TTSDA Wednesday Morning Prayer Session- September 15, 2021

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good morning everyone welcome to another wednesday morning prayer session i want to welcome our guests or members from all our platform our social media facebook and zoom platform we are delighted to have you this morning i hope we are all rested ready and energized to welcome the holy spirit this morning my name is titania thompson and i will be your host this morning as a way as you may know our topic for this or well a theme for this month is a tired in so a part of our armor for christ is faith so this morning our topic is faith i but the question is what is faith according to google google stays that trust complete trust or confidence in someone or something so the question i have for everyone here do you have complete trust and confidence in god i think it's very important that we ask ourselves this question when we're in situations that are difficult do we have trust in god okay now let us pray start this session most righteous and compassionate father thank you for this day thank you for allowing us to wake up this morning lord thank you for health strength health and strength lord allow us to go through this day loss not only that but bless this program today i love it to meet someone this morning hello to bless someone this morning in your precious holy name i pray amen okay so just to note that we will have breakout rooms within this session and if you are in need of prayer you may be able to fill out the link in provided in the chat or if you need a immediate immediate prayer you may be able to do so by typing your quests in the chat so now we'll have our song serviced by sister danielle fox uh good morning everyone so we're going to go into our song service at this time so you know you know how we roll um you can go ahead and send your requests in the chat and i'll try my best to do them right now we will start by singing one of my okay uncle keith is i'm gonna ask you about this it's ready to go so um he just selected him 608 so we're gonna go right there right now and do 608 faith is the victory and then we will do hype number 12 bantaming so let's go and camped along the hills of lighty christian soldiers rise and press the bat so where the night shall there the glowing skies against the fallen veils below let all our strength be heard faith is the big story we know that overcomes the worst faith is the victory faith is the victory oh glorious victory that overcomes the world on every handful we find drawn up in dragon ray let hands overs be left behind and onward to the fray salvation's hell let's on each check with truth and girds about the earth shall tremble beneath our church and echo with those shouts faith is the victory faith is the victory all the glorious victory that overcomes the world to him that overcomes the full white frame and shall be given before the angels he shall know his name confessed in heaven then onward from the hills of light our hearts with love acclaim will vanquish all the host of night in jesus conquering me faith is the victory faith is the victory all the no real snakes that overcome the world okay we are now going to sing on number 12 i remember him number 12 she's joyful joyful we are doing it all right after two one two joyful joyful we are toward the god of glory lord of love hearts unfold like flies before thee ill be as the sun above melts the clouds of sin and sadness drive the dark of thou so we give a rough immortal gladness fill us with the light of day thy works with joyce around thee earth and heaven reflects thy race stars and angels sing around me center of unbroken freeze fields and formless builds and mountain blast me mad of flashing sea [Music] chanting bird and flowing fountain call us to rejoice in thee thou white's giving and forgiving ever blessing of the blessed while spring of the joy of living ocean depth of happy rest thou the father christ our brother all who live in love are kind teach us how to love each other lift us to the joy divine [Music] all right we're gonna go to our next song which is gonna be him 482 from tiana mori all right um father lead me there buddy um i i'm not sure if i remember the tune of this honestly i don't it's not coming to me right now so [Music] rank um show me what i ought to do okay okay all right i think i might remember you know let me try um lead me day by day ever in thine own sweet way teach me to be pure and true show me what i ought to do when in danger make me breathe make me know that thou can save keep me safe by thy dear side let's meet thy lover bye when i'm tempted to do wrong make me steadfast wise and strong and when all alone i stand shields me with thy mighty hand may i do the good i [Music] sorry i just got sidetracked a while ago let's go let's do the last verse again may i do the good i know be thy loving child below then at last go home to thee ever boy thy child to be thank you everyone for checking in to help me out um i actually like the tune so thanks for your help we're gonna go ahead no one sing um in the garden him 487 and who is that from auntie claudette i believe i think that is yes all right okay all right i think i remember this tool um i come to the garden all alone why the two is still on the roses and the voice i hear falling on my ear the song of god discloses [Music] and he walks with me and he talks with me and he tells me i am his own and the joy we share as we tarry there none other has ever known he speaks and the sound of his voice is so sweet the birds are swearing me and the melody that he gave to me within my heart is me [Music] and he walks with me and he talks with me and it hurts me i am his own and the joy we share as we [Music] [Music] i'd stay in the garden with him though the night around me before [Music] but he bit me go through the voice [Music] is calling and he walks with me and he talks with me and he tells me i am his own [Music] and the joy we share [Music] all right i'm going to see if there is any other requests there's no other requests um so i will go ahead and sing um i'll see team 21 i'm titanic can let me know when my time is running out all right so we're gonna go ahead i don't know if anybody else has any other requests in case you do you send it in