Trying Terraria’s Most Annoying Challenge: The No-Keyboard Run (Master Mode)

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did you know that it's possible to beat Terraria without a keyboard as it turns out it possible to beat the entirety of Terraria with just the left and right Mouse buttons this means no keyboard presses no score whe no rebinding and no macros it's masochistic but it's still possible I've already explored the theory of this run in these two videos on my channel but this video is different that's because after making these videos I decided to actually go and do the run on stream with two partners my Senate be damned our final goal for these streams was to beat Skeletron since after beating him you unlock wiring teleporters and booster rails combined these tools basically trivialize no movement runs and post skon no click would essentially just be an uninteresting rail CH simulator we didn't want to spend too much time torturing ourselves especially with my school and college applications looming so we eventually settled on this shorter goal we wouldn't get to Moon Lord but we'd be getting most of the early and pure no keyboard experience well I see an ad on the Stream So presumably it's up we spawn in now what without the keyboard we can't move left or right meaning our world is effectively limited to what we can reach with our tools which also have negative 1 range in a standard no movement run the play would be to dig down and try to kill enemies for a hook but since 13.1.1 it has been impossible to trigger the grappling hook without the grapple key we can't even open our inventory to craft stuff since we don't have access to the inventory key which is normally Escape so what does a terrarian do in this situation chairs in 1.4 Rel logic added the ability to sit in chairs while this feature may seem innocuous it serves a vital purpose in this run sitting in a chair moves you to the chairs block and can be activated with just a click chain some chairs together and Bam we get movement if you're lucky you'll spawn in reach of a good amount of trees giving you the wood you need and while you can't open your inventory to Craft You Can Craft via the guy if he's within range so given this all we need to do in the beginning is to pull off this entire maneuver perfectly while being unable to move and while under attack by Master mode enemies seems fun right and the guide is gone on my wait Venture are you even in the world I am in the world oh you're but I hear the stream for some reason why do I hear the stream I don't know oh this is great I think we might have to create a new world because the guide already ran 20 blocks to the left we just have to get hit over to the guide by slimes stop hitting the slimes you oh wait you might we might need to hit the slimes this is this isn't working Adventure wait the guide's coming back yeah the guide is okay yeah but there's also three Master mode slimes on you oh wow 140 people are here to watch us suffer because clearly doing this on Master mode was the best idea I mean to be fair Skeletron would be too like doable otherwise like I feel like at this point you should should try to restart and get a better spawn than this we need wood to build a palisade to prevent ourselves from getting merked by slimes it's not going to be hold on if we Adventure you do realize that this this isn't going to work well why wouldn't it work well hopefully I wish you the best because oh I'm just going to dig into the ground and try to do something because well now you're digging all of us into the ground oh you are amazing should we maybe try a second world uh we technically have wood I think we have a single block in range if a single slime bounces us we'll have wood oh my we just need to get the blue slime to bounce us and it's only one slime so we should survive we just have it bounce us until we're in a tree then we kill it and then we can build a wall so we stop stop losing our scent just two slimes two slimes all right here's a problem now we're too we are now too far away wait don't kill it we need to bounce wait we we oh we're going to die wait no photon's Photon carry Photon just if you can get the chair before the purple slime gets here he he Photon carry oh no now the guide is going to walk in the opposite no no okay we need to not get hit anym just just there oh oh oh Photon car Photon Photon help Photon take the meat Shield just kill it come on come on you just need wood come on and the guide is slowly walking toward us now yes oh my God why op instead as a guide real okay Venture at least can you craft a hey hey guide I'm I'm slowly moving over to the guide I need to like break the area I'm on I I have one piece of wood can you guys build a wall to the right I have successfully trapped the guide you've also trapped yourself well that too now that we finally had a way to move around how we're slow we felt that we were finally ready to move on to the next step in the tech tree rail but why rail like chairs mine cart rail can be interacted with with only a click hooking you onto the rail while you can't Dismount the mine cart without the keyboard you can sit back onto a chair when mounted which automatically Dismounts you rails are way way cheaper than chairs giving 50 items per craft versus just one if we were going to build any highways economically