Jeremy “Twitch” Stenberg, FMX Legend - UNLEASHED Podcast E105

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to get this group of people together like we were sitting here just like joking around counting metals like between everyone that was here there's probably over 40 medals here from x games who has the uh who has the least amount of medals yourself huh you're pretty up there actually 17. 17. taco how many exchange medals you got five five vicky four four how many's bilco have bilcoe has a lot mcniel's up there too 15 16. hill has some uh hill does have x games matters yes biermann has some axel has so much everyone here is like awesome yeah tom p like literally everyone here is like gnarly what unleashed with the dingo and danny fueled by monster energy are we good are we rolling oh we're live we're we're rolling we're definitely not it could be live are we live twitch we're live does your microphone work are you in no you don't want to try it i'm good i don't like big black things by my mouth you guys have been waiting i've been thinking about doing this edit for a long time i just wanted to do something fun you know what i mean just bring everyone together and just have like a full jam session you could have been wearing weird times yes there's not much going on no there's not there's no demos there's no contest there's nothing so what better time to get everyone together and ride together with all your friends i bet you've spent a lot of time in your backyard over this period no or maddow's backyard oh matteo's backyard oh you're making the mess of meadows house yeah i don't want that in my mind i didn't come home yeah that's cool how do you mean vicky pretty good what's going on just hanging out with these idiots yeah yeah coming off another broken foot yeah another broken foot step into it yeah i broke my foot in kansas for biermann's deal and then you're blaming biermann yeah it seemed like a pretty solid yeah yeah i broke it there and then broke it again a couple weeks ago and then who you blaming that time no that was all me that was oh yeah that was me so it's still broken right now a little not bad it's pretty solid i just noticed you're like one of the first ones out there yeah i don't like to wait everyone likes to lollygag and see what at first and i just can't wait and get scared so i just go first when you wait you overthink it is that that's right you don't want to overthink yeah no i overthink a lot so i just don't give myself that chance to overthink so i just go out and jump it so i figure it out first i like that twitch do you have you ever thought i always think i'm getting old dude i think i don't want to smash the ground i'm like i'll watch a couple dudes hit this thing real quick just twitch stink huh yeah yeah yeah same yeah i don't even think you understood what you said no you could say what i think too much before yeah yeah yeah he thinks too much for sure we were at about eight miles per hour on the wind he's like i don't know maybe no rock solid and then he does a belly roll yeah you have a good weekend taco yeah had a good time it was fun yes so far i don't know what's going on this week you know i just show up i don't know if anyone knows what's going on twitch do you know what's going on yeah no so what is going on what are we doing here it's a backyard jam we're just having fun just riding where are we i feel like where we are yeah i feel like we have have we been to this place before i have only been here once with heart back in the day like 2011. uh-huh a while ago didn't mcneil used to live out here at some point live out here biermann used to film out here biermann field night here i think biermann was here like six months ago probably okay so he had a bit he had an up on everybody yeah that makes sense from what i saw today it looked like he'd been here before he was killing it today it seemed like a class one setup like you get all stoked to hit a jump and you watch biermann do it and then you're like maybe i'll just sit to the side and watch the rest of the day that's what mcgrath said he's like well i'm not doing that thing there's some fun jumps out here this weekend for for sure and like to get this group of people together like we were sitting here just like joking around counting metals like between everyone that was here there's probably over 40 medals here from x games who has the uh who has the least amount of medals yourself no you're pretty up there actually 17 17 taco how many exchange medals you got five five vicky four four how many does bill go have bilco has a lot mcniel is up there too 15 16 hill has some uh hill does have x games matters yes biermann has some axel has something everyone here is like awesome yeah tom p like literally everyone here is like gnarly it's kind of crazy because we're coming up now this would almost we're in the year if we miss x games again that's two x games missed pretty gnarly to think because that's like that's like a staple on like our sport the monster oh oh donkey wallenback i think we i think we lost access agents of all agents right here i don't think px made it did ph did you guys give pha uh he dropped him a different pin axel banned him wouldn't let him come this weekend that makes sense though yeah makes sense why he showed up with a flat tire before he even started riding he showed up with a flat tire he had to he he basically had to put a bike together himself it's just a typical hodges program yeah last night do you feel like he was net he didn't really want to ride here he was kind of like that all weekend he was riding his backup bike so he didn't feel comfortable at all but he still run he still showed up though yeah when i first saw him he said he wasn't leaving i mean he said he was gonna leave that nine oh yeah that was that was well him and biermann too were up at mammoth all week last week hitting laps so they just came to this week with just jello legs right they were beat he got home and then we left the next day to come up here yeah um how's uh how's everyone else going good healthy i'm here having fun right now my buddies can't complain how's dbk it's good it's been growing i'm still tripping on how good it is that's awesome it's fun i got tired of building brands for other people you're like a real businessman now it's kinda you gotta make real decisions now yeah that's what's scary it only took you a while to really like to then you know it's susie's always been driving the ship yeah now i feel like you kind of actually somewhat know what's going on yeah it's crazy like running the company i've never been a business dude i'm a high school dropout i'm still a sophomore i've really dirt bikes my whole life you know i mean like i was never meant to be like a business dude but you learn something new every day we've been figuring out and whatever we're doing is working so i'm stoked yeah nah that's awesome you proud of him taco yeah i don't even know what you're saying good talk is answered everybody i'm telling like a long time you know when he was writing you've been dating him a long time no no no like why you don't make your own [ __ ] yeah yeah i'm telling him yeah he was always making other people money i don't know did you come over two thousand seven yeah so he talked a little we brought when i first met taco i was like dude if someone gives this kid an opportunity like he'll be one of the baddest dudes in the world how many x teams do you win in the room uh uh three three three three in a row yeah yeah we got the best style thank you lucky i already got the mic it's all that karate practice yeah it's all that karate right maybe we've been hanging out this guy's too long no it's sick just having dudes like it's just this whole weekend was just to have fun and we had the baddest crew doing it it was a pretty it was a pretty lit