like i'm talking before weak men i will stand before president a bear will come it will be a privilege to echo anonymia and they will come we will not just have one or two tv stations there will be many one billionaire can sponsor it for years but while that time comes we will pray we will fast we will transfer let them call you a fool because there is no car what is car see a man came to mike murdock because of something that he did he was begging mike moodle to buy a car for him my mother said i don't need it he said i entered a covenant with god that every year till you die i'll be buying you the latest ben's car one day i was passing around abuja and i saw all the mighty houses they were building around my tama and the holy ghost told me do you know how many of your houses are here no i'm serious god told me he said you will only build in life just for the formality the gift of a man the owner of that beauty will lead me one day darkness is a mystery that announces life the world will be pulled back one day they will need the anointing they will need it i'm telling you many of you have not been respecting what you carry i know what i carry i know what i carry is an anointing of the spirit the nations can never never never they can never deny the effect they may not like me but there is an anointing so i reckon that the sufferings of this present time i'm trusting i may believe i may so gary but there is an anointing my father could not enter but there is an anointing there is wisdom there is the gift of god and i will increase your greatness and comfort you on every side there is a price to pay i don't blame anybody for where i am i take responsibility stop insulting people for where you are take responsibility i share the lord i have faith in him i'm a tither i'm sure that i have favor with god that means arranging the seasons is a done deal what is left now is to sharpen my ability higher i may not speak the kind of english you want but when i say an anointing will leave you can deny my english but you cannot deny the anointing there is something see this is what i'm training you to become there is a sharpening you may not see it now the world will need you you will collect a salary of maybe a hundred thousand but your boss will sow a seed of 5 million to get out of trouble [Music] your ability listen wasn't going to pray your ability to maximize the moment opens you up to untold realms of greatness look at me aaron is here let me share with you his testimony permit me err on a pitch for years many of you know how skilled aaron is for years the kind of job he was trusting god for would not come i know times when things will get a bit painful for him [Music] and we kept encouraging he will be listening to the word of god but time and chance a season just came brothers and sisters supernaturally he got a job two he got connected with the deputy governor of cardona state within how many months iran that within two months they moved into one had a unity in jos now he heads a unit in drugs and we are only counting see i think there's one of our ladies here two of our ladies that i know the moment they graduated they have not even served they just call them to get jobs you may not value what you are receiving don't let anybody fool you and make you think you are wasting your time a day will come the price you are paying now is what your colleagues will be paying in the future you are already paying it now you may look like a fool some of you as you are going back home now they will insult you and say we are not seeing the fruits it does not yet appear but time and chance will reveal that i'm not praying in tongues for nothing hallelujah this year let me give you the last story and then we'll pray this year i was in ibadan we we all went to ibadah and when we went they launched us in one of the best hotels there and it was irima victor and um sam they sent me a text in the afternoon they said we are swimming and we're enjoying and then i looked through my window they were playing table tennis they were swimming you know they were enjoying themselves all snapping and enjoying and i looked and then i remember the story that same hotel listen in 2007 i went to that same hotel for something but i could not pay for any room because it was very expensive listen to me i still had the anointing but time and season had not come i went there i still saw the arrangement i sat down there there's the reception there brothers and sisters i was looking for a place around that vicinity where they were doing night vigil it was a friday night so i will attend the night vigil because i had no money if i taught anything i would not have my transport back are you getting what i'm saying that same hotel somebody would have looked at me and said oh what failure hiya mistake big mistake you don't need to respond to those who think you are failures because you went to the board and you saw five carryovers and the devil says see tell me you see just keep watching time time time yes you may have an extra yeah write it and move and thank god because in that extra year you are still moving ahead see if a plane is moving forward even if you go back to the restroom you are still moving forward because the plane carrying you is moving forward [Music] i stayed that night till morning no bathroom no nothing and a few years later there is a protocol of people together with the wife of the police commission of the state we came and we sat with this woman was he going back i think some sometimes towards the year was he going back to our place again this woman was astonished the things that god did in in ibadan was amazing the woman followed us to our hotel room and we kept talking to almost i think to 12 or past 12 and she brought she said she must show her husband my husband is one of the top police people praise god and she they recorded everything me prophesying and praying for her and she said she must meet her husband and she just brought out a check i did a check of 30 000 or something she said sorry you man of god this is small but can you take this i said oh lord time and chance it's not like i prayed more i just kept doing what i was doing it when when your season comes the same thing you did that did not produce result will now produce amazing results there are miracles that happen in koinonia here that if we were on air people who already start traveling but time and chance don't worry a day will come stop trying to announce yourself there are many people on air getting millions of nara they don't have up to half of sam's anointing continue what you are doing time and chance a day will come god will arrange your destiny help us in front then they will give you 10 minutes to leave prayers that's the day god will announce you in 10 minutes what the spirit of god will do you will have more than 20 invitations come to our conference come for this you are reading business books you are preparing yourself it looks like you have food there's nothing working no office only knowledge people even call you big head don't worry a day will come unto none of the widows what was um was elijah how did he put it now was the prophet sent accept that widow of sarah for the question god is asking you tonight before we pray when the season comes when the season comes are you sharpened enough to make that your last season in that realm will you make the words of your critics become a self-fulfilling prophecy or will you contend they may be seeing the brother and sister praying and they say you who know what you are doing don't worry you don't need to answer anybody just keep praying seasons a day came we're doing the same thing but it was at the back of chapel no facebook to capture the picture and show the world that there is a hand of god upon these people for the day will come so i stopped focusing about cars nonsense house no leave all those things from today i'm teaching you when you sit with friends and they say oh boy where now where will our level change just know that you are wasting your time [Music] time and chance it never announces to you that the day is coming you will just sleep in the prison one night and by the second night you are in a palace you cannot account for what brought me here oh i believe it for somebody i believe it for somebody let me bring a word for somebody you may be going through certain things you are killing the lion in the secret nobody knows you are killing the bear nobody knows a day will come god will put you in front of goliath and it will be in the presence of all israel on that day saul will know that there is a baby some of you have anointings to pray that it is to be revealed the world will run away don't look for premature manifestation let me tell you service is the best way to train yourself and sharpen yourself you see all these things people say i won't play keyboard till they play me you are being foolish you can serve now and they give you prayers and you make blunders at least the mistake was made in jerusalem before you now get to judea and samaria and make blunders there make a mistake here sing and go off key here we will laugh at you alone i will tap your back there are mistakes that great men don't make in the open no make it here make it here sharpen that knife who is god speaking to tonight because i sense in my spirit that we are at the edge i cannot tell you trust me i'm not speaking nonsense i know it in my spirit i've been telling you this for days i have been fasting and preparing for these seasons i have i have picked the signal that believe us in this side of god's kingdom there is a dimension of there is a shuffle that will blow in this season and let me tell you warriors will arise this i call it the zarya experience we will reproduce this thing in this country many people do not know what god is doing in this side of the kingdom you just finish your school wear your convocation gown or sit back a prayer will come god