Trying the BEST SEAFOOD in SCOTLAND! - Fresh Lobster & Chips ๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ˜ (Fife, Scotland)

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[Music] good morning ventures we are here in Fife we got out today to do a little hiking along the coastal trail they have this trail that goes all along all these little villages on the coast it's very beautiful as you can see we spotted this lighthouse so we figured we'd come out here and show it off to you while we do the intro but they have a bunch of cool stuff like this there's this and then of course in between each is little cool villages that you can pop into yeah so we're just gonna walk down this a bit explore the area but after that we are on a mission to get even more seafood because you didn't check out that video you should because we were talking about the best fish and chips I think yeah they were really good so good but today I think we're gonna be doing more crustaceans which I didn't realize lobsters a huge thing oh yeah we're not big big lobster a year so we're gonna give it a try while we're on the coast and I think it's gonna be freakin delicious maybe we'll convert us the lobster eaters [Music] so these ruins are really interesting it's just this tower right here and it's there's no writing about how old it is or what he used to belong to or anything like that as we were saying that a guy overheard us and told us that uh the woman who built it her husband like I got stranded out to sea or something like that she built the tower so she could watch out for him every day yeah that's Rico apparently it said it on the sign at the beginning of the path but we must have listed we're just too happy to be out on the trail well that was a lovely little stroll and is a beautiful day out here it's hardly a cloud in the sky it's great yeah but we're nice and hungry now so we've actually went to a town that was nearby st. moan ins phonons maybe yeah not sure exactly how you pronounce it but we are going to head to this place right over here east pier smokehouse yeah it's gonna be good oh my gosh so many fishy delightful I cannot wait okay guys ready for some seafood [Music] so you order right over here they gave us a number and it's just kind of open seating they have some seating in the back here with an epic view also seating up there and inside man we ordered a bunch of delicious I'm so excited check out this spot yeah so we've got an epic view I guess the tide comes in all the way over to there but it's pretty far out now yeah really nice it's perfect atmosphere and we got some gin as well oh did I say that no they make the gin here yeah they do a smokehouse gin so I think it's gonna be extra smoky it's brought us the gin we decided to get it with some soda we're not straight gin drinker silly no maybe we should've done one tonic of one soda that would have been smarter yeah it's good it's like smokey oh it's really smoky yeah it's really floral which I used to not like very much but it's nice and what yeah everything has arrived and it looks so good and so fresh so delicious we've got our lobster of course over here that comes with a side of chips and then we have an extra side of chips that I guess came with the tacos that we have over here the tacos are Cod tacos I think yeah they're special make sure you come inside and look on the board cuz they have all sorts of specials but yes because the half lobster Cod tacos then we got the cool indistinct yeah so this is something I've been dying to try so it's two different types of fish I think he said salmon and haddock in there and it should have kind of a smoky flavor cuz I said I think the fish is smoked yeah and then leeks and potatoes yeah so that should be pretty good yeah pretty excited look at this lobster man this thing is just like off the chain so this is the half you can also get a full alright y'all I'm gonna try this lobster tails all full of meat there that's really good meat I need a knife for this oh my gosh oops okay I've got my little piece here that is really good lobster is so smooth and creamy it's a little cold I don't know if it's just because we've been sitting here but it's got this creamy white sauce on top it must be like a mayo base I think it's really good though it makes it I mean the lobster itself is creamy and then the creamy mayo on top it's really good I think you're gonna like I think lemon would really add a lot to it yeah I think it's because I just shot that coming into the soup no get a little chunk of this guy with all the sauce on it super flavorful and creamy and has like this kind of melt in your mouth kind of vibe going on it's very good yeah that's really nice I mean had Lobster that much but this is the best lobster I've had for what it's worth so it's kind of like a lobster salad with the mayo and stuff but just yeah on the lobster itself yeah it's actually on top of a ton of greens there's no beets over here and a bunch of greens on the side of that yeah the flavor of the lobster is absolutely delicious it's so sad though because you only get a few little bites of it I want more if you come here get the whole lobster it's probably worth it so this is the Cullen skink that I'm gonna try next so we've got the two other kinds of fish in there and then all the potatoes and all kinds of other stuff making this delicious looking dish you know there's onions in it I'm not a huge fan of onion so I'm not sure if that's gonna put me off but I'm willing to give it a try and get a big old chunk of fish in there that's really nice that was the hanok that I got in that bike it falls right apart in your mouth it has the creaminess obviously the soup is really creamy it's got a smokiness that's excellent man it just tastes so fresh and I mean if I had my way I wouldn't have the leeks in there but it's perfectly fine with them the chips are really nice they're not quite on par with the ones we had last night but I think the bar was set so high by those that it's kind of hard to beat but they're pretty good good they've been sitting for a while they're still