the chat um and to use our time wisely i'll go ahead and sing the first second and last time all right anymore it's all invisible god only wise in light in accessible hit from our eyes most blessed most glorious the ancients of death almighty victorious thy great name we praise okay i want to do all of the selections so i'm going to sing the second verse of this and then i'm going to go ahead to number two and i will cut off at number two all right on resting on hastings and silence as night no i wanting nor wasting thou ruleless in mind thy justice like mountainside soaring above thy clouds which are fountains of goodness and the love and we'll sing first and second of all creatures of forgotten king all creatures of forgotten king lift up your voices hallelujah [Music] opening sun with golden beam and silver moon with softer gleam oh praise him all praising hallelujah [Music] [Music] praise him hallelujah oh rising morning praise rejoice oh the lights of evenings find a voice oh praise him all [Music] all right this has brought us to the end of voice song service thank you so much for participating okay thank you daniel for carrying us through our song service now move straight into our preliminary service we'll begin with or opening him by tatiana thompson and our scripture reading by tiana murray leave it up there good morning i showed you all righty so we're gonna go with him five to eight just give me one second to find it all right five two eight let's go the lords are in him we hide a shelter in the time of storm seek your whatever may be tied a shelter in the time of storm mighty rock in the weary land pulling shade on the burning side faithful guide for the pilgrim plan a shelter in the time of storm [Music] a shade by day defense by night a shelter in the time of storm no fears alone no falls the fright the shelter in the time of storm mighty rock in the way [Music] storm the raging floods may round the speeds a shelter in the time of storm we find a safe retreat a shelter in the time of storm mighty rock in the weary land cooling shade on [Music] divine refuge there a shelter in the time of storm be thou warhead forever near a shelter in the time [Music] pilgrim stand a shelter in the time of storm [Music] good morning everyone not sure what's happening with my camera let me try again all right good morning so a scripture reading console was from hebrews chapter 11 verse 6. i'll give you time to find it just a minute hebrews chapter 11 and verse 6 and it reads but without faith it is impossible to please him for he that coming to god must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him amen amen now we will be moving towards our prayer of consecration now just a reminder if you have prayer requests you may type it in the chat or you may fill out the link provided so i would like to ask anti-clotted to do our prayer consecration thank you good morning everyone let us pray heavenly father we thank you so very much for waking us up to see this another day and for providing us with this wonderful opportunity whereby we can come into your midst to worship you father as we ball before you this morning we join with the angels and with the heavenly host in giving thanks and praise to you because god you are worthy to be praised we thank you for helping thank you for your strength we thank you for waking us up in our rightful minds we thank you for food on our tables we thank you for closing our box we thank you lord jesus for roof overhead we thank you most of all god for jesus christ we thank you lord for the sacrifice that he made on calvary and because of that we can come this morning boldly to your throne as we come lord we acknowledge that lord we are sinful mortal beings and so we ask this morning that you will wash us and that you will cleanse us holy father we claim your promise that if we confess our sins you are faithful and just to forgive us and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness this morning god we ask we join with the songwriting saying consecrate us lord to your service and i just pray god that as we go through this meeting that your holy spirit will be with us and that god we will leave from this meeting renewed re-energized and that we will resubmit and recommit our lives to you this is my prayer with thanks in jesus precious name amen and amen amen thank you sister clarett so now we have come to the section of our program that will all we've all been waiting for so our speaker today is a very active member of our church a person who is willing and always interested in what the church is all about as our speaker today is married to the lovely sister elena thompson thomas sorry guys and he is most importantly a man of god we speak of none other than pastor owen thomas please keep him in our prayer in our prayers as he speaks to us but before we will have our son of meditation hey [Music] through so many dangers [Music] [Applause] [Music] but he keeps on giving the grace and the strength to just [Music] he's [Music] never is he's always [Music] that he's working everything for my good [Music] [Music] [Applause] my [Music] [Applause] in spite of the good intentions i've had sometimes my strength can fail though i had tried the very best that i could my weaknesses prevail but then [Music] is [Music] he's already said [Music] good [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] he is [Music] god [Music] through [Music] amen amen thanks be to god i wish to thank the singers even though they can't hear me because it's recorded for the recording i am going to make it praise god heaven is in my view i wish to i wish to say this morning as i'm going to start the video i'm trying to share the screen first um i wish to say thank you sister titania for your kind introduction indeed i am a member of trenchtown church i'm a not just a member but a proud member of the church and i thank you for saying that i wish to also realize that you like sister thomas so much that you want her to be a member of her family i've forgotten she was not thousands of doubles not far away she's still your cousin all right so this morning here we are again we are looking at the full armor of god that started two sorry two weeks ago this is the third week or the third part of the armor we will be doing as we go