they were going to be chair rail highways not pure chair highways we were going to need long highways to make it to the dungeon so getting rails was a priority all we needed to do was find the iron for that then start building our highways hey they can kill me brilliant hey Adventure have you found I found a hole yes but have you found iron yet any health oh there's lead lead yep lead okay that's good we can get Minecart tracks I can get six lead out of this that's lead uh oh oh that's lead that's lead don't don't mind down oh well well we got more lead rope lead lead all right we also need the an an don't dig down too fast we we want to make we got all the lead there but there's not enough of it but what don't don't I guess this is how we we die well we needed to get back up to the surface anyway oh there we go fixed it sure this works too oh bat incoming short swords out can you at least Salvage the chairs you're not going to be able to do anything here there's too much enemies uh we disagree right this is so annoying Som Terra all right this is low enough for you Photon we can cut down half of the tree instead of the entire thing but at least we won't be dying the blocks are so good for building protected tunnels Photon why did you give me your huh yeah give me back my pickaxe I can't my inventory isn't open um Photon please move from that that chair I need a I need oh wait I can just take this chair I'm sorry Photon and you mve the chair your your pickaxe filled up my only hot bar slot that was open now I'm screwed too I'm going to have to kill myself now I'm sure you're very proud of yourself kill yourself open the inventory and get back here no the Slim's AG onto you it won't kill me ah move up to those chairs so it stops a the Slime stop aggroing me yeah but see look the Slime is actually going to kill me now now that means I can respawn and get you your stupid pickaxe back or not will this help it well I think if I place a few blocks it's going to be able more easily there you go um uh I don't think that can hurt us I think we're fine so we need to Kill The Ghost and then we can keep on no no stop a well uh we just need to make sure to never die with our without an item in our hand there we have a we have a chest I'm going over to Photon to help him out now okay this is actually taking shape now can you like leave the chairs behind unless you're like really dying a wood toed photon I only have three chairs in my entire inventory we got to the Tall Tree are oh that's convenient wait why are there so many stars in this one place I think we underestimated how hard it would be to build a chair Highway considering in all our tests we assumed the chair Highway was already there once once we find a desert it's going to become really easy cuz we can make the glass chairs okay so looking at the mini map um we did not go far at all yeah I mean I think if if I wait 10 minutes you might get here I think at this point maybe maybe yeah I mean the sun is still on the left side of my screen I think it'll be a bit till we die from zombies an hour later what had we gotten done not much we managed to move a few hundred tiles West at best fun fact when this stream started we actually thought we were going to beat the moonl Lord in like eight streams we were even supposed to reach the dungeon by the end of the first stream let's just say that didn't happen and eventually we were forced the change our goal to be more realistic but this stream we did actually achieve something a revelation the first of five key Revelations this play through right click the rail buff wait hold up oh my God oh my oh my God New Movement Tech stream viewer twister found out that you can actually hook directly from rail to rail without needing a chair to Dismount since you can actually right click the buff icon to Dismount yeah it's a simple trick but this was huge rails can be placed much more freely and at longer ranges than chairs meaning that moving across rough terrain like hills and mines suddenly became much easier no more terraforming sure canceling the buff is annoying but at least we can move without these damn stupid finicky chairs unfortunately though we didn't really get to make use of our new movement Tech much this stre dream since despite that most of it was just a bunch of unproductive dying in fact we died so many times that a graveyard form to spawn bringing its Wu ghosts and increased spawn rates with it we even got Abigail's flowerer to spawn from our graveyards being our first summon even with that though after 2 hours and 30 minutes of torture we were done all of us were exhausted and would you blame us for that the day was done we closed the stream and decide to pick it up 2 Days Later [Music] a new day meant new energy and a new burst of optimism early on in the Stream we even managed to figure out a new movement Tech the second key Tech this playthrough if you hook to a rail under a three box ceiling you don't actually Mount the mine cart since the ceiling would be too low thus you just don't this means that as long as you stand under a ceiling you can zip between Minecart tracks like this this basically obsoleted the cherro highway we had spent the the entire last stream trying to build made exclusively of rails this was cheaper easier to build and faster damn needless to say all future infrastructure would