will say your season is over it's time to move like arrows like arrows in a man's quiver he will send you you will wreak havoc across the seven mountains [Music] that they will come pay the price now forget the name you don't need to be called an apostle our pastor or prophet is irrelevant [Music] settle down hallelujah that's why see listen let me tell you one secret about my life i shared it with the school of ministry students you never see me in broad daylight just roaming around foolishly if you see me around there was something to do you never that you are walking on the street you just see me jumping around i said they're gone or miss which one is hot no i'm preparing for such an extraordinary life i want my life to match the visions that i've seen in the spirit call me apostle thank god for the healings i will be deceived i want to carry the word of the lord with such a accuracy so i will stay in the presence i will fast i will pray let me believe today no problem it doesn't kill it doesn't kill prayer doesn't kill don't be a fool the suffering of the future is what kills the price today doesn't kill there's no job instead of praying and lamenting be preparing and say i know a job will come the day they do that interview they won't just give a job they will promote me at once because they will say where have you been rise up on your feet my spirit is fired up please jump up on your feet i'd like you to begin to blast in tongues instrumentalists come up everybody come on from the depths of your spirit [Music] do it for your future time and chance happens to you a day will come your season of our daily your season of appearing don't be tired don't be tired man of god don't be tired woman of god don't be tired prophet of god don't be tired of god don't be tired keep pressing sharpen the anointing sharpen the skill sharpen the gift so [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] great my season of appearing is coming they may victimize me today for time and chance time hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah the next prayer point i'd like you to pray and say lord i receive the capacity to you listen if you can't just pair yourselves into two find a brother or sister that is ready to pray and say lord in the name of jesus i receive grace to build to sharpen that ability as i wait for that day come on pray on your they will face that they will come oh they will come they will come they will come home [Music] and that will increase my whole feeling and comfort me on every side listen the third prayer point you're going to attack every spirit listen of premature manifestation and destruction many of us want to be known it's not fair i'm anointed give me prayers to pray i'm anointed put me on the stage nonsense steven remember serving tables but the anointing was too much for tables you are going to pray listen there are many of us you cannot delay gratification you want to buy the shoe now you want to buy everything now you see people standing and you say i must buy this kind of shoe i must buy this kind of watch oh glory the world is working you better keep quiet and pray prepare for the season read the books read books on fatherhood read books on leadership read books on ministry sharpen yourself when you are tired and it's twelve o'clock or one o'clock time to pray when you are tired remember your destiny drag yourself up i'm tired it's foreign it's amazing how distracted people can be even in church because of the level of powerlessness a man can actually spend a full service discussing business while a message is going on and there is nothing from that message to touch his life exchanging phone numbers exchanging text messages browsing and laughing and playing and the man is sweating on stage and absolutely nothing is happening absolutely no conviction no focus no direction no encounters we sell our teachings we give our messages we put pressure on people to fill their phones with our teachings and they listen to it from a to z and nothing happens it's why members are angry because they have been in church for a very very long time and nothing has happened that's why they keep suspecting the ministers because the grace cannot come on any other person no other person has stayed in that place and carried tangible grace the workers are powerless members powerless friends powerless and yet we continue to write volumes of books about the anointing we produce cds about the anointing something is seriously wrong and if our generation does not retrace back what is the ancient part what have we missed you know honestly let me tell you this you know i love the body of christ when i listen to people talk about the holy spirit and the anointing sometimes i just nod my head while i just watch the television i say kai oh god how did we lose this just pray in one minute and say lord restore restore the patterns [Music] restore ancient patterns of true spiritual power ancient patterns doorways that allow the holy spirit to find full expression within a generation are you praying tonight's service is an unusual one focus pray restore ancient patterns praise the lord are we together listen and so we get to a point where the people can never truly experience god listen to me god for many people is theory we have created philosophies around him you know music ministers write all kinds of songs and they are not even afraid to sing it songs that are supposed to be powerful and yet the people who write them is clear they are not listening to what they are singing there are songs that should not end until what you are saying happens the songs were supposed to be prophetic that while you are singing it it's like i'm saying come and you don't come i get to a point where calm is not like a recitation i just keep saying come pastor alpha comes and that's past wife are standing and he cannot come we have blocked the space that the holy spirit will find in the church with vain traditions faith philosophies and the pride the pride of this generation knows no bounds everybody is a man of god everybody is anointed everybody has lemma everybody has this and that and we continue to mentor and deceive and even destroy people there are ancient pathways for true spiritual power there can be a mighty church here and a beer paolo sharing the world with the first and there will even be a speaker outside [Music] and while all the jamboree is happening the people are there just sitting quietly for many years the holy spirit could not fall on one person one person how bad nobody had a dream no vision nobody the days where people will be kilometers away from a crusade ground kilometers kilometers the meeting has not started just because you passed that vicinity jacob listen there was a ladder a place that abraham consecrated and power rested upon it jacob came and slept here service was over those who sweep churches never get blessed with their food they clean the pastor's chair they clean the poop beat and nothing changes in their lives and we continue to boast we're the most arrogant generation that has ever lived we talk about power we talk about so many things i see we know so much about it and there is absolutely nothing so i made up my mind that it will be wickedness to join this deception and continue to be like a fig tree with figs but no leaves we organize all kinds of programs breakthrough event this and that and that and people come and share the grace and go back the same [Music] man of god i want my life changed i stand as an anointed man in the name of jesus may your life change nothing changes any wise man should say god what is happening and yet we collect the offering and the seed that comes from that prayer and nothing happens people sow seeds listen listen to me we teach people that giving lived people and i agree but they carried their seeds they empty their accounts they come and drop it and nothing happens members are watching they know they are getting dissatisfied they are tithing doors are not opening they are sowing seeds those are not open in the name of jesus may this week be a blessing i'm just giving an example oh may this and that happened strange open doors and no body no body do you know how many potential doors you pass in a week and that prophecy was not strong enough to open even one and when we come for meetings like this proud people like us sit like this while they keep clapping our father our peace apostle joshua sermon and instead of us to sit down say lord compare to what compared to what and compared to who bible said they comparing themselves with themselves are not wise [Music] so what has been happening in the body of christ is you just look at a range of men of god and you gauge yourself and think i'm not bad and that becomes the basis of rest [Music] whereas there are heights my god there are dimensions where you become a blessing to the nations i sat back there when some of the pastors were sharing and i just looked at them and i said oh dear do you know what will happen to members your family members inclusive when you really host the genuine power of god our lack of results should give us concern if you love jesus is why people have the authority to write all kinds of nonsense because the truth is there is a dimension of god they are not seen there is a level of god's power that when it rests upon the body no man will open his mouth and call the church a nuisance to civilization right now when you say your name is pastor this immediately you mentioned pastor people look at you as if these are the scammers and the idiots that are destroying civilization they look at pastors and church as a place of deception a place of scam and a place where people just come so that you extract money from poor people when has god become a cause no power no revelation you hear men of god teach and all you know is that is a recycling and a copying of messages from one laptop to one laptop one program to one program no