crew actually eh it's pretty legit what do you think the head count out here was over 20 something by far i mean there's more than 20 people right here yeah and more than half the people have already left yeah it was good though because i mean you guys are always kind of together and sessioning together anyway but it must be weird seeing that there's been actual no like big get-togethers well it's like you always session with like your crew that lives local like we don't ever like see beckering or hill or all because those dudes jimmy home like they're all up here you know what i mean yeah but it's cool to like get everyone together every once in a while and like you said it's been forever since all these people have been together yeah i can't really i can't think of a number another time when a session's been this heavy with all these dudes with all the heavy hitters yeah yeah not that you compete anymore twitch or you do you do your own 110 competitions sure that you set up yourself but you want to win them uh for you not competing vicki has it kind of been weird i thought it would be but it's actually like it's been like one of the funnest years just being able to like be home and like ride with everyone every day like that's what we have fun like the most fun is to being all together riding every day and that's what it's been like so we just like take these types of trips to go have fun and half the time we forget to film when they're supposed to be film trips because we're having so much yeah because we're having so much fun so it's just kind of been like a blessing in disguise not to have to stress about compete competition contests and shows and like things like that and we just like load up and go and it's been so fun yeah you uh you said you're you're used to now no you don't want to go back to it yeah i hate traveling now i used to hate driving places i'm like how far is that yeah we could drive there right we used to all live out of the uh uh gear back for so long like you forget what normal life is like not having to travel like it's been so much more fun being home and not traveling for sure like a couple times we're like oh we gotta go out of town we're just like you dread going to the airport now before your bag was already ready you just dip and go and you would have a blast yeah just so you're kind of used to being at the airport right or like having to be somewhere living in a hotel like yeah yeah dude it's nice being home yeah it's so nice we love it i wonder we even when that like who knows when that comes back on right it's hopefully should i don't think anyone like our crew really cares like we're still doing the same thing we're going to did you guys quarantine we're like no no we went and rode every day and went to dbk shop every day the only thing that changed we never really sat down to eat we just got food and sat got it to go yeah and got it to go like that's the only thing that changed we never quarantined no how the vibes being how other shop vibes is is it is is there people with the people is everybody that has that dbk that has an assigned job or do they do like i feel like back in the day grenade we had snowboarders doing trying to run the pack in the boxes and like run everything to you is that you just got all the bike kids in there running everything so literally our whole crew stops in every day like especially like if we have a bunch of orders like everyone will come in seth pierman vicki yeah like holidays come in and help pack orders it's pretty rad like i don't think there's any other company that has a crew of dude every single person there packing the order is still competing in x games and winning [ __ ] yeah it's it's it's pretty cool like because you know you guys know like over the time it's like times have changed so much and i think things like that are so necessary to like have like a core group of the sport still pushing loving what's going on but still having fun at the same time you know i feel like we've just been building a lifestyle it's what we do every day anyways you know what i mean it's just fun you know what's funny is like i was always like like when does this like when i was younger like when does like the lifestyle part of it end and we're getting older now and it still seems like we're doing more fun yeah like yeah i couldn't tell you how many times we have gone somewhere like oh we should go film this will be an epic film day and he'd like forgot the gopros or we'll bring the gopros they stay in the truck yeah twitter twitch forget something always never he was just worried about having fun man yeah how much do you think like freestyle motocross has changed since like you're in the beginning like because you were pretty much there in the beginning it changed a lot before it was all about contests and results but it's like results don't sell stuff for sponsors if you don't have a personality you could be the fastest dude in the world or the best dude in the world if you don't have a personality you're not selling products for your sponsor zero and i think we all noticed that like early on you know what i mean so now it's like i've seen it coming like with like the whole social media thing coming i was like i don't want a ride contest no more like it was cool but that's not where my heart's at i always wanted i always looked at snowboarders bmxers and skaters you can you can do video parts all year long yeah and be some of the baddest dudes and not even show up at an event and still make a living i'm like why can't moto be like that so that's when i just i literally went all my deals were up one year and i just told all my sponsors like hey i'm like i'm gonna invest in myself i'm gonna buy i'm gonna pay a filmer and a photo dude to go with me everywhere i go and film stuff and just drop edits like if you wanna be a part of it cool if not i totally get it like no other moto dude's done it before and it's cool to see like our whole crew and like everyone else actually getting ready like get able to make money not writing a contest and just doing video stuff it's kind of funny because you were one of those like original guys to like break out and then like kind of just take your social and then build rebuild your brand from that yeah no 100 i've seen it coming a long time ago and i got lucky well i mean you also put in the time yeah yeah for me i would have been doing it anyways all we had to do was start posting it yeah so that's what was cool it was a pretty easy transition for me like don't get me wrong like i loved working my ass off and winning contests but when that was over i was so like i'm done with that stuff but it's like you're able to reinvent yourself right there are people that like it'll come to an end of uh a career and you know especially in action sports you know where there are definitely people that are able to transcend and you know tony hawk's like one of them you know you look at kelly slater or you look at these people that are able well i mean like that are able to i wonder if we can hear that plane that's actually that's jacker actually going to parachute in like he missed the party you know but it's like you look at people like you know soy or tony hawk or caballero these people that have been around they've been doing it from the 70s 80s that are in their 50s still doing what they did however many years ago and still being able to make money and progress the sport that they're in and i think that uh it's it's it's cool because you were kind of there in the beginning of those freestyle moto days and and you know it's it's funny because i would say you're just as relevant now if not more relevant now than you were back then for sure and that's what i was gonna say to you as long as you keep yourself relevant and you're still riding still doing it and still having