be based around this rail only architecture aside from elevators which still need chairs it's funny how you make an entire Theory and video around using chairs to beat the game and it gets obsoleted in one stream oh well anyway though since the First stream's Progress showed that we weren't reaching the dungeon anytime soon we decided that this stream would be much better spent on resource collection we needed gear badly especially given that this was Master mode and with these two new rail only movement techs mining should actually be somewhat bearable so into the meat grinder we [Music] go yeah I'm just paranoid and keep my inventory open constantly amazing how are you enjoying this I'm not Venture where are you wait where are you right now Adventure uh drowning myself why oh you got to the mushroom biome come on oh my God the enemies I've been Sky bridging I've trapped shumang you can open full stream map by clicking on the trifold map button right by the mini map where your inventory is open huh let me try that did designer is like intend to be possible what very very very nice Tim old umbrella all right it does work now here's the okay I amount of stuff you would not expect to be possible here this is actually good all right people from chat are are smart just like last chat much smarter than me all right you this means it can save me so much time when I can just do this oh come on I was about to get a chest no it's it's our chest Now where's the chest you figure that out why do you think I'm going to help you okay now that you've left I I can go get the chest nerd and act I got a cloud in a bottle slowly navigating a natural Minecart Track by hooking and dehooking over and over again this is definitely what I came here to do this is definitely the peak of entertainment but no vious very easy I think Skeletron will be done with end of the week if it takes that long I'll actually be disappointed within the week you know Adventure it's Friday sure no more privacy oh come on Hey look it's a giant [Music] Shelly why am I one pixel off why I thought you said it was simple yeah no it's because this m shft is like one off I have to go hug the right Wall rise me to die we really need a new L shaft yeah I have to hug the right wall I thought going through the center would be good enough but no you have to hug the right wall like this and it there's oh you got rid of the water at the bottom you nerd what been down that shaft for a while well see you died okay look I was not the one who got rid of that water you're no I have four gold we can get a single extendo grip I love Yeah but like I don't want to [Music] go there's shiverthorn here should I grab that um maybe dear there are a lot of creatures here amazing all right um see I told you Tera sharine can save you he was using wood bow out of [Music] instinct right Mr photon allow me to introduce bomb oh we got another extractinator we also got two RTP pots I have 150 so I assume this is going to be enough oh nice [Music] chest an ice Boomerang let's go all right one more Boomerang to go one more Boomerang to go for triang [Music] I de press h ice mirror unlike the first stream this stream was actually very productive in terms of advancement in the playthrough we got a massive upgrading gear expanded and pacified the base and explored as far as the snow biome but arguably the more important advancements occurred outside of the game itself off stream a whole three new techniques were discovered by stream viewers that would potentially revolutionize our movement the First new key Tech is the rail slingshot f x do discovered that if you mine the rail the split second before you attach to it with a rail hook you get slingshotted forward like this uh like right behind your character you just hold down well you have to get it to you have to get the rail to one hit first so I hit it twice hold down left click right click and then it sends me 46 you can preserve this speed by standing on Frozen slime blocks which eliminates all friction this is the only way to automatically move before teleporters and rails post Skeletron the second nukie Tech is the under rail remember the ceiling rail thing that I discovered at the beginning that lets you zip around well this is the iteration of that viewer craw we discovered that you can hook to rails through blocks like this however since there's a block in the way you never actually ride on the minecart this eliminates the need for a ceiling and elevated under rails would eventually go want to become the principal method of Transport this playthrough being extremely convenient over flat elevated surfaces the third and arguably weirdest new key technique is the clipping hoik discovered by fellow Mouse only Runner EJ this is essentially a really fast way to hoik and clip through areas underground I hope there's an easier way for me to actually set it up okay there we go and then I'm just going to hammer this spot and I'm going to keep my mouse here okay oh all you need to do is clip into a wall as such and hammer away you'll automatically build a reusable hoik that lets you go through blocks just like that with these new techniques in hand and the two I gone previously I felt more ready than ever to make progress this play through so I uploaded an addendum to the original Theory video showcasing these new techniques and got