freshness persons just sit in front of a laptop a few hours to service and just browse an article let me tell you this in the area that the anointing should function nothing will ever replace the place of genuine spiritual empowerment [Music] our generation is at stake because the level of darkness today i'm telling you this let no one lie to you 20 30 50 years ago it was not like that hell has reinvented itself the kinds of infirmity and darkness that plagues the church a day will come when is god that will have to help us that's why god is separating us to say look there is still something on the earth that we have not gotten and that we can get something that will bring glory to the name of the lord forever our prophecies are like acting our impartations are like acting people now eat communion because they didn't have food at home not because there's any power there they know that there's no power there because they've tried it and nothing worked oh this is my bread this is my blood and almost like an occult we throw the bread and drink the the wine and throw away the cup and the ushers and the rest will eat the remaining bread and the cup after service and nothing happens nothing [Music] and the painful part is some of you some of us now with our little fellowships and groups and all of that are already joining the queue in that kind of powerlessness where we just surround ourselves with a few mediocres here and there you are prophet this apostle this pastor this bishop this so so and we are happy in a class where the highest got 17 percent did he pass although he is the highest did he pass we should be ashamed of ourselves as a generation and return back and say lord give us something give us something give us something that will bring glory to the name of the lord [Music] pray a prayer and then i share briefly and say lord put an anointing a genuine anointing on my life i'm tired of faking word of knowledge i'm tired of just assuming who is grace because you know there must be a grace somewhere look bring me to a level of accuracy and truth that if people are healed through my hands they were really healed not intimidated into testifying what did not happen genuine power is the cure for stage managing miracles the cure for stage managing all sorts of things are you praying tonight praise the lord please be seated psalm 92 and verse 10 but my horn look or please shall thou exalt like the horn of a wild ox or the unicorn and then he says i shall be anointed with fresh oil i shall be anointed with fresh oil not old oil i shall be anointed with the oil for the now not yesterday's oil i shall be anointed with fresh oil [Music] the bible is very clear in second timothy chapter one please give it to us media second timothy chapter 1 verse 9 the bible lets us know that all of us are called once you are a believer in christ you are called it says who had saved us and called us with an holy calling not according to our works but according to his own purpose and grace which was given to us in christ before the world began so there is no doubt that we are called [Music] preachers have just been taught that you are only called when you are getting into pulpit ministry going to a school of ministry or seminary no every believer in christ is called called to represent the purposes of god but then please listen being called alone does not guarantee that you will have the anointing in ii peter chapter one second peter chapter 1 and verse 10 second peter chapter 1 and verse 10 read with me please it's projected one to read wherefore the rather brethren give diligence to make your calling and your election show for if you do these things you shall never fall give diligence you are called but it does not mean you have proven your calling it says to give diligence so that you would defend validate make your calling and your election show it's written in scripture that many are called and few are chosen that scripture troubled me for many years until i began to study the ministry of jesus whoever is thirsty let him come jesus never never kept anybody away from his meetings his programs they were called but when it was time for him to use certain people he selected people carefully and sent them two by two the fact that you are called does not mean you are chosen you have to learn this [Music] are limitless possibilities that can happen in our lives if and when we are genuinely anointed that when a believer possesses true spiritual power the level of blessing that you will be to the world i think it's only eternity that can record it [Music] you know i sit back many times when the testimonies have been shared and while people are trying to clap for me i am very humbled and it helps me to respect god and to also respect the anointing you are not a blessing if you lack spiritual power it's true you are not a blessing there is no way you can be a blessing it takes the power of god to bear the purposes of god it takes more than good intention to bless the purposes of god [Music] it takes genuine spiritual power for the purposes of god to be better within a generation within a territory within a dispensation and so if we do not sustain the ability to host the power of god in our lifetime and our generation we will not only endanger this generation will endanger our children and our children's children [Music] there's no believer that will argue about the necessity of spiritual power when you see god doing great things through a man you don't say he's a prayerful man of god you don't say he's a fast full man of god you don't say he's a warded man of god he says he's an anointed man so subconsciously we trace mighty walks to the presence of this ability of the spirit whether or not we know the holy spirit whether or not we understand the dynamics of the anointing one thing for sure we know is that if possibilities will happen in the class of god it will take an agency higher than you we know that but the inability to walk in the experience of it is what continues to frustrate us a man of god who has wise sayings and a good heart will have empty pews no matter how sincere your heart is [Music] it takes more than sincerity to be a blessing [Music] write this down there are scriptural requirements to host the power of god let me say something please look up let me say something you know many times i guess because they act a lot of nigerian films and act a lot of movies where the power of god looks powerless in those films they can act a nigerian film where a pastor is struggling to lay hands on someone and the demon just maybe hits the pastor to fall down with all due respect to the directors of those nigerian movies let me tell you if you carry genuine spiritual power the demons and hell know that you carried genuine spiritual power and all that thing that they are talking about this is not you this is the power of god those things are wonderful we laugh through them but they have helped us to diminish the potential of god's power so if a pastor prays for someone they show light entering the person and yet nothing changes it looks wonderful but we're reducing god to just become like an entity that is just a little higher than man that's not power many things that happen in the church is not power power has its proofs [Music] just like wisdom power is justified by its results you are not powerful just because people say you are powerful you are powerful because the results show that there is something that is working and as you rise in that power the results also change let me tell you this you know there is something wrong with you when you continue to recycle the same level of results for a long time it means nothing is being added to that grace you can literally use the presence of new results situations that would not have been part of your experience thank god for headache but for 10 years the only testimony is headache it means that's the only level of grace the day new one comes god will send god knows what he put on you so he will send the people the challenges that we keep claiming we have it then we draw the people by ourselves and when they come we give them nothing [Music] there is a price to host the power of god our generation does not like this one word price the moment you mention price price of well price of food price of anything people hate it once you mention words like scholarship free this and that people just like it because it seeks to give an idea like there is no effort on your own part but let me tell you this listen there is a real price for spiritual power i don't want to lie to you my brothers and my sisters there is a real price for spiritual power if you're a man of god lend this settle this once and for all there is a real prize more than laying of hands listen to me more than just carrying an oil blessed by a man you respect i'm not saying those things are wrong please don't misunderstand me more than carrying a preacher's mantle and choking it at the back of your pocket forever there is a real prize for spiritual power and i will just state one of it and then we take our time to pray tonight i truly truly want us to get results not just to get results in our lives but to also become genuine result producers praise the lord proverbs 23 hidden in that scripture is a very powerful expression of the demand the requirement let's see where we can stop tonight verse 26 my son give me your heart let's stop there my son give me your heart now imagine that i come to you and i say give me your heart i understand give me your wallet pastor i understand give me your shoe my son i want to bring you to a realm but give me your heart your heart here does not just talk of what is locked up inside your chest no [Music] it's another way of saying my son give me yourself my son give me your life listen to me we have thought for many years that all it takes to be anointed is to pray i believe is to fast i believe is to be holy and pure i believe is to be