super crunchy which is my favorite thing so even though this is the cod tacos it's more just like a bunch of fried cod in a taco shell I'm not gonna try to eat that cuz that is too big for one person smell is it just like a tortilla they gave you a bunch of jalapenos yeah give you all the different sauces on the side seem kind of moderate yourself I don't think you're supposed to eat this with your hands I mean no I wouldn't well I commend you if you can because I don't they would just end up in my lap all right the biggest bite in the land that Cod is so good it's so soft of it it's almost like mushy in there it's really cool it's not overcooked at all it's got a little bit of a crunch on it but the jalapenos on there makes it really good I feel like this is the best way to do tacos because it's like all the flavors can blend really well together it's not fishy or anything like that and you got a bunch of vegetables on this one too oh yeah yeah so all of the main dishes come with your choice of chips or potato salad I believe and then I didn't realize but it comes with these little side salads with it too so you get tons of food [Music] so lunch was incredible we're gonna be linking to that restaurant and all the places that were visiting in the description below so when you guys come here you can definitely check it out and we highly recommend going to that restaurant because the fish was amazing the lobster was amazing it was all really good well now that we're good and fed we have the strength to do some watersports so we have come back to the little town of Ely and we are gonna be going out with Ely watersports so they do all sorts of things they like kayaking stand-up paddleboarding you can do tubing and inner tubes and get thrown all over the place that sounded a little intense for us so we're gonna yeah it's a little chilly but they give you wetsuits so you can do it no matter that's here but we're gonna try I think sea kayaking which we've never done before so that should be fine I said though our bums will probably get pretty wet so we've changed into our lovely swimsuit splash outdoor gear and now we're gonna take on the ocean all right we've gotten some basic instruction I feel like it's fairly self-explanatory this is actually our first time kayaking yeah we just realized I don't think we've ever kayak yeah luckily it's not very windy tides not going crazy there aren't huge waves we'll see how far we get he said don't go out that way because it's hard to be rescued you go there and if you go out around this corner it'll get wavy but okay nice and chill that water is absolutely freezing holy cow but I hope that I don't push you overboard you better not you're not really going anywhere there you go see ya know we are out in the open water now you guys well we got out really far geez I didn't so far out I wasn't paying attention holy cow yeah she's doing all the work cuz I'm doing all the filming speaking of I actually lost my GoPro the other day I left it where did I leave it I can't remember I left it at the Highland Games yeah and it was never returned to me but so so I don't have anything to film with out here except this very expensive camera and I'm getting a little nervous so I think I'm gonna put it in the waterproof bag for now [Music] oops-a-daisy we got some ice cream I can suck with trusty chocolate and it's dripping all over me already oh my god oh boy I did mint chocolate chip there's this little adorable Shack right next to Le watersports they do Lobster and chips and fish and chips and of course a bunch of coffee and ice cream I guess it's blue viens Tama dated me anyways we had a blast doing a canoeing and stuff that was great definitely gonna be doing that again because I think I like it it was actually kayak ayack which I think I like more than canoeing but we are about to go check into the hotel we'll be staying in the town of st. Andrews more I guess Dwarfs in East and where we are right now then after that we're gonna be up dinner first [Music] we made it to st. Andrews we're all checked in we are in the I guess the downtown area right now but it's really cool yeah surprisingly more quaint than we thought it would be they have a bunch of charming buildings it's a bunch of people walking Arab bigger city than any of the other little towns we've been in so far in 555 it's pretty nice it's very cool but our a restaurant that we're heading to for dinner should be somewhere over here I think we're gonna I'm thinking about getting some steak well never mind we went to the restaurant and they were fully booked until like 9:30 p.m. so and then we went to a couple other places and they were booked as well so yeah yeah make reservations if you found but we found an Indian restaurant right over here that we're gonna go check out probably get some takeaway and just take it back to our place from paddling so it'll be nice to just relax a little bit and then we'll be back out tomorrow exploring more yeah but huge thank you to visit Scotland for sponsoring this video they've been sending us out on all these adventures and we've been having a blast yeah the paddle boarding earlier or kayaking our guests earlier today was great it's so much fun I wish we could have stayed longer and done more next time next time all right well good night adventures we'll see on the road
Channel: The Endless Adventure
Views: 137,306
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: british food, scottish food, fish and chips, lobster and chips, fish & chips, americans try british food, endless adventure fife, fife scotland, best fish & chips, english food, scotland food, americans try scottish food, scottish fish & chips, east pier smokehouse, endless adventure food, food, scottish seafood, lobster & chips, seafood, best seafood, The Endless Adventure, fresh seafood, travel vlogger, travel vlog, vlog, travel, Allison Bieller, Eric Bieller
Id: KOd5XVHakWw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 15sec (795 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 05 2018
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