Testing VIRAL TikTok Food Hacks with Rylan!

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- It worked. - That doesn't look like cake to me. That is the worst thing I've ever tasted. (upbeat music) So, it is another boring day, stuck at the house. And Rylan and I had a good idea, because we've seen a lot of TikToks going around this past- is my camera foggy? One second, pause. I moved inside. Rylan and I had a good idea because we've seen a whole bunch of TikToks going around. People are sharing, like all these food hacks. So we thought we were gonna test them, to see if they actually work, and if they're actually good. So here's all of our stuff. I'm excited for this one. I want to see if it works. - [Rylan] Finnegan. - Oh, you're going to be in here all day, huh? All right, this one's first, the egg sandwich hack. Okay, so they crack the eggs, then they put the bread in. Oh, I saw this on like a Buzzfeed thing. Then they flip the edges of the egg in and then flip the sandwich, so it makes an egg sandwich. Watch. So look, they flip the edges in. - Oh. - And then they flip the sandwich over. Usually when you make an egg sandwich, you have to crack the egg and then toast the bread and do it separately and this is a way to do it together. So let's see if we can do it. - We need bread. - Alright, so we are ready. I just want to put this out there. I am a master scrambled egg maker. - This is not scrambled. - [Kamri] I feel like I have a good leg-up on this one. Okay, that is plenty. - [Rylan] Okay, pick up the other side. - You need to flip it. - No, it's gonna break. Okay, help, help. - [Kamri] Well how am I supposed to flip it if I'm on this side? Oh, we did it! - [Rylan] Correction, I did it. (laughs) - Wow, I'm proud. Okay, now we need the cheese. - This looks good. - I feel like we're doing this correctly. This is a hack. - I'm never (indistinct). It's weird. - I don't think we had enough. Okay, yeah, there, keep it in there, yeah. - It's broken. - It's fine. - [Rylan] I think we needed a bigger skillet. - [Kamri] I think we needed one more egg. - I think it'll work. - Does that look cooked? - Yeah. - Okay. Hey. - I think that tastes fine. - There's not much flavor, but I think it's good. - But that's just 'cause it's an egg sandwich. - The rest of it's good. Thumbs up on that hack. We're getting Dax down here because Dax is the egg sandwich master. - Thumbs up or thumbs down? - Well, I'll take it, it's pretty good. (upbeat music) All right, so we're trying this candy pizookie. First step is to put this in the bottom of that. - Did we already? But that's okay. - This feels like it's very unhealthy. Normal pizookies are unhealthy, but this feels like- - Extremely weird? - Leveled up healthy. This looks like perfection, like we did that perfectly. Okay, now we layer Oreos on one side and then we layer some other stuff on some other sides. So let's do that. (upbeat music) Okay, I feel like this is going pretty well. - Okay. - Perfect. All right, there's our pizookie, and now we have to layer the top. So it's a layer of cookie dough and there's Oreos like right here, Kit Kat's here, cookies and cream Hershey's here. Then Reese's over here and then another layer. And we're going to cook it for 25 minutes and we're going to see what happens. - If it works. Sometimes, I know from experience, that these types of cookie skillet things, don't cook very well. They are dough in the middle and burnt on the outside. (timer ticking) We think it's either going to be awesome or terrible. - [Kamri] But I feel like either way, you're going to get a stomachache. - [Rylan] It's still a little bit doughy. I can feel it's doughy. I mean, it's good, but it's like really liquidy. - Ours definitely didn't cook correctly. - Yeah. - I honestly think it'd be better if you did normal cookie dough. That would be my preference. - I think it tastes like peanut butter. - But it's good. I'd say that's a good hack. - I think it's a good hack. - If you have a skillet. - Yeah. (funky music) - What is she doing, is she crunching it up? - She's crunching them up? - This looks nasty. - [Rylan] That looks really gross. - Okay, I mean, let's try it. You can't knock it until you try it. Basically all she's doing is making cookies, but then putting Flamin' Hot Cheetos in them. - Oh my gosh, that does not look good. - I'm scared, just a little bit scared to. (mixer whirring) - [Rylan] Okay, so here's our final product of our cookie dough balls. It just looks personally unappetizing, but that's okay. And me and Kamri decided- - I don't think it's gonna be good, just saying. - We decided we're gonna try the cookie dough. - Do not try this at home. - Try the cookie. - I do not wanna try this. That is nasty. - It tastes fine to me. (timer ticking) - And now we're going to try our cookies. I mean they cooked well. - It smells different. It just tastes like a sugar cookie. - It's got a little bit of spice to it. I personally don't like. I could see if you liked these Cheetos, you would like it. Pace will like them, she'll eat them all. - I don't taste anything. - I give it thumbs down just because I didn't like it. (upbeat music) - [Rylan] Kamri's going to cut her cake with floss. Well that looks pretty. - [Kamri] It's like working really well. Guys, I think that worked really well. (bell dings) - [Rylan] That was a lot better than I thought it was going