to sing worship play worship change the atmosphere i believe go to church i believe submit to spiritual authority i believe but let me tell you this my brothers and my sisters and hear me very well i know what i'm talking about you see this law my son give me your heart not your prayer not your fasting not your worship every other activity in pursuit of power is a waste and it is futile if this does not happen [Music] your heart your heart your heart this is the first price of real spiritual power your heart talks of everything that represents your value everything that represents your basis of confidence he says give me [Music] is very dangerous to want the anointing there is a price now sometimes man of god and please if you're a pastor here let's be sincere with members of course you can't say everything at every level to everybody but if you want to really help people be sincere sometimes the way a man of god will go through a price and then now you tell the members don't worry anything you can do you it will not work that way you can do nothing against the truth but for the truth there is a price and the price number one is your heart your heart give me your heart the end time anointing will only come on men and women listen let me tell you this please come come stand here watch this let me explain something very quickly you see when you get born again or what you call saved look up please when this gentleman responds to an altar call usually when we lead them we now say give your heart so lord jesus i give you my heart god knows what we are trying to say but that's really not what happens salvation is not a man giving god his heart salvation is a man receiving the life of god please listen carefully there is no giving god your heart in salvation there is receiving his life the product of the substitutionary sacrifice of christ when you begin to talk of giving your heart for god this is where this is the realm of service and power that's where you give god your heart you can receive god's life and not give him your heart it's true it's true please follow what i'm saying that it is possible to receive the life of god you are saved genuinely you're a child of god but then when you now want to be effective to be a battle axe an ambassador an end for your power he's giving you his heart or his life is not enough you must get to a point where your own life now as a drink offering will have to be poured [Music] this is where many believers do not they cannot subscribe to that because of the difficulty that comes anybody who tells you giving god your heart is easy lied to you in fact the holy ghost has to help you achieve that i i am convinced that nobody has the power within himself to give god his heart you only have the power to allow god help you lay down preachers hear me we continue to admire anointed people and sometimes we are carried away by the little ministerial paraphernalia and all of these things more than those things i'm showing you what works you can listen to any man of god's message you want you can copy how any man of god talks and the body language whatever but if this has not happened to you that this your heart has not touched the altar of god forget about being used by god in this end time you can call yourself into ministry you can do anything you want to do but sooner or were not l [Music] the greatest hindrance that i have known to receiving and hosting the power of god is not sin no i used to think so listen to me it is one word self self self this is what must be destroyed upon the altar [Music] listen there is nothing you can do about sin you receive salvation but read your bible for self you must die and kill it when it comes to the issue of salvation and man being cut short from the glory of god god says man step back jesus come and walk but there is no mention of that when it has to do itself destroying self it is a personal thing the holy spirit only energizes you and grants you the grace but dying you must die please like what i'm teaching you if it's genuine spiritual power you want to carry [Music] you can bob your hair anyhow you can wear the latest suit but if it is power that you want to carry there must be a track record of death let me tell you what self is you see the human nature especially the fallen man please look up the fallen man is governed by one desire interest [Music] what is in it for me are we together now if i'm doing business with you i can't do business with you until you tell me it's my own share so that language of what is he need for me my place is wonderful when it has to do with dealing with humans but when you want to do business with god the language of i the language of me the language of myself the language of this is how i want it you must throw it you you must take it put it into your alabaster box and take it like that woman and serve it to jesus my heart my will my emotions my everything i bring before the altar staying long in church does not automatically make you anointed attending prayer conferences does not automatically make you anointed wearing a jesse with the picture of apostle joshua salman does not automatically make you anointed please i'm not trying to be sarcastic i know that there are ministries that you know have all of this that's i'm just trying to contrast something if you like put a message under your pillow if you like put a picture inside your bag there is a level of covering and grace that you can receive from those things but for you to be genuinely personally anointed this surrender must be complete if you start and it does not finish it will still not come you don't start the process of surrender and then believe that god is convinced because you have started he must watch it until self becomes ashes the ashes is the raw material for making the power that ashes self listen to what i'm telling you our generation hates sacrifice the moment you talk of sacrifice the moment you talk of anything that creates a constraint the average person in our generation will be angry i don't want this we like convenience and nothing is wrong with that except that when it has to do with transforming a generation and to represent the face of god's dealings to a generation there is a huge price [Music] are you getting what i'm sharing with you now before prayer before fasting before any and all of these things god looks at you and yourself your ambition your desire to be great your desire to be a celebrity look up please even your desire to be anointed must be crucified for you to be anointed [Music] it no longer becomes a desire that's when you are qualified to have it please help them your desire to be a pastor your desire to be a jew your desire to be a mama prophet prophetess apostle and all of these things god just stands by in his love and his mercy sorry but he continues to watch you itself that has driven many people to lock themselves for one week i went somewhere and i preached and the power of god did not move lord i can't take this embarrassment again and god is watching he's watching self pray he's watching your body get lean but self is sitting on the throne and god says no i don't do that kind of business with you [Music] while you sit down and hear them talk about the man of god and the great things that are happening you sit and you are inspired very nice moved by it and you say in the name of jesus i must have that testimony too [Music] there is a relationship between death and glory there is a relationship between death i'm telling you this the greatest resistance to true spiritual power is self i desire my own agenda so i use god as a vehicle to achieve my own agenda i want fame i want the praises of men i want money i want accolades and i searched around and found out that the most effective mechanism to achieving that is god so i become famous through god i become this true god and god says no that's not the way it works there are many many many christian activities today that are just expressions of self listen to what i'm telling you self they look spiritual they sound spiritual they carry a regalia of spirituality but let me tell you god is not in it god and self cannot coexist one must dethrone itself for the other it's like the act standing with dagon ninety percent of the motivation behind many things people do that includes us preachers is self self we want self to be glorified even when i say no god take all the glory he knows he's a lie hidden somewhere in our heart the desire to outshine the desire to beat down others like a competition [Music] and while he's watching our hearts we continue to flatter and convince ourselves that we can maneuver our way into his power and he just stands back not out of anger he's restrained by his honor to his principles and he stands there and continues to watch us let the fire from your altar touch my body let the fire from your altar touch my body let the fire from your alter touch listen when god wants to build you when you get saved and he introduces you to the holy spirit i've told you this the first assignment is not to give you remember the first assignment is not to start giving you visions and prophecies the first assignment is death how does a plant grow you carry a seed a seed that is good and then you take it to the soil and don't even pity the seed while you drop the seed and it's there in moisture you cover it and you are happy you you stop that seed from seeing light and you leave it there alone think of the loneliness that happens to that seed think of the absence of light the suffocation and yet you keep coming every day and you are watching and out of that the seed is helpless on the ground but in that helplessness that's when the strength starts to rise after a few days something starts happening the seed does not even know it carries that power the moment the seed dies it finds out that it just came alive again and finds out that death is not a thing is a door it leads somewhere