Trying new things with the snare drum...

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good evening welcome back to my channel where i like to practice being a youtuber i receive a lot of comments every day about what it is exactly that's on top of my snare drum rather it be these waterfalls maybe it's a particular splash symbol you want to know about [Music] or maybe it's one of those k-stacks [Music] i'm gonna be honest with you there is no super smart technical musical decision that goes on deciding what i'm gonna put on top of my snare i'm gonna place my cowbell two inches below the snare drum rim just so they can apply the right amount of pressure for optimized rebound efficiency not i usually just come in here and find the first thing i see that's laying around and i go huh i wonder what that's going to sound like naturally some of that don't work at all i'm talking absolutely useless and you'll see more on that later but even so just by adding one new thing to your setup it kind of opens you up to play new ideas you know what as a matter of fact pause the video i want you to try this i want you to pause the video go to your kitchen right now if you're a drummer and grab a cup put the cup on your snare drum and see what you can come up with with the cup group make sure it's a plastic cup not a glass cup i can guarantee you that you'll probably play something that you never played before because there's a there's a cup on your snare drum like a cup belongs in the kitchen it doesn't belong on the snare drum but the cup will kind of force you to be like hey hey hey let's come up with something baby and boom [Music] look i know that sounds ridiculous but it doesn't actually have to be a cup you know it can be a splash symbol a cowbell and some other things we're going to get into in this video all right let's get into it hey hey come here real quick i want to tell you something number one the wallet the wallet now i know this one's a bit obvious because who who hasn't used the wallet to mute their snare sound but i actually did a poll the other day on the youtube community asking drummers you know have you ever used a wallet to dampen your snare sound i was actually pretty surprised that how many people said that they'd never done that so i figured i'd include it in the video but please be aware as this video progresses these methods will get a bit more ridiculous some of these i've never even tried that we're going to find out for the first time together if they actually work or if they suck so yeah the wallet is usually used to dampen the snare sounds very similar to moon gel this guy i got to get some new moon gel i think that's a pubic hair here's what the snare drum sounds like open with no wallet [Music] now here's what it sounds like with the wallet on [Music] you kind of have to be careful though because the wallet can bring a little bit too much muffling on the snare drum i mean who wants a dead snare drum a dead snare drum no booties moving all right trust me i used to use this method a lot back in school because i was doing a lot of gigs playing jazz so i never really had to worry about my wallet being too thick oh and another good alternative to your wallet is your phone some people like to use their phones and those people are crackheads number two cowbell [Music] are you sick of playing the same groove every day day in and day out i know it sucks sometimes you just feel like you can't be that creative darn it well introducing the newest instrument in the entire world the cowbell just pop this baby on your snare drum and replace those little ghosty boys those little ghost notes replace one or two of those ghost notes and play them on the cowbell and see what happens oh we're not done yet you want to know the cowbell's little sister [Music] the wood block i mean i know it's not really wooden it's like made out of plastic or something but still put this bad boy on your snare drum and do the same thing [Music] now that same group you've been playing all week is going to turn into an entirely different group i mean not that different but you know what i'm saying wow thanks cowbell i love you number three jingles and nuts jingles and nuts accessories now this particular method is one that i use a lot this is the black fiberglass waterfall by mine no i'm not that bougie it was the only option in the music store at the time but because these nuts are so big i kind of like to have half of it hanging off of the snake drum because if you do it all it's just way too much muffling for me when you strike the drum the attack it just sounds so natural to me like the way the nuts kind of bounce after you strike the drum and you get that very quiet delay effect i love it and it's not as much muffling as the wallet now if you don't want to spend a hundred dollars for this yes seriously a hundred dollars i what am i doing with my life another thing i use a lot maybe when i forget my waterfalls is my car keys it has the same effect but just more it sounds like some damn keys now this is something that the good people over at stack ring percussion sent me this is the brass chain gate and recently as in for this video i put it on top of my snare drum just to see what it sounded like and i kind of liked it i could see myself using this in certain situations [Music] another thing i've never used on my snare drum was this guy another thing