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alright guys listen up if we have any shot at winning drums this Saturday we need to start by really focusing in and not asking dumb questions and interrupting the Amish me this Saturday is my cousin's Bar Mitzvah and I will not be present at the show oh yeah like I can't come either cuz I'm going on vacation oh yeah I can't come here there cuz you know my grandma she's like real real sick in the hospital and I gotta go visit no no no unacceptable each and every one of you made a commitment to be here and I expect you to uphold that commitment I don't care what terrible excuse you come up with Balu I go No you will all be at the show this Saturday let's change the shot - hi mom shots like this watch what oh oh oh I'll get it this time oh I'll get it this time okay listen up we need to really start focusing and stop interrupting me when I'm giving instructions be what ever question what I forgot you know I really need we need to add a super cute vegetable right here like this watching okay once again I think we're really unfocused all the time we're just thinking about random stuff instead of our hearts I remembered the question what was lunch [Music] all right quad line thanks for coming in for the sectional I know we got a lot of where is your stand this dumb twit left it at the last show probably still in the parking lot seriously dude no that's not true I purposely didn't set it up for this rehearsal because I want to get stronger and more muscular oh come is so heavy oh good okay guys that rep was trashed all right I got a lot of comments for every single one of you snare drums we really need to focus on our technique it is pretty bad and oh yeah it's theirs we need to hold on to the stick when we have those slower rolls at the low height excuse me can we get a rest for a second like you've been at it for like 26 minutes great oh and snares we really really need to march better we're all over the road all right and what else what else did I see that rapping I think no snares we need to Kay what is this just a giant snare sectional or what do quads not matter do quads not matter hashtag quad lives matter can we better kilts as our uniform oh geez I'm gonna need spinal surgery at the age of 17 oh goodness okay let's tune the drums mm-hmm I think that one oh I know I know I can tell that that one is good I know I know it's [Music] that one's higher it's definitely higher I know okay it's a process I know you said that one is higher I'll get it this time ah this one is definitely the best bass drum it is so light and you get all the roles and all the shots your way bass five is the best it's the biggest in the loudest and you get all the coolest parts oh that's some bollocks me lad base three is the true choice she's not to think of a lass and you're in on all the runs super hard upbeat splits so you know the thing you should know about bass for is that it's the worst where's the downbeat oh boy I mean lad you're stepping on the toes in them I'm playing on count two no I learned this part a long time ago before anybody else I'm on count two nope nope right here lad on count two right here whatever I don't care what that says I'm still playing count - hey is this the part that goes like oh no this is the part that's like oh my feet sometime if you guys aren't even playing the downbeats right let's get together your drum is on upside down oh crap yeah one more try one more try Oh [Music] all right let's go symbols let's hold it out all right we're building strength here let's go come on even hold it out this is so stupid can I play stupid this is why we never get a symbol feature check out this awesome bruise look at this cut I got from that last crash joke isn't it awesome excuse me we had a really high cymbal toss right here no oh here we go this is gonna be your one honestly I don't think anyone can even hear my drum like what am i doing does my part even matter all right guys we got some major changes and rewrites to make so let's get out our pencils and we're gonna go to the fuse me none of us brought pencils to rehearsal okay let's just get out your music then and funny story none of us remembered our music either okay yeah all right let's let's get our top books and we're gonna go learn the next set of drills all right none of us brought art books all right let's just grab water until I can figure out what we're gonna do grab water or forgot my water okay that was wildly out of time and terrible can we get the men on this rap please huh oh yeah I got it Oh battery's dead hold on let me get another one oh man I can never remember this part okay quit us freestyle the whole show all right got battery oh the bung Rangers dead let me get the cord all right that was just insanely dirty and terrible and I think it's because of our poor participation and where where is Stephen he had to take a massive crap we have five minutes left in rehearsal he couldn't have waited hey man you gotta go we gotta go all right we're all plugged in and charging and here we go let's get voice 2 on that metronome voice 2 is this stick tape satisfactory hey one do I get a solo you don't get a solo why not because you're not good Oh guys I don't even know what to tell you like we are so inconsistent like every single rep it's a new problem and I think the issue is that we're just joking around all rehearsal not taking anything serious use me if we're consistently inconsistent that means one until I tell you to stop seriously go hey are we good with the met yet we're good back here all right good here we go same thing with the men hit voice - we need voice - excuse me can I stop running lap yet did I tell you you can stop no then go we have the met on voice too yet yes yes you do okay good here we go same rep with the men this is at 192 beats per minute please 192 I thought it was 30 beats per minute what in the heck have we ever played anything at 30 beats per minute how did this guy not know the tempos all right not a bad rep we're getting better for some reason I don't really know I totally forgot that he was running laps we queued up with the met yet yeah okay you say so this one right here oh excuse me you need to fix my harness looks okay well it's not know your drum it's sitting flat and it's at a good height it's fine well it's not fine for a girl like me oh yeah I'll see what I can what's that you need me way over there all right what do you mean I can't March in these hues it's ridiculous oh hey can you tighten my well right there yeah just like tighten it what do you mean I can't March with these boots on this is ridiculous oh man hey can you loosen my well I gotta get this off [Music] Oh bollocks misspoke heads broken oh that's okay that happens all the time broken oh it's okay that happens pretty often too oh man we're best five head is broken ah how did that happen I think it's cuz Steven was playing on it was snare drum stick it just couldn't handle my sound quality duck duck are you saying duck yes no it's duck with a tee I know I want to be different I told you I could do it alright it's in the show now it has to be in the show I did it what thanks for watching what are some things that your drum line says compose a comment below and let me know also to celebrate the wonderful month of spook tober I will be doing an EMC costume contest if you dress up as Mead or any of the characters I do make sure you take a picture and send it to this email I'll also link that email on the description do that and your photo will be featured in a future video and you'll be entered in the costume contest the deadline to enter will be November first and then I will do the costume contest in the next video after that date make sure you don't miss this opportunity because the winner gets the grand prize of me announcing that you won isn't that great and don't forget to click that subscribe button end because when I reach 69 thousand and 69 subscribers and get 69 69 of those subscribers to ring the Liberty Bell I will post a very special video in which I compose a cadence entirely of six slits nine let's and 69 fits and also don't forget to click that like button buy a custom t-shirt such as this one I'll leave that link in the description and have a good morning [Music] [Music]
Channel: EMCproductions
Views: 540,958
Rating: 4.8554215 out of 5
Keywords: EMCProductions, EMC Productions, Eric Carr, Drumline, Drum Battle, Drumline Battle, DCI, Drum Corps International, WGI, Winter Guard International, DCA, Snare, Snareline, Drum, Tenors, Tenorline, Tenor Drums, Bass, Bassline, Bass Drums, Cymbals, Cymbal Line, Marimba, Front Ensemble, Feature, Solo, I&E, Ranom Lick, Good Morning, Hardest feature, Learn the Beats, Carrmen Heights, Carmen Heights
Id: BEc2N1aMAVo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 57sec (897 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 17 2019
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