you can follow a door called death and come out into a ram where you will see jazz different jars standing near different doors for every door of bed there is an oil that is waiting for you and so with those oils are a list of the possibilities listen to me that when you stand in the realm of the spirit you will be shown doors and then you will see jazz on every door alongside what can happen lord i want to raise people from the wheelchair he says come this is the oil that is responsible for that outcome but this is the door that leads to the oil and he said oh god i'm not ready i'm i can't if it's this door because sometimes the doors are small they are not like those that you jump they are those that you will have to stretch some girls will enjoy you to pass but when you do pass you will carry something a generation cannot deny let me tell you my brothers and my sisters truly speaking i tell you the truth the way to power is death the way to genuine power the oil of god upon a man is not the oil in a bottle you can carry the oil in a bottle pour it on your head go and meet every man of god in the world to put his hand inside no the angel of the lord will lead you through those lord i want to be the voice of a generation i want to be the face of god represented to a generation he says come this is the oil for this generation you said you want it yes sir you said you see that thing that looks like a hole it's actually a door if you come pass to it when did you learn that you received the anointing sheeply ask elisha elisha continues to follow elijah look at the constraints look at the rigor from bethel gilgal everywhere down to jordan and that man was looking for something [Music] we teach many things about the anointing but we live the most important part [Music] oh i'm good i'm a nice person i'm a wonderful believer i love god i have all that is nonsense it will never bring you the anointing it is no replacement for death there are many good people whose self is still alive in them self is not something that leaves a man automatically god must kill it self is the circumcision required for power the same way you circumcise a male child when you give back to him the spiritual circumcision for power is death my son give me your money give me your reputation give me your sleep give me your time give me your ego give me the praises of men give me your intellect give me your future give me your god is too much but you said you wanted to be used by me i'm still listening i'm not done give me your wife give me your husband give me your first to last born lord i will give you two and take two no sir give me all of them if it is not all then forget about god a herbalist can say bring two now after 10 years we'll negotiate god says all that's the price for now right there give me the conference give me the members give me the songs give me the summons give me the clothes give me the accolades give me the honorariums give me everything and he said lord what am i left with again and he says me that's all you have left if you have god and any other thing you are not yet dead it must be him alone so he keeps saying give me you think he's collecting it he's throwing it away so that he becomes the one and only i show you the way to the anointing later on he will see one or two things close to you again and say i i'm no longer alone now i've seen a new car you bought give me the car and he said lord if i give me does not mean so it give me means bring it under my influence [Music] give me the nmpc job oh lord you know i'm a big boy now when i was poor i had time now i'm busy and god says that's it man of god when you had two members there was not much now you have a crowd give me your members he said lord i will give you the poor ones and keep the rich ones he said no sir give me everybody okay i will give you the rich and take the poor no sir when god wanted to demand people to come out of egypt pharaoh was negotiating let some go on some state god said everybody look let me tell you this my brothers and my sisters let me teach you something about god god is a merciful god god is a wonderful god but when it comes to the making of men god is such permit me to use the word an unemotional god when it has to do with the making you will be surprised to know dimensions of god that will scare you that he calls himself the potter while you are the clay and he's smashing the clay on the ground and he's the one who is full of compassion yet that clay is on the ground at the end you will know it was still messy while he smashed you [Applause] mercy is not always about forgiveness it is also insistence that you become even when you are not ready for it please learn this god is giving value to our fasting and prayer do you know i tell you sincerely and i don't mean to brag i i continue to watch believers and preachers i don't criticize the body but i watch with shock and wonder the dishonor that people have for dead vessels i tell you all men are not the same so men are mental self others are men plus god so you carry your ambition like a cross you carry everything on your head hope you are going to golgotha pastor alpha where are you going like this you are such a great man you are a preacher already the whole world is hearing you and it shows you he says that's the place that blood must touch the altar for real fire to come there was never sacrifice of fire without the body on the altar dead or not alive you will kill it and keep it there and then fire will come from heaven please let's be careful the way we are learning things about the anointing sincerely and respectfully so many people have been learning nonsense it's a non-negotiable condition if it is god that you want to see the way we are obsessed with control is my car my house you know you are alive to the degree to which you own things in the kingdom owners are rebels you don't own things in the kingdom the earth is the lord's and it's fullness thereof the prodigal son had access but he wanted ownership from the day he owned things he started going down till he returned back to access no man is giving ownership in this kingdom you are only given access god gives you a church the day you own it you pay the bills you take care of the members you manage the troubles that come from it i will build my church the day you build your own you will see the lopsidedness in the building [Music] many of you look at me please you gave god your voice to sing but you did not give him your pocket and you are surprised that your songs your songs want to bless people but the god of your pocket will block it others gave god your pocket but you did not give him some other things there are preachers that gave god their brain but didn't give god their pulpit no god you can have my bible studies but this puppet belongs to me and so it's only in the bible study people are blessed on sunday the people come and it's if they are in a shrine [Music] everybody is looking for the latest everything latest way of preaching latest way of singing you know one of these days my boys did something they have all these songs that they play different chants on their phone it looks like that's what is trending now and while they were i told them to do something and they forgot and they were playing it and i held their head i said this is what people continue to do you you keep thinking it's just a ritual you don't stay with god for him to walk on your head and so that you see transformation a song is playing that is supposed to come from the throne room but you are not behaving your brain is not acting like it's [Music] you want the anointing look at the door the door that leads to it i want to be able to pray for everybody afflicted and watch doors open god says come let me show you there is the jar there is the door these are the possibilities all by one and the same spirit only left to your level of sacrifice [Music] my son give me your heart i'm sharing with you my experience with god let me tell you this until god shakes bring that cup for me no the cop you see how empty this cop is this is how your life must become to carry real genuine power you give god half of what is there and leave half he says no how will you know that is the anointing then they will all look the same he will empty everything your reputation in that cup your knowledge they will not be wasted he's only reprioritizing it so that when you stand there is only one person that you see when men clap for you apostle joshua sermon you thank god for the clap but you are already dead it does not sustain an ability to affect and influence you see let me tell you this you see but money fame oh no until you have these things you don't know what they can do to men [Music] oh god bless me with money i will serve you let me see the devil that would destroy me please keep quiet you've not known what convenience at a level means where whether you pray or not you feel secured who will oppress you [Music] there is a level to which you are anointed that it will almost look like you don't need god because even if you never preach again what you have done before will continue to echo around [Music] self self sacrifice many men of god want power but the fortitude for sacrifice is not there whatever wants to constrain you becomes a problem no i don't want it i'm a jew i'm a president i mean this and that and god watches your heart says no this is not what i'm the heart of man is selfish it is the selfishness in man's heart that is called wickedness [Music] man will use anything for his benefit including god [Music] man will use anything friends enemies wife husband children the women that ate their children why didn't they die why didn't one woman volunteer and say instead of two children dying let me die at least i'm an adult you can eat me for a few days then the other adults die they say no i love you but i love myself and i will eat you if the need arises the king that slew his son why didn't