by stack ring percussion and i'll be honest with you i don't even know what this is called i usually use it as a part of my stack because although i don't know what it is i love the way it sounds [Music] but i'm gonna be real with you a lot of these things barely add any difference to your snare sound if they do then it's very subtle but subtlety matters a lot in music especially in the right context i think i don't know i'm just a drummer [Music] number four broken [Music] unacceptable [Music] number five more snare wires snare wires now you might be asking yourself zack what the hell is wrong with you why hey i'm gonna ask you the same question what the hell is wrong with me now i will admit this is something i've never tried and i never really planned on trying it anyways and my dog is creeping in mingus say what's up he loves attention look at him all right you gotta get out one of you guys suggested i tried this in a discord server which is free by the way go ahead and join the discord if you're into that kind of thing so yeah i went to the music store and i bought me four of these guys um i don't know how i'm gonna approach this because as most of you know the the reason why the drum has a snare wire is so it gives us that rattle sound [Music] that snare sound that we all love and obviously when you turn off the snare wires you get this sound now it's just like a tom but since this is for science we're gonna try this three different ways right you see this lonely guy right here i'm gonna give him three bad girls i'm gonna stack them on like that and see what it sounds like and then i'll try to put them on like this right like up this is done then for the final way we're going to put them all on top of a snare drum and see what kind of grooves we can come up with with that kind of um texture how am i supposed to do this i need r david r wow all right let's see how it sounds trash [Music] experiment failed [Music] and there you have it we have the ultimate snare drum all right let's all right let's give it a try this is going to sound kind of weird but i kind of really like the response i'm getting from the top head it's like it's so sensitive and really easy to dig in there or really really satisfying to dig in there it's like yeah it's like i'm playing a concert snare drum well it certainly doesn't sound like that it just if that response i'm getting it's just so satisfying [Music] but please don't try this there are many other ways to achieve that great feeling and last but not least the top head [Music] wow does somebody already do this because i might actually start incorporating maybe not all three but at least one snare wire on my battery head because you know who's to say you can't you can't put a snare wire on your battery head [Music] number six rubber chicken [Music] now when i see these things i always think of my boys over at emc productions bro this guy he actually went on america's got talent and dressed up as a huge chicken man this is mr cocky mr cocky that's some legendary status to me so i figured i would include it in this video just so i can honor eric i love you man [Music] yeah i got to give props to eric man this thing is actually kind of hard to play would i ever use it on a gig um hell yeah number seven tank just kidding everybody already knows what tape can do it's very similar to what moon gel does and people have been using it for years [Music] but have you ever heard of liquid tape um spray liquid tape look at this neither have i this is tape in the form of liquid basically what you do is you spray it and after it dries it's electrical tape but what would happen if we sprayed an entire drum head with this stuff absolutely soaking it i don't know what kind of sound it would produce would it be the same as as normal tape i have no idea how that's gonna work this is so stupid about to find out right now right now right now all right let's see how it sounds like on the um snare drum all right so now as you can see it's actually got kind of a nice look to it we have uh put on the liquid tape snare drum now i'm not too thrilled about this man i just i'm just not really you'll see [Music] yeah i'll be honest i'm not too thrilled about this um it just sounds too too normal sounds like a regular ass snare drum i don't know experiment failed i'm depressed now well i guess now i'll tune it really low and see if we can get a nice fat sound because you never know this might be like a good side snare [Music] i kind of like that let's turn it off it sounds like another tom hey if you ever forget to bring an extra tom just go ahead and put some liquid tape on your main snare drum tune it down and you can you have the best of both worlds baby all in all terrible experiments probably never happening again i mean you can get the same thing with a normal snare drum just not the extra steps and there's the response i'm getting from the snare drum is it's kind of due to number eight fish [Music] do [Music] all right guys that's going to be it for the video i hope you got some ideas to try or things not to try thanks for watching the video i'm gonna kiss you [Music] hello which fish sounds the best
Channel: ZackGrooves
Views: 109,307
Rating: 4.9668841 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 32sec (1112 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 24 2021
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