fun dude like i don't know when i'm gonna stop i always told myself like i'll stop doing this when i don't have fun no more yeah but i'm having way more fun now towards the end of my career than the very beginning do you think it's like um obviously we were um you know like things were a little different back in the day and like it's almost like um uh like rock like like musicians like rock stars right like you know i remember uh you know what it would have been like to be on like a tommy lee tour or an aussie old one where it was like back then whereas you go to their shows now and they're people everyone's sober or people are drinking water and everyone's family's there kind of like where we're at you know that now like things people used to operate a little differently back in the day right yeah we had more of like the [ __ ] attitude you know just go out get wasted every night get an iv show up ride the event get your medal and then leave and then just go back to your normal life other than now like you actually think about stuff before you're posting it now i'm like you got to keep your sponsors then we have little kids out there following us and stuff yeah so it's like you got to tone it down here and there but we still [ __ ] around and we're still ourselves so it's fun it's kind of like you know growing with the times right like i think it was acceptable back then but there was also not a microscope on every single person you know what i mean where social media now is but like that microscope on every single person and you know you look at the x games or people competing olympics or people that i mean races it's always kind of been like that right there's never really been it always has i never wanted to be in that microscope so i was always open about everything i did like whether it was good or bad i wanted it i want i didn't want a sponsor that didn't want to be a part of my program i didn't want to hide [ __ ] that i was doing behind the scenes like this is what i do and i do it every single day and if you want to be a part of it cool and like i said if you don't i totally understand yeah so i always got to have fun my whole career yeah no one really like got on me for doing anything i was doing i would show up do my job get my medals every year and leave so do you feel that pressure to like there's like something like you've gotta you you gotta be careful of like what you put out there or how you the world perceives you now right for sure i mean i came from that racing background so that's how my whole my whole life was is that racing backgrounds you can't do anything except put in the work and train and do all that which that's pretty much what my life was it's just work ethic and that's pretty much all i did but yeah now it's just like it's all just dictated towards social media so it's like you definitely got to be careful plus like he said we have so many kids following us that like well there's a microscope under here the littlest things the kids catch on that you don't even think about and they like just take it in like a sponge like it's trippy to see like even down to what song you pick then you see a kid use the same song cause he picked it you're like no way like it just it goes across the board so fast so yeah you definitely have to think about it for sure do you think that like i mean you've always had to ultimate the level you're out you've had to compete against all the boys right there's no like competition there for you girls would you wish there was competition or do you like the way that you have it i mean i never had it the other way so i don't know but i think i think it's good though like we talk about it a lot like my girl card has been revoked from this crew for a long time it really has we just treated like one of the boys yeah i do not get any leeway if i'm riding like crap even if it is the way it should be like we raced glen helen and she wrote women's pro and she got protested for winning the women's pro class she's like what am i supposed to do yeah that's that's so she gets screwed regardless yeah so at least this way like i mean you surround yourself with the best to become the best and i've been lucky enough to surround myself with the best of the best that have taken the this sport to the highest level already so just to be surrounded by them like i've always pushed myself to be just as good or trying one-up them just because that's who i'm surrounded with and like i said if if i'm riding like crap they'll be the first ones to tell me that i am so we are actually tallest too she'll be like why do you mean a [ __ ] hit that thing oh yeah she goes right up you guys and she should you guys need it yeah for sure she keeps us on her toes yeah it's a family effort yeah yeah that's awesome i was kind of yeah i've kind of always thought about that like she kind of you know [ __ ] either way but you know i feel like i i thought that was kind of where you're gonna go with that answer of like that's kind of your crew anyways yeah like i said i wouldn't have it any other way like i'm surrounded by the best of the best and not only that they're like my friends and family so it's just nice because they just don't like oh well i mean you're a girl so you did good today it's like we're never like that's good for a girl we're like that's no like you rode like crap or you didn't with this crew and like if like even the other day like just like oh your indies look like [ __ ] whip them out they look better and i'm like yeah that's scary though and so i sure enough next jump later i had to do it because he called me out so like it's just it's never ending of a call out you know makes sense yeah vice versa though make sure if i don't if he's scared to jump somewhere i did it so if you need you need me to follow that the girl jumped it yeah damn put me in my spot on your bike twix all right well i think what we're gonna do is we're gonna done this but i'm gonna like we're gonna rotate so we're gonna lose we're gonna lose you taco peace out and we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna um we're gonna rotate here so thank you vicky always and taco thank you thank you and here we go we got biermann right here your legend thank you put biermann in over here and bill go you're right there and then i see mcniel's back there he's going to have to sit in at some point were you just pounding a white claw dude what are you drinking back there dude that's not cool eh that's monster hard drive get me hydrated out here in the desert we gotta put your uh put in here you've been there before you microphone around a pyramid you've been there before i got it bilcoe thanks for uh cleaning all the bikes you made uh basically put this set together today i don't know how to polish sc1 never fails yeah that's it yeah bike washing the can is that what it is you're sharing a can for australians yeah that's what it is yeah because we don't shower yeah exactly just in an old aerosol can yep man did you did you meet twitch back when he was doing crusties in australia when did you guys first meet uh yeah me and my best mate cam sinclair we made fake armbands and snuck in and like just kind of broke down with them all day and yeah like pull back their sleeves because they wore triple xl hoodies in that so they have to pull back their sleeve to show show the uh you know the wristband what color it was and we were like fine i went to the news agency bought colored paper made out fake wristbands cruised around all day with the crafty demons yeah in the locker room just chilling just dude we were dying next year come out swinging was riding a mini bike on tour with all these dudes they're laughing at me with my 10-inch wheels how old were you i think i was like 19. jeez because he literally looked like he was 12 12. yeah he's right because how old