down this morning i was asked by the eminent lady james wonderful lady of faith and prayer and the entire third team as we meet you this morning and i wish to extend my welcome all are gathered here this morning to share in the word of god i know that a blessing awaits you and be assured that you receive that blessing as long as you by faith believe and accept what the word of god is saying this morning i will share with you from the screen can you see the screen brethren yes let us bow our heads as we pray father we are so grateful this morning for this privilege that we can meet in this fashion oh god may we never take it for granted and as i say and i believe dear god that even though lives have been lost jobs have been lost we have been mentally temporally physically and in so many ways inconvenienced but through it all through the evil arm of satan you have brought us together in this fashion so bless us now as we wait upon you feed us with your words in jesus name finally my brethren be strong in the lord and in the prophet's might god through inspiration to the apostle paul encourages everybody on the platform all of christ's people the saints of god to put on the entire arm of god and that is the only way that you'll be able to stand against the trickery and the subtlety of satan why because we do not wrestle against human being but against principalities against the poorest of the rulers of the darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness in high place wherefore do what put on the entire arm of god that you may be able to withstand in the evil day and if you have done all praise god hebrews 10 11 says you shall stand so stand brothers and sisters with your loins girth about with truth that's one of piece of the armor the other one is bracelet for register yesterday somebody needs to mute your mic please mute mike i'm hearing you and your feet shout with the preparation of the gospel of peace and either looking at faith because with faith you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked and let me cause you to say this morning that every piece of the armor is important none is more important than the other they all go together this reminds me of what paul talks about the body the eye is not our head is not more important than the eye other than the feet because it's down there all important they all be wrong very very important to bear this in mind so here we go talking about the shield of faith yes paul wants his people to have a shield of faith you see paul had the heart of jesus jesus has the heart of love and soul paul in his ministry he has given his life to god and he was through inspiration allowing us to have a clearer glimpse of who we ought to do so he says above all and that above all does not mean the most important that i said before it is saying in addition to all in addition to the other six parts of the armor yes you must have faith and this is the treatise on faith you see my friends paul had enough time he has spent years chained on a roman soldier and when i see a roman soldier they change shifts so maybe every six or eight hours a new soldier comes in and he's always chained on to this soldier because he was in custody to be tried and we know what happened at the end of his trial so paul had enough time as every day every waking moment and i suppose many nights he spent up contemplating and writing his letters so he could examine from head to toe the roman soldier and by the way living in a in this part of the world in that part of the culture where rome was an empire he saw them every day but for the first time god had brethren i am telling you this don't take it lightly that god had a load said that would fit us with corona while we're here this morning to get closer to god amen god had his way of working things out as he did in the life of paul and so paul the servant of god yes he had enough time examine close up for the first time what comprised the outfit of the roman soldier his sword shield that i'm dealing with his breastplate etc etc there they are he saw them every waking moment and maybe in his sleep he saw it and god inspired him so here we go now this is the definition of faith hebrews 11 verse 1 says what now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of what things not seen did you catch that did he get it i remember the first time i was asked to explain this text there's a young lady by the name of marlene williams she is now married marlin street forest we all know her she is the ceo of jamaica money market one of the most productive and blooming businesses in the caribbean and the world not jay maybe i began ah it just slipped me um it's let me know but you know what you know what i'm talking about she exchanged jamaica stock exchange thank you thank you thank you brandon jamaica stock exchange we were schoolmates and we used to do spanish together at one time and she came to me when she got baptized in her teens i was a teenager too and she said owen explain to me please what is this text saying about faith and i in my navity as a young man growing up in the church and zealous i didn't do more than regurgita regurgitating the same thing i believe because i said marlin it is saying that faith is the substance you know what substances i didn't even try to explain it to her but as you know what is this some sort of a thing and she she i supposed to shave her embarrassment she bowed her head but i should have explained what substances then i said it is an evidence you know when when you say you have evidence of something which was not good enough either but i tried my best and this morning i will try again to explain to you what these words are the word there's a greek word pistis trying to define faith justice which means trust or confidence the same interpretation of the word faith there's a there's some other synonyms like faithfulness reliability so then the word pistes it really denotes an attitude of the mind a certain pattern of conduct which results or is a product of an attitude of faith so in order to have faith we must set our minds to trust god to have confidence in god they my brothers and sisters as faithful christians of god our deeds by their works he shall know them our faithful deeds denote or will actually identify and describe our faith