to be - That was so much easier. Look, it cut so straight, too. (upbeat music) - [Rylan] I've never actually done this, so I'm excited to see if it works. (laughs) - [Kamri] Well, did you go straight through? - [Rylan] I mean, it kind of worked. It got the seed out. - [Kamri] Maybe it's just because our strawberries are a little old. - [Rylan] And then what they did is they put the syringe of Nutella. - [Kamri] She's going for it. - [Rylan] I didn't get like any. - [Kamri] You think you got anything in there? - [Rylan] Yeah, I got some. - [Kamri] Oh, well, I think you got some. - [Rylan] I mean, it went through. I see the effort. - Okay, now eat it. Try it, all-in-one. What would you rate it? - The hack or the taste? - [Kamri] Both. - The hack is like an eight, and the taste is not my favorite. I don't like Nutella. (upbeat music) - Rylan thinks it's going to get stuck in the toaster. I have hope for our quesadilla. You put some cheese. Then you fold in the edges, and then you fold it in half. - [Rylan] That is so gonna get stuck. - [Kamri] Let's see what happens. - I am not getting that out if it gets stuck. - Okay, Rylan, our tortilla is done. It did kind of get stuck. So, hack, you might have to press your tortilla down a little bit more. It's just stuck right here. Look, it looks like a Hot Pocket. - It kinda does. - I feel like that's a success. It didn't get stuck, just one corner was kind of caught. I'd say the hack works. - [Rylan] I mean, I think it works. - I'll test it for us. - [Rylan] But I don't know if it's easier than just putting it in the microwave. - Tastes good. (bell dings) (upbeat music) All right, so we are gonna do M&M rainbow-colored popcorn, whatever he called it. (laughs) So basically what the idea is, is when the oil is hot enough and you put the M&Ms in, it actually rubs off the color. So then when you're popping the popcorn, the popcorn pops the color of the M&Ms. - So it kind of turns into like that rainbow kettle corn stuff you see everyone else have. - So we're gonna try it. Oh, that was so anticlimactic. - [Rylan] Can we edit it in? - [Kamri] Okay, cover it. - [Rylan] Now we have to put the thing on. - Cover it, hurry. - Don't eat them. - I'm not really sure if this is working or not. Ours has zero color, and maybe we're just doing it very wrong. (laughs) Is this our popcorn? - [Rylan] We might wanna open up the door. - Oh, my. I don't think that worked out very well. - [Rylan] So, I think it turned out okay. - Down, thumbs down. (upbeat music) - So, we're making s'mores, cupcake looking things. - It's like s'mores in a muffin, or in a cupcake tin. - You put cookie dough on the bottom, then you kind of spread it out to cover the wall. And I'll show you that when we're done. - The graham cracker is supposed to be the cookies. Let's go for it. I've seen it where they do it, like you do like a whole bunch of- - [Rylan] Yeah, you do it on a tray- - Marshmallows and stuff on the tray and then you scoop it with graham crackers. This is a little bit different way to do it. So I'm excited to see how it turns out. (timer ticking) All right, I'm going to stick a chocolate on top of this. Both of ours kind of turned into cookies. - [Rylan] Mine just looks ratchet, but I think it'll taste good. - So this is what it looks like. I don't really get a s'mores vibe. It tastes like a cookie. So if it's trying to be a s'mores hack, down. (buzzer sounds) But as a cookie, I feel like it's pretty good. - I think it'd be good if you're looking for like a treat, but it's not s'mores. (upbeat pop music) - I got 'em, folks. - She crunched them up in the mug. - How much milk? - 40 seconds, I feel like this is gonna burn the house down. Wait, put mine in there. I am so nervous for this. (beep) It's 40 seconds in. (laughs) - I love my liquid cake. (laughs) - Well, question mark. - I don't know. - [Kamri] Rylan says something smells good, but all I can smell is burnt popcorn, so I'm not sure. - Oh, it worked. - That doesn't look like cake to me. (both laughing) That is the worst thing I've ever tasted. - Is it good? What's it made with? - Oreos, try it. - Oreos. - Is that it? - And cake mix. - Careful, it's really hot. - Tastes like oily hot chocolate. - That's what it tastes like. Okay, you guys know, like the foam on the top of hot chocolate? That's the texture that that was. - [Rylan] I can't get over the consistency. It tastes like mushed up bananas. - [Kamri] What did you think? - I want it all. - The flavor was gross. It didn't taste like Oreos. - I didn't like it. - It tasted just like milk. - Can I finish it? - It was gross. Every single one, pretty much didn't work. - Except the egg sandwich. - Egg sandwich worked. If we cooked it a little longer. - Nutella worked, it's just not my favorite taste. - Wow, well, I mean, overall. - You can try 'em. - Hopefully you guys enjoyed watching this video. If you want to see more then let us know in the comments below. - Yes, part two. - I'll see you guys next week. - Find some more. - Bye. - Bye. (upbeat music)
Channel: Kamri Noel
Views: 1,185,494
Rating: 4.9483624 out of 5
Keywords: food, food hacks, tik tok, tiktok, hack, hacks, Rylan, Kamri, teen, teens, school, DIY
Id: _4G5-U1nb3w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 32sec (752 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 13 2020
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