he die i'm showing you man when jesus came he came with another philosophy and they looked at him and said don't you have an interest how about jesus you see nice things and just leave them like that don't you have a reputation are you not protecting something are you not afraid to lose something we are the scribes here we are members of the sun henry council we have a lot to protect and jesus didn't seem to be afraid of losing anything and he began to teach them the economy of the kingdom that we lose things when we try to keep them but that in the kingdom we gain things by losing them whosoever keeps his life shall lose it but whosoever loses his life for my sake he says shall gain it they asked him one time and said master we have left or low we have left all i was a fisherman i left everything to follow you what is in this for me he said now let me answer you that no man who lives father mother etc etc for my sake and the kingdoms he said what you will receive in this life in this life there is a sacrifice that brings genuine spiritual power luke chapter 22 and verse 42 and let's pray my son give me your life give me your wealth give me your honor give me your songs give me your salmons give me your accolades give me the prices jesus in gethsemane and he's saying if thou be willing [Music] remove this cup from me he said nevertheless this is the language of a dead man nevertheless lord i desire to be sleeping right now but nevertheless not my will i don't desire to fast i'm tired you two you see how i've been busy oh god but nevertheless what did he say about wives in the bible he said wives submit yourselves to your own husband in how many things so if you are the bride of christ come my dear and the husband says to submit in an area and he said husband i can submit in this and that except that you have become like vashti vashti was not totally rebellious at least she was in the palace but she had her own agenda in the palace and the people warned the king said this a bad reference dismiss this woman [Music] esther gained the heart of the king by losing her reputation that's how she really really saved israel if i perish that's her version of nevertheless let me show you how we rise in this kingdom nevertheless lord if it's my money you want nevertheless ignorant people will insult you and say continue to act like fools let church turn your head around if it's the worship ministry you want i will give it to you it's not a life and death do you know religion will hold any other thing and throw any other thing out including god i can tell you that you are alive in yourself by the ego that is attached to the things that we do [Music] there are pastors who if they miss one service on the pulpit there must be an informant around to give them details of what happened was there any sign of rebellion i'm not ready to toy with my ego that's the problem when you are alive in yourself you will know it's hard to live by yourself but when you die and you become resurrected from his life you will see the ease and the excellency of living by the life of god is someone getting what i'm saying there is a price for the anointing [Music] the price is not just prayer the price is not just fasting the price is not just moral excellence my dear people the price is death call it what it is not fainting you faint you are not dead death death death when jesus the body was lying down there it took the spirit to come and resurrect him back there are some of you here if one thousand naira falls down you can miss church because you are looking for that money don't tell me you are dead listen death is not irresponsibility are you getting what i'm saying now the attachment to things my reputation what did he say about joshua salman do you know who i am you are still alive so you continue to defend yourself for life and it's hard to defend yourself [Music] tonight we are here to obtain the power to lay down the power to lay down the power to lay down you see all these things that happen when i just come and stand here let me tell you sincerely my brothers and my sisters it's not just some special anointing i thank god for his unique operation but you can measure your death is measurable [Music] i stand before the god of heaven and may he forgive me if i'm lying that there is nothing in my life today that i cannot give god may god show me that one thing now as i stand that i cannot give him and it will live this night not tomorrow call me na na kane yeshua yes i say it everywhere i go to preach if the lord tells me son this is your last salmon as a man of god as i throw this mic even if he's an angel that gives me a mic i will not collect it again my life will not be useless if i stop being a preacher [Music] do you have that much death to lay that down and let me tell you you don't answer by saying yes you answer by obedience to what you would demand if anybody tells you god is just playing games with you he's just testing you and then at the end you say no no don't kill it you are joking if he's god he will watch that ashes bone in your presence was he not the one who made man from the dust so when he returns you to the dust he didn't lose he can still make you back that fire must roast your reputation roast your sense of your ego self now that i'm preaching what is in need for me i let them know i am better than this let them know i'm better than this you come fast all your life you will not find power god sees my heart there is only one reason why i do the things that i do i truly seek to see jesus exalted this is what i do all my life i honestly have no business looking for a reputation if i wanted a reputation i'm not too dull i think i know what to do the love of god is what constrains you sometimes i stand here [Music] there should not be anything that you cannot lay down you go to my house this night right there you enter my kitchen you will see my food there waiting for you because there was no time my mind was no no god's people have to be blessed i don't have time when will i start eating this i was already looking at time i have to get up and come i didn't even know when the time had gone let them die ah am i jesus let me sit down eat and he looks at you and you want the anointing for nations nobody will beat you but life will show you that you didn't pass through some doors so while you have come here tonight you have come here to receive that is true but you have also come here to die man of god you have come here to die not just to get a name when you die it will no longer matter where you sit down whether you sit in front here or you sit outside it will no longer matter whether they call you joshua salman or apostle joshua says i'm not i'm not i don't play games with me i've not fasted in vain [Music] john almost got it but he missed it at a point that i may decrease so that he will increase john was getting it making his calling and election sure but he got to the prison and offense the loneliness that comes with death can be painful you want to stay alive [Music] john said so this is what it's about listen if you don't know god he always looks like he's using you [Music] and we say god use me but when you really die what he's doing is that he's he's exalting you beyond your wildest imagination if you don't know the ways of god you will think god is a wicked god so all i do is just to continue to serve you your wishes my command am i that stupid and god says it's your choice i don't force you but then your possibilities will show your limitation [Music] there are men in this kingdom that will not need to pray for god to answer their sacrifice praise all the time even while they are sleeping they are although is praying there are men who god has found a vow upon because of something some sacrifices that they have done and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it there are men who god has found that he will never pass through a land and ignore them in their lifetime [Music] this is the place of power my brothers and my sisters this is the place where the lifting of your voice is like the evening sacrifice the heavens will prove to man that god is there that when you show up in a place it's not by jamboree i am a decent no no no no if it's not there it's not there it's as simple as that and while all that is happening you stand in awe and say god so this is what you can do and god says you've not seen anything yet and while men are praising you you turn back and say lord this is to you he says you are doing this to me you now have a chance to shine and you are saying lord i take my will afresh and i hand over to you he says you just pass through a door get set for another lifting this revival thing we cry about is not just prayer fasting true revival is an initiation into death period if death does not happen a revival did not happen if conferences happen and you do not die whatever happens if it does not lead to death i am telling you a revival did not happen that's why we keep doing revivals every year and at a point to become like a ritual this year's revival will you come and say yes i will come and after the revival on the last day all that people are doing is sharing the grace are wrong to get the can go revival is when you die the world will come and feed off your death but your death will give them life paul said so then death walks in us dead preachers hear me hear me it is death in you that gives life to those who come you are not just going to stretch your hands on someone and say be blessed and then he's like god is not stupid please let's respect god he's not stupid until that death happens and the opening of your mouth principalities and powers will know this is how you will be a blessing our time is gone but we are going to pray i don't know if this is an exaltation tonight a powerful key on the anointing look at me [Music] you have not seen through prosperity until you die [Music] sometimes all these five ten nairas that