Cinematic Particles in Blender 2.8 Eevee (Sci-fi dust / Embers)

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so you want to learn how to make embers in blender 2.8 well step 1 go outside and burn something step 2 you're finished congratulations hey guys one bite that spike hi I'm Kai and today we are back in blender once again taking a look at embers I have I haven't actually a couple other ember tutorials but you guys are always asking me things different now so maybe doing some embers and 2.8 particles are a little different I'm not too different but but since you guys asked me I figure we might as well so many people are asking for particle stuff which is great because I love doing particle stuff so that's what we're gonna do that's what we're gonna do my friends alright so first things first I'm sorry I'm sorry default cubed delete and I'm also gonna grab our lamp elite on that as well then select our camera alt G to clear location and then alt our to clear rotation then our X 90 on my numpad then left click to confirm that G Y to move the camera backwards zero on my number to go into the front-facing view now we're all ready to go now we can go ahead shift a and in add in a mesh plane and then hit G to move that bad boy down here just out of the cameras view maybe to the left maybe to the right wherever you want to do it I always usually do it to the left cuz I just think it sounds and looks better that will sounds wait wait a second now how that way what sound do embers make I guess the embers I guess I guess it's the log that makes like the crackling sound but like the embers they don't actually make okay you know I'm saying anyway you're gonna ask to scale this bad boy up and maybe sx2 scale on the x axis just like that hold down shift and click the middle mouse button to pan around so I can see it over here then our Y to rotate it Y on the y axis then I'm gonna just DoubleTap our and then just kind of move it something like that maybe away from the front from the camera like that and then our Y moving a little bit just trying to get it where I want it G to move it around a little bit just something like that so it's kind of diagonal now if it was over here you would of course do the same thing but just the opposite so it'd be like that you know but I'm doing over here alright cool so now we got all this going on looks good I like it and then with the plane selected I'll go to the particle tab which is this bad boy right here it should have nothing until you hit the little plus button and then boom you got all the particle settings congratulations you're done no luck we're gonna go ahead and go to field weights and turn the gravity all the way off now when we play this if I were plate with gravity on you would just you know of course it would do the same exact thing you think it would do it will go ahead and just fall down like particles do if I start gravity all the way off you can see they kind of just float upwards which is which is nice which is what we need but you can see they kind of stopped which is not what we need so that's the reason because the lifetime is only on 50 50 pixels 50 pixels for the frames so it only it only lasts for 50 frames which is not good so we're gonna turn this all the way up to the end of our simulation which is 250 because that's our in frame right here see and now when we go back to the beginning you can see that they go longer than right here which is nice so now they're floating up into existence we're gonna go to physics and change the Bernoulli's up to maybe five I'm gonna change it up to five five two will do two for the for the brownie and the brown maybe it's bro W nyan nyan like the dragon I don't know whatever we'll do that I think we'll leave it on to for now and then we're also gonna need to go to velocity undo physics we can do that downsize all that we need anymore we can change the velocity for the randomized - maybe - I can't remember the values but I think this might be pretty good that's too much we'll do one I think I think it's one for the randomized because they start going in weird directions I'm gonna change the number of particles as well to 600 because that's just too many and also this is a little too thick now so I'm gonna head and hit our SX sorry cuz I don't want them to be that big that thick it's too much at the same time so we'll changing our particles down even more to maybe 300 well cut it in half that's just too many particles all right so I think that looks pretty good I like it it's looking embry now for the actual circle so if I want to render this you wouldn't see anything cuz this is just halos it's just this is what you see this is what blender visualized particles as but there's not actually anything there so to get that to fix that hit shift a and then we'll go to mesh circle and then before you click anywhere else you have to do this you go to add circle and then change this from nothing to in gone now it has a center so if it's on nothing you can see through it if it's in gone then it actually has faces which is nice so actually just one big face but anyway head gy2 move this back behind the camera because we only need to see it no mole and then we can select our plane once again as always and scroll on down give it a velocity get rid of a mission we can scroll on down to render and change this from winter render as halo to render as object now if I were to just do this regularly I would go down and I would go to instance object and then I would choose circle because that's the circle right here that's this guy now you can see we had those circles but they rotated wrong so we're gonna check object rotation and then were to select our objects and then rotate it rx 90 on my numpad so now you can see when I did that there they rotate along with the actual circle itself so I could do it like this but this is only ever