were you when all those twos were going off i was like 20 20 21 22 what are you thinking right now sorry to bring that up but yeah it's like three years ahead of me so you would have been 22. yeah heavily tatted already yeah yeah and that was like the real heyday yeah that's like doug dose krusty 2 was back in australia where you guys were like motley crue we were we were selling out stadiums quicker than the rock bands there like yeah they would go like the stadium would trip and it would be a complete [ __ ] job just carnage fireworks [ __ ] getting broken people fighting like the words like that's what's gnarly about you aussies you guys are crazy the way you show your appreciation yeah they were ripping the stands like the seats out of the stands yeah throwing them at us they were flipping cop cars over like lighting [ __ ] on fire like yeah it was like real deal over there they have two security fences with like security behind the first one and the second one and by the end of the night the first one's gone and they might not get through the second one but they usually do it's crazy because those movies back then were kind of like a somewhat like australian bible i pretty much wore them out i'm sure jacko did too but like jack everything jacob was from krusty movies but he did have a lack of parental supervision he just kind of went on a tangent but yeah we watched those things on repeat and we're like yeah we're gonna be like that and then just yeah i ended up meeting the guys riding the minibike thought i was sick they put me in my place the thing that was gnarly about bilco and cam is like so we met him that first year right then the next year we came back and they're like doing back flips and like tricks on the 50s like halftime show then we come back the third year and they're better than all of us on dirt bikes like big bikes like we're tripping they've got nothing going on i just like yeah i've watered my mini bike it grew into a big bike and i just started sending it we were like there's no way these were the kids that were riding 50s last year at the halftime show and they're better than us now i still look the same age though you still kind of do you mean you never win any of that stuff hey no you were like the second round yeah i came in i met twitch in 2010 so yep uh pretty much been around all these guys since then been riding a ton and having fun with these guys learning from the best he's part of the new way like x games like used to be asked with fmx yeah well you guys ran for like now 10 years you know what i mean it's like quarter pipe and whiff and like him and actually they are they're like a new breed of like stanford yeah these dudes came in they're like hey you guys take a seat we're gonna show you how it's done you know even like today it was like let's be honest they don't have to do as much of the dumb [ __ ] we do like quarter pipes gnarly but yeah you're not just like no double backwards from yeah it's not that we did that but 60 seconds of sending like eight to ten tricks in a row of gnarly [ __ ] off different size jumps that was all right here we go roll the dice yeah best check's gotta be the scariest event it's like a lot of for the first few years due to do best and freestyle and then for a few years after that it was like you had your freestyle guys who knew they were going to land everything and then like nine out of the ten entries and best trick would just roll on the dice never done it to dirt just rock up to the stable center after landing 10 in the phone pit and go right after that your x game's [ __ ] up they let instead of like backing their athletes that has backed x games since day one they went and picked a bunch of barneys off of youtube that were doing tricks under the phone pit like scott murray right he had the jersey on yeah they made him land a double before they invited him on a res or whatever but right rosen dude that did front flips only yeah like he rocked up and i caught it the attempted suicide he just did half a fronting and just landed upside down at the bottom lane but he'd never done it to dirt and he'd never done a proper freestyle contest so he had no street cred if you say i've learned something in the pit i want to try the best trick you're like yeah you got you're probably going to go for it yeah x games started like getting these youtube videos of dudes doing once in a pill once never landing like yeah you're in have a spot come to x games and then they just rock up one dude did two dead sailors did you hear what's the death round that's where you got your best trick you're dropping in the whole crowd's watching best rick's gonna be gnarly he went did it lost his balls at the last second is when he did a straight jump two both rounds kind of like jacko did a couple years later yeah yeah and he'd only done it in the pit so he never sacked up and done to dirt so come contest time all the cameras he's like ah pushed out didn't do it twice and he took a spot of jim mcneal who had a double grab foot there yeah he probably could have got a middle that that was the thing too is those dudes never did it to dirt and they and when they did do it they did it in front of their buddies like a couple guys yeah when you get in front of thousands of people it's a totally different element and you're not in your backyard yeah like the limelight is on you it's like do or die you're like i'm gonna drop in and kill it or i'm gonna drop it in oh you don't know if there's gonna be a commercial you know that dude that sits through it doesn't look at you and when it's time to go it hits your front fender yeah then you start to leave for 10 minutes sometimes you'll be like go go go sometimes you're sitting there for like five minutes he's like commercial and he's like go now i'll go now and you like to drop into the gnarly [ __ ] you've ever done trying to relax and then if you don't take off straight away he's like go go we're the best is when they stop you and show your crash from the prior years before yeah check it out what were you thinking right here hold you for 90 seconds and replay it 10 times that was the heyday though like that when it was in the staples center there's like 30 000 people in the arena you're either live on espn prior time or you're live on abc at prime time and it was firing did you ride the xcms that year for best trick i did 0.60809 and that was it and then yeah do you want back to back no no you're back-to-back silver he's the best i'm the bridesmaid you're right you're always you're still that's right wait you know you're six four or five silver i got four it sucks it's that and fourth at the worst yeah especially speaking of style when you make it to the final so you're going home with the metal and you manage to blow it three years in a row and get three silvers i got like four bronze couple silver i prefer that over a second because second means you with this because yeah just close enough but you've won an x games gold right i did yeah i got one gold quarter pipe three three silvers i think and four four bro whipped 28 inch was the goal yeah yeah it wasn't whip like basically you were just able to you were always able to cheat on whipple right yeah you'd have said you'd have snoop dogg tweet out tweets the one in germany right they did the things he did one jump they had the bar on the screen he was at 75 percent i believe medal was the year that hansen won and vicki got third because hanson's whip hands down was like the dirtiest whip i've ever seen in my life still to this day yeah it's probably like i was sitting there and i'm like if he doesn't win right now i'm like i'm gonna give him my medal on the podium because i'm like that's just straight right man came close to that i would have felt like a [ __ ] leaving there claiming that like there's no way you could have