fly around that distract us from god die financially and see what resurrection can do die to ministry and you will not have the time to honor the invitations that come we gain things by losing them listen to me we gain things by losing them you have a ministry when you forget about ministry and you focus on him [Music] yes listen i want you i don't want us to be emotional just run around shouting as if you don't know what you are doing but in the next two or three minutes i don't know how you are going to talk to god and say lord i don't want to lie to you tonight self is very alive in me i don't know what you are going to do on me tonight but let that spiritual circumcision oh god there are some things i cannot give you i love you with all my heart but i i may not be able to give you my wife i may not be able to give you my child i may not be able to give you my church i may not be able to give you my job i may not be able to give you my reputation lord i love you but i love my reputation too it took me a long time to get it and i don't plan to lose it without a fight lift your voice and pray like jacob take all of me all of me lord you have my everything take all of me all of me lord i release my everything you have my everything take all of me all of me alone you have my everything take all of me all of me lord pray cry to god in a language that is only for you and him you are not praying tonight as koinonia you are not praying as a man of god you are not praying as a celebrity you are you are in the pressing floor of nabots tonight please pray shiva radhaka there is nothing i cannot give you oh god i have battle to give you my reputation but take it tonight my certificate has been useless because i didn't give it to you now i give it to you make meaning out of it for me i've tried to look for a job by myself because it is my job lord take the certificate it's yours take the promotion it's yours whatever you don't give god cannot bless you whatever you don't you're making way for the anointing find comfort oh god let me become your resting place let there be no difference between my life and the throne you can sit on any one of them and still find comfort let it please you to rest upon my life the same way you will rest upon your throat take all of me all of me use all of me all of me just a few minutes and we're done tonight you cannot be anointed until you are dead man of god until you are dead for when you are dead then you become alive you can carry genuine power that will shake the gates of territories the children are beyond your control because they are still your children hand them over to him lord i'm only a steward today and hence they are your children it is your house it is your care you are too responsible to leave your car without maintenance you are too responsible to leave your house without maintainers now she's my wife or she's your wife lord i'm a husband but i'm your wife too this is your church they are your members the influence is yours the messages are yours the honorariums are yours let there be nothing in our lives that we cannot give you you have been looking for your admission your admission so you will qualify and yet not get it when it becomes his admission through you he knows what to do please pray [Music] take over take over i have come to the end of myself faith over jehovah i have touched the end of myself hallelujah hallelujah i have come to the end of myself hallelujah hallelujah i have come to the end of myself [Music] i have touched the end of myself hallelujah hallelujah i have come to the end of myself hallelujah oh god if you cannot open that door let it remain closed if you cannot lift me may i remain small if you cannot bless me may i remain unblessed if you cannot bring members to your church oh god let the pews remain empty if you cannot give me children may i remain without children if you cannot give me a wife may i remain unmarried if you cannot give me a husband may i remain on marriage [Music] hallelujah hallelujah i remember the lord speaking to me years ago i've told you many times he said son if you will let men see me there is nothing i will not give you it's true listen the key is to hide behind the cross that's how to be famous don't stand in front of the cross you didn't die on it he only grafted you through it so you stand behind so that the world will see him the one who died it is through the lands of his death they see you but when you hide jesus so that men will see you the blood on that cross will fight you you'll become an enemy to the cross even though you're a man of god you cannot stand and block jesus because you are looking for fame they are looking at the cross like the brazen altar so that they will leave you now come with your ego and block the cross and say look at me and the blood of the son that also speaks mercy can speak judgment but when you hide behind the cross and say world there is nothing special about me except for the fact that i'm connected to this man you see and the father looks at you and say you you have you have an option to push jesus out you not only stand behind the cross you now lift the cross high enough and say like aaron and her i will be the lifter may they see him they said well you are the one that prayed for me he said just keep your eyes there and while you lift the cross you will find out that you are rising too i've said forever let jesus be glorified thank god for the honour that you show me i know that you love me so much and i'm indebted to you for life but let me tell you sincerely this man that you see is nothing more than a man supernatural dimension of this man is the cross listen to what i'm telling you that's the secret the prayers of this man is not the prayers of his spirit is the prayers of a man is the answer of the one on the cross that makes the prayer of the man looks powerful last prayer point whatever is trying to be you oh god in my life i dethrone it this night lift your voice and pray whatever whatever has found this way to be you in my life no matter how we got there whatever has tried to be you in my life i destroyed whatever has tried to be you let it die let it die let it die thank god for the fame but fame is not the same thing as jesus prosperity is not the same thing as jesus miracles is not the same thing as jesus influence and increase is not the same thing as jesus he is lord of birth and lord overall listen you never give him the glory and he leaves the shame with you he takes everything he says bring it the glory and the shame bring it the pain the disappointment and the honor bring it he does not just take the glory and then leaves you with the shame he wants everything hand it over listen we have just two minutes tonight and then we're done listen to me carefully the woman with the alabaster box you know i studied this for many years and all that it looked like was that she brought something expensive no that woman took her pain she took her frustration it was not just the spiky nerd it was also her sorrow she turned everything in the vase that's why she didn't pour it she broke it lord i don't want it again both the spiky nut and the pain i hand it over and in the next two minutes like the woman with the alabaster box don't just pour your glory in the bottle pour your pain too for the sickness the terminal disease the prayer request take it and put it in that bottle and hand it over to him in the next two minutes [Music] lord i hand it over to you the financial struggle let it go with my worship too i added to my worship i add my pain to my worship i add my sacrifice to my worship i add my disappointment to my worship it will go together we not only give you the highest praise we also give the highest pain the highest sorrow the highest disappointment the reason why i don't sleep i give it to you too that's what worship means worship is not just giving god all the blessings is also transferring the pain in the bottle and releasing it to him i want you to keep this principle and use it again and again in your life this is how your secret place should be a place of exchange your weakness for his strength your earthly wisdom for his divine wisdom worship is not just about singing songs worship is about transference it's proof of humility lord this financial load is bigger than me so i sing it to you i use my song like a tray and on that prayer all my worries i hand it over to you i decree and declare to you tonight in the name of jesus christ the son of the living god that as a result of tonight's surrender many of you will return back and find out that you not only surrendered your heart you also surrendered your limitations and that means you are opening up to a higher dimension of grace a higher dimension of spiritual power declare restoration of gifts and dimensions that have been lost dimensions in the spirit visions operations of the spirit that used to be there but now have been eroded because of your situations let there be a restoration like the hair of samson and i pray sincerely tonight may strange miracles begin to happen in our lives the visions that you have been crying that god will give you blueprints of the next level of life and ministry i stand by the spirit and i declare let the scroll that carries the vision of your destiny be delivered to you this night let the scroll where it has been written the things concerning your next level may your eyes see it in your sleep may your eyes see it when you are awake may your eyes seep as you walk in the name of jesus christ and i pray for you even beginning from tonight may you begin to sense heavier dimensions of god's presence upon your life may your meetings be characterized by strange dimensions of the spirit in the name of jesus christ hallelujah two more prayer points and we're done listen immediately we play these two prayer points there are people here who need to surrender totally to jesus the moment we pray those two prayer points