Trying to Simulate 10,000,000 Cubes in Blender

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in this video I'm going to simulate as many particles as possible in blender and if blender crashes the video ends this is not going to be a tutorial I'm just going to try some techniques to really push blender to its limits so I have made a background to be this crash image so if blender crashes it will just close and then you'll see the image and the video will end so first of all what I want to do is I want to make a particle emitter give it a particle system and I want to turn off gravity record some keyframes there moving it around so we're going to have this crazy particle simulation let's call this please don't crash so here we got our particle emitter and now what we could do is that we could just increase the number of particles but I want to try something a little bit more unstable okay because I don't I think this is just going to slow things down so what I want to do is I want to make a smoke simulation and I'm going to turn this smoke simulation into a force field I'm not sure if you knew that that was possible but it is possible so if you go to the physics properties under I think it's viewport display you can enable Vector display hang on let me hide the particle system here you can see all these little arrows this is fluid Vector data so it is possible to use a force field to extract these forces the really cool thing about using a smoke domain to get this velocity data is that you don't really need to have a high resolution so you can do like fourth day resolution divisions and you still have a lot of this velocity arrows going on which is amazing so let's just make sure that our domain is big enough I don't want the smoke to rise I think I want the smoke to be just yeah oh look at this yeah this is going to be beautiful let's just bake the smoke simulation and then we can come back to it if you like to so I'm going to bake this smoke simulation so we can get back to focusing on the particles because we need a lot of particles so now what we have to do we have to make a force field called fluid flow and let's set this force field to be the smoke domain so now if you look at the particle simulation look at this Beauty look at that look at this beautiful fluid going like I love this so much but this isn't really visible in the viewport yet so we need to turn this into an actual object I think we actually want just a cube to be the particle I think we want to try that for not I mean it's a rookie mistake to have too many vertices in your particle and maybe like a triangle no let's let's do a cube first yeah okay so now let's set this to be the cube there we go now we have a lot of Cubes oh it's beautiful but all the cubes are rotated the same way it's too uniform it's too QB form No I gave up let's say a randomize the rotation yeah look at that that's more that's better yeah that's way better let me just add a more interesting Shader to this real quick I'm sorry I'm teasing you I'm not I don't mean to okay so these notes aren't going to affect the particle simulation directly I just want to see bright colors before my computer dies okay this this is all about Aesthetics at this point cool I don't really know what's happening but uh that's really nice look at that you can see this uh there's like this light at the beginning look at this oh look at that now we are talking and the colors are stupid so let's get rid of those for now okay yeah and then these are lighting up the other particles this is beautiful oh we can use the rainbow as the color yeah it's like this now it all comes together there's the rainbow okay so here's the node setup for the Shader you can take a screenshot if you like okay now let's start uh pushing things there so we are currently at 10 000 particles and it's actually playing in real time in Cycles which is uh pretty wild by the way these are my PC specs so we're gonna have to uh crank these numbers I think to be able to make blender crash there's our simulation let's add some more particles so we are 10 000 particles let's do a hundred thousand particles seems to bake at a reasonable speed okay I'm oh wow that looks awesome hang on we got some streaks here I don't like these streaks I'm not sure if you can see them they go like this I think they are because we don't have enough resolution on our emitter so we're gonna subdivide our emitter so let's do 100 000 particles one more time okay oh wow look at this this is this is amazing oh my God I feel like I'm looking at some AI artwork let's do more more more particles uh so we're at one hundred thousand so one more that's one million particles let's click bake since we're working we're baking 1 million particles what is this five gigabytes oh my God where Okay so we're uh I'm seeing some loading icons some some interesting UI oh my God it's not even a particle system anymore it's just like this shape okay so update it's not really playing in the viewport anymore at one million particles I just have to pick a frame and look at that one it's not really a video anymore it's just oh my wow look at this area that is really cool this looks amazing look at this I should render some some stills out of this [Applause] [Music] thank you I'm honoronically getting like chills should I add like a light so we can see a little bit more of the oh my God it's so slow perhaps we need to move it a little bit behind it's really slow my computer has never been so slow before okay so 1 million particles it unironically looks like artwork you can just go to any frame and after the denoiser has landed oh hang on okay come on blender you got this you got this it's