We Tried Icelandic Foods | How Expensive is Reykjavík?

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I've been what this is like the thing I've been most excited about today why doesn't work so well hey ray mashed fish I know it's weird wet wet where do I start [Music] yeah thank you must be way bigger than mine Bobby before anything enjoy the only copy we're getting United morning guys welcome back to Iceland we're currently in Reykjavik and today we're going to be taking you around the city and finding although I / tastiest food that they come here and try to choose all the traditional spots then I'm with sadly coffee just because mainly we wanted to see how expensive is because we've heard the eyes of detective and this coffee plus means $7 confuse really a true my coffee usually cost me $3 or if it's the big YUM oh yeah or if we go to a local service station any sense between oh no - let's see what a $7 if you'd like me to taste like oh I am very intrigued I'm sorry I like my ordered cappuccino in a second flat water there's no foam on top yeah it looks like little latte is more like a cappuccino how weird anyway if you're just tuning in Australians are very um snobby about they shall feed you we are very proud of it okay okay good oh my gosh I have taken I really have every minds and puffins here try fish and chips and I think we found the cutest fish and chip shop here in Reykjavik this is actually right in the middle of the harbor and it's just this 2 red box selling fish and chips okay that's okay and then one source the coolest fish-and-chips box I'm just saying ready for the big reveal it's fishing trips it was good so they're famous for their mushy peas that are meant to go with it but they were all sold out so they must be very popular so instead he recommended his sauce which is called Roma Lodi I think he said us I kind of like a pickled mayonnaise II taste pickled mayonnaise it looks like hard much is your jacket yeah we love a good chip so this is Icelandic quality with the British tradition oh that sauce is so yummy is it it literally tastes like pickles in a nice I really it's really tasty so clicking the zing to it Oh God good ship that is a good ship a good British ship like it's you know crushing the outside soft on the inside [Music] so what type of fish do we have Oh God codfish Oh journalist an Icelandic cod oh I think it is Icelandic cod seconds pepper on it or something [Music] mm coefficient trips good fun - I like this wait any try with a dip that pickled mayonnaise well I think that's my favorite thing this is good fish and chips chip this are adjectives this is the perfect spot for fish and chips it's just a food van at the dock so walking around the city you can't help but notice this gigantic centerpiece it's an Icelandic Church well so Church here in Iceland and it is super interesting architecture I mean look at this this is quite cold today excited we're gonna go and find a nice hot bowl of soup and lobster soup is super popular here in Iceland so we found a place that we've heard does a really good lobster soup it's funny how you say it's a cold day today we've been promised that today was the hottest day in Iceland in 20 years [Music] second chance I think it's too early for Christmas stop gasps it's a whole Christmas store so we found C baron that's the next stop and I'm pretty sure they do lobster soup I don't to expect I've definitely never had it before but how cool is this so it's right on the port I mean this alleyway just looks so cool I think we just found a Seaborn hat cause it runs like what you've got it so quick they're literally waiting an hour for their food so we came up with like hey dude you take boy and they're like actually we can if you want gonna be 15 minutes or like thanks okay so we've ordered two of their most like Icelandic dishes the first one being this amazing fish skewer they had all different types of fish so I asked her for the most Icelandic e100 can you remember the name of the fish it's Cod no it wasn't I was a different name I kind of remember it now Oh white fish will find out and put the name up in the editing it looks pretty good and then the thing that we actually came for because this ball I think she's got a nice hot fresh red roll in there Oh lobster soup oh look a steam coming off even though I will say the restaurant did look super cute this looks like date night it's like drizzling just a little tiny bit and we have all these little jellyfish all in the water but are you ready lobster soup I've been what this is like the thing I've been most excited about today so it's quite liquidy like I thought it's gonna be much thicker there's quite runny mmm smells like seafood all that is so tasty really really really tasty it kind of reminds with like a seafood soup with tomato soup mixed in okay like I'm creamy bo runnier than I thought I thought was gonna be really thick this would have been so good if they served it inside a bread roll oh yes this is like the perfect winter's meal as well this would warm you up you're smashing that down it's not a wine you instantly warmed up and they like went straight do you like it I kind of like this take poison just sit Oh actually oh you missed all oh no there's chunks of lobster oh go in bold it was a bit heavier than it should be it's still warm is that the bit that's what you want because softer than you what we sounded pron cuz it's Benny it's not a prawn lobster lobster soup where were we don't eat all the lobster oh gosh alright so they put some lemon on here for us it looks like a kebab yes and they grilled it and I think we have some capsicum as well on there when wet where do I start my goodness it's grilled I feel like I'm making everyone hungry so sorry guys I'm actually I'm not that tastes like we're in Australia who've gone down to the beach and grilled the fish there and it's like just the leftover juices is what's around inna and that fish is so soft Oh YUM you're gonna love it bubs it's like the perfect meal oh my gosh there is the reason that there was an hour way that was the best fish I've ever had it was like