as we round up the last one i just wanted to come out here quickly because this is serious business i don't need to control you you need to surrender your heart [Music] that you want to say lord fully everything so make sure when that time comes we're going to pray we're going to pray this prayer point hallelujah and you're going to say lord all the resources all the materials all the components i need to expose myself to in preparation for that season bring them to me in the name of jesus leave your voice [Music] [Music] all the businesses is [Music] there's no husband why don't you sharpen yourself and say the man that talks to me will know he spoke to a treasure when you are going around doing all kinds of nonsense there is no man coming this coin on your brother said they are not seen why don't you sharpen yourself brothers rather than sitting now all these ladies don't like me are you serious what are you doing for your future show me the investment you are making to be an extraordinary man last prayer point lord jesus hold my hands in this destiny and take me until i become great oh hold my hand [Music] hallelujah you can choose to remain at the level you are forever by giving excuses or you can take the hand of god and say lord i'm on your side i don't care what men say let them criticize me i'll still be moving i don't care where they may misunderstand me why are you always praying in tongues like a fool no problem is it only books you will keep reading don't you visit friends no problem when the season of appearing comes the brothers of joseph that looked down on him they were the ones who now came joseph said i saw the sun i saw the moon i saw 11 stars bowing to me those who criticize you they will bow it's only a matter of time hallelujah i bring a word of hope to somebody [Music] the issue in your life right now does not come to kill you it is the making of great men there is no money in your pocket some of you have been preached to think that is because you don't have faith is because you have faith every time you pray for the throne a goliath comes when you say goliath don't cry start smiling that's a sign that a new season is before you the presence of an enemy always ends your current season and opens up a new season for you if there are no enemies in your life i'm afraid of you may your life not be so ordinary that your enemies ignore you [Music] you will remember this day a day will come when you look at these pictures today tears will roll from your eyes because you will see that in a short time god has glorified himself in your life and you will be wondering was it this easy and i was almost missing it [Music] the songwriter says i was right at the edge of the breakthrough can i tell you something i sense in my spirit that the clock is getting close to someone's life i mean it from the depths of my heart as a house i know that we're about entering a season i've been announcing this for months god will not do anything in this house and not reveal it to me i'm like a pregnant woman that's why i stay in the secret like the wise men looking at the stars trying to understand what are you saying [Music] because the season will be burning and we will only see and wonder and say lord was it this fast hallelujah [Music] we'll take one more prayer point but let's allow those who are saying lord i'm not going to lie to myself tonight i need you in my life please i want you to rush out here quickly do it from the depths of your heart whether you are outside or inside please welcome you're welcome this is for the sake of your destiny minute from the depths of your heart enough is enough run to jesus there's nothing to be ashamed of nobody is closing his eyes you don't close your eyes when they are giving you a gift there are still people outside jesus is talking to you and saying this is why i brought you for this meeting you wanted to come but the devil kept stopping you but tonight is your night you can go back nobody will talk to you but you are the one who knows that your destiny needs to change don't let the proclamations of your enemies be a self-fulfilling prophecy run to jesus young and old those of us standing stretch your hands towards them and begin to pray just in front talk to the lord talk to the lord some of you are crying don't be ashamed of your tears say lord i mean business with you i'm not being emotional because of a message i have seen that my destiny is in my hands i make up my mind [Music] i congratulate those of you in front no man condemns you condemnation does not come from god he convicts you like he has done i don't care what you have done i don't care where you are jesus is about to give you a new beginning we believe in you and we believe in your destiny every one of us have to make this decision there's nothing to be ashamed of make it a genuine decision now lift your right hand and stay after me from the depth of your heart say after me lord jesus i believe in you i confess that you are my savior and you are my lord today i receive eternal life into my spirit i declare that i'm a child of god satan stay out of my life jesus i acknowledge you as the lord of my life let the peace of god flowed into my heart right now i denounced sin i denounced satan from today my life begins to move upward only in the name of jesus christ now let me pray for you jesus these ones have come because they love you we salute their courage and as a family of faith we receive them with gladness and lord i know that among these ones there are apostles and prophets and businessmen and leaders and world changers lord i pray that in this season you begin to lead them through dealings begin to bring them to the knowledge of the principles of the kingdom holy spirit you are our master mentor we commend these ones to your life let them experience it truly that's the way life that god life in the name of jesus christ we bless you with the blessings of heaven everything that you came here with that is not of god drops here tonight and never returns with you in the name of jesus you will be transformed and changed for real and you will never i break associations that are ungodly that keep you in sin and iniquity i pray in the name of jesus that your change and transformation will be genuine in the name of the lord jesus christ celebrate them we love you we love you we love you we love you hallelujah now listen just do something for me very quickly i'd like you to follow the gentleman waving his hands we'll have your details we'll be praying for you and then we'll have a word with you god bless you celebrate them coinonia hallelujah please keep standing just give me a few minutes and then we'll release the blessings on you hallelujah please use this week hallelujah jordan's bookstore is there i want you to settle down on books and materials this week hallelujah this week from now till next week friday don't be distracted i know that many of us are free some of us who are walking when you come back from your office just quietly settle down please get materials some of us is is gluttony that will kill away our destiny you just eat and sleep and snow the bible says a little sleep a little slumber a little folding of the eyes and poverty will come upon you like an unbanned it go and get books get tips media is here immediately after koinonia you can meet them get as many coin on your messages we have preached messages across different areas is it marriage is it ministry get this point on your teaching settle down close yourself even if it's for two hours hallelujah try to sleep well in the night once it's twelve or one o'clock find a place don't disturb people please don't disturb your neighbors because you are getting spiritual find a place and pray even if it's for 30 minutes don't say you must pray for five hours praying talks write your persuasions those of you who have access to internet go on youtube download all quality messages minimize watching movies the television is good but it can be disadvantaged sometimes that's why those who watch it too much never appeared here hallelujah there are those who make news there are those who watch the news [Music] hallelujah make up your mind use this week flog it out with destiny some of you need to break up godly associations you love god but you have too many friends and many of them are not godly when when you want to bless god some ladies who just come right sister and suggest all kinds of nonsense association is not compulsory are you getting my point if there are friends that are leading you they bring all kinds of poisonous movies they come with wrong communication evil communication mention all kinds of words that should not be had among believers you don't need to criticize them but i tell you friends that will not take you far abraham took a lot with him it was because of lord you almost missed out you need to create a protocol around your life don't let anybody hop in and out of your life anyhow because you are going somewhere they may not understand it now stop running to uncles and aunties being in new zealand to people's houses please give me money you now lie to this person my school fees is 30 000 or uncle give me the job [Music]
Channel: KelFusion TV
Views: 3,887
Rating: 4.9337015 out of 5
Keywords: online sermon, apostle selman sermon, apostle joshua selman sermon, new sermon 2021, apostle joshua selman new sermon, youtube sermon, sermon on youtube, apostle joshua selman messages, apostle joshua selman nimmak messages, koinonia, apostle, joshua, selman, nimmak, prayer, apostle joshua selman, apostle joshua selman 2021, koinonia messages, download apostle joshua selman messages 2019, how to grow spiritually, god, how to desire greater glory, powerful prayer, prophetic prayer
Id: 6ha_IsFfJUw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 278min 8sec (16688 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 11 2021
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