just one million particles I mean you this is okay it's okay nice let's do 10 million okay so I'm Gonna Keep It In render View and I'm gonna add another zero so now we're going to bake 10 million particles now let's play bake okay it's working two seconds of this simulation is 60 frames so that's three gigabytes for two seconds that's crazy and that's 10 million cubes being simulated right now please don't crash or I don't think it's gonna crash while we're simulating it I think it's gonna crash the second I try to look at it you know and I'm vibing in render view I mean why I shouldn't be in render view while I'm baking this we're at 50 we're at nine oh my God almost 10 gigabytes okay I'm not touching my computer we're at 15 gigabytes 10 million particles I I really I genuinely hope it doesn't crash because there were so many cool things at one million particles okay 100 oh dude I'm Gonna Save this it's 33 gigabytes it's gonna take forever to save this at least let me look at it please don't do this to me I just want I just wanted to see it super quickly okay oh my god it worked LOL it's just okay that's super uninteresting 10 million particles just uh I don't even know what this is this is getting spicy I'm having pretty low FPS in the viewport though okay so now we're getting some interesting shapes I think yeah let's set it to render view oh nothing's happening it's so slow it's really really slow oh my God look at that that looks amazing yeah I want to try and simulate a few more frames oh what was that no it's good it's okay okay so it's going slower and slower because we're adding more and more particles to the simulation oh we're getting something really interesting here I think it's gonna be like a collision so here's the deal you know it says we're simulating 10 million particles but that's the entire range from frame 1 to frame 250. so right now we're at 4.7 million particles so let's set this to render View and let's see what it looks like oh I'm not sure if you're seeing these patterns that I'm seeing but this looks ever since I turned off the noise threshold this is looking so interesting regardless of whether we crash or not this has been really interesting to just see what happens when you look at these numbers of particles I mean the details here these are amazing oh and look at this looks like some sort of threads or like ripping this apart I think this could look really nice at frame 140. let's try it I think this is going to look really interesting now we're seeing the amerigan and this emitter is going to throw some beautiful Lighting on all this yeah I'm gonna stop it here please stop please don't crash now please okay yes 5 million 582 335 particles has been spawned so far or probably minus two or something because we have a plane on that oh look at this oh my look at the light just bouncing around in here that looks awesome this is insane so this is five this is about five million particles looks like can I try and navigate there let me just try and change my view a little bit okay look at that I want to get closer this looks crazy so what's happening over here look at oh look at that it's like waves of cubes and we have this like Spiral here that's amazing I want to try and do 160 frames so we get up to 6 million particles 160 don't know let's keep going okay nice yeah okay so we're going okay 157 158 I'm gonna have to stop at 159 because there's so much delay okay so I stopped it now now it's going to stop at 160 right stop okay nice let's try and look at this in the render View very cool 6.3 million particles let me zoom in a little bit look at the when the cubes are getting chopped Away by the emissive cubes it looks like they're disintegrating like that this looks so cool oh and you can see the specs of the yeah it looks like the eye of a whale I want to add a camera and render this out as an image yeah I want to do that so I want to zoom out I just really hope it doesn't crash when I'm making the camera let's go shift a you know this is stupid I shouldn't be doing this but I just have to I just have to save an image from this so I just have to make a camera camera has been clicked okay so there's a camera somewhere in the scene right now I can't see it because there's six million particles in the way Ctrl alt nump at zero yes we got a camera I don't want to move the camera I just wanna I'm gonna just make it wide angle let's do 35. you can do it you can do it you can do it okay nice nice nice oh should we do depth of field is that stupid I want to try some depth of field yeah we have to we have to I don't know how I'm going to be able to set the focus though yeah I'm just gonna do the depth of field distance pick and then I want to do like a super shallow depth of it like 0.1 I'm gonna mess this up just because of the depth of field but it's gonna be worth it oh I wonder if we want to have motion blur enabled is that enabled by default okay so we have enabled motion blur that's probably going to be a little bit crazy so let's go render image okay okay I think that rendering in blunder is probably one of the most stable Parts every time blender crashes it's always in the you're tweaking something or you're just trying to make something work and it's just it just quits on you right but when you're rendering it I feel like it just it's either super slow or it's just not working at all it just never crashes so uh so I have a good feeling about this no
Channel: Polyfjord
Views: 166,615
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: d3yYaILifZw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 28sec (688 seconds)
Published: Wed May 31 2023
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