the definition of substance you see i go back to the greek as we all know by now that the new testament is written in greek and you need to go back to the original language to get a feeling of what it is saying this word substance is from a greek word which means substantial nature essence actual being reality it means something that is real and i go on quickly to as you see there there is no such thing as blind faith and i'm not talking about a slice of bread food like what i'm gonna have this morning but i mean that there is something to believe in because you can actually see god working really in your life so the genuine faith always rests upon the firm underlying substance of enough evidence to cause you to have faith in god even though you never see him you see the rainfall you see the tree you see the flowers you you have to wonder who made the mountains who made it see it must be god that is substance reality god is a good god and as we go on looking at giving you some more definition of who posters is the greek word then back in the ancient world the document that was prepared to show ownership of property was not really the property but the document was the title deed just like what we have today that that is what the definition is saying just as how we you have a title today those who own a piece of land the title shows that that piece of land belongs to owen thomas your name is on it and it is stamped by the official seal of the country and signed by the official to say that is your title deed that is not the land that you have in your hands or you have stuck away safe in some place but it is evil it is it it's it is substance so that is faith it is a title to believe in god so here we go we look at the word evidence what is evidence it comes from the greek word electros which means proof or conviction so faith is not an abstract belief that the evidence exists i want that to soak in faith is not abstract belief that evidence exists but it is a second assurance based on confidence that god will fulfill his promises you have the assurance you have the proof you have the conviction in a court of law you rely on something that is called proof to provide evidence i remember doing a case in saint thomas and from the witness my witness who i was leading in the prosecution from he started out i knew that i lost case because as i led him along he said that he was in the yellow river bed and it was night was coming down and then a lawyer the lawyer was there you know one great mr williams and he said somebody hit him with a stone and i let him and i said who hit you with the stone do you see me here today he said no i said you did not see him you know we are not friends we always fight so i said anybody else was there him said yes sir other people are there so i said no any of them can come and talk for you today instead he said no mr crap none of them can't come so the judge didn't bother with this time it's amazing what you want to do so i have to just add a new evidence no further evidence why because it was dark he couldn't see properly he didn't see who hit him with faith in god the proof or the conviction comes about because you have settled in your mind that god believes god is leading in your life that is evidence faith is a substance of things hoped for the evidence even though you don't see it like my witness wouldn't see any man licking me stone because it does but faith is different you see it by faith look at the chapter in hebrews 11 the hall of faith the hall of fame as it is called all of them abram looked for a better city he didn't see it but god was leading and by faith he grasped the belief in the sin they my brothers and sisters the shield of faith is active because you see what is coming on are some darts and the apostle paul speaks about them faith stops the arrows of temptation before they become sin in the soul they didn't get that faith stops the arrows of temptation before they become sin in the soul so temptation will come but guess what a christian does not succumb to temptation if he does his soul will be in peril faith quenches those arrows and let's look at some of them the arrows that are coming to you as a christian here they are in your life fear that god perfect love cast out fear discouragement these are the arrows the darts that satan is always firing until fiery darts of the evil paradise of the weekend discouragement impatience on only thoughts envy anger jealousy discourtesy and unkindness and the list goes on but thanks be to god this morning that faith yes it stops those arrows that are coming at you so that you will not sin that is what the christian life is all about his struggles and paul in his declaration from his experience hear what he says he says we are troubled on every side yet because of faith we are not distressed we are perplexed by satan but by faith we do not despair we are persecuted by satan but by faith we are not forsaken we are cast down by by satan but by faith comes with god we are not destroyed always bearing about in the body the dying of the lord jesus that the life also of jesus might be made manifest in our body so brothers and sisters rest assured that all those who live godly must suffer persecution but as a songwriter says it is the trials the trials of life the temptations that will perfect you that will give you the victory i like this text taken from first corinthians chapter 10 and verse 30. god allows satan to tempt you like job the heart allows satan to tempt you like joseph god allows satan to tempt you like this you know many times you look at david's sinning that life is so unfortunate but we don't look at the many victims that he had but we can we can look at it there is no temptation taken you know that when david saw the lady bathing she didn't come in front of him you know this even if she came in front of him like what 45's wife did he did not have to stay there he could have run away there has no temptation taking you but such as is coming to man but god is faithful praise god who will not allow the temptation to be above your endurance god knows owen thomases and elder class capacity to be a temptation we are different but he with the temptation praise god like with joseph he made a way of escape even though he went to prison but his soul was