ready for a third stream the next day this stream's slated goal was to kill King Slime this might seem like a bit of a deviation from our original end goal of beating Skeletron as King Slime doesn't really give you any combat accessories or armor nor is a prerequisite to kill Skeletron but we had our reasons at the time to us killing King Slime killed two birds with one stone first Royal gel was a useful accessory that would massively reduce the pain of dealing with slimes which would save us many many brain cells and it would also give us a solidifier that we would need to craft Frozen slime blocks for key Tech number three it was a worthy goal and it also served as a progress question marker showing us just how far we've come but yeah right now it's our goal is to get a ruby which sucks because yesterday um Adventure went through like 300 Sil and got no Ruby which apparently is like a 35% chance but it doesn't help us regardless because we need a ruby to kill King Slime we don't have a ruby I just fell to the exact same Cliff I'm so good at this game well we have some spawn design issues to put it mildly we need a better elevator that's what I'm annoyed about yeah fix it you see I would but I keep on dying on the way down well I got 159 oh three defense snow Hood interesting um 159 Sil all right now I'm extracting let's see what we can get out of this do you think I'll get a ruby out of this how much do you have 150 Tera the reason I'm not here is because I can't join the server okay terara is it okay if I go restart the server right now yeah also uh we did not get a ruby okay that I'm just going to do the old um use the old infrastructure for now to get to the desert oh my God what the hell is this's so much stuff Le of it appears again okay back to the desert I think this time I should be able to live slightly longer now that it's day blocks my God can you get flinks for as much as you can for the summons I will attempt to though flines are quite rare yeah from from experience it's not going to be quick to get FL for I'm sure you found anything yet no I'm trying to get down the elevator to anywhere that hasn't already been explored if you if you want you can you can go to the ice biome ice biome has been explored very little I'm sure there's still interesting stuff to find here well we doing that at the moment so yeah but this is a corruption world we could go for that if we have to Brin cells to go all the way back what's that what's that huh what's that what's that oh my God if I die here Flink a ruby I think that's a ruby oh yeah I am not heading over to the snow biome right now why it's night time oh good point and there we go we got our first Ruby finally took so long it's just it was just a ruby just hanging out on the top of a cave yeah also Adventure do you do you think it would be a good idea to get a gem corn as they say do we want to wait for a gem corn we don't have bone meal that's not a saying oh is that more Ruby I think that's more Ruby oh well that would solve our dilemma that is in fact Ruby you got one more Ruby a whole one more Ruby amazing I think this is the end of the cave I'm just going to come back now I don't want to spend so much time just placing rails demon alter do Venture do you know where demon alter is i' I've seen one before I've seen one before I've seen one before how hopeful that you've seen one but can't remember how where it is well mini map uh yeah Fair huh oh wait wait where does your hoik start uh on the other side of the desert on the west I started hoiking horizontally and I got into the corruption all right hoik time there we go that's a hoik right there that's a hoik and a half how far did you go instantly like maybe 200 blocks okay nice well anyway Photon good luck I'm just I'm just inside the hoik with him now wait Photon I have a faster Hammer Photon let me do it what come on is is oh uh Photon can you like resummon Abigail to deal with that I'm getting a brick leg just because it's an accessory that does something and I don't think that's going to be very common I guess photon is being more cautious than you he doesn't have as strong of a weapon be patient and wait oh I didn't craft the crowns before I came here you're kidding let me bring an anvil here I guess can be the Catalyst for faster gameplay that we expected why so it took us an hour and 20 minutes to get a slime Crown but hey everything counts right now to take it back home and well there's methods you can use to find it you're expert wait is that a natural spawn no I accident clicked the summon oh come on you're an idiot we really cannot afford to waste that luckily we had a few ruby gem corns lying around so it wasn't that bad probably gave Adventure some more flashbacks though oh mechanical I swear this point I'm going to accidentally spawn uh Skeletron yeah U why why in the meantime while we waited for our gem corn to grow we began building a king slime cheese arena with lava based on this video I made like 3 years ago the technique is crude as hell but it have to do with our limitations here you I stop uh should I summon it now yeah um okay try say wa oh okay so we need to stay away from each other so only one of us can go to the right po go to the go to the right he seems to be agur on me which is good I have I have I have a I have a strong inkling that this is going to work now stay