gonna be one color I want to have multiple colors so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna hold down I'm gonna select the circle and hold down i'ma hit shift D to duplicate it right hit shift D then G X to move it over and now I'm gonna go ahead and we're gonna create materials for these so I'm gonna hit new material for this one right here and we're gonna make this one yellow yellowish orange and then we're gonna hit this little drop down select the first material and then we're gonna make this something like orange e right and then maybe we'll do one more shift d G X and then we'll hit this little button right here the three and we'll change this to red right now with that done I'm gonna hold down shift and select all of these circles and an M on my keyboard to create a new collection that's gonna be called when you guessed it inverse hit enter on that and then okay now we can go back to our plane and now with our plane if I go to a rendered mode you can see that let's real quick first let's add a let's do this let's do this first okay so if we didn't do that first we have to change all these to a mission that's gonna make them all white which is fine because they're not perfect colors anyway we got all that going but you can see these are all just yellow which is not what I want because we only use the one object we need to go back to this and change this from render object to render collection and then we'll choose our embers now you can see we have all three colors which is nice so that's what I wanted and I'll change the strength of these two maybe three because one is not enough three looks good yeah do that and then now we have this but the problem is that there it still is kind of generic right now because it's it's just taken it takes too long for them to come into focus by the way as well so let's real quick select the plane then we just keep moving in until I see it so I wanted to be right there I don't want to see it at all so we'll just move it right off the side of the camera now they come into the frame much quicker which is nicer all right sweet so they're all the same size which doesn't look good I'm gonna turn my overlay so I'll paint this little button right here by the line so yeah all the same size we'll go to the world tab and change this to black real quick as well so to change that with our plane selected we're gonna go ahead and go back to the particle tab alright so as you can see we found the the scale here so we'll just turn this up under render we'll just turn over you see when we turn it up it gets much much better you can see we have a lot of more randomization here which is much nicer and we also have the ability to change the scale in general and make them a bit smaller because I think it looks a little bit better now I'm gonna turn bloom on as well so we'll go to the scene tab turn bloom on and then we'll just turn the threshold down a little bit I do want to add another plane here so real quick well go ahead and select this plane hit shift D duplicate it right put it right beneath the other plane and then we'll go ahead and use a different particle so we'll hit this little two button on the particle settings change it so Dupin so it's duplicate now it's not the same thing I want to turn the number of particles up to a thousand yes that's right a thousand to my friends and we'll turn the normal up to three and the randomized to one and the Brownian up to something high like seven just something crazy maybe the normal up to four for the velocity actually and now for the render I want to have three more particles here so we would wait a second what this is I was I had that much light that's still Heineman all right so we're gonna select all three of these and I'm gonna hit shift D right here hit em and we're gonna move them to a new collection that's gonna be called embers two right so now we've got more embers and these ones down here are gonna be on this this plane and what we're gonna do is we're gonna choose a collection this collection is gonna be embers two and now if we play this we got two different ember things going on you can see one of them is much faster than the other one and maybe that's too many particles I think that's too many so we'll do 300 instead of a thousand or whatever it was the random side all the way up and the scale needs to go way way down so they're just really tiny just really really tiny the final touch camera we're gonna select our camera go back to the camera tab select up the field check that make sure it's on it's on the f-stop all the way down and then we're gonna select you can leave it like this actually be honest we because that looks fine or you can just choose a focus distance which I'm gonna do somewhere around here around 14 for me now if you want to see exactly where it is you can turn the limits on and then you can pan outside of your camera you can see where this little plus is exactly where the focus distance is so I'm gonna leave it about right there on 14 because I think that looks pretty good for me and then we'll turn limits off all right so now if I turn my overlays off and then play this you can see that we now have some nice bokeh look at these particles magical mystical embers right there man I'll see you boys and girls in the next one but until then buhbuh [Music]
Channel: TutsByKai
Views: 19,395
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tutsbykai, tuts by kai, kai, tuts, beginner, tutorial videos, tutorials, tutorial, how to, beginner tutorial, easy tutorial, simple, easy, animation, cinematic, blender particles, blender embers, blender sci-fi, pretty, epic, quick, blender particle effects, blender particle simulation
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 53sec (593 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 18 2019
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