saved amen and god gave the victory to bury it as we come to the end faith quench the fiery darts of the wicked amen that's what faith does quenches it thanks god thanks be to god and this is the victory that what overcometh the world what is that even our faith so faith as the songwriter says is the victory that overcomes the world but without faith it is impossible the scripture text for meditation this morning it is totally absolutely impossible to please god for he that commits to god must believe that he is and that he rewards those who seek him my brothers and my sisters faith god is such a good god that he will test your faith individually you have your own experiences i thank god i'm not perfect but i remember in my career when by faith when god said i went put down those legal books and take up my books in cold portering it was difficult i thank god for my wife because when i went to her and told her about this mad dream i had this crazy must be a nightmare i don't drink ramen never drink rum i tasted beer once and i don't know how people can grow but i was wondering if i was intoxicated proud ambitious budding lawyer striving to be a judge i didn't go to law school yet 30 odd years ago maybe 35 years ago wanted to be a judge and here i get this dream to go and sell books i shared with my wife and telling me that time is up and it is true expecting her to say that is mad as forget about it we're just trying to get married planning to have a family no doubt and to go sell books but i thank god god is mercy god is speaking to somebody today give your life to him stop doing foolishness by faith believe in me turn around by faith he will reward you i don't have time to tell the rest of the story but i'm glad i obeyed the lord as he speaks to you he spoke to moses he spoke to abraham and he speaks to you everybody has a story where is your faith that is the question today where is your faith do you have faith to believe in god without faith it is impossible absolutely impossible to please god why because as long as they live satan will be pushing those darts against you you know fairy tales in ancient warfare they used to put tar on the end of the darts so they could penetrate or catch a fire yes these were volatile instruments at the end of could fight the building out of your shield so faith will quench those darts build your faith everybody has a different level of faith yes but god will not suffer you to be tempted today my brothers and my sisters to be overcome by temptations right they my brothers and my sisters i wish to remind you that faith shut lion's mouth faith caused fire to come down from heaven faith caused baron hannah to have a baby or is someone faith caused israel to cross the jordan in its highest speed faith caused water to gush from a rock faith caused joseph to become prime minister of egypt and guess what faith caused you to be a child of god today and if you're not yet a child of god it is faith that causes you to hear this sermon and all of us faith while you're here today listening to the words because he wants you build yourself question at this psychological moment where is your faith examine yourself take a stop self-evaluation that's what we are to do today where is your faith may god help you to take a sincere look at your faith and grow in him because there's no limit in faith god bless you as you allow him to cause your faith to grow through the temptations that will come as long as your god god bless amen past amen without faith [Music] we okay good morning everyone [Music] so um my first report is um for over the weekend so basically um okay where should i start so i had to go into mandeville on saturday but it wasn't do any business it was um god related in the fact where he was a song that i was working on with a friend um and i had that at a buster just to go and to go back home right and one of my one of my other friends from school she she um she brought something for me that she went overseas for the summer but she said i could come pick it up any time anytime i want so i was saying okay god should i go for it today that she's home today i don't know you know she's going to go home for the weekend because of the donut okay unless i might say call her and ask if i can come on so i did call her and asked so when i did go um we were talking anything and then she was saying so is everything russian i was telling her you know i'm just trusting god because even right no and i was just telling her you know what's going on and at the end of the conversation because over this weekend my daddy was supposed to send me some money but he didn't send the money um he said that he was in this week so i didn't have any food at all in my house so um after speaking to her she gave me a thousand dollars right so the scheme actually lives in the other small shop i used to live in that same scheme so that's all we became friends and all of that um and oh sashimi sauce i used to live as well so this the small shop that is in the scheme that lady knows me so i went there with my thousand dollars now at nine thousand dollars saying okay god what can you do it's just this thousand dollars so i have food for the period of the lot down so i went there and i got the total and i went there and i was asking at different prices and she's like no man rachelle you're not making a payment i didn't i got to just be honest so i told her that listen i just have my 1 000 and then i was trying to see what i can do with it so um at the end of the conversation i got to you know get enough food i got to buy not food i'll bust her to go in the town to ensure that i get my phones for um today and additionally to that the lady gave me um other items to put on it to sustain me throughout the lockdown so and so this goes to show that sometimes all we have to do is just talk and then god will work things out because supposedly i didn't um i had no one a one 120 left i could use that 1 120 and go home and not have anything to eat over there over the weekend but i went by my friend and got the thing that she brought for me and then through conversation i told her that i didn't everything and she gave me the thousand dollars and going to the shop the lady additionally put other items on it for me to have so um this is just giving god thanks