Tucker to author: Why's Trump's wall a symbol of hate?

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over president Trump's immigration policies continues tonight Juan Emanuel Montes an illegal immigrant was deported in February now he's suing he says he should have been protected by DACA that's the federal program devised by the Obama Administration that defers deportations for illegals who arrived as minors the big twist though the case will be heard by Gonzalo Cel you'll remember he's the Mexican-American judge the president accused of bias last year Julius AR was an illegal immigrant but despite that she eventually made it in Finance here in the United States she became a vice president at Goldman Sachs she recently wrote a piece accusing the Trump administration of creating a deportation force that will drive out millions of immigrants she joins us now juliaa thanks a lot for coming on thank you for having me so you uh applied for a job and were accepted at Goldman Sachs and ascended uh in the ranks but you were here illegally that suggests that you used an illegal social security number someone else's a stolen social security number whose was it I did I used to fake Social Security number that didn't belong to anyone it was a completely madeup number and you know unfortunately that is what uh young people who are incredibly driven are forced to do given the immigration policies that we currently that we currently have I was very fortunate to be able to become an American citizen eventually when I when I got married to a US citizen but for millions of people this line that we continually talk about doesn't actually exist there isn't a pathway for people to get documented including the young man that you just mentioned uh that was deported recently but but you said you were forced to do it I my understanding is that's a felony punishable by 5 to 10 years in prison do you have any regrets for committing a felony to take a job so it actually the the felony conviction you're talking about really depends on what state um and I did not commit identity theft as I said the associate that I used was completely fake um I absolutely absolutely wish that I didn't have to do that I wish that there had been a pathway for me to become uh a permanent resident and eventually a citizen I came here when I was 11 years old and so I absolutely wish that there had been another way but given the circumstances that I was in that really was my my my only choice and my only option um and I did the best that I could with the circumstances that I had and as you said I became a vice president at at Goldman Sachs and later became a director at maril so you had no choice but to work at Goldman Sachs um I I guess it sounds to me like and congratulations on your success in this country I think you'd be a little more grateful for the opportunities the country offered to you it sounds like you're blaming the country for laws that you don't like you're saying with a straight face you had to violate our laws because they were unjust laws what why did you have to violate our laws no I think I think I think what I'm saying is that um there are laws that are unjust and but I'm not blaming uh anybody for for the circumstances that that I was in I'm incredibly grateful to this country which is why I became an American citizen and that was one of the best days of my life to finally be recognized by a country that I have called home since I was 11 years old so I'm incredibly great for for that opportunity and so now what I'm doing is trying to make that opportunity available to more people who come here to work really hard and to give of their talents to make this country the country that it is a great beautiful country which is why I live here and I'm an American citizen now right and again it's it's worked out great for you as it does for a lot of immigrants and I admire their work ethic and their drive and I also sympathize with them wanting to leave the countries a lot of them are fleeing from but I also think Americans ought to have a voice in this and I also found your characterization frankly of the president's proposed border wall is quote a symbol of hate as not an indication of gratitude it suggest that you don't think America has a right to protect its borders and that seems a very odd attitude for someone benefited so much from your adopted country no uh not at all I don't I don't uh I don't think that makes me ungrateful I think that makes me a citizen of the country who also gets to have a voice and my voice might be different than your voice but we both get to voice our opinion but I'm not I'm not of course and I'm not challenging your your right to to say what you think and I would I would defend it literally however I don't understand why a country's desire to protect its border is is an expression of hate because my I think I think my no I think that my the point that I'm trying to make is that the wall is not the best way to protect our borders listen I live here I want this country to be safe my children are going to grow up in America as American citizens born here and so I absolutely want our country to be safe but building a wall that is going to cost by the way billions of dollars of American taxpayers my tax dollars are going to go you know what I don't have any isn't going to protect us how is the wall going to saying it's too expensive you're saying the wall is too expensive but you know that's not actually what you said you said it's an expression of hate and I just want to get to the bottom of that why is it hateful to want to build a wall a lot of Americans do the majority in some surveys why is that related to hate it is it is a hateful symbol it is a symbol of of hate against immigrants is a him a symbol of hate against uh Mexican immigrants which you know the president uh the the Mr Trump uh ran his campaign on so I do still view the why is it a symbol of on why is it I just want to get to the bottom of this because you're throwing around language that has an effect on people's attitudes and it's pretty heavy duty because it presumes motives that you can't know you don't know that people who support the wall hate Mexican immigrants a lot of people coming across their border are not from Mexico as you know they're Central Americans is is it legitimate is it morally legitimate for an American to say I want control of who comes into my country and we don't have that and so a wall will reestablish that control for you to denounce that as hate seems a little much and I would absolutely and I would absolutely welcome a conversation about how do we create a system by which people can come here legally to that will benefit Americans that will increase tax revenue that will increase economic activity so we should have that conversation we should now you're not answering with respect you're not answering my question you're not answering the key question here but let's get to another question aming the question the question why is it a symbol of hate for people to disagree with you on the wall as as a Mexican as a Mexican immigrant I can have an opinion that that wall to me symbolizes a symb I'm merely asking you to explain your opinion I'm not challenging your right to have one I think you have a right to have any opinion you want but I think I have a right to ask you what you're talking about and you can't explain it so let's move on to the next question which is really simple how many people should we allow into this country illegally every year let's be precise since you do this for a living how many people should we allow in illegally every year I don't think that we should allow people illegally into the country I think that we should create a pathway so that people can come into the country legally it's very it's you know I never had to cross the border uh illegally I came here on a tourist visa so I don't know what it's like to risk your life to come here but many people do trying to come to our country and so and so I would I want to have a way so that people who want to come work in this country can come work in this country legally okay how many how many how many were there 320 million people in the country again you do this for a living this is not something that you haven't thought about presumably how many people should we let in every year we let in about a million and a half legally what should that number be and that's we're interested in the answer I certainly am what is it yeah I I I don't I don't I think that we we have to have a deeper conversation to come up with a number that makes sense but you know the number right now for example when we talk about uh high-skilled worker visas hb1 visas we only have 85,000 visas that we give out every year uh through a lottery and that number hasn't changed in decades right we haven't looked at our immigration system both the legal immigration system and how do we create a pathway to Citizens citizenship for the people here undoc to be respectful and I do respect your achievements and I think you're clearly a talented person but I think if you advocate for policy changes you ought to be able to Define what they are and then defend them and you can't and many other people in your position can and I just want specifics that's it I'm not trying to be mean but you can't provide them and I'm disappointed I'm sorry we're out of time thanks for I can't provide you with the specific I've asked you five times like what's the what's the number and we'll just hold it real quickly how many people should we let in every year yeah what's the ideal number of legal immigrants either H1B programs or through various other programs we have to bring people illegally how many should we bring in a year that's a real question that that cap of 85,000 visas should at least be doubled to that number uh to meet the demands of our country and of our economy so if you're talking about hp1 visas I think the number should at the very least be doubled and when it comes to policy we can't we can't have we can't have a conversation about changing the immigration policies of this country without including a pathway to citizenship for the 11 million people who are here maybe we can that's kind of up to American citizens uh and not up to people here illegally it's up as an American citizen as an americ get thank you for for throwing out that number I appreciate thanks for joining us tonight thank
Channel: Fox News
Views: 1,897,488
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tucker Carlson, Tucker Carlson Tonight, Immigration, Border Security, Deportation, Enforcement, Illegal Immigrants, Immigrant Rights, On Air, Personality, Primary US, US, Fox News, News
Id: ZjR3xLN6IyA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 46sec (586 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 21 2017
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