apart stay apart sure uh a healing potion uh I don't have a healing potion in my hot bar so I basically don't have one oh we're going to kill it we're going to kill it Chee best cheese all right who owes ter1 huh who owes who's who what one said they bet a dollar that cheese won't work well cool th this did work surprisingly that went pretty well the cheese worked brilliantly and none of us died we ended up getting some sweet ninja armor and Royal gel out of it which are nice defensively as well as our much beloved solidifier but we would never build any Frozen slime block highways given their exorbitant gel cost kind of making key number three useless killing King Slime was probably still worth it in the long run for the brain cell saving Royal gel alone I would say this stream was a success now that would be difficult to say about stream 4 if there was a slump in the play through this would be it streaming 4 was kind of scattershot with no real goal in mind this was also recorded on the Thursday after school meaning I was much more tired and irritable than the usual streams we started off mining like usual but then we started trying to kill the I cthulu since he was starting to spawn now every few nights yeah it's okay Adventure all right good luck friend go deal with that good luck we desperately need defense so we can face tank this thing well don't have defense today at least we have and no this fight isn't just scuffed it's going to be deadly there we go Adventure what the hell are you doing shoot it I have 6 hp oh wait uh Fallen star hit it for 1,000 damage oh yeah but the Fallen star is covering you for a bit I'll be back in like 10 seconds Photon should be back I don't think we can I do not believe we can rely on more fallen stars why did you both have to die Master mode IE cthulu boys all right good luck Adventure the IE will spawn in like like a minute 30 or now that also works I'm just going to commit suicide I'm not going to live through this there you go after that predictably failed we then switched to extending the under rail to the east chairs I don't have any chairs cuz chairs you're kidding why who makes chairs chairs have been outdated for Millennia why would no they haven't they're the most reliable method for making a reusable elevator no just use no why would you okay let me show you a better elevator it's it's it's not hard Adventure life is not that difficult then you do it you go do it then no I'm just watching terara do whatever this is no like to build it's slower to use what is the point no no no get off the elevator I need to place platforms how is this a useful elevator it is a no it's a functional elevator and that's what's important you spent like 5 minutes on this one elevator building it and you haven't even gone like 20 blocks yet no and you just took fall damage while building an elevator are you sure that's high enough yes there's not a single block increase past the sand there is not a block increase why also see look at how fast this is it's not fast you have to click more terra terra this is fine don't worry you sck through it you are digging through this alone when we reached the snow I then got distracted trying to summon a natural deer cloth says his loot would be a massive help at this stage in the game probably should get past this sandom before he gets here yeah there we go yeah slowly coming over but then I got trapped by my own chair elevator since it offered me no way down Instant Karma I guess well that didn't matter because goblins boys clearly doing the most annoying event while paralyzed can only go well this is not fun this isn't working Adventure now you've trapped me trapped all of us in your damn in your stupid spot well we can still deal damage I got a harpoon so that's something I guess there we go these grenades are the most useful like 30 30% already done with the goblin ination yep okay no we do not want a free graveyard Venture what happened to your lava I can't place it why there's nowhere useful to place it I have was making an area but then the Goblins showed up thanks there's so many so many what goblins Bon just rain down grenad toward the spawn that helps a lot that's me oh than ball yay Goblin arm is [Music] dead all right only a little bit of dying left congratulations now go fix spawn how about you also help with that I mean it was a quarter hour of torture but I'll take it it means we actually did make progress this stream as killing the Goblins means means the goblin Tinker can move it it was something we had to do anyway so I guess it's nice that we were able to get out of the way now all we need to do to make progress was to find the bound Goblin ha this is the this is the best seed oh what's that is that an enchanted sword Shrine that is an enchanted sword Shrine yo wooden boomerang yes the can you make shumang now no I can make an enchanted Boomerang and a triang or is everyone looking for the goblin you might have seen him die oh come on easier to get Goblin while in regular Cavern okay sure I'm in regular Cavern right now I can try looking for him maybe I I can find him after all these years of searching streaming for another two hours isn't going to happen I have work to do eventually well we're going to be done in like five minutes just doing a little bit of final Goblin looking no there's some tungsten down there I