done that like lozie did to me no wait was that when loser went around the bike no no it was here when loza the year before did his trick on the 75-footer yeah and then the next year he did on a 45-footer and bilco what'd you do i did the duchy the 360 indie right and i'm sitting there we're sitting there watching i'm like loads of did this trick up the 45 and look at bill come like congratulations yeah you're not going to hold on you got a gold medal dude i'm all sweet and that's all ding ding silver see you later he was like walking there just goes oh dude yeah there's no way he should have won of doing the same trick the year before on the big ramp and then this year they said it's all about progression and then when i did a cliffhanger flip off 45 back in the day like yeah it's smaller gap you got penalized for that so then i'm like fast forward three years he does the trick from last year off the smaller gap and he gets rewarded i'm like come on hey bud they made up for the day the next day after yeah i should have won a gold medal finally and they gave it the bilco by one point yeah that was a courtesy from the night before where do you think like uh probably for tyler but like where do you think like the evolution of freestyle motor goes now like for competitive i don't know i get it i get this question all the time with i don't know i always get claimed to be a a freestyle writer okay i'm a max writer and i don't really do tricks he does a mean knack now i stick to the knack knack that's all an o2 like a free ride extreme fun have a yeah on anything big jumps quarter part whip yeah he's that hybrid dude right now i love i love uh just hitting big jumps and getting upside down but he could probably blitz a lap around the supercross track too like that's very scary it's been a while yeah i tried to hit those whoops over there but that's the time he has on a bike so it's it's as we said before it's gone from like freestyle best triggers games now you've got the quarterback the smoke machine and the step-ups now you got stuck in australia for a little bit hey how's that i mean it was my wife would maybe get stuck i was a dual citizen so i could have come back whenever yeah dooley's hey yeah yeah yeah and her visa hadn't come through and i'm like like we should leave soon so the concert was shut so we were just sitting in australia during covert lockdown winter and it was boring as hell it was just raining outside couldn't leave home you weren't allowed to go five kilometers away five kilometers so two and a half three miles that's all you could leave me awesome hey for four reasons the grocery store a doctor's appointment essential work or i don't want the other one to take a dump i still see some good videos that you just blasted in the puddle by your house oh that's everything backstab yeah as soon as it rains there's like say some [ __ ] dug it out though like the gutter was blocked and so for like two years you just come out any time it rained the thing was full and because i posted so many videos someone else i went and he dug the bit where the gutter was blocked out and now it fully almost drains the whole time but my buddy's going to dump and chuck that in there yeah yeah you'll figure it out yeah yeah i can't miss that puddle too much i just remember my family being like is everything okay over there and i'm like i'd rather be where i america's am to the ground and there's freaking military tanks out in front of my house i'm like nah we're good it seems like you guys are in some trouble yeah yeah you said you had it bad in l.a huh yeah i was cause i'm in downtown i was in the middle of it like literally military tanks like police fought in the yeah it was like curfew yeah yeah yeah yeah i was i i felt like i was living in a good moment though yeah it was weird i remember getting a curfew one night and i left to go pick up some stuff and i remember there's not one car on the road i'm like this is crazy see that's yeah yeah yeah exactly it was weird ghost town on the freeways yeah driving through it was just as la you're so used to seeing it so heavily trafficking no traffic on the 405 nah just weird like they can block gymkhana where they filmed a bit at a time with no people on there yeah yeah hey so let's talk about that session with m.c today that was all time that's every kid's dream to like ride with your like childhood hero you know what i mean because i missed it 49 and still crushing yeah it'll never get old watching that dude ride a bike and he still has madness now when we're sitting over here watching him jump this little hip jump over here i'm like i gotta go ride with the king i'm like i can't pass up an opportunity you ride even if you don't feel like riding you're riding you're smoked and you see him out there and you're like all right we're going back out it's funny because he wrote up to me right here when you were sessioning this kind of hair and he was like i ain't doing that oh we need the generator everything hey quiet in the back quite on set thanks nixon you [ __ ] idiot okay cool um well we're we're right technical business yeah right now we don't know actually where we're picking up from we know we got the first 30 minutes yeah so we could have lost the last 18 minutes i don't usually last more than two minutes we know that yeah but um nixon thought he was doing us a favor and he turned the monster bust generator off which killed this entire he is irish he killed this entire setup irish and he had too much proper 12. so thanks nixon for nothing so for us looking unprofessional it can be uh we can blame at least we've got someone to blame yeah this doesn't quite work out because we're uh who's the dead man hit me with the salt shaker so i don't even know where uh how we even we're talking about the mcgrath knack knack that's where we kind of were right yeah yeah i think that's where i think i know where we're at that's what the production crew said again past the blame yeah yeah that was that was pretty all time it uh never gets old seeing that dude all the time was show time yeah on top of show time i was telling these boys that i had for my eighth birthday i had a picture of m.c doing a knack neck painted on my wall so seeing that and getting to experience it with him today i always kind of suck how old were you i was eight yeah i have a photo of me holding the photo that this guy painted on my wall and that was pretty all time to get to do that instead of walking in your bedroom like that pic sick pretty doing it doing it with him yeah yeah it's pretty sweet it's like all of our childhood hero you know what i mean to go out and ride with him and like do next with him and like ride on the same spot as him it's pretty badass sydney silvercross series ago carmichael did a whip and i did like a three next to him and someone got like a photo of it and i reposted a couple so every throwback thursday at the same time without that i feel like that was the thing in the beginning for us like i wanted to be a racer you know what i mean like i looked up to all those dudes there wasn't freestyle back then yeah so to come out here and actually freestyle with them dudes is pretty badass and even when we started freestyling like we still love watching like carmichael even mcgrath back then yeah and like you know the travis did he kind of like technically started freestyle what's this she's like what and he did the knife and he's like what i'm like he invented that like 25 years ago like that was all him 28 years ago even 1993 24. yeah it's pretty all time he's 49 years old out here still straight rip it yeah still has mad style still rips on a bike like that's pretty badass way bigger knack than taco as well i know he was tripping on taka not being able to do a knack tag he's like that dude has every trick in the world and he can't do