and you know praising him for he's always opening doors for his children i didn't have to beg a man i didn't have to lie don't get anything so it goes to show that if you're a child of god you have nothing to worry about because god if god says in his bible knock and he will answer all we have to do is ask and we will receive so that's just my testimony for us as young people to continue to trust god and rely on him to provide for you and all do you rely on him by whenever the child the chants come about and you need help speak and you will provide so that's the word from my testimony speak and the lord will provide amen amen [Music] okay yes this is it good morning everyone everyone on youtube want to thank god for today want to thank god for the privilege of prayer and for the message that we have received this morning let us pray holy holy holy lord god almighty which was and is is to come father in heaven we thank you for the privilege that you have given us to see another day it is not by chance it is not by anything good that we have done but because of your love because your mercy because your compassion fail not they are new every morning and so god this is such a wonderful blessing that we have received at your hand and because of this wonderful blessing we know we're confident we can have faith in you father we thank you so very much for keeping us through the night we thank you god for your mercy that never fails lord as we come to you this morning in this troubled time that we have no one else to turn to but god we know that you are always available to hear us father you said in your word be still and know that you are god so lord god as we come in this time of crisis and trouble on every side we cla we place our hands in your hands and we ask you god to forgive us where we have sinned and fallen short god where we have doubted that we have fear lord we act your forgiveness god you said in your words if we confess our sin you are faithful and just to forgive us and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness father we need your cleansing right now and lord we come to you this morning we pray for the leaders of our country god without you it is impossible for us to go to this time of crisis lord you say where where is there's no wisdom the people perish and so god we come to you on behalf of the leaders of our country we pray god that you will forgive them of their sin and give them divine wisdom knowledge and understanding so they can lead this country jamaica in the right direction god there is so much confusion so many things are happening we know that you are the great problem solver we know god that only you can make it right in jamaica lord see what is happening in in the health sector you see what is happening in the security sector the crime and violence that is eating down our people but jesus we know we know god that we can trust you we know god that you are our shelter in this time of time and so god we just asked to put an in end to all this mayhem to all this evil that is happening around us and lord we know that this is prophecy fulfilling but help us to trust you help us oh god to have faith in you to believe in your word a god you said a thousand shall fall at our side and then position at her right hand but it shall not recognize you but lord to be faithful so that we can endure the promises that you have given us lord take full control be with our church leaders father may you strengthen their faith in you so that god they can lead your people to you lord i pray for every person in youtube i pray for every family member i pray lord for help i pray for directive i pray lord for strength i pray god that you will cover your people today that as we go to today we will know with our surety that we are the head and not the tail we will know without shorting that you god is leading us in the path of righteousness that was all god to listen to you help us to follow you help us oh god to be obedient to your call into your hand blood jesus i please the brethren every member every visitor on youtube those who will watch later father may they come to love and trust you may they come to be obedient to you oh god in terms of these we need a savior we need you jesus so help us to turn to the words help us to study your word able to know you whom to know is life eternal god there are challenges personal situation that persons are going through lord we know god that you care about everything everything that concerns us concerns you and so lord we put all the personal trials and and and situation before you and we ask god to work it out help us to believe people to trust you because you woke us up this morning because god you keep us from moment by moment lord we have seen enough proof to trust you to take care of us you promise that you'll never give us more than we can there oh god so help us to trust your words help us to come into that relationship with you so that we can trust you father i thank you i praise you for your goodness and your love i thank you god for the word that you have sent to us this morning to remind us that you are a god of your word that we can trust you because you say what you mean and you mean what you say father help us lord to live in accordance to your will so that one day when you come we will go home and live with you father this is our hope this is our desire to make it to your kingdom lord we know that we can't make it on our own so we are trusting you we are placing our hands in your hands we are placing our families in your hands we are placing our children in your hands we are placing our finances in your hands we are placing our health in your hand and father just lead us through today keep us faithful keep us true keep us holding on no matter what is happening supposed to hold on to your unchanging hand because you will never leave us nor forsake us that's your promise to us and we we keep we know that you are faithful so thank you jesus for hearing thank you for answering thank you god for all that you have done for all that you are doing now and for all that you will do in us through us and with us in jesus name we pray amen amen praise the lord just want to say thank you for all unfit on zoom on the youtube this morning for coming out hope you were blessed is everyone