won't get the tungsten though no Goblin's not down there all right as for now it's the end I went down I'm going down a new cave now I think I can probably help go have a good chance finding K kker okay looks like Photon saw another 250 HP NPC died to enemies so he's just a true winner here seeing all the tiners die amazing I found tinker and he's not dying to mobs okay this is a historic moment congrats congratulation now you I got Tinker you must return home now or you are bad yes well I'm going to I'm going to finish exploring the cave because it might have Life Crystals it took until 40 minutes into the next stream until one of us found a living Goblin Tinker that's how long it took I mean you weren't making the best use of our time but still an hour and 40 minutes of searching with three people is probably not that great regardless though the goblin Tinker meant we now had access to reforges and the best reforge warding defense is absolutely crucial to this playthrough as is the best way to compensate for our pitiful movement on Master mode the aulu only deals 45 damage with full gold armor six Waring accessories and iron skin you can get up to 48 defense even without defense increasing accessories like the shackle if if we can get somewhat close to that amount of Defense we can dramatically improve our survivability as dodging isn't really an option for us between three respawning players it should be enough to face tank the eye instead of just fling around as we had previously with this we could have an actual chance at beating the eye concerned about the ice Boomerang and more concerned about like the default wooden boomerang I think that's the bigger issue warding Brown string and yeah it does sack uh-huh I think Foton would have like brain a failure if you had to do this every day oh hey convenient oh okay maybe we can kill it probably not because I forgot to reforge my stuff re your stuff well I'm getting obsidian right now I'm collecting the lava and I'm going to try and get six more obsidian to make it then I'll maybe be able to help if you haven't died yet no no if we're doing photon is doing better than me okay probably because it's aggro on me he hit deals about 17 damage without iron skin okay I got the obsidian I should be able to go back now we're not going to have enough DPS to kill it without you okay I need to make my skull first you're being super helpful you know I know no I have I have yeah okay I don't have that much defense either there we go that's good keep okay I think I think we can make this work maybe I think we'll be actually be fine uh if we don't die this DPS is is enough eventure you're like 15 times tankier than all of us so uh no I'm taking twice as much damage as you are because I didn't reforge my stuff yeah but you also have twice our HP so it's all balanc all right just shooting in a random Direction and hoping lands now oh yes all right cool I cthulu is over with the eye conquered this meant our sights were Now set on the Eater of Worlds specifically the nightmare Pickaxe and worm scarf allowed us to obtain while none of the previous two bosses we killed were really that necessary to the Run getting mol armor and the worm scarf were absolutely necessary our strategy to kill Skeletron would be much the same as the eye tanking with Skeletron increased damage M armor and the worm scarf would be absolutely necessary to do that as for the eer fight itself while segments deal less damage in the eye its head deals like way more so we would still need to bul up for this fight we then cashed out to the tinker and a bit of grinding later eventually all of us especially Adventure reached as close as possible to maximum [Music] defense rash it gives me rash twice in a row fleeting Intrepid Hasty lucky quick come on menacing ah three menacing four war no three menacing three warding I know it's it's like bad but whatever I have to C I think this will be a well used iron skin oh fallen star helped us out okay I'm getting all my Buffs here here here that is 54 defense that should hopefully be enough let's go going on M for antik it doesn't matter just kill as many parts of it as possible oh photon need to drink a healing poton will be back to deal as much damage as possible in like 30 seconds yeah we focused on specific segments too much uh we didn't we shouldn't have killed any because now we have multiple heads I don't have a good piercing weapon I'm just using enchanted sword and there you go photon's back look at that well when would we I'm going to die I am going to die no we're going to be back in 5 seconds just don't die just don't get hit as that's in the words very easy to do when I'm on a rail and cannot move Adventure this that's the words of your of your of your own that implies you can't you can't just retract the words you've been giving out for S I have zero agency here no all the words that you say are completely yours oh my God all right right yeah I got it a are we going to try killing it again uh yeah that worked really well let's just use it before the potion Buffs go away no I'm not there's too many heads poon is going to be back oh God damn it the eater stole my gold I forgot to put it in my piggy bank R 23 Gold oh I oh you opened your treasure bag yeah that was a close fight really we got really lucky the first time the second time we fought him we