a nap yeah rock's on the back flip corolla body burial that works he's like hey knock knock tucker i feel like my knacks are pretty hurting and he gave me props afterwards there was one old guy out in the whole train he did a sick knack but he went the opposite way to everyone that's like left left left left right right that was freaky tucker's at the end doing a roller flip like taka wrong train buddy didn't you do something big yeah it was sick i think uh uh we're gonna go on finish it no we're gonna get uh i think we get mcneil in here a little prick yeah and hill over there we're trying to like reset jared josh you're rubbed off yeah he kept going eh your feet make some noises it's a little fella from australia a bit of camera magic we'll keep going the most american aussie anybody's ever met ever so twitch was mean to you like twitch bullied twitch was essentially a bully to you when you came to america it wasn't like that i mean i just hated the little [ __ ] he was just uh he was just complicated not just joking he was threatened he had his own thing going on right and did you let it get to you did it get to you in the beginning twice as hard and came back and beat us it got to me for sure but i was like you know what it is what it is they i i kind of was a bit of a smart ass he was a cocky little prick that could actually ride a dirt bike not necessarily deliberately but when i felt like they didn't like me so i was just like well [ __ ] it is motivation yeah your motivation get indeed put kills on the fire school teachers they always fueled my motivation to be successful so it was just like twitch was a teacher just schooling me to be uh a bit stronger and yeah and how technically i helped him yeah teachers didn't even have a school teacher but there was a school there um yeah we did have teachers and six students in the classroom at the time made it through halfway through year nine so yeah right they're really successful at school that's like most important so you actually spent you spent a lot of time on this property huh yeah i pretty much lived here on off for a couple of years just bouncing back in between orange county and uh here spent a couple of weeks here spent a couple of weeks there and yeah it was awesome place to spend time like i could practice here oh sorry man yeah so yeah practice drive the skid steer and make jumps and hang out right now oh i can yeah driving the skiddy i was gonna go skiing up in the hills there's no snow you might have no need for snow you i never saw you as a bully twitch that's kind of [ __ ] up i wasn't a bully i just he was a little prick when he came over and i knew he was gonna be really good one day and he was gonna take trophies from us so i was like [ __ ] this kid and the best one was the video i did with the whipped cream so obviously coming up to x games best whip and one of his sponsors had it out and he's like oh we're gonna check out all these whips today and there was three bowls of whipped cream one said potter one said twitch and one said jared and these chicks are dressed like half naked and they get the bowl it says potter they lick the spatula a little sexy like and they're like just spit it out and just like well i guess that whip sucks and then hey he didn't touch the twitch bowl and then the chicks licked his one and were just like frothing fizzing at the split like the best whip ever you got the best weapon so when he got the x games they had that big ass rolling that you'd ride up and turn around on twitch just full like blocked past the kid brake checked him tried to get him to fall down the big steep rolling to mess up his bike right before the whip contest yeah he did like jared's savvy right he's just really blocking him pushing him down the hill he wanted him to stay i'm gonna stall him out so he'd fall back down the wood and then bend up like his bars or break a lever and the bike could cut wheel down right before the contest first time i seen him since the video so i was like [ __ ] this kid i was talking to my mechanic i was talking to him was that i go watch this i'm gonna clean him on the roll and bend his bars and like break a lever you know what i mean it was right before the event was starting out he was that mad and he didn't even pick up the bowl that had your name on it he only chicks only spat out potter's whip i just knew what was coming i knew he was there and he didn't even like diss you in it and you still knew he was going to start dominating our sport and i was just like irritated at the time it was like really cocky and like really good on a bike so like we all knew it was coming so i had to give him [ __ ] for a couple years while i could steal what i still could when it was still twitter votes there's a good there's a good group of haters out there wasn't there yeah they're always just cheering i know you kind of did have a bit of a social media advantage on the old uh on the old uh uh when the fans used to get to vote in yeah you used to have a lot of friends help you vote too right yes i was pretty bitching like i saved photos from that like i'm like i gotta take a picture of this thing how many years do you think you won i would look over and dudes would be pissed like bilko was saying earlier before nixon [ __ ] this whole interview up we were in germany and before the contest even started i was at like 70 votes and i'm just sitting there shaking my head i'm like this bike five runners have to take off and he's like the [ __ ] i thought you saw the best but they have a running tally on the big screen and twitches at 78 of the votes before the contest has even got underway it's like yeah why don't you park up in the stands i remember being at i think it was fitz's one day and we were like we were kind of like hanging out and i was talking to you and you're like dude it's not my fault that i have a bigger following two shades i'm like a dinosaur i've been around this sport since the beginning so it's like i got a pretty solid following like he sucks that bad he'd probably still win right now like the x games straight yeah you're getting a little cocky because your whip got decent this week travis dog [ __ ] i've been right there you know in the running with him but yeah mine was pretty sick yesterday i think cam sinclair's got them covered yeah how is sinclair doing he's killing it like he still rides every now and again comes out of retirement still has the most factory fox gear like dungey does because his brother used to work there but yeah he yeah he's still uh he's driving the truck loving life he's never gonna double flip again he claims he is but the missus says no no it's probably not such a bad idea yeah he yeah he can't even remember the last time he did it yeah well that's probably the first probably a good rule eh he's only had like 22 concussions or knockouts and went to sleep for a week at one point well he's good wait how many concussions do we have amongst this group right here i think tyler might be concussed right now that's the devil's now that we're doing it now we have to reset it up but i'm not quite as professional actually it's not professional it's never the second time around welcome josh hill i've never been knocked out you haven't really yes nice oh he's a cat's guy he's a ray because he's a racer by any of you guys they're way more likely to get a concussion than doing 100 their risk is so much gnarlier yeah hands out every day that you just you risk like your chances of going down like on the daily is way more yeah yeah i mean i've been like i've had you know times where i've crashed and not remember like six hours that's a concussion how many times you've been knocked out oh okay yeah yeah yeah i've never like i've always go in and get checked and they never find anything wrong with that right but like yeah well they probably