back now seems so okay as we close today remember without faith it is impossible to plea in to please god remember as christians we have to completely trust and have confidence in god we know that there is nothing impossible for god as long as god says it is for you it will be for you always remember god relieves god provides god protects and never forgets so let us now pray to close let me just ask ella sinclair to pray to close safety the male are the female the male are the female for the crossing clear okay thank you okay let us bow our heads everyone what a friend we have in jesus lord with all our sins and grief to bear what a privilege you have afforded us this morning where we can come to you in prayer lord as i said this morning is no exception i was just saying my room what a grateful you know enticement and joy it is when we can meet like this and the stillness of jesus said of the morning when everything is hush around us no destruction no noise the father we can come and sit and commune with you i was just saying that you know someone said it's breakfast spiritual breakfast it's so nice when you can do that lord and what better way to start a day down with you with the order and finish off your faith yes the cast all carries upon you because you cared for us you got the testimony from our sister thinks it's the hall it was the father of your goodness david said he was once young now he's old not seen the righteous forsaken our seed begging great you provide for us when he least expected cattle upon a thousand heal is yours father you will always be there for your people be with us as we go this morning some of us to work some will work from home wherever we are wherever we go in fact lord go before us pave the way for us as we come along we're going to sleep in our stumble and we try to traverse this narrow path which leads to heavy eternal few there be that find it but certainly all of us on the bureau's platform this morning want to be a part of that fewer those few because only then we will able to go to reign with you throughout the ceaseless ages of eternity lord this might want to remember or family members who are extended family who are mourning the lost of loved ones sister uh davis who the late tourists today beat her family members forest family as well but a rambo they were a smith directed girl and then this goes on a friend of mine michael jackson lost his mom we would them their fire in a very very special way comfort them like only you can and as we go to the course of this day head that will be able to share with someone something from what was said this morning and invite them give them an invitation to come back this evening at seven to have dessert from your word from your throne room because the father only this will keep us to what we are going through in this earth history lord help us to look up closer redemption joy at night when you burst the eastern skies all of us go to sleep rise in the first direction because they're sleeping in you and those who are alive all together caught up to meet you in the air to go home and deliver you throughout the ceaseless issue of eternity let us be our mantra as we hold on to you with the heart and treasure for faith for christ said amen amen okay so thanks to everyone who joined us this morning from our zoom youtube and facebook platform we just want to remind you to join us this evening for wednesday night service thanks everyone and enjoy the rest of your day first of all i want to jump in here this morning early sister williams from antigua sister brown sister jenny i'm so glad that you came on i'm so happy when i heard your voice i am so happy i hope many other people persons came on this morning because this morning was a powerhouse pastor thomas thank you for the word i am on a spiritual high faith i am telling you pastor god inspired you to under the good works and may we catch that flame of fire and burn up everywhere we go because nowadays people are not focusing on god all what you're hearing is the virus and the virus on the vaccine and that's a trick of the enemy we have the answer as pastor said this morning faith is the victory that overcomes the world thank you again pastor and thank all of us that came on me amen thank you sister williams and special thanks to sister tanya for leading up this morning pastor thank you for your work but just before we daniel i am just impressed to ask pastor to pray a special prayer for our country and our leaders we are in a crisis and it is only god that can take us through it and we must pray for our leaders because whatever decision they make will affect us so i'm just inviting pastor to pray for the leaders and the health situation that is happening in our country at this time and especially in the crime sorry sister james yes i would like faster to also include our leaders in antigua barbados and our our country our nation we are going through people are killing themselves every day we have suicide in this country i'm asking pastor thomas to offer priya on our behalf also okay pastor thomas thank you sister williams thank you yes brethren let us boyhood as we pray the lord's are rock in him we hide a shelter in the time of storm dear god we're always grateful we're always privileged for this sweet of prayer and so this morning or righteous heavenly father or a merciful god or redeemer become bowing before you with deep humility with penitence we have not known you as we ought we are sinful we are but dust and ashes and our very thoughts our very nature is sin but dear god we thank you for your cleansing blood we ask that you forgive us and that you will hear our prayers because you have certain words of inequities in our hearts you will not hear us so lord we present before you today the leaders of the caribbean in particular antigua and jamaica represent our prime respective prime ministers before you lord that you will lead them and they will follow we know their god that you rule in their fears of men and when men of secular minds obey you like the king of nineveh that you will hear and answer a prayers you will avert your wrath will be averted because your prayer hearing god as long as we repent and come to you we pray that you'll be with the leaders of government and the opposition we pray also lord for all religious leaders of all the denominations that they will hear your voice we also pray dear god that you'll be with specifically your church your people we have called give us wisdom dear lord that we will lead in the right way we pray for the person of jamaica you know the president of the antiguan union and all the leaders worldwide leave your local leaders in your hands lord we pray for elder williams her pastor and all the other leaders of our church in our district with a trench town and all the other members and leaders of whitfield town and regent street we ask you dear god that you have mercy because you see what is happening men and women need to surrender their lives to you before it is too late lord may we follow you our savior whatever may be a lot give us the faith to trust in you remember the many families that are bereaving comfort them even now lord in the our district and in antigua and across this world so many people are dying lord may people look to you now as we see that there's no one who can help us but you we would like to mention lord the health workers lord keep them and shield them and comfort their hearts and give them the strength so that lives will be saved above all save us in your kingdom when you come we ask these and other unmentioned mercies because we have been found faithful you save us when you come in jesus name amen amen amen amen this is sinclair coming on to do the greetings okay um i just want to see how happy i was this morning to have brother kevin morrison in my prayer room as happy for everybody in the prayer room but as especially happy for brother kevin morrison and i just want to encourage everyone to keep kevin in your prayers especially today um he is going out to sort out some matters with his schooling and i'm just asking you please to petition the throne of grace on his behalf so yes i want to give a big shout out to all my young people who were in the chat or on the meeting today to rion the sister tiana to cindy to um rochelle uh rochelle i was just so happy for you um i'm looking for my other young people is so much today i would say she is don't know this young but um um kevin yes and yes just wanna wanna say big um how happy i am to see you all i also have to say a big shout out to my mother-in-law sister glovis johnson i'm since she's on the chat i am in the meeting room and i'm thinking that this is the first time seeing you sister clovis on in this meeting so welcome also to auntie garnett it was really great to have you guys with us i want to say well um it was happy to have let me see all our visitors sister carleen is sister carleen um thanks for being with us this morning and we we will be yes we we we will meet on friday right yes but you know i'm not home yet i know i know i know but willing cop we link up still nonetheless we still give our support oh can i thank you so much for all the support that the other persons right and i'm just so happy that you're on and may god continue to bless you sis and um you know going with jesus all the way is a first priority let me say thanks to everyone gene christian um i'm looking for our visitors first yes genevieve brown um carrion robinson right i think that's our visitors and to our members you know this program this program um without you would be there'll be no program so we're happy that you're on this morning the prior team is especially happy and i just want to encourage all of us to keep sister claudette galaxy nine is one of four visitors too but just say galaxy nine that's my friend just say that that's galaxy nine just say galaxy nine galaxy nine that's my friend yes big shout out to you sister direct friend and anybody that's a friend of sister daret is a friend of all of us amen our friends amen platform in this um this zoom link up so thank you for coming let me thank you all for coming and as i say let us keep the faith with everything that's going around let us keep the faith let us keep amen god is faith amen amen please remember and we are inviting everybody back on this platform at seven o'clock today amen thank you elder keys thank you i just wanted to say i wanted to say one last thing um santa claudette charlotte is too young oh oh wow you see now i get myself in trouble all right young charnet it was great having you on the program this morning everybody on this this afternoon and guess what we had young alphonso on this on the program yes i have a question you're not saying the rest of us are old um no i i i just say mature it's a sinclair i want say a special special shout out to brother ricardo samwell on behalf of the prayer ministries and the church a big thank you sir for your hard work dedication and sacrifice thank you it is not going unnoticed the lord has seen it and he's going to reward you richly and openly thanks to your family also and also to sister daniel cox yeah we welcome your present and we thank you so very very much and we are looking forward to having next week yes and i want to say thanks to sister titania yes it is she did a great job and it is always so good when we have young people leading out amen not all young people are the future and we definitely need to allow them the platform to lead and so i was really blessed by sister titania's posting this morning thank you to tanya amen amen and i just want to say thanks to jean and terry on welcome that's my daughter jean christian welcome she's here every morning virgin i want you to pray for her because it's time for her to be a member yeah yes amen so please keep her in your prayers for me yes i don't i don't think so i know so okay amen and and carry on as well and carry on yes and family yeah hi all right thanks everyone for coming out uh thank you mr james god bless you and your family amen on the platform amen amen i'm dying to say sister carry on i don't know what you're talking about thank you sister johnson sister glovis i missed you and done it i missed you guys how do i get into what's up lucky when the phone is god bless you all brethren
Channel: Trench Town SDA
Views: 134
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: bqYJYTTwt3I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 15sec (5475 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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