actually failed pretty spectacularly no matter though we got our beloved worm scar for tanking along with a butt ton of Demonite and shadow scales for those pickaxes after the rapid progress of two bosses in stream five stream six was going to be a bit slower and much harder the only objective this stream had was to acquire hellstone which meant not only reaching hell but also extracting it saf given the state of our M shaft and the danger of Hell itself it was obvious that this was not going to be a painless task oh it's Tim okay I just the thing is Tim is super annoying because I can't he's never going to spawn on top of me and he's just going to slowly kill me this is super annoying I came so far get nered by Tim and Tim is an some his first projectile always manages to hit me for some reason okay I got Abigail to get to an open corner I'm using an enchanted sword but I have healing potions okay um so I think Tim should be able to get killed next time he teleports over here oh my God come on Tim piece of what happened um but I found a mushroom biome down here so oh my God you already been here you are everywhere oh yeah yeah I've been there why the hell are you everywhere well because I was trying to get to hell to the left okay yeah I'm I'm watching you on the map can you should probably make worry on what you're doing instead of giving trying to give me step-by-step directions uh probably but this is more entertaining oh hey someone gave me money oh cool uh space hero 6000 say good luck with this challenge teror thank you um okay you can just dig through that little bit of ground um and then that would be a shortcut instead of going all the way around okay uh now I'm on a Ledge oh that Tunnel right there yeah okay I can I can make that work I just need to not die to any of these stupid shell nerds here okay now you're now outside of my tunnel so you are officially exploring new territory just get a cavern pylon real quick yeah just get a cavern py on um yeah this is probably hell you just just just a massive gaping oh I use my scroll wheel again whatever there's just this massive gaping Chasm okay I got a cavern Pilon I'm also going to get materials for an NPC housing so I can immediately make NPC housing once I get down there one second holy hell this is hell right um yeah and a fire impus spawned I love this have fun yeah we're at hell now it's like 50 blocks down okay there you go there's some hellstone right here convenient yeah you can tank Moon Lord with just legit strats I've seen people tank it as legendary Summoner I have some I have some hellstone now okay this one fire imp is now harassing me forever what I hate is the fact the nightmare Pickaxe doesn't swing fast enough to block its shots oh my God there's two fire imps this is [Music] imagine not investing in flines bro I just want to use my Obi skin in peace you didn't actually use it did you no I have to there's no obies there's no hellstone left here oh my you did not have to you don't understand how desperately I need to get imp okay combined with photons obsidian makes 322 imp staff I'm I'm I have exact yeah 17 okay imp staff murderous imp staff amazing I can finally live mining for hellstone hasn't changed yet with I'm just literally just going down into hell with a with an Obby skin and just going at it it was painful but 2 hours and 30 minutes later we managed by this point in the Stream cycle everyone including myself was tired it was just time for Skeletron now and time to get the run over with first order of business was to finally extend the bridge all the way to the dungeon while this was a priority early in the run it quickly fell to the way siid we switched Focus to progressing Loot and boss wise after we got that ready we would then need to get all the Buffs needed to fight him get ready and finally give him a shot okay you go summon Skeletron you have a bed you're going to recall right um I guess he might despawn actually this is pretty far I give like significant odds to him despawning go buff because um we have to risk the buck we can't wait until after he's summoned okay at the recall he despawned oh well then where do we do we have to spawn closer then uh yep we we need someone we need someone sitting halfway in between okay uh there all right cool okay are you halfway down I'm actually the whole way down okay you need to be halfway down okay are you halfway yeah I'm like halfway wait until he's on screen okay that also works well I'm just going to die is that fine oh Reco recall you set your I can't my recall is not my hot bar oh by the way I did not set my spawn oh my God I'm like a solid 100 feet away well I died bro needless to say we were not prepared for it not only was I not able to ascend to the platform in time killing myself I had also forgotten to set my spawn rookie move well let's try again next night okay I got aggro no Tera you have aggro no I have aggro okay watch out Photon I think I think mainly the damage for me is going to come from the Imp I'll shoot him with the molten Fury every now and then take the 11 or so damage every now and then I don't have hell fire arrows though but Photon does so that's that's what's important yeah I'm going to Y I'll be nurse cheesing quite a bit whatever we can whatever we need to defeat this nerd yeah I'm not dealing any damage I'm just trying to dodge his skulls which I think I can pretty reliably I'm just shooting uh shooting on the horizontal whenever he's spinning now with my musket I only have five Recs left okay that was bad I did not did not expect that okay Photon and I are like dead dead okay I'll try and just just just don't die just run away it's 30 seconds just run away from him except not really we're not going to kill him because it's day already this one went better rematch survive a whole six minutes until the daytime had other ideas this fight exposed a flaw in our planning while the three of us collectively trading lies could theoretically tank Skeletron it didn't mean we could kill him while doing it Photon and I still on 120 HP couldn't for to attack him having to spend almost all our time running away to stay alive I.E not doing damage we still had enough defense to reduce his damage substantially just not enough of a health pool to make it work and tank him while firing even with the nurse without Photon and I consistently damaging Skeletron there was no way we could deal enough damage to finish him off in one night if we wanted to finish him off in this stream we would need a just a bit more survivability and atas we Embark to find some more Life Crystals though at least we can finish today because I really want to kill Skeletron today have to we don't have to look at this again yeah oh hey that's a life Crystal wow I haven't seen one of those in a long time okay well I got two Life Crystals so far this is actually oh my God pass statue I have no idea where it is I have you sound like you just rolled a 500 million coin RNG drop what made you so excited the bath statue is it that good you would scream out loud like that 12:00 a.m. not scream but like you act you acted like you were so happy for a split second no no no no yeah also what time of day is it outside I can do this no no no no no no also Venture do you know where your Bast statue is because it's going to be night soon and I'll just I'm going home as soon as my spunker runs out watch out watch out thank you very cool I I did say watch out twice oh that's a life Crystal right there nice are is the spawn rate here higher or no okay well I'm just finding more probably because it's unexplored land all the light crystals in the regular Caverns were were taken by Adventure long ago yeah through this Photon and I managed to hit 200 hp each almost doubling our effect the hit points it really felt good after being a squishy bag this entire run finding the bass statue was then the icing on the cake giving us each plus five defense as well it was just time to fight him now okay whatever it go set do you have your spawn point set oh one second me buff all right spawn point set okay Photon I I hope Photon will be here soon okay whatever all right that is a lot less damage taken wow I just Su hey we're we're more than half done with his health and it's it's not even half half through the night we're doing good guys we're doing good keep up good work but's the thing about the dried is that like no one actually stays close to it so the whole point of its buff is kind of negating well it heals the nerves that is true Stormtrooper aim Stormtrooper aim amazing other way other way other way it's not it it has at least another cycle go go go okay I guess not he going to shoot shoot some moral support your way it's going to die this cycle you should go as fast as you can good job guys finally good job the Skeletron is dead oh yes and I got nothing from his treasure bag I got a bone glove and literally nothing else other than a mask well the only other thing the only other thing you really could have gotten um is a useless couch or you could have gotten the bone skull sing The Magic Sing oh my God phon the Mage returns and finally he's down that marks the end of our run yeah if we can get a book of skull and two flame lashes we all go Mage and just pour out DPS look this man said he was he doesn't want to continue the run and immediately starts theorizing ups for the wall FL I theorizing is different than playing seizing is much more fun this run definitely wasn't optimal but for three nerds going in blind I'd say we did fine you see all of this started with me saying what if I just theorized a run wouldn't it be would it be fun and then I told you and you're like you were like do you have someone lined up for the stream if you wanted to stream it and then you answered yes and and now this beautiful creation was created that you have absolutely no regrets about either way though I hope you enjoyed this recollection of the run as many of you probably haven't seen it before if you were a stream viewer thank you for tuning in this is easily my longest video yet and one I've been delaying for a long time so subscribe if you enjoyed I appreciate it thank you for watching and good day and goodbye see you next week
Channel: Terrasteel
Views: 48,923
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: terraria, terraria without keyboard, terraria no movement keys, terraria 1.4.4, terraria mouse only, terrasteel, terraria trivia, terasteel, teraria, terrraria, chair terraria, terraria theory, terraria challenge run
Id: a7O9kRPC_UU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 4sec (3244 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 19 2023
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