juicy but then charcoal II I guess it was child grilled sorry Wow that place was it's so good so when you come to Iceland you don't normally eat out every single day so we thought we would jump into a grocery store and show you guys like the normal prices for some basic things [Music] so our install we decided to pick up two very Icelandic things one is I slanted I guess yogurt is called I don't know how to pronounce it sky or skier skyr but I'm they had so many flavors I didn't know what to try so I went for vanilla as a classic and maybe we should have gone to the natural birth or come to this so this stuff's actually become really popular in other countries because everyone so into probiotics at the moment and this is like a huge probiotic what else has got the sauerkraut big at the moment now crowd and what's the drink child whatever is cold it's was kind of like that in that room but anyway are we ready Owen if he's gonna taste like you're a good it smells like vanilla Gary good tastes like vanilla yogurt I'm guessing it's really thick it tastes like vanilla oh you're really sweet but it's really thick oh it has a funny hop to take oh it smells good that came over to me there's a funny aftertaste yeah weird aftertaste for me really good you're certain dad buys I know it's weird when you breathe out through your nose oh it has a weird aftertaste but that's a really good yogurt though but weird aftertaste alrighty we have to get a bit of a drink we have the Icelandic soda appleson smell that it's like apple cider now I guess Amy orange smells like Fanta tastes like Fanta but tastes like someone's trying to mimic them so it's it's it's fans and what do you think so it's like Fanta but extra extra bubbly yeah like true extra bubble label carbonated enough Fanta I prefer they serve a Fanta you taste was good so soda water Fanta still very sweet really that's yummy really bubbly tastes more like real oranges howdy we are now off to go and get some dessert Iceland is known for having amazing rye bread and I know this isn't a dessert hear me out first things first is its traditional actually to cook rye bread using the geothermal heat from the ground here in Iceland which is amazing yeah we're going to place little cafe low-key and they serve rye bread ice cream I've never heard of it I've never tried it before and I'm really really excited because there's something so unique perfect name to have the ice cream store low-key of course he is a mischievous naughty Norse God and dessert is just the naughtiest retail okay sweep on the right I scream thoughts when I'm gonna start with that right now we've decided we're going to come here for right I scream we may as well try the rye bread and they actually make homemade rye bread here and we're having it two ways that are Icelandic this one is mashed fish and this one is herring with eggs so let's go mash fish bass yeah okay I don't think I've ever had rye bread that looks like this before it looks super healthy the Ryder thing actually looks like banana bread oh my gosh that is deletion or really yeah wow that is so yummy the bread is really soft I think it's gonna be really hard and it's not dry at all and what about the earth the mash finish tastes like creamy fish I think it's mashed wrap okay he does have that sunny taste really yummy Steve Wow okay so I'm gonna try mine so it looks like we have a piece of herring top with some onions and that looks like it just egg just boiled egg like it slices through like banana bread banana bread I'm gonna try get a massive fight yeah [Music] why does this work so well it's a bread sweet add to my theory of it being banana bread but this is sweet my bread no just for some reason egg and pitchers go so well together this is if someone served this as all herbs as entrees this would be so tasty Wow all right time for what we've actually come here all they've also surfaced in like an icy cold bowl I guess to suffered from yeah just stop her from melting they are we ready it's harder than I thought has no smell does it work sorry yummy it's really sweet it doesn't taste like bread wait I need another in order - what it tastes like cookies and cream buy the bread tastes like will like cookies you know it's like vanilla ice cream no it tastes just like cookies and cream that's how describe and it is delicious this is the perfect way to add a little food to our around resonator so if you only have the time or the budget to go to one of those places see yeah I think it will see one and if you want to wait the our weight our and just sit in and eat that food highly recommended alrighty guys we changed her toes we're now staying at the guest house Aurora okay so just in the process of packing for our camping trip but this is a room it's actually super spacious to be honest twin sure yep twin share and then we've got our desk here that we're doing all the charging ready for the camping trip I'm so excited so we've just jumped on an intrepid 18 to 29 s a camping trip we'll leave a link below if we wanted to follow along where we're gonna be seen in Iceland but there is so many adventures coming this way so if you're new around here make sure you hit subscribe because the Iceland adventure has just begun see you guys next time bye believe in reykjavik and we're gonna during the golden circle when was it last time we set one up [Music]
Channel: Flying The Nest
Views: 1,337,085
Rating: 4.8110547 out of 5
Keywords: travel vlog, daily travel vlog, flying the nest, stephen parry, jess valentine, heyitsjessvalentine, sparrystake, Food Tour Iceland, How Expensive is Reykjavík?, How Expensive is Iceland, Icelandic Food, Icelandic Dishes, Iceland food, Iceland dishes, eating strange foods, iceland for beginners, first iceland visit, iceland advice, tourist iceland, icelandic candy, worlds strangest foods, Lobstersoup, Rye bread ice cream, appelsin, skyr, remoulade, Iceland, Price, costs, Restaurants
Id: Q02ntW3GM4g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 51sec (1011 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 26 2018
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