found a bunch of things crazy i think i've had four years see that's a lot travis is yeah now that uh anytime i hit my head i tend to just kind of go night night but i don't know it happens yeah try to think of having at least 20 h oh gary that's one thing you can't [ __ ] with either is your head you know yeah no not at all it sucks it's kind of you can't really it's not if it's wind sometimes i mean obviously not with this dude but yeah i mean i got the peg legs and they're gonna hold me forever at least at least the computer chip's still taking over upstairs i don't know mine aren't quite fired on all cylinders yeah i'm like you're right i don't think he's never been firing on every cylinder mine's an australian engine that's a little different that's the only thing too but you guys were talking about earlier how many medals we have between all of us that were here this weekend there was 74 but think about how many broken bones between all these yeah there's a lot of broken bones you're up forty two twenty two on your own you did yeah damn there's a lot of bones below the knees yeah ankle yeah we probably have the same ankles yeah we probably have 10 to 12 acls between the two of us yeah that's easily i've got six i've got that when pastrana smashed his ankle at one time at x games when he did the 720 and he crashed and he got up and went again his ankle was broken the first time and then when he landed the second time he landed with the bike on top of his foot he had 40 fractures in seven bones oh like from there down like his tib was shattered into like five spots his tailless was like rubble like yeah 40 fractures and seven bones just below below the knee because that's what i feel like i feel like when you guys usually go down it's not just one thing it's a multiple things that break or fracture or crush we don't like to do anything happening you're not just you're not just coming back from like one injury it's like three three or four things within like one question sometimes you've done both legs at once speed style and louisville twice yeah yeah that one doesn't suck wheelchairs suck i've still never done both legs at once but you got a while you don't worry no no no not doing anything again but i've done like each one about six times each yeah just not at the same time yeah wow hell we haven't seen you for a while we've been up to yeah north carolina how's that doing sweet yeah not socal no more it's way better no traffic you're still riding a lot though huh yeah i ride every day that's all i really do like yeah just ride dirt bikes wake up find something to ride yeah i'd ride a little just anything i feel like that day like i'm lucky to where i know you've been hill climbing and stuff doing different stuff electric bikes skate park [ __ ] yeah just everything if i wake up get it climb that's what we want to talk about is the is the thing you did out in the big hill oh yeah yeah kalani's yeah yeah kalani had uh that water park he bought it was like wet and wild or something like that and then he's turned into like a sick uh palm palm springs beach club or something that's gonna be rad it's gonna be sick but uh he let me come out there before they tore everything out and dropped in off like the big old gnarly slide and everything was just as is did like the loop it was pretty it was sick how many tries did the loop take two really well just i crashed on the first one and then uh i found out there i mean it's meant to be slippery it's dry ass fiberglass with a dirt bike how sketchy was it rolling into that thing like as fun as it looked on camera it was it really wasn't very fun because like the whole time like you'd have to try to look like you're just railing and you would have to rail stuff to carry speed but it was like riding on ice it was so sketchy like dunlop hooked me up with like these slick like racing tires like for street for my dirt bike and even then like it just didn't really work so we had to put like the first time i tried the loop i spun out like it's because it's not like a straight loop is kind of like uh funneled you know so when i hit the base it just washed out and i spun the thing with you know without my bike which is kind of sweet and it almost took out like all the photographers it could have been dirty though like if it would have like stopped upside down and dropped that's why i'm gonna go into his like as fast as i know like i'll get around this thing yeah like no matter what you slid all the way to the top and then drop you just go straight you're lucky you what what basically tips did you like look at people that have done it on a skateboard to basically get the look or feel for or yeah like whatever i don't know i mean it's just like yeah it works i mean you've seen people do it a million times and dudes did it in cars like hot wheels thing it's like i watched yeah i watched like every little thing i could think of yeah did that work like did you did you see when they set up that hot wheels thing in downtown that that huge loop like i can't believe they didn't even look like they went that fast and they had enough downforce to stay on that they were doing like 60 mile an hour it wasn't even that quick like and they just went yeah in like mo and drove around the whole thing we were going to see a car falling for sure like the first time i did it i was like i sacked i sacked my suspension out because i hit it so fast i was like so i wanted to be stuck to that thing and then i'm like i didn't really need to go that fast that was actually way harder so then i just started going like slow and it was fun like axel did it like on a 110 like he's yeah just raw right he'll do anything on one looks sketchy though like the whole time like because you know it's not perfectly up up and right or straight up and down you know what i mean so like it looks sketchy like even in the video and you can lose attraction at any second because that stuff's like sunbathed yeah it was just you're sliding the whole time like dropping in on that one that was like 60 70 feet tall like that was the scariest because like i had to kind of lift my front wheel a little bit up or else i would like catch my frame and right when i tried to lift i just went sideways and uh like pretty much drug my foot like down the first like five feet of the drop that's it's 70 feet 60 i don't know however many it is but it's just rock like on the side if i would have fell it would i would have died that's gnarly yeah that is super nice like the high like just high risk with like it should go right right yeah i just went down that like i like how we all think we're like you just look at it you're like yeah it should work yeah you don't know you're gonna do it yeah everybody's gonna gauge it and then halfway through it you're like oh [ __ ] actually it's gonna work 95 of the time if you think about it and it's in your head you're like i can do it if i you know what i mean like you put your mind to it you do it but you can't think about what's going to happen if you don't do it right now you think about it when you drop in you're like you don't think i might crash this even i've only done it in phone you're like i'm going to make it i'm going to set it i'm going to make it and if it if it [ __ ] up after that i'll figure it out when i get to that but don't think you're not going to make it so you're dropping in that water slide you're like i've got this yeah on the way down you're like what made it it's fine yeah i got it i got it what made that one early too is we had like i think monster get like i got like 10 grand to film that video so that's one day of like having a red camera yeah exactly so i had to do it all in like one day just like show up like all right let's let's start getting stuff like scheduling out and be like oh we got like two weeks here then we're going to move here to this location to go buy grip tape like we came back like we just came back and because we couldn't have like afforded to bring like the dudes back with reds we just went and filmed that like me and my i buddies the whole thing too no way that's sick that's way sick my brother made the music and the narrating like it was something but it was sick as hell like it was dope no one would have known that yeah because i just went from like working in the office and like this is like my first year like they're like yeah if you want to like you want to ride go for it like here i'll give you a little budget try this like i'm like i had to make it work so it was funny that is kind of funny you retired ended up working in the office and then ended up back out in the streets yeah you've raced again after you went back from the office right yeah i raced last year i was doing all right oh [ __ ] my first ever hole shot you have to return to drive into your bike yeah then like uh was it a cheater bike no it wasn't twisted dylan nice he does good stuff this is about as good as factory yeah again this year yeah yeah i'm gonna do atlanta there are three rounds in atlanta and that's an outdoor like daytona this year right because it's in the speedway yeah it looks like the track layout looks like straight rhythm in a circle you know like yeah it's but there's three in a row in an outdoor place you know i chopped out daytona yes now they're gonna have three rounds in a row like saturday tuesday saturday in the same speedway on the grass like daytona imagine how flogged out that's gonna be by the way it's red clay it's red clay it is atlanta i forget what i just said i don't know what i'm talking about three different tracks yeah go back to freestyle bro yeah you just cut me out of it just cut down the style layout with play you know yeah and it's way like because it's all clay so everything's to be like it's going to be like straight rhythm in a circle yeah well it's going to be sketchy is if you guys get rain oh it's going to rain for sure it always rains as well right it's atlanta and it's out there just oh i think we're going to get wanky in here thank you son come on bill go i think you're losing your seat mcniel now out of state yeah what's up tv don't eat the whole thing all right wanky son you're good yes yeah i'm okay here we go right now chill tommy tree stumps that's what it is what's up brother how are you good yeah i didn't think i was coming in on this thing yeah you got to come on this is twitch's show you know mcgrath pulling you over he's like hey let's do it let's get a shot of this together you guys do next that was pretty sick yeah that's all you just look at him you're like i was like okay wait you want just me and you that was sick oh yeah i was pumped that's like something you well i'm pretty sure everybody here was like yes knack train let's go yeah hands down that was like the sickest part of the day definitely i'm pretty scared and next too and i was like i can't not i know you don't even do that like got to and he gave me props afterwards so i was really hyped on that it looks sick i was sick yeah thank you sean how was your weekend uh so much fun dude yeah how was your night winky what's up how was your how was your night last night last night yeah that's kind of weird it's gonna be great it was great so great last night wait we bring wanky just because he's like the life of the party yeah i know i've noticed that and now he's slowly taking over he the kid rips dude he kills it he does rip he does rip and then he's he's he he sometimes works for you too right helps out a little yeah when he's not building skate parks back in japan that's why he stays at my house all the time when he's here he's right he gets bored he comes in and starts pulling orders hey twitch said i come in today and work i'm like if you want when was the last time you went home last time at home uh two months ago yeah he got stuck he got stuck in japan for how long um nine months nine months yeah that's a year he went home just to like go see his wife and his kid and then come back and then they wouldn't let you back no oh wow so it's going to be hard but i want to stay more in california you know california's open look at us everybody wants to be in california who don't want to be here all right man well i think we're we're almost like kind of wanted down it was uh thanks for kind of putting this together i guess twitch i'm just stoked i got everyone that i actually hit up to come out you know most of the time everybody's like yeah we'll be there and like half of them don't ever show yeah it's like it's like on your birthday party you invite you know however many people and half of them or a quarter of them show up is anyone going to come and then you just look it's just packed i was just i was hyped this whole weekend was just all about having fun and i think we i think we did that it was cool because i got here pretty early not early but like i got here friday kind of like late afternoon and then just to see the people keep pouring in and to see how many people like poured in it was you know it's i mean it's like weird times it's like we haven't been around we don't see everyone as much as we used to you know and especially if you guys you're usually traveling you're on circuit you're going around the world of different places and we've all kind of been sitting still for so long to be able to have everyone back together it's been cool that's always cool that was pretty cool to have this talent you know what i mean like here one spot other than being at like a contest you know we were just literally all here for fun no one was here to be like i'm better than you i'm gonna do this like everyone is here to literally just have fun on a bike yeah yeah it's super cool not every day you get to get all those heavy haters together and like you're saying 75 medals between all of us like we're always someone's on one side of the world or someone's on the other or in a hospital not every day that you get everyone like that together in such a solid crew so pretty all time thanks twitch appreciate you man thanks for everyone coming i'm stuffed you even got the king out that was pretty [ __ ] come on yeah obviously that's the best moment right yeah i think for any one of us like that was like probably hands down i can say everyone here that was probably the childhood hero you know i mean like you watched mcgrath growing up like you're like this dude is bad and like i said like when i saw him pull out he was like just looking around like he's like a little kid himself he's like i'm 49 and you go and he looks up on pyramid he's like i ain't gonna do that but i'm having fun and he's like i draw the line when i need to he knows he's been around dude yeah as soon as we saw that first snack back it's like yep there we're doing it that's it that's all he cared about awesome all right boys well thanks for being a part of this and you know just you know it's like we were saying man i was like when does this end i don't think this ever ends it doesn't yeah thanks for having us boys and girls thanks grant and again i think graham for prepping this place living the american dream here we have it cheers boys and girls and girl vicki and girl unleashed with the dingo and danny fueled by monster energy
Channel: Monster Energy
Views: 45,949
Rating: 4.8677688 out of 5
Keywords: Monster Energy, Monster, Moto, Motocross, FMX, Dirtbike, Dirt, Bike, Twitch, Jeremy stenberg, Vicki golden, Tyler bereman, Blake williams, Bilko, Jarryd mcneil, Freestyle, Dingo, California, X games, Medals, Compilation, Reel, Vlog, San Diego
Id: T1oARxs-